Prosperity Planner 2023

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Welcome to Numerologist’s 2023 Prosperity Planner ............................................................ 3

Universal Year: What It is and Why It Matters ....................................................................... 4
Universal Year: A Closer Look.............................................................................................. 5
How to Move Through a 6 Universal Year With Bliss ......................................................... 5
How to Prepare for the End of a 6 Universal Year .............................................................. 7
What to Expect in a 7 Universal Year .................................................................................. 9
What Should You Focus on in a 7 Universal Year? ............................................................ 11
How to Reap the Rewards of a 7 Universal Year............................................................... 11
Achievement Number ............................................................................................................. 12
What It Is and How It Impacts Your 2023 ......................................................................... 12
How to Calculate Your Achievement Number .................................................................. 13
Achievement #1: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 15
Achievement #2: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 20
Achievement #3: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 26
Achievement #4: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 32
Achievement #5: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 38
Achievement #6: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 45
Achievement #7: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 51
Achievement #8: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 57
Achievement #9: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................... 64
Achievement #11: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................. 71
Achievement #13: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................. 78
Achievement #14: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................. 84
Achievement #16: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................. 91
Achievement #19: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast .................................................. 97
Achievement #22: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast ................................................ 102
Achievement #33: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast ................................................ 108

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Welcome to Numerologist’s 2023 Prosperity Planner

Congratulations! You made the wise decision to invest in Numerologist’s 2023 Prosperity
Planner. We have designed it specifically to help you attain your goals throughout the year.

This Prosperity Planner contains information that will help you achieve your true potential and
assist you in avoiding (or overcoming) the challenges you may encounter in the year ahead.

Whether your goals are romantic, material, or spiritual, Numerology can help you reach them. It
can also help you to learn how to emphasize your strengths and move forward with less
hesitation. It describes the vibrational patterns and cycles defined “by the numbers” that you
can use, just as a sailor can use fair winds to reach the desired destination.

With the science of Numerology and this Prosperity Planner, you have a system that allows you
to understand the qualities of the universal and personal vibrational patterns that are part of
your life during the current times, and what you can do with them.

Specifically, Numerologist’s 2023 Prosperity Planner uses the power of Numerology to:

o Review the qualities of the current 6 Universal Year and the upcoming 6 Universal
Year to assist you in transitioning into this new energetic cycle with ease.
o Analyze and explain the importance of your personal Achievement Number.
o Explain how your personal Achievement Number interacts with the Universal
o Share your Personal Monthly Forecast (based on your Personal Year Number) for
the entire year of 2023.
o Plus, more!

We’ve also included custom exercises throughout this planner. These exercises are designed to
help you transition from the current 6 Universal Year into the upcoming 7 Universal Year with
ease, grace, and gusto!

Now it’s time for you to dive into your 2023 Prosperity Planner.

Head over to the next section to learn about the power of the Universal Year, then Continue
reading your personal monthly forecasts for 2023.


Blair and the team

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Universal Year: What It is and Why It Matters

To attain your full potential in life and prosper with ease, it’s necessary to understand a few

o The creative power of the human mind is the force that builds the reality you
o You are not alone, in that everyone, everywhere is creating the reality you interact
with in your experience.
o There are innumerable patterns and cycles of energy that flow through the
Universe and modify the power of manifestation for each and every one of us.

This is why understanding the power of the Universal Year and your Personal Numerology are
major players in the story of each and every year.

There is a subtle 9-year universal energy cycle that forms patterns in history and nature, and
we experience it on a very elemental level. Each Universal Year embodies certain patterns and
tendencies that we interact with, according to the number that it bears.

The Universal Year is calculated by adding the digits of the calendar year together, then
reducing to a single digit number by the Numerological method.

The Universal Year for 2022

is 6.

The Universal Year for 2023

is 7.
2 + 0 + 2 +3 = 7

Let’s take a closer look at the significance of the Universal Year….

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Universal Year: A Closer Look
Just as we follow the 12-month cycle each calendar year, Numerology honors the unfolding of
a 9-year cycle.

Starting at 1 and moving in ascending order all the way to number 9, the world naturally
transitions through a 9-year Universal Energy cycle, hence the term, “Universal Year”.

While each Universal Year shares equally in sustaining the world through the associated powers
and ideas it stimulates, the numbers phase in and out of importance sequentially. We read
them by applying the Numerological method to the Years and Months of the common calendar,
through the use of the numbers from 1-9 that are known throughout the world.

As with all numbers in the language of Numerology, the particular number of any given
Universal Year brings with it certain qualities, attributes, and patterns.

This means each Universal Year has a global impact that accrues a degree of influence upon all
things on Earth.

Every person is born into this world with their unique set of individual numbers. How you
interact, interpret and respond to the energies of a specific Universal Year depends on your
personal numbers.

When you understand the natural tendencies of any given Universal Year and how your
personal Numerology chart interacts with them, you have the ability to make choices that lead
you to the path of harmony, prosperity, and fulfillment.

Continue reading to learn more about the current 6 Universal Year, the upcoming 7 Universal
Year and how you can transition smoothly into the year ahead.

How to Move Through a 6 Universal Year With Bliss

We are currently at the end of a 6 Universal Year, the sixth phase of the 9-year cycle.

The main energetic trends of the number 6 in the context of human society include love,
harmony, kindness, generosity, responsibility and service to others.

The best approach to thriving during a 6 Universal year is to recognize that we are all
connected. What harms one of us, harms all of us. What uplifts one of us, uplifts all of us.

With 2022 having followed the upheaval and chaos of 2020/21, this is a year when we have
learned how to be kind to one another again. learn how to recognize the opportunities hidden
within change so that you can capitalize on them.

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The energy of 2022 has been uplifting and filled with hope. There have been moments of joy
and moments of compassion, as well as considerable international co-operation.

Having spent a year with the healing energies of Universal Year 6, we have learned to take
more responsibility both for ourselves and for wider society; we have learned that while we are
all individuals, our destines are inextricably linked to one another.

This will prepare us well for the deeply spiritual, introspective energy of the coming Universal
Year 7.

The biggest challenges of 2022 have involved self-care - we have been busy trying to care for
others, but self-care has often been seen as indulgent or a waste of time. But in truth, we
cannot embody the spirit of Universal Year 6 without making sure that we care for ourselves

Another 2022 challenge has been the urge to over-care for others - smothering those we love or
trying to intervene in decisions in someone else’s life. Worry and anxiety have also been key
shadow energies from Universal Year 6.

2022 has been a wonderful year for empaths and for everyone who would like to see a better
world, but it has also helped us to understand where to draw the line between loving someone
versus trying to control their life. And it has challenged us to surrender our worries and simply
trust in the Universe’s plan.

These last weeks of 2022 are a time to practice self-care, self-compassion, and surrender. Give
up your attachment to a particular outcome, and trust that all will work out as intended.

With the qualities of a 6 Universal Year still on your side, you’ll find that trusting in the divine
plan can bring you great peace of mind - and, importantly, hope for the future.

Even though it may not be too obvious to you now, your ability to surrender in this way will
stand you in good stead for the coming Universal Year 7.

Note that surrendering does not mean becoming apathetic or not striving to live the best life
you can; it simply means putting aside worry or anxiety over the eventual outcome. It’s about
taking responsibility for your own happiness by doing the very best you can, but then sleeping
easy instead of constantly fretting about what you might have done differently.

The more you can get into this mindset in the final weeks of 2022, the more you will be able to
hit the ground running as 2023 and the Universal Year 7 dawns.

2023 is right around the corner. It's waiting to greet you and help you achieve your goals, and
everything you have learned during this 6 Universal year will help you on your way.

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How to Prepare for the End of a 6 Universal Year
The main themes of a 7 Universal Year are introspection, analysis and self-inquiry. This energy
aims to help you come up with deeper, more thoughtful solutions to life’s issues instead of
having knee-jerk reactions or accepting things at face value.

Ending 2022 with a greater commitment to quiet and peace will help to prepare you for the
shift into Universal Year 7 energies. Being able to practice self-care is an important pre-
requisite to self-inquiry, and this will show how well you have adapted to the Universal energy

You need to connect with your innermost desires and gain clarity on what you want to create in
your life. When you are aligned with your unique purpose, the manifestation cycle happens
fast! Your movement toward the future you want will accelerate when you have the energetic
trends of the Universe on your side.

During a Universal Year 6, you can become so focused on caring for others, or so troubled by
the state of the world, that you forget how important your own personal growth is - and how
much your own goals matter.

During Universal Year 7, you will have plenty of chances to discern what your true path is, but
you won’t be able to do the ‘inner work’ required for this unless you have cared for your self-
esteem and your peace of mind ahead of this.

Stay focused on helping others; stay compassionate and kind and loving, but be sure to ask
yourself what your need in these final weeks of 2022 too. Listen to your intuition about how to
care for yourself and if you are feeling burned out, make yourself your own top priority in the
time that remains.

The coming 7 Universal Year will bring a slower pace of life, so get into the habit now of
slowing down. Take time as 2022 fades to consciously live each moment - hold the intention in
your heart to experience every moment deeply and fully.

This will align you with the bridge between the 6 Universal Year and the 7 - and will enable you
to make the most of both this year’s fading energies and the new energy to come.

To assist you in getting the most out of the final weeks of this 6 Universal Year, we have
created the activity below.

Dedicate time to this process so that you can be ready for the next stage of the 9-year cycle
that begins in 2023!

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Take a few moments to reflect on 2022 to date. What were your goals at the beginning of the
year? What progress have you made towards achieving these goals? What or who has
distracted you from the work that needs to be done? How have your goals and desires changed
during the year?

Reflect and record everything that comes to mind. Even if a few goals have been pushed to the
side, right now is the perfect time to envision yourself in the future you desire.


Take a few minutes to think about your current circumstances. What thoughts and behaviors no
longer serve you? Who is standing in the way of your ability to build the life you want? The
formula is: MORE CLARITY = MORE POWER. Do the math.

Take a few minutes to reflect and record everything that comes to mind. When you identify
what’s holding you back, you can make different choices that will move you closer to your


Now it’s time to get clear on what you’re ready to create for the remainder of this Universal 9-
year cycle. Review the goals you recorded in step 1 and expand on them below. Record what is
important for you to create in your life. How do you want to feel? Who do you want to be
surrounded by? Where do you want to live? What long-term goals are aligned with your inner

Don’t worry about “how” these things will happen, just trust that they will. Learning to stay
aligned with your goals and your purpose at the end of a 6 Universal Year will build a strong
foundation for success in the coming year.

Now, continue to the next section to learn about the upcoming 7 Universal Year. As you’ll soon
discover, this will be a time during which your spiritual and personal growth is set to skyrocket
- driven in large part by the lessons you’ve learned thus far in this 9-Year cycle. Have a
wonderful time!

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What to Expect in a 7 Universal Year
A 7 year on a personal level usually has to do with personal and spiritual growth, introspection,
and knowledge-gathering, but how does this translate into a Universal Year?

It’s all about the collective consciousness - during a 7 Universal Year, collective experiences
grow our collective wisdom, understanding, and spirituality.

We can expect plenty of revelations, particularly about societies or institutions which have
previously been run with some level of secrecy. Number 7 is a truth-seeker, and in the coming
year, society will no longer stand for being told lies.

We can also expect a continuation in mass spiritual awakening. Faith is a key energy of number
7, and more and more people will be questioning their faith or discovering new faith. Since
religion is often governed in obscure ways, the major faiths too may be subject to much more
scrutiny than normal.

Because number 7 is also a highly intellectual, analytical energy, there will probably be an
emphasis on joined-up thinking. We will hopefully find leaders and game-changers taking a
more holistic view of life on earth, with a better understanding of the mind-body-spirit link and
greater care for our living, breathing planet.

There may also be some major research breakthroughs, particularly in holistic or alternative
health treatments. Scientific advances can be expected in non-health fields too, and we may
discover more about the mysteries of the universe itself.

So, let’s take a look at some previous Universal Year 7 events and see how they expressed the
themes of 7. By looking back, we can identify some of the themes of 7 in the “Big Picture”

Remember however that global events in Universal Years are very different from our individual
experiences when we transform the number’s universal vibration into a personal one. Just as
the same events do not return every 9 years in the news, they don’t do so in our lives. The
difference comes from all the forces beyond our control (considering all the individual and
collective experiences that could be contrasted by a numerology supercomputer) that we
encounter on a daily basis. Over a cycle of 9 years, that’s a lot of influence on our personal
growth, our goals, and our desires.

2014, the most recent Universal Year 7, had many fascinating links to the energy of Number 7.
To start with, the UN declared this the International Year of Small Island Developing States, in
an attempt to help tackle the environmental problems these isolated states face. Isolation -
both for better and for worse - is a key theme of number 7.

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February 2014 saw the outbreak of a global Ebola epidemic, which was only stemmed through
the help of international medics and military personnel in isolating patients - that isolation
theme again. Many of the practices developed then informed best practices in epidemiology
which were used during the Covid-19 epidemic and are still being used today. February also
saw the Ukrainian Revolution where the people of Ukraine managed to sever ties with the
Kremlin which were preventing their country’s closer integration with Europe - here’s an
example of number 7 energy working to end harmful isolation.

In March 2014, Malaysian Airlines flight 370 seemingly vanished into thin air. No conclusive
trace of its 239 passengers has since been found. The many conspiracy theories surrounding
this mystery speak to number 7’s emphasis on uncovering secrets.

Number 7’s links to religion and faith, sometimes taken to extremes, were underscored in June
2014 when ISIS declared the Islamic State a caliphate, leading to years of brutality and global

More secrets were uncovered in December that year when DNA testing of remains found
beneath a British car park finally confirmed beyond doubt that the remains were those of King
Richard III, who died in 1485 - and the DNA tests also raised intriguing questions about the
ancestry claimed by subsequent British monarchs. Secrets of a different but no less fascinating
kind were revealed when the Rosetta spacecraft’s Philae probe successfully landed on comet
67P - the first time in history such a landing had been achieved, and an event that hugely
furthered our understanding of the universe.

The previous Universal 7 Year was 2005. The UN declared this to be the International Year of
Physics - a very obvious link to number 7’s knowledge-seeking, academic leanings - and the
International Year of Microcredit. Microcredit - very small loans, usually given to individuals in
developing nations, is one imaginative, effective, joined up and sustainable solution to poverty;
very 7 in nature.

2005 was a very busy year for scientific breakthroughs, especially in planetary science, from the
discovery of dwarf planet Eris to the landing of the Huygens spacecraft on Titan, Saturn’s
largest moon. Medical science also made several breakthroughs, from the first person to
survive rabies without a vaccination, to the first person declared ‘cured’ of HIV.

Elsewhere, number 7’s themes of religion were strongly in evidence too - Pope John Paul II died
and was succeeded by Pope Benedict XVI, and there was outrage from Muslims across the
world following the publication in Denmark of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammed. The
interplay between society, religion, and human rights - another strong theme for number 7 -
was evident in many different ways, ranging from the Civil Partnership Act permitting same-
sex unions in the UK to the rising power of Intelligent Design as a political force in the US.

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What Should You Focus on in a 7 Universal Year?
So, what should you focus on during a Universal 7 year? For one, you need to become
comfortable with quiet and with a slower pace of life. Learn the difference between solitude
and loneliness - solitude is a healthy, empowering choice to make at times. Take time to be by
yourself, without devices, and to get in tune with your higher consciousness. Understand that
rest is essential - taking time out for yourself is not a luxury.

Be present in each moment and try hard to make conscious, ethical decisions in even the
smallest details of your life. Don’t be afraid to ask hard questions, both of yourself and of
society - and be ready to learn. Taking a course, studying for a qualification, or learning for
pleasure - these are all things that will bring joy and advancement in a 7 Universal Year. You
should also think about developing a daily spiritual practice of some kind - meditation,
perhaps, or yoga, tai chi, divination, dream journaling… anything that calls to you.

Just be careful not to overthink everything. The shadow energy of number 7 can create
paralysis as we spend too much time analyzing every possible outcome. You should also be
sure to maintain loving connections with those around you - although solitude is a healthy part
of number 7’s vibration, there’s a fine line between introspection and isolation.

How to Reap the Rewards of a 7 Universal Year

What does this year of introspection, learning, spiritual growth and self-inquiry mean for you?

It means that now is the time to be concerned about having the kind of lifestyle you truly want
- and that means understanding what truly makes you tick. You will need to do some inner
work to uncover your own hidden motivations and dreams so that you can align with your true
soul purpose rather than what you think you want or what you feel you ought to be doing. T

To help you reap the rewards of this powerful period, we have created the activity below:

To move into the future with confidence, ease, and prosperity, you need to know where you
want to go. Take a few moments to envision your ideal life in 2023 and beyond.

What changes do you want to call into your life in 2023? What would you like to achieve?
Where would you like to go? How do you want to feel? What sort of people do you want to

Let your thoughts fly and record whatever comes to mind. Don’t judge and don’t worry about
the “how.” If you start making excuses for why you can’t do or have something, stop, do
something else and come back to the exercise later.

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One of the most important (but commonly overlooked) steps in setting goals is to gain clarity.
It’s far too common to set vague, unclear goals and then to look back with disappointment
when your goals don’t come to fruition.

With the power of the 5 Universal Energy, now is the time to stay focused on your long-term
goals without sacrificing the possibility of enjoying yourself.

Record at least 5 clear goals and intentions for 2023. Then, record at least 8 more goals and
desires you want to see manifest during the remainder of the current 9-year energetic cycle.

Now that you’re clear on what you want to achieve in 2023, the next step is to take action.

List 3-5 action steps you can take to move towards the prosperity and achievements you

Achievement Number

What It Is and How It Impacts Your 2023

As we end the current 6 Universal Year and move into the upcoming 7 year that lies ahead, the
entire globe will experience its own energetic trends.

These events on the macro and micro scale don’t affect everyone in the same way, so how do
we take part in this Universal Energy cycle as individuals?

Every personal Numerology Chart contains a factor that synchronizes the Universal 9-year
cycle with our Numerology charts, which has its own 9-year cycle. This factor is called the
Achievement Number.

Let’s take a closer look at how your Personal Numerology Chart interacts with the energies of
the Universal Year…

Your date of birth has three components:

The day of birth • the month of birth • the year of birth

When these numbers are summed up using the Arithmetic method, the result is the best-
known number in Numerology, the Life Path.


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The Life Path includes a specific Universal Year, your year of birth. The other two components,
the month and day of birth are added to it to make the Life Path which is therefore the first
year of your Personal 9-Year cycle.

This sum of the day and month of birth is one of the handiest tools of Numerology, not
only because it puts a personal spin on character analysis that usually cannot be seen by
studying the Life Path alone, but because when this sum is added to any Universal Year it gives
us a Personal Year to work with; it converts the Universal energy to into Personal Energy.

This sum of the day and month of the year is the Achievement Number. It can show you the
type of problems that may arise at any period during the Universal cyclic patterns and gives
suggestions to help bring the troublesome quality into balance or use what could be
troublesome to your advantage. By understanding it, you will not only be able to see how the
positive attributes of any date can be easy to grasp, but how to get the numbers that might
work against you into allies instead of enemies. It is one of the most powerful tools in the
entire modern Numerology system.

Continue reading to discover your Achievement Number, your Personal Year number,
and your Personal Monthly Energy Forecasts for 2023.

How to Calculate Your Achievement Number

To calculate your Achievement Number, follow the formula below or simply find your day and
month of birth in the automated Achievement Number chart we created for you.

Note: Achievement Numbers follow the standard 9 numbers used in Numerology (1-9), the
Master Numbers (11, 22, and 33), and the Karmic Numbers (13, 14, 16, and 19).


STEP ONE: Start by writing down the number of your day of birth.

STEP TWO: Then, write the number of your month of birth.

STEP THREE: Now we add them together.

If the sum of your birth month and day is between 1-9, you have already found
your Achievement Number.

STEP FOUR: If the sum of your birth month and birth day is a double-digit number, continue to
sum the digits until you arrive at a single-digit number between 1 and 9, unless the sum of the
numbers is one of the Master Numbers 11, 22, or 33, or one of the
Karmic Numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19.

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Numerologist’s Achievement Number Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 13
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 13 14
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 13 14 6
4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 2 13 14 6 16
5 6 7 8 9 1 11 2 13 14 6 16 8
6 7 8 9 1 11 2 13 14 6 16 8 9
7 8 9 1 11 2 13 14 6 16 8 9 19
8 9 1 11 2 13 14 6 16 8 9 19 2
9 1 11 2 13 14 6 16 8 9 19 2 3
10 11 2 13 14 6 16 8 9 19 2 3 22
11 3 13 14 6 16 8 9 19 2 3 22 5
12 13 14 6 16 8 9 19 2 3 22 5 6
13 14 6 16 8 9 19 2 3 22 5 6 7

14 6 16 8 9 19 2 3 22 5 6 7 6

15 16 8 9 19 2 3 22 5 6 7 8 9
16 8 9 19 2 3 22 5 6 7 8 9 1
17 9 19 2 3 22 5 6 7 8 9 1 11
18 19 2 3 22 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3
19 2 3 22 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 4
20 3 22 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5
21 22 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5 33
22 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5 33 7
23 6 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5 33 7 8
24 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5 33 7 8 9
25 8 9 1 11 3 4 5 33 7 8 9 1
26 9 1 11 3 4 5 33 7 8 9 1 11
27 1 11 3 4 5 33 7 8 9 1 11 9
28 11 3 4 5 33 7 8 9 1 11 3 4
29 3 4 5 33 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5
30 4 33 7 8 9 1 11 3 4 5 6
31 5 7 9 11 3 5 7

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Achievement #1: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast
Your Achievement Number, 1, is a sign of a self-directed, innovative and individualistic person.
You will need to cooperate with others, because if you don’t, you won’t be able to get the
support you need to see things through. Chances are good that you’ll find it easy to get things
started, but it may not be easy to keep up momentum or finish them, so having the willingness
to work with others will almost always help you accomplish your goals.

Even when you’re “ahead of the game”, don’t think that you can’t lose; overconfidence can be
your worst enemy in the same way as cooperation can be your best friend.

One is a vibration of leadership, which is something you can achieve, no matter how
challenging the obstacles are that you might face. You will often take the lead in stressful
situations where others don’t know what to do, and everyone involved will recognize your “let’s
do this” attitude.

At the same time, you need to stand up for yourself without putting pride before compassion
and tolerance. But you can do it, as long as you learn to listen to your heart, which can guide
you to the right course of action, if you believe in yourself.

Achieving a state of balanced self-esteem is not easy; too little can turn you into a doormat,
and too much can make you arrogant. There will be times when your emotions swing from one
side of this equation to the other.

If you let go of the ego-based desire to control situations and people, you’ll find that your
internal guidance system will work perfectly and attract the conditions in life by which you can
truly lead, inspire and thrive.

Achievement #1 Plus 7 Universal Year = 8 Personal Year

Your relationship to the Universal Year 7 is found by adding 1, your Achievement Number, to
2023 which gives 2024: 2+0+2+4 = 8, the number of your Personal Year in 2023.

The guiding vibration of this Personal Year almost always brings forth situations that favor
discipline, courage and uncompromising honesty. During this year, being aggressive about
taking control over your circumstances is favored but trying to change events outside your
personal control will throw you out of balance.

Personal Year 8 is one that requires balance between your ambitions and your compassion, and
between your material concerns and your faith. Leaning too far in any direction will create
problems that you could not anticipate.

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During the year, most experiences will be about establishing your material security and taking
care of the details concerning building a solid and regular lifestyle. This may not seem easy, but
it really is. Marking clear goals one at a time down on paper and in your mind, and making
them the focus of your thoughts and your own self-created mental images will turn this into a
very prosperous year.

The best strategy for activating your inner powers this year is to relax and take time to focus
on imagining the outcomes you want, and how you’ll feel once your self-created future comes
to pass. Don’t feel frustrated when your plans don’t work out, because feelings of frustration
can become stronger than the feelings of success you need to be creating with your mind and
emotions. Try to redirect your social activities into opportunities to gain allies and experience
self-discipline. Be cooperative, not confrontational in all your relationships. Don’t harbor doubts
and suspicions of other people, focus on being your best self and wishing them the best

This is a year that not only brings you into balance, but also offers the opportunity to develop a
prosperity-based mindset that will serve you throughout life. By following these suggestions,
you’ll begin to organize your thoughts and feelings in a way that will help you throughout life.
An easy way to develop a “millionaire mindset” is not easy to find, but one thing is certain; if
you learn to see challenges as lessons, Personal Year 8 can throw many opportunities to
cultivate it your way.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency.

To support and enhance a Personal Year 8, consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Beige/brown
Jewel: Diamond
Word: Achievement


January – Personal Month 9:

One of the most important things to know about a Personal Month 9 during a Personal Year 8 is
that you have the opportunity to let go of old ideas so that you can start building the rest of the
year you desire. Make a list of things that were left undone from last year and try to finish
them. Having a physical list is important since creating one takes effort and returns a sense of
accomplishment. Finishing things now is also crucial to your progress since all the dead weight
you are carrying at the end of the month is likely to drag on throughout the year and will
certainly get in the way of kicking new business into gear. Be careful about holding on to
expectations because the year/month number combination does not favor new beginnings. It

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favors completion. At the same time, any financial matters that concern removing things are
good this month. Putting assets into accounts you can’t touch for a while or long-term
investments is the way to go, even if a personal sacrifice is required.

February – Personal Month 1:

What we have this month is a time of new beginnings. In a Personal Year 8, the focus will be on
your financial or career affairs, and in Personal Month 1 this year, it’s time for carrying out your
business, personal and financial action plans. You need to focus on getting new activities
started or begin the actions that can lead toward the achievement of your goals, especially if
you have been putting them off. It’s time to do the work that can bring you success in your
material affairs. You will need to remain self-directed and focus on finding the opportunities
that can be capitalized on right away because they may be “hiding in plain sight” or buried
under other distractions. Taking control of any of your personal affairs will be rewarded this
month, especially if you are acting on the new ideas that are likely to come to you. Since 1 is
also your Achievement Number, this month stands every chance of being highly successful for
you. If you stay organized and alert for new opportunities to get ahead, you will succeed.
Celebrating small achievements with others this month can strengthen the drive to keep
moving forward.

March – Personal Month 2:

This month, which carries the teamwork-oriented vibration 2 will make it easy for you to gain
the cooperation and support of helpful people, so don’t back off any effort to convince other
people to help you reach your goals. The key is to think along the lines of mutual benefit rather
than personal achievement. The power of 2 may even inspire other people to bring
opportunities your way, especially if you “partner” with them so you can both enjoy their
benefits more quickly. On the other hand, a Personal Month 2 can bring up situations that are
more emotionally active than usual, so expect your moods and feelings to become a bit more
intense than usual. Try not to be too overly sensitive about what people say and how they act,
and the heightened emotions may enable you to experience insights and intuitions that you
otherwise might overlook. Taking some time to simply “hang out” with colleagues will be very
beneficial. In all, expect this to be a positive month in more ways than one.

April – Personal Month 3:

This could be a month during which you will have a hard time staying on task. Even though you
may not jump wholeheartedly into every opportunity to have fun, it will take some degree of
discipline to keep your focus on your long-term plans. Don’t hold high expectations for
maintaining a strict schedule, but don’t abandon yours either. You know what can happen
when you “put too many irons in the fire” and it can be especially problematic during a
Personal Year 8, when your material affairs are important. Nevertheless, during the 8 year, a

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social and entertainment-based break may be just what you need. Get out and enjoy the
company of others, but don’t play around with your duties and obligations. As long as you can
focus on the necessities, this is a good time to engage in leisure activities with friends, family
and colleagues while you prepare for the active and determined Personal Month 4 that follows

May – Personal Month 4:

This is likely to be a challenging, but rewarding month, because Personal Month 4 during a
Personal Year 8 will make it hard for you to keep up with the work, tasks and chores that this
vibration demands. But a little distraction might be good in that it will lift your spirits. But how
do you avoid procrastination or other issues regarding not getting some things done? Well, it
will take a little discipline and a bit of creativity, because you need to focus on the most
immediate and pressing matters. You can do this by making a list of priorities for the month
and taking care of the chores on that list one at a time. This way you can take care of all the
aspects of the year/month combination and give yourself some leisure time to enjoy with your
friends. Your intuition will help guide you along the way, if you commit to making this a “take
care of business month.” You may not get the cooperation you’re used to, but even without it
you’ll find it easy to get things done.

