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Detailed Lesson plan for Grade 8

Name :Clarise Vera Nabenneg

Year/ Course: BSED- ENGLISH 4

I. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form
inspired and influenced b nature; relationship of visual,sensory,and verbal signals in
both literacy and expository text;strategies in listening to long descriptive and
narrative text; value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical
signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea development.
II. Performance Standard
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic development,and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.
III. Subject Matter
Topic: Giving recognition to an exemplary leader.
Lesson: The Creation and Journalistic writing
References: Connections,English skills integrated with christian values 8, by Marlyn
D. Tolosa,josefina M. Sorongon pg. 295- 303
Materials: Pictures and Visual aids

IV. Learning Objectives  

At the end of the lesson, the students would be able to: 

1. Interpret distinguishing features found in religious texts and short stories, thus
strengthening faith on the Omnipotent;

2. Identify the distinguishing features of journalistic writing

3. Will demonstrate knowledge of the components of producing a multi-media

journalism package - text,photography,video,audio, and social media.

V. Integrated Faith learning:

Devotional Title: The Messenger without a message
Memory Verse: Matthew 28:19, 20 “ go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy ghost, teaching them to
observed all things, whatsoever I have commanded thee and lo, I am with you always
until the end of the world amen.

VI. Procedure 
1. Prayer/devotional
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Introduction of Rules  
5. Lesson Proper
6. quiz
8. Motivation

Teacher Student

Hello, my name is Clarise Vera Simangan

Nabenneg and you can call me ma’am clarise.
I am a graduating college student from
Northeast Luzon Adventist College, where I
am pursuing a bachelor's degree in secondary
education with a major in English.

This is my first time teaching in a real

classroom, and I appreciate your help and
participation in my class.

Okay very students, Let us begin with a

short devotional before we start our class.

The title of our devotional this morning is:



When Absalom, the son of David, died, Joab,

the captain of David’s army, sent Cushi with
news to be reported to the palace; but
Ahimaaz volunteered himself to also deliver
the news to the king.

Although Joab warned him, he had no reason

to go, since he had no news to bring in, he
insisted he would, and he was allowed to. The
funny thing about this story is that Ahimaaz
outran Cushi who actually had news to report.
When Ahimaaz got to King David, and they
interrogated him, they lay the emptiness of his
news bare, and the king therefore asked him
to step aside for the man who actually had
substance in his report. One cannot help but
wonder: what was the essence of Ahimaaz’s
effort, so much so that he outran the
individual who actually had news?

The moral of the story is that wisdom should

always accompany the efforts given. Had
Ahimaaz, prepared the news before
presenting, he would have, favored and
understood by the king.
Good morning ma’am
Everybody stand up for a word of prayer

May I call on the president of this section to

lead us in the opening prayer

Good morning class!

Before you take your sit, please pick up all the

piece of papers under your chairs make your
row straight and have your chairs properly
aligned, thank you,
you may now take your sits.

For your attendance this morning please say

present if your name are called..


*With feelings absent ang walang feelings

I'm overjoyed to finally be here with you guys 
and get to know you better.

Aside from that I notice that

It is critical for you students to recognize your
own behaviors when communicating
with your peers and teachers, so I have prepar
The Students Guess the topic.
ed seven rules for you to follow in my class.

1. I want you to greet your teacher every
time she enters the room.
2. Don’t ever cheat in quizzes and exams
3. Be punctual at all times
4. Be attentive to the teacher
5. Ask permission when going out
6. Always keep the classroom clean.
7. Wear proper school uniform and ID
inside the classroom

Is everything clear for you? Please do not

hesitate to approach me if you have any
questions or concerns.

I'll be posting pictures on the board and

asking for your thoughts on the latest news
you've heard about the images.

* Sibuyas
*RP-CII74 plane

Based from the materials provided what do

you think is our topic for today?

Great! Our topic for this morning is all about

journalism, students, when you hear the word
journalism what comes to your mind? But
before we proceed with our main lesson
please bring out a 1/4 sheet of paper and let’s
have a pre- test.

what is journalism? - it is the process of

collecting, writing,editing, and presenting of
news, or news articles in
newspapers,magazines, radio and in television
According to Noah Webster, the word
journalism derived from the latin word
“Diurnal” which means daily.

The Purpose of Journalistic Writing

Journalistic writing has a very clear purpose:
to attract readers to a website, broadcaster or
print media. This allows the owners to make
money, usually by selling advertising space.

Journalistic writing is divided intro three


1. Written Journalism

- which are publications that come out at

regular intervals- daily,weekly,monthly and
like brochures,journals,books and graphic arts
are classified under Print media.

Example: blog, newspaper, viewpoints,

school papers and etc.

2. Oral Journalism
- radio falls under oral journalism
- radio and television are examples of

3. Visual Journalism
-Television, movies and documentaries are
under visual media.

Okay next we have here the features of

journalistic writing.

