Career Planning

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One must first comprehend what professional growth implies before developing a plan for
their own personal development. Working on one's career development will help one
understand their personal development plan and how to achieve their professional
development plan. We must learn to listen to ourselves if we are to do anything good in this
life. Regardless of whether or not others agree with it, your choice is important because you
made it. Choosing the right career path will not be made any easier by believing others when
they say something is impossible. It is crucial to always maintain one's efforts and one's faith.
In its most basic form, career development is a process that takes place over the course of an
individual's entire life. It might be characterized as a continuous process for learning new
information and developing skills that can be used to create a professional strategy (Anderson
& Bolt, 2013). It's also crucial to know what a person plans to do after leaving a facility,
where they're going, what their goals are, and what they hope to accomplish. Development
planning, in its simplest form, entails shifting the emphasis to the strategic goals that an
individual, a community, or an organization aims to achieve over the course of a certain
period of time. Most frequently, the development strategy will incorporate time-based
reference points. Additionally, it frequently includes criteria that will be applied to determine
if the objectives have been met (Browaeys & Price, 2019). I'm going to discuss my personal
growth plan, aims, future profession, and other relevant issues in this essay, as well as how or
by what methods I expect to achieve those goals. What it is that I must know and have,
without fail.

2. The PDP

What is intended by the phrase "personal development plan" is essentially providing

opportunities to think through in a focused manner. It offers an answer to the questions of
what people want out of life, the kind of person they want to be, their goals and aspirations,
and the information they currently have or will obtain (Browaeys & Price, 2008).

2.1 External Engagement

2.1.1 Work Experience:

I've never been fond of finance. I associate finance with commercialization, the building of
personal wealth, profit, and money-craziness. I've discovered that there is more to finance
than what first appears as a student and scholar of the subject. I'm excited to study finance at
the Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management
Sciences (BUITEMS), which is well-known in my own country. I developed an
understanding of money, the national economy, and how an economy may prosper while I
was a student. This discovery sparked my interest in my field, and I went on to earn my BBA
in Finance and MsMS in Finance from BUITEMS Quetta, Pakistan, with CGPAs of 3.70 and
3.34, respectively. Reality comes hard after school when you're from a modest family in one
of the world's least developed nations. Finding a job, making money, and providing for your
family should come first. I gave in to that primal desire and acted as any other 25-year-old
son would. I was employed by Bank Al-Falah Limited, a reputed private commercial bank in
Pakistan. Since I desired to improve the lives of others, I was unable to continue working at
that position. Due to my strong academic credentials, I joined the department of finance at
Al-Hamd Islamic University from 2018 to 2020, and subsequently at GCU UK, from January
2021 to the present.

2.1.2 Volunteering:

Additionally, I wanted to improve the calibre of my social connections, both inside and
outside of school. One of the most effective strategies I chose to use to reach my goal was
taking part in extracurricular activities. I'm not extremely sporty, so finding a group or
activity to join was difficult for me. Despite this, I was aware of how important this was,
therefore I chose to join the badminton team because of this. Since then, I've put a lot of
effort into honing my badminton talents. Since I started taking part in extracurricular
activities and joining social groups outside of the classroom, my capacity to handle stress has
substantially increased. It has also enabled me to unwind in productive ways and live a more
rewarding life. Being a part of the badminton team has been extremely helpful and useful to
me in many ways.

2.1.3 Study abroad

In order to teach my students, the most recent information and research available, I must
further my education at prestigious universities. In addition, I must get ready to advocate for
national economic policies in my nation. I'm dedicated to pursuing a Ph.D. in finance in the
UK in order to meet my goal. I wrote articles for peer-reviewed journals because I wanted to
investigate, consider, and elucidate. I started my investigation by reading articles about
behavioral finance and relating them to my area of expertise in finance. I became interested in
the UK Ph.D. program in Behavioral Finance and believed it was a good fit for me. Through
this curriculum, I will learn behavioral finance and how to link economics and finance. I want
to actively push for policy changes and provide financial advice to the government of my
nation, thus a thorough understanding of behavioral finance is crucial. This has heightened
my interest in seeking a Ph.D. in Behavioral Finance because becoming an accomplished
academic and researcher requires acquiring focused, in-depth information.