June – Personal Month 5:

Personal Month 5 happens in June, and this is a time during which getting things done should
not be your top priority, since this energy can be at odds with your Personal Year 8. Instead of
worrying about the obstacles to your plans, or sudden upsets, or the seeming chaos around
you, use this month’s energy differently. Spend more time at the gym or spa, take in some
movies or other entertainment, or even better, take time off to travel. Spend some of your
creative energy trying an artistic pursuit, even if it is as small as singing in the shower. The best
opportunities will be hidden within the constant changes that occur during this month, so stay
sharp. Things that begin during June probably won’t last for long, and you’ll have some
troubles if you harbor too many expectations of other people, or expect them to rely on you, so
don’t make promises if you can avoid it. In other words, don’t take yourself or others too
seriously now.

July – Personal Month 6:

It’s time to switch up from the freedom and fun oriented energy of last month into a more
commitment and duty-oriented mode, because July is full of opportunity to be at your best, and
accomplish many of the things you wanted to handle in June. Although 6 is normally thought of
as a number of love and duty, it is also a number of responsibility and adjustments, because in
order to bring forth the love and prosperity that 6 can promise, you will need to bring things
into balance. Especially in a Personal Year 8, this means taking care of the business that is

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important to your material needs and ambitions. Seeing to those needs and ambitions will
bring benefits during the month, but it’s also important for you to remember that your first
responsibility is to yourself and those whom you care about. It will take a bit of an adjustment
to move so quickly from your adventurous side to your domestic side, but that’s what’s needed,
and with your Achievement Number’s talent for decisiveness, it should be easy.

August – Personal Month 7:

If you follow the cycle of the 9 numbers, this month should settle you down a bit, much to your
advantage. Thanks to the domestic 6 vibration last month, you should be settled into
productive routines again, which is just what this month’s private, personal and contemplative
quality needs to generate the thoughtful, studious, spiritual and analytical qualities that 7 can
produce. Any type of self-improvement or inner strength practices will thrive, while making new
investments or trying to win “the rat race” will not. Associating with like-minded friends will
bring happiness but being a bossy perfectionist will only bring out the difficult side of this
vibration. Because this is a 7 Personal Month in an 8 Personal Year there is no better time to
train your mind to accept an abundant life. Picture your “successful self” on a television or
movie screen. Hear the cheers and imagine your feelings when you hear the congratulations;
this is how you borrow your “moment” from the future and draw that future to you.

September – Personal Month 8:

Every year, September is the month in which the annual and monthly vibrations are the same.
Because they are both 8 this year, it’s important that you don’t let the concerns about material
wealth and power overtake your ability to focus on the future you want. It might seem like a
small thing, but during this month, it’s absolutely necessary to snap your feelings back to those
of success in the future. Also, do what you can to reduce the stress on your body. Try eating a
lighter diet or doing some form of relaxation and breathwork. These are the type of practices
that help you adapt to vibration 8, which is dominant now. Focus on keeping up regular
routines, because keeping up with them will give you “achievements” on a daily and weekly
basis which can reinforce the positive thoughts that generate success for you. Be careful not to
overestimate your abilities, because this doubled achievement-oriented vibration could cause
you to set your goals too high, which can undermine your prosperity.

October – Personal Month 9:

October heralds the return of Personal Month 9 this year which makes this a very good month
to assess and clean up the efforts you have made so far during the year. Take a look back on
what you had planned to accomplish this year, and which of those things have happened, but
focus on what remains to be done. If there is anything that you started and did not finish, either
complete it now, or set it aside to be finished during your next Personal Year, which will be a 9,
and better suited for the completion of old business. In other words, it’s a month for either

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finishing things, or letting them go so they can be done at a better time. You don’t want to
bring anything with you into November that may hinder your ability to start something new.
Nevertheless, if you have discovered new methods of getting rid of things that interfere with
your financial progress or your prosperity consciousness, implement them now. Any sacrifice of
time or effort you can make now will be rewarded.

November – Personal Month 1:

Since this is your second Personal Month 1 this year, you may find that things are moving faster
than expected, and that beginning new financial adventures will be far more rewarding than
usual. Plan for next year but do it in a way that leaves plenty of room for new opportunities
ahead. If you’ve finished any old business last month, it could be replaced with new
opportunities this month, so be a little more opportunistic than usual. You should certainly
follow your instincts, since you’re likely to be more sensitive about which opportunities support
your best interests, and which don’t. Any actions you can take that will secure your wealth will
benefit you immensely, especially if you are trying a new method of saving or investing. Don’t
be too original in your way of handling money, however. Impulsive decisions about your
financial life may not work out too well, because your Achievement Number may be distracted
by the need to ‘win’; a mix of logic and optimism will bring success.

December – Personal Month 2:

The last Personal Month of the year carries vibration 2, which should be very comforting and
helpful if you follow its lead. The best use of this month is directing your attention to the next
Personal Year, which will focus on finishing things and letting go. The best strategy you can use
to prepare for it is to firm up your alliances, build team spirit, or otherwise try to build rock-
solid connections with others, so you’ll have the cooperation you need to finish things and keep
making room for prosperity in the future. This strategy is just as important for your current
personal relationships as it is for those with whom you conduct business. You’ll find that this
month it is easier to get other people on the same page as you are and bring new ideas or
strategies “to the negotiating table.” You can see that the good fortune you experience this
month comes through your connections with others, so direct your efforts toward mutual

Achievement #2: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Your essential motivation is to achieve both large and small goals through teamwork,
cooperation and partnership, because the harmony-seeking vibration 2 is your Achievement
Number. It’s very important for you to focus on being independent and self-confident, because
if your need for approval gets too strong, the urge to find balance can get you in trouble from

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time to time. One of your most important life-lessons is to learn the difference between
cooperation and bending to another’s will.

Your empathic and intuitive abilities will never fail you if you are strong enough to keep your
plans and priorities your own, rather than making other people’s interests more important than
yours. Your people skills and natural friendliness will attract the interest and attention of
others, but they might also attract those who would like to take advantage of your good
nature. You will have to learn to avoid them, because they are usually very seductive, especially
when they aren’t conscious of what they are doing. You’ll find that other people are the main
source of your troubles, but also the source of prosperity and happiness in life. You just need to
learn how to tell which of these they are bringing to the table.

The other major life lesson for you is learning that sentimental obligations can cause you to
measure yourself and your identity by the opinions of others. This can interfere with the process
of personal growth, which will diminish your natural intuitive and empathic gifts and therefore
cause you to accept limitations instead of cultivating prosperity.

At the same time, your emotional sensitivity is based in an innate understanding of the cosmic
laws of exchange. This understanding gives you negotiation skills and diplomacy. This can also
be quite favorable in matters of prosperity, because you can understand the cause and effect or
give and take of any financial interactions.

Your honest desire to spread compassion and kindness throughout the world may be something
you haven’t explored yet, but it is the source of the psychic insight that can guide you and
others to abundance, happiness and personal transformation.

Achievement #2 Plus 7 Universal Year = 9 Personal Year

To discover how you synchronize with Universal Year 7, add 2, your Achievement Number, to
2023. The result is 2025, and 2+0+2+5 = 9, which is your Personal Year Number during a 7
Universal Year.

A Personal Year 9 is almost always full of activity, and the main obstacles to happiness and
fulfillment this year will come from other people or unexpected circumstances. Because 2, your
Achievement Number, is a highly emotional energy and 9 signifies completion your primary task
will be to allow yourself to let go. Don’t let self-doubt or unproductive thinking keep you stuck
in a rut; when you’re not focused on what you are doing now, focus on what you want to do in
the future, and let go of anything that can slow you down or stop you from reaching your goals.
The spirit will move you this year, but only when you’re not over-limit on the baggage you’re
carrying with you.

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In some ways, this is an excellent year for you because you will find it easy to finish things that
you’ve started and get rid of things that are unproductive or not serving your progress toward
your perfect life. In other ways it might be challenging, because you could be attached to things
that are holding you back, but do not recognize them as such. It’s important for you to make an
inventory of people, places, things and ideas that you’ve been involved with in the past, and
figure out what is interfering with your progress, so you can work toward eliminating these
obstacles and moving forward. You can’t build the future you want by using the tools that built
the present you accept. You can’t rise to the top if you’re clinging to the bottom.

You should also know that Personal Year 9 is an emotionally focused time. In fact, joint efforts
and teamwork may be difficult because of heightened emotions, either on your side of the
equation or in the lives of others. Do your best not to let sympathy or nostalgia take control of
your financial life. Avoid making financial deals with people unless you do thorough research on
the subject, because people you like may be making mistakes themselves and dragging you
into something that does to work out the way they expect.

It’s better this year to get rid of any underperforming holdings of your own and doing the
research to start new financial maneuvers in 2024, which will be a 1 Personal Year that favors
bringing new methods and ideas to the table. Put as much energy into being systematic and
orderly about what needs to be completed this year. The sacrifice of not jumping at every
opportunity will bring success in ways that you don’t expect. Travel is also favorable for you in

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency.

To support and enhance a Personal Year 9, consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: White/all pastels

Jewel: Opal/gold
Word: Completion


January – Personal Month 1:

This combination of Personal Year and Month numbers is especially favorable for you, because
it can bring major success right in the beginning of the year. The Personal Year Number is 9,
which means the end or completion, and the Personal Month Number, 1, is the beginning of the
entire 9 number cycle. The “bad luck” resulting from past actions can be broken and banished
now. Old ideas can be thrown out, and you might begin to do this symbolically by getting rid of
things that cause you to say to yourself “why do I still have this?”, which is a great way to jump
into the year’s energy. Thanks to the quality of your Personal Month number, it’s not likely that

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you’ll stop at the door when you’re on your way to dispose or recycle such a thing and say, “let
me think about it a little bit”, because if you do, you’ll deny the impulsive nature of 1 the
opportunity to do its job. If you can find any way to sacrifice some of your time and energy for
the benefit of others, that's a good thing, especially this month.

February – Personal Month 2:

Any Personal Month 2 can be draining for you, because with your Achievement Number also
being two, emotions around teamwork, joint activity and shared success are greatly
heightened. Considering the year number, it might turn out to be a time in which you need the
help of others to get things done. You might get some benefit from personally joining others to
do work in the garden, recycling or in the renovation or decorating of your home. Not only that,
but the quality of the month can also increase your emotional attachment to people, places
and things that you might need to let go of, making it hard for you to carry out this Personal
Year’s mission. This month’s energy may inspire you to seek out those with whom you can
consult for business or personal reasons in order to gain some clarity about important matters,
but that’s OK, since this is a way for you to get rid of confusion about things. This
annual/monthly combination can be successful if you let go of the past to make room for the
future, and you can help others do it to.

March – Personal Month 3:

Because of the distractions from 3, the Personal Month Number, and the challenges of 9, your
Personal Year Number, you might be thrown off your rhythm a bit during March. If you stick to
your schedule, you should be OK, because a Personal Month 3 almost always is social, pleasant
and casual. It may be a bit hard to say “no” to people asking you for favors, because of the
congenial atmosphere, but there’s a good chance that saying no will save you time and money.
It’s a good idea not to take on new responsibilities in which other people are involved, but if
circumstances caused you to miss an opportunity to start something new back in January, this
is the time to do it, but only if you’re sticking with 9’s theme of letting go of the old to make
room for the new. Any creative pursuits you might be involved in are likely to get excellent
results this month, and travel is favored by the 3-9 combination. If you stick to your plans and
schedule, this month might turn out to be very successful.

April – Personal Month 4:

Because this Personal Month carries vibration 4, you may find it challenging because of delays
or restrictions of some kind. On the other hand, the limitations or obstacles that might manifest
are likely to be deep-rooted self-limiting beliefs, and thanks to the Personal Year number 9,
you’ll have the opportunity to get rid of them. This is also a good month for looking into your
personal wellness, since the annual number 9 can help you get rid of long-standing issues that
may not have come to the surface until now. In other words, things like worries and complaints

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come to the surface this year so that they are easier to target and eliminate. Do your best to
avoid people who seem to resist your ideas, because this month they are likely to do their best
to keep you from moving forward. Don’t hold a grudge if they do, because they may be
unconsciously reacting to the 4 energy you’re carrying now. April favors all forms of self-
improvement work this year.

May – Personal Month 5:

This May you’ll experience more freedom to pursue your own goals and desires than you have
had so far this year, but it’s really important that you don’t let it go to your head. Even though
the opportunities to go off-course and forget your duties and obligations for a while, the fun of
it will be short-lived and next month will be all about damage control. It will be difficult to stay
on task because of the changes that seem to open doors for you to break out of any ruts you
may be bored with. But what seems to be behind these doors may be an illusion. Travel is good
this month, because it will give me the time to engage with change in a practical and beneficial
way. It can be a time in which you discover new and exciting ways to let go of old ideas and
things that are limiting your prosperity, but the key to moving forward now is to remember that
things you begin during a 5 rarely continue after the month is over. Breakthroughs are possible,
but new roads to success may not help you reach your goals.

June – Personal Month 6:

This Personal Month 6 can really be a blessing since it is a receptive month regarding
prosperity, unless you let May and its Personal Month number take you so far off course, that
you have to spend all your time in June adjusting your lifestyle to point back in the direction of
your goals. On the other hand, people will be more sympathetic and will easily cooperate with
you, especially given the charm of your 2 Achievement Number, so there may be plenty of help
in attaining goals, but only if you are on course and making your best interests your top priority.
Things will be somewhat pleasant on the home front, and other relationships are likely to go
well. This can be a prosperous time if you keep your mind fixed on your long-term objectives,
and don’t waste your time and effort on people and activities that don’t support your aims.
Give in a little to the desire for companionship with those who you love and the people who
stand by you, because they will be the best aides for your prosperity now. You can expect this
month to be favorable, so spend time enjoying it.

July – Personal Month 7:

July is a time for concentrating on your personal projects, study, reflection and other activities
that you should be doing on your own. It is time to develop plans for the rest of the year and
even the next year if you make a clear assessment of things you have to remove from your life,
like lingering debt or unprofitable investments. It’s important to take care of you and your
needs this month, so it’s probably best not to volunteer your time. This doesn’t mean you

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should avoid any previously made obligations, just don’t take on any new ones that may get in
the way of the time you need to “do your own thing.” This is not the best time to get involved in
any new relationships with others either, because they really take time to cultivate under the
influence of 7. It’s also a great time to travel but not for business; this month will give you
unexpected benefits if you take whatever opportunity you have to “get away from it all” for a
while, especially since this is in tune with the energy of Universal Year 7. It’s also a good time
for luxury self-care, whether from comfort or wellness.

August – Personal Month 8:

An 8 Personal Month during a 9 Personal Year can be challenging, because it can mean
prosperity from endings, or ending prosperity. If you’ve been really good about managing your
money or making an effort to pay close attention and protect it, this can be a month of great
progress and success. On the other hand, if you’ve been spending on impulse or otherwise
wasting it away, this number combination can have the opposite effect. Don’t be afraid to give
your time or resources to others, but make sure it’s within your means. Don’t worry about being
a little stingy either, because that is the best way to get rid of counter-productive spending
habits. Wealth is not about the money you have, it’s about the money you keep. In other words,
things like investment in property are OK, since that’s money that is literally being set aside,
while hitting the sales for unnecessary things you might find in the newspapers or online will
likely bring disappointments. No one ever died from a champagne deficiency.

September – Personal Month 9:

In any September, the Annual and Monthly vibrations are the same, so expect a Double 9
vibration to manifest this month. Depending on how you feel about your life, this can be a good
or a bad thing. If you judge your success by the things you own and other’s accomplishments,
as many do, then a 9 month in a 9-Year can be difficult. If you judge yourself by how you feel
about your personal growth, happiness and your level of gratitude, then the “double 9” month
will be excellent. In other words, if you think you’re not growing or making progress toward
your goals, that should motivate you to find out what’s standing in your way and eliminate it.
Don’t let yourself be overcome by worries about the past this month, because they are the
biggest obstacles you must face now. Put them behind you and focus on your future prosperity
by imagining that it’s already here. If you are a trader, this is a time for selling short.
Remember, this opportunity to release negativity won’t appear again for 9 years.

October – Personal Month 1:

October repeats the same number as January, so you have a Personal Month 1, but it does not
act in quite the same way. During this month, if you have financial or business plans that you
need to move forward with, you should go for it, especially if you are replacing an old one that
wasn’t working out. There’s no rule that says it has to be all about business either; it will

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support the actions you take in any area of life. It’s important that you don’t hold back if you
sense it’s time to “make a move”, but it’s crucial that you don’t act in an overly aggressive or
combative fashion. This isn’t the best time to engage in serious negotiations, since extreme
behaviors may turn the flow of events against you if you do, and you have a much better
chance to get the results you want through finding win-win solutions. Don’t spend any time
thinking about what you might be unable to do, focus on doing what you can, and do it with all
the passion you can apply. These are positive vibrations, so make use of them.

November – Personal Month 2:

This is the second Personal Month 2 this year, so if you haven’t started building the team,
alliances and associates that you need to get things going next year, do it now. Things may be
somewhat emotionally intense this month, with your Achievement Number also being 2, so do
your best to stay on task and focus on the teamwork aspect of things, rather than how you’re
feeling. Use the emotional sensitivity that comes up this month productively by looking for
ways to calm and support other people, since you can be as sensitive and empathetic toward
the emotional tension they face at this time. It’s like having a superpower that enables you to
tune in to others and help yourself at the same time, at least when you or another are suffering
from toxic attachments that need to be transformed. This can happen without any conscious
effort, thanks to the magic of this combination.

December – Personal Month 3:

This December happens to be the end of your current personal cycle of 9 years, and 2024 will
be the beginning of your next cycle. It’s interesting that you’re ending the cycle of 9 Personal
Years in a Personal Month 3, which means you had a preview of December back in March.
Chances are good, however, that you’ll have a very different experience of the number 3 than
you did back then, because you are in a year that signifies finishing things and a month based
on enjoying things. You would benefit by enjoying some social life, but no matter what, try your
best to avoid getting caught up in rumors, gossip or fads, because they may continue to occupy
your mind in January, and will not be helpful in getting you started on your new cycle. At the
same time, this month can be helpful for gaining the momentum you need to happily embrace
the new cycle with confidence. Try being a little creative in your approach to putting your plans
into motion. Think of how getting started can be something you enjoy.

Achievement #3: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Your Achievement Number, 3, brings charisma, luck and boundless enthusiasm into your life. It
is the most social of all the numbers, giving you the “gift of gab.” Other people enjoy your
company, but in order to get the kind of attention that this energy needs to ground itself and do
its work, you might be pulled in too many directions at one time.

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It is the number of communication and is naturally creative and is considered to be the number
of any form of media that spreads information to around the world. You will win many friends
throughout life because your natural enthusiasm can be very contagious.

You have a quick mind, which can help you develop the skills you need to succeed but can also
make it hard to finish what you start. You’re an excellent multitasker, but the same ability to
divide your attention has a drawback, in that you can be distracted easily.

This is troublesome when it comes to financial matters and can also make it difficult for you to
focus on your own long-term goals. One of your major life lessons is to be consistent and
thorough, especially when it comes to financial matters; you need to think strategically and
learn how to throw your focus on the future, rather than seeking satisfaction and profit in the
short term.

3 is creative and charming, but it also seeks approval and recognition. Many people with this
number were raised in an environment where self-expression was encouraged and being
expressive is one of your skills that will make gathering allies and supporters easy to you.
Because of these talents, many people think of you as being “lucky” but depending on luck
instead of solid strategies will quickly chase prosperity away.

Achievement #3 Plus 7 Universal Year = 1 Personal Year

To synch your chart to Universal Year 7, let’s add 3, your Achievement Number, to 2023. The
result will be 2026, which we sum as follows; 2+0+2+6 = 10, and 1+0 = 1. This is your Personal
Year Number.

Personal Year 1 is the beginning of a new 9-Year cycle. Your actions and decisions this year will
set the pace and determine much about your prosperity and happiness for the next 9 years.
Although this year is the beginning of a new cycle, you have to be really careful about what you
decide and what you do, since the effects will set in motion the events you will experience
during the entire Personal 9-Year cycle.

It’s time to think about doing things you’ve wanted to do, or to “dip your toes in the water”,
because you do need to think things through before you take the plunge. Things are likely to
happen fast during the year, so you have to speed up your thinking and especially your
analytical abilities to match. Most of the mistakes made during a Personal Year 1 are due to
the overconfidence that keeps people from thinking things through. Don’t repeat a naïve
thought like “everything will turn out well.” Always keep your mind objectively focused on
possible outcomes, and if you do this well before taking action, your ambitions will not fail.
Checking in with yourself in this way also helps you know if you are building up stress, and the
emotions that accompany it, like frustration, impatience and anxiety. Any type of meditation,

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breathing or relaxation practice can also help with clarity and stress management, and will be
extremely helpful during a Personal Year 1 as well.

Self-reflection, patience and consideration are so important during this year because the
increased activity that presents itself during Personal Year 1 stimulates your enthusiasm and
ambition. Don’t hold back on your desire to accomplish your goals but do your best to prevent
situations from going out of control by keeping yourself in check.

With all the excess energy that will surround you this year, it’s a good idea to spend some time
“paying it forward” by making a voluntary commitment to be of service to others in some way.
Charitable work has always been considered a way of “creating good karma”, which is what
Personal Year 1 is all about; not results, but beginnings which are actions that create the future.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency.

To support and enhance a Personal Year 1, consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Red
Jewel: Ruby
Word: Beginnings


January – Personal Month 2:

The year 2023 opens with January’s Personal Month 2. Since this is a year of new beginnings
and a month of teamwork and partnership, it would be a good idea to begin to develop your
relationships with allies, friends and partners. On the one hand, it’s important that you be a bit
picky, and not build your alliances or team from those who quickly go along with your ideas,
since they are unlikely to bring the good ideas that you don’t think of to the table. On the other
hand, new personal relationships are likely to enhance your progress toward your goals,
regardless of their connection to the pursuit of your ambitions. The trick is not to get these
relationships mixed up, because you will succeed if those who challenge you to accept new
ideas or rethink old ones. This year, and throughout the new 9-Year cycle understanding this
will help you use the best qualities of your Achievement Number to bring fortune to your door.
People who work for you, such as those who work on your home or vehicles should be chosen
carefully and treated with kindness, since others bring fortune this month.

February – Personal Month 3:

If you’ve chosen at least some allies or business partners last month, February is great for
socializing with them, and getting together to implement some of your plans. The main
ingredients that this month brings are foresight and communication, so as far as your

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prosperity is concerned, communication or interaction with others can be exceptionally useful.
At the same time, it’s very easy to become distracted this month, especially since your
Achievement Number is also 3. Even if you're planning a party or get together, try to tailor its
purpose and theme to fit your business plans. Present your ideas to others, and don’t worry
about any criticism- it’s not a personal attack, it’s like an antidote for reckless or unproductive
thinking, and a stimulant that can help you find new opportunities. The energetic quality of this
month can also boost your intuition, which will help you unblock your creative thinking. The
decisions you make are likely to be beneficial, but only if you allow others in on the process.
Don’t accept every invitation, even though you’ll be more popular than usual now.

March – Personal Month 4:

March is the month that says, rather loudly, “Get down to business.” The number 4 usually
represents “work” in some form or another, and this is the time to pound the keyboard or the
pavement, whichever suits your plans best. It’s best to prepare a schedule (or at least a set of
priorities) and stick to it. Worrying about everything that stands between you and your goals
will cause you to procrastinate. You need to tackle one task at a time, no matter how small.
Being a natural multitasker, via Achievement Number 3, this might seem difficult, but by taking
care of necessities and focusing on the details of your plan now will enable you to enjoy April
even more. Because of the positive energetic harmony between the Personal Year and your
Achievement Number you have a lot to work with now, but you need to focus on the present,
not the future. Concentrate on what you can do now and the month will be successful rather
than a stressful one.

April – Personal Month 5:

During April your you may experience an overabundance of change-generating 5 energy, which
will bring a feeling of increased freedom into your life. This year, however, it’s too much of a
good thing. In a Personal Year 1, this combination is too impulsive, which may cause you to
think that “fortune favors the bold” and cause you to take risks that work against the success
of your plans, especially financial ones. Avoid pursuing your guilty pleasures this month,
because you’ll be flirting with the side-effects of having “too much fun” if you do. Things could
get really hairy if you decide to avoid your established routines and responsibilities. In other
words, boredom can be your worst enemy this month, and the changes and opportunities that
are available may lead you down a road that would be best not to travel on. Be creative with
your schedule, and careful about the opportunities you choose to chase. Let foresight, not
desire, be your guide.

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May – Personal Month 6:

If you manage to hold on to your momentum through April, this should be a generally pleasant
month. Your commitments to your plans and to those whom you care about the most important
things to attend to right now. Shift your focus to generosity and mutual success right now, but
be careful, since you might mistakenly extend this generosity to those whose only concerns
might be with what you can do for them. In other words, nothing should be prioritized above
your own best interest, and the best interests of the people you care about the most. Keep the
future in mind as you make decisions, especially those about doing things that may cause
unnecessary spending. If you express your loyalty to other people, you may discover that more
opportunity comes to you this month through those who support your aims than through your
own efforts. You should also spend some time at home this month, since 6 is the most domestic
of the numbers. Any extra time you spend on wellness practices, self-care or stress reduction
will be rewarding, so take a break or a mini vacation this month.

June – Personal Month 7:

Any Personal Month 7 will have a slower pace than the others, so make sure you honor it.
Trying to make things move faster or taking risks to increase your profits will only have the
opposite effect this month. Spend more time doing research that will support your plans
instead of trying to make them come into fruition faster. 7 describes the work of the mind,
rather than the work of the hands, and is therefore a month for meditation, analysis, insight
and spiritual practices, such as Yoga. Such practices will help you enormously during this 7
Universal Year. It is also good for working with the power of the mind and using what is
normally called the Law of Attraction. The teachings taught us that thoughts were the agents
of the creative power we all possess, but seldom use. Start this month by firmly placing yourself
in the future you want and feeling what it’s like as if you are remembering being there and
experiencing the feeling that you’d have once your heart’s desire is fulfilled. Try to be there, not
just seeing something play out with you as an actor on film. Expect a miracle.

July – Personal Month 8:

Because July is your Personal Month 8 this year, you’re likely to spend much of this month
trying to bring people, places and things under your control. But since 8 is the most
materialistic of the numbers, it may be that you decide to take material actions in order to
make your desires manifest, which is exactly the opposite of what you should do. The fact that
the Personal Year number is 1 might cause you to be more determined to see the results of your
actions immediately, or to lose your patience with the powers of manifestation that you’ve set
in motion, but interfering with this process will only make things worse. Any time 8 is a focal
point in your time cycles there are only a few things you can do to enable it to act as a blessing.
One is to be tolerant toward others. Another is to lead by example by doing the best work you

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can, so you are known by your ability to share the benefits of your work with others. The last is
to never stoop to thinking that you need to accomplish your goals by any means necessary.
Material achievements only reflect spiritual ones.

August – Personal Month 9:

Any month of vibration 9 is likely to be favorable to you, because it’s easier to let things go and
move on than in any other month. The Personal Year and Month numbers (1 and 9) are at the
extreme ends of the cycle, but don’t make that an excuse to take extreme measures to get
things done. Doing so simply won’t work, because the extreme solutions are usually the ones
that don’t have long-lasting results, and the efforts you make are more likely to irritate people
than to gain their support. You can put old, unproductive or underperforming ideas and plans
on the chopping block, so you can make room for next month’s opportunities for new
beginnings. This is not a good month for suddenly changing your plans, leaving a commitment
or making any radical moves. If you know what you’re doing that isn’t working out, stop doing
it. You might also benefit by finding stuff you no longer need and giving it away or otherwise
disposing of it. You might say that the theme of this month is “success through sacrifice.”

