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- Me umineted object manufa_ o-1 LOM poeces> a . fel > Lom technology wars oe eee tastic ox mekol laminates 20 pinin fs Sait These Sheots of moterrial 93 g]uod togelon aye - by - lay ea and _cus into shape ding a@ENife oF with axes CUFbIPG . objeds Created using LOM can then be furthee madified 664 po 28s by machining am Jodlting: ~ laminated abjeck Manuf actussng is_¢ eesubile povcess, Which is mod yualy peotoxmed y ing papes ¢ the mates Wihile plastic and Metallic shop cal ol fo be used) thome orp bey 1a 022 hoth more cu Asan additive Poanufa turn q pancoss, tof ie fst ond INPYoNsSve, and | dis byl coully Used fog Qapid pactobyp ing mathe, aS PQoduction awd! \ _hakchin f_excess matenel to facilate tho | Rormoval ot oasho : 4 Lot eT gluco Join with cr | Data ie) A blade o% lager is Used to dow out the omermn ef the objec. 95 wellas 1 C3055 fi pidefele f f once a layer has been join with into and the Rog uined dimen sone doo wn, the bulld plotPowm moves clown So anothey can Use ac lo pooducd to quickly and_efficientHy build 4 layer of muleAd Can be aolled into posifon with the: heated solleo.: This procwss 15 a Repealed Uptill the mode) oa paokotyps i6> : complete § 2 I Advantages’ : [> MoM offeos Several advantages fox induaty — ‘fom He quick and inexpensive produdion of edotatypes and othe Pacducis: compant?s mpule-gonepated model df pootokype faor “Inexpensive build matedoHs lilee pape can be used to roche e7 The loM maces . [both solid and hollow object including lagqe parts fastea and Poo jess models created! eoith papre bave ; leocod -pibo chara chosistics._meantny thet [oun be worked and _fintshe ding SMpy | in 0 DE : | ea | e=l—— l =} dodanie sabApm cll (2206085, if js not as eam bo pdoduce complex geome Shapes az Sth otboe 2D parmbing Peocoss-es , i Phe Nowe rf 10M males (ntegnal stau ti, Land undeocits difficuH and can cCoealo challenges with breaking puet out Paorn ithe laminae i 37 tor cfPers: Reducod gdimenaones accuoay Linen compayed bo Shea ed ithogaaphy SdecHiye lasep anthespng ane AT Depending on the maewal US oo) 4 ‘puts AN No hue pour “susker FI NISh and more delicate papex pus may have low Strength. ; of Application: LW Scale Models Cun cao be a atod using lamipated obye cf ~maanu fa chuang Whiz bhe use of loUD RE Inks Nd papem lols allows foo the chection ef iD ona 2A ij herm 22 tom is also used ip 2ducadlon ane] LM23GH, as it siiows you fo (Peake peoducds with o PIN imum cost, & itis more 5 Pw lym De ; ot cust amizod ob} « hth epeadticNan cds 02 inductnyg) ya ban ap Peasone! Te eH object ane auaan P( —Atauctunes Lihich conhe any ipod. [Polished | coke epee Wd paipto df Waa | Fea & oo 57 used foo limited testing } uged asa Visual modeJ consedin—> nelec \ matenals Lom technology uses adhosiy.o coated paper, plastic or mete) laminates Way lao a 3) pwnting medium, ny The most common motenal used & tn LOM are thermoplastics Suth as Pye? Paper, Composites (Feqoous matal, non — Cemous merals , Cogamics) » The ude ct metal in the: Lom ‘ pao ‘5 Bde AT 19M pgocjss 15 Most usually perfor - med Using paper ax the mater [hits plastic and Metalic: sheeds cw aso be ved, but Basic Gnd mettle Sheojs ate compley to cok» f f ae == = = Ye. poccess Powden bed fusion paocwss forndoa hed fusom 15 aa additive manykach base panciple in 4+ho pdods foamed thao. acd Ng morberet eethes “thon isubfoacting iL through convention ad Foaming | op lack j of): uch os milling. Ths PRE j220@4s begins with the veasion 4 a 3D CAD made) thhich i NYUMes cally Sliced’ into @ sewoal discrede. layeas + foo—each layer, acheat goumeais In pioth icomttctetled each lave is then equen bial bonded on bop e cuch othep: PRE process spread powdered matena) oveo th NL peaesie. of the Neyh Layoo Pan tho Manu fochining is disente Father than cCominous + A hopper applies {KX pow doned moten ot lihich 1e then spread una arly Lover the poioder bed Lisi lef plathoor» dneq vie og blacto. Post j20-000 65ing of PRE pats ‘is comm only. equi Ze ef ate bekpes are hur ‘in th lntendod appli ot 4072 this 5 Pawijicda a4 tao foo Moet el and loys J Oonpflducdion —> _ nets. AI Advan taug.o3 + f Reduced makeMal wWds5tage and Coch YLTMpooved moduction developnacnt fore 7 Enablement ot dapid pootelyping ond loo Volume yooeduchion ; 4? Ability bo {oN Many mete! ga des includi fg covamics, gloss, plastics, pete) ae Land alloys 57 Of Parent Recycling of un-Mmelfool povodl2r L& good od _Dis dd ankag es. yp Relakively” ve) ‘1 tim 3 panted paris peed to be post- [poacecce-d befe Aage adding time ‘and _cost- 3 Structusal Propegties ¢f these gre nel geod _compared fo _odhoa coandPacd uhng pooce _4> ues qilot of eneagy to Meate porte 57 Another pacblem, mediniy for palymex parts, 15 theammen _distoa}fon wr dep is ut Yep Monge eypen sive i Hrastng OWt Fesrd od pantiait} melted 0? unset’ poadsa = ; i f | Beplicadion’ TY pBE paccsses are used ac9045 q wie lounge of Indust mel sectods Pom DUMPOoU. applica ons. for eample, The P20M@55)< implemented by the medice{ seatoy Fea MaleiNg CUCM je~ed orthopaedic Components, such \ da titanium -al lor 22 Bom dn aeadspace pres pecive PBE peocesses gre finding much inlerer and use For milgawy and ommelscy oy _oracnrafy . oS 32 Tyre pneolds ~ Type melds often contain very tin but complex Peatytes 4¥ Seat helt halacket ~ gener! motyas ha fuaMed ba povodes bed #Pronfo Reduce He ktt and assembly comp).ex ty A theiY coat belt bo acleets SZ Powde bed fusion: $5 Mme dick] bechnolog ys i AY Tao deconstouchiop $) Knee ve placement. 7 Yip joint \ a 6 Rewosa Ce app” of\ ppe m_foc iN combustion Chambom BY injector head a | min Cy obnal’ [the powder bed fudon PROS &- can use any pod io - based Makara Filho the ftp wing moatne ope the Moo [Ls =cebecdire heed sintering — pylon [= OMS, S15, GiN*- otainless Stool, (Titanium, Aluminium, cobalt choomoe i | Stee) | = CBM = shuinloss Sheol, Titanium j | Aluminium, Cobelt | choome, coppey | alt ot QW] | Type" 1s | L Powdey bed fugisn | [J I | ithermaly laser elechon Fused with | Puged fuged bearm 09-2741 on of { | “ved 2neogy, Seledivie I a heok Hleclon —~ Sintering beam melking 55) t i se —“dechive |! aired H inte. Metco lagem 2Ng sintean 4 (DmLsS) Q2 Viorect encegy bepos)t]on 1 = Direct eneegy Deposition CPEM ts ¢ B20 panting rmothod Uhic ce Pocused poy SUD, SUCh a= Plaspne arc, lager Lihich 16 simultanesuy sly depogitod bo a Nozzlo, | The DED” pr0Cess |6 knowh b4 the ~ Names including lasts engineered “Hes Shaping (LENS), Direct ynekal Deposiion COMB) Blechoon beam additive Many - fa ctumsng (EBA M) Llotteng ~ 1 “Direct enesgy 490 sition od: ba depositing matchal that hee been Iked onto 9 specified sunta co lhea-e i} Solid Pres, busing _matepele together to foam shouctuve- DED Machines typically Yee d Nozzle thet 15 mounted on gi Multi axis gam _ Lihich can move mn multiao dixecdjions, atlowipg for’ NaMable depostion, The poocess is tyeicall, y2cako om within a contoosled chamber Sith Z Roduced Oygen levels. DEDUSEe a heat SoUsco +5 melt gf Powder 09 wi ae it deposbed opto the guatace & an object. The moateda/ is by -layor and colicif pe oom dhe melt Pool to crewe Neco Peatuce eel } [ a es: I on t ili oo, The, gocin tyuctuge bthich oll the 255 tobe Used for tho ve of high ene Pale —qualidy funcional paoks. I Reduce the mateyal waste | 27 Corn pley geome4D © [4y pep aah Agniticunily p2edu co peste parks | Disadwandag os. UO low pads “quality and accmacy Ly Residual todos and _anj Kop 3 high cost ¢f 90W modempol A hid production time Sy uppo! Stoudure Could he Required Loy Tre motned yoo Pa DED Js ‘shil) Pactivety limited and fusion bared. LW Pos) Lpp0cessiny is Roquirre ol ”? J ' App ?: Dp Rey Repiing and Mmdiptaining stouctua od | parts. 2 DED can be yoed to Peekwicate oats. 3? DED SN be used in Mnyen tio - Nol Manutactussn4 VED can be used fo p~nt onlo Levisting papts it 1s ideow! Poa adding Ladditione} Peakures to eyisting poats- = mater ol” pasts; this pooc&s Typicatly ‘used fo woek of Mekay Con algo be used oi} Polyrwes and Corzamics » Bl mos! ony A Lfldable mebal can be additively manvfactused wing DED: Wo dluminium a » \ncenel Sy prebiuMm Hy stainloss Skee sy tantslun 62 tiktaniuns wy Fitaniumioloy sy Tan gesten® “mal Pd ig +

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