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Perovskite Solar Cells

Causes and Solutions of Recombination in Perovskite

Solar Cells
Jiangzhao Chen and Nam-Gyu Park*

CIGS, and CdTe) demonstrated power

Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite materials are receiving increasing conversion efficiencies (PCEs) exceeding
attention and becoming star materials on account of their unique and 20%,[1] their large-scale commercial appli-
intriguing optical and electrical properties, such as high molar extinc- cation is still impeded by high fabrica-
tion coefficient, wide absorption spectrum, low excitonic binding energy, tion cost. Consequently, it is a feasible
and effective solution to replace the tra-
ambipolar carrier transport property, long carrier diffusion length, and high
ditional inorganic semiconductor-based
defects tolerance. Although a high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of solar cells through developing new solar
up to 22.7% is certified for perovskite solar cells (PSCs), it is still far from cells with high PCE and low cost simulta-
the theoretical Shockley–Queisser limit efficiency (30.5%). Obviously, neously. Among all of the emerging new
trap-assisted nonradiative (also called Shockley–Read–Hall, SRH) recom- solar cells, PSCs show tremendous poten-
bination in perovskite films and interface recombination should be mainly tial in future photovoltaic field due to its
high PCE and amazing developing speed,
responsible for the above efficiency distance. Here, recent research advance-
which captures widespread attentions in
ments in suppressing bulk SRH recombination and interface recombina- industry and academia.[2–14]
tion are systematically investigated. For reducing SRH recombination in The name “perovskite” was first put for-
the films, engineering perovskite composition, additives, dimensionality, ward by Russian mineralogist Lev A. Per-
grain orientation, nonstoichiometric approach, precursor solution, and ovski.[15] The family of perovskite materials
used in PSCs usually employs the chemical
post-treatment are explored. The focus herein is on the recombination at
formula of ABX3 with corner-sharing BX6
perovskite/electron-transporting material and perovskite/hole-transporting octahedra and AX12 cubooctahedra,[16]
material interfaces in normal or inverted PSCs. Strategies for suppressing where A is monovalent cation such as
bulk and interface recombination are described. Additionally, the effect of MA+ (methylammonium), FA+ (forma-
trap-assisted nonradiative recombination on hysteresis and stability of PSCs midinium), Cs+ and Rb+ ions, B is diva-
is discussed. Finally, possible solutions and reasonable prospects for lent metal cation such as Pb2+ and Sn2+,
and C is monovalent anion such as I−,
suppressing recombination losses are presented.
Br−, Cl−, SCN−, and BF4−.[10,17–23] In
2009, PSC with a PCE of 3.8% based
on liquid electrolyte was first reported
1. Introduction by Miyasaka and co-workers.[2] In 2011, Park and co-workers
achieved a nearly doubled PCE of 6.5% through adopting
Nowadays, in order to solve the energy issues that human faces, high concentration perovskite precursor solution.[4] However,
various photovoltaic technologies have been developed, such as extremely poor stability because of dissolution of MAPbI3 in
silicon (Si) solar cells, gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cells, thin- polar liquid electrolyte made this liquid junction PSC unsuc-
film solar cells (copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and cessful to attract extensive attentions. Subsequently, Park
cadmium telluride (CdTe)), and emerging solar cells (dye-sensi- and co-workers first reported solid-state PSC by replacing
tized solar cells (DSSCs), organic solar cells, quantum dot solar liquid electrolyte with solid-state hole-transporting material
cells, and perovskite solar cells (PSCs)).[1] Although the solar (HTM) 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenylamine)-9,9′-
cells based on inorganic semiconductors (such as Si, GaAs, spirobifluorene to overcome the instability of liquid PSCs,
which realized a PCE of 9.7% and 500 h stability without
encapsulation.[3] Since then, gradually increased interest has
Dr. J. Chen, Prof. N.-G. Park been devoted to PSCs based on organic–inorganic hybrid
School of Chemical Engineering perovskite absorbers, which have the appealing advantages
Sungkyunkwan Univeristy (SKKU) of excellent ambipolar charge mobility, high extinction coef-
Suwon 440-746, Korea ficient, long carriers diffusion length, tunable bandgap, small
exciton binding energy, solution-processable ability, low cost,
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
and high PCE.[5,10–12,17,23–26] Inspired by these unique and
intriguing advantages, huge attentions have been focused on
DOI: 10.1002/adma.201803019 investigating this kind of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (1 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

materials, which are also extensively applied into other fields,

such as photodetector,[27,28] light-emitting diode,[29,30] mem- Jiangzhao Chen received his
ristor,[31,32] etc. Benefiting from the excellent ambipolar charge B.S. degree in applied chem-
mobility,[5,25] inverted or normal planar PSCs[8,33–35] were devel- istry from Northeast Forestry
oped, followed by normal mesoporous PSCs,[3] which paves a University in 2011 and Ph.D.
way for the development of flexible PSCs.[36,37] In order to fur- degree in optical engineering
ther simplify the device structure and reduce device cost, hole from Huazhong University
conductor–free PSCs were fabricated based on metal electrode of Science and Technology
or carbon electrode.[23,25,38,39] For instance, Han and co-workers in 2016. Since then, he has
reported hole-conductor-free fully printable PSCs based on been working as a postdoc-
carbon electrode with an excellent photostability up to 1008 h toral researcher in the School
in ambient air.[38,39] Since first report on solid-state PSCs,[3] of Chemical Engineering in
perovskite compositions used for PSCs evolved from simple Sungkyunkwan University.
MAPbI3 to presently complicated triple- or quadruple-cation His current research interest focuses on perovskite
and mixed Br–I anions compositions, which greatly contributed solar cells.
to improved PCE and long-term stability.[7,10,17,18] For realiza-
tion of high PCE, it is critical to further improve perovskite film
quality, which is beneficial for improving optical and electric Nam-Gyu Park is pro-
properties and thus minimizing various nonradiative recom- fessor and SKKU-Fellow
bination losses. Encouraged by the above purpose, a variety at the School of Chemical
of methods were also developed to improve morphology and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan
crystallization of perovskite films, such as deposition method University. He received
(such as one-step deposition, sequential deposition,[6] vacuum his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.
deposition,[40] vacuum-flash solution processing,[9] etc.), optimi- degrees from Seoul National
zation of precursor solvents[41–46] and antisolvents,[44,47,48] addi- University in 1988, 1992, and
tive engineering,[49] etc. In terms of optimization of precursor 1995, respectively. He worked
solvents and antisolvents, the formation of intermediate phase at ICMCB-CNRS, France,
(CH3NH3I–PbI2–DMSO) was found to play an important role from 1996 to 1997 and at the
in achieving highly efficient PSCs.[41] Subsequently, vast efforts National Renewable Energy
were made to optimize the precursor solvents and antisolvents Laboratory, USA, from 1997 to 1999 as a postdoctoral
through investigating the intermediate phases.[42–44,46,48,50–52] researcher. He worked as Director of Solar Cell Research
Except for device configuration, perovskite composition, fun- Center at Korea Institute of Science and Technology
damental procedure for preparing perovskite films and addi- (KIST) from 2005 to 2009 and as a principal scientist at
tive engineering, and interface engineering also play a crucial Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
role in enhancing the PCE and stability of PSCs.[8,15,53,54] As the (ETRI) from 2000 to 2005 before joining Sungkyunkwan
results of the above systematic approaches, a certified PCE as University as a full professor in 2009. He has been doing
high as 22.7% was obtained in single junction PSCs.[1] research on high-efficiency mesoscopic nanostructured
Nevertheless, the presently achieved 22.7% is still far from solar cells since 1997. He is pioneer of the solid-state
the theoretical PCE of 30.5% (open-circuit voltage (Voc): 1.33 V; perovskite solar cell, which was first developed in 2012.
short-circuit current (Jsc): 25.4 mA cm−2; and fill factor (FF):
0.91) for bandgap of 1.6 eV according to the Shockley–Queisser
limit.[55] Presently, Jsc of most of the high-efficiency PSCs with losses of Voc and FF,[60–69] systematic and deep understanding
a PCE over 21% is in the range of 23–25 mA cm−2 that is very on the origins of recombination in PSCs is limited but impor-
close to the Shockley–Queisser limit value of 25.4 mA cm−2, tant. Additionally, great progresses have been made on tandem
but Voc of 1.10–1.20 V and FF of 0.75–0.80 are much lower solar cells.[70–74] Presently, the PCE exceeding 25% has been
than the calculated Shockley–Queisser limit values of 1.33 V achieved based on perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells.[71,72,74]
and 0.91, respectively.[10,12,17,26,56–58] It means that it is highly Consequently, it is a feasible and effective approach to further
desirable to improve Voc and FF if we want to further enhance increase PCE close to Shockley–Queisser limit PCE of single-
PCE being close to theoretically calculated Shockley–Queisser junction PSCs through multijunction tandem solar cells.
limit efficiency (30.5%) in single-junction PSCs. It is well However, the main purpose of this review is to discuss how to
known that Voc and FF of solar cells are closely related with minimize the Shockley−Read−Hall (SRH) nonradiative recom-
nonradiative and interface recombination. Therefore, it is an bination in perovskite films and interface recombination in
important direction for further improvement of PCE to mini- single-junction PSCs from the perspective of perovskite bulk
mize the above recombination loss through defect passivation and interface.
and interface engineering. Actually, defect-related perovskite Here, we discuss the fundamentals and origins of recombi-
bulk recombination and interface recombination can affect nation in PSCs and evaluation and characterization methods of
not only PCE but also hysteresis along with long-term sta- defect density and recombination. Furthermore, we investigate
bility.[59] Although many reports proposed that nonradiative the recent strategies for reducing and suppressing nonradiative
and interface recombination should be responsible for the and interface recombination.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (2 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