September – Personal Month 1:

Every year, September is a month in which the Personal Month Number is the same as the
Personal Year Number, and this year the Personal Year/Month numbers are 1. That means it’s
time to charge “full speed ahead” so you can go “over the top.” You can expect to have
tremendous drive and energy, but hopefully not too much, because this overabundance of 1 can
cause you to be a bit too aggressive, impulsive and insensitive when it comes to your
conversations with others. It is a time when you’ll be encouraged to stand on your own or do
your own thing, but that may not be the best course of action. Rather than enjoying successful
new beginnings, you could ruin alliances or partnerships by insisting that the world bows to
your demands. The secret of handling this combination to your advantage is that you need to
be a leader. Take on a leadership role, and lead by example, not by command. Make new
investments or otherwise revamp your financial life, because this can be a prosperity-positive

October – Personal Month 2:

October brings back your second Personal Month 2 this year, but it won’t be like the one in
January. Through the year, you’ve probably developed some good relationships that are helping
you to move forward with your plans on every level, so this time, you’ll probably notice a need
to use its friendly and supportive quality in other ways. Others may seek you out for advice, and
an increased talent for empathy will enable you to be a compassionate listener who is able to
help them in ways you couldn’t in the past. Your sense of detail and the ability to read others

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will help you to know the difference between those who have your best interests at heart and
those who don’t. This level of clarity can be used in every aspect of life and bring profits to you
somehow. The same “psychic” skill will help you spot opportunities that you might miss
otherwise, especially if your intuition is pointed toward prosperity. New people that you meet
this month can grow into lasting friendships.

November – Personal Month 3:

Your second experience of Personal Year 3 this year should be quite a happy one. That doesn’t
mean that November will turn out to a month-long party, but it does mean that you will tend to
enjoy life more in general, as befits your Achievement Number 3. Expect invitations to come
along; you should accept and follow up on any that don’t interfere with your business plans or
other previously made commitments. Don’t overload your schedule and create the kind of stress
that can disturb your serenity, because you need to use your quick wits to keep you on task
with more important things. Personal Month 3 also tends to enhance your communicative and
creative abilities, and with the natural charisma of your Achievement Number, you’re likely to
be at the “top of your game” most of the time, so be careful about avoiding responsibilities or
thinking that you can break the rules “just this once.” If you keep your mind focused on the
future, this may be a month in which you can see outcomes more clearly than ever, so trust
your intuition.

December – Personal Month 4:

December ends the year with Personal Month 4, which can be quite helpful when organizing
yourself for next year. It’s a good time for enjoying the fruits of your labors this year, and even
better for putting work into making plans for the future. You probably will have some duties
regarding managing activities other than personal ones this month, and you’ll spend some time
carrying out obligations and commitments, but none of that will be too boring, considering that
Personal Year 1 is helping you feel enthusiastic about what you need to do. Put some time into
re-organizing your financial affairs and working on your “books” because it’s more likely that
you’ll have a more realistic and practical view of the “bottom line” right now. Take care of
yourself on the physical level as well, even if you do it to increase your personal comfort and
sense of security. It’s a good time to visit wellness practitioners, even if it’s a personal
indulgence. It can be a serious, but easy month; make it that way.

Achievement #4: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Since 4 is generally thought of as meaning “work” you are likely to do everything as if it were a
job. Your sense of detail, perseverance and desire for achievement are put to use in your
hobbies, your daily routines and in your constant desire to “do the right thing.”

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Being a lover of order and having a good sense of detail, as well as loyalty to people and ideas
cause other people to think of you as being reliable and trustworthy. You can be quite stubborn
about anything that can upset your plans or interfere with your ability to work, but seldom
make a big deal of it; you derive your serenity from doing whatever you do best.

Sometimes you get caught up into situations in which your naturally helpful nature is exploited
by others, who would like you to take on their burdens as your own. Because of this you need to
be careful about doing favors for others, because they are likely to become more troublesome
and time consuming than you imagined.

You’re great at organization, management and the building of systems, and should be applying
these talents and your sense of detail to your own life and affairs. Your Achievement Number, 4,
is often called “the builder” and building a stable and orderly life will insure happiness in the
present and success in the future. Make sure that you never let things wait until tomorrow.
When you make plans, follow through on them.

Think independently but honor the ideas and thoughts of others. Try not to be too resistant to
changes that happen; trying to stop them will often cause you to miss opportunities that you
might not otherwise notice. Leading by example is one of the best ways for you to express your
natural gifts, and you will find that when you do, you will be praised for your efforts. You are at
your best when you are not being micromanaged and many people with a 4 Achievement
Number are in business for themselves or have their own independence and authority in their
public life.

It’s important for you to put plenty of attention on your personal wellness and self-care.
Inspirational literature is good for you, and if you can get ahold of any of the good books on
mind power, you’ll benefit immensely. Avoiding stressful situations and learning to manage
stress are your personal keys to happiness in life.

Achievement #4 Plus 7 Universal Year = 2 Personal Year

In order to find your Personal Year, we add 4, your Achievement Number, to the Universal Year
7, or 2023. The result will be 2027, which we sum as follows; 2+0+2+7 = 11 and 1+1 = 2, which
is your Personal Year Number.

This year it is time to work on cultivating alliances, especially among people who can help you
move closer to achieving your goals. In fact, improving your relationships of any type with
others is favored during a Personal Year 2. Now is the time for shifting your focus toward
mutual and shared success and happiness and working together with others in any possible
way. Build the strength of your connections with others on the basis of trust and the acceptance

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of what they have to give, rather than what they might want from you. It’s a romantic year, but
a practical and potentially prosperous one too.

This is not a good year for extending your trust to those who do not have your best interests at
heart. The bad news is that you will attract many people of this type, who will try to play on
your emotions and sympathies to try and manipulate you into giving them what you want. The
good news is that the insight, empathic abilities and attention to details will all be enhanced
and make scammers and manipulators easier to spot. The best news is that opportunity and
prosperity will be more likely to come to you through the efforts of others than by the “sweat of
your brow.”

Cooperation and teamwork are the keys to bringing your plans into manifestation, but the only
way to get others in the mood to help you is by standing up for yourself and your dreams. Don’t
let others try to push you into dropping your plans for your own, because doing so would
suppress the power of this year’s number. This energy will sour if you willingly bend to the will
of others simply because you want to belong. 2 is not about belonging, it’s about cooperation
and mutual satisfaction, but you need to consider your own needs. If you approach
opportunities that present themselves with your own best interests in mind, instead of banking
on unrealistic expectations of others, you’ll see good things happen financially throughout the

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 2,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: White/light blue

Jewel: Moonstone/pearl
Word: Partnership


January – Personal Month 3:

On the basis of very simple numerology, January, being a Personal Month 3 brings your
Achievement number, 4 and your Personal Year number, 2, into alignment. That makes it a
good month to relax and enjoy a little social life. There will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy
the company of others, but you’ll need to keep your focus on your own self-interest to keep
from going off track. Plan your non-achievement-oriented activities so that they don’t interfere
with things that are important to do. Don’t worry so much about gaining the appreciation or
attention of others, that will come without effort if you appreciate and attend to yourself. Any
chance to engage in any creative activity or to use your own creative thinking should be
followed up on, because that’s a powerful way to attract the best qualities of this Year/Month
combination. Be compassionate, but don’t be afraid to put yourself first when making

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decisions, since that’s the most effective way to gain the benefits of this friendly and powerful

February – Personal Month 4:

Any Personal Month 4 is likely to bring some limitations along with it, and this one is no
exception. It may put a damper on your personal life by limiting the amount of contact that you
have with people you care about or making it more difficult for you to touch base with them.
Phone and internet problems can do this. Although it is one of the more serious Personal Month
numbers, it doesn’t mean the challenges you encounter will be serious ones unless you feel like
they are. Since your Achievement Number is also 4, you handle these energies better than
others. However, you might be prone to procrastinate or otherwise waste time if things aren’t
going your way, and might be stubborn about solving problems that you think are too big for
you to deal with; in other words, the difficulties this month are largely a matter of attitude. You
will find it easy to get others to cooperate with you, thanks to the Personal Year number 2, so if
you ask for help, you’ll get it. Stay on task, avoid volunteering, take things one step at a time,
and you’ll find that this month will pass by smoothly and be productive.

March – Personal Month 5:

The Personal Month 5 that March brings this year is a time during which you need to carefully
manage your energy. That’s because of several things that the vibration 5 brings that can take
you out of your center, cause you to become less grounded, and disturb your prosperous and
abundant natural state of being. First of all, this month brings an increased sense of freedom.
Since the Personal Year 2 you’re experiencing already stimulates the emotions, this sense of
freedom can take the form of chasing after things you want, as opposed to appreciating the
things you have. A Personal Month 5 almost always is a time of many changes. Overreacting to
these changes emotionally will almost always make it nearly impossible to see the
opportunities hidden within them, which is its greatest gift. In order to receive that gift of
insight, you’ll need to carefully balance your time and energy, without becoming too
emotionally excited. It’s a challenging thing to master, but the rewards are greater than the
April – Personal Month 6:

This April, your Personal Month Number is 6, which blends very well with your Achievement
Number 4. However, you should be very careful not to develop unrealistic expectations of
others. This usually does not concern those with whom you have intimate or long-standing
relationships with but having too many expectations of anyone can be troublesome.
Fortunately, that’s all you have to be concerned with; everything else should go smoothly. This
is a good month for putting your own best interests first as far as your financial life goes,
because you may attract people who want you believe that their best interests should be yours.

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The loyalty and honest concern of others will be apparent to you in some way. The traditional
reading of this number combination is “money and opportunities come from others”, so have
faith and believe that others can and will make good things happen for you.

May – Personal Month 7:

Because this month carries the number 7, the same as the Universal Year, it is going to be a
time for relaxation and renewal. You need to spend time doing private and personal activities,
such as taking account of your affairs, reviewing and analyzing your financial situation, and
meditation or other therapeutic practices. These are the things that will bring abundance into
the future. “Pushing the envelope” with double-overtime or other efforts to achieve goals are
likely to be frustrating at best. 7 is a number of faith and intuition, much like 2, the Personal
Year number, and it’s not unlikely that you’ll have more than one intuitive experience while this
combination is active. It’s likely that they will be of the type that has some sort of practical
value, like knowing who’s calling the moment the phone rings, or accidentally running into
someone that you were thinking about just moments before, saving you the trouble of tracking
them down. It’s also a very good time for enjoying the company of people with similar

June – Personal Month 8:

June is a Personal Month 8, which can have many different meanings, but all of them will be
about “the bottom line” in your own life. It may bring matters concerning money to the surface
of the mind, but instead of falling into worry or overreacting to benefits by wasting it, you need
to take it as an opportunity to “balance the books.” - driven by your Achievement Number 4’s
need for stability and order. It could be about authority or power, which needs to be handled
gently, rather than aggressively. It could be about personal security or comfort, but issues
concerning them should be handled in the most well-planned and considerate way possible. Be
tolerant and compassionate toward others, and always be willing to let them prove their value
to you, rather than thinking you have to do everything yourself in order to get it right. Always
reject using too much force as an option for getting things done. Believe it or not, 8 used to be
called the “number of Karma”, but this is the Karma you create and not the Karma you reap, so
do good and you will get good in return.

July – Personal Month 9:

While July, your Personal Month 9 is active, you can expect emotions connected with “letting
go” to be stimulated. This might come in the form of a desire to travel or travel itself. It can
also come as a type of emotional tension connected with the need to let go of something or
someone you want to keep around. It could also be emotional frustration due to something that
is broken or lost that you were fond of. The best way to work with this combination is to

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practice letting go by dropping unneeded subscriptions, habits you’ve developed, or things you
don’t need, like desert after lunch. This is a sacrifice, but with the current number combination,
success comes from sacrifice. Learning to say “no” is a good thing this month. It’s an excellent
time to sell short or get out of underperforming investments; doing either will certainly be a
profitable way to approach your financial maneuvers this month. But if you can, travel is the
best medicine for July.

August – Personal Month 1:

Any Personal Month 1 will bring in plenty of energy that supports your ambitions and your drive
to succeed, but only if you are patient, fair and tolerant of others. It’s a good time for finding
new allies or acting to enthuse or motivate those you already have. At the same time, if you
can’t get the cooperation you need to get things done, there is no need to fret, because
Personal Month 1 favors individual action in the same way that Personal Year 2 favors
teamwork. If you’re itching to do something new but are unsure of what you should try, just
seek out the advice of someone you have a reason to trust, since you are very likely to find
those who will give you the correct advice. Being a little more adventurous in your financial and
business activities can bring profits, especially if you have the support you need. You can also
begin new personal relationships this month that will enhance your sense of well-being.

September – Personal Month 2:

September is always the month that has the same number as the Personal Year, so the
doubling of vibration 2 and its drive for partnership and teamwork is going to be quite strong.
Since this number is very harmonious with your Achievement number, it should be one that
helps you get things done through the cooperation of other people. You can feel quite secure
about personal relationships, and don’t need to focus on them so much, but if you let the
heightened emotions that come with this number take over, there can be some form of drama
that makes things somewhat turbulent. If this drama spills over into your financial life, it can
cause you to make unwise decisions. The main thing to remember is that this is a month that
focuses on allies and supporters, so you really have everything in place when it comes to
prosperity. It’s a time during which you must focus on your needs and best interests. Standing
up for yourself and your dreams will bring you success and pleasant, profitable surprises.

October – Personal Month 3:

October marks the return of Personal Month 3, and this time it will be very different from the
experience you had in January. It’s even possible that your social life will interfere with your
business or domestic life, if you let yourself get involved in the drama, gossip or rumors that
can appear during this month. The good news is that the troubles that do arise this month can
be easy to solve, but it’s easy to stay out of it if you consider these dramas to be something

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unnecessary that you can consciously avoid, even if others are doing their best to get you
involved. Your time is better spent working on your skills or doing something creative, because
any acts that are expressed through personal artistry will bring praise and appreciation. Be
careful about how you present yourself, because attempts to “show off” might backfire. This
can be a good month for instituting changes in your work or starting a new project if you
missed your chance back in August; especially if you are part of a team.
November – Personal Month 4:

In November, you’ll have a second chance to work with Personal Month 4, but this month
you’re likely to have more fun with it than you did in February. It’s possible that you may have
a feeling of frustration or oppression if you haven’t developed some routines or schedules for
getting things done. However, thanks to your Achievement Number also being 4, you’ll probably
be enjoying a more practical attitude that will help you get things in order in a positive way. It’s
likely that if you focus on practical matters and on getting results, the signs of progress you
make will be a cause for happiness, and relieve any feelings of self-doubt that may be
connected with attachments to other people that require a lot of your time or energy. Don’t be
too invested in the expectation that things coming from far away will be on time and be careful
about making promises that unexpected circumstances could prevent you from keeping. Lastly,
don’t let your sympathies cause you to agree to doing a favor for someone; it may be a lot
more that you bargained for.

December – Personal Month 5:

Back in March you had a note of caution about being thrown off course because of the
relationship between the Personal Year and Month numbers, but this time, it can be a lot less
intense. If you can keep your guilty pleasures in check, you’ll find this month to be much easier
than you will by feeling frustrated by the lack of results that come from chasing your desires. In
other words, the “simple pleasures” will give you the chance to see the opportunities that are
hidden within the changes that the month can bring. Pay attention to details and don’t make
any really important commitments but keep those you already have. Try not to get too excited
about the opportunities that come up now; because their apparent promises might not end up
being all that they seem. Have fun, but don’t overdo it, and do your best not to let your
emotions get carried away by sudden or unexpected events. Keeping on track and planning for
2024 should make this an enjoyable month and make next year extraordinary.

Achievement #5: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Having the freedom and variety-loving vibration 5 as your Achievement Number can make it
easy for you to embrace and easily cope with “the winds of change”, but you may enjoy them
so much that you can unconsciously believe that routines and commitments interfere with your

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love of adventure. This may cause you to find it hard to stick with the same routine for a long
time, or, at its worst, it may get you so caught up in adapting to change so much that you miss
out on the opportunities hidden within it.

The flexibility and adaptability of 5 is one of your most powerful assets, but if you deny it and
become rigid in the midst of change, you can become demanding and lose the confidence that
drives your analytical skill. This is really an important life lesson, because when you find the
razor-sharp line between going wherever the wind blows and being so rigid that you are
completely uprooted by it, your superpower will reveal itself and you’ll become able to discover
opportunities that no one else will.

At the same time, not all opportunities you find will help you reach your true goals. Sometimes,
giving in to your drive to freedom can make you a slave to your desires and unable to grow.
Seeking discipline, however, will free your spirit and take you not only to the achievement of
your goals, but beyond. It all boils down to being responsible for your choices. If you try to
objectively look at the possible outcomes of your choices, your foresight will kick in and keep
you one step ahead of your peers and put you on the cutting edge of prosperity.

This is especially important regarding your financial life and prosperity, because your analytical
ability and your quick wits can help you become successful at anything where risk is concerned,
and almost all financial work involves risk management.

Once you cultivate a bit of discipline and don’t let those who chase your charisma distract you
from your long-term goals, you’ll become almost unstoppable. Make sure that before you
commit to any kind of business you have an exit plan, or at least a plan B, because having
options available makes your talent for multitasking shine.

Don’t take on tasks that will limit your freedom or your ability to use your quick wits. Always
look for unexpected opportunities in the changes that occur around you. These are your
personal keys to success.

Achievement #5 Plus 7 Universal Year = 3 Personal Year

So now let’s do the math and add your Achievement Number, 5, to 2023. The result will be
2028, which we sum as follows; 2+0+2+8 = 12, 1+2 = 3 which is your Personal Year Number for

A Personal Year 3 is likely to be quite enjoyable for you, not just because of the opportunities to
engage in social activities, but because in classical numerology 3 “uplifts” 7, the Universal Year.
This Personal Year could easily resolve any type of nagging worry, loneliness or other concerns
that you have, simply by the type of energy it carries. It will attract to you the kind of like-

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minded people you really feel like you can talk to about things that matter to you, or those who
know how to have the conversations and tell the stories you really enjoy. Personal Year 3 may
be your favorite year of the whole 9-Year cycle.

But one of the side-effects of the number 3 is that you might spend so much time enjoying
yourself that you get distracted from or even neglect things that should be far more important
to you than having fun. Unless your physical body suffers from the side effects of having too
much fun, it’s possible that you may fall under the spell of social life, so it’s important for you
to think in terms of immediate satisfaction while enjoying yourself; your mantra should be
“well, it was fun while it lasted.”

At the same time, the real key to material success this year is to stick to your plan and stay on
task without adding any extra stress in your life, no matter what. If you keep these ideas in
mind and carry out your duties in a systematic way, you’ll create more time to enjoy the
company of friends. You cannot do this by frantically rushing about.

Your creativity and skills will desire to express themselves, even if only in cooking or other
everyday tasks. It may be a good idea to take part in regular get togethers in order to make
use of this gift. Don’t worry about the sequence of years, because it’s often said that if you
missed starting something new during Personal Year 1, you can use Personal Year 3 for that
purpose. Your popularity is likely to increase as well, but don’t let the pleasant experiences of
the year distract you from your financial and business plans. If you don’t scatter your energies
and make sure to do the mental work before the physical, you might find that you have a much
better year financially with much less effort than in other years of the cycle.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 3,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Yellow
Jewel: Topaz
Word: Enjoyment


January – Personal Month 4:

Due to the nature of Personal Month 4, you may feel a little overwhelmed in January, as if your
duties and tasks are conspiring to steal the time and energy you need to enjoy the pleasant
nature of your Personal Year number. It’s easy to say that it’s all in the mind and all you have
to do is get more organized. It’s better, however, to say that you need to take care of these
responsibilities by doing things in a by-the-book systematic way, because that can “buy back”
the time you need to follow up on your personal pursuits and interests. This is not a problem

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that can be solved through the effort to manage your time, but it is a good opportunity to learn
about managing your energy through dietary modification and deep breathing, but make sure
you get reputable and reliable advice before you begin to try it. You probably won’t mind that
the quality of 4 will slow down the pace of life a bit, because it will give you the space you need
to learn to sense the quality of Personal Year 3 and enjoy it.

February – Personal Month 5:

As February begins, the new and refreshing quality of Personal Month 5 will bring the kind of
change and variety that you need to move forward with your plans. Given that your
Achievement Number is also 5, you’ll feel more like experimenting and taking risks in the social
realm as well as the financial one, and this will be good for you if you remember that risk
doesn’t always equal reward. Your analytical skills and intuition can combine with the Personal
Year (3) and Personal Month (5) combination and help you make breakthroughs in any area
that you feel stuck in. It’s a good time to review investments or learn something about trading.
Don’t take on totally risky investments though, because that will lead to disaster. But keep on
the watch for profitable opportunities, because they will certainly be a part of the changes you
encounter this month. Don’t jump at every one that comes along, but if you tune into the
vibrations of the month, you’ll be able to separate the glitter from the gold. It can be a great
month financially, so don’t waste it.

March – Personal Month 6:

Personal Month 6 usually focuses on various obligations or responsibilities, but this year,
fulfilling those responsibilities probably won’t cause you any grief. First of all, because this is a
Personal Year 3, these responsibilities may be connected with redecorating, moving, social
events or travel, all of which can be entertaining. Secondly, they may be activities related to
your domestic life that you’ve wished for or were waiting to happen. Lastly, they may be
connected to improving your financial position through creativity or clever thinking. Basically,
this month’s responsibilities are most likely ones you have chosen. The main challenge of the
month is dealing with the distractions that cause you to adjust your plans. It’s possible that
these changes may be forced on you if you get caught up in the problems of others, so try to
avoid doing favors for people who don’t want to deal with their own troubles. If you save your
energy for yourself and your financial matters, this month can be profitable and fun.

April – Personal Month 7:

In April, your Personal Month aligns with the Universal Year 7. In classical numerology, when
one of your personal numbers is repeated by the cycle numbers like this, it’s usually called
“overabundance” and pushes too hard in one direction, which is not great. But since this is a
Personal Year 3, things will be different. This month will give you a chance to relax and enjoy

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working on “your own thing.” It’s a great month for communication and learning, especially if it
is related to your field of interest or profession. If you’ve been thinking about a creative project,
blog writing or anything else that requires self-initiated focus, or needs fresh, new ideas. The
good news is that the pace of life will slow down and give you the time you need to get things
done, or to enjoy the company of others. The bad news, if you don’t do anything but sit around,
you’ll probably be miserable, and may even get caught up in dramas that won’t help you move
forward with your plans. This will be a fortunate month.

May – Personal Month 8:

Personal Month 8 might be a surprise after the last two, because circumstances will demand
that you take care of business. Although that might sound like trouble is coming your way,
because of this being Personal Year 3, you should be able to face whatever challenges come up
with a smile on your face. The business you’ll have to take care of is usually about money or the
control of your circumstances, and the drive of vibration is to push you toward taking the steps
you need to manage your comfort, authority, financial life and security. That may involve
having to do things you don’t like to do, but if you can avoid being combative and controlling,
you won’t get frustrated by the distraction of problem-solving. But your problem-solving skills
should be at maximum this month, unless you start taking sides in the unfolding dramas
around you. Your courage and determination may be brought into the foreground as well, so
the only thing that can keep success away from you is a lack of trust in your own power.

June – Personal Month 9:

Chances are good that you accumulated a negative feeling like worry or doubt last month, so
June is a perfect time to release the baggage of the past, no matter how far back it goes. The
Personal Year number 3 is very harmonious with a 9 Personal Month, so letting go and bringing
things to a close should be quite easy. Not only that, but this combination is also good for
adventure and travel, so cross your t’s and dot your i’s then make a plan to hit the road. A
Personal Month 9 is famous for being a time to relieve yourself of burdens, and because of its
harmony with the Personal Year Number, 3, it is a powerful and prosperous number
combination. It will be easy to finish things and move on, so bring whatever’s hanging over
your head to a close. Expect to realize that whatever is holding you back is only stealing your
energy, and if you let it go, the energy will return. It’s a good combination for personal
discovery and adventure and will make it easy for you to change or let go of unproductive ideas
and make room for a more successful future.

July – Personal Month 1:

During July you can either start or jump at the opportunity to begin something new, especially if
it’s something you want to last. It’s not a time to doubt yourself, but it is important that you

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carefully consider what the outcome and consequences of your actions could be. Try not to let
any possibilities escape you, and move forward, because this is the perfect time to do so. It’s
likely that you’ll have a major success this month, thanks to the powerful nature of the changes
you’re attracting now, so don’t talk yourself out of doing things that are heavily weighted
toward getting you the results you want. Another aspect of a Personal Month 1 you should be
aware of is its tendency to speed up the pace of life. Things will be moving quickly, so you need
to keep your eye for opportunity on high alert. You’ll also have to make decisions quickly, but
they will be on point as long as you’re clear about your objectives. If you treat others fairly and
keep your plans in focus, you can be assured that things will go your way.

August – Personal Month 2:

Having Personal Month 2 during a Personal Year 3 could be a very fortunate time for you
emotionally, because there is a heightened sense of comfort, friendship and security in all your
social activities. This may not seem to have anything to do with prosperity, but your enhanced
ability to read people and situations this month is what brings you into a more successful
pattern of activity in every aspect of life. Not only can you expect more cooperation from others
at this time, but you can expect others to call upon you to do things with them, and bring
important opportunities or information that can make you feel more prosperous and more
successful, adding to the momentum of the work you are doing. Self-expression will be an
important factor in how successful you are during the month, especially if you don’t let self-
doubt keep you from standing up for yourself and your plans; this can be an excellent month.

September – Personal Month 3:

In September, the Personal Month number is always the same as the number of the Personal
Year, and this time, the number is 3. 3 causes you to feel uplifted and can even break through a
lot of negative thinking or problematic situations, due to its creative qualities. It also signals an
increase in the opportunities you have to get together with like-minded people, and have a
good time doing so. For your Achievement Number 5, this type of shared satisfaction is your
best medicine. Do your best to stay on task and follow through on what’s important, because
having this overabundance of 3 can throw you off-course with the smallest distraction. It’s also
crucial that you don’t become too overconfident this month, because that will make it easier for
you to become distracted. But don’t doubt your own abilities either, because the amount of the
foresight-boosting number 3 can keep the level of confidence that will keep your motivation
and insight ready to enjoy the luck coming to you now.

October – Personal Month 4:

October is the return of Personal Month 4, and you can expect it to be almost the opposite of
the experience you had in January. As opposed to feeling overwhelmed with obligations, now

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you are ready to tackle whatever tasks or situations lay before you in a cheerful and self-
motivated way. You might even think that doing things step-by step and taking on tasks in a
“one thing at a time” fashion has an appeal that it didn’t in the past. Plus, the social
experiences and the people with whom you’ve spent time with during the last few months will
probably have caused you to “reframe” some of the emotional patterns that associate common
tasks with negative thinking will probably not be a source of troublesome feelings, at least for
now. If you’ve developed some routines or a schedule to help you manage your energy during
the year, this month you’ll reap the rewards. Issues may arise concerning wellness, so while
you’re getting yourself back in balance, build some protocols for 2024, which will be a Personal
Year 4.

November – Personal Month 5:

November is the second Personal Month 5 this year, so you need to be aware of the differences
between this one and the one back in February. First of all, you need to repeat over and over
again the statement from the previous description, that risk does not always bring a reward.
Because of your impulsive, risk-driven 5 Achievement Number, you may overdo it with taking
your chances. Always consider “the stakes”, or what you’re putting at risk in order to gain
something. If you’re going to invest some money in either a short-term or long-term venture,
only use money that you’re willing to lose, because you could make a mint, or be throwing it in
the trash; 5 is unreliable like that. And it adds to your feeling of being “lucky.” Don’t fall for it;
this is a time to use your natural imagination to give you the edge in practical matters, not a
time for “flights of fancy”, especially where matters of money and business are concerned.
Make sure to keep your analytical senses in the foreground, and if you start thinking that luck is
on your side, thank yourself for sharing and move on.

