History CB

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Unit 2. How effectively did the USA contain the spread of communism?

Concepts: key concept-system

Related concepts-ideology
The statement of inquiry: conflicts between people happen because of a significant
difference between ideological systems
The armistice-an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time;
a truce.
Arms race- competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of
Domino theory-the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in
neighbouring countries, like a falling domino causing an entire row of upended dominoes to fall.
Guerrilla warfare-engagement in or the activities involved in a war fought by small groups of
irregular soldiers against typically larger regular forces.
Draft-Conscription is the mandatory enlistment in a country's armed forces
Cominform-Cominform, formally Communist Information Bureau, or Information
Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties
Conventional weapons-onventional Weapons encompass a wide range of equipment
not limited to armoured combat vehicles
Proxy war-A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors
LO: what was the US policy of containment
Concept: significance - it refers to the quality of having great value taking into

This is a cover of a comic book published in the united states in 1947.

1 what impression does this comic cover give you of
a)the USA?
2 What is the message of this picture?

This quote is significant to understand…

This quote is variable because it helps us to understand…

LO: which factors brought America into the Korean conflict with the soviet union?
Concept: conflict - develops from inequalities in the distribution of power and may
manifest itself in many forms: prolonged disagreements

Korean war 1950-53

Korean war 1950-53
The Korean war was a proxy war of the cold war for the cold war. The west - the
united kingdom and the U.S. United nations -supported south Korea, while
communist china and the soviet union supported north Korea. The Korean war
ended three years later

1948 the country was divided by 2

250000 soldiers were sent to south Koera

How far successful was, was USA in stopping communism

HW ( Korean war)
1)Because Japan lost the connection between USSR and US so Korea was split to 2
2)US wanted to support democratic countries around the world, and on the other
hand, the USSR looked to expand communism
3)Aggression of north Korea was similar to the aggression previously displayed by
Hitler and japan prior to WW2
4)America wanted to contain communism and wanted to prevent domino effect
6)because china was also a communist country and china had fresh forces
7)Hydrogen -Although it's rare on Earth, Hydrogen is the most common element in
the universe.
8)A new border was drawn between North and South Korea. This gave South Korea
more land and made the area between the two countries less dangerous.
9)A demilitarized zone (DMZ) was set up on both sides of the border, next to the border. On
either side of this 2.5-mile area, there would be no troops, even though both sides
10)The Korean War ultimately proved that the United States was willing to support its foreign
policy of containment, even if that meant utilizing military force.
LO: How successful was the armistice of the Korean conflict in achieving a peace
Think - How can ideological differences affect a country’s economy and prosperity?

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F

1. 38th parallel
2. On 5th July 1953,
3. Battle of Taejon

Before Lee Myung-bak, Syngman Ree was the leader of South Korea, and Kim II-Sung was
the leader of North Korea. General Douglas McArthur was a US army general who was
known for winning the war against Japan. Before Lee Myung-bak, Syngman Ree was the
leader of South Korea, and Kim II-Sung was the leader of North Korea. General Douglas
McArthur was a US army general who was known for beating Japan.

Impacts of the Korean war:

● Mass destruction
● Casualties
● Tension ongoing between the sides to this day
● Would increase tension between China, USSR and the Allies

1. Because of Vietnam and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Korean War isn't talked about as
much as it used to be.
2. Douglas MacArthur wanted to use nuclear weapons against Chinese troops moving into
Korea. This got him fired by Harry S. Truman.
3. MacArthur's actions made sense because China was about to send millions of troops into
Korea, and they might not have stopped there and invaded US territories in the Pacific.
4. Neither side took a direct part in the war, so it was fought by proxy. They chose to stay
back and help the other side.
5. North Korean propaganda says that North Koreans are better than South Koreans and
should be in charge of the whole country. It's also a sign of how strong they are because
LO: Was the Korean war a success for containment
Concept: significance - It refers to the quality of having great value taking into account the
historical context
According to source L Stalin's policy on the Korean war:3 points

Case study Why were the What What What was Success or
Americans methods did problems did the outcome failure (out of
worried? the they face? ? 10) with
Americans reasons
use to supported by
contain evidence

Korean war They were the Marshall

worried that a Plan, or
war would be European
broken Recovery
between USA Program,
and the and NATO,
USSR a 1949
between the
US and
LO: How did the Cuban revolution affect countries’ political conditions and relations with the
Think - which one is a better way to change the country; revolution or reform? Why?

The Us was taken by surprise at first and decided to recognise Castro as the new leader of
Cuba however within a short period of time, relations between the two countries grew worse
there were two important reasons:
There were thousands of Cuban exiles in the USA who had filed from Castro's rule.
Compare andconstrast
To find the 2 differences

● 26 July 1953 – 1 January 1959 (5 years, 5 months and 6 days),

Cuba was the first country in the Western Hemisphere to be run by communists. This was
because Fidel Castro was in charge of Cuba. Castro became a symbol of the Latin American
communist revolution.
SOI: Innovation and revolutions are triggered by civil rights suppression with the spurpose to
bring a signification change in the fairness and development of societies
Key concept - change
Related concepts - Innovation and revolution, significance
Other related concepts - causality

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