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Bi) giwrenu evar: of ___modelling. tn ~phgsieal —ouataling. 2 —021.__Mathematicubs modelling: i doco a. Physick Modells. te i“ ace ee physieed modelling sc! involves thn» preceds er the bh s22 designing cof the Pancess. eilhicheccanile temprses of nyc tssla — psn ahatiooaties-s Lox — porrenne tors — | “I | es ee a a Repl ns, j2Mussett myembea - > 4 et cay vorw fF es _@)__ Mathematica Models z) When ali anese physical models __meeols sob _ole fine Nie Boom Smt Letpreane li tuo P nt , 2 Poet es p—h Female a "fonts A slggnnm of he firs — st (3). tea ting seta a a | 7 —_-Angeemont — a) Poo pn tnepenult celia Lis Mele VoXiable you which monipulate ox Moo in OM __exPeai mtu, ——_—__Shuy_ tw exp Ose —tts_—eff-ectSs. $auris vag bo Sea ee Om} __Oatse _vaetublos | ahaa Studay Collet _aowndepenitl ection” Noles to Tempah typeof sedac Se A Derenclemt—_veurtabies. ——____@y. 1 ers ae — Aap avssiabiank Es heVeubinble that. ~d ei sonal epenlent *Movet Noles eenein¢pyla: i . See ene es a Pommometegs pales wi - 7 gl a at Tt} — SoS Persnatiotees — 8. _Gemeanily. selatedl ps tae. Pee tore tte rom et pina 5 cok — Patent fia st ; x | $e. Geant, mero anol. Stree pi. Mena = = mani eo G)___Gettemintstic metined eo = When He putpub § Slixeckty_ meluteat With Input tt wit Cait ainclen, Hoa _tutegey” etme oi vehi LL LONE Hagel ge SaaRVE wit (2 QI) st DChastye. 2). whim. fio. output. ts CNivectty mol -selerbecl wit, HacN MARU 4 Foe FU sme ones: Ee Coutegeny fs. “Stochwatte sM0ltand, Choaical.. ‘mod cela Se | Mosel _ froma {4 Princi rola of. paola fait Seo oes. es- _ bolt @ $oce a = hemg thy Arent, olumed,—, Sicmiloni ny of Anema Mette’ Voltome OF Model ___ 7 ——Proboty Pe. ciel ot at 82: “Dymvimie oe! sc Reecbive} 1 resect g Sinemet rome | * Model “poaahjne Poy _ X_ClassiBcetiens 0! Ee So ~ ——;—}Baseadm | gg . + — Maou aki tof: fanole pemelemt | pe Ee ite - Jalen > | teak toxnk—- Dishibuted __-Lwempeo! —— a —8Y_|__Povrormekes _-_ Poseermakor: Streacly-Styte | moder _ Age] Model __ Model 4 Wanstiudy-ski of J 4 1 eee | gen nel peronOst yh yeah sbi —Seate ___Coereliarte. Complete _metumahte Coorclincke _ - Moele| 2 _ if S Rigid moder - aus 29D et r er Peoalyscal pourra Lal 7 ae tr Prnatly Heak Numenteah = od Ame points Voriation. of _\melepemdent wedetole. PSA) Based om _s EE Se TT 5 a => Te eh tllp— tS —abbout__vehtthos _Yho_procead veatabie ena —_ea¢_ Nee tt Ha __ooHa_tri'me om pate. <23—DF oalat Se areal =) TE ray Process _Norintole tid space Haim it $s 42mm hola Hanae _emneb Lier as Ap—odet_& _hemte__it wilt foam _PPE__ ~CParekiad listerontiat Ta Peed ——_{3)__1P modet_¢= p sy: TE ths. Process i Voxtavies Very! with only tre Hen 4b snouts 8 DE _Conclineny_differntia Roy earki on) — — Based on. _Siqte of proless 2° (1) Stale _mode}_2- ; procean.. Naxiatele— ae 5 Laer harried eae wie Am the tm shea am Steps ‘of _Stertic_ —_____ Model _qmvalves. a —_* Sea a Analysis of process to estarlist : Physi cat-8—elums cak neha — oli t Shjettive \ Ccovering, eM Cle-scribing proce Ny oye 7 Peace Leatrr er unit. Proce. — atts igulateck _sjovecaties © aver: clinectiy .cufFests Hoe gluco. A —_Disnabunty += _T+_diaeorly —_abtects the — protean wut tae woe choot = Pus pos efully ———S— od A) _nteumediate vextablat. 