2. Fundamentals and Origins of Recombination in 2.2. Recombination Processes in Perovskite Solar Cells
Perovskite Solar Cells
It is well known that many recombination processes exist in
2.1. Shockley–Queisser Limit Efficiency PSCs, including radiative recombination, nonradiative recom-
bination, and interface recombination. Furthermore, nonradia-
The Shockley–Queisser limit, which is also known as the tive recombination includes Auger recombination, trap-assisted
detailed balance limit, is described as the case that recom- recombination (SRH recombination), electron–phonon interac-
bination of electron–hole pairs is only radiative in a single tion, and carrier–carrier scattering. Among them, the radiative
bandgap semiconductor.[66] The Shockley–Queisser limit is recombination and Auger recombination belong to the intrinsic
usually used to calculate the limit PCE of single-junction solar recombination processes.[62] It was reported that crystalline sil-
cells.[55,62,63,75] Upon calculation, radiative recombination is icon shows strong Auger recombination seriously deceasing its
only considered while ignoring nonradiative recombination. efficiency limit (≈29%) much lower than ≈33% of the Shockley−
According to the Shockley–Queisser limit, the calculated Queisser limit.[62] In contrast, much weaker Auger nonradiative
limit PCE and the best PCEs of various solar cells are plotted recombination was demonstrated in MAPbI3, which has a negli-
as a function of bandgap (Eg) of light-harvesting absorber, gible influence on photovoltaic performance of final device close
as shown in Figure 1. Obviously, a certain distance exists to the radiative limit in the absence of SRH decay channels.[62] In
between Shockley–Queisser limit PCE and practical PCE for addition, several other reports also proved that Auger nonradia-
all of the solar cells, which is ascribed to the following four tive recombination is not dominant nonradiative recombination
kinds of losses: I) collection losses, mainly coming from loss process and can be neglected in PSCs while trap-assisted
photon reflection or absorption in poorly responding cell recombination (SRH recombination) is the main recombination
regions; II) electrical losses, originating from series and shunt loss mechanism.[61,66–68,75] Different from Auger nonradiative
resistances of a device; III) nonradiative recombination losses, recombination, Shockley−Read−Hall nonradiative recombina-
mainly resulting from defects or trap states induced by poor tion is a nonfundamental decay channel mediated by defects.[62]
film quality; IV) interface recombination losses, stemming SRH nonradiative recombination can be minimized by adequate
from all of the interfaces involved in cells. For crystalline trap passivation or by improvements in light outcoupling. Conse-
Si- and GaAs-based solar cells, the real PCEs are close to the quently, it is highly expected to minimize the SRH nonradiative
Shockley–Queisser limit PCE, while a larger gap is observed recombination losses through improving perovskite film quality,
for PSC. As mentioned in Section 1, low Voc and FF lead to reducing grain boundaries, and passivating the defect traps at
the PCE loss. Accordingly, overcoming the aforementioned the surface or bulk of perovskite film. Apart from Auger and
four kinds of losses is indispensable for decreasing the gap SRH nonradiative recombination losses, electron–phonon inter-
between theoretical and practical PCEs. It should be stressed action and carrier–carrier scattering popularly appear in most of
that losses (I) and (II) are determined by cell design spe- the materials.[76,77] It has been reported by several groups that
cifics. So, main losses in PSCs are from losses (III) and (IV), electron–phonon interaction can be found in organic–inorganic
that is recombination issues, which is directly associated with hybrid perovskite materials in PSCs.[78–84] Since electron–phonon
Voc and FF. interaction has been demonstrated to be one of the nonradiative
recombination losses in PSCs which can be detrimental to car-
rier mobility,[82,84] it is urgently needed to further deeply inves-
tigate how charge carriers interact with phonons in perovskites,
how to evaluate electron–phonon interaction, and how the elec-
tron–phonon interaction affects the final device performance.
Finally, interface recombination must be considered and man-
aged when perovskites contact charge transport materials. Cer-
tainly, matching degree of energy level and interface defect trap
states should be mainly responsible for interface recombination
losses.[13,57,85] As we discussed above, although important effect
electron–phonon interaction on carrier mobility has been identi-
fied, in this review we mainly focus on discussing trap-assisted
SRH nonradiative recombination and interface recombination
considering the great advancements on suppressing the above
two recombination losses in recent several years.
As can be seen in Figure 2a,b, it is well known that PSCs
are usually fabricated by either normal structure (TCO/ETM/
perovskite/HTM/electrode) or inverted structure (TCO/HTM/
perovskite/ETM/electrode), where TCO, ETM, and HTM
represent transparent conductive oxide, electron-transport mate-
rial, and hole-transport material, respectively. In typical PSCs,
Figure 1. Calculated Shockley–Queisser limit PCE (black line) and the carriers simultaneously experience two opposite transport pro-
best PCEs (data points) of various solar cells as a function of bandgap cesses: one is positive direction process, which is beneficial for
(Eg) of light-harvesting absorber.[63] device operation; the other is negative direction process, which

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (3 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

device performance especially for Voc and FF. In the past sev-
eral years, many characterization methods used for calculating
defect density have been developed, including space charge
limited current (SCLC), thermally stimulated current (TSC),
thermal admittance spectroscopy (TAS), deep-level transient
spectroscopy (DLTS), and steady-state PL emission (SSPL).
Since a detailed review has been recently reported on these
measurement approaches,[59] here we just gave a brief over-
view and introduction about it. Additionally, we also introduced
recently developed ideality factor method, which is famous for
reliably evaluating for recombination.

2.3.1. Space Charge Limited Current

The defects in semiconductors can be filled by free charges and

Figure 2.  Schematically illustrated device structures depending on elec-
thus leading to change in their electrical properties after all defects
trode polarity and light absorption direction: a) normal structure with are completely filled. Based on this fact, SCLC as one of the piv-
n-type ETM facing incoming light and b) inverted structure with p-type otal characterization methods for defect density has received
HTM facing incoming light. c) Energy level diagram showing carrier trans- attention in PSCs, which plays a key role in gaining deep insight
port and injection. Adapted with permission.[86] Copyright 2018, American into microscopic mechanism correlated with defects.[18,59,87–90]
Chemical Society. Under sufficiently large electric field applied to perovskite mate-
rial via Ohmic contact, defects in perovskite will capture a part
is detrimental to device operation. As shown in Figure 2c, posi- of injected charges and accordingly decrease free charge density,
tive direction includes first excitation process. When perovskite during which the current is limited by the space charge effect.
is illuminated, electron is excited from valence band (VB) to Based on the above theory, typical dark J–V curve can be obtained
conduction band (CB) and hole is left in VB, which is followed through measuring the dark currents as a function of bias volt-
by transport process. Electron and hole are transported to ETM/ ages, as shown in Figure 3a.[87] Obviously, three regions occur in
perovskite interface and HTM/perovskite interface, respectively, dark J–V curves, including linear region, trap filling region, and
which requires that perovskite materials have high carrier trap-free SCLC region. In the linear region exhibiting Ohmic
mobility and lifetime so that excited carriers can be transported response, the current density has a linear relation with electric
to each interface. Third, charge injection process takes place in field intensity (I ∝ V), which is followed by a trap filling region
order for electron and hole to be injected into ETM and HTM, showing a sharp increase in current as the electric field increases
in which CB and VB of perovskite should be aligned well with (I ∝ Vn, n > 3). The trap density levels are continuously filled and
CB of ETM and VB of HTM, respectively. Fourthly, transport all the traps are filled until trap-filled limit voltage (VTFL) as bias
process occurs in charge extraction layers, where high electron increases. Afterward, a trap-free SCLC region appears (I  ∝ V2).
mobility of ETM and high hole mobility of HTM can guarantee The trap density (nt) is expressed by Equation (1)
efficient charge transport. Finally, charge collection is required
to generate photocurrent at short circuit. In contrast, negative 2εε 0 VTFL
direction mainly includes the following two processes[55,62,63]: nt = (1)
I) SRH recombination: in intrinsic perovskite film, radiative
recombination is accompanied by nonradiative (SRH) recombi- where ε is the dielectric constants of perovskite, ε0 is the
nation due to low external electroluminescence quantum yield vacuum permittivity, L is the thickness of perovskite film, and
(EQYPL) resulting from poor film quality. II) Interface recom- e is the elementary charge.[18,88,90]VTFL is obtained by fitting the
bination at charge transporting materials/perovskite interfaces: dark J–V curves. The dielectric constant of the perovskite can
electron (hole) injected into ETM (HTM) recombines with hole be obtained from Equation (2)
(electron) in perovskite. Recombination will be affected by sev-
eral factors such as energy levels of charge extraction materials, C gL
ε= (2)
bulk and interface defects, charge mobility of perovskite and/or ε0A
selective contact materials, and charge diffusion length. Effec-
tive measurements are required to facilitate the positive carrier where Cg is the geometrical capacitance of the perovskite layer, the
transport process and suppress or block negative process. permittivity of free space ε0 = 8.85 × 10−14 F cm−1, L is the thickness
of the perovskite films, and A is the active area of the device.[91] Cg
is obtained by fitting the impedance spectra of the corresponding
2.3. How to Evaluate and Characterize Recombination and devices. It is well known that electron or hole traps can be charac-
Defect Density in Perovskite Solar Cells? terized through fabricating electron-only device (electrode/ETM/
perovskite/ETM/electrode) or hole-only device (electrode/HTM/
As we mentioned above, recombination closely related with perovskite/HTM/electrode). Typical dark J–V curves of electron-
defect/trap density possesses a pronounced effect on the final only and hole-only devices are exhibited in Figure 3b,c.[18]

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (4 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 3.  a) Dark J–V curve of MAPbBr3. Dark J–V curves of b) electron-only devices and c) hole-only devices based on different perovskite films.
d) TSC curve for the devices based on CuSCN (green), PEDOT:PSS (red), and without transport layers (purple). e) Trap density of state curves of
devices without PCBM, with PCBM but without thermal annealing, with 15 min thermal annealing PCBM, and 45 min thermal annealing PCBM.
f) Deep-level transient spectroscopy of the control and target perovskite layers. a) Reproduced with permission.[87] Copyright 2015, American Association
for the Advancement of Science. b,c) Reproduced with permission.[18] Copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry. d) Reproduced with permission.[92]
Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society. e) Reproduced with permission.[33] Copyright 2014, Nature Publication Group. f) Reproduced with permis-
sion.[12] Copyright 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

2.3.2. Thermally Stimulated Current calculated through integrating the TSC spectrum over time
using Equation (4)[59,96]
Except for SCLC technology, TSC is also one of the impor-
tant measurement methods to evaluate trap density although
it is relatively less used in PSCs in the past.[59,92] It is well ∫peak
I TSC dt ≤ en tV

known that TSC is a powerful characterization method to
detect the trap states in semiconductors.[93–95] Here it should where V represents the volume of the sample. For example,
be stressed that the fundamental principle of TSC is on the Baumann et al.[92] used the TSC method to investigate the defect
basis of assumption that the optically excited electrons can traps in MAPbI3-based inverted PSCs. TSC was plotted against
partially fill defect states at a very low temperature. The device the temperature for different devices, as illustrated in Figure 3d.
will generate charge carriers through illumination after it is For the reference device (ITO/CuSCN/MAPbI3/PCBM/C60/
cooled to a very low temperature. Subsequently, a constant BCP/Au), only one peak at T3 (163 K) was observed in the dark,
temperature is imposed on the device to allow the charge car- while a peak at T3 (163 K) appeared at the opposite direction
riers to relax in the density of states and occupy possible trap under illumination in the device without transport layers as
states (this process is called as thermalization process). After compared to reference device. It indicates that this peak comes
the thermalization process, the charge carriers are gradually from the perovskite layer instead of charge transport layers and
released from previously filled trap levels as the temperature this peak is not due to thermally excited current but phase tran-
slowly increases at a constant rate, and thus the current is sition between orthorhombic and tetragonal. When perovskite
allowed to flow within the device. It needs to be noted that the is integrated with charge transport layers (CTL) using different
release of charges captured by different defect traps requires HTMs (PEDOT:PSS and CuSCN) in the illumination condition,
different thermal excitation energies, which are determined by four peaks are clearly seen (T1 = 27 K, T2 = 60 K, T3 = 163 K,
both energy depth and temperature. The activation energy (EA) and T4 = 194 K). In contrast, two peaks at T1 and T2 cannot be
of the charge in defect traps can be calculated according to found in the device without CTLs, which means that two peaks
Equation (3)[59] at low temperatures T1 and T2 are attributed to shallow-level
defect traps from PCBM/C60 ETM rather than the perovskite
 E  layer. Additionally, a very weak peak in the vicinity of T1 in the
I TSC = exp  − A  (3) device without CTLs under illumination is indicative of the
 K BT 
presence of very shallow trap states in the MAPbI3 layer. When
where ITSC is the current signal produced by thermally exciting comparing the devices with/without CTLs, it can be concluded
electrons to the CBM, KB is the Boltzmann constant, and that not only T3 (phase transition) but also T4 originate from
T stands for temperature. In addition, defect density nt can be the perovskite layer and high-temperature peak at 194 K is

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (5 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

contributed by defect traps. Furthermore, the activation energy in the tDOS curve for the device without PCBM passivation.
and defect density were calculated to be around 500 meV and After incorporation of the PCBM passivation layer, the tDOS
1 × 1021 m−3 according to Equations (3) and (4). The above suc- over 0.4 eV (Band 2 and Band 3) significantly decreases even
cessful application of TSC measurement in PSC implies that if no thermal annealing was applied, along with a slightly
TSC characterization technology shows huge potentials in reduced tDOS at relatively shallow trap states in the range of
investigating bulk and interface recombination in PSCs. Con- 0.35–0.40 eV (Band 1). Further decrease in tDOS at Band 1 was
sequently, extensive utilization of the TSC method in PSCs will observed after annealing the device with PCBM. It suggests
be highly expected in future for the purpose of further improve- that PCBM can diffuse into the perovskite layer along grain
ment of PCE and stability. boundaries and thus passivate the shallow trap level. In other
words, significantly reduced tDOS is consistent with improved
PCE and reduced hysteresis upon incorporation of PCBM with
2.3.3. Thermal Admittance Spectroscopy annealing.