December – Personal Month 6:

December is a perfect month for working with matters concerning property or other business
affairs, because the combination of the Personal Month/Year numbers is excellent, but this
doesn’t mean that you need to buy or refinance anything. This month is best for enjoying group
activities or spending extra time on the home front. A Personal Month 6 is usually thought of as
being stable and profitable, but you do need to watch out for unnecessary financial
entanglements, even with friends and family members. Since there is a sense of enjoyment and
comfort built into the domestic number, 6, you should spend some of your time planning on
changes you want to make during Personal Year 4, which comes in 2024. Things like dietary
changes will give excellent results next year, and since it is so close, you might as well start
working on finding reliable or licensed consultants and doing the research now. Get your goals
and routines in place this month, and 2024 may be your best year ever!

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Achievement #6: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast
The most important thing to know about your Achievement Number, 6, is that you will gladly
take on many responsibilities during your lifetime. You may not even recognize many of them as
responsibilities, because you are unconsciously driven to “do the right thing.” Some of these
obligations that you accept without question involve the support and care of friends and family.
It is your nature to seek harmony with others and with society in general, but this wonderful
quality can also attract and become a target for those who like to take advantage of good-
natured people. Therefore, you need to learn about and understand what’s in your best interest
and always act accordingly.

Self-interest is not the same as selfishness, it is the power that preserves your natural good
fortune and enables you to help other people care for their own needs without needing to
compromise your own dreams or your own well-being on every level. Attending to making your
own goals and dreams the center of your life may involve making some adjustments in your
lifestyle, but if you make your best interest your top priority, they will always be easy for you.

Most numerologists call 6 the most domestic number, because matters of home and family fall
under its appearance. It’s interesting that most people with 6 as an Achievement Number take
on many duties at home; some say a child with a strong 6 influence is like having a little adult
in the house.

As an adult, you may take on the role of “parenting” your friends by acting as a counselor,
nurturer, protector or caregiver to them. Following the “Golden Rule” is an excellent and well-
loved way to live, you will come to know that sometimes people will “do unto you” something
very different than what you do unto them. Developing the skill of being able to say no when
people try to get you to do what they should be doing for themselves will make your life much
happier and make things flow more smoothly in general.

When you feel stressed out by situations and dramas, others can tell, because you will become
something of a “perfectionist”, accusing yourself and others of never doing anything right. You
need to learn how to not become frustrated when others ignore your advice, or when they reject
your kindness and compassion. This may not happen often, because your ability to say the right
thing at the right time. Remember that compassionately guiding others to care for their own
well-being is a gift that will support you and them in every department of life.

Achievement #6 Plus 7 Universal Year = 4 Personal Year

Let’s find your Personal Year Number by adding your Achievement Number, 6, to 2023. The
result will be 2029, which we sum as follows; 2+0+2+9 = 13, 1+3 = 4, and this defines your
personal year.

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During the time when a Personal Year of vibration 4 is active, you can feel somewhat
overcommitted. Although you may feel limited or restricted, the enthusiasm you felt last year
may have caused you to take on too much, and this year you may resent having been
overconfident, or that you made too many promises that have become impossible to keep.

This year may bring up one of your most important life lessons, so you need to learn to ask for
help when you need it or accept it when it is offered to you. Not only will doing this improve the
quality of your experience this year, but it will also improve your life in the future.

Even things you do during your leisure time may feel like work this year, but rather than
dodging commitments and responsibilities, you need to approach your activities, especially
those concerning business, by making schedules that you can keep and considering each task
you can as a “make it or break it” opportunity to create your future. If you act in an impulsive
way or trust in luck, you might even slow things down during a year that already is moving
events along at a snail’s pace. 4 is a vibration that builds and perfects, so slow down and pay
attention to details, because this is a year during which you can create a stable, secure and
abundant lifestyle.

Put some extra effort into establishing the kind of lifestyle that supports personal wellness. It’s
especially important that you focus on stress reduction in everything you do; be especially
careful about your diet and sleep, and make sure you do something to keep yourself active.

This is not a year to rush into things but sitting still will only bring about such effects as
procrastination and unproductive thinking. You should also avoid sudden or drastic changes in
your work or lifestyle, because things may not happen fast enough to bring about the results
you’re looking for. The most important part of this, however, is to do things in a systematic
way, because efficiency, not force, is your key to success for now.

Don’t hold on to unrealistic expectations of others, because if they can’t fulfill them, you’re
likely to have let your imagination take over your “bottom line” attitude toward life.

Don’t hold on to unrealistic expectations of yourself, because that’s nothing more than a
dependence on luck, which is the worst enemy of your prosperity consciousness. Bring order
into your life, especially your financial life. Consult with professionals or get some special
training in money management, investment or other ways that grow your wealth, and you will
certainly get good results. Share these results with others and help them understand that their
own powers of persistence and determination is not limited.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 4,
consider working with the following suggestions:

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Color: Green
Jewel: Emerald/jade
Word: Practical


January – Personal Month 5:

January begins the year in its role as Personal Month 5, which could mean it turns out to be a
month of surprises or challenges. 5 is a number of change, and both your Personal Year number
and your Achievement number are big fans of stability and order. The main thing you’ll need to
focus on this month is not letting your decisions be guided by your determination to “do your
own thing.” In other words, do everything you have to do in a tried-and-true manner. You’ll be
able to influence others easily. People will find you to be emotionally intense and react to this
intensity in a positive way. Using this power for personal gain or to force others to bend to your
ideas and plans will backfire, because things you start this month won’t last. It’s a good time
to attract the interest of others and getting them to support your work, but don’t expect this
support to last, unless you’re talking to friends, family or already established associates. Have
fun, be yourself and let your charisma do its job for now.

February – Personal Month 6:

Any Personal Month 6 is usually expected to turn your focus to matters concerning your home
and family, but this year you can expect it to focus on your responsibilities and the adjustments
you will need to make to carry them out. But there’s really good news about this – you’ll
probably be facing responsibilities you’ve chosen, because of the harmony between your
Achievement Number (6) the Personal Month (6) and the Personal Year (4), making the month
perfectly balanced to give you the best that the year has to offer. What this means is that you
can expect this to be a pleasant, prosperous and rewarding month no matter what. Just be
careful not to apply too much force when trying to get things done; it’s a good month to ask for
favors or to trust others to be at their best while doing things for you. Spend time with the
people you’re most closely connected to. However, you direct your energy and effort, it’s likely
to end up giving favorable or profitable results, even concerning your relationships.

March – Personal Month 7:

March will be a time for rest, quiet and meditation because of its number, 7. This can be a time
when your personal mental orientation, whether materialistic, idealistic or spiritual, can take
the foreground and occupy you with thoughts that can throw you off balance, but if you
practice something that enables you to rest your body and mind, you can experience powerful
intuitive insights that will help you focus on your plans and own best interests. Trust in your
inmost heart during this 7 Universal Year; step out of the hustle and bustle of life and renew

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your commitment to achieving peace of mind. Take some time to study or do research, or to
review the previous months and years in order to understand how you are doing regarding
where you want to go in life. The important things are not to procrastinate or to start
overthinking things, but it’s also crucial that you don’t become self-critical or critical of others.
If you do, this combination can be stressful, and stress if the main thing you want to avoid
during this peaceful month.

April – Personal Month 8:

April is a very ambitious month, as befits the energy of number 8. You will want to concentrate
on financial matters, and you’ll be frustrated if life events or circumstances don’t allow this.
However, it doesn’t have to be a difficult month; in fact, the level of difficulty this month can
bring is totally dependent on your perception and determination. First of all, you need to focus
on financial matters, such as reducing debt or opening a new channel of financial benefits.

One thing you should not do is to take on extra work or involve yourself in a new financial
obligation, because if you do either, the situation can spin out of control and keep you from
managing your affairs, so try to restrain your desire to for financial gain this month. If you
practice systematic discipline in your financial life antidote other troubles that could arrive,
such as issues with taxes or other financial responsibilities.

May – Personal Month 9:

May is a month for finishing things, getting rid of them or otherwise bringing them to an end. If
you focus on ending deals, contracts, debts and other things that drain your energy and
resources, you’ll walk into June, which is a Personal Month 1, with plenty of room to take on
new plans, projects and ideas. So, if you started something earlier in the year, or even last year,
and haven’t done anything with it, let it go. If you have investments that are not living up to
your expectations, take the loss or break even and get rid of them.

Most importantly, don’t do anything that requires financial risk this month, because 9 favors
sacrifice and losses. The good news is that you can protect yourself against losses by
discovering things in your life that aren’t supporting your aims and let them go. The interesting
thing about a Personal Month 9 is that if you’re willing to stop an activity or dispose of things
you don’t need, success will follow. In your case, this month is not good for new beginnings
changing jobs, moving or travel.

June – Personal Month 1:

This is the best month for starting something new or moving forward with your plans in fresh
ways. Your ambitions are supercharged now, and it’s likely that you’ll “feel the itch” to get
something exciting started. If you’ve managed to drop things that were holding you back last

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month, you can expect this month to be a fast-paced experience that gives plenty of
opportunity to express your courage and determination. The main thing that you have to watch
out for is taking credit for everything you’re involved in. This can ramp up quickly into conflict,
hurt feelings and resentment. Being a leader is different from being a boss, and that difference
is important now. You can lead by showing everyone the value in your pioneering, self-
motivated and inspiring nature, but if you decide to be a “boss” and try to lead by command,
you won’t get the cooperation you need. Personal Month 1 can bring more than enough success
to share.

July – Personal Month 2:

July will be the month of cooperation for you. Teamwork, personal relationships and all ways of
achieving mutual success and satisfaction are favored now. Anything you do together with
others will either an important life-lesson or a road to shared satisfaction. Your sense of
empathy and ability to put yourself in another’s shoes will be enhanced, so during this month
you’re being handed the key to resolving any interpersonal issues you might face. The life-
lessons that come up probably are about building your emotional support system, and this
Personal Month 2, due to its harmony with the Personal Year Number 4 and your Achievement
Number 6, makes July the best time to master these lessons for the next 9 years. You’ll notice
that the more willing you are to hear the suggestions of others and offer your own abilities to
enhance them by showing others how well they fit in with your plans, the faster you’ll draw in
this compassionate force that can increase your prosperity and well-being.

August – Personal Month 3:

If you can hold on to your natural strength, courage and determination throughout August, the
distractions that usually come with a Personal Month 3 will roll right off, like “water from a
duck’s back.” So, what happens when 3 doesn’t fall into “distraction mode?” Well, it will
exhibit the powerful qualities of foresight, creative thinking and sociability to make this
Personal Year 4 less difficult and more fun. Maintaining a positive attitude is a must, because
the ideas that come to you will be meaningless in the context of cultivating prosperity unless
you put the thoughts that matter into your own future. So, you need to avoid taking on tasks
because of sympathy or a need for the approval or others, and get in the habit of writing things
down so you don’t get lost in thought while you should be paying attention to what you are
doing; you can always revisit them later. You can also throw some energy into starting
something new, unless you’re in the planning or design phase of a new project at the time.

September – Personal Month 4:

September is always a Personal Month that carries the same number as the Personal Year, and
this year, that number is 4. Facing a doubled 4 month is not an easy task, but you should be

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able to rise to the challenge. Even though work may not let you have much time to enjoy
yourself, and the feeling of being limited in some way may be overwhelming, you’ll really like
the feeling of victory that drives you forward. Persistence and ambition are forces you can
really rely on now, so embrace them. Let these emotional forces drive you, and you’ll easily
avoid thoughts of self-doubt which can undermine all your efforts during a Personal Month 4. If
you make sure to handle things one step at a time and give yourself some time to attend to
improving your state of wellness, you’ll experience less stress and accomplish more.
Remember, it’s not the reward you work for now, it’s to prove your personal worth to yourself.
If you spend most of the day doing your best, you’ll achieve more than you can imagine.

October – Personal Month 5:

You can expect October, the second Personal Month 5 this year to be somewhat different from
its first appearance back in January. There will still be surprises and changes, but if you’ve
jumped into doing new things, organized your life around your best interests and the
acceptance of others, you can expect this to be an exciting and enjoyable month. It’s now time
to “do your thing” and have a good time with whatever you’re doing. Your influence will still be
amplified, but others will be attracted to the ability you have to analyze situations and
capitalize on the opportunities that change can bring. This does not mean you need to
speculate, because risk-based speculation is gambling, and Personal Year 4 does not make a
combination with the 5 of this Personal Month that brings luck. In fact, whatever you depend on
luck to bring about may not happen. Don’t take commitments lightly and try to avoid making
promises for now, because you will benefit from being honorable and reliable this month.

November – Personal Month 6:

November brings the return of Personal Month 6, fully aligned with your Achievement Number,
but this time, you will need to concentrate on other aspects of this number. The focus is not
likely to be on your responsibilities, since the times have brought forth the aspects of 6 that
focus on comfort, harmony and security. This is a time to focus on the differences between self-
interest and selfishness, and between sympathy and compassion. Selfishness is the feeling that
you must control people, places and things. Self-interest is knowing whatever is best for you at
all times and teaches of what will enable you to thrive. Sympathy is a negative emotion that
drains energy. Compassion understands vital human needs and acts in favor of them for
yourself and others. Sympathy and compassion together bring harmony and balance into your
life as the mindset that wields the true creative power that is the key to your prosperity.

December – Personal Month 7:

After last month’s effort to bring out the best in your Achievement Number, you probably feel
like you need to relax, and that’s just what December’s Personal Month 7 brings. Things might

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seem to slow down a bit, but the inner, quiet side of your mind will be working overtime. You’ll
find yourself being quick to find solutions, answers and surprising ideas, but this is not a time to
focus on material success. You may somehow know where lost things are, or who is calling
before you can get your phone out of your pocket. This is because your conscious thoughts are
in closer touch with your intuition, especially as this 7 Universal Year draws to a close. Your
“inner guidance system” is trying to prepare you for 2024, a Personal Year 5. You’ll need to be
“lighter on your feet” to keep up with its changes, so get used to the inner guidance you’re
receiving now, and you’ll succeed. Spending time relaxing, meditating or otherwise calming the
mind is the best way to keep the channel to your inner “psychic self” open. It’s just what you’ll
need to have a brilliant year.

Achievement #7: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Achievement Number 7 is known to give an interest in the mysteries of the world and the mind
through such things as law, science, philosophy, psychology, religion, and even the creative
arts. Your skills can range from the intuitive to the analytical, and you are always at your best
when you are sharing your interests or abilities with others. You have a strong regard for the
time you spend on your own but being a “loner” will cause problems in every aspect of your life.
That’s why it’s so important to you to seek out people who have similar goals, ideals, and

Seven works in such a way that it causes you to attract mysterious circumstances or events
that you find yourself involved in from time to time. During this 7 Universal Year, you will be
particularly in tune with life’s spiritual nature.

Expect stimulating ideas about how things work, or what causes people to act as they do - and
expect others to sometimes think that you are unusual because of your interests. Don’t let
others persuade you to give up on your dreams or these ideas, because they are the fuel that
drives happiness and success for you, even if you don’t know it.

Sometimes, when you try to be helpful by sharing your ideas with other people, your advice is
ignored or even rejected, because they think you’re belittling them. You should do your best to
avoid reacting emotionally when this happens, because if you do, it can start a chain of
negative self-talk that can lead to self-doubt and undermine the positive thinking that drives
your success.

You really need to learn to think positively in the face of negative emotions, sense they occupy
the same part of the mind that lets you see both sides of any issue, which is an asset that will
help you throughout life. This analytical ability and your intuition are assets not only to you, but

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to other people in your life. You need to cultivate both aspects of your mind, because if you do,
you will thrive.

Achievement #7 Plus 7 Universal Year = 5 Personal Year

So now let’s do the math and add your Achievement Number, 7, to 2023. The result will be
2030, which we sum as follows; 2+0+3+0 = 5, which is your Personal Year Number.

You should enjoy any Personal Year with 5 as it’s number, if you stay focused on your long-term
goals and don’t have “too much fun” with this change-oriented year. Many changes will come
into the life during this time, and you might be surprised by how things are unexpectedly
working out that didn’t in the past. During a 5 Personal Year, you’ll need to be a bit more
disciplined than usual, because it will be easy for you to jump into the opportunities for
enjoyment and get pulled way off course from your goals. At the same time, you shouldn’t grit
your teeth and resist changes, because there are opportunities hidden within the changes that
you may miss altogether, because you’re having so much fun being swept up in them. The key
is finding the balance between submission and resistance, and that’s adaptability. You can
approach this by taking what you need and leaving the rest; your ability to let go should make
this easy for you.

The circumstances of life during a time when 5 is active are usually not as stable as you’d like,
and you may not be too certain about anything or anyone. Commitments may not last,
promises may be hard to fulfill, and agreements may not be too reliable. But as far as
prosperity is concerned, if you maintain a flexible and opportunistic viewpoint about business
and financial matters, you will find the year to be profitable. Any innovations that you can
capitalize on will benefit you. This is not a year for playing with “buy and hold” strategies, nor
is it a year for depending on luck or guesswork. The good news is that the level of adaptability
you need is built into your Achievement Number’s skill set.

If you’ve been thinking of making changes in your lifestyle or appearance, this is the perfect
time to re-invent yourself. At the same time, being practical and acting in moderation is the key
to long-term satisfaction during a 5 Personal Year. Remember that having too much fun will
bring too much grief, and that now is the time to bring out your “long game” and play it for
keeps. It is a year in which your game is a lot more than a pastime.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a
Personal Year 5, consider working with the following suggestions:

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Color: Aqua
Jewel: Turquoise/Aquamarine
Word: Change


January – Personal Month 6:

January brings in the New Year on a challenging note, because a Personal Month 6 involves
responsibility and commitment, while the Personal Year 5 tends to push you in the direction of
freedom and fun. There are a couple of things you can do about this; one is to meditate, using
your Achievement Number to create balance between competing demands. The other thing to
do is to be careful about accepting a responsibility. Make sure that its one you choose, and not
one that other people expect you to fulfill without question. Be at your best when dealing with
any obligations that interfere with your plans, especially if those plans have to do with business
or financial matters. This is a really tricky time for making promises or commitments, unless
you know without a doubt that you can fulfill them, because circumstances might intervene
that make it impossible for you to do so. Avoid tying yourself down, and you’ll find this to be a
pleasing and fun month.

February – Personal Month 7:

This is a good month to relax, refresh and renew the experiences of your previous personal year
(2022) so you can get an idea of what is vulnerable to change and prepare for the remainder of
the current year. 7 months are usually more private and personal than any others, but don’t let
the need for personal time cause you to avoid responsibilities. You need to spend some time
being social, but not too much. A 7 Personal Month can cause you to withdraw from life in the
world, so you will need a little social time to balance it out, especially during this 7 Universal
Year. If you spend time reviewing the previous year, as well as spending time on matters
concerning home and family, you will probably notice an overall feeling that things are
improving in your life, which will motivate you to move forward with your plans. This is a
planning month, and not an action month. Use some of your personal time to put some effort
into practices like meditation, relaxation or other forms of stress reduction, since these are
things that will charge up your “psychic batteries” and help you prepare for the more action-
oriented months ahead.

March – Personal Month 8:

A Personal Month 8 tends to focus on material concerns, such as money or personal authority.
It is also an action month, but this does not mean impulsive or random reactions to the changes
that a Personal Year 5 can bring. Don’t do anything risky in March, especially when it comes to
your financial life. Taking careful, measured steps when working with your economic situation

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will be rewarding now, while overreacting to situations or expecting luck to change situations
will only get you in trouble. This is especially important this year, because the Personal Year
and Month numbers interact in a way that can make things less stable or predictable than
usual. That’s why this is not a month during which financial risks bring profits. No matter how
well impulsive actions based on guesswork have worked in the past, they may not this March.
Don’t bother trying to find ways to get around financial obligations. Investigate new and
practical ways of handling them, because if new opportunities for either profits or ways to
reduce debt or expenses, in Personal Month 8 the best strategies can easily be found.

April – Personal Month 9:

Since a Personal Month 9 blends very well with your Achievement Number, you have a good
opportunity to work through the month in ways that you are familiar with. Because the Personal
Year number is 5, you’ll have to be careful about letting go of too much too fast, so keep your
spending in check. You should also guard against losses by avoiding speculative financial
activity; if the “fun” nature of the Personal Year invites you to gamble, only use an amount of
money that you’re willing to throw away, because the laws of probability can turn against you
at any moment. In fact, you could consider the money you spend as being “lost” since this rule
applies to spending, lending and all other forms of “cash flow out.” This month can bring
success, and maybe in a big way, however, if you spend plenty of time “cleaning house” on the
old so you can make room for the new, which comes next month. Don’t hold on to anything that
holds you back.

May – Personal Month 1:

This May, conditions couldn’t be better for starting something new. This is one month in which
you don’t have to worry about making risky moves in business or financial matters, but it is
certainly not a good month to make any major decisions about your relationships. This is the
only month for the next 9 years in which you can follow the philosophy that tells you “fortune
favors the bold.” One thing is certain. The fast pace of life during this month certainly won’t
give you any time to be bored. You’ll be able to turn ordinary experiences into extraordinary
ones. If you have a stroke of good luck, keep in mind that luck is a momentary thing that won’t
last long.

June – Personal Month 2:

Now we come to a Personal Month 2, in which the success and happiness you receive depends
on how well you work together with others. This is an omen of fruitful cooperation and
favorable alliances, but you will have to seek them out and be quite careful about who you
choose to support you in achieving your goals. There are plenty of people in the world who
know how to take advantage of those who look for those who are cooperative, so you need to

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be as discriminating as possible when choosing those with whom you associate. This is
especially important when it comes to business matters, but also affects personal relationships
in a way that makes this a make-it or break-it year for your connections with others. It’s
important for you to realize that the Personal Year number, 5, is hard on commitments on any
level, but the commitments to other people that you’ve already established should be nurtured.
You must not sacrifice your interests or your dreams just to be accepted or appreciated by
another. If you speak up for yourself and your dreams, you’ll attract all the support you need.

July – Personal Month 3:

July can be a very entertaining and enjoyable month, but one filled with temptations and
distractions that can take your attention away from your long-term goals. If you “let yourself
go” as the times might suggest, then you might find yourself running in circles from pleasure to
pleasure, which will quickly cause financial troubles for you. But on the other hand, if you make
your commitment to a prosperous and happy future your top priority, you can set the patterns
in motion that will create success and abundance.

One key to using the positive aspects of a Personal Month 3 and a Personal Year 5, is to travel
for the purpose of visiting someplace you’ve never been. Another is not to take yourself or other
people too seriously; in other words, don’t make promises and don’t expect other people to
honor the promises they make. Don’t try too hard to stick to your schedule or follow the lists
you make to get things done, since this combination of numbers can make this close to
impossible. All you really need to do is to be moderate in your behavior, honor previous
commitments, and have fun.

August – Personal Month 4:

The types of limitations and obstacles that are common to a Personal Month 4 may put you in
more than one “either/or” situation, and this question of whether you should continue or
abandon a course of action will probably present itself as a decision regarding your financial
life. On the one hand, it might be about accepting an offer. If it is, you should reject the offer
outright, because of the changeable nature of your Personal Year number, 5, you’re likely to get
stuck in a commitment that will cause more trouble than it’s worth.

On the other, what looks like an opportunity to do something new or express yourself freely
might turn out to be so limiting that you find yourself in a position that makes it impossible to
“do your own thing.” In general, you’re likely to run into more resistance than support. This is a
temporary condition, so what you need to do is to focus on the course that you’re on, put all the
energy you can into doing the best with what you have to work with. This is not a time to make
any changes so don’t buy into the temptation to do so. September favors change, so just wait.

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September – Personal Month 5:

In every year, September is always the Personal Month that has the same number as the
Personal Year, making this month a time when changes are favored. If you have been preparing
to make a change in any field of activity, this is the month to do it, unless the changes you want
to make are focused on your long-term plans. Immediate and short-term changes would be
good, however, such as visible changes in your appearance or other things that you might
become unhappy with before the end of the month.

This is definitely not a good time to expect luck to resolve problems. If you do trust in those
feelings, you may find that the problems you try to resolve create more than you had when you
started. If you hold on to the discipline of being moderate and careful, this is a great time to
enjoy yourself. Just remember that the side effects of having “too much fun” can be quite
severe now; don’t overdo it when it comes to your guilty pleasures. It’s a great time to look for
new opportunities, because they can come by surprise, especially if you’re looking in places
that you normally don’t.

October – Personal Month 6:

In October you always experience the same vibration that you did back in January, which
makes this a Personal Month 6. Now you’ve had time to get used to the types of change that
Personal Year 5 can make to your domestic and personal life that could affect your prosperity.
First of all, 6 is a number of responsibility and its likely to be a responsibility that comes by
surprise. The good news is that it’s a responsibility that you’ve wanted, but the (almost) bad
news is that the unexpected appearance of this obligation will cause you to make adjustments
in your lifestyle or schedule.

If you’ve been making unwise decisions in your financial life, now you must do what needs to
be done to turn things around. Attempts to carry on with something new you began last month
may bring good results but following through or staying on track will be somewhat challenging
because of other duties or commitments. This combination can affect your professional life.
Calling in favors and asking for help is highly favored by this combination: the support of others
can bring excellent results that you can rely on.

November – Personal Month 7:

There are only two things you need to be concerned about during this Personal Month 7. One is
being unnecessarily critical of yourself and other people, and the other is spending too much
time trying to fix the past, instead of planning for the future. In general, you can expect this to
be a positive and progressive month if you focus on what you need to improve in your own life

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so that you become motivated to become more aligned with your long-term goals, especially
financial ones. This is entirely in keeping with the energy of this Universal Year 7.

Don’t forget that these goals also include establishing a balanced and healthy lifestyle,
because “less stress equals great success.” Although this seems like “mental exercise” it is not.
If you just learn to watch out for critical comments (unless it’s your business) and find ways to
make those statements supportive and helpful, you’ll be surprised how much stress goes away.
Also, don’t spend too much time alone this month, because isolation or withdrawal from social
life can be your worst enemy now. You should also arrange to meet with like-minded people. A
little fun never hurts prosperity consciousness.

December – Personal Month 8:

You can expect this Personal Month 8 to focus on financial matters rather than any other
“material aspects” of your life this month. The main secret to staying in balance and working
toward your own physical, mental and financial well-being during December is living your life in
a balanced and orderly way. Because this is a Personal Year 5 for you, you may have a
tendency to think that acting like the future and your well-being matters is boring, but if you
think of it in terms of wealth as being your ability to do the things that bring in and save
money, number 5 will turn moderation and caution into an adventure.

It will be easy to find whatever resources you need to make favorable changes in in your
financial life during this Personal Month 8, unless you fall into the trap of believing that
prosperity is a matter of luck, not work and careful planning. This is a good month to start
training your mind to realize that forethought is just as difficult as hard labor, but the profits
are so much greater.

Achievement #8: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

For almost anyone with an Achievement Number 8, comfort and security are major goals in life.
There is a tendency to believe that the key to achieving these two major aims is through
controlling their situations, and this most often leads them into materialistic thinking. The mere
fact that you’re reading a planning guide based on Numerology says that you haven’t jumped
down the rabbit hole of materialism yet.

At the same time, there are other 8’s who don’t care about money or personal power at all.
Both viewpoints are limited, in that consciousness is not an accident of a clash of physical
forces, and spirit is not the only real thing in the universe. Both are holdouts of a previous way
of thinking, and 8 tries to prove it, in that its energy is one that tries to bring balance to
material and spiritual perspective and bring them together into a unified whole. Sometimes you
might see happiness as how much control you have over your situation, but this is the result of

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refusing to believe that people, places and things are what they should be, and you need to
bring these things under control.