2.1.4 Desk based projects:

When I was employed as a miner at GCU university in UK, I had the chance to do research
on the impact of water resources intervention on the rural development of the people of GCU,
UK. because the project is being funded by the government of UK. As a result, the research's
conclusions were shared with the UK government. That was a fantastic opportunity for me to
learn more about the issues related to economic growth and how these issues are believed to
affect the native population of UK. The study's good findings imply that they may have
helped policy makers' knowledge bases grow and that they will also aid in the urban
countryside's growth.

2.2 Career aspiration.

In spite of our hopes, we will not all become billionaires. People seek satisfying careers.
Unpleasant labor doesn't motivate. I want fun work. Everyday accomplishment is essential.
We must examine our personalities, occupations that suit, challenge, and capitalize on our
talents, as well as our own preferences (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, 2020). Following
graduation, I intend to work in the oil industry. I aspire to be the chief financial officer of a
major oil company in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, or the
United States. In five years, I intend to own business stock. I will begin as a junior manager,
as I cannot become executive director overnight Oil? (Browaeys & Price, 2008). The phrase
"black gold" Because a friend works there, I take this company seriously. Every serious
business need this. My position requires caution. Globalization has created several graduates
and professionals. Due to my circumstances, it is difficult for me to acquire employment, but
in five years I will be the financial director of a major oil business. Profitable. Following us,
oil will be required. I desire $30,000 or $50,000 per month within five years. Numerous
nations legalize it. Arabia, UAE, etc. According to polls, a "Director of finance" in London
earns between £130,000 and $160,000 a month. In the United States, the financial executive
of AMICAS earns between $119k and $130k.

CFOs manage the company's cash. Management of resources and profits. These
responsibilities entail revenue, expenditures, and receipts. How to contact suppliers, develop
agreements and resolve connections, create future actions after highlighting the most
significant director, etc. A CEO acts. He needs to be customer oriented (Bloom, 2017).

All finance directors plan, direct, and manage the financial, human resource, and
organizational functions of the municipality (Director Finance Job Description, 2005). The
director of finance is responsible for managing financial relationships to maximize
manufacturing and production efficiency and profitability. Economic activity finds sources of
finance (budgetary financing, short-term and long-term crediting, release and acquisition of
securities, leasing financing, attraction extra and use of own means). To seek external
financing, the financial division will evaluate sources, costs, financial risk, and internal and
foreign sources (Talati, 2012). Discussions with banks, lenders, etc. He has fiscal
responsibility and second signature authority. I desire advanced-level skills, knowledge, and
competence. In this field, I would need an MBA. This position demands expertise in finance,
accounting, human resource management, etc. Requires research, leadership, problem-
solving, listening, and communication skills. Essay job description: The director of finance
states that the official must possess outstanding leadership, interpersonal, team building,
accounting, analytical, problem-solving, decision-making, impersonal verbal and listening
communications, attention to detail and high accuracy, effective organizational, and written
communication skills. You will need all three to obtain contracts and persuade clients or
business partners. The book by Dale Carnegie explained how to interact with customers,
solve problems, and improve corporate revenue. Talk. Influence, reputation, and efficiency
are increased. We can handle concerns, prevent issues, and engage in positive interaction.
Training, mentoring, and coaching are methods for enhancing skills (London, 2018).

2.3 Reflection on skills development

In the past year, I've learned how to present by giving case study presentations at university. I
had to give a presentation in class last week, but I wasn't ready. So I was unhappy and
learned that I should prepare more for my presentations. After the eyes, the clear voice is the
most important thing for a public speaker, along with voice projection and change. The
average audience member has a family, a schedule, a car payment, and a mortgage. They will
definitely be thinking about other things, so you need to do something to get their attention
and make an impression that will last. Be sure of yourself. If you forget your speech, keep
talking and make it fun, and you might remember it. The last thing you say to an audience
will be the thing they remember. I'm thankful to my professor for teaching me that, and I
think it will help me in my career in the future. This skill helps me tell the director about
business ideas, client projects, or both (Solomon et al.).