Compared with the above-discussed TSC method, TAS has

been widely utilized to determine the defect density of states 2.3.4. Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy
(including shallow- and deep-level defects) in thin film solar
cells,[97] organic solar cells,[98] and PSCs.[33,59,99–101] The fun- It is well known that DLTS is useful to detect deep-level
damental of TAS is mainly based on capacitance evolution defects,[12,59,103,104] which is hardly detected by the above-dis-
depending on charging–discharging of defects with changes cussed characterization techniques. When performing a DLTS
in the frequency of the alternating current (AC) voltage. The spectrum measurement, the emission rate window is set first
defect occupancy of semiconductor is dependent on the posi- and then the instrument will exhibit a response peak at the
tion of the Fermi level. Similar to the principle of TSC, filled specific temperature through responding to different emission
charge in defect states can be thermally activated and released, rates induced by different temperatures in this window. The
during which the defect level is determined by both energy fundamental idea of DLTS is to determine the energy difference
depth of the defects and temperature. Finally, released charges between different defect states, one of the band edges, and cap-
will contribute to the admittance signal. Consequently, junction ture cross-section of defects through detecting the defect emis-
capacitance can reflect information on defects with different sion rates depending on temperatures.[103] During the DLTS
EA at different modulated AC frequencies. The energy of the measurement, temperatures in the range from liquid nitrogen
defect energy level Eω at frequency (ω) can be estimated from temperature and room temperature or above are usually
Equation (5)[33,59] employed. The bias-generated charges could fill the defect states
at the initial bias pulse at low temperature, during which the
Eω = E d − E v (5)
emission rate of a defect trap is much smaller as compared to its
where Ed and Ev stand for the energy depth of defects and the capture rate. At this time, the former can be neglected.[59] Upon
VB maximum energy level, respectively. Subsequently, the increase of temperature, DLTS peaks will occur gradually if the
attempt-to-escape frequency (ω0) can be calculated based on emission rate is located in the rate window. The defect density at
Equation (6)[33,59] a specific temperature can be expressed by Equation (9)[104]

 E  n t = 2(∆C/C ) (N A − N D) (9)
ω 0 = βT 2 exp  − ω  (6)
 K BT 
where ΔC is capacitance change from t = 0, C is the capacitance
where β is a temperature-dependent parameter. The defect den- of the diode under reverse-biased condition. (NA  − ND) stands
sity (nt) can be derived from the angular frequency–dependent for the net acceptor concentration on the p side of the junction.
capacitance according to Equation (7)[33,59] Additionally, the EA of the defects below CB can be calculated
by Equation (10)[104]
Vbi dC ω
n t (Eω ) = − (7)
eW dω K BT  E 
en = (σ n υ n N D /g n ) exp  − A  (10)
 K BT 
where C and ω represent capacitance and angular frequency,
respectively. The build-in potential (Vbi) is extracted from the where en is the thermal emission rate of the trapped charges,
capacitance–voltage curve. The depletion width (W) is obtained σn is the charge capture cross-section, νn is the mean thermal
from Mott–Schottky analysis. Moreover, the depletion width velocity of the charges, ND is the effective density of states in the
can be obtained based on Equation (8)[59,102] carrier band, and gn is degeneracy of the defects. For example,
DLTS spectra of perovskite films with or without I3− passiva-
ε 0ε r A tion were measured to determine the density of their deep-level
W = (8)
C defects based on a temperature scan rate of 0.81547 s−1, as
where εr and A stand for the relative dielectric constant and shown in Figure 3f.[12] The control perovskite film (before I3−
the contact area, respectively. Figure 3e shows typical trap treatment) shows three evident DLTS peaks (denoted as A1, A2,
density of states (tDOS) curve of MAPbI3-based PSCs.[33] It and A3). Through Arrhenius measurement, the energy levels
is obviously observed from Figure 3e that three bands appear of defects were determined to be 0.78, 0.82, and 0.46 eV for A1,

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (6 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

A2, and A3, respectively, which suggests that these defects stem 2.3.6. Ideality Factor
from interstitial Pb and antisite defects. After incorporation of
I3− into precursor, deep-level defects (A1 and A2) are markedly The quantitative relationship between recombination and Voc
reduced while semishallow level defects just slightly decreased. can be described in terms of external PL quantum yield (EQYPL)
using Equation (12)[55,62]
µ = µoc,rad + K B T ln (EQYPL) (12)
2.3.5. Steady-State PL Emission
where µ is the free energy of photogenerated electron–hole
Actually, trapping process of the defects for charges can affect pairs, which is equal to the energy splitting of the quasi-Fermi
not only electrical properties but also optical properties. SSPL levels of electrons in the conduction (Fcb) and balance (Fvb)
has been widely employed to determine the defect density of bands, respectively. µoc,rad is the free energy when only radiative
perovskite films in PSCs.[59,105] When perovskite film was pho- recombination occurs (EQYPL = 1) under open-circuit condition.
toexcited by increasing pump fluence, the excited charges are EQYPL stands for the external electroluminescence quantum
either relaxed through band edge emission or captured by yield. KBT is mainly responsible for the temperature depend-
defects. The turning point at low pump fluence indicates that ence of Voc.[60] The device Voc is obviously related to µ. EQYPL can
all the defect traps have been filled by the photogenerated directly reflect the degree of nonradiative recombination. Con-
charges. The pump fluence corresponding to this turning sequently, Voc is proportional to EQYPL while EQYPL is inversely
point is called threshold trap pump fluence (Pthtrap). Pthtrap can be proportional to the nonradiative recombination. Therefore, the
obtained by intersection of the linearly extrapolated PL inten- only way to maximize Voc is to maximize the EQYPL by mini-
sity and the pump fluence axis. The total defect density can be mizing nonradiative recombination losses and internal photon
obtained from Equation (11)[59,105] losses, which translates into an improved Voc as expressed by
Equation .[12][62,69] In intrinsic perovskite semiconductor, it can
α be found from Equation (12) that µ  =µoc,rad when EQYPL  = 1
n t = Pthtrap × (11)
E (without any nonradiative SRH recombination and interface
recombination). In this case, the Shockley–Queisser limit
where α is the absorption coefficient and E is the energy of one Voc = µ = µoc,rad. As shown in Figure 4a and Equation (12), µ is
photon at the wavelength of the laser pulse. usually smaller than µoc,rad because of the presence of SRH

Figure 4.  a) Stand-alone intrinsic layer. The free energy µoc of photogenerated electron–hole pairs equals to the gap between the quasi-Fermi levels of
electrons in the conduction (Fcb) and valence (Fvb) bands. In the mid gap, an empty trap level Et is assumed. R stands for recombination rate per unit
of volume. b) Energy diagram for the heterojunction of intrinsic light absorber contacting with HTL and ETL. Similarly, the free energy is the difference
between Fcb and Fvb. At equilibrium in the dark, the concentration of trapped electrons varies across the intrinsic layer, showing SRH is crucial in the
bulk but negligible at interface. c) Effect of radiative, SRH, and/or interface recombination on photovoltaic parameters. For the ideal diode with only
radiative recombination, photocurrent, voltage, and fill factor approach Shockley–Queisser limit, while the presence of SRH recombination reduces
photocurrent, voltage and fill factor and the addition of interface recombination declines further voltage and fill factor. Reproduced with permission.[55]
Copyright 2017, Nature Publishing Group.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (7 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

nonradiative recombination in real perovskite films. RSRH,e(h) where e is the elementary charge, I is the light intensity, I0 is
is the SRH recombination rate of electrons (holes) per unit of a constant with the same unit as I, and KB is the Boltzmann
volume, which affects Voc far from ideal Shockley–Queisser constant.
limit Voc. Consequently, it is essential for increasing Voc through
reducing SRH recombination losses.
Except for Voc, nonradiative recombination also has a pro- 3. Control of Recombination in the Bulk
nounced effect on FF of devices. The maximum FFmax of PSCs
can be calculated as the following equation[106]
3.1. Compositional Engineering
ν oc − ln(ν oc + 0.72)
FFmax = (13)
ν oc + 1 Since the first report on solid-state PSCs by Park et al.,[3] com-
position engineering strategy has been extensively employed
where νoc is proportional to the open-circuit voltage (Voc). As to tune the optical and electric properties of perovskite mate-
revealed in Equation (13), the FFmax of PSCs is closely related to rials. Based on composition engineering method, the great
Voc. Since Voc is highly dependent on nonradiative recombination breakthrough was obtained by Seok and co-workers and a
as discussed in Equation (12), FFmax is expected to be also affected certified PCE of 17.9% was achieved based on the optimized
by nonradiative recombination. As illustrated in Figure 4b, perovskite composition (FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15, which
perovskite film contacts with ETM and HTM and forms hetero- was the highest value in PSCs at that time.[7] Subsequently,
junction. In this case, recombination losses at perovskite/ETM more complicated triple- and quadruple-cation perovskite
and perovskite/HTM interfaces must be taken into account to compositions of (Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 and
evaluate Voc of real device (recombination (II) process as dis- Rb0.05[Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95]0.05Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3) were developed
cussed above). In other words, in addition to SRH recombination by Saliba and co-workers and PCE over 21% was obtained with
Voc is also determined by interface recombination. In order to excellent long-term operating stability.[10,17] Presently, most of
demonstrate how SRH and interface recombination have effect the highly efficient PSCs with the PCE exceeding 21% were
on device performance, Sarritzu et al.[55] estimated photovoltaic fabricated based on the classical triple- and quadruple-cation
parameters: Voc  = 1.33 V, Jsc  = 25.4 mA cm−2, FF = 0.91, and perovskite compositions.[13,17,57,58,110] Rational composition
PCE = 30.5% (ideality factor m = 1) in the absence of SRH recom- engineering can control the electric properties (carrier mobility,
bination and interface recombination (Figure 4c). When SRH carrier concentration, and defect density) because crystal struc-
recombination was considered, all of the photovoltaic parameters ture, morphology, and crystallization can be modified. Form-
were reduced to Voc = 1.16 V, Jsc = 23.6 mA cm−2, FF = 0.86, and ability of perovskite after composition engineering in ABX3
PCE = 23.4% (ideality factor m = 1.5). When interface recombina- perovskite is expected from estimation of tolerance factor t,
tion was further considered, except for the photocurrent density where t  = (RA + RX)/[21/2 (RB + RX)], based on ionic radii of A,
(Jsc = 23.6 mA cm−2), all other photovoltaic parameters were fur- B, and X.[23] Perovskite can be stabilized when t is in the range
ther reduced to Voc = 0.97 V, FF = 0.80, and PCE = 18.2% (ideality of 0.8–1.[23] In the organic lead halide perovskite, although
factor m ≈ 2). It is obvious that reduction in PCE is mainly attrib- A-site organic cation might not directly affect the valence band
uted to crucially decreased Voc and FF that are also related to the maxi­mum (VBM) and conduction band minimum (CBM), it can
ideality factor. We can see that Voc and FF gradually reduce as indirectly affect them because PbI bond length and PbIPb
the m increases from 1 to about 2. It implies that SHR recombi- bond angle are likely influenced by A-site cation, which eventu-
nation and interface recombination have a significant influence ally contributes to the geometry stability and the electronic struc-
on Voc and FF. Furthermore, the ideality factor can be used to ture.[111,112] It is obvious that modification of B-site cation and
evaluate the recombination losses in a real device.[55,60,107] halide anion can directly affect VBM and CBM because BX
Since recombination (including radiative, nonradiative, and bond determines band structure.[111,113] Since all of the A, B,
interface recombination) is directly related with Voc and FF, it is and X sites can directly or indirectly affect the optical and elec-
crucial how to uncover and evaluate recombination. In the past, tric properties of perovskite, they are also closely related with
impedance spectroscopy (IS) was usually used to investigate the recombination process in intrinsic perovskite. Subsequently, we
interfacial charge transfer.[22,108,109] However, it is difficult for discuss how changes of ions in A, B, and X sites affect SRH non-
IS measurement to accurately correlate each of the recombina- radiative recombination from the viewpoint of defect chemistry.
tion processes with Voc and FF. Recently, the ideality factor has
been proposed frequently to reliably evaluate the recombination
process in PSCs.[55,60,107] Tress et al.[60] reported that m can be 3.1.1. A-Site Engineering
measured from one of the methods that is based on the light
intensity–dependent Voc, dark J–V and electroluminescence. In Table 1, photovoltaic parameters of PSCs are listed to show
Among them light intensity-dependent Voc method can give a how change or replacement of A-site cation affects the photo-
reliable m because other two methods have parasitic resistance voltaic performance, where the data for replacement of iodide
component. m can be evaluated from the following light inten- with a small amount of bromide are also included.
sity-dependent Voc in Equation (14) It is well known that the commonly used perovskite com-
position is MAPbI3 at the early stage of PSCs development. In
I0 order to extend light absorption, FA with larger ionic radius
eVoc = E g − mK B T ln (14)
I than MA has been utilized. This strategy leads to higher