You need to understand that the only thing you can truly control is yourself. If your attitude
about yourself and the world is open enough to accept the advice of others and act in
consideration of their own personal destinies, then you will thrive. If you take the view that
money and power are the only things in the world worth having, you will experience a good
deal of anger, frustration and resentment, all of which chase happiness away.

Your key to success in life is to build a strong emotional support network of friends and
acquaintances; the more you accept others into your life, the more prosperous (in the true
sense of the word) you will become. Creating a lifestyle based on cooperation and shared
benefit leads you to abundance, comfort and security, which are the things that you most

If you feel like you are not being appreciated or applauded for your efforts and constantly seek
the approval of others, you need to know that recognition is not something you can demand
from others, it is something that you earn by “living your best life.” You can do this, but you
have to be absolutely clear about what your best life means to you. It’s not the same thing as
wishing for a new car, it’s more like thinking about the kind of life you would give an arm and a
leg for. If the well-being of others is a part of this, you’ll find that prosperity and abundance
will flow to you naturally.

Because of your ambition, courage, and strong managerial skills, you’ll find that “walking your
talk” is what “makes things happen” and that “living your truth” will attract everything you
need. Try to avoid doing everything yourself. Others will always appreciate the chance to show
you their skills and participate in your success, which is what mutual happiness is all about.

Achievement #8 Plus 7 Universal Year = 6 Personal Year

Your relationship to the Universal Year 7 is found by adding 8, your Achievement Number, to
2023 and arriving at 2031: 2+0+3+1 = 6, the number of your Personal Year in 2023.

Any Personal Year with 6 as its number should be quite beneficial to you, because of its
harmonious relationship with your Achievement Number. Opportunities to make some
adjustments in your lifestyle or domestic affairs are likely to show up very early in the year.

For some people, this can be a major change at home or a change of residence. For others,
committed relationships may undergo changes, especially in mid-year. A Personal Year 6 is
always good for collecting or settling debts, engaging in legal matters, or for calling in old
favors. It’s likely that you’ll do well but be careful about being impulsive because little

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problems are likely to grow into big ones. Impatience or suspicion could make it difficult for you
to accept the advice of others, but if you make your own best interests your top priority people
will gladly give you the help you need to get the results you’re looking for.

A 6 Personal Year also carries a theme of responsibility. This means you’ll need to be prepared
to “own” your actions. An easy way to work with this vibration is to engage in some form of
discipline, or by taking care of some chosen duty every day, no matter how small.

This year’s theme tends to affect both business and personal relationships. It might mean that
you’ll need to pay more attention to the well-being of others when making decisions that will
affect someone other than yourself.

You always want to do the right thing, but don’t let that aspect of responsibility get you in
trouble by causing you to take on the troubles of others at your own expense. You’re bound to
become frustrated with other people from time to time but trying to control people or situations
in order to relieve this frustration is not likely to bring good results, especially in financial
situations. If you act in a compassionate, systematic way things are less likely to spin out of

The more organized you are this year, the more time you can give to yourself and those whom
you care about. If you do things in a responsible way, you will find that you might not get
immediate results but will see evidence that you’re building a better future.

If you make your well-being your top priority and don’t worry about letting go of the people,
places or things that are holding you back, there’s little doubt that you’ll prosper in all aspects
of life.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 6,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Indigo/navy
Jewel: Sapphire
Word: Responsibility


January – Personal Month 7:

The first Personal Month of the year is a 7, which you may not love because it is slower and
quieter than your Achievement Number’s vibration. But get used to it - this is a Universal Year 7
after all! If you’re keeping everything in perspective, your 7 Personal Month is likely to provide a
needed (and even welcome) opportunity to catch up, to review past situations, and to analyze
current ones in a way that will be beneficial to you in the future. Time and effort spent on

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family or domestic concerns will be rewarding. Although these private and personal concerns
can be overwhelming, don’t withdraw from social life. If you recognize that a 7 Personal Month
is quieter, and balance your activities so you don’t spend too much time alone, you will notice
that many things “are just getting better.” You can make gains in any matters that require your
personal attention this month. Success can be achieved with focus, and through analytical or
creative thinking. This is not a time for charging forward, but it is a time for thinking ahead.

February – Personal Month 8:

Powerful vibration 8 is active this month, in perfect alignment with your Achievement Number,
so you have the opportunity to increase your prosperity, but only if you don’t do any impulsive
spending that conflicts with your long-term goals. The combination of Annual and Monthly
vibrations you’re working with now will support each other, but only when you are devoted to
increasing the comfort and stability within your home. It’s also a month for stabilizing your
plans and routines regarding money by being really serious about spending only on your top
priorities, because the annual vibration, 6, takes precedence. You’ll need to be prepared for
unexpected fees or costs, and ready to take care of forgotten or ignored responsibilities that
may have gotten lost in last year’s chaos and changes. Act out of loyalty and compassion, but
don’t misplace that loyalty because of promises of a “quick profit.” Being grounded and
practical is your key to success this month, so remember that wealth is not shown by what you
spend, its measured by what you keep.

March – Personal Month 9:

You can expect this Personal Month 9 to go rather well, especially if you focus on finishing
anything left over from last year, and let go of people, places and things that do not serve your
self-interest. This can be a little tricky because we often become attached to people and things
that keep our sympathies intact. It’s tricky to distinguish whether things you’re attached to are
truly enhance your lifestyle or are just part of a fantasy. Things left undone are likely to “stay
on your plate” for a long time, maybe until the end of the year. If they go on that long, it’s likely
that they will stick around until the end of the entire 9-Year cycle. The energy this month is
positive, but only if you’re using it to make room in your life for the new opportunities coming in
the next few months. A 9 Personal Month usually brings success through sacrifice, so figure out
what isn’t working for you and get rid of it. Finalize all the old business you can this month, and
April will be quite enjoyable.

April – Personal Month 1:

This month couldn’t be better for beginning something new. For every possible realm of
activity, especially in business or money matters, this is the time to kick things into gear. This is
the best time to take a risk and do something aggressively radical, if that’s what you need to

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kick your plans for the rest of the year into gear. This month can be good for meeting new
people, but you need to focus your urges to “do something new” on the home front. It might be
a good time for a party or other events that celebrate home and family. Your Personal Year
Number favors lasting good fortune if you are willing to keep working at that happiness. This is
a time when loyalty and good humor will endear you to others, but the challenges you face will
be the result of the actions of others, not your own. That’s just another reason that action +
responsibility = success during a 1 Personal Month during a 6 Personal Year. You can turn
boring routines into exciting ones this month.

May – Personal Month 2:

Whatever choices you made last month will begin to show their results now. Other people will
hold the keys to happiness and success, so the more cooperative and tolerant you are, the
better you will fare. It’s a dramatic change from last month, in which rewards came from bold
action to protect your own interests. This month brings a far easier atmosphere in which shared
benefits and teamwork are emphasized. If you take the time to work out win-win solutions for
problems with others or help them solve troubles regarding their own connections, you’ll find
that your negotiation skills are both helpful and appreciated. The best news is that it’s easy to
gain the cooperation of others, and even easier to cooperate with them, but only if you’re not
getting involved in something that works against your best interest. Most business or financial
matters are likely to work out in your favor. You’ll also benefit from working with the guidance
and counsel of experts in the financial field who will be happy to support your efforts.

June – Personal Month 3:

June is likely to be a month during which you will need to manage your time very carefully. If
you can find a balance, you will find it to be really enjoyable. Going off-track or ignoring
schedules will not bring good results. The Annual and Monthly vibrations are in tune with each
other and can offer the opportunity to travel; if one comes, you should take it. It can be good
for social events, especially “house parties”, but just be careful not to ignore important duties,
responsibilities or commitments to enjoy them. If you have been thinking about changing
residence (or making changes within your residence) this is a particularly good month to do so.
It may not be an easy time for making promises but promises and commitments that were
made before the month began need to be kept, since doing so will generate “good karma”
during this month. Bringing some creative flair into your home will also increase the positive
energy you can use this month, and help you cultivate good fortune for the future.

July – Personal Month 4:

Even though a Personal Month 4 is likely to attract situations that limit your ability to do new
things or express yourself freely, it can work with 6, your Personal Year Number to make this a

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time in which you can get a lot done. That’s because 4 is a number that has a lot to do with
duties and work, making this month a time for turning limitation into something that will
benefit your well-being. Maybe dietary adjustments are in the cards, or work needs to be done
on your home or vehicle. Taking care of these necessities is a powerful way to make use of the
most positive aspects of these combined energies. It’s also a good time for medical or dental
check-ups or diagnoses, since this is a perfect combination for taking care of your body. Since
6, the Personal Year Number represents the place where you live, taking care of the body, the
“home” of the soul, is a practical application of spiritual principles. This may not be the luckiest
or most social month, but it will certainly help you prepare for the rest of the year.

August – Personal Month 5:

This can be a very confusing month for you if you’ve been keeping a strict schedule, because a
Personal Month 5 can be distracting and full of changes. It’s tricky, because this number loves
fun and adventure, but even carefully planned events might not work out the way you expect
them to. The changes that a 5 Personal Month can bring, and your Achievement Number 8
might combine in a way that leads to making snap decisions due to sudden changes, but
impulsive choices can lead to serious errors in judgment. At the same time, 5 is a number that
hides opportunities within change, so resisting the changes that circumstances bring might
cause you to miss them. You’ll have to be responsibly adaptable, and responsibility is the key
to getting things right. The main thing is to keep your future in mind before making any
decisions, especially if they could affect your domestic situation, your partnerships, and your
financial life. Think before you act and 5 will only disrupt ruts you’ve been stuck in.

September – Personal Month 6:

In every year, September is always the Personal Month that has the same number as the
Personal Year. This year that Number is 6. This year it’s especially important for you check in
with your goals and best interests and figure out which of the responsibilities you must take
care of are aligned with your ambitions and which are not. It’s important that you do this. You
need to know which responsibilities you have simply accepted, as opposed to those that
actually help. Everybody has a few things that they “must” do in today’s world, but it’s easy to
get those mixed up with the obligations you have to yourself, and this will help you recognize
the adjustments you need to make to speed you on toward your vision of your “best life.” Don’t
volunteer to do unrelated favors for other people now, because this month, conflicts with what
you need to be doing won’t turn out well. Don’t throw any of your routines or responsibilities
“under the bus” since you can adjust them to fit your plans for the future.

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October – Personal Month 7:

This is the second time you get a Personal Month 7 this year, and it could be just what you need
after the hard work you’ve been putting in so far this year. But you won’t be getting much of a
break if you spend your time trying to fix things. The vibrations of 7 are both logical and
spiritual, so the worst thing you can do is to try to use the spiritual energy of the month to
change the past, rather than looking at mistakes, whether your own or those of others logically,
and learning whatever lessons those mistakes tried to teach. Although they don’t seem to be
related, focusing on what you can do is a powerful method of elevating your prosperity
consciousness, especially during this Universal Year 7. Don’t believe in something that might
happen; instead, do what you can to make what you want to happen. This is also a good
month for meditation, relaxation, study or some other stress-reduction practice, so if you don’t
have one in place, make sure you start one now. Also, socializing with like-minded people will
elevate your moods.

November – Personal Month 8:

Any Personal Month 8 is likely to bring up financial issues, particularly those with the need to
bring order and discipline into your financial life. Because your Achievement Number is also 8,
this is not an omen of financial trouble; it is a sign that you should spend some time reviewing
and organizing your financial life. If this is your focus, the human and other resources you need
to get on a smoother road to prosperity will somehow become available to you. This is not a
month to make any major changes in your work or your financial life. It is also not a month to
do anything risky that requires spending. Problems that come from impulsive uses of money will
tend to last, so it’s best not to make any changes in your investments or your future financial
plans. Making decisions about the future today will make life easier for you next year. It is a
good time to do bookkeeping and find ways to reduce debt or to otherwise secure your
financial position. November is not good for money struggles, but it may be the best month of
the year to enhance your prosperity.

December – Personal Month 9:

Having a Personal Month 9 at the end of the year is lucky in a way, because it is a natural time
to “clean house.” Although this is the second time you have 9 as a month number this year, it
should be even easier than March, because it will feel natural to try and complete things. You
won’t want to drag anything into the New Year that you don’t have to, especially things that
have been holding you back. It makes for a sense of clarity about what needs to be done and
gives you just the boost you need to finish things, even though its usually easier for you to get
them started. You may feel a dire need to work with this vibration, or a feeling that anything
you don’t complete will make next year more complicated than it needs to be. Don’t hold onto
things that are holding your financial or social plans hostage. This can also be a good month for

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travel. Just remember that whatever is done can remain part of the past, but whatever you
leave undone will move into the future with you.

Achievement #9: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Achievement Number 9 has a lot of foresight, but you probably already know that your
expectations are high, so things don’t always turn out as well as you expect them to unless you
put in a lot of work to achieve your goals. That’s because your Achievement Number almost
always asks you to sacrifice time, effort and your energetic resources to get what you want.
This is not always troublesome because it makes it easier for you to stay in a positive mindset.

This positive mindset is one of your chief assets because it enables you to bounce back quickly
from disappointments, since it makes it easy for you to let go of people, places and things that
hold you back, even though others sometimes think that you let go too quickly.

Regardless of which department of life you’d like to see improvements in, your Achievement
Number works in such a way that you need to let go of the old in order to bring in the new and
make things happen for you. You have to make room for the future, and this requires letting go
of the past. It’s important for you to constantly review your own behavior and relationships so
that you know what’s standing in the way of your happiness.

It’s also important that you stop expecting too much of others, because that opens the door for
disappointment. You shouldn’t be too overconfident, because that can cause you to
underestimate the difficulties you face, which leads to disappointment again. Don’t give up on
your personal dreams and goals, but don’t let them stand in the way of your fulfilling your
duties or responsibilities. At the same time, those passions hold the key to attracting prosperity
and abundance into every aspect of your life.

Learning to manage your emotions is an important life lesson for you for several reasons. One is
that your strong sense of empathy and understanding can cause you to take on the emotional
burdens of others, but this is also the source of the compassion and protective instincts that
other people appreciate about you. Balance is needed here.

The other is that you should make more of a conscious effort to share your experience and
knowledge with others, because doing so will attract opportunities for success in life. Many
people will benefit from your ideas and your easygoing sense of humor to the extent that you
need to watch out for “users” who want to take advantage of your good nature.

When you think about money and prosperity, your mind almost immediately goes to what you
can do with it, or what you can do to get it. Wealth seems to be more of a form of
entertainment than a struggle to “upgrade” your status.

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This is another expression of your positive mindset. This Achievement Number also brings a
love of travel and the arts, so don’t be afraid of going on personal adventures. You have an
uncanny ability to get along with all sorts of people, and that is certainly a personal
characteristic you should explore.

Achievement #9 Plus 7 Universal Year = 7 Personal Year

So now let’s do the math and add your Achievement Number, 9, to 2023. The result will be
2032, which we sum as follows; 2+0+3+2 = 7, which is your Personal Year Number. As a side
note, people with Achievement Number 9 will always find that their Personal Year Number is
the same as the Universal Year.

Personal or Private matters usually come to the foreground during a Personal Year 7, and they
are most often things that take a lot of mental effort or “brain power” to resolve. This is
especially true regarding business and financial activity. In fact, the level of concentration and
focus that are needed during a 7 year often take time away from your social life, and you can
be certain that the pace of things will slow down somewhat, at least from your point of view.
You might have to spend time in activities like study, meditation or self-care to keep from
stressing out since everything else will seem to be moving in slow motion to you.

Practicing activities that involve self-care or “self-improvement” are recommended during this
year, especially if you’ve gotten used to being competitive or achievement oriented. Turning
this desire for accomplishment inward will do you a great deal of good, and help you accept
practice and improving your particular skills as something that makes you happy. This is also a
good year for reviewing the past and making plans for the future, because doing so can help
upgrade your intuitive insights, which will resonate with the inner self, which is immune to
boredom. The mental activity that this Personal Year can evoke can bring amazing insights and
ideas that will benefit other people and uplift your spirits.

From a more mystical viewpoint, this can be a year of magic. Rather than conjuring spirits or
lighting candles with a wave of your hand, this is a year for the magic of the mind, in which
imagining being at the goal and applauded for reaching it will get you there. It’s a year that
will prove to you that thoughts are things that have agency in the world. Both creativity and
imagination are in the bundle of gifts that come with your Achievement Number, so these “new
thought” ideas should be easy for you to dive into, and you won’t have to stick your toes in the
water first. This is important mainly because it is the foundation of a solid prosperity mindset
that will turn your financial success into something dependent on correct thinking, not the effort
of giving your all to win the rat race. It’s time to be smart, not tough when it comes to your
financial life.

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If you give yourself time to focus, you will find that not letting dramas, rumors or hearsay
influence your emotions will quickly improve all your relationships, whether personal or
professional. As a result of this, your natural gift of being inspiring will be appreciated by other
people. Your insights will probably be sought after, because the sharing of these special gifts
will bring very good luck during a 7 Personal Year. People might rant about things being
impossible or unrealistic; ignore them. Others might think your ideas are too radical or
impractical, but your job this year is to prove them wrong.

By giving yourself time to relax and renew, you will lessen the chance of getting caught up in
efforts to control other people and the outcomes of your action. Although you might become
frustrated by other people’s behavior, this is a manifestation of one of the lessons of 7, which is
that you need to “take the high road.” Maintaining your composure instead of “matching their
energy” with emotional reactions to things that upset you will neutralize their “power” to
control your thoughts. This is also important regarding your prosperity.

Learn not to be overcome by thoughts of what’s not possible, and don’t compare your
achievements to others; doing so creates a subtle magnetism that will keep the flow of
abundance moving in your direction. Giving yourself personal quality time is the key to
happiness this year. Cultivating your skills, talents and ability to bring your best to the world is
the key to prosperity. If you make your well-being your top priority and release the fear of
letting go of any attachment to the people, places or things that can get in the way of your
happiness and prosperity, there’s little doubt that you’ll do well in all aspects of life.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 7,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Violet/purple
Jewel: Amethyst
Word: Faith


January – Personal Month 8:

January starts the year with a Personal Month 8, a number that can bring situations and
circumstances that may cause you to become deeply involved in the struggle for money, power
and other materialistic matters. This is the opposite of what you should be doing during a
Personal Year 7. Activities like personal bookkeeping, risk assessment, budget management
and financial planning should be engaged in.

You can support yourself and these activities by “expecting a miracle” instead of wasting your
time and energy by imagining the negative possibilities of things that have not happened yet.

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This is not a good month for changing jobs, unless the change was set in motion last year.
Choose a good book on the power of the mind and prosperity consciousness and give yourself 9
months to study it thoroughly. Taking care of yourself by reducing the stress in your life will also
be rewarding this month and spark the fire of personal growth and prosperity consciousness for
the entire year.

February – Personal Month 9:

As you may know, a Personal Month 9 is almost always a time for letting go of something that
is holding you back in your efforts to reach your goals. During a Personal Year 7, this may have
to do with old ideas, or circumstances that limit your ability to share your ideas, plans or vision
with others. This can be an important key to uncovering blockages or other restrictions that are
standing between you and prosperity. For instance, ideas you have about “deserving” your best
life, or the idea that other people might not support you when it comes to achieving your goals
are both false ideas that are seriously dangerous for the establishing of prosperity
consciousness, so get rid of them.

If you feel stuck and that your material or emotional needs are not being satisfied this can
mean unconscious habits have you thinking “I don’t deserve better.” Ask yourself “why not?”
until you get an answer. Learn to expect miracles instead of putting yourself down, and this can
be a brilliant month for you - especially since your Achievement Number is 9.

March – Personal Month 1:

During this Personal Month 1, you can expect stimulating and exciting challenges to appear.
Don’t let the term “challenge” make you think that it could be difficult – it’s more like a puzzle
that you have the ability to solve. More importantly, these puzzles are the pieces that you need
to put together in order to start a new venture. Since this is a Personal Year 7, it’s a good time
to revisit your plans for the rest of the year and detail out the steps you need to take in order to
set them in motion. these steps are your puzzle pieces, so this is the time to organize them into
an easy to do fashion. If you have the opportunity to start a new job, this is the time to do it,
but it is not a good idea to start a completely new career or business. It is good for signing
contracts or making commitments, but only if you are sure that they will help you on your way
toward your goals. Don’t let self-doubt or a lack of faith interfere with the ambitions you
experience this month. It’s an almost perfect time to begin working with new ideas.

April – Personal Month 2:

April is a perfect time for calling on like-minded people who can support you in achieving your
goals, or helpers for any needs you might have. Personal Month 2 is always a time that
concentrates on teamwork, cooperation and partnership, and this is no exception. It’s not a
good time for starting new ones, because the Personal Year number, 7, may cause suspicion,

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doubt and criticism in them and you, spoiling the future of the relationship. Nevertheless, it can
be a good month financially, and most of the good fortune will come from other people, rather
than your own efforts.

Don’t let your imagination run away from you, because others have a good chance of
misunderstanding you and your ideas. If you’re working on a more complicated project, don’t
spend all your time acting alone. Let other people participate; in fact, actively seek out
whoever you know that can help you solve problems or enhance your work. The quality of
cooperation is strong this month, and a favorable aid in building prosperity.

May – Personal Month 3:

This might be the best month of the year for you, because Personal Month 3 will uplift and
inspire you during this Personal Year 7. The uplifting and inspirational qualities of this
combination will probably appear while you are in the company of others. Make sure you have
something on you at all times, so that when a positive thought, idea or helpful information
comes to you, you can record it.

This is also a great combination for any type of creative activity, so do your best to start a new
creative project, or a class that enhances your skills in some way. Just make sure that whatever
you begin is something you can present to or share with others. If you can organize a social
activity for friends, co-workers, or business partners, you will increase your authority and
prosperity. Others are likely to appreciate anything you bring to the table, so make sure to take
advantage of this combination by enjoying some social time this month. This month can be
prosperous, even when you’re having fun in good company.

June – Personal Month 4:

Even though last month was terrific for energy and enthusiasm, June brings Personal Month 4,
which is the number of work. The first thing you need to know is that this month’s number is
quite compatible with your Achievement Number, 9, but in a special way. It’s one thing to have
work to do, and another to having work that aligns with your talents and your inner sense of

During this month, you’ll get a glimpse of what the number 4 can do for you. It works through
detailed and ordered channels to produce practical and long-lasting results, which means
exactly what you need now. One of the important lessons for your Achievement Number is to
guide your intuition to focus on practical matters, and 4 can provide the best channel through
which you can do this. In a Personal Year 7, your intuition is strong, so by paying attention to
details and keeping your focus on material and practical matters, you might work a miracle or
two, and be well prepared for a prosperous and abundant future.

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July – Personal Month 5:

Although you like stable conditions that give you plenty of room to explore your wide ranging
interests and enjoy your personal pleasures, this year, Personal Month 5 is likely to be exciting
because it will give you time to relax and “go with the flow” a bit instead of working against
the changes of the times. This does not mean that you should abandon your principles and
values. It means that great fun can arise from being moderate in your behavior as you seek the
enjoyment you crave. You won’t be able to ignore the changes that come with a Personal
Month 5.

You have the ability to adapt to these changes and enjoy the opportunities they bring, thanks
to your analytical mind and psychic sensitivity. You may have new, unusual or exciting
experiences, but don’t try to start something new. This month will test your grounding and your
boundaries, in that the impressions people, places and things bring will be stronger than usual,
but if you hold to your center and sense of purpose, you’ll have a fun month.

August – Personal Month 6:

If you took enough of a break to have some leisure time last month, this month should bring up
the issue of responsibility. It’s a common theme for a Personal Month 6. In your case, this
month’s duties probably won’t be upsetting at all, because with the 7 Personal Year running,
you’ll have a chance to catch up on things around the house, or at the very least, get back on
track with things you’re committed to.

It may be something of an adjustment, but you will probably spend time working on your
personal environment to make it more suitable for the pursuit of both old and new interests. On
the other hand, this is a great month for a vacation; especially if you know how to have one
during which you are basically doing nothing but relaxing. “Getting away from it all” or
spending time enjoying the simple pleasures of life is in your best interests. The Year/Month
number combination can help you re-align these powerful numbers with your prosperity
consciousness, so relax and thrive.

September – Personal Month 7:

September always has the same number as your Personal Year, and this year it is 7. Given that
this is also a Universal year 7, you may be put off a bit by the slower pace of life; things might
even seem a bit mundane or even boring. Try not to let that bother you, because this
overabundance of 7 is just what you need. Self-care, if guided properly, can literally melt away
the tension in your body and mind. It’s a time in which you need to relax into the cosmic mind
and recharge your psychic batteries.

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This can be a very creative or inspirational month full of new ideas and visions, so you will need
some privacy. But don’t let your “inner quest” get in the way of some social activities, because
they can be really grounding and healing for you now. It’s also a good year to put some effort
into visualization; being in your best life and not looking at yourself as if you are watching an
imaginary documentary about it. Let your imagination help you feel and taste the wind and
water on your face and steer your ship toward the future you choose as your own.

October – Personal Month 8:

October carries the same number as January, and in many ways, it is a mirror image of that
number; in your case, the number is 8. Just as looking at an image in a mirror, everything
appears to be reversed. Rather than being engaged with things like bookkeeping, it’s a time
during which you should take a conscious and well-considered active role in building prosperity.
Put some energy into increasing your skills through specialized learning.

Take on a side job, if possible; just make sure that it is something you love to do. Don’t do it
just for the money but use the money you make to pay down debts. Do some volunteering for
the good Karma, if you don’t need any money. 8 is a number that can also mean delays, or
things that are time consuming, so try taking a longer route to work or chores or read a long or
difficult book. Honoring the power, determination and persistence of 8 in these ways will
reward you in other ways, including stimulating the growth of your prosperity consciousness.

November – Personal Month 9:

Even though Personal Month 9 has visited you already this year, it is still “on mission” in
November. Of course, its mission is to help you learn to let go of the past and make room for
the future, especially since your Achievement Number is 9. It is certainly an opportunity to let
go of bad habits or toxic relationships that you’ve developed so far this year, but what you
really need to think about now is what might hold you back or get in your way next year.

It’s going to take some courage and discipline to make Personal Year 8 work for you, but with
your Achievement Number, you have the talent to take it in hand, especially if you start now.
You can’t run a race in lead boots, so take them off now. You have a month left before you
reach the new year and its new challenges, so you may as well get ready. Don’t start anything
new, but make sure to get things out of the way. This is also a good number combination for
travel, but only to someplace you haven’t been or aren’t expected. Take a break from your
routines, if only for a day or two.

December – Personal Month 1:

December is a Personal Month 1, which can give you a jump-start on 2024. It will be a Personal
Year 8, which works well with your Achievement Number, 9, but you will need to overcome any

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hesitation or worry about getting started now, in December. You don’t have to worry about
doing any special prep work, just make your “New Year’s Resolutions” on December 1st, and
tell those who are close to you know about your main goal for 2024 so they can help keep you
on track.

The plan here is to use Personal Year 8 as a stepping-stone toward your long-term goals,
especially the financial ones. There is almost always something you can start doing to invest in
yourself and your future. Concentrate on wealth, which is the totality of your skills, energy,
knowledge; all that you are. Focus on where you want to be 10 or 20 years from now, and while
you do, think about what you would be doing if money is no object. Don’t make it all about a
bigger paycheck, it’s about true wealth, and that’s what 2024’s all about.

Achievement #11: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Your Achievement Number, 11, is called a Master Number, because the double-digit numbers
that are used to describe the human character are not reduced. This makes you a person of
excellent analytical abilities, foresight and strong intuition. You probably know that you are a
visionary who always thinks in terms of how things could be, but you need to channel your
imaginative mind into practical efforts, rather than spending your time focused on the realm of
the unusual or the fantastic. You may sometimes feel isolated from others, so friendship and
teamwork are important to you. Not only are you inspiring and sometimes illuminating to
others, but you really need people to hear what you have to say, since you thrive through
sharing, and not through keeping your thoughts and ideas bottled up inside.

