RohanKapuria PGDBM AnnualReportAnalysis

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1. Kindly list down the different sections of the Annual report and write the importance of each in max.

30 words (At least 5 sections to be listed) Answer: 1) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account: It shows the financial position of the company at a particular point of time. It ensures that the company is complying by the tax rules, laws etc. It shows the extent of entity ownership of assets, liabilities and equity at a given point. 2) Board of Directors: Gives share holders and future investors in the company a look at the team spearheading the group. This section is important because having bigwigs in the board of directors team gives investors and shareholders confidence in the future of the company. 3) General Shareholder Information: Gives information about the Annual general meeting, Payment of dividend, Bonus Shares, Date of dividend payment, Market price data, Distribution of shareholdings, Stock code, Listing on stock exchanges, Plant locations etc. 4) Chairmans letter: This is an important aspect of the annual report since it gives an overview about the companys performance and future plans. Good for a quick understanding about the report. 5) Management Discussion and Analysis: This section gives a segment wise analysis of the companys performance and also about the Research and Development (R&D), Operations, Subsidiaries, Exports etc. 2. What are the different forms in which a Balance Sheet and an Income Statement be written? Answer: Balance sheet and income statement can be written in two different forms1) Report form or vertical form. 2) Account form or horizontal form. 3. What do you mean by Assets, Liabilities? List down some assets and liabilities mentioned in the Balance sheet given in the Annual Report Answer: Assets can be classified as current and fixed. Current assets can be cashed and include accounts receivable, short term investments, inventory etc... Fixed assets are mostly property, plant and equipments which hold a value but that value cannot be converted into cash instantly...

It is the amount payable by a businessman to others in a short or long time.

Assets: Land Electric equipment Furniture Inventory Liabilities: Share capital Reserves and surplus Secured & unsecured loan 4. What is the importance of an Annual Report? Answer: 1) Gives in dept information about the various assets, liabilities, sources of funds and use of funds through the balance sheet and income statement. 2) Gives us an understanding about the financial standing/performance of a company during the specific year. 3) It is an essential and comprehensive document to present to investors and lenders who express an interest in ones business, or potential stakeholders who are approached for funding. 4) The directors report and chairmans statement gives information about the current and future operational performance of the company.

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