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (8 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 1.  Photovoltaic parameters of PSCs depending on A-site cations.

Device structurea) Jsc Voc FF PCE Year Ref.

[mA cm−2] [V] [%]
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/Cs0.1MA0.9PbI3/PCBM/Al 10.10 1.05 0.73 7.68 2014 [114]
FTO/bl-TiO2/FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Ag 23.4 1.07 0.76 19.0 2015 [100]
ITO/Cu:NiOx/MA0.7FA0.3Pb(I0.9Br0.1)3/PCBM and C60/Bis-C60/Ag 20.21 1.10 0.78 17.34b) 2016 [115]
FTO/bl-TiO2/mp-TiO2/ Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 23.5 1.147 0.79 21.17 2016 [17]
FTO/bl-TiO2/mp-TiO2/ Rb0.05[Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95]0.05Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.8 1.180 0.81 21.8 2016 [10]

The perovskite composition is highlighted in bold; b)Average PCE.

Jsc.[20,116,117] As mentioned above, ion in A-site is proved to indi- improved crystallinity and morphology, which reduced defect
rectly affect bandgap and photovoltaic property. Yadav et al.[118] density as revealed by admittance spectroscopy. The optimized
reported that dynamics of charge transfer processes was found MA0.7FA0.3Pb(I0.9Br0.1)3-based device showed an average PCE
to be strongly influenced by the nature of A cation, where the of 17.34% that was much higher than 15.43% of the pris-
interfacial charge transport was more rapid in FAPbBr3 than tine MAPbI3. In the early 2015, a solid solution of FAPbI3 and
CsPbBr3. According to the theoretical and experimental studies, MAPbBr3 was designed to obtain optimal composition (FAPbI
rotation of the MA cation is beneficial to heal deep trap states 3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15 for PSCs, which delivered a certified PCE of
created by lead and iodine vacancies.[119] The in situ photolumi- 17.9%.[7] In order to further enhance PCE, Saliba et al.[17] devel-
nescence technique revealed that the perovskite crystallization oped triple cation perovskite Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3,
kinetics could be effectively controlled via incorporation of FA, from which Jsc and FF were improved due to reduced nonradia-
which reduced nonradiative recombination and thereby led to tive recombination. Reduced phase impurity was explained as
a PCE of 12.81% with the (BA)2(MA,FA)3Pb4I13 (BA: butylam- one of the main reasons for suppressing nonradiative recombi-
monium) quai-2D perovskite.[120] The examples described above nation as confirmed by XRD study in Figure 6a. Improved crys-
show that A-site cation plays an important role in affecting tallinity estimated from morphological evaluation (Figure 6b,c)
interfacial charge transfer, defect, and device performance. was considered as another reason for the reduced nonradia-
Alkali metals are usually considered as possible candidates tive recombination. As illustrated in Figure 6b,c, as compared
for A site. Choi et al.[114] reported that monovalent Cs cation to random growth of perovskite grains, columnar grains (per-
with an ionic radius of 1.81 Å was used to substitute par- pendicular to the FTO substrate) are observed for Cs-included
tially MA with an ionic radius of 2.70 Å in MAPbI3 to form (FA,MA) composition. It was interpreted that the vertical
CsxMA1−xPbI3. It was found that incorporation of 10% Cs+ growth of perovskite grains would be beneficial for inhibiting
improved PCE from 5.51% to 7.68%, which was ascribed to nonradiative recombination via accelerating charge transport
improved film morphology associated with reduced nonradia- toward vertical direction. This result offers important insight
tive recombination. After many attempts, replacement of MA+ into morphological control to improve photovoltaic perfor-
by FA+ was found to be one of the effective ways to improve mance. From the lessen of the role of Cs+, Zhang et al.[122] also
photovoltaic performance because of optically benign.[111] How- introduced it into 2D perovskite (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13 for further
ever, higher annealing temperature above 160 °C is required enhancement of 2D PSCs. The (BA)2Cs0.15(MA)2.85Pb4I13-based
for maintaining the thermodynamically stable black trigonal cell showed a higher PCE of 13.7% than that of 12.3% of con-
α phase FAPbI3 and furthermore black perovskite phase tends trol device, which was ascribed to controlled crystal orientation,
to be converted into yellow hexagonal nonperovskite δ phase increased grain size, superior surface quality, reduced trap-state
below the phase transition temperature.[100,117,121] In order density, enhanced carrier mobility, and charge transfer kinetics.
to stabilize the black perovskite phase of FAPbI3 and further Therefore, reasonable composition engineering is an effective
improve PCE, Lee et al.[100] inserted 10 mol% Cs in FAPbI3 for approach because of controlling grain growth toward beneficial
the first time and then improved PCE to 19% from a normal direction for suppressing nonradiative recombination. On the
structure employing FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3 (Table 1). It is interesting basis of triple cations perovskite, the same group[10] investigated
to see that the substitution of FA with an appropriate amount the other alkali metals (Li+, Na+, K+, and Rb+) except for Cs+
of Cs cation is able to stabilize the black phase even at room through calculating tolerance factor t to check whether they can
temperature. As shown in SEM images in Figure 5a–d, also be incorporated into crystal lattice. They found that t of RbPbI3
FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3 perovskite exhibits larger grain and clearer grain was very slightly deviated from the safety value of 0.8 < t  < 1,
boundary as compared to the pristine FAPbI3. Such a large while t of KPbI3 is far from this t range. This is indicative of pos-
grain grown by the insertion of Cs is found to lead to increase sible incorporation of Rb+ in A site in the way of the so-called
in time constant for recombination (Figure 5e) and reduction “cation cascade.” As presented in Figure 6d, the peaks of yellow
in trap density (Figure 5g) as measured by impedance spec- phase of FAPbI3 and PbI2 nearly disappear after incorporation
troscopy (Figure 5f). Yang et al.[115] systematically investigated of both Rb+ and Cs+, which eventually contributed to improved
the effect of substitution with FA+ and Br− on the structural, PCE. The optimized Rb0.05[Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95]0.05Pb(I0.83
optophysical, and photovoltaic properties of pure MAPbI3. Br0.17)3-based PSC showed a PCE of 21.8% and the highest Voc
It was found that dual compositional tuning in MAPbI3 from the triple cation method was observed to be 1.24 V

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (9 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 5.  Surface SEM images of a) FAPbI3 and b) FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3 films. Cross-sectional SEM images of PSCs employing c) FAPbI3 and d) FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3.
Scale bar is 100 nm. e) Time constant for charge recombination, f) capacitance–frequency, and g) calculated trap density (NT) of FAPbI3- and
FA0.9Cs0.1PbI3-based PSCs measured at room temperature. Reproduced with permission.[100] Copyright 2015, Wiley-VCH.

(Figure 6e,f). When considering the bandgap of 1.63 eV for plateau in the low-frequency region of 10−100 Hz is found for
the composition with Voc = 1.24 V, potential loss is only 0.39 V, the KI-doped perovskite, which is related to the removal of the
which suggests that nonradiative recombination can be signifi- hysteresis. Reduced trap density is realized by doping with KI
cantly reduced by cation engineering. (Figure 7d,e). Frenkel defect can explain the removal of the
Apart from Cs+ and Rb+, recently, incorporation of K+ was hysteresis, where stable incorporation of proper ion such as
also intensively investigated. Insertion of K+ into lattice of CsP- K+ in the interstitial octahedral site effectively inhibits Frenkel
bI2Br was confirmed by shift of the peak position to higher defect and thereby hysteresis is removed. Abdi-Jalebi et al.[125]
angle in XRD associated with reduced lattice constants.[66] also demonstrated that the introduction of KI could nearly
Interestingly, several groups proposed that doping of K+ can eliminate hysteresis of PSCs. KI-doped triple cation perovskite
reduce or remove hysteresis.[18,90,123–125] Bu et al.[18] found that showed increased external photoluminescence quantum effi-
the reduced hysteresis by incorporation of potassium ion was ciency (PLQE) and PL lifetime, leading to substantial mitiga-
attributed to the reduced defect density due to the increased tion of nonradiative losses and photoinduced ion migration in
grain size and improved charge transportation because of the perovskite films (Figure 8a,b). As displayed in Figure 8c, they
increased carrier lifetime. Tang et al.[124] demonstrated that proposed that halide vacancies were filled with iodide provided
the incorporation of potassium ion could reduce not only bar- by KI, which could passivate nonradiative recombination path-
rier at the perovskite/TiO2 interface but also defect density in ways and increase PLQE. The excess halides also could inhibit
perovskite films. Son et al.[90] compared the hysteresis of PSCs underlying halide migration, which might suppress additional
depending on incorporation of different alkali metal iodides nonradiative recombination. As mentioned in Figure 7, there
and found that the hysteresis was highly dependent on alkali is optimal quantity for doping KI for achieving highest Voc
metal ions, where complete removal of hysteresis was observed and PCE (Figure 8d–f), which indicates that there is a certain
for KI as shown in Figure 7a. For the smaller LiI or the larger density of defects affecting photovoltaic performance in PSCs.
CsI, the hysteresis is hardly reduced. Impedance spectroscopic Doping with KI can be universally adapted to reduce defects in
studies in Figure 7b,c shows that low capacitance with saturated the perovskite layer.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (10 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 6. a) XRD patterns of Csx(MA0.17FA0.83)(1−x)Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 perovskite films with different amount of Cs. Cs0M (without Cs) represents
MA0.17FA0.83Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 and Cs5M (with 5 mol% Cs) stands for Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3. Cross-sectional SEM images of b) Cs0M and
c) Cs5M. d) XRD patterns of the annealed dual cation (MAFA) and quadruple cation (RbCsMAFA) perovskite films. Peaks with # and δ correspond
to PbI2 and yellow FAPbI3, respectively. e) J–V curve and steady-state PCE of the champion device. (f) J–V curve and steady-state PCE of the highest
open-circuit voltage device. a–c) Reproduced with permission.[17] Copyright 2016, Royal Society of Chemistry. d–f) Reproduced with permission.[10]
Copyright 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

