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02 Introduction 1 (Part 2)


Answer the following questions:

Is it necessary to practice personal hygiene every day? Why?

- Yes, of course we are no longer in the primitive era where the cleansing of the body has
not yet been normalized. Nowadays, you must be clean in your body because otherwise
you will be hated by those around you. If you are not conscious of yourself you should
just be with those around you. Because, there is an awkwardness that will happen
because they smell you but they can't tell because you might be offended. So my main
point is practicing personal hygiene every day is very important, because apart from
helping me socially, it also helps me with my physical body to prevent skin diseases that
can damage my skin.

Can good personal hygiene help a person feel good about himself/herself? How?

- Yes i agree because of the reason it boosts our confidence especially whenever we are
with our friends. As I said in the first question about awkwardness because you are so
clean in your body and you practice personal hygiene on a daily basis there will be no
awkwardness between you and your friends. Because of that you will be able to interact
with them properly without any problems because you are confident in yourself that
you are clean.

How can you encourage each other to continue to practice proper hygiene?

- Don’t be lazy with your own body and start appreciate it. Start practicing
cleansing and body care because it is one of our most important assets. Brush
your teeth daily, take a shower, trim your fingernails and toenails every week and
get a haircut done every one or two months to keep you clean and pleasing to
the eye. Wash your hands often because it is the part of our self that we
commonly use. We should sleep 8 hours a day to keep our body remain healthy
and to prevent some conditions and diseases. Without enough sleep our brain
can’t function properly and we become prone to some diseases.

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