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Determinants of adolescent stress: A narrative review

Article  in  European Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies · January 2015

DOI: 10.4103/2395-2555.170719

6 328

3 authors:

Kallol Roy Veena Kamath

Bhaikaka University Manipal University, Manipal, India


Asha Kamath
Prasanna School of Public Health Manipal Academy of Higher Education


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Original Article
Determinants of adolescent stress: A narrative
Kallol Roy, Veena Ganesh Kamath, Asha Kamath
Department of Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Aim: Stress has become an inevitable part of our daily life. Adolescence can be considered one such stage in our life where
we experience various stressors. Globally, studies have reported the adolescent stress levels range from 20% to 45%. The
objective of this literature review was to identify the common determinants of stress and coping strategies among mid
aged adolescents by reviewing observational studies published between the years 2003 and 2013. Methodology: Academic
databases including PubMed, PsychInfo, EMBASE, Biomedcentral, and Science Direct were included for the search.
STROBE checklist was used to assess the quality of the studies and data extraction. Result: A total of 12 studies were
selected for the review for the study design; sample and population; settings; tools used; objectives and the results of the
study. Based on our review, it could be reported that adolescents were more concerned about the socioeconomic status of
parents, financial conditions, and academic life. The most common coping strategies used by adolescent boys are distraction
and relaxation. Contrasting these features, the girls use more avoidance coping, more willing to seek support, resolving
conflicts, and the always openly express their emotions. With comparison to boys, girls are kept under a strict supervision
and given much less freedom which makes them prone to be more stressed. Conclusion: Focus should be directed to the
mental health issues faced by adolescents. Studies addressing the prevalence of stress and interventions to counter the same
must be conducted. Both adolescent boys and girls seem to be affected by stress in some way or the other. Supportive care
from parents, teachers and health professionals is the need of the hour.

Key words: Adolescent stress, coping abilities, determinants, global, narrative review, stress

Introduction by rapid and potentially tumultuous transition,

including various changes in biological, social, and
Stress can be defined as the imprecise response of psychological aspects. Adolescents can be broadly
the body to any demand for change. Stress in terms of classified into three stages. First being the early
equilibrium can be defined as a state of equilibrium adolescents  (11–13  years of age), second being the
where individuals ability to cope with stressor is middle adolescents (14–16 years) and third being the
productively less as compared to the demands of the late adolescents (17–19 years).[2] The stress associated
situation.[1] Even in our life span, adolescence can with adolescent changes is termed as adolescent
debatably be one of the stages that is most marked stress, and factors that produce stress are termed as
Address for correspondence:
Mr. Kallol Roy, Department of Community Medicine, Kasturba
Globally, studies have reported the adolescent stress
Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal ‑ 576 104, Karnataka,
levels range from 20% to 45%.[3,4] Adolescent stressors
India. E‑mail:
can be broadly classified under five broad dimensions

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Access this article online Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Quick Response Code: author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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How to cite this article: Roy K, Kamath VG, Kamath A. Determinants

DOI: 10.4103/2395-2555.170719
of adolescent stress: A narrative review. Eur J Psychol Educ Studies

48 © 2015 European Journal of Psychology & Educational Studies | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