2s " =>1 The Vowel oles’! Maret tet Enlys releted (Si) pevoanas + \ndisecti eugut stultcn Myo 9 $ Sey iy Svs Boy ey pliane 2el pore re ay) -Grp3)s-SihenHiG eatin ome estates cl Con smut | oF Mak roca 7 woh abe pared IO a pines aS Fx mM im edeton fig nad Ay Pp eel aie 2 op ) =>—Dynumic__mede|__Cam__o. _—Feliavingy tem ene SS lam be ppp _on_ode. eS tm ths fom _e fF tems foe Rim choy SS Tmn_ahe form of elements. Feormeol ian ey fe__Com a ee. Moythornnoks cas__modlet -. ae — — ud =S_The mm coninimy. touait Protea Nose! aloles. 2 . Pyibieoratyy ft ’ ypuaca ( ng CL Prowaa Yoo aole oo 2)___Releutontiip bo emwedm. Mat baate.” vaxtable Vnsler_Steuoly Sate tondiai on 35 Conshuuints Gs) __@ateri x _ OF). = Jobieesve—_Fimetien . pS 2X > too les shouts Joo lien i 16) Relodismaip _‘wehwamn ia hoaabe vari : unsere __umsteowly ~ shade -Camltas {Pro 5D sca bing. Cquasion | tn i ies pepe ee a . [seis + prac ssveriable-| ADymimnte rasta |_| suet Leaf eet Leben 4 : 2} 25 [eloKenabip |! te Modeling od “Mero ay ‘gle _Steuyo extraction =i = = —— ——D)_Consider that t = " wst—oomzoie__oetedl aint + - 7 et tert " ae kU Bp e ve —— Cato eniupte ‘ a a yee ton me z ’ “4 “Ou imic st udery knots ah \ RvB |see rlume Rosine) a Pluene om? \ se ¢_- —_____¢ ime Sa AKYbmd of Bq —s m31 5 : S208 | sec_watee ° Pili Vy lrnd 8m Soiute Free s0lvenk - (Oxtoeeed ‘ay on? 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Sa win Goin pe replecced —Sy Aa, eof) OM __ Cone’ orton othe Secon Oo Mn Ams. — _ tof Een Che eg ae] = Ceyea Ftesas X00) i Cis 5 Eom —Chnsat: “CPm-a} Cyn 249 ie on ad Chenaifenns | C Mamet Xan ee en Maw Cte Poet fem ot 2 Nan Con aw, Sante aa Pron Man A Ying Conca Mma. fn Keon Mgnt - Yorn! Cento Pom a Co - etary Cry Ym C Corer Mors Cty \ ‘NE $$} Xin in Yorn i! Cras Con Manes C1 Cons _Ben. tor ‘Chess tags brat ; : ae Ya mY nt at tei pe Anan Skee ea 2 7 ss Toe tht antan —Nalwe of a 20M __tomilel te in tae dvs, of he _ ely os Nema Nene -t_ Poona Yom © f Lt Pw, £16) _— Now Feplacine Ww) rh Ding fv = DALAL Vans os Yen Gx AQ = Camt4t aL Yanna oe CVn a = C34 AL Any = A Yen =o ; =e - Liens seen A Somat =o} fe) Ce c eet —__t f Ex Sona = Ynee =O Sin (0 €-2) Gs Final pono is not Applicable fea —fienh.0 0 stescenbies cana tied \ Sv crchel inc 2 fon Orson Hb No eo = Yor -van = Ym-2 4250 Non @ = Yap oe Min e : gel ¢°-5 Cet el e% en Nora se C4 tA) von Ne =O =) operate ext Gite 61 Non sea eC A toon te Ao ta Yernta o (48 9 Yom) A Sm a0! Nom tas Coa pa Nowe 4 AY oO ZL ey -Coinye taco ! om = Crt 1 E Yor Aten 20 2m (et= Ca epr a pon 1) ot A CE%~ Erne) apd! < coe - FAR a ; eee eee eee ee =1 ———__ ca ss CEs eens ‘Era ca i Fios_aspois Eat —~ ——— Comptes _sotutien of Ene tpg Seas co ome aren @ aes Ruk spy a 2eS Vy ram ca |= we = A “ruta Cy ac, abit Subohute em @3) @a) a : ttt ay os ta CAM oD rn ta Ca A a ED inde 5 D_ Nova oa = AST ea Mvat= Yo rAntog — GL 491 Soma —_escgtainstnckd aot Steme.