Although sometimes you may feel unappreciated, you can’t take things that people say or do
personally, even when other people try to interfere with your achieving the goals you set for
yourself. That’s because this feeling leads toward trust issues on the one hand, and a sense of
being above social and natural laws, which can ruin both relationships and prosperity. You
need people with similar ideas around you, because life will be much more joyous when you can
let your uniqueness flow toward others and share in the enjoyment of theirs. It’s your
uniqueness that people really love about you, and not your “sameness”; for some, you might be
like a guide to their own imagination, or their own desire to tread the road less traveled.

Some numerologists, when discussing 11, consider this number a very powerful indication of
psychic ability, but let’s get clear on this. That doesn’t mean you should be talking to dead
people or having spirits give you the lottery numbers. It’s just the way they see your talents for
“thinking outside the box”, which brings intuitive insights, and the odd sort of ESP experiences
you are always willing to share, like “telephone telepathy” or prophetic dreams. You might be
surprised at the huge numbers of people that have these experiences, but “the data is in”;
many others, maybe some you know well have been in that powerfully intuitive state of mind,

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but few are less likely to talk about them than you are. Don’t let fear put you back in the box. It
can be a major source of stress and tension in your life.

What’s even worse is that this kind of fear of being thought of as being unusual can even cause
you to deny yourself your best inner gifts, and those creative and intuitive abilities are the parts
of you that will lead you toward prosperity, happiness and success. Trying to live by
suppressing them will keep you away from the free flow of abundance that living in this world
offers. So will being lost in the “imaginal” realm and losing your grounding in reality. Depend on
your ability to analyze even the smallest details of your experience, and your intuitive powers
will respond in kind. Share your visionary and inspiring ideas with others, and they will see to it
that you thrive and prosper in every area of life.

Achievement #11 Plus 7 Universal Year = 9 Personal Year

So now find out what Universal Year 7 will bring by adding your Achievement Number, 11, to
2023. The result will be 2034, which we sum as follows; 2+0+3+4 = 9, which is your own
Personal Year Number.

Look forward to this Personal Year 9, because it’s going to be busy. The bad news is that a lot
of what needs to be done are things you may not like to do, such as getting rid of whatever is
holding you back. It’s fortunate that September will be the only month when letting go will be
your top priority, so you have plenty of time to take a cold, hard look at where you are and
where you want to be, and figure out what’s holding you back.

That’s the mission this year.

The most troublesome events are more likely to come from unexpected circumstances or the
behavior of others, but because this Year/Month combination is good for your ability to focus,
you can handle irritations like those with ease. A 9 Personal Year is almost always full of
activity, and the main obstacles to happiness and fulfillment this year will come from other
people or unexpected circumstances. Plus, your mind is probably going to be busy with how
you can get rid of old, unproductive ideas and habits.

You’ll also find it easy to finish things you started last year, especially in the financial area.
You’re less likely to be surprised or bothered by events in your community or the world at large
that normally would cause you to go in search of facts or answers.

Your curiosity will probably be challenged by the “less is more” philosophy of business, but you
have the tools to handle that too; because you know that you can’t build the level of prosperity
you want by holding on to the level of prosperity you currently accept.

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The best financial plan you can make for the year is to eliminate as much debt as possible –
that alone will satisfy your Personal Year number, because 9 is a number that rewards
sacrifices. Plus, it’s impossible to swim while wearing “concrete overshoes” to use an image
from the movies.

You should also know that it’s best to separate your emotions from your financial life this year,
but true prosperity means more than money. Save all the new beginnings for next year, which is
a Personal Year 1, and spend this one “decluttering” and giving yourself time to open your life
to new possibilities.

If you let your emotions take charge, any financial or business glitches will stop the intuitive
processes that 9 brings, which will cause your own managerial abilities to “flatline.”

Do yourself a favor and try to be as orderly and systematic as possible this year, so that you
can jump into action without stumbling during 2024. You’ll be happy you did.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency.

To support and enhance a Personal Year 9, consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: White/all pastels

Jewel: Opal/gold
Word: Completion


January – Personal Month 1:

This might seem like a strange combination to start off the year with, because the Year and
Month numbers are on the opposite ends of the single-digit number spectrum. So, what you’re
getting is the beginning and the end at the same time. The good news is that they are not
acting separately, they are acting together, which means you can probably ignore the baggage
you’re carrying from last year without the consequences of worrying about them later; it’s likely
that whatever it is will work itself out. On the other hand, this may not be the best month for
making any really important decisions, because it will be hard to find the place of balance
between the extreme solutions that are opposed to one another. This can be a situation where
you really go all-out in the hope of making large gains, or you don’t do something because of
the fear of loss –the best plan is one that splits the difference. It can be a month for success in
business, but you have to do things carefully, and one step at a time.

February – Personal Month 2:

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February will feature joint activity, partnership and mutual success because it carries the
teamwork-oriented number 2. This is generally a favorable month, but there are a couple of
things you’ll need to watch out for, because it could be about losing a team member, or it could
be about gaining a partner who can help eliminate obstacles that stand in the way of success.
This month is favorable for community projects, but even more favorable for collecting money
that is owed to you, either the return of money loaned, profits from investments, or taking cash
from accounts for your own purposes. Another thing you may need to be careful about is being
too attached to people, places, things or ideas. It’s a time when habits can be developed that
are hard to get rid of. It’s also good to find consultants or information that can help you gain
some strategies that might help you finish things, or with letting go of old baggage, both of
which are themes of a Personal Year 9 you should pursue.

March – Personal Month 3:

When 3 is acting as your Personal Month number, it can be a month of fun, but the fun can be
distracting and shift your attention away from your main goals for the year. The good news is
that 3 also brings creativity into the mix, so if you need to create better strategies to get rid of
underperforming investments, or develop your personal skills, you can do a lot to enhance your
prosperity this month. You do need to remember, however, not to take on favors or
commitments to others lightly, because they are likely to drag you down later. With the
flexibility of 3, you can set aside parts of a project and come back to it later. This is also a good
month for travel, whether you’re going to a place nearby or a place far away that you’ve never
visited before. Any of these simple activities will increase your energy during the month, as long
as you keep your focus on your goals. There is likely to be plenty of time for social life as well,
so don’t get involved in whatever dramas people bring to the table.

April – Personal Month 4:

April is a month during which you may feel stuck in old ideas or self-limiting beliefs, or actually
run into physical delays or obstacles.

The upside is that the Personal Year number, 9, not only helps you get rid of old beliefs that are
holding you back, but it will enable you to quickly bounce back from the obstacles. On the other
hand, the limitations or obstacles that might manifest are likely to be deep-rooted self-limiting
beliefs, and thanks to the Personal Year number 9, you’ll have the opportunity to get rid of
them. It’s always a good idea to check on personal wellness during a multiple 4 month or year.
Make sure to consult with someone professional so you can make some changes in your diet,
exercise sleep schedule or anything else because wealth is health. This is not a favorable month
for traveling but is great for receiving visitors.

May – Personal Month 5:

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You may be overcome with the feeling that you can do whatever you like this month, but that’s
because of the combination of year and month numbers. The Personal Month number, 5, tends
to stimulate your desire for freedom, fun and adventure, while the Personal Year number, 9,
tends toward letting go, which means that when you attempt to resist or ignore the
opportunities to fulfill your desires, you’ll find it easy to say no to your best interests and yes to
forgetting about commitments and responsibilities.

That can be challenging and lead you into trouble that could cause some harm in your financial
life. Any Personal Month 5 brings changes, sometimes sudden and drastic. Your need for
flexibility will be heightened, but that’s good, because you will need to adapt to changing
conditions in order to freely move toward the opportunities hidden in them. This month is good
for repairing things. Look for things that need fixing, and if they can’t be fixed, they’re old
baggage; get rid of them.

June – Personal Month 6:

Because June is your Personal Month 6 this year, you can expect it to be really enjoyable,
especially if you can travel during the month. It’s sort of a follow-up to last month, and
because of this, your responsibilities will need to be your top priority. The quality of the month
will attract situations and people that cause you to react with qualities like loyalty and
determination. Since kindness is a basic trait of your Achievement Number, it’s possible that
you’ll get caught up in situations where your sympathy toward others can lead you into
circumstances that can damage your prosperity.

You may even have to make some adjustments in your lifestyle so you can keep your focus on
your best interests. The best opportunities are likely to come from others, and other people will
probably be the source of prosperity for you, in more than the usual ways. It’s also a good
month for getting rid of unneeded things or doing work on your home. On the whole, this will be
a generally favorable and enjoyable month.

July – Personal Month 7:

During July, your focus will be on private and personal matters, like planning, practice and
study. Meditation is actually the most favorable activity for the month, especially in this
Universal Year 7, so if you are a meditator, it’s now time to step up your game. Take a little
time out to do an assessment of your progress toward your annual goals, because this is a part
of your efforts to attract more prosperity into your life. This month is not very favorable for
taking on new responsibilities, but the time is right for giving some attention to ones that
you’ve already taken on.

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Although privacy is emphasized, don’t make a total withdrawal from the society of your
friends. Make sure to engage in some sort of social life this month, since it will help you stay on
track by keeping your spirits up. Giving yourself some limited social activity will also keep you
from falling into boredom or procrastination, since the entire month may feel like you’re waiting
for something to happen. If you can avoid being critical or stubborn, this can be a good month
for you.

August – Personal Month 8:

This month can be both prosperous and exciting, but only if you have something you can
complete or finish. In other words, the Personal Year number, 9, means endings or completion,
and the Personal Month number 8 means Karma, which in this case means work or business.
Don’t take this to mean that you should quit a job or give up something you love for the
promise of more money. It simply means that there can be a hidden bonus or reward for
finishing something, even if it was started long ago.

When it comes to money matters or financial plans, make sure you don’t put anything on the
back burner. Try to eliminate any debts you can, or to complete any financial transactions in
the works. Also target your expenses carefully. If you don’t spend on anything unnecessary,
you’ll be preparing for the kind of good habits you’ll need in coming months and years. Securing
money for the future is another way of “letting it go”, which is a way that you can use this
Year/Month combination to your advantage.

September – Personal Month 9:

Every September, the Personal Month number is the same as the Personal Year number. This
means that 1 single-digit number becomes dominant, and this time it’s 9. An overabundance of
9 can mean a great success or a great loss. The losses may be the result of an ending you have
chosen, or the completion of a task, which marks the end of all the work you have done to this
point. In either case, the success is more than a gain of money, in fact, it may just be the
applause or praise you get that makes you feel so good.

This kind of success increases your inner sense of well-being, which has a positive effect on
your sense of personal worth, which will manifest itself outwardly in the form of future financial
rewards. But you must not forget that this month, the rewards come from completion, not from
beginning. This is not a good month to leave a job, unless you are retiring or making a total
change in career. It can be a great month if you can let go of something and put it behind you.

October – Personal Month 1:

October repeats the same number as January, and this year, it is a Personal Month 1 in a
Personal Year 9. The two together are at the extreme ends of the single digit numbers, the

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beginning and the ending. It means the end of something old and the beginning of something
new, but you can let it act as the end of something new if you do nothing. This is an action
month, and a time to put your plans for this year and the next one into motion.

Don’t make the same plans you made last year and focus on what you need to let go of,
especially in terms of ideas. You can also make a plan based on what you need to eliminate
from your life and start doing it now. Again, it’s time to take action. As an example, if you want
a new job that will require leaving the current one, go for it, but only if the new one is already
“in the bag” and waiting for you. If you’re not tied down by old complications, this month can
take you where you want to go. If you need to give something up to get what you want the time
is now.

November – Personal Month 2:

November marks the return of Personal Month 2 and is in many ways, a mirror image. Instead
of working on teamwork and business alliances, you can use this Year/Month combination to
work on enhancing your personal relationships, which is, in the long run, a tremendously
supportive thing to do. This combination is known to be emotionally intense, so be careful not
to antagonize others. If you can avoid conflict, it is because of these numbers work together to
stimulate intuition and empathy - core factors in your Achievement Number 11, which of course
itself equals 2 (1+1).

You’ll notice that others are looking for emotional support from you, and it will be well worth
your time to give it, especially to someone close. Sharing your ideas and insights with others
will also be beneficial to you and to them, so feel free to voice your opinions.

December – Personal Month 3:

This December closes your Personal 9-year cycle because next year is a Personal Year 1, a year
of new beginnings. It’s your last chance to make room for the as yet unknown future, but 3
makes this an enjoyable and pleasant note to finish the last cycle on. This is a good time to go
back through the current cycle, and write the most memorable events down, including the ones
you didn’t like.

Then separate them, thinking “well, I don’t want to go through that again.” When you’re
finished with the “didn’t like” list, make a vow to yourself that you are not going to watch the
replays of that show again, and then burn or tear up and flush the paper. Believe it or not,
making and destroying this inventory can be a lot of fun and well worth doing, because it will
help you stop accepting things as they are, and organize yourself around success. Since 3 is a
creative number, what you want to create is the future you deserve, rather than passively
accepting a future you don’t want. Good luck in 2024!

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Achievement #13: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast
Your Achievement Number is 13. Don’t let the superstitious nonsense that calls it a bad luck
number trick you into thinking that you’re less fortunate. It is sometimes called a “Karmic
Number” by numerologists, because it has special properties that are different than those one
would expect when it is broken up into its component digits, 1 and 3. It is because of these
properties, like the doubled numbers, that we do not reduce it when studying the human
character. It is really a very special variation of its root number, 4, and should be called a
“special compound number” to avoid the confusion surrounding the common misunderstanding
of the true meaning of the Sanskrit word Karma when used in this context.

13 carries some of the stubbornness of its root number 4, but the stubbornness reveals itself
differently than it does in 4 or in 22. This stubbornness acts through your determination to
verify facts and test ideas, which is born of your curiosity. You probably will often ignore the
advice (and sometimes the warnings) of other people unless you know they are true that comes
from your own experience. Sometimes people might try to tell you that you have “trust issues”,
but you know the difference between mistrust and the knowledge that comes from personal

This can be a drawback sometimes, but it also shows that your ability to quickly analyze and
read situations and people correctly is awakening. It’s one of your best assets, because it helps
you create unique and practical methods for getting things done.

You may find that you are better when working on your own than when you are working under
someone else’s management, which makes you a natural at being in your own business,
following the path of prosperity through investments, monetizing your personal interests or
having a “side hustle” that you can do without feeling the pressure of the demands of other
people. Anything you can do to avoid being dependent on the “debt system” will bring you
tremendous success.

Don’t let anyone tell you that your persistence and determination is not an asset that will
propel you forward in life. Other people are likely to think of you as being reliable and thorough,
and someone who will do whatever it takes to stay “on mission.” You work well in management
positions and have a great sense of detail. Loyalty and dependability are important to you, and
your practicality keeps you focused on results. Your practicality and curiosity will serve you well
throughout life.

Achievement #13 Plus 7 Universal Year = 2 Personal Year

In order to find out how you sync up with the Universal Year, we add 13+2023 = 2036; 2+0+3+6
= 11, and 1+1 = 2, which is your Personal Year number.

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Any Personal Year 2 is likely to focus on your relationships with and sensitivity to other people.
This is an important time for you to focus on shifting your prosperity consciousness from
personal achievement to mutual, joint or shared success. Working with others in any possible
way is especially important, but mutual trust is the key to this.

You’ll have to use your generosity and gratitude in a serious, specific and special way to weed
out those who are all about what they can get from you from those who honestly have
something they can give. Doing this will be important for casual connections and your everyday
contacts. In other words, you’re building a support system that lets the sense of mutual and
shared success flow between you and everyone you connect with, even on a casual basis. In
other words, don’t shop with a merchant who is so busy counting money that they don’t have
time to greet you at their store.

Don’t extend your trust to anyone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. These are
people who are willing to capitalize on your sympathies to get what they want from you.
Luckily, the 13/2 combination may have the ability to increase your ability to “read between
the lines” when interacting with other people, which will reduce the chances of you getting
involved with these dishonest types. But it will be up to you to be constantly on guard.

You may also notice that you have an increased ability to pay attention to the details in your
circumstances and in other’s behavior. If you focus on these details, you’ll find it easy to read
another’s “tells” and get to their motivations quickly. The real issue is what to do when you’ve
recognized that someone is ready to try and exploit you – the answer is simple. Ignore them.
Don’t give them solid ground to land on, try to not even express your disinterest in them.

Standing up for yourself and your ideals is the best way to bring in the support of others, and
according to the number combination, this is important. 13/2 can make for prosperity, but
through the actions of others, not your own effort. It’s even more important for you to avoid
compromising your own values and ethics in order to “get along” with others. You don’t need to
fall into this kind of trap and can dodge it by remembering that “belonging” is really a word
meant to define a state of property.

Mutual satisfaction, mutual thriving and mutual prosperity have nothing to do with the worn
out “property model of relationships” that’s been in use for a few hundred years.

These forms of togetherness are not lacking in love either, so don’t let yourself get caught up in
the idea that giving up on your goals, ideals and dreams is ever necessary to avoid feeling
lonely. This is a year when prosperity and happiness synchronize with one another and are
gladly shared with other people. If you take a practical approach to opportunities to work
together with others while keeping your self-interest at the top of your list of priorities, you’ll
have no problem in making 2021 one of your best years ever.

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If you approach opportunities that present themselves with your own best interests in mind,
instead of banking on unrealistic expectations of others, you’ll see good things happen
financially throughout the year.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 2,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: White/light blue

Jewel: Moonstone/pearl
Word: Partnership


January – Personal Month 3:

January is a month that will give you a chance to relax and enjoy a little social life. You’ll
probably notice the change from last year, which was probably fast-paced and busy, while this
month will be more stable and will be enjoyable if you approach your circumstances in a more
casual way. You’re likely to have more opportunities to enjoy visits and other get-togethers
with people whose company you appreciate.

It’s likely that you’ll receive invitations, and you should accept them, but don’t let them take
your attention away from material matters you should be focused on. This is the kind of
Year/Month combination that is pleasant enough to trick you into ignoring necessary duties by
helping you think that everything will work out in your favor somehow, even when this certainly
may not be the case. And for casual meetups, don’t hold out too many expectations or worries
about being accepted, because those are the things that will work out in your favor this month.
It should be a prosperous time.

February – Personal Month 4:

Personal Month 4 usually limits most of your time to work, whether on the job or with personal
pursuits. Chances are good that you’ll feel these limits strongly, but don’t let them be a source
of resentments, which are like emotional viruses in that they have the power to grow. You may
have a tendency to daydream or procrastinate a bit during this time but try to thank yourself
for sharing and stay on task, because during February your best chances for happiness come
from being systematic, orderly and taking care of business.

This is also a good time of year for paying special attention to wellness; any actions along
these lines will be successful for you. Business associates may be a little less cooperative than
usual during the month, but you have the ability to turn those situations around, thanks to the

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Personal Year number, 2. This is not a great time for doing favors because they can turn out to
be more than you bargained for. Expect this to be a serious and strict but productive month.

March – Personal Month 5:

This Personal Month 5 will be different from the ones you’ve experienced in the past. You’ll
need to carefully manage your energy. That’s because of the number of changes and
unexpected events that the number 5 brings as a personal month. Since the year carries
number 2, you are set within a year that emphasizes emotions, and 5 promotes freedom and
variety with the changes that it brings.

In other words, your mood is likely to shift without warning this month. It’s possible that you
may become less likely to appreciate what you have and be more willing to chase after what
you want, no matter how fleeting it may turn out to be. Overreacting to sudden changes you
experience may affect your ability to adapt and capitalizing on the opportunities hidden within
those changes. You’ll need to be especially sensitive to the opportunities that are offered to you
and respond with forethought and consideration to those that advance your personal agenda.
It’s a tricky time to take advantage of.

April – Personal Month 6:

This April could be troublesome because of your expectations that others will appreciate your
input and efforts, but that’s the only challenge that you have to contend with for now. Your best
interests need to be your top priority, but this is not selfish, because others are likely to
consider your self-interests to be identical with their own. By expressing your personal interests
and ideas to others, you are likely to experience more opportunities that they bring to the table.
Consider all those you share work and experience with to be an important part of your life,
things will go smoothly in ways you really love.

May – Personal Month 7:

May is likely to be a month for relaxation and renewal, because any Personal Month 7 is one in
which personal and private activities take the top place in your list of priorities - and that
should be especially so during this Universal Year 7. Spend some time re-evaluating your ideas
concerning prosperity and make an effort to see yourself in the future you truly desire, because
powers like intuition and visualization are exceedingly strong now. Make a careful inventory of
your plans and financial affairs because this is a month during which you can take total control
of your circumstances, both professional and personal. But this requires forethought and careful
consideration of the possible outcomes of your actions. This is not an action month, but it is
excellent for putting your values in perspective and designing your own future. Don’t hold back,
because it’s time to align with your highest ideals and expect miracles. On another level, it is a

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powerful time for mystical or spiritual accomplishments, because 7 will drive you to transcend
the duality of everyday thought.

June – Personal Month 8:

June is a month in which you’ll be engaged in the material aspects of manifesting your dreams,
which means that you need to focus on your personal bottom line and focus on building your
personal boundaries. Don’t spend too much time trying to struggle with ways to obtain
resources. You need to fully realize what you have control over, and do whatever you can to
gain control over yourself. This means directing your mind to the achievement of your goals,
and to spend time learning to know what your true goals are.

Focus on your personal comfort and how much agency (authority) you have to affect your
personal affairs, because this is what the powerful vibration of 8 is all about. Remember that
you can only control yourself. Other people will not react well to an authoritative attitude on
your part, so confine your courage and confidence to yourself and the things you personally
need. 8 is forceful and needs to be handled in a gentle way, or you might find out what “instant
karma” means.

July – Personal Month 9:

This Personal Month 9 may be a little different than what you expect, because it may be
difficult for you to let go of some of the things that come up. For instance, if you were planning
on traveling and circumstances prevent you from doing so, this could be a very tense time for
you. Chances are good, however that something like that may not come up, but you can
certainly expect things to be a little more frustrating than usual in the emotional realm because
of the 2/9 combination of the Personal Year/Month numbers.

Some people that you need to work with may not be able or willing to cooperate with your
efforts. You may run into opposition that makes you feel like giving up on something you’re
trying to do, but you probably won’t. The thing that would benefit you the most would be to
“get away from it all” even if it’s taking a couple of days away from work to binge watch
something you find interesting. Of course, travel will be great this month too, but only if its
somewhere you’ve never been.

August – Personal Month 1:

August will be your “go for it” month, during which you jump into all sorts of activity, because it
is a Personal Month 1, a time for beginnings, new efforts and firsts. It’s possible that you
become aggressive about finding new alliances and partnerships, because Personal Year 2
focuses on teamwork and your connections with others. People in business are usually lucky in

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this regard, because the team they build will be profitable, and people will jump at the chance
to get in on the ride to success.

You can easily motivate others by your actions, because of your mood, which is all about
“going for it” even if you have to do it yourself. Your strong drive to achieve your goals will
attract the attention of others, who will appreciate and possibly envy you, but they will want to
be a part of whatever you’re doing. Unless you’re being overly aggressive or demanding, you’ll
have no problem being the “rising tide” that “floats all boats.” If you include other people in
your plans, this can be a very successful month.

September – Personal Month 2:

September always has the same number as the Personal Year, so overabundant 2 is likely to
bring about a month in which you are motivated and driven by others, and they are happy to
work with you in both professional and personal situations. You are convinced that you that you
are doing the right thing, and that makes those cooperating with you feel that they are too.

This is not just a powerful time for good fortune through your relationships. It is also excellent
for any form of negotiation or contract, since your increased intuition will lead you into win-win
situations. If you’re not careful, you may get caught up in dramatic situations with other people
that cause you to make decisions based on sympathy instead of mutual thriving, so make sure
you’re focused on benefiting others, not just your yourself. You won’t see this combination
again for 9 years, so use it wisely.

October – Personal Month 3:

Now that a full 9-number cycle is complete, October restarts it with the same Personal Month
number as January: 3. It’s not a good idea to expect the same events to repeat themselves,
since so much has happened between then and now. It’s possible that you may be feeling more
creative or artistic about your life, and if you don’t have a means to express this natural
impulse, your imagination is likely to be a source of insight and inspiration to others.

Even though it may be a very social time, you might find it easier to manifest your goals and
dreams this month than in any other, because of being in closer touch with the creative power
that is within us all. You might try your hand at creative visualization of things you want, or of
the future you want. But if you do, make sure it really is what you want out of life, and not a
future based on material things that will cause you more trouble than enjoyment. Remember,
all things are temporary, but your creative power cannot be taken away from you.

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November – Personal Month 4:

November is your second chance to spend some time with Personal Month 4. It’s likely to have
a much lighter tone than February, when you experienced it before. If you took the time to
establish some routines or schedules and been sticking with them, you’re likely to see good
results from adopting them this month.

Both you and other people may be surprised by your more serious mood this month, which is all
about details, routines and practicality. November may also bring delays of all sorts, so please
don’t be stubborn enough to try and make things go faster, focus on the reality of your situation
and the actions of the people around you instead of your expectations of them. Wellness visits
and consultations are highly recommended. Don’t invest your time or resources in anything that
will only work out if you are “lucky” this month. Luck is a gift of good fortune, not a reliable
strategy you can plan on. If you rely on your skills, persistence and determination, you will
make your own fortune.

December – Personal Month 5:

December’s Personal Month 5 will be very different from the one you had back in March, since
it’s likely to focus on commitments and changes. You might feel limited or restricted by duties
or responsibilities you’ve committed to. You may not be willing to make the adjustments
necessary for you to keep things running smoothly.

The changes that 5 can bring may surprise you, because the 5/2 combination is very excitable
and may lead to impulsive or emotional decisions that are not good for your bottom line. At the
same time, sudden changes usually bring opportunities with them, and you are in a really good
position to take advantage of these opportunities to make things “going off the rails” work for
you. The feeling of limitation will not last, thanks to the changeable nature of 5. Instead of
daydreaming and procrastinating, stay busy. Figure out which commitments you would do
better without and get out of them, so the pleasant and fun 2024 won’t be wasted on things
you don’t want to do.

Achievement #14: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Your Achievement Number filters the Universal cycles of the Years, Months and Days,
transforming them into personal ones. In other words, it describes your response to situations,
conditions and ideas. These responses shape your personality in certain ways; for instance,
things like long lines at the counter, or delays when traveling may make you want to scream.

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Yet, flexibility and adaptability are among your built-in natural assets. You probably
understand the old idea about bending with the wind, rather than being uprooted by it. At the
same time, this flexibility of yours may be hard on commitments, even those involved with your
financial life. It’s not the best year for entering into long-term agreements, unless you are
making changes in one that has already been established.

The idea here is that you need to be working on a plan that gives you more flexibility and
control over your time. Personal relationships may experience some challenges, so be careful
not to overreact to emotionally driven incidents; stay grounded and focused so you won’t be
carried away by the fast-paced action of this Personal Year 1.

When presented with any new opportunities, be careful not to jump into them before you have
time to think things through and consider your options. In this year, it’s especially important to
have at least one “Plan B” in place when working with business.

Try your best to stay away from anything risky and be certain not to sign anything that is
binding or limits your freedom in some way. The main reason for having these options when
making important decisions is that you might not find many opportunities for profit or growth
there unless you are capitalizing on the ones that have the most “upside.” And you may not
recognize those unless you’re focused on alternative ways to get things done.

Always make decisions with your best interests in mind, and always choose to follow the most
practical course of action, even if it seems like the dullest one. During this year, there will be
plenty of activity to keep you engaged and busy.