namely stressors at school, family, peers, personal trials, quasi  –  experimental studies, qualitative
health, and appearance.[5] Probably these stressors studies
could be the possible determinants of adolescent • Studies with subjects suffering from any other
stress, which was further substantiated by.[6] School mental, physical illness, posttraumatic stress
environment and socioeconomic status (SES) of children disorders.
determine the stress levels among adolescents. Studies
have shown that the type of schools does affect the Keywords for the search strategy
adolescents stress levels.[7‑9] The socioeconomic factor Stress, adolescents, daily hassles, psychological stress,
which includes occupation, income, and cultural features coping, stress symptoms.
at home (Stephan, 1980) has been widely researched
among adolescents. Data collection and analysis
Figure 1 displays the entire data collection.
There are enormous volumes of stress related research,
but research on stress among adolescents has received STROBE checklist was used to assess the quality of
less attention than comparable research among the studies and data extraction. The 12 studies were
adults.[10] Moreover, the research done among them reviewed for the study design; sample and population;
have focussed more among the higher age group.[3,4,11,12] settings; tools used; objectives and the results of the
However, studies specific to the determinants of stress study. Owing to the diversity of the outcomes in the
and coping strategies, among mid‑age adolescents is included studies a quantitative synthesis of study
largely unexplored. findings was not feasible. Thus, a narrative synthesis
was undertaken.
The objective of this literature review was to identify
the common determinants of stress and coping A total of 12 studies were selected for the review.
strategies among mid‑aged adolescents by reviewing The summary of the studies are displayed in Table 1.
observational studies published between the years The total sample size of the studies was 12,787. Three
2003 and 2013. studies each have been done in Asia (two in India and
one in Pakistan) and Europe  (Germany, Canada and
Research question Sweden). Five studies were done in North America.
What are the common determinants of stress and coping Only one cross‑cultural study was done which
strategies among mid‑aged adolescents? included 20 countries. The objective of the studies
were to assess any association among social, economic,
Search strategy cultural determinants of stress, and its outcomes on
Academic databases including PubMed, PsychInfo, adolescent health status. It was observed that higher
EMBASE, Biomedcentral and Science Direct was included stress perception was more in females as compared to
for the search. Other sources were Google Scholar males. However, the stressors were common for both.
and the list of references of other research articles However, the coping strategies differed. SES of parents,
and reviews. Authors of certain research articles were financial conditions and academic life of students were
contacted to provide their full papers for this review. the main determinants of stress identified in this review.
The last search for this review was completed on March Various tools were employed to assess the stress levels.
11, 2014, and it included the studies published between The only common study tool employed in five studies
January 2003 and March 10, 2013. was Perceived Stress Scale (PSS‑14).

Selection criteria Keywords Database search

Inclusion criteria
• All observational and longitudinal studies that Duplicate article headings, higher age
5660 titles
addressed the research question group studies were removed

• Studies carried out among age group 12–16 years

• Studies in English language and papers which were 113 abstracts Studies not in English, authors who did
not agree to share their full papers
retrieved for the synthesis of review.
12 studies
Exclusion criteria
• Cluster randomized trials, randomized controlled Figure 1: Methodology of selecting review articles

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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

Table 1: 12 studies that met our inclusion criteria for the review
Author Study Place Sample size Age (SD) Objectives Tools used Results
design and
Elizabeth Cross USA Mixed, 1209 15.1 (1.6) To determine the Subjective No difference in
Good man sectional Males ‑ 49.2% relationships of Social status perceived SES
et al. 2005 study; Females ‑ 50.8% race/ethnicity scale, Perceived between black and
School and socio stress scale white adolescents
economic status Perceived SES was
to adolescents’ higher among those
perceived stress who had at least one
scores in a college‑educated
socioeconomically parent
diverse, PSS scores were
non‑Hispanic higher in black
black and white compared to white
school sample teens (P=0.001) and
among those without
a college educated
parent compared to
those with at least
one college educated
parent (P=0.001)
Daniel M. Longitudinal USA Mixed, 1021 Grade Whether the Youth risk Overall prevalence
Finkelstein school‑ Males ‑ 48.4% relation between behaviour of current smoking
et al. 2006 based study Females ‑ 51.6% 7‑12 social status and survey, was 7.4%. Twice as
perceived stress subjective social many females as
could explain status scale, males were current
the association Perceived smokers (P=0.05)
between lower stress scale Whites had more than
social status a three‑fold higher rate
and increased of current smoking
risk of smoking than blacks (P=0.0001)
Smoking prevalence
did not differ by
parental education
Both perceived SES
and school SSS were
significantly associated
with smoking
Karin Schraml Cross Sweden Mixed, 304 16 (1) To survey the Karolinska Sleep 68 (45.9%) females
et al. 2011 sectional Males ‑ 52% incidence of Questionnaire, and 32 (20.5%)
study; Females ‑ 48% severe stress Shirom Melamed males ‑high degree
Schools symptoms Burnout of stress symptoms
and chronic measure, 25 participants
stress among Rosenberg self (8.2%) ‑chronically
adolescents esteem scale, stressed
To determine Performance Highly stressed
which factors based self individuals, more
may contribute esteem scale likely felt worse about
to or exacerbate themselves (self
stress symptoms esteem measure) and
in adolescents more sleep problems
Whether there as compared to
are possible non‑stressed group
gender 56% of the variation
differences in stress symptoms
was predicted by high
demands, low global
self‑esteem, sleep
disturbances, low
social support and
negligent eating habits