3.1.2. B-Site Engineering a result, the device based on optimized composition of

MAPb0.85In0.15I3Cl0.15 exhibited improved Voc (1.03 V), Jsc
The substitution of lead in B-site by divalent (or trivalent) tran- (21.90 mA cm−2), FF (0.78), and PCE (17.55%) as compared to
sition metal ions has been tried to control optical and electronic Voc (0.91 V), Jsc (19.07 mA cm−2), FF (0.72), and PCE (12.61%)
properties of PSCs. Table 2 shows the effect of the modification of a control device without In3+. It was noted that (110) and
of B-site cation with indium, bismuth, cobalt, copper, and tin (220) peaks dominate in MAPbIxCl3−x, while five main peaks
on photovoltaic parameters. corresponding to (110), (220), (224), (312), and (310) planes
As discussed above, B-site metal ions in ABX3 play an impor- were observed for MAPb0.85In0.15I3Cl0.15, which implies that
tant role in determining not only the CBM and VBM through multiple ordered crystal orientations were achieved via incorpo-
directly affecting the BX bond length and angle but also the ration of In3+. They claimed beneficial effect of multiple ordered
electric properties of perovskite. In the past, tremendous efforts crystal orientations for efficient charge transport along multiple
have contributed to investigate partial replacement of Pb2+ directions, which might reduce nonradiative recombination
(ion radius: 1.49 Å) by Sn2+ (ion radius: 1.35 Å) for the pur- as evidenced by the improved Voc, Jsc, and FF. This suggests
pose of extending the absorption onset and reducing toxicity the importance of highly oriented structure. Apart from com-
of lead.[19,130–133] Although the absorption spectrum is much positional engineering, of course, dimensionality engineering,
extended, the device based on Sn suffers from poor chemical additive engineering, and interface (substrate) engineering also
stability due to oxidation of Sn2+ to Sn4+ in the presence of enable highly oriented grain growth, which is discussed below.
oxygen and moreover poor PCE because of fast electron/hole Bi3+ ion in VA is isoelectronic structure of Pb2+ with 6s26p0
recombination.[127] Encouraged by both development of lead- electronic configuration, which is thus expected as an environ-
free or lead-less perovskite, other (transition) metal ions were mentally friendly alternative to Pb2+.[127,134,135] Chen et al.[127]
also employed to partially substitute Pb2+.[126–129] Although developed Bi-modified MA3Bi2Br9:FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3
In3+ is somewhat difficult to replace in part Pb2+ due to charge perovskite for normal planar PSCs, which delivered a PCE of
imbalance, excess charge was tried to compensate by adding 19.4% that was higher than 18.3% of nonmodified pristine
additional anion such as Cl, leading to MAPb1−xInxI3Clx,[126] perovskite as a consequence of improved Voc and FF as well as
which was applied in inverted planar PSCs (Table 2). As slightly enhanced Jsc. XRD results confirmed the incorporation

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (11 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 7. a) J−V curves of PSCs based on (FAPbI3)0.875(CsPbBr3)0.125 doped with 10 µmol of LiI, NaI, KI, RbI, and CsI, measured in reverse (from Voc to
0 V) and forward (from 0 V to Voc) scans under one sun illumination. Capacitance−frequency plots of KI-doped and undoped perovskite films with
b) selective contacts and c) no selective contacts. Dark J–V curves showing trap filled limit (TFL) voltages for d) undoped pristine perovskite and
e) KI-doped perovskite. Reproduced with permission.[90] Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.

of Bi3+ into lattice of FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3. Incorporation properties contributed to the significant reduction in SRH non-
of Bi3+ reduced nonradiative recombination and trap density radiative recombination, which eventually led to remarkable
as confirmed by PL data. From the light intensity-dependent enhancement of PCE from 17.46% to 21.43% by substitution of
Voc measurement, defect density was confirmed to be reduced 10% Pb2+ with Co2+ (Figure 9d).
after modification with Bi3+. Thus reduction in nonradiative Compared to researches on binary metal alloy (such as Pb–
recombination would be responsible for the improved Voc and Sn, Pb–Bi, and Pb–Co), relatively little attention has been paid
FF. Recently, Co2+ was tried to partially replace Pb2+ in spite of to ternary metal alloy. Li et al.[129] reported ternary metal alloy
much smaller ionic radius (0.745 Å for high spin and 0.65 Å MAPb0.9Sn0.05Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1 for PSCs. Ternary metal alloy of
for low spin) to produce MAPb1−xCoxI3, whose t is 1.01 close to Pb–Sn–Cu shows much better morphology with quite large
ideal 1 value when x = 0.4.[128] 3d orbital of Co2+ was expected to grain size than single or dual metal alloy systems as can be
affect the electrical properties of perovskite.[128,136] It was found seen in Figure 10a–d. In addition, Pb–Cu and Pb–Sn–Cu sys-
that substitution with Co2+ changed phase from tetragonal to tems showed lower trap density than MAPbI3 (Figure 10e).
cubic and then mixed phase was obtained as the substitution Pb–Sn composition exhibited unexpectedly higher trap density
ratio increased. The grain size of perovskite was significantly than MAPbI3. MAPb0.9Sn0.05Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1-based device demon-
increased from 0.2 µm for pristine MAPbI3 to over 1 µm for strated PCE as high as 21.08% (Figure 10f). It is important to
MAPb1−xCoxI3 (x  = 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4) as shown in Figure 9a,b. note that the introduction of Sn2+ contributes to the improve-
MAPb0.9Co0.1I3 composition increased electrical conduc- ment of Jsc and the introduction of Cu2+ can passivate trap
tivity and balanced charge mobility, as measured by Seebeck sites at the crystal boundaries of Pb–Sn perovskites. The above
coefficient, when comparing those of pristine MAPbI3 film results strongly suggest that B-site engineering is a promising
(Figure 9c). Such grain growth and improved electrical approach to control SRH recombination and electrical property.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (12 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 8. a) Internal and external photoluminescence quantum efficiency of perovskite films depending on the amount of KI, measured with a
532 nm laser under illumination. b) Time-resolved PL decays of the perovskite films before and after KI treatment and concentration of KI, using
a 400 nm laser and a pulse fluence of 0.5 µJ cm−2. c) Schematic diagram showing effect of doped KI on passivation of halide defect on surface. d) Forward
(open symbols) and reverse (closed symbols) scanned J–V curves of the champion devices with (Cs,MA,FA)Pb(I0.85Br0.15)3 perovskite passivated
without (x = 0) and with (x = 0.1) KI under one sun illumination. The inset shows stabilized PCE. e,f) Dependence of Voc (e) and Jsc (f) on concentra-
tion of KI. Reproduced with permission.[125] Copyright 2017, Nature Publication Group.

3.1.3. X-Site Engineering This work also provided insight into transparent or semitrans-
parent PSCs. Moreover, halide exchange route was developed
Similar to B site, X site also has direct influence on the optical to produce MAPbI3−xBrx by spin-coating MABr solution in iso-
and electrical properties of perovskite ABX3. Likewise, the propanol (IPA) on the prefabricated pristine MAPbI3 film.[137]
composition engineering of X site should abide by an appro- This approach realized increment of grain size and prolonged
priate tolerance factor t (0.8–1). First, it is easy to consider carrier lifetime, which resulted in higher PCE in MAPbI3−xBrx-
that halogen ions (Br− and Cl−) can be used to replace the based device than counterpart device. Br doping in MAPbI3
commonly adopted I− while F− ion is hard to be considered was also found to increase the charge carrier lifetime as deter-
because t of MAPbI(3−x)Fx is not in the range of 0.8–1.[23] It mined by transient photovoltage.[82] Since charge carrier life-
was reported in 2013 that the bandgap could be controllably time, mobility, and diffusion length are directly related to SRH
tuned by changing molar ratio of Br− and moisture stability nonradiative recombination and thereby to Voc and FF, Br
was significantly improved with x  > 0.6 in MAPbI3−xBrx.[21] doping is one of the effective ways to step forward to realize

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (13 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 2.  Photovoltaic parameters for the perovskite materials with a particle substitution of Pb by transition metals ions.

Device structurea) Jsc Voc FF PCE Year Ref.

[mA cm−2] [V] [%]
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/MAPb0.85In0.15I3Cl0.15/PC61BM/Bphen/Ag 21.90 1.03 0.78 17.55 2016 [126]
FTO/bl-TiO2/ MA3Bi2Br9:FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.5 1.12 0.77 19.4 2018 [127]
ITO/PTAA/MAPb0.9Co0.1I3/PC61BM/Al 24.42 1.07 0.82 21.43 2018 [128]
FTO/bl-TiO2/MAPb0.9Sn0.05Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1/spiro-MeOTAD/MoO3/Au 23.97 1.086 0.81 21.08 2018 [129]

a)The perovskite composition is highlighted in bold.

high-efficiency and stable PSCs. Actually, Br component has process of the perovskite film has been investigated widely and
been indispensable for perovskite composition (like classical deeply.[138,144,147] In general, Cl− could be incorporated through
Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3) in most of the efficient adding Cl−containing materials (including PbCl2, MACl, FACl,
and stable PSCs up to now.[10,12,17,26] Except for Br−, Cl− anion CsCl, etc.) to starting solution according to three ways: pre-
is used to replace I−.[138–143] However, it has been still argued cursor solution in the one-step method,[149,150] PbI2 solution
that whether or not Cl− ion can be incorporated into lattice in the two-step method,[148] and organic source solution in the
of MAPbI3 because of little change in lattice constant despite two-step method.[56,146]
its smaller ionic radius (1.81 Å) as compared to I− (2.2 Å). Compared with halide ion substitution, little attention was
Fortunately, Cl− in precursor solution can facilitate the crys- devoted to study the effect of pseudohalide substitution on
tallization of perovskite and thus improve the electronic optical and electronic properties of perovskite materials. Thio-
properties (such as carrier lifetime, mobility, and diffusion cyanate anion (SCN−) is expected to be able to replace the
length), enabling the realization of suppression of nonradiative I− in MAPbI3 because of its similar ionic radius (2.17 Å) as I−
recombination.[139,141,144–149] The role of Cl− in the crystallization (2.2 Å).[151] PL measurement showed significant enhancement

Figure 9.  Top-view SEM images of a) pristine MAPbI3 and b) MAPb0.9Co0.1I3 films. c) The electrical conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient as a function
of Co/Pb ratio in the MAPb1−xCoxI3 (0%, 10%, 20%, and 40% for x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4, respectively). d) J–V curves of the PSCs based on MAPb1−xCoxI3
for x = 0 and 0.1. Reproduced with permission.[128] Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (14 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 10.  Top-view SEM images of a) MAPbI3, b) MAPb0.95Sn0.05I3, c) MAPb0.95Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1, and d) MAPb0.9Sn0.05Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1 perovskite films.
e) Trap density of states (t-DOS) depending on B-site composition. f) J–V curves of PSCs depending on B-site composition measured under one sun
illumination. Reproduced with permission.[129] Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

in the emission quantum yield of MAPbI3−x(SCN)x as com- 3.2. Dimensionality Engineering

pared to that of MAPbI3 due to the suppression of nonradia-
tive recombination channels. Chen et al. found that grain size As aforementioned, composition engineering of 3D perovskite
was increased and trap density was reduced by replacing a ABX3 must follow the Goldschmidt tolerance factor deter-
small amount of iodide with SCN−, which yielded an efficient mined by ion radii of A, B, and X. In case that ion radius of
and reproducible PSC.[152] Benign effect of substitution with A-site ion is too large, the dimensionality of perovskite will be
SCN− was also confirmed, where MAPbI3−x(SCN)x film showed reduced to quasi-3D, quasi-2D, and 2D.[153–155] Quasi-3D and
a less trap density and better intrinsic stability than the parent quasi-2D are often described as mixed 2D and 3D (2D/3D).[153]
MAPbI3 film.[22] Except for SCN−, BF4− (2.18 Å) molecular ion One of the advantages of reduced dimensionality is better
was utilized to place partially I− to form mixed-anion perovskite moisture stability than 3D perovskite.[153,155–161] Nevertheless,
MAPbI(3−x)(BF4)x. It was found that the device based on opti- the optical loss due to increased bandgap, low absorption coef-
mized MAPbI2.95(BF4)0.05 showed higher PCE of 13.24% than ficient, high exciton binding energy, and poor carrier transport
10.54% of control device due to the improved Voc and FF, which in low dimensional, such as 2D A2BX4, perovskite are draw-
could be attributed to the increased interfacial and bulk recom- backs.[160] Quasi-2D or mixed 2D/3D-based PSCs were pro-
bination resistances.[23] Since pseudohalide ions have some posed to overcome such problems and great progress has been
unique effect on crystallization and optoelectronic properties made.[158,160] For instance, charge carrier mobility remains
of perovskite compared with halide ions, extensive and deep unchanged (near 10 cm2 V−1 s−1) after 50% replacement of
investigation on pseudohalide ion replacement are needed for MA+ by PEA+ (PEA+: phenylethylammonium) in MAPbI3.[162]
extending composition engineering. This implies that quasi-2D or mixed 2D/3D is an important