1. Journalistic or news writing styles uses

the prose style for news reporting in
newspaper,radio and television

- Prose
Prose follows a structure that makes use of
sentences, phrases, and paragraphs. This type
of writing follows a flow more similar to
verbal speech and communication. This
makes it the best style of writing to clearly
articulate and communicate concepts, events,
stories, and ideas as opposed to the figurative
style of poetry.
2. News writing style encompasses
vocabulary, sentence structure, the
presentation of information in terms of
relative importance, tone and intended

* meron xang vocabulary, sentence

structure(grammar), the presentation of
information in terms of relative importance
(yung pyramid... Db sunod sunod dapat, ndi
sabog ang idea, may format) , tone (db yung
anong emotion ba ang gusto mo ma-feel ng
audience, sad ba, symphaty, political, galit,
etc.) and intended audience (sino ba yung mga
audience na gusto mo ma-cater. Kung sa
product, cnu ang market mo. Estudyante ba.
Profesionial, mga sports people ba, mga elite,
pobre, etc.)

3. News writing attempts to give as much

factual information as possible and to
answer all the basic questions about any
particular event. The 5W’s (what, when,
where, who,why) and 1H (How) help in
Achieving this.

* Hindi xa subjective or opinionated. Dapat

totoo lahat

Like sa balita, ndi ka magbabalita based on

your own poing of view... Ex. Mahal ang
sibuyas dahil tinago ng mga elite ang
products... Walang evidence. Ndi xa facts.
Posibleng totoo pero since walang proof...
Considered as non factual xa... Dapat mahal
ang sibuyas dahil sa inflation

* At yung 5ws... Ano ang nagmahal? --

sibuyas Saan?- isabela Kelan? - kanina Why?-
inflation kc How?-- Crop-ravaging super
tycoons, soaring global inflation, inaccurate
crop projections and local crises, such as
“price manipulation” have contributed to
raising onion prices, according to CNN,

4. Journalistic style writers should use the

rational approach because readers are
always on the lookout for evaluating

* what makes your writing special from the


5. Journalistic style writing should write

specific details and examples,remember
that readers like reading about
others,therefore pieces of evidence should
be presented.

* Facts is essential in writing a news rather

than opinions. Therefore we need receipts
when writing a news or a story.

6. In case the writer uses Jargon or terms

peculiar to a particular profession, trade,
or community which not all readers
understand, he or she should provide the

* you need to use shallow words that are easy

to understand. And in case na wala na \
talagang words for that then you need to
Provide it’s meanings.

The common structure of news story is the

inverted pyramid.

Most newsworthy
Least important

Other general and


The inverted pyramid is a model for news

writing. The heaviest or the most important
information should be at the top- the
beginning - of the story, and the least
important information presented gradually
becomes less important .

Most important info: who? What? Where?

When ? why?how?
Approximately 30 words (1-2 thin
paragraph) may include a
hook(provocative quote or question.

The body: the crucial info- argument,

controversy, story issue, evidence,
background, details, logic, etc. Quotes,
photos, video and audio that support,
dispute, expand the topic.

The tail: extra info

Interesting/relating items, may include
extra context in blogs, columns and other
editorials: the assessment of the journalist.

Supposing the writer is writing a story about

the sinking of a boat the necessary
information such as when the incident
happened, where the boat was bound, the
victim’s names, what time the boat left the
port and other pertinent information about the
accident. But obviously, the most important
information is that thirty five people died.
That is what the writer should place at the top
of his story.

Okay, I hope you learned a lot in our lesson

this morning, so bring out 1/4 sheet of
paper and let’s have a quiz.

1. What is journalism?

A. News from all over the globe

B. A journal
C. The writing of thoughts and ideas to
persuade others of what is going on in the
world today.
D. An activity or profession of writing for
news papers or magazines of broadcasting
news on radio or television.

2-4: what are the 3 areas of journalistic

- written, oral, visual

5.What is my name.

6. He is regarded as the father of American

scholarship, having defined the term
journalism from the latin word "Diurnal,"
which means daily.

"Class, pens up. Pass your papers to the center

aisle. And Pass your papers forward. Please
Do it silently."

for your assignment make a research on the


- Who invented the inverted pyramid style

of writing?

- Why was the inverted pyramid created?

- When did journalists start using the

inverted pyramid writing style?

- what type of strategic writing is written in

the inverted pyramid format?

Okay, before we end our class I want to share

a memory verse found in the book of
Matthew 28:19, 20 “ and it says here that “
go ye therefore and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the father, and
of the son, and of the holy ghost, teaching
them to observed all things, whatsoever I have
commanded thee and lo, I am with you
always until the end of the world amen.

Good bye Class! See you again on Thursday!

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