50 European Journal of Psychology & Educational Studies, Vol 2 / Issue 2 / Apr‑Jun‑2015

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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

Table 1: Contd....
Author Study Place Sample size Age (SD) Objectives Tools used Results
design and
Unni K. Cross Norway Mixed, 1508 14.76 (1.46) To investigate Adolescent Girls scored significantly
Moksnes sectional Males ‑ 48.9% 14.95 (1.55) gender Stress higher on all the stress
et al. 2010 study; Females ‑ 51.1% differences on Questionnaire, domains, higher
Schools domains of Spielberger statemean scores on state
stress and on trail anxiety, depression and anxiety
state depression Rosenberg Boys scored
and anxiety, and self esteem significantly higher
self‑esteem on self‑esteem
To investigate The correlations
the association between the
between the stress domains
predictor variables and adolescents
of stress and scores on state
self‑esteem and depression, anxiety,
the outcome of and self‑esteem were
state depression moderate to strong
and anxiety All stress domains
To investigate showed significant and
the potential positive correlations
moderation effect with depression
of self‑esteem and anxiety and
and gender on significant and
the relationship negative correlations
between each with self‑esteem
of the stress Adolescents’ scores
domains and on stress, self‑esteem
the outcome of and emotional
state depression states did not differ
and anxiety remarkably with age
Adela Cross USA Mixed, 134 12.9 (0.58) To study the Perceived Stress had inverse
Yarcheski, sectional Males ‑ 47.7% relationship Stress Scale, correlation with
et al., 2011 study; Females ‑ 52.2% between perceived Hopefulness hopelessness and
Schools stress and Scale, Revised positive correlation
loneliness among UCLA, with loneliness
young adolescents, Loneliness scale The correlations were
anticipating a in the anticipated
positive relation direction and moderate
M Guszkowska Longitudinal Germany Mixed, 253 15.4 (0.17) To study the role International Adolescents
et al., 2005 school study Males ‑ 32% of physical fitness Test of Physical experiencing high
Females ‑ 67% in adolescent fitness, Profile stress (n=125,36 boys)
stress and of mood states, rated their well‑being
health status My Health less than the lower
Questionnaire stress adolescents
(n=128, 46 boys)
Boys with better
physical fitness levels
had less intensive
negative moods
However, girls with
less physical fitness
had less intensive
negative moods
Students experiencing
lower stress due to
daily hassles had
more of positive mood.
No effects of gender
and physical fitness
More negative
symptoms were
reported in adolescents
experiencing higher
stress and also in boys
as compared to girls

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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