Achievement #14 Plus 7 Universal Year = 3 Personal Year

So now let’s do the math and add your Achievement Number, 14, to 2023. The result will be
2037, which we sum as follows; 2+0+3+7 = 12, 1+2 = 3 which is your Personal Year Number for

During a Personal Year 3, your intuition and creativity will be your most important assets. The
good news is that the pleasant and social vibrations of 3 will make this an uplifting and
memorable year, and one in which you get to show off a little bit. Anyone who has making
presentations, turning in reports or proving their skills in any other way will benefit from this
from a Personal Year 3, and chances are very good that you will too.

And here’s why.

A Personal Year 3 has a quality that causes your own enthusiasm and happiness catch on like
wildfire. The qualities it brings out in people are contagious and tend to uplift the people
around you as well as yourself. For those born with Achievement Number of 14 like you, it tends

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to be a favorite year, not only because you feel good but because others like having you around
and will do their best to have your company. But this also means you might be distracted from
other tasks that you need to perform, so do your best to spend your social time around people
with similar interests. What’s really important during a Personal Year 3 is to not worry about
what other people think, and to avoid spending too much time alone. It’s easy to cover those
bases without going way out of your way, but if you do attend events that are related to your
personal growth or to put your skills, humor or knowledge on display, they will benefit you in
more ways but one.

Outside of being social and pleasant, a Personal Year 3 also increases your communication with
others. It’s generally considered lucky, but for you, it’s probably best to ignore that idea,
because believing in luck and lucky streaks is kind of dangerous for you. Luck comes from
focusing your intuition on practical matters, and this is why a 3 period can be fortunate for you.
It will bring out your intuitive abilities, and as mentioned earlier, it works to your advantage
anyway. In other words, your chances of making your own luck are very high this year. So, trust
in and depend on yourself, not some kind of magical interference in your life, and this will be a
fruitful and prosperous year for you.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 3,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Yellow
Jewel: Topaz
Word: Enjoyment


January – Personal Month 4:

Your duties and tasks may seem to be a little more overwhelming than usual in January due to
the work-oriented nature of the Personal Month 4. The good news is that the month number
itself is not particularly troublesome for you. It tends to slow the pace of life down somewhat
and give you plenty of time to work on things, which is something that your Achievement
Number, 14, can really appreciate.

In January you might have several obligations outside of your own interest that get in the way
of spending quality time with yourself, which can be frustrating, but the Year Number, 3, will
help ease these frustrations. The month may be slow, but not painfully slow. Don’t expect too
much social activity for now. It is not a favorable month for travel. You can expect good results
and advice from communicating with others, especially about matters concerning wellness.

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Maintaining a regular schedule regarding diet, sleep and exercise, because a steady routine will
improve your life in many ways.

February – Personal Month 5:

If you manage to hang on to the regularity you established back in January, February will bring
fun and variety into your life that will bring the changes you need to get your plans into gear.
You may be more enthusiastic about letting your intuition take the lead, and that’s ok. If you
absolutely must, take a few carefully measured and thoroughly considered chances with your
social and financial life, and trust in your hunches as you move forward with your plans. Just
remember to make sure that these are well vetted plans, because impulsive risk-taking is likely
to result in disaster.

You may have heard that 5 brings change, and this is what you have to look out for in this
month, since the flow of events that you have calculated into your plans, especially financial
ones, may suddenly turn against your expectations. At the same time, working with this change
can bring new or unexpected opportunities. Make sure to hedge your bets carefully so any
losses will be minimal, and it will be an enjoyable month.

March – Personal Month 6:

Personal Month 6 is probably going to be one that focuses on your comfort at home, but it is
likely to bring some responsibilities that may cause you to make adjustments in your plans or
schedule. Seeing as how this is a Personal Year 3, this could mean redecorating, a change of
residence or a change within the residence, landscaping and so forth, but something going on
at home could keep you busy. Also, you might be bringing work home, or traveling for work, or
that something going on at work will require a change in your routines at home.

Don’t worry about how this will work out for you, because in an uplifting year like this, it’s likely
that you’ll have chosen the responsibilities you’ve taken on. It is important, however, that
whatever responsibilities you accept this month are duties that promote your own agenda or
are otherwise in your self-interest. Don’t let anyone drain the blessings of this power away; it’s
all for you.

April – Personal Month 7:

In April, your Personal Month 7 is half of your Achievement Number, and it’s also the number of
the Universal Year - this gives April a special “harmonic resonance.” The 3/7 combination may
be extraordinarily favorable for you, not only for getting together with people who you share
interests or ideas with, but for your personal prosperity. It’s an extremely good month for
developing your skills at presentation or other things that could benefit your career or business,
or to do some learning specific to your plans for the future.

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Even spending time looking for the information that will help you push on will uplift your spirits,
and if you don’t do it alone, even better, because the social energy of 3 needs as much time as
you can give it. Don’t tell anyone about your major plan or life goals this month, because you
might get responses that plant a reactive seed in your subconscious that can have effects on
you later. This month you must be positive; the thoughts you send out will control the results
you get in the future. Don’t be pushy and don’t let the crowd guide you, just be yourself.

May – Personal Month 8:

You may have a problem with the way Personal Month 8 works for you this year, because it will
concentrate on matters concerning your personal ability to control your situation and other
material matters. These irritations and annoyances do not signal trouble; they signal
opportunities to turn your prosperity consciousness around, so it always works in your favor.
Sometimes when we are under the pressure of dealing with obligations or commitments, we
tend to think in terms of prosperity being a birthright or a matter of luck, and that we may not
deserve what we want in life.

This sort of thinking cuts off intuition and 3’s creative power. However, when these two
numbers work together in a Personal Year 8, your imagination can become an abundance-
generating force that can turn the laws of prosperity into your servant, putting true abundance
within your reach. This practical and creative year/month combination of 3 and 8 special, and it
won’t be around for 9 more years.

June – Personal Month 9:

Spend some time this month practicing the type of meditation that allows thoughts to come
into the mind and not getting attached to them. This is something like letting go of tension in
the body, and just as easy. It’s really easy to observe the thoughts instead to causing them to
attract other thoughts of the same kind; just noting what they are and how they make you feel.

If you don’t like to sit and follow the breath, you can always go through things you don’t use
and get rid of them, or find unproductive ideas or plans and change them into plans that helps
you advance your own personal agenda. If you’re really committed to your prosperity, do both,
but the main thing to remember is that this month is all about letting go. This is also a good
time for travel, especially if you’re going somewhere to relax and let go. If you get serious
about letting things go, you’ll find that you’re making room for joy to enter as a friend and

July – Personal Month 1:

Sometimes taking action is something you must do, and this is one of those times. During July,
you should try to do something new or take actions that support your plans for success. One of

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the big problems in the modern world is having too many things to try and too many paths to
start out on, but this month, just pick one and stay on that path until you reach your goal. You
might even find that you’ve committed yourself to a road that isn’t taking you where you want
to be, but the important thing is the daily habit of getting started with something new.

The Personal Year 3 supports you well in that it amplifies your creativity, and that can turn a
rough road into a smooth one. If you’ve found a new way to do something, don’t try to force
your idea on others. Lead by example instead of by command. This is also a good time to
improve your skills or knowledge but be careful about antagonizing others. Move forward
without self-doubt, always consider possible consequences, and have a good time.

August – Personal Month 2:

This Personal Month 2 might be challenging because the circumstances that come into the
foreground this month will evoke various powerful emotional responses. With a Personal Year 3
running, this kind of energetic environment may pull upon the distracting qualities of the 3, and
throw you out of balance, making it difficult for you to rely on your intuition.

This imbalance might be based on an unexpected lack of clarity when trying to get a good read
on people whether in casual conversations or serious negotiations. Of course, there is a remedy
for this, and you’ll need one because errors in your ability to make reasonable decisions can
always harm your long-term prosperity. The remedy is easy to understand, but hard to follow
through on: you’ll need to avoid making decisions based on sudden information from others
until you’ve thought them through thoroughly enough to get pure intuition involved. Thinking
things through reduces the emotional impact and will help you shine.

September – Personal Month 3:

Every year, September marks a time when the Personal Year and Month numbers are the same.
This is a good thing, because 3 brings circumstances and situations to you that allow you to be
at your personal best. You’ll feel uplifted and energized, and chances are good that you’ll keep
quite busy. You might see an increase in invitations and social opportunities, and you can
expect business matters to be generally successful.

But there is a catch; 3 can also bring distractions that can make you ask yourself “why now?”
The 3 is overabundant and will bring up issues that may have nothing to do with what you’re
doing at the moment, and these are usually things that require an immediate response. It’s
famous for giving excuses for irresponsible behavior. You’ll handle these situations well unless
you’re thrown off track by reacting emotionally; so, your emotional boundaries, self-control and
your attitude toward your long-term goals are your personal keys to success and happiness this

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October – Personal Month 4:

October always carries the same number as January, and this year, that Personal Month
number is 4. It is often somewhat like a mirror image, in which right and left are reversed.
Probably because of the experience you gained in September with the uplifting and over-
abundant 3 energy, you’ll feel ready to take on almost any task, no matter how boring or
mundane it might be. It’s an almost perfect month to begin working with any obligations that
you don’t want to carry into next year, and you can do so with ease if you proceed in a steady,
sure and practical manner.

Doing things “by the book” is a very important key to handling this month’s energies. This can
also be a very good time to start journaling. Writing down the day’s events in the evening will
give you a preview of what Personal Year 4 will bring since it will have the same number as
October. This is a good month for organizing your affairs and refining your plans or your
schedule to prepare for the coming year.

November – Personal Month 5:

November is a repeat of the Personal Month 5 that you had back in February, but the 5 will pick
up different aspects of the month/year number combination this time. The main difference is
that you are far more likely to do something risky, but the nature of the risks you take are more
likely to harm your commitment to your long-term goals.

This represents decisions that promise immediate satisfaction, but you may not recognize that
whatever you get out of these decisions will not last. The combination of 3 and 5 is very
unstable. It can take away as fast as it gives. But it is lucky. The biggest danger in this
combination is that it can quickly put you in a mode of thinking that causes you to add “luck”
as a strategy in your attempts to reach your goals, and for you, that is not good. It’s lazy and
irresponsible thinking, which should only be used when playing games of some sort. The best
strategy is to go out and have some fun, but then let it go. Don’t get carried away but enjoy

December – Personal Month 6:

This month you have an excellent combination of Personal Year/Month numbers. 3 and 6
combine in a way that is lucky for doing things around the home, for making money, and for
relationships in general. In business, this can be really good, because it means favorable
transactions with other people, and that your ideas and words will be accepted by others more
or less without question. If you have a plan to get ahead in your material pursuits, this is the
month to put that plan in motion.

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You may find that more people are willing to cooperate with you, just because you will be fun
to work with. But this is not a time to get involved financially with others, in the sense of hiring
people or seeking their advice. You can, however, make yourself available for the guidance of
others as a source of information or advice. This is not a good time to lend money, but it is a
good time to collect whatever is owed to you. It should prove to be a fortunate month and
some of its fortune can be carried into 2024.

Achievement #16: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Karmic Number 16 which is your Achievement Number, has special qualities that make reading
it very different from reading 1 and 6 together, or reading its root or Fadic digit, 7. The Karmic
Numbers are a group of compound numbers that only apply to the human character and not to
cycles of time, which is why there is no Personal Year 16.

To describe the characteristics of a person with a prominent 16 such as yourself, we should

begin with the fact that one of your main tendencies is to trust “the way things are”, especially
those of the culture or tradition you were born into. That is, however, a characteristic that will
always act to your disadvantage as far as prosperity is concerned, because if you follow your
hunches, intuitions, instincts, or “gut feelings” you’re likely to develop a sense of how to make
interactions with others and financial transactions benefit you. People may be surprised if you
turn down what seems to be the deal of a lifetime because it just “didn’t feel right to you”, but
later, for example, when the manufacturer orders a recall because of major problems with the
product, they will understand. The path of 16 is to learn how to apply your intuition in a useful

You need to be a bit suspicious of experts and somewhat cynical about the advice of others
because your intuition is so hungry for expression it will attract a lot of situations in which it
can test itself. Of course, following a conventional way of thinking can be a good thing, but you
should not allow it to become a core principle in your life. That’s because the more you trust
your intuition, the more you’ll be able to attract luck and good fortune. In other words, don’t let
yourself get buried in losses by following a “buy and hold” strategy in the financial markets or
any other aspect of life.

Because intuition is connected with other “higher” emotions like compassion and empathy, you
may find yourself concerned with the situations and dramas of others to the point that you’re
willing to “rescue” them from their situation, whether they want you to or not. This is a
“reactive” way to handle that compassionate or empathic side of your nature; you don’t have
to give your all, you just need to trust that things will work out for their benefit, and that’s
something that you cannot know. Just extend kindness wherever possible and be willing to let
others’ problems go, which will help you work out your own. You might feel unappreciated

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when your unsolicited help or advice is ignored or rejected, but just be a little disappointed

It’s not difficult to wake up the intuitive powers of your Achievement Number. All you have to
do is to remember that thoughts are things that can be causative and reframe your thinking
around the idea that as you think, so you will be. Trust yourself and trust the abundant
Universe, because it responds to your actions, which follow your thoughts, and it will respond
with prosperity, love, and fulfillment.

Achievement #16 Plus 7 Universal Year = 5 Personal Year

So now let’s do the math and add your Achievement Number, 16, to 2023. The result will be
2039, which we sum as follows; 2+0+3+9 = 14 and 1+4 = 5, which is your Personal Year

A Personal Year 5 comes packed with fun and opportunity - if you’re open to change.
Sometimes there’s a little too much fun, in fact, so it’s important to stay focused. Self-discipline
is the key here; of course, it’s good to have enjoyment and laughter in life, but if you want to
get ahead, you must also be sure to prioritize your prosperity.

Things that didn’t work out well for you in the past may well come back looking much brighter
this year. Never say never, so don’t be afraid to give something a second chance.

Try to work with the changes that are on the way instead of resisting them. Take an adaptable
approach, so that you can ride with the prevailing energy and do whatever seems best in the

On a personal level, a 5 Personal Year can be a little bit unstable. People may let you down or
agreements may come unstuck. You can’t rely on other people to do the right thing. However,
on a prosperity level, your flexibility will be the key to success. Take some calculated risks. This
is not a year to be overly cautious; intelligent decision-making will include an element of
chance, but not too much.

A 5 Personal Year can be an amazing time for personal reinvention - if you’ve been wanting to
change your image, now is the time! Don’t let other people pigeonhole you - this is a very good
time to be authentically yourself, whatever that means to you.

However, keep your feet on the ground at all times. Practical, strategic thinking with a tiny
element of chance will bring you the best results this year. And remember, too much time spent
having fun means less time to create the prosperity you deserve.

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Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 5,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Aqua
Jewel: Turquoise/Aquamarine
Word: Change


January – Personal Month 6:

Unless you have a lot of adjustments to make to your schedule, you’re likely to take on a
responsibility this month that moves you forward toward your goals. A Personal Month 6 is one
in which you can profit in ways that increase your security or comfort. It often shifts the focus
from professional to domestic life, but for your Achievement Number, it’s not likely that these
are two different worlds.

You can expect enjoyable activity around the home, and if that’s lacking there are likely to be
other opportunities for casual recreation and the enjoyment of good company. Don’t put any
pressure on yourself to “be everything to everybody”, just relax this month and try not to put
too much emphasis on your financial situation. On the other hand, if you are concerned with
your financial stability, consulting a professional about those matters could be beneficial to
you. Other people will seem to be more cooperative than usual this month. Make sure you don’t
overwork yourself. Let life be easy.

February – Personal Month 7:

February’s Personal Month number is 7, which is a month for working smarter, not harder. No
matter what your financial situation is or what your goals are, this is the best month to work on
them using the creative powers of the mind, and not the strength of the body. It’s a month that
favors privacy, personal time, study, and meditation, and you will get better results from
engaging in these activities than you will get by forcefully “climbing the ladder.” Do some work
toward cultivating your intuition by keeping your mind clear and trying to imagine what people
are saying to you or doing for you after your next success. Try to keep your mind focused on
what you really, truly want from life. See and feel it as if it is already happening. Do this in an
easy and relaxed way, but don’t get so lost in the sensations and experiences of it that you
forget to have some positive social time. Despite what you may have heard, during Personal
Month 7, social activity is the fuel for success in your inner work. Don’t be a “loner.”

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March – Personal Month 8:

An 8 Personal Month during a 5 Personal Year can bring up issues concerning material matters,
but it’s really not something to worry about. Chances are very good that if anything happening
now threatens your position or financial life, you’ll immediately go to work at doing what needs
to be done to get the situation stabilized and under control. The only way this month can be
challenging to you is if you’ve been so busy bringing your ideas and dreams down to earth, that
you haven’t been paying enough attention to matters of material importance.

All that means is that you need to go to work on them now. You may get odd feelings or
insights that guide you in that direction, which are signs that your higher consciousness wants
to keep you secure. Even though you can read the 5/8 combination as being “changes that
affect your prosperity” you can make the same numbers symbolize “prosperous completion” by
devoting a small bit of your time to issues concerning money and authority.

April – Personal Month 9:

This month brings to a close the current cycle of Personal Months. It’s really important to
somehow celebrate the closing of this cycle, so maybe you want to enjoy some social time.
Others may make this easy for you with invitations and requests for you to attend non-business
events. Accept them with a smile. Don’t tell everyone about the celebration of your personal
energy cycles, or they can lose momentum.

This is a month for paying a little extra attention to your circumstances and looking for
opportunities to let go of something. Also, remember that you may need to let go of an attitude
or idea, and if that is the case, you’ll probably feel a lot of stress when your plans go awry, or it
seems like nothing works in your favor. All you really need to do is focus on something you can
let go of or sacrifice because giving up anything that isn’t supporting your “mission” will bring
great success this month.

May – Personal Month 1:

A 1 Personal Month is a time during which you should be planning for the future.

Rather than being sensitive to opportunities, it’s a good time to think about creating
opportunities, or at least putting forward your ideas to others. Since this is your Personal Year
5, why not try doing things differently from now on? Who says you have to move through life in
the same way you always have? Try imagining what you would really like to do and how you
would like your life to look - and also imagine that future pulling you toward it – and happiness
and success.

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June – Personal Month 2:

Since 2 is the teamwork and partnership number, how about starting to build relationships with
the people you want to work with on the new ideas and goals you’re setting for next year? It
may not be too difficult, because of the nature of your Personal Month number, 2. Don’t forget,
however, that the 5/2 combination tends to be somewhat emotionally tense, so make sure you
take it easy and treat everyone in a tolerant and compassionate way.

Every chance you get, let someone help you do something, or at the very least, give them the
chance to show you what they can do. The better a listener you can be at this time, the easier it
will be to gain the cooperation that you need. You will, however, need to avoid those who try to
make your success their own. It is also a productive strategy because much good will come to
you financially or otherwise through the actions of others. This is a month during which joint
ventures that do something beneficial for other people will guarantee success.

July – Personal Month 3:

Relax and have a good time. Don’t put too much energy into serious matters. Use this month to
travel, if you can, or take a vacation at home. Pursue your personal hobbies and interests,
entertain friends, or take up a new sport. Creative and artistic pursuits are likely to be
especially rewarding - and you might even discover a lucrative talent you didn’t realize you
had. The point of a 3 Personal Month is to explore your abilities and to have fun while doing it,
so don’t focus too much on work or business - there’s more to life than this.

August – Personal Month 4:

August is a Personal Month 4, with four lots of four creating your Achievement Number. This
kind of vibrational pairing is interesting because it’s a test. If you were upset by delays and
obstacles in the past, you might see them as opportunities now, because you’ve “outgrown”
your “lower harmonic” and are likely to have mastered its lessons. “Patience without
procrastination” might be a good motto for this month.

This is a time in which you can be very productive, and a productive month comes right on
time. It may be about finishing something before taking the time you need to have some fun in
September. This combination is also a good one for working on wellness or changing a schedule
or routine to better suit the current conditions around you. At any rate, this is a month to
overcome almost any roadblock to success or breaking through any obstacle between you and
your goals.

September – Personal Month 5:

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A Personal Month 5 signals a month during which you will have more freedom to work toward
your objectives in your own way, which is sometimes called “a month for you to do your own
thing” with an emphasis on “your own.” It’s not likely that you’ll be pressured into doing things
in the way that another would like them done.

You might even have the support and encouragement of others pushing you forward to making
some kind of achievement that is important to your progress in any aspect of life. But it does
carry a note of caution, in that these feelings of freedom could inspire you to overdo it a little
bit and you end up experiencing the side-effects of having too much fun. 5 also brings changes
into life as well. You have a good chance of profiting from those changes though. If you can
keep your focus on the details of your situation, you’ll be able to find the opportunities for profit
or success hidden within them.

October – Personal Month 6:

October is your second Personal Month, with a focus on the home and family - but with a twist
this time. Situations at home could be lucrative for your prosperity. Perhaps you might become
a landlord or take up a home-based income stream that will serve you very well in the future.

Be careful, however, not to neglect your actual family during this busy month. The focus should
still be on love, compassion, and togetherness; it might help if you can get family members
informally involved with whatever work or business you’re carrying out in or related to the

November – Personal Month 7:

November is your second Personal Month 7 of the year, but this is a different experience from
the one you had in February. In this Universal Year 7, this is your chance to truly grow your
mind. You might take up studying or seek a financial or business-related qualification. Training
courses, seminars, and conferences will all help you with your prosperity, and you’ll also enjoy
them just out of pure interest.

Keep a focus on your spirituality during this month too. Since it’s a 7 Universal Year, expect
some signals from the Universe about where your soul’s purpose lies. Your task now is to first
discern what your purpose is, and secondly ensure that the way you earn your living harmonizes
with your higher goals.

December – Personal Month 8:

The year comes to a close with your second Personal Month 8. While this energy is all about
prosperity, it’s a different energy than you experienced in March. This is your chance to look
ahead to 2024 and imagine something different - something better. Be bold and brave in the

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goals you set and the plans you make, because this is the final month of your 5 Personal Year -
you may not feel as brave next year, during a 6 Personal Year vibration.

So, take every opportunity to stretch yourself and to reach for the stars. If you can set
ambitious plans in motion this month, you’ll be inspired and encouraged to carry on with them
as 2024 gets underway, and that will give you the head start your need.

Achievement #19: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

Your Achievement Number is the Karmic Number 19, which is a special compound that has its
own qualities, distinct from those of 1 or 9. It is a number of extremes, so when you are
surprised by new information, you’re likely to jump to the type of conclusions that only speak of
the most extreme outcomes. Although you like to see things in a simple black and white
fashion, this kind of thinking makes situations tense for you since you’re missing the all-
important shades of grey between them. Extreme solutions only create new problems. That can
be a big source of stress in your life.

In both your financial and personal life, you must think strategically and give yourself time to
work on major decisions that have long-term consequences. It won’t be hard for you to build
systems, plans, and protocols for building prosperity, because if you put your mind to it, you
can rise above the extremes and find solutions in the middle ground of life. Not everything is an
“either/or” situation, and you can understand that. You just need to apply this powerful inner
knowing. You can easily learn to trust your intuition, which is stronger than you realize. It will
certainly guide you to a place from where you can resolve conflict instead of increasing it. Even
though this kind of wisdom may seem to be out of reach, it is not. It is built into your
Achievement Number; all you have to do is release it.

The two numbers that make up your Achievement Number, 1 and 9, represent the beginning
and the end of the single-digit numbers. This in itself explains the “extreme” nature of 19, but it
also explains why you attract people and situations that are hard to deal with in a reasoned,
moderate way. You may have developed the habit of responding to circumstances that require
action by acting drastically, by becoming passive and waiting to see what happens, or by just
surrendering to the hope that everything will turn out OK. One of your major life lessons is to
see through this type of knee-jerk reaction, which will help balance your energy and help you
find that middle ground from which you can let your intuition, rather than your emotions, do the
work of making beneficial decisions.

Although you might be used to not letting others force you into snap decisions, it’s not that
easy to treat yourself in that way. The mistake of acting without proper consideration is a
“human thing”, because of our basic nature. Intuition, your main resource, lets us rise above it

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from time to time, and for you, it’s the key to fulfillment in all areas of life. Your self-esteem is
the key to activating this power, and it's so much easier to have too much or too little, making
it an impossible dream for many. But if you learn how to balance the extremes by clinging to
the “middle way”, you’ll find that every challenge you encounter will be a rewarding and
prosperous experience. The path of balance and reason will open your heart to all sorts of
possibilities and attract abundance into your life.

Achievement #19 Plus 7 Universal Year = 8 Personal Year

To discover how you synchronize with Universal Year 7, add 19, your Achievement Number to
2023. The result is 2042, and 2+0+4+2 = 8, which is your Personal Year Number during this 7
Universal Year.

An 8 Personal Year is all about discipline, including self-discipline. It’s the number of mastery,
both of skills and of the self. Spend time taking control of the things around you that you can
control, but be wise enough to know when you cannot control a situation.

In terms of prosperity, an 8 Personal Year is highly ambitious. Be aware, however, that too
much focus on money or wealth can come at a serious cost to your personal life - and to your
compassion as a human being. Be careful not to put wealth or power ahead of other more
fundamental values.

That said, this is a very good year to focus on your material security. Make investments that
will shore up your future. Clear goals are important here, so be sure that you have a strong
vision for what you’re trying to achieve.

Visualization and mindfulness will be surprisingly helpful in leveling up your prosperity this
year; remember that your thoughts create your reality, so get into a prosperity mindset.

You may find that you feel quite suspicious of others this year, but you must create allies and
friendships instead of mistrust. Give people the benefit of the doubt, especially in your personal
life. In business, it pays to get to know someone so that you can discern the appropriate level of

Done well, this 8 Personal Year can help you achieve a better balance between prosperity and
your lifestyle, love, and family affairs. Developing a millionaire mindset is fundamental to your
success - as is learning to see challenges as opportunities instead.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency.

To support and enhance a Personal Year 8, consider working with the following suggestions:

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Color: Beige/brown
Jewel: Diamond
Word: Achievement


January – Personal Month 9:

Starting the year with a Personal Month 9 can feel quite odd since January is typically about
new beginnings and 9 is about endings and closure. However, having a Personal Month 9 at this
point in an 8 year can be very fortunate. It’s the first month of the year, so you don’t have much
emotional clutter to clear, which makes it much easier for you to set prosperity intentions and
to let go of last year’s plans.

You may have to sacrifice something from 2022 in order to get this year off to a good start, and
that could mean waving goodbye to a person or project that no longer serves you. However,
your 8 year gives you the strength of purpose to do this without too much emotional baggage.

February – Personal Month 1:

Here starts your year proper, with a 1 Personal Month setting you off as you mean to go on.
You’re likely to be very comfortable with new people or new projects this month, and it’s the
perfect time to start a new job or open a new business. Watch out for over-confidence,
however. It’s good to be humble about what you’re doing and achieving, especially given your
Achievement Number.

Make a fresh start with your personal image and your surroundings too. Brightening up your
home or your office will do wonders for your mindset in this 1 Personal Month, and it will
psychologically draw a line under what has gone before.

March – Personal Month 2:

Relationships are front and center in any 2 Personal Month. Because this is a prosperity-
focused 8 year, the relationships in question this March are most likely to be professional ones.
It’s a very good time for teamwork and networking, but not so great for going it alone as a lone
wolf. If you’re not getting the co-operation you need from those around you, beware of being
too heavy-handed. You wield a lot of personal power and authority this month and if you
misuse it, people will neither forgive nor forget.

Because this is a 2 Personal Month, you might also find that your prosperity comes from others
rather than from your own efforts. Nothing wrong with that, provided you show gratitude and
provided you are willing to share your good fortune with those who created it as well as those
less fortunate than you.

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April – Personal Month 3:

This 3 Personal Month can be very distracting for you, so keeping on top of your schedule will
be vital. Look into time management techniques to help keep you on track, and don’t forget the
need to build in family time and personal time too - it’s not all about achievement or work.

