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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City
A. Tumulak St., Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City
Tel. No. (032)495-8180



1. All 10-RBT students shall maintain the cleanliness orderliness of the classroom including its CR and outside areas. Daily routines and groupings
shall be religiously followed.

2. It is every 10-RBT student’s business to pick up trashes like crumpled papers, plastics, paper cuttings from projects etc. from the floor and outside
area of the classroom and be thrown in the garbage sack.

3. Every 10-RBT student should take care of all the properties inside the classroom as they may be held responsible over it and may pay for its loses or
damage at the end of the school year (text books for individual student, chairs, tables, cabinet and fixtures for the whole class)

4. Use of cell phones/smart phones or any gadget inside the classroom is prohibited (except when necessary e.g. making/answering important calls).
Surfing the net, browsing any social media (FB, IG, Messenger, Twitter etc.) and playing online or offline games during class hours is strictly not allowed.

5. Listening to music and using headsets/ headphones during class hours is also prohibited.

6. Charging of cell phones/ smart phones inside the school campus is not allowed (except if needed during classroom activities or school programs)

***Violation of #s 2, 3 & 4 may be a ground for confiscation of the cell phone/smart phone or any gadget and may only be returned after a conference
with a parent/guardian.

7. Complete school uniform with school ID should be worn at all times inside the school campus
BOYS: Khaki-colored pants
White polo
Close Shoes
GIRLS: Red-Brown Checkered Skirt
White Blouse with necktie (same color with skirt)
Close Shoes

8. Boys are strictly NOT ALLOWED from wearing earrings, baseball caps, wear make-up, cross dress and sport bright or neon hair colors

***Violation of # 8 may be a ground for confiscation of the earrings or baseball cap and may only be returned after a conference with a parent/guardian.

9. Girls on the other hand, are strictly NOT ALLOWED from wearing big dangling earrings, sport bright or neon hair colors, put on dark-colored nail
polish, wear make-up and put on lipstick except during school and academic subject-related activities

10. Prescribed haircut for boys should be regularly followed. Checking of haircut shall be done every first Monday of the month.

***Attendance shall be strictly monitored using the Attendance Monitoring. Every period, attendance will be checked by the subject teacher and the class
secretary. Absences, tardiness and instances of cutting classes shall be recorded. The student shall be reprimanded and given a warning whenever
3 accumulated instances of the said offenses with no valid reason will be made. If the offenses accumulate to 5 instances, the student’s
parent/guardian shall be sent with a letter for a Teacher-Parent Conference with the Guidance Counselor or Principal and the incident will be
recorded in the Anecdotal Record.

***Students with complete attendance and those with no tardiness shall be acknowledged every end of the month.

11. All 10-RBT students shall always be inside the classroom during class hours and in-between periods. Loitering outside the classroom or in the
corridors during vacant periods and while waiting for the next subject teacher will NOT be tolerated.

12. A CR is inside the classroom and the water dispenser is just in the doorway; thus, there’s no reason for 10-RBT students to be outside the classroom
except during recess. Buying of snacks shall be done during recess time only.

13. Time should be spent wisely. A lot of assignments and projects will be given by the subject teachers; thus, time should not be idled whenever a
teacher is not around.

14. Being a part of a fraternity, sorority, gang or clan will be STRICTLY PROHIBITED

15. Whatever classroom agreements the class arrives at with the consensus of the classroom officers and the majority, all 10-RBT students should
actively participate and cooperate. This includes classroom projects, sinking funds etc.

16. The principal and all the teachers and NOT JUST your adviser and your subject teacher shall be shown courtesy due to them at all times.

17. Do and pass your assignments, projects, etc. religiously and on time.

18. Comply with tree planting schedule every month with appropriate documentation (pictures of before, during and after tree planting). Checking
of documentation will be done every last Friday of the planting month

19. The class will be having an FB Group account and a Group Chat to be administered by the adviser. Proper decorum shall be observed at all times
with these social media. Its sole purpose is for academic and class-related concerns thus non-sense, degrading and obscene words and acts shall
not be tolerated as the Principal would be a member. Avoid teasing your classmate, remember teasing is a form of BULLYING and it is a big offense



I have read and kept a copy of the Grade 10-RBT Classroom Rules and Regulations and I thereby promise to abide by it. I de hereby affix my signature
this _________ day of _______________, 20___.


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