Table 1: Contd....
Author Study Place Sample size Age (SD) Objectives Tools used Results
design and
Malte Persike Cross Finland, Mixed, 4000 15.18 (1.76) To compare how Problem Neither gender nor the
et al. 2012 Cultural France, Males ‑ 50.2% adolescents from Questionnaire, region of participants
study; Germany, Females ‑ 48.2% many different Coping across exerted a significant effect
NA UK, countries situation on the overall stress level
Italy, the around the questionnaire Across all regions,
Netherlands, world perceive adolescents perceived
Spain, and minor stressors problems experienced
the USA, occurring in in the domains of
Costa Rica, the domains of parents and school to
Mexico, relationships be the most stressful
Pakistan, and school life compared to the
Peru, South How the domains of peers and
Africa, adolescents cope romantic relationships
Turkey, with these More specifically,
Croatia, stressors compared to males,
Czech females used
Republic, negotiating and seeking
Estonia, support more often
Korea, to deal with stressors
Poland and in the domains of
Russia relationships and school
Adolescents from all
cultures, despite regional
variations, exhibited
more use of emotional
outlet in conflicts with
parents than with peers
or romantic partners
Frank J. Elgar Cross Canada Mixed, 246 12.39 To explore rural/ Checklist of Among urban
et al. 2003 sectional Males ‑ 38.6% (0.32) urban differences adolescent adolescents, males
study; Females ‑ 41.06% in levels of, problems reported more conflict
Schools and relations situation, than females
between, stress, Inventory of Among rural
coping and students recent adolescents, males
behavioural life experiences, and females reported
problems in Life events similar levels of conflict
adolescents questionnaire, No differences between
Ways of coping rural and urban
scale‑revised, samples with regard
Youth Self report to stress, coping or
behavioural problems
Rural adolescents
may be more likely to
appraise interpersonal
conflict as stressful but
not urban adolescents
Dana Landis Cross USA Mixed, 796 13 (2.16) Uncontrollable Urban Uncontrollable
et al. 2007 sectional Males ‑ 44.5% stressors adolescent life stressors are
study: Females ‑ 55.5% experienced in the experience associated with
Schools context of urban scale, Children hopelessness in this
poverty would coping sample of low‑income
be associated strategies, urban adolescents
with increased Hopefulness Active, distraction, and
hopelessness scale social‑support‑seeking
Whether coping coping exacerbate the
strategies might association between
moderate or uncontrollable
mediate the stressors and
relation between hopelessness for boys
uncontrollable For males, distraction
stressors and coping is not an
hopelessness effective means for
in low‑income coping with high levels
urban youth of uncontrollable stress

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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

Table 1: Contd....
Author Study Place Sample size Age (SD) Objectives Tools used Results
design and
Little Flower Cross India Mixed, 114 16.5 (0.97) To assess General Health
The students of
Augustine sectional M=NA stress appraisal Questionnaire,
both Government
et al. 2011 study; F=NA among students Perceived Stress
and Private schools
Schools and to identify questionnaire,
showed similar stress
institution‑specific stressful life
perception, though the
differences event scale former tend to have a
(Private vs. higher mean score
Government) in Students from
stress appraisal Government schools
and coping had significantly
higher scores on
avoidance coping.
Priti Arun Cross India Mixed, 2402 Grades To find out stress, General Health 45.8% of the students
et al. 2009 sectional Males ‑ 57.1% 7‑12 psychological Questionnaire, had psychological
study; Females ‑ 42.9% health, and Mooney problem problems, 50%
Schools presence of checklist, students perceived
suicidal ideas in Suicide risk problems‑role as
school students eleven‑visual students, 45%
analogue scale reported academic
Correlation decline, 8.8% students
between the reported life as burden,
above mentioned 6% reported suicidal
variables ideas and 0.39%
students reported
suicidal attempt
Significant correlation
was seen between
student’s perception
of life as a burden
and class they were
studying, mother’s
working status,
problems and
problems students
experienced in
relation to study,
peers, future planning
and with parents
Yasmin Parpio Cross Pakistan Mixed, 800 13.7 (1.3) To uncover Perceived 31% subjects reported
et al. 2012 sectional Males ‑ 40.8% the factors Stress Scale stress to financial
study; Females ‑ 59.3% associated issues, 23% reported
Schools with stress parental quarrel
among school Private school
adolescents students were at more
risk of stress
Mean estimated stress
score decreased
with increase in age
of mother and one
number increase of
room in house
Prior information about
pubertal change in
girls reduced the mean
estimated stress score.
No difference in boys
SD=Standard deviation; PSS=Perceived stress scores; SES=Socio economic status; UCLA=University of California, Los Angeles

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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