Because your 8 year is so driven, you may find parts of April mildly annoying if you do get off
track. The key here will be to embrace the moment. If you find yourself distracted, don’t waste
time berating yourself, simply do whatever you’re doing and calmly bring yourself back to a
focused frame of mind. If you really find yourself unable to settle, a short trip will help to clear
your mind. Stay somewhere local and just go out for a few hours, preferably to somewhere
you’ve never been before.

May – Personal Month 4:

There’s excellent chemistry between 4, your Personal Month number for May, and 8, your
Personal Year number. This is a month when you can stay on track with laser-like focus, and
you’ll be wholly committed to improving your abundance and prosperity.

Number 4 likes security and certainty, so this isn’t a time for risky gambles or high-end
investments; instead, focus on the tried and tested, but better. Building long-term security for
your loved ones should be a key priority, and you’ll enjoy the fruits of success now for sure
provided you keep your eyes on the horizon and don’t get bogged down in ‘if only’ thoughts
about the past.

June – Personal Month 5:

This is set to be a very fast-moving month, but you will need to work hard to avoid being
sucked into psychodramas and impulsive schemes. Because your Achievement Number tends to
move to extremes, it’s all too easy for you to get caught up in something and then you find it
hard to extricate yourself. Decision-making now needs to be highly strategic, especially with
your money, so don’t be distracted by the promise of short-term gains.

Effectively you’re playing cards blindfolded here. The energy of your 8 Personal Year will always
point you toward prosperity, but you can self-sabotage with the best of them and if that’s
going to happen, it’s likely to be in a 5 Personal Month. Calm, restraint, and self-control are
ever more important here.

July – Personal Month 6:

There’s a heavy focus on family life and responsibilities this July, as the 6 Personal is always
about the pursuit of happiness and harmony on a personal level. Of course, you may feel that
you will be happier at home if you are wealthier, but this month you will need to dig deeper into

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what motivates your desire for abundance. You need to develop a more profound, spiritual
relationship with wealth and understand your key wealth drivers, and you can only do that
through inner work and self-understanding.

Real estate and property matters may either boost your finances or throw your prosperity off
course this month, depending on how you handle them. Choose responsible decision-making
over gambling at all times - and take the advice of those your trust most, especially your
family. They may just have insights that you’re overlooking.

August – Personal Month 7:

Your Personal Month 7 aligns well with the Universal Year 7, so in theory, this can be a very
abundant month for you. However, your Personal Year 8 finds it difficult to be introspective and
quiet, so you may struggle with the more spiritual elements of the month. Without a doubt,
however, meditation, visualization, and the law of attraction will boost your prosperity this
August, if you allow your mind to work its magic.

You might also benefit from extra training this month. Your Achievement Number tends to think
that you know it all, but in truth, you have a lot to learn. Take a course in trading, or a new
digital skill, or a particular type of investing. You’ll learn a great deal but funnily enough, you’ll
also find it enjoyable. You’ll discover strategies you can put to use straight away to increase
your prosperity.

September – Personal Month 8:

This month’s Personal Month 8 matches your Personal Year number, so the energies have your
back when it comes to abundance, power, wealth, and success. Ask for a promotion at work or
be proactive with your finances. You have the willpower and charisma to get what you want, so
don’t waste this - September could well prove to be the most lucrative of your whole year.

However, not all things that affect your prosperity are under your personal control. If economic
or other external events put pressure on your finances, you may struggle with feelings of failure
or panic. You can offset this to some extent by having a plan B. Take some time to think about
what you would do if the worst happened around you, financially speaking. You can’t plan for
every contingency, but the very act of planning for some of it will make you feel more in control
- and when you feel in control in this 8 Personal Year, you will prosper. matter what.

October – Personal Month 9:

October repeats the 9 Personal Month energy you felt in January and again here, intention
setting is crucial. There will be endings and goodbyes because that is the very nature of the
number 9 - but if you form an intent to make these positive, then abundance will flow towards

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you. Mentally, now is the time to start tying up loose ends thus far in 2023, so that in the
coming months you can prepare for 2024. Make lots of lists, get organized, and know where
you are heading.

A Personal Month 9 is also about sharing resources, including money. As the saying goes, you
can’t take it with you - so now is a good time to allow others to benefit from your prosperity, in
whatever way you see fit. That doesn’t have to mean handing out money, by the way. You
could mentor or advise someone through your wealth of experience, or you could take on a new
employee or perhaps help those less fortunate than you.

November – Personal Month 1:

November repeats the Personal Month 1 energy you felt in February, although this time,
naturally enough, the focus is on fresh starts that lie ahead in 2024. You will find yourself in a
leadership position now, so act decisively to draw a line under any lingering issues that need to
end. At this point, near the end of the year, you will benefit also from reviewing your plans from
February. What worked, and what didn’t work? Can you see why? How can you update and
revise those plans for 2024 - or do you need to change direction completely? A lot of confidence
comes with Personal Month 1, so set big goals and don’t punish yourself for things you tried
that didn’t work. You’re one step closer to the prosperity you’ve always deserved.

December – Personal Month 2:

What a lovely way to round out your year! December is a 2 Personal Month for you, as was
March, and that means a focus on partnerships, relationships, and other people. It’s the holiday
season of course, and these numbers are encouraging you to take a break from the need to
make money; just enjoy being around those you love. You will still need to work, naturally, but
you can do so now more cooperatively and less aggressively - your 8 Personal Year has led you
to be somewhat forceful at times, but now you can take a much softer approach. Spend time in
particular with your love partner and create joint plans for 2024. Even if you are very different
people with very different goals, it’s possible to create ways to share your prosperity and share
your joy. Good luck in the year ahead!

Achievement #22: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

22 is a Master Number in numerology, and it has many special qualities. In particular, this
number gifts you with great skill in organization, which leads to it being sometimes termed the
Master Builder or Mastermind number.

You can use this extraordinary skill in any way you like - and you can certainly use it to build a
prosperous future. You will thrive this year in any role where you can organize human and other

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resources to give the best possible results. However, being overly ambitious will hold you back,
so set realistic goals.

You may feel as though you have a calling this year; indeed, if you are already aware of your
spiritual calling, you will want to be sure that you can align your prosperity goals with your
higher purpose. Do be aware that you will meet opposition to some of your plans - the more
selfish your goals, the more likely that others will oppose you, so it will pay to keep an eye on
the bigger, wider purpose of benefit to society as a whole.

Altruistic and humanitarian ventures are sure to flourish this year but check your motives
carefully. If you are using your charisma in some kind of hero complex, you will fall far short.
Use your tolerance, empathy, and compassion to make a difference to others without expecting
hero worship in return.

Sometimes, having an Achievement Number 22 can create a lot of tension in your life, because
your spiritual and humanitarian goals can easily become at odds with your material goals. It’s
important to understand the nature of money on an energetic and psychic level, and this is a
key factor in your growth this year.

If you can apply your considerable talents to projects that benefit you and others equally, you
will quickly rally support and enjoy great success. Achievement Number 22 will attract
everything you need for success, provided you are not planning on using that success for selfish

Achievement #22 Plus 7 Universal Year = 2 Personal Year

To find out how you sync up with the Universal Year, we add 22+2023 = 2045; 2+0+4+5 = 11,
and 1+1 = 2, which is your Personal Year number.

A 2 Personal Year is all about how you relate to others. In prosperity terms, that means
ensuring that you focus not only on your own abundance but on abundance for those around
you too. You will be called upon to work with many different kinds of people, so be open to
what they have to offer and what you can offer in return.

Be aware that you will also attract people who are out to use you, however. You will need to be
quite discerning in order to learn who to trust, both among your personal contacts and your
business or financial ones. Your goal should be to create a system where everyone benefits, and
where you and your contacts can all flourish together.

Expect some people to pull at your heartstrings to get what they want from you, especially
financially. You will need to use all of your psychic skills and discerning judgment to work out
who is genuine and who is not.

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Once you know that someone is trying to exploit you, you can simply ignore them. Don’t try to
correct them or expose them, as you will simply drain your energy. Just turn your back.

You may find this year that you attract prosperity through the actions of others rather than by
your own doing. If you stand to benefit from someone else’s work or effort, be sure that this is
in line with your own values and ethics. It will be easy for you to be drawn into shady deals or
underhand tactics - resist. Take the high road and keep your conscience clear.

If you focus on mutual satisfaction and mutual prosperity for yourself, your loved ones, and
society, you will attract people and situations that you can enjoy with a glad heart and a clear
conscience. Because this is a 2 Personal Year, and there are double 2s in your Achievement
Number 22, the sky is the limit as to how far you can go.

If you apply these concepts well, then this can be a year when both your happiness and your
prosperity skyrocket. Work with others as much as possible, since the number 2 is always
happiest in company. This will remind you too that your own narrow self-interest should not

If you approach 2023 looking for opportunities where all can thrive, you stand every chance of
making this one of your best years yet.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency. To support and enhance a Personal Year 2,
consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: White/light blue

Jewel: Moonstone/pearl
Word: Partnership


January – Personal Month 3:

2023 gets off to a fun and sociable start with this Personal Month 3. The energy of Personal
Year 9 could be felt right away, however, if friends or partnerships dissolve for whatever
reason, or associates let you down. Try not to blame anyone, just accept that there will be
some parting of the ways. Let people go with kindness.

On a more positive and prosperous note, accept any invitations this month to join forces with
others financially or in business. There’s a sense of optimism around teamwork and the
intuition of your Achievement Number will easily help you pick the right people to surround
yourself with.

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February – Personal Month 4:

Personal Month 4 usually limits most of your time to work, whether on the job or with personal
pursuits. You may resent this, but it’s important not to become upset or bitter about it,
otherwise, the situation will only get worse. Use the power of your Achievement Number to get
organized in the way only the Master Builder can. Then you will be able to stay on track with
your prosperity goals even if circumstances limit your actions. This is also a good time of year
for paying special attention to wellness; any actions along these lines will be successful for you.
Business associates may be a little less cooperative than usual during the month, but you can
turn those situations around, thanks to Personal Year number 2. Overall, this is set to be a
serious, focused, hardworking month, but one in which you can see great results.

March – Personal Month 5:

This Personal Month 5 will be different from the ones you’ve experienced in the past. You’ll
need to carefully manage your energy. The emotional sensitivity of your 2 Personal Year and
your 22 Achievement Number don’t react well to the very uneven energy of the 5. Expect to veer
between excitement and panic at times, with moods up and down and hard to predict.

It’s possible that you may become less likely to appreciate what you have and be more willing
to chase after what you want, no matter how fleeting it may turn out to be. Try not to overreact
to the changes around you, because if you do, you won’t be able to see the opportunities that
are arriving. This is a tricky month to take advantage of; the key is to try to maintain even
emotions and a calm demeanor.

April – Personal Month 6:

This April, your Personal Month Number 6 harmonizes very well with your Achievement Number.
You will want to spend time in philanthropy, sharing your resources and your prosperity with
others. It’s an excellent time for family businesses or co-operatives, and for being an
outstanding boss, if you’re in a position to do that. Make people’s lives easier and nicer and
prosperity will flow to you from that.

However, don’t expect people to necessarily express gratitude for your help. People are
wrapped up with their own problems and their own lives; just because you are not lauded as a
hero doesn’t mean that what you’re doing isn’t worthwhile. Align your own personal interests to
the interests of others, so that you can work to the strengths of your Achievement Number 22.

May – Personal Month 7:

May is a Personal Month 7 in this Universal Year 7, and ideally, you’ll want to spend it quietly,
with a lot of time to yourself. Introspection, meditation, and spiritual practices will grow you

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personally, and in this way, you can tap into your divine talent for abundance. Think again
about what you consider prosperity to look like and feel like. How does that align with your
personal values? Are you walking the walk or only talking the talk? Does your income stream
live up to your own ethical and moral standards? If not, what are you going to do about it? This
is not an action month, but it is a deeply thoughtful period during which you can create a vision
of abundance and prosperity that your soul can endorse.

June – Personal Month 8:

June is a month in which you’ll be engaged in the material aspects of manifesting your dreams,
which means that you need to focus on your personal bottom line and on building your personal
boundaries. This isn’t a month to struggle - the more you chase after money, the more difficult
it will become to achieve your goals. Right now, the energies are aligned for effortless
abundance, so get into a prosperity mindset and don’t spend too much time worrying about
what you do not have.

8 is the number of self-mastery, and this June your self-discipline and your internal monologue
are important. You can only control yourself - you can’t control events around you and you
can’t control other people. You can, however, be flexible, confident, and kind. All three of those
qualities will help you to create abundance during this powerful 8 month without compromising
the values of your Achievement Number.

July – Personal Month 9:

This Personal Month 9 may be a little different than what you expect, because it may be
difficult for you to let go of some of the things that come up. Use your intuitive Achievement
Number to figure out what is or is not worth holding on to - but mostly, you will have to go with
the flow, because there are always endings of some kind in a 9 Personal Month. You can
certainly expect things to be a little more frustrating than usual in the emotional realm because
of the 2/9 combination of the Personal Year/Month numbers.

You might also find that people around you are less cooperative, especially in business or
finance. You could be simply trying too hard. In a 9 Month, it often pays to take your foot off
the gas. Take a few days to yourself, or simply chill out and do something you enjoy to take
your mind off any frustrations. There will be time to move forward again next month.

August – Personal Month 1:

This is your green light month - because it’s a Personal Month 1, a time for beginnings, new
efforts, and firsts. Your leadership skills are flourishing but watch out for a tendency to be a
little bit aggressive - in this 2 Personal Year, it’s easy to drive people away as well as draw
them close to you. Focus on building healthy, mutually beneficial partnerships and contacts. If

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you create the right team around you, others will quickly want to join. You can easily motivate
others by your actions, because of your mood, which is all about “going for it” even if you have
to do it yourself. Be prepared for some envy or jealousy from people around you. They don’t get
it. But you know, with your Achievement Number 22, that you intend to deliver prosperity for
all, not just for yourself, so take heart that your motives are good, regardless of what others
may think.

September – Personal Month 2:

September always has the same number as the Personal Year, so overabundant 2 is likely to
bring about a month in which you are motivated and driven by others, and they are happy to
work with you in both professional and personal situations. Your 22 Achievement Number helps
people to realize that you are on their side, rather than out for what you can get, and this
means that people will want to support you in your efforts.

Negotiations will go very well, as you have an instinct for win-win situations. Be aware,
however, that some people will want more from you than you are prepared to give. Don’t be
taken for a soft touch; you must stand up for yourself and impose boundaries where necessary.
This applies just as much to your personal life as to your prosperous activities.

October – Personal Month 3:

October repeats the 3 Personal Month energy that you felt in January, but with the added
insight of what you have learned so far during this year. All kinds of creative ventures are very
well starred now, and it should be an outstanding time for marketing or publicity of any kind.
Communication is great too, so sell your vision to others and get the backing you need.

All 3 Personal Months are sociable and lively, but for you, this month also brings the chance to
tap into the hive mind. Don’t be afraid to ask friends, colleagues, and partners for their insight
into what you’re trying to achieve. Collective wisdom will bring you closer to your prosperity
goals than you can get alone. Brainstorming will produce brilliant results this month as your
creative power is at its height.

November – Personal Month 4:

This is your second Personal Month 4 this year, but it’s not as serious and focused as February
was. It’s more about keeping up with the plans you already have in place, with less emphasis
on needing to create new structures or schedules.

Nevertheless, details matter and you’ll want to keep a very close eye on any practical projects
you have on the go. If you employ people or contractors, be on top of what they’re doing
because mistakes can easily be made now. Small errors can quickly spiral out of control in a 4

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Personal Month, so nip things in the bud while the issues are still small. Don’t rely on luck this
month - it’s about your attention to detail and your eye for success and strategy, not about
relying on some unseen force or chance of circumstance.

December – Personal Month 5:

December’s Personal Month 5 will be very different from the one you had back in March. Since
we’re at the end of the year, your moods are likely to be more settled and less tumultuous.
However, the pressure of duties and responsibilities may be greater, especially at this
expensive time of the year. Be very careful not to overspend during the holiday season - your
wild enthusiasm may bring joy into your life and others, but it will all have to be paid for,
putting a dent in the prosperity you’ve worked so hard to accumulate.

The 5/2 combination is very excitable and may lead to impulsive or emotional decisions that
are not good for your bottom line. Try to stay calm this month. By all means, enjoy the
festivities and look ahead to 2024 with excitement, but don’t allow sudden changes of direction
to sabotage your year just at this last moment.

Achievement #33: Your 2023 Personal Energy Forecast

You have a unique Achievement Number because it is one of the Numbers that cannot appear
as either a Birthday or Life Path number. It can only appear as an Achievement number or as
one of your Name Numbers. Like all other Achievement Numbers, it converts the universal year
into a personal one, but what is most unique about 33 is its very special quality as a doubled or
Master Number.

33 is usually associated with teaching, healing, and self-sacrifice. People with this number, like
yourself, find themselves in situations that challenge their principles, values, or ethics. Your
desire to do the right thing is so powerful that you may sometimes ignore what’s best for you in
order to do right by others. Of course, this has to do with your personal values and what you
consider right and wrong, but the fact remains that you are driven by the impulse to care for
others. You stand up for your values and believe strongly in justice and fairness, whether they
are aligned with what the society in which you live agrees with you or not.

This is a number that often is found in the charts of saints, martyrs, and even soldiers, who will
do almost anything to protect and serve others and are moved by the ideas of right and wrong.
You tend to be very protective of other people especially those who suffer from forces they
cannot stand up against. This number is strongly associated with universal love, in that love
and compassion appear to be its guiding principles.

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33 is also very magnetic and attracts other people to you, and because of its particular
qualities, you may find yourself in the position of a counselor or teacher, whether in a formal
capacity or not. It also gives you a caregiver’s “bedside manner” that distinguishes you as
being a really helpful and honestly sympathetic person. People will look to you for help with
answers to their problems, even if your professional life has nothing to do with these

But there are some things you have to watch out for that can interfere with your prosperity in
life. Sometimes your advice or counsel is unappreciated or ignored by others, and the
consequences of not listening to you will hurt you more than it does them.

It’s something you’ll need to get used to because allowing yourself to be hurt by this can be
troublesome emotionally. It can also cause you to try and force them into hearing what you
have to say, or you may decide not to say anything at all, neither of which will allow this loving,
healing energy to flow properly.

You also have to watch out for people who would take advantage of your caring and generous
nature. It really is important for you to take a hard-nosed approach to the use of your time and
resources. Everyone has to learn their life lessons in their own way, so it’s much better to “teach

Achievement #33 Plus 7 Universal Year = 4 Personal Year

Let’s find your Personal Year Number by adding your Achievement Number, 33, to 2023. The
result will be 2056, which we sum as follows; 2+0+5+6 = 13, 1+3 = 4, and this defines your
personal year.

You will have a lot on your plate during a Personal Year 4. You have taken on a lot of
commitments recently and it’s going to be hard work to be all the things you need to be to all
the people you care for. If you have been over-confident or over-enthusiastic in the past, this
could be the year that you feel the pinch.

But that’s OK. You need to learn to ask for help when you need it, and that’s what a Personal
Year 4 will teach you. It’s not a failure to have to ask for assistance - you’d be failing if you
knew you needed help and didn’t seek it. This valuable lesson will stand you in good stead both
this year and in the future.

Be prepared for things to feel like hard work at times - even things you enjoy doing.
Responsibilities may feel particularly onerous. The best way to handle this is to make a careful
schedule and revisit it frequently to make sure that you are making the best use of your limited

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Try to avoid being overly impulsive, as this will slow down your progress. A 4 Personal Year is a
slow-paced, cautious, careful one in which the win goes to those who can move ahead with
patience and care. You are building and perfecting, and that takes time if you want to do it
right. If you take the time you need, you will be well on your way to building a secure and
abundant life.

You’ll need to pay careful attention to your holistic well-being during this 4 Personal Year.
Because you will be under a certain amount of stress, it’s important that your diet is good and
that you get enough sleep. Don’t neglect your mental health either.

When it comes to new opportunities, be open to new ideas, but avoid rushing into anything too
quickly. On the other hand, you must guard against becoming bogged down in detail or
procrastination. Systematic analysis will give you good results.

Your prosperity consciousness will suffer this year if you rely on luck. Instead, root yourself in
your own good judgment and trust that you know what you’re doing. Get yourself organized,
consult with professionals where necessary, and keep your financial life under careful control.

Each Personal Year has a set vibrational frequency.

To support and enhance a Personal Year 4, consider working with the following suggestions:

Color: Green
Jewel: Emerald/Jade
Word: Practical


January – Personal Month 5:

2023 gets off to a roaring start with a Personal Month 5, packed with surprises. Your
Achievement Number 33 may take the role of a teacher, but your biggest challenge this month
is to teach yourself not to be afraid of the unexpected. Don’t let your financial and prosperity
decisions be driven by a need to cling to safety - taking an educated guess or a leap of faith
will get your year off to a much better start. On a more personal level, your charisma is very
strong right now, which should make it easy for you to attract investors or support for your
most cherished projects. You present well, so don’t miss this opportunity to show others your
vision and get them on board.

February – Personal Month 6:

During a Personal Month 6, the focus is on home and family, as well as any financial
responsibilities you have there. Your Personal Year 4 blends well with this energy and anything

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connected to real estate is likely to be prosperous for you, whether that’s investing or simply
upgrading your own home and living areas. It will be a rewarding month if you can get your
work-life balance correct - by feeling safe and happy at home, you will be able to push ahead
with your business or work plans with confidence and ease. Trust those around you to help you
wherever they can; this is highly cooperative energy and excellent for teamwork of any kind.

March – Personal Month 7:

Since it’s a 7 Universal Year, this 7 Personal Month will be a key time for your abundance. It’s a
quiet month on the face of it, but you can do a lot of strategic thinking behind the scenes. Try
meditation or another spiritual practice to help calm your mind; you might also find divination
useful for decision-making as it enables you to tap into your higher consciousness. Powerful
intuitive insights will show you the right way to go in business or finance, and you should listen
to that inner counsel even if, or perhaps especially if, it doesn’t match up with the advice others
are giving you. You know best. Study or research will further underline to you that you’re
making the right decision. Don’t procrastinate or put things off, because too much time spent
thinking will be counterproductive. Your challenge is to think, within reason, and to listen to
your intuition, and then to act in a quiet, cool, calm way.

April – Personal Month 8:

April is a month that doubles your personal Year Number and this can lead to an
overabundance of 8 energy. This is very ambitious energy and you will certainly feel driven to
accumulate wealth and abundance - but you may also feel that you can do this whatever the
means. In other words, you may be drawn to underhand or shady ways of making quick money;
avoid this at all cost, because your Achievement Number simply won’t tolerate dishonesty.
Take the higher road, even if it means you have to work harder or longer. You can reap rewards
this month with a clear conscience, you don’t need to abandon your values.

Debt could be a key issue this month, whether it’s what you owe or what others owe you. It
might also be an emotional debt that hangs over your head - working out a repayment plan of
sorts, whatever kind of debt it is, will help you to stay on an even keel. Keep an eye on taxes
and other financial responsibilities too - it’s easy for you to get caught up in ambitious plans
right now and lose track of the details.

May – Personal Month 9:

May is a month for finishing things, getting rid of them, or otherwise bringing them to an end. If
you focus on ending deals, contracts, debts, and other things that drain your energy and
resources, you’ll walk into June, which is a Personal Month 1, with plenty of room to take on

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new plans, projects, and ideas. Let go of things that no longer serve you. If you have
investments that aren’t working for you, now is the time to ditch them.

Generally speaking, a 9 Personal Month is not a good time to take a risk - financial or
otherwise. So, stick with tried and tested techniques and avoid taking a chance on a new
investment, new job, or new business. This may frustrate you, but timing is everything in
prosperity. Wait until next month if you are itching to make a new start on something,
otherwise, you may experience loss and disappointment.

June – Personal Month 1:

June as a 1 Personal Month is when you can pursue those opportunities and chances you had to
pass up on in May. Your ambitions are supercharged now, and you’ll likely “feel the itch” to get
something exciting started. If you’ve managed to drop things that were holding you back last
month, you can expect this month to be a fast-paced experience that gives plenty of
opportunities to express your courage and determination. Be aware that the force of your
personality can be too much for some people, however. Lead kindly and avoid taking credit for
things you didn’t do, or blaming others for your own mistakes. Your pioneering ideas have a lot
of value right now, but you won’t get people to back you unless you treat them well.

July – Personal Month 2:

July will be the month of cooperation for you. Teamwork, personal relationships, and all ways
of achieving mutual success and satisfaction are favored now. Put yourself in someone else’s
shoes as often as you can, as you will gain great insight that way, particularly in business
dealings. Teamwork is important, so don’t try to go it alone with anything where success is
essential. By gathering the right people around you, you will double your chances. You might
find that others have brilliant ideas to share with you too - so getting great minds together is
an excellent idea no matter what the situation. Work towards your prosperity in ways that
benefit those around you too; shared prosperity is the key driving force behind a 2 Personal
Month, especially in this altruistic 7 Universal Year.

August – Personal Month 3:

You’ll need to avoid too many distractions in this Personal Month 3, especially given its
relationship to your Achievement Number, 33. You could very easily have a great and
fascinating time following up on random interests, only to discover that the month is over and
you’ve made next to no progress on your actual goals. To keep the focus on your prosperity,
make lots of lists and set yourself timed goals and schedules. There’s nothing wrong with
enjoying yourself this month, but all things in moderation. Make time to work as well as play.

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Keeping detailed notes will help you stay on track if you do get distracted by something new
and shiny.

September – Personal Month 4:

September is always a Personal Month that carries the same number as the Personal Year, and
this year, that number is 4. Facing a doubled 4 month is not an easy task, but you should be
able to rise to the challenge. Persistence is the key to success, and you have plenty of natural
persistence courtesy of your Achievement Number. Self-doubt might hold you back, however,
so invest in your own confidence if you want to stay on course. Surround yourself with people
who will cheer for you in your down moments and look into motivational techniques to help you
feel inspired even when the going gets tough. If handled correctly, this 4 Personal Month in your
4 Personal Year can create huge leaps forward in your security and financial abundance.

October – Personal Month 5:

You can expect October, the second Personal Month 5 this year to be somewhat different from
its first appearance back in January. There will still be surprises and changes, but if you’ve
jumped into doing new things, organized your life around your best interests and the
acceptance of others, you can expect this to be an exciting and enjoyable month. It’s now time
to “do your thing” and have a good time with whatever you are doing. Your influence will still
be amplified, but others will be attracted to the ability you have to analyze situations and
capitalize on the opportunities that change can bring. This does not mean you need to
speculate, because risk-based speculation is gambling, and Personal Year 4 does not make a
combination with the 5 of this Personal Month that brings luck. Whatever you depend on luck to
bring about may not happen. Don’t take commitments lightly and try to avoid making promises
for now, because you will benefit from being honorable and reliable this month.

November – Personal Month 6:

November brings the return of Personal Month 6, but this time, you will need to concentrate on
other aspects of this number. It’s important now that you act in the wider interests of society or
humanity, rather than purely for selfish gain. The compassion of number 6 is spread far more
widely now than it was back in February when you first experienced a Personal Month 6. Teach
yourself how to read body language so that you can pick up on what those around you are
really thinking and feeling; that way, you can avoid inadvertently causing hurt or upset, which
will help you to cement alliances, friendships, and partnerships. Sympathy and compassion
together bring harmony and balance into your life as the mindset that wields the true creative
power that is the key to your prosperity.

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December – Personal Month 7:

It’s been quite a year - but now as 2023 draws to a close, you get a chance to relax. In this
Universal Year 7, your second Personal Month 7 is just what the doctor ordered. Life will slow
down quite a bit, but your mind will be working overtime to prepare for the excitement of next
year. 2024 will be a 5 Personal Year for you, packed with change and opportunity, so work on
your bravery and get ready to move into the new year with confidence. Work on your psychic
and intuitive skills too, if you can. Spending time relaxing, meditating, or otherwise calming the
mind is the best way to keep the channel to your inner “psychic self” open. It’s just what you’ll
need to have a brilliant year in 2024.

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