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (15 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

research direction for simultaneous realization of stability and Pure Sn-based perovskite faces a serious challenge of
high PCE. issues on the oxidation of Sn2+ and high nonradiative recom-
Introduction of a small amount of 2D perovskite into 3D bination. Mixed 2D/3D (PEA2SnI4/FASnI3) perovskite was
perovskite was confirmed to not only improve the moisture proposed to solve such problems.[163] Even a small amount of
stability but also to suppress nonradiative recombination via 2D PEA2SnI4 could reduce grain boundary, suppress oxida-
passivating the surface defect and/or bulk traps of 3D perov­ tion of Sn2+ and increase carrier lifetime, which led to a PCE
skite.[163–169] According to the report on FAxPEA1−xPbI3 used of 9%. Examples discussed in dimensionality engineering
for inverted PSC showing a PCE of 17.7%,[167] the PEA+ ions indicate that 2D materials play an important role in stabi-
at grain boundaries played an important role in not only sta- lizing phase and enhancing optoelectronic properties of 3D
bilizing the black phase of FAPbI3 but also passivating the perovskite.
surface defects. Since bulky organic cations can terminate perov­
skite lattice and thereby lead to quantum well (QW) structure
(alternating perovskite/organic cation structure), the number 3.3. Perovskite Grain Engineering
of inorganic perovskite layers (width of QW) can be controlled
by bulky organic cation. Proppe et al.[170] investigated the effect Preferred orientation of perovskite grain becomes important
of different bulky organic cations on the width of QWs in issue in terms of minimizing nonradiative recombination
L2(MA0.14FA0.81Cs0.05)9Pb10(I0.85Br0.15)29 (L = allylammonium losses and beneficial effects for carrier transport and extrac-
(ALA+), PEA+, and BA+), where the choice of organic cation tion. Vertical recrystallization approach was tried to align
was found to control distribution of the QW width, where ALA+ FA1−xMAxPbI3 normal to substrate (Figure 12a), which was
resulted in narrower distribution and thus providing longer dif- applied to inverted planar PSCs,[118] where MACl was found
fusion length for holes as compared to PEA+ and BA+ cases. to assist vertical growth of perovskite grains (Figure 12b). In
As a result, ALA2(MA0.14FA0.81Cs0.05)9Pb10(I0.85Br0.15)29-based addition, grain size was also increased (Figure 12c,d), which
device showed better photovoltaic performance than PEA and might be responsible for reducing nonradiative recombina-
BA analogs. The experimental results give important insight tion as revealed by increased PL lifetime (Figure 12e). Conse-
into design of 2D/3D mixed perovskite to have high carrier quently, Jsc, Voc, FF, and PCE were significantly increased from
transport with less chance of recombination. Wang et al.[169] 19.57 mA cm−2, 0.91 V, 0.74, and 13.24% to 23.09 mA cm−2,
incorporated BA+ into FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(IyBr1−y)3 3D perovskite to 1.10 V, 0.81, and 20.65%, respectively (Figure 12f).
produce 2D–3D heterostructured BA–Cs–FA lead halide perov­ For the case of 2D perovskite, out-of-plane charge transport
skite for normal planar PSCs. As can be seen in SEM studies is relatively inhibited due to interlayer insulating organic cat-
(Figure 11a–d), 2D platelets were formed perpendicularly and ions. To address this issue, Tsai et al.[174] developed hot-cast pro-
these could drive vertical growth of 3D perovskite. Therefore, cedure for fabrication of quasi-2D perovskite (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13.
this 2D/3D alternating structure, as illustrated in Figure 11e, As presented in Figure 13a,b, grazing incidence wide-angle
resembles QW as discussed preciously. Grain growth perpendic- X-ray scattering (GIWAXS) showed that strong intensities along
ular to the substrate is expected to be favorable for charge trans- certain extended arc segments were detected for a room-tem-
port, accompanied by longer charge diffusion length and life- perature-cast film, which is indicative of considerable random-
time as proved by significantly increased PL studies (Figure 11f). ness, while the hot-cast film exhibited sharp and discrete Bragg
As a consequence, the composition of BA0.05(FA0.83Cs0.17)0.9 spots along the same rings, suggesting a highly crystalline
1Pb(I0.8Br0.2)3 yielded a stabilized PCE of 19.5% (Figure 11g). nature with orientation of (101) planes parallel to the substrate
Moreover, stability was also improved. 1D–3D hybrid perovskite and with a 2D in-plane orientational randomness (Figure 13c).
materials were proposed, where 2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine The highly oriented and crystalline film can facilitate efficient
(PZPY) was introduced into 3D Cs0.04MA0.16FA0.8PbI0.85Br0.15 charge transport and accordingly reduce nonradiative recom-
perovskite.[166] PL lifetime was enhanced upon incorpora- bination. The device based on hot-cast film yielded a high
tion of PZPY due to the fact that nonradiative recombination PCE of 12.52% with no hysteresis (Figure 13d). In addition,
was reduced. In addition, thermodynamic self-healing ability moisture- and photostability were significantly improved in
was discovered for the as-prepared PZPY-modified perovskite, the hot-cast quasi-2D perovskite as compared to its 3D coun-
which was actually induced by blocking the A-site ion-migra- terpart. Additionally, the hot-cast method was employed to
tion channels because of the presence of flexible 1D perovskite prepare the out-of-plane orientated (iso-BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13 film,
with less densely close-packed structure. Unique photovoltaic which increased cross-plane charge mobility and reduces SHR
property is likely to be related to the presence of organic cation recombination.[175] The hot-cast method was utilized to fabri-
that however can cause thermal and/or moisture instability. cate highly crystalline (n-BA)2(MA)4Pb5I16 with the majority
Complete replacement of organic cation in A-site with appro- of the inorganic slabs preferentially aligned out of plane to
priate inorganic cation such as Cs+, leading to all-inorganic the substrate.[121] In order to explore noble methods for ver-
halide perov­skites, may improve stability. However, α-CsPbI3 tical orientation of perovskite films, ammonium thiocyanate
was reported to undergo phase instability under ambient condi- (NH4SCN) additive introduced into (BA)2(MA)n−1PbnI3n+1 (n = 3
tions.[171,172] α-phase of CsPbI3 could be stabilized by 2D perov­ and 4) led to vertically oriented perovskite,[7] which effectively
skite of EDAPbI4 (EDA2+: ethylenediamine) and furthermore suppressed nonradiative recombination as a consequence of
surface of CsPbI3 was passivated by 2D perovskite.[109] As a reduced grain boundary and defect density. The composition
result, improved PCE from 7.66% to 11.86% was achieved of (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13 showed a PCE of 8.79%. NH4SCN was
along with better phase stability using CsPbI3·0.025EDAPbI4. utilized for the composition of (PEA)2(MA)n−1PbnI3n+1(n = 3, 4,

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (16 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 11.  Top-view SEM images of BAx(FA0.83Cs0.17)1−xPb(I0.6Br0.4)3 perovskite films for a) x = 0 and b) x = 0.09. The insets show 2D XRD patterns. The
white arrows in (b) are indicative of new diffraction peaks due to the introduction of BA. Cross-sectional SEM images of complete devices employing
perovskite with c) x = 0 and d) x = 0.09. e) Schematic illustration of 2D–3D alternating structure. f) Comparison of TRPL between x = 0 and x = 0.09.
g) J–V curves of the best-performing PSC including BA cation. The inset shows steady-state PCE. Reproduced with permission.[169] Copyright 2017,
Nature Publication Group.

and 5) and reported a PCE of 11.01% (n  = 5) as compared to 3.4. Nonstoichiometric Approach
0.56% for the control device without NH4SCN.[176] Except for
low-dimensional lead halide perovskites, low-dimensional tin Grain boundary (GB) is expected to have a negative effect on
halide perovskite also gradually attracts researchers’ interest. photovoltaic performance in semiconductor Si- and CdTe-based
Columnar structure of low-dimensional (PEA)2(FA)n−1SnnI3n+1 photovoltaics.[178,179] However GB in polycrystalline CuInSe2
was prepared by controlling PEAI concentration and efficient film was found to be electrically benign without creating deep
charge carrier transport was realized for n = 9.[177] levels.[180,181] A large number of GBs in polycrystalline perovskite

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (17 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