- om tho. Ahsow ion of ole —_emiahyet in __@-S_N_Causti S0.a 1 cS OND OK PeA-nanct___at__oddmaspheni DS fkas reate ok the bobtpn od Hat _toweke, 59-34 MA Inns S_Siauid. robe OUr. We top ot. ts __touese Bit 8 enn ___—_— Tho (Og Me Sone {As 345 9tm Cp oxss Fer nni)iion? cara py Aber Rophh Yur sh is 34 Pern. Findl obs mole” Grepedsion 04 _CO,. 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CORO ass Sas Ma = pes _@) 7 | - - | I a ee - + eos do- — - O89 Ee edn : | : 7 Eo ~a et — — — a =_ 0." == — | Caen, “ha se _ x Mpcuae, Wis, SAS 6. i | Put Me Valve oe Hp {Secolleued = reas 9939. mo! - aa) Wa 2 ibe x ee ne = +7, 2 Z frean uf a) & @). - ! Yet J got) aaee i f (Taare fee: tr dene Tart - oh Ak Fie aie 7 = | | dnp + Ma. Tin (ton. seexp cat Go wat W Bb yd, [NPG 6 G60 560 Ea Cee eee Bn { S043 TeAvce ES) ty (i @ 2riet © yeh) - 5 ° i 49 2415 6 ge FOROS as ( — a e " * * hal : Wr EPRRED 3 — | ("6 a Cotrxicto do Le 5% ee ep 2 PT METO race? Ps on — Panel 295x164 Lat fup_O 20, A TAs asc - ne Artem! Cn WE - yy a 94 ] C2 \7.4 0 ee ee ys ensy 2 =a (Int, ene Wp 2. 9 RSF —s60} mith & lsd, wt He ba a TOR SIS Th pc Ma Cina ee emee—— at - Ceprense a Cxewets 2 semis =\2% ePrnO Puk the veajue @f © = 2400 Tr A= ea = & 606 5*/ ~1 29 Soa rece Dak 7 Te Ase Tae sana) = 2224 | Toa = On — )4-344) ~ 27.06 2 = pba ee RO AE To va_= 19 Wn 92. 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The Ny euwenwlete 1 Feud) srt: Gon Les open es ne) tt olomas hy of He) ——— SO, wr AW! Veumbbs coe ike ova | =p Pam ity ba give __307 anus S$ balunes ————$—_eot_ bo? oe OA. The ayeata’ ot shin expt 092 oron lami, 82__\As}lonnisy F Ses (les br ‘cs = (485 Cd ao fae Neneh f a a ee tt ped Smath_ y + Wal oc Amal, fealtions: oe = fate aoe chs 4 Seta. Freshers. < dm henaita, i i as) This 46 ota ; eit in AT OC rob Lopi c. whe Se Usuatdo ongiad Pate Hue 45 Orly ene ‘nal gona — aoe ee ee ee 7 $4 Fe ae So OE a a ‘B® Com 0 fin dita ea, Sea) = melee F ede Qe! CA 28 Tea a hon Cows bemnt = icone liad tpt Shadi be efi Tht Ew i Ss hsbulend gia ; PO WO Come Laer: Piney Hq. fhe Guia _-Finos Ahong. * Sent utah Or z ~dixenhi easy vee shou ae saeapenk : booth N cout. ‘Bunckton Ob bork 6 On 42) On V ¢y2d- =>__We_warn _t9__apply the tol Combing, o_O sytem Ment ___Conhunuts —_exf= a’ Sell hate ce ons Ns 22 Namicnoatopiel it wmsle Tas ch ffsercnmbic —_elvmad, SN ocectied ke ergy lov bitany pot 2 dowry, ' Heth pipe Ty gs ole Make aed Id tay Weta. 2out hoe = Copa = Seok bout Oneg foe ip eo py CEE on tt plain Thaadiene smd§lcaant cldnana Coed The ilaretafomnt ete fins oe A at ah ek JOA Tey tarr {CS__Ovemalen OF Fumebt | 24h Vitus oda the fumuts na aoe L He ra mA (2): fetes ac) on nt veld ps. aay The tile he tet Hae Asien! tanta 2b 2am tute __ 0444 Prakive— TA eee oot 988. 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