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Activity 3. Determining Appropriate Behavior

A. Describe how you are expected to behave and interact with other

people in each of these situations. You may consider the following

factors: volume of your voice, dress code, general behavior.

1. Attending a formal party

When attending a formal party, you should wear formal clothes and behave in a very formal
2. Studying in the Library
When studying in a library you should use very moderate and soft voice and do not shout or use
loud voice.
3. Eating lunch in a restaurant
You should enjoy, yet respect everyone in the restaurant.
4. Attending a picnic outdoor
You can do everything though make sure to clean before leaving.
5. Attending a class
You should be prepared and be attentive.
6. Meeting a new friend
Be friendly.
7. Watching a basketball game
Just enjoy.
8. Participating in a game
Be sport and be happy.
9. Attending church services
Wear appropriate clothes and use appropriate language.
10. Cheering for a team in a game
Use loud voice in cheering.

B. Determine if the behavior is appropriate (A) or (I) inappropriate in

the given social situation considering societal, cultural, or

institutional guidelines.

I 1. Sharing stories with friends in the library

I 2. Laughing during a religious service

A 3. Joking with friends in a picnic

A 4. Keeping quiet inside the church

A 5. Listening quietly during a piano recital

I 6. Speaking in soft tones during a party

A 7. Speaking in a modulated voice while attending a conference

I 8. Laughing loudly while waiting at the doctor’s office

I 9. Wearing short pants for an interview with an employer

A 10. Wearing the required uniform in the office

I 11. Laughing loudly in the classroom

A 12. Talking softly with family members at the dinner table

A 13. Cheering for one’s team in a basketball game

I 14. Arguing loudly with an officemate

I 15. While queuing, complaining that service is taking too long

C. Answer the following questions to process your understanding of

the previous exercises:

1. In a social situation where students are attending a seminar, are there behaviors or interactions
which are pleasing or irritating to others? Explain your answer.

Yes, there are behaviors or interactions which are pleasing or irritating to others. You can’t control
everyone’s thought or feelings about you even you do something good.

2. How do you think the other students in the library would feel or think if you talk at the top of your
voice? How about if you speak in low tones?

I think everyone in the library would think that I am crazy when I talk loudly inside. When I speak
in low tones, they would have a good impression of me.

3. When cheering for your volleyball team, is it alright to talk in loud tones? Why or Why not?

Yes, Everyone cheers in loud tones, besides, what’s the point of cheering if you do it softly.

4. When is a social behavior appropriate? When is it inappropriate?

Social behavior is appropriate when you think it is fine and is also fine with others. Social
behavior is not appropriate when you have negative attitude with other things and other people.

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