excess PbI2 method. The question is how we determine the quan-

tity of excess PbI2 for achieving best performance. Bi et al.[183]
first optimized the quantity of excess PbI2 with respect to FAI
in (FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15 (Figure 14a–d) and then explored
the origin of improved Voc. From current–voltage, photon flux–
voltage and external quantum efficiency of electroluminescence
(EQEEL) in Figure 14e, the ideality factor and recombination
type were evaluated. The diode ideality factor was determined
to be around 2 from current–voltage curve and almost 1 from
the emitted photon flux data. This indicates that most of recom-
bination occurs through SRH recombination, while emission
originates from band-to-band recombination. EQEEL was esti-
mated to be as high as 0.5% for the ratio of PbI2/FAI = 1.16,
which is responsible for highest Voc of 1.18 V. Much longer PL
lifetime (350 ns) further confirmed the basis for such a high Voc
for PbI2/FAI = 1.16 (Figure 14f,g). Light intensity dependent Voc
study in Figure 14h again confirms that Voc is mainly limited
by SRH recombination that is obviously reduced by excess PbI2.
Except for directly incorporating excess PbI2 in precursor solu-
tion, in situ passivation with excess PbI2 was also realized by
annealing perovskite film at high temperature.[56,184,185] A PCE
as high as 21.6% was achieved via in situ passivation method in
ITO/SnO2/(FAPbI3)1−x(MAPbBr3)x/spiro-MeOTAD/Au.[56] Par-
ticularly, femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectros-
copy was utilized to study the passivation effect of excess PbI2,[186]
Figure 12. a) XRD pattern of FAPbI3 recrystallized by aid of MACl. where perovskite films with less PbI2 exhibited fast dynamics due
b) Cross-sectional SEM image of FAPbI3/MACl vertical recrystallization to charge carrier trapping at perovskite GBs, on the other hand,
film. Top-view SEM images of FAPbI3 films prepared from precursor
the slower dynamics was detected for the case of excess PbI2
solution c) without MACl and d) with 5 mg mL−1 MACl. e) TRPL of FAPbI3
with and without MACl treatment. f) J–V curves of PSCs employing pris- owing to suppressed SRH recombination. Although excess PbI2
tine FAPbI3 and MACl-treated FAPbI3. Reproduced with permission.[173] could passivate GBs and led to better photovoltaic performance,
Copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry. stability was getting worse.[187] Excess PbI2 was found to deterio-
rate stability of the perovskite film under illumination and even
films are anticipated to be inevitably produced during wet chem- under inert atmosphere. Consequently, it is required to investigate
ical process, which might act as carrier recombination centers in why excess PbI2 can destroy the device stability in order to find
spite of defect-tolerant nature of organic–inorganic lead halide more effective passivation methods for the purpose of simulta-
perovskite.[181] Several approaches have been attempted to passi- neous achievement of both excellent stability and high efficiency.
vate GBs in the field of PSCs, such as in situ nonstoichiometric Different from in situ passivation strategy, an effective and
precursor, additive engineering, interface engineering, post- reproducible way of treating GBs in MAPbI3 film.[14] Self-
treatment, etc. In fact, composition engineering is one of the formed grain boundary layer was produced by depositing non-
effective methods for enlarging grain size and reducing number stoichiometric precursor solution with excess MAI based on
of GBs, which has been discussed previously. In addition, addi- Lewis acid–base adduct approach (Figure 15a). As increasing
tive and interface engineering methods will be summarized and the quantity of excess MAI, Voc and FF were improved and
discussed in details in the following corresponding section. In maximized at x  = 0.06 in (1 + x)MAI + PbI2 precursor solu-
this part, in situ nonstoichiometric precursor approach will be tion (Figure 15b). Excess MAI with x  = 0.06 enhanced carrier
focused. As far as we are concerned, in situ nonstoichiometric lifetime, while deficient MAI (x  =  −0.05) declined carrier life-
precursor method is classified into two categories: excess inor- time as compared to the stoichiometric case (Figure 15c). It was
ganic iodide such as PbI2 or excess organic iodide such as MAI. found that charge conductance was improved as measured by
To date, in situ nonstoichiometric method with excess PbI2 has c-AFM (Figure 15d), which indicates that GBs play an impor-
been widely adopted in most of the high-efficiency PSCs with tant role in carrier transport. Nonstoichiometric approaches
PCEs exceeding 21%.[10,17,26,56,57] The unreacted excess PbI2 is are effective ways to passivate or heal GBs of perovskite and
expected to be placed at GBs. Kapoor et al.[182] investigated the thereby reduce recombination at GBs.
effect of excess PbI2 on photovoltaic performance of HTM-
free fully printable PSCs, where Voc was only slightly improved
without substantial changes in Jsc and FF. This is strong indica- 3.5. Perovskite Precursor Solutions Engineering
tion of surface passivation by excess PbI2. Effects of excess PbI2
in both MAPbI3 and (FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15 on photovoltaic 3.5.1. Colloidal Size
performance were investigated,[130] where a positive effect was
observed for both compositions. It was found from the KPFM As we discussed above, excess PbI2 or MAI has a pronounced
study that ionic defect migration was also suppressed by the effect on the electric properties of perovskite films and thus

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (18 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 13.  GIWAXS maps of a) room-temperature-cast and b) hot-cast (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13 perovskite films. c) Schematic illustration of the (101) orienta-
tion along with the (111) and (202) planes of a 2D perovskite crystal. d) J–V curves for planar devices based on (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13 perovskites. Inverted
device layout is shown in the inset. Comparison of e,g) photostability and f,h) moisture stability of (BA)2(MA)3Pb4I13 with MAPbI3 perovskite devices
without (e,f) and with (g,h) encapsulation. Reproduced with permission.[174] Copyright 2017, Nature Publication Group.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (19 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 14.  Statistical photovoltaic parameters of a) Jsc, b) Voc, c) FF, and d) PCE with respect to the ratio of PbI2 to FAI. e) J–V curve in the dark, emitted
photon flux, and external quantum efficiency of electroluminescence (EQEEL) for PbI2/FAI = 1.16. f,g) PL decay of the perovskite films for f) PbI2/
FAI = 1.0 and g) PbI2/FAI = 1.16. h) Voc as a function of light intensity represented by Jsc. Reproduced with permission.[183] Copyright 2016, American
Association for the Advancement of Science.

the final device performance. However, it is highly desirable complex between organic and inorganic components, where
to deeply understand the relation between precursor solution soft coordination complex is in the form of lead poly-halide
chemistry and film morphology, as well as the final device framework. It is interesting that colloid size, film morphology
performance. Yan et al. first demonstrated that perovskite pre- and device performance are highly dependent on stoichio-
cursor solutions for PSCs colloidal dispersion solution rather metric ratio of organic:inorganic components. Through tuning
than real solutions through typical Tyndall effects.[188] They coordination degree and mode in original colloidal solution, the
investigated the effect of ratios of MAI:PbI2 or MACl:MAI:PbI2 excess organic halide can decrease the colloidal size and tune
on colloid size, film morphology and device performance. morphology of coordination framework and thus final perov­
It was found that the colloid is formed by soft coordination skite films. Based on optimized precursor component ratio

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (20 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 15.  a) Schematic illustration of Lewis acid–base adduct approach to prepare MAPbI3 perovskite films, where excess MAI was formed at GBs.
b) Statistical photovoltaic parameters of Jsc, Voc, FF, and PCE as a function of x in (1 + x) MAI: PbI2. c) TRPL data for the MAPbI3 films prepared
from stoichiometric solution and nonstoichiometric solution with either excess MAI or deficient MAI. d) c-AFM images for the MAPbI3 perovskite
films for x = 0 and 0.06 measured at a bias voltage of 2 V in the dark. Insets show the corresponding topographies. Reproduced with permission.[14]
Copyright 2016, Nature Publication Group.

of 1:1.05:0.95 of MACl:MAI:PbI2, high quality perovskite film stoichiometric 1:1 precursor solution through incorporation of
was fabricated and the best-performing device delivered a PCE excess organic halide. Second, this method is not appropriate
of 17% without evident hysteresis. Although the above work for application in presently optimized high-performance triple-
demonstrated that colloid size, film morphology and device cation perovskite composition because specific perovskite
performance can be tuned through varying the ratio of organic composition ratio could change. In order to address the above
to inorganic compound in precursor solution, the method still problems, Snaith group developed an effective approach, where
suffers from the following challenges. First, it is difficult to the acidic additives (HI or HBr) were added to FA0.83Cs0.17Pb
remove the 1D PbI2 rod-like structure in the extensively utilized (Br0.2I0.8)3 perovskite precursor to trigger the dissolution of

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (21 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

colloids in precursor solution.[189] When the concentration of the corresponding device showed a certified PCE of 16.2%
hydrohalic acids was fixed, the colloidal size in the precursor with no hysteresis. Motivated by this work, other groups also
solution can be controlled by varying solution aging time. Opti- demonstrated the formation of MAI–PbI2–DMSO interme-
mization of aging time induced large grain size with improved diate phase and then investigated how intermediate phase
crystallinity, which was ascribed to the impact of colloids on affects nucleation and crystallization of perovskite and mor-
the crystal nucleation and growth kinetics. As a consequence, phology as well as the final device performance.[44,46,50,51,192]
significantly enhanced charge-carrier mobility and remarkably This implies that formation of MAI–PbI2–DMSO intermediate
reduced micro strain was demonstrated. Finally, the optimized phase in one-step method and PbI2–DMSO in two step method
device exhibited a PCE of 18.8%. The above work strongly plays a crucial role in fabricating high-quality perovskite films
indicates that deep understanding and rational control of pre- required for highly efficient PSCs with minimizing nonradia-
cursor solution chemistry is crucial to improve morphology of tive recombination losses. In order to explore other Lewis bases
perovskite films and accordingly photovoltaic performance of as a possible alternative to DMSO, thiourea with sulfur donor
final devices. was used to form Lewis acid–base adduct with Lewis acid PbI2,
where FAI·PbI2·((DMSO)1−xthioureax) was formed by par-
tial substitution of thiourea for MDSO.[43] Based on the opti-
3.5.2. Precursor Solvent Engineering mized composition of FAI·PbI2·((DMSO)0.8thiourea0.2), much
increased PCE and reduced hysteresis was proved. Because
Except for stoichiometric ratio in the precursor solution, pre- of better charge transport and the reduced trap states, thio-
cursor solvents also play a key role in obtaining high quality urea was considered to be better than DMSO for the FAPbI3
perovskite films with less defects and thus suppressed nonra- system. It means that the formation of specific intermediate
diative recombination losses. At the early stage of PSCs devel- phase through specific Lewis acid–base interaction is critical for
opment, single polar solvents such as dimethylformamide preparing high quality perovskite films. Additionally, 1-methyl-
(DMF) or γ-butyrolactone (GBL) were usually used to prepare 2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) was used as precursor solvent in hole
perovskite precursor solution.[3,5,38] Because of relatively poor conductor–free fully printable PSCs based on carbon elec-
solubility of PbI2 in DMF or GBL as compared to dimethyl sul- trode.[46] Chen et al. found that MAI–PbI2–NMP intermediate
foxide (DMSO), it is a huge challenge to prepare high quality phase can be formed but less stable than intermediate phases
perovskite films with full coverage, less pin-hole and smooth MAI–PbI2–DMSO and MAI–PbI2–DMF due to stronger coor-
surface. In addition, weak coordination between DMF or GBL dination ability of DMSO and DMF than NMP as confirmed by
and PbI2 makes PbI2 easily preferentially crystalize out from FTIR and XRD.[46] In addition, NMP-based precursor solution
precursor solution during spin-coating, resulting in poor shows poor wettability for mesoporous layer and carbon layer.
morphology.[41,42,44,46,190] In order to overcome the fast crystal- As the results of poor intermediate phase stability and poor
lization problem of PbI2, DMSO as an alternative precursor wettability, the worst photovoltaic performance was observed in
solvent attracts more and more attentions due to its much NMP-based device among all the investigated devices. However,
stronger coordination ability with PbI2 compared with DMF recently the higher interaction energy was found by Lee et al.[45]
and GBL.[41,42,44,46,190] However, DMSO cannot be employed as between the FA and NMP (−1.407 eV) than between FA cation
single precursor solvent in one-step deposition method consid- and DMSO (−1.253 eV), which is in good accordance with
ering its very high viscosity.[46] Wu et al.[190] used strongly coor- higher interaction energy of FAI·PbI2·NMP (−2.413 eV) than
dinated DMSO to take the place of weakly coordinated DMF to FAI·PbI2·DMSO (−2.138 eV). As a result, the device based on
prepare PbI2 solution in sequential deposition process. It was FAI·PbI2·NMP Lewis acid–base adduct using FA0.98Cs0.02PbI3
found that it can effectively retard the crystallization of PbI2 as absorber showed a high PCE up to 20.19%, which is attrib-
and thus overcome the incomplete conversion problem of PbI2. uted to much better film quality as compared to control films.
As a result, highly reproducible planar PSCs was fabricated It was proposed that three fundamental aspects should be con-
with a PCE of 13.5%. A series of PbI2(DMSO)x (0 ≤ x  ≤ 1.86) sidered when engineering Lewis base solvents, including high
complexes can be obtained through employment of mixed hydrogen bond accepting ability and low hydrogen bonding
DMF/DMSO solvents, which was formed by intermolecular donor ability, steric hindrance of electron donating atom, and
self-assembly.[42] Based on PbI2(DMSO)1.22 complex as the pre- the hardness and softness matching of the Lewis acid and
cursor of PbI2, the optimized device showed a PCE of 17.16%. base. This work highlighted that not only interaction between
Besides, DMF/DMSO mixed solvents was utilized to prepare solvents and PbI2 but also interaction between solvents and
bilayer mesostructured PbI2/TiO2 films, accomplishing rapid organic components such as MAI or FAI should be taken into
and complete transformation of PbI2 into the perovskite for the account simultaneously.
20.75% efficient PSCs.[191] Subsequently, DMF/DMSO mixed
solvents strategy was adopted in most of the highly efficient
PSCs based on two step sequential deposition approach.[12,56] 3.6. Additive Engineering
DMSO has been also widely employed in one-step method dep-
osition. As we mentioned in introduction, Seok and co-workers Apart from perovskite composition engineering, additive engi-
demonstrated the formation of intermediate phase MAI–PbI2– neering also can suppress SRH nonradiative recombination by
DMSO as confirmed by FTIR and XRD measurements.[41] increasing grain size, passivating defects and improving carrier
Combined with toluene as antisolvent, extremely uniform and transport and separation. Effect of additives on photovoltaic
dense perovskite films were formed on mesoporous layers and performance and stability was systematically reviewed from the