Discussion which aim to evaluate the effects of social factors

such as race/ethnicity, parental SES, educational
In our lifespan, stress plays a significant role during qualification, type of household, and a number of
adolescence. Researchers have concluded that siblings should be carried out among adolescents.[15]
adolescence is a tumultuous phase. The pattern of Sleep disturbances, smoking, hopelessness, and poor
stressors during each phase of adolescence, i.e.  early, self‑esteem were the physical and mental health
middle and late adolescence differs. An early outcomes as a result of stress. As parental educational
adolescent  (12–14 years) may consider academic life level increased, it was accompanied by a decrease in
stressful whereas a late adolescent (17–19 years) may risk of smoking among adolescents.[18] The linkage of
be much worried about future jobs etc., The mode of social disadvantage and stress is a piece in the puzzle
interaction of adolescents with their surroundings of how social inequalities lead to an effect in health
and oneself predict their stress levels. Stress arises status among adolescents.
when adolescents face new, unpredictable situations,
anticipations of something odd, and the fear of losing Financial and academic stressors
something. In developing countries, poverty is accompanied by
a range of financial stressors such as a struggle to
As a child grows up, he or she starts experiencing stress. make ends meet, interpersonal conflicts over money
The places where an adolescent first gets exposed matters, inadequate health care, ineffective schooling,
to matters of self, social surroundings, academic and disruptions to essential services.[19,20] In spite of
achievements, etc., is at home and then school. The financial stressors, an emotional bondage of parents, and
most common stressors that adolescents face are children tend to counter the stress mediated effects. An
mainly classified as daily hassles and life events.[6] Byrne interesting hypothesis was framed that rural adolescents
et al. prepared a questionnaire to identify adolescent are more family oriented, and thus these economic
stressors. He concluded ten different domains. They issues directly do not leave an impact on adolescent
were stress at home, performance at school, school functioning.
attendance, romantic relationships, sexual attraction,
peer pressure, teacher interaction, leisure activities, Due to the current global recession, adolescents have
financial pressure, and emerging adult responsibility. become concerned about their academics rank. In
These domains are the ones which are mostly followed addition, future unemployment has become high in
and researched upon by researchers. many countries.[21] Almost everywhere, adolescents
have become increasingly concerned about academic
A similar study by Elgar et al.[13] reported its findings on performance which makes it the largest contributor to
eight domains of daily hassles which were social isolation, academic stress determinants. The three studies in Asia
excessive demands, romantic concerns, decisions about reported that adolescents considered academic life to
personal future, loneliness and unpopularity, assorted be more stressful as compared to other determinants.
annoyances and concerns, social mistreatment, and This could highlight the fact on the need of a much better
academic difficulties. educational system.

Based on our review, it could be reported that adolescents Peer and parental stressors
were more concerned about the SES of parents, financial Human expectations are boundless. Research has
conditions and academic life. These determinants have suggested that as an adolescent undergoes pubertal
been discussed further. transitions, they seem to become progressively
self‑conscious and easily get affected with the opinion
Socioeconomic stressors of others.[22] Distinct changes are evident in terms of
Social status is the position of an individual within the relationships with peers, family and society. Adolescents
social relationships whereas economic status refers give more importance to their independent control on
to the financial conditions and facilities possessed by decisions, emotions and actions, and start to isolate from
the parents. These parameters are widely researched parental control. Parallel to this, school context involves
in terms of an adolescent. Urban adolescents had a strong socialization process during which they become
lower stress as compared to rural adolescents.[13‑15] more conscious about the perspectives of teachers,
It is evident that if family conditions are fragile then friends, and other societal influences.[23] Surroundings
it directly affects children. Stress symptoms were of adolescents mould them for future related stressor.
reported just in two studies.[16,17] Most of the symptoms With respect to peer relationships, adolescents tend
go unchecked among adolescents. Thus, studies to be keener to uphold their position in the peer
54 European Journal of Psychology & Educational Studies, Vol 2 / Issue 2 / Apr‑Jun‑2015
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Roy, et al.: Narrative review on adolescent stress