When I went on vacation to Kazakhstan five months ago, I tried to get a job at a fuel
company. I had one interview. As the interview went on, they started asking me too many
questions I didn't know the answers to. I started to forget things and get nervous, so they
didn't hire me. Now I can fix what I did wrong. Interviews are very important. Knowing as
much as I can about the company can make interviews more interactive and help me get a job
in a market where there is a lot of competition. So I need to dress well so I feel confident and
comfortable, sit up straight and look at the interviewer, speak clearly and don't fidget, be
more myself because the interviewer wants to know more about me, be friendly, polite, and
enthusiastic, let the interviewer know I really want the job, and learn as much as I can about
the company (Megginson & Whitaker, 2007).

In the past year, I've also become more responsible. It happened when I went to Malaysia by
myself and had to decide what to do without anyone else's help. I am now in charge of my
mistakes and choices. I didn't know how to cook, clean, etc. when I first got here, but now I
do. I made mistakes, but I still keep track of, save, and manage my money. In my country, I
was too afraid to fight back when someone said something bad or disgusting, but here I have
to hold it together or leave and disappoint my family. So, I learned a new skill: being able to
reason. It will help me make good choices, be more responsible, and do everything I do with
confidence (Zulch, 2016).

2.4 SMART Goals

During the course, I aim to make better decisions. My Moodle assignment needed
leadership, as was already said. I'm bad at choosing teammates. The improvement of
decision-making is crucial. Using the examples below.
Professional strength: teamwork development
The 5 criteria Address of criteria
Specific Specific goals create teamwork. The skill will help me engage with
coworkers and boost partnerships.
Measurable Measurable skill. It can be measured through employee conflicts. It also
evaluates my teammates' collaboration and team success.
Achievable School and work teach goal-setting. Teams and employees can learn it.

Realistic/relevant This aim will strengthen my teamwork and job success.

Time-bound This is a time-bound goal for my education.

Development goal: Improvement of my decision-making styles

The 5 criteria Address of the criteria
Specific I aim to develop organizational decision-making styles. I must make sure the
decision-making method fits team members' options to increase teamwork
and handle disagreements.

Measurable Good decision-making should help the company. Good decision-making is

measurable. It's measured by the decision's ROI. It's also judged by conflicts
resolved through decision-making. With high benefits and low costs, high
decision returns, and high conflict resolution rates, I'll have achieved my
Achievable Good decision-making is possible. Active learning, coaching, and on-the-job
practice can teach this talent. I'll use accessible methods to acquire these
skills and reach my goal.
Realistic/relevant Junior and management levels are decision driven. Throughout their career,
employees must make several decisions. According to Kinicki et al. (2018), a
manager must regularly make decisions. Relevant aim. Developing this
expertise during my course makes the aims a reality.
Time-bound This is my learning goal. This goal's completion time is therefore specified.

3 Conclusion
I must build new abilities and raise my level of knowledge through studying if I want to grow
as a professional. If I have the requisite skills and expertise, I will be able to grow my career
and succeed by offering high-quality services and coaching other employees. While I am
working hard to maximize my learning and gain the job-relevant abilities that would position
me as an ideal employee and prepare me for placement as soon as I graduate, I am also
working hard to attain good grades on my tests. Through the process of planning for
professional development, this report has assisted me in establishing goals for my
professional progress. I will work toward achieving these targets while enrolled at this
institution. I found one of my shortcomings to be that I frequently make bad conclusions after
completing an analysis of the data in my Moodle. The analysis was used to gather this data.
The goals are intended to help me strengthen this area of weakness before I finish my studies.

4 Reference:

Anderson, L. E., & Bolt, S. B. (2013). Professionalism: Skills for workplace success.
Bloom, P. (2017). The ethics of neoliberalism: The business of making capitalism moral.
Browaeys, M.-J., & Price, R. (2008). Understanding cross-cultural management. Pearson
Browaeys, M.-J., & Price, R. (2019). Understanding cross-cultural management. Pearson UK.
London, G. (2018). MSc Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing.
Megginson, D., & Whitaker, V. (2007). Continuing professional development. Kogan Page
Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S., Hogg, M., Parsons, E., Maclaran, P., & Hackley,
C. City logistics.
Szczepańska-Woszczyna, K. (2020). Management theory, innovation and organisation: A
model of managerial competencies. Routledge.
Talati, J. J. (2012). Managerial Effectiveness. Available at SSRN 2132261.
Zulch, B. (2016). A proposed model for construction project management communication in
the South African construction industry. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and
Development Sciences, 23(1), 1-35.

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