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Defination - It is a condition of misery and malaise associated with poor self consciousness and self
abnegation without hope.
Eiology - Not clearly known geneic factors, psychological problems and developmental problems are important.
Predisposing causes - 1. Heredity.
2. Constitution : These patients areof pyknic built, obese & muscular development is poor.
3. Exposure to stress.
4. Organic disease : Eg - various viral diseases, cardiovascular disease, anaemia,
myxoedema, multiple
sclerosis etc.
5. Drugs : Eg - steroids, contraceptives.
Clinical Features - Onset is insidious.
Age : 50 - 60 years.
Sex : common in females
This disease is associated with : 1. Disturbances of mood.
2. Abnormal response to itellectual stimulation.
3. Disturbed automatic function.
4. Difficulty in concentration.
5. Taking rapid decisions.
6. Mental & physical activities are returded.
7. Conspicous & selfcare approachful ideas.
Types -
Depression disorder Bipolar disorders Secondary mood disorder
1. Major depressive which may 1. Manic episode ( hyperactivity, 1. These are due to diseases
occur anytime one's life. over involvement, irritability, fight of ( Rheumatoid arthritis chronic heart
ideas, no sleep ). diseases, DS, myxoedema ) & drugs
( reserpine, steroids, contraceptives
2. Dysthymia : it is a chronic 2. Cyclothymic disorder, chronic
depressive affairs but mild type & mood changes with episodes of
not long lasting. hypomania & depression may occur
3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Treatment - A) Antidepressant drugs : Devided into 4 groups - 1. SSRIS.
2. TCA & similar compounds.
3. MAOI.
4. others.
1. SSRIS : Following drugs are in this group - a) Fluoxetine 5-40 mgm \ day
b) Fluvoxamine 100-300 mgm \ day
c) Nefazodone 300-600 mgm \ day
2. TCA & similar compounds - a) Amitriptyline 150-250 mgm \ day orally.
b) Amoxapine 150-200 mgm \ day orally.
3. MAOI : phenelzine 45-60 mgm \ day orally.
B) Supportive psychotherapy : Sympathetic attitude towards the patients encouragement of
reassurance should
always be given.
C) Electroconvulsive therapy.
D) Phototherapy.
Ayurvedic medicine - 1. Smritisagar ras ( 125-250 mg )
2. Krishnachaturmukh ras ( 125-250 mg )
3. Bramhi rasayan.
4. Medhya rasayan. Guided
5. Aswagandha churna.
6. Sarswatarista etc.

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