group. Further, when it comes to close friendship then Summary

adolescents also experience stress;[24] particularly when
they begin to advance their approach toward romantic From our review, we could summarize that a healthy
relationships. Only one cross‑cultural study highlighted relationship at home and school was of central
the fact that peer and romantic relationships are major importance for a proper upbringing of an adolescent.
determinants of stress among adolescents.[21] It was seen that even the financial worries could be
buffered by strong family relations. Peer stressors and
Gender differences in stress perception romantic relationships were few determinants which
Although both boys and girls are equally prone to stress need further research. Adolescent stress constitutes
and tend to have the same level of worry regarding an issue of central importance to the understanding of
social adequacy, academics, and economics, girls are adolescent health.[10]
much more prone to increased stress regarding issues
surrounding family, personal appearance, future events, Adolescents preferred using involvement or avoidance
classmates, and personal health.[25] Adolescent boys strategies most often. These strategies when used for a
report more stressful self‑relevant events than girls. much longer time, proved to be maladaptive. Given the
Adolescent girls have been found to perceive negative strong impact of maladaptive coping styles on health[29]
interpersonal events as more stressful than do boys. these issues are of interest to design effective prevention
and intervention programs across countries.
An interesting explanation had been devised that
compared to boys, girls are kept under strict supervision
and given much less freedom as compared to boys.
Since it is less frequent for girls to experience that Our review concludes that the pattern of stressors
everything is under their control, they can easily feel
for mid‑adolescents revolves around interpersonal
more stressed.[26]
relationships, financial conditions at home and also
personal issues regarding oneself such as doubts,
hopelessness, and anxiety. Coping strategies adopted
The theory of coping as suggested by Lazarus and
Folkman[27] is the active, behavioural, emotional, and by adolescents were more of avoidance and distraction
cognitive attempts made by an individual to respond to coping. More research focusing on stress management
needs imposed by certain stressors is termed as coping. interventions is required.

Preferences of coping styles Limitations

From all the above studies that we have reviewed, our All the 12 studies included for this review were published
understanding become more evidence based that when between 2003 and 2013. Few studies whose full papers
adolescents fail to use the appropriate coping for the could not be retrieved were not included in this search.
specific stressor; the health status is at risk. Studies
have shown that in different cultures adolescents coping What more we can we know?
deficits during adolescence are the main contributing Does the SES contribute the most to adolescent stress
factors for the psychopathology. levels or are there any other factors? How could the
educational background of parents affect the stress level
The most common coping strategies used by adolescent of adolescents? Can peer group affect the frequency
boys are distraction and relaxation, also focus on more and uptake of risky behaviors? Would the promotion
positive aspects of the situation is adopted by them along of hopefulness among adolescents be a better way to
with an approach‑oriented coping style.[13] Denying their control stress? Is a peer group helpful or harmful for
emotions is one of the traits seen among adolescent adolescents to cope with stress? Do media influence
boys. rural and urban adolescent stress? Are the stress levels
of adolescents in private school and government school
Contrasting these features, the girls use more avoidance different?
coping, more willing to seek support, resolving conflicts
and the always openly express their emotions. [28] Acknowledgement
They tend to prefer those coping strategies which The authors would like to thank all the contributors
will not jeopardize their relationships and uphold the who have read and suggested their views on the article
relationship. drafting process.

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56 European Journal of Psychology & Educational Studies, Vol 2 / Issue 2 / Apr‑Jun‑2015


Special message of Professor Philip Zimbardo, one of the most famous

psychologists of century, former president of American Psychological
Association to Alireza Memarian, Global Representative at International
Positive Education Network(IPEN):

I wish to send my fondest greetings to all the readers of this new and exciting
European journal of Psychology (positive psychology). I hope it will become a
central marketplace for sharing research and conceptual ideas that can help
inform and inspire educators, business leaders, politicians, parents and youth
to work in harmony to transform Iranian society for the good of all people.

Among the many Iranians I met during my recent visit to academic

institutions, arts and crafts centers, holy places, ancient cities, and dinners in
private homes, I was very impressed by the editor of this new journal, Alireza
Memarian. His enthusiasm for promoting positive psychology throughout his
nation was boundless and his vision well focused. I have agreed to be an
honorary member of his board of directors in his new Iranian Positive
Psychology program (Foundation).

Professor Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D.

Stanford University, Emeritus

President & Founder, Heroic Imagination Project

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