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (22 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

perspective of additive category.[49] Here, we Table 3.  Photovoltaic performance of PSCs via additive engineering. C and T in parentheses
discuss the role of additives in suppressing stand for control device and target device, respectively.
SRH nonradiative recombination.
Additives Jsc [mA cm−2] (C/T) Voc [V] (C/T) FF (C/T) PCE[%] (C/T) Ref.
DIO 16.0/17.5 0.90/0.92 0.62/0.73 9.0/11.8 [193]
3.6.1. Grain Boundary Regulation IPA 22.41/23.54 1.070/1.103 0.67/0.76 16.02/19.70 [194]
HPA 17.2/20.4 1.07/1.07 0.72/0.74 13.20/16.20 [195]
As we mentioned above, it is a feasible and
effective approach to minimize the SRH HaHc 22.01/22.42 1.05/1.10 0.75/0.76 16.85/18.69 [196]

nonradiative recombination losses through 4-ABPACl 15.6/22.11 0.86/1.00 0.66/0.75 8.8/16.0 [197]
increasing grain size and decreasing the 2-NAM 22.08/22.79 1.06/1.09 0.77/0.79 18.00/19.33 [198]
number of GBs in perovskite films. In order MAAc+TSC-1 –/22.78 –/1.108 –/0.77 –/19.58 [199]
to realize the above purpose, additive engi-
BQ 18.23/21.03 1.01/1.02 0.58/0.72 10.73/15.66 [200]
neering strategy was usually adopted. Liang
MAF 21.7/22.7 1.16/1.14 0.72/0.71 19.1/19.5 [201]
et al.[193] proposed additive engineering
method, where 1,8-diiodooctane (DIO) was CC2 21.17/22.62 1.09/1.09 0.78/0.78 17.96/19.21 [202]
employed to improve the crystallization of 2-PTU 21.13/22.03 1.06/1.10 0.69/0.75 15.5/18.2 [203]
perovskite film. They proposed that DIO t-BP 18.94/21.39 1.03/1.06 0.74/0.77 14.49/17.41 [204]
could facilitate homogenous nucleation and
TDZDT 21.23/22.77 1.04/1.10 0.71/0.76 15.61/19.04 [205]
modulate the kinetics of crystal growth.
PEG –/22.5 –/0.98 –/0.72 8.0/16.0 [206]
Improved crystallinity and morphology would
be beneficial for charge transport. Except for PU 20.14/22.12 1.036/1.051 0.79/0.80 16.4/18.7 [207]
DIO solvent additive, isopropanol was used PVAm·HI 20.8/22.1 1.04/1.09 0.59/0.67 12.7/16.3 [208]
to increase grain size, as revealed by the SEM PMMA –/23.7 –/1.14 –/0.78 –/21.6 [26]
study, and enhance crystallization as con-
NaI 20.97/21.16 1.06/1.10 0.70/0.78 15.56/18.16 [209]
firmed by XRD data.[194] As listed in Table 3,
KCl 16.60/19.42 0.90/1.04 0.76/0.75 11.40/15.08 [210]
the PCE of control device was increased from
16.02% to 19.70%. Inorganic acids such as ZnCl2 21.09/22.04 1.05/1.09 0.74/0.76 16.4/18.2 [211]
HCl, HBr, and HI have received consider- N-RGO 20.77/21.80 1.12/1.15 0.73/0.74 17.31/18.73 [212]
able attention as potential additives. Gen- CNPs 22.2/22.1 1.12/1.16 0.71/0.71 17.7/18.3 [213]
erally, several unique roles were expected:
Pb(SCN)2 21.55/21.43 1.09/1.11 0.70/0.76 16.41/18.15 [214]
increase in precursor solubility; improve-
Pb(SCN)2 –/18.53 –/1.25 –/0.79 –/18.27 [215]
ment of stability through reducing oxidized
I2 to I−; suppression of poor crystallization Pb(SCN)2 22.46/22.05 0.944/0.995 0.66/0.74 13.97/16.20 [216]
via forming intermediate phase between Pb(SCN)2 21.26/22.08 0.970/1.009 0.67/0.76 13.9/17.0 [217]
PbI2 and inorganic acid. Encouraged by the MASCN –/22.33 –/1.085 –/0.77 –/18.76 [218]
above function of inorganic acid, Zhang
GUTS 21.46/21.6 1.041/1.077 0.65/0.70 14.59/16.37 [219]
et al.[195] added hypophosphorous acid (HPA)
in the precursor solution, which significantly KSCN 19.33/20.45 0.965/1.065 0.68/0.76 12.73/16.59 [220]

improved the film quality with enhanced

carrier lifetime. Furthermore, they claimed that HPA inhib- crosslink the neighboring grains through hydrogen bonding
ited formation of metallic lead by reducing iodide vacancies. between I− in octahedral PbI64− and PO(OH)2 or NH3+ end
As a consequence, PCE was improved from 13.20% to 16.20% groups in 4-ABPACl (Figure 16c). Uniform and continuous
after incorporation of HPA. Except for inorganic acids, exten- morphology was found in 4-ABPACl modified film (Figure
sive attention was also focused on organic halide salt additives. 16d). Correspondingly, 4-ABPACl-based device exhibited sig-
On one hand, heteroatoms like nitrogen could form hydrogen nificantly enhanced PCE relative to counterpart (Figure 16e)
bond with H atom in MA+ or FA+. On the other hand, halides and the champion device with 4-ABPACl modification gave a
in additives can be incorporated into perovskite crystal or pro- PCE of 16.55% (Figure 16f). From viewpoint of potential inter-
mote the crystallization of perovskite. Based on the above con- action between CO or NH3+ and PbI2, Wu et al.[198] designed
sideration, bifunctional hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HaHc) CO functionalized hydrophobic ammonium-based additive
was used to improve perovskite film quality.[196] First, Cl− in 2-(6-bromo-1,3-dioxo-1H-benzo[de]isoquinolin-2(3H)-yl)ethan-
HaHc was thought to assist the formation of high-quality pero- 1-ammonium iodide (2-NAM) for PSCs (Figure 17a). UV and
vskite film with increased grain size and reduced defect density. XRD results showed that 2-NAM would not be incorporated
In addition, OH in HaHc was considered to form hydrogen into perovskite lattice but located at GBs (Figure 17a). Never-
bond with I− in perovskite film. As a result, better thermal theless, grain size was significantly enhanced upon addition of
and air stability were demonstrated in HaHc-based device as 2-NAM (Figure 17b,c), which was related to strong Lewis acid–
compared to control device. Li et al.[197] reported the incorpo- base interaction between CO and Pb2+. As mentioned previ-
ration of bifunctional butylphosphonic acid 4-ammonium chlo- ously, GBs will be reduced as grain size increases, which is in
ride (4-ABPACl) additive in PSCs (Figure 16a,b), which could accordance with enhanced PL lifetime as shown in Figure 17d.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (23 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

modulate the morphology and crystalliza-

tion of MAPbI3 via the one-step spin coating
process (Figure 18b).[149] As compared to a
single additive of MAAC, the hybrid addi-
tive of MAAc and TSC induced a substantial
enlargement of grain size, which is indica-
tive of importance of synergistic effect of
the hybrid additive system (Figure 18c,d).
As revealed in Figure 18e, many weak peaks
except for two main peaks at ≈14.0° (110)
and ≈28.4° (220) were detected in the film
prepared by aid of an single MAAC additive,
while strong two peaks were observed for
the film prepared based on the hybrid addi-
tive, indicating a preferential crystal growth
of (110) faces parallel to the substrate. Large
grain, and thereby reduced GBs, and pre-
ferred orientation are responsible for pro-
longed carrier lifetime as estimated from PL
data (Figure 18f). This method was proved
to be one of the effective methods because
high PCE of 19.58% was demonstrated
(Figure 18g). Other ionic liquids were also
tested. Seo et al.[201] incorporated an ionic
liquid methylammonium formate (MAF)
into perovskite precursor solution to prepare
high-quality perovskite film. Additionally,
Zhang et al.[202] used functionalized imidazo-
lium iodide modified with CH2CHCH2
(CC2), CH2CCH (CC3), or CH2CN
(CN) groups and found that the tested ionic
liquids increases MAPbI3 grain size but only
CC2-functionalized ionic liquid improved PL
decay lifetime and PCE. They also studied
physical properties of (CC2)PbI3, (CC3)PbI3
and (CN)PbI3.
Similarly to organic halide salts, metal
halide salts have been proved as an impor-
tant additive for improving crystallization
and morphology of perovskite films. NaI,[209]
KCl,[210] and ZnCl2[211] were used as additives
to increase grain size and improve photovol-
taic performance of PSCs. Regarding the roles
of metal halide salts, metal ion is considered
to partially replace the Pb ion,[211] and/or take
Figure 16.  a) Schematic illustration of the complete PSC used in this work. b) Chemical struc- part in crystallization and nucleation.[209,211]
ture of alkylphosphonic acid ω-ammonium chlorides. c) Role of bifunctional alkylphosphonic Halide ions in metal halide salts could affect
acid ω-ammonium chlorides showing interaction between ω-ammonium chlorides and two crystallization kinetics via chelating with
neighboring perovskite grains. d) Top-view SEM images of perovskite films before and after
Pb2+.[210] It was also proposed that metal
4 ABPACl treatment. e) Comparison of PCE before and after addition of 4 ABPACl additive.
f) J–V curves for the best-performing device based on 4-ABPA-anchored perovskite. Reproduced or halide ions could recrystallize the small
with permission.[197] Copyright 2015, Nature Publication Group. grains and thereby passivate GBs and inter-
face defects.[210] Except for inorganic metal
halide salts, hydrophobic carbon materials
As a result, PCE was increased from 17.1% to 18.6% when (including nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (N-RGO)[212]
2-NAM was incorporated. and carbon nanoparticles (CNPs)[213]) were employed to con-
Ionic liquid mixed with molecule was used as a hybrid addi- trol the grain size. Similar to the halide ions (including metal
tive, where methylammonium acetate (MAAc) as an ionic halide and organic halide salts) playing a key role in control-
liquid additive and thiosemicarbazide (TSC-1) as a molecular ling and regulating the morphology and crystallization of pero-
additive were used (see chemical structure in Figure 18a) to vskite films, pseudohalogen ions (especially for SCN−) also can

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (24 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 17.  a) The molecular structure of 2-(6-bromo-1,3-dioxo-1H-benzo[de]isoquinolin-2(3H)-yl)ethan-1-ammonium iodide and schematic illustration
of perovskite structure showing its role in perovskite structure. Top-view SEM images of perovskite films b) after and c) before addition of 2-NAM.
d) TRPL spectra of the reference and 2-NAM-treated perovskite films. Reproduced with permission.[198] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

control and modulate the crystallization of perovskite films salts with other cations like K+[220] and guanidinium[219] enabled
via its unique mechanism.[214,216–221] For example, the use of grain size to grow, which supports that enlargement of grain
a small amount of Pb(SCN)2 in precursor solution was found size is mainly due to SCN− instead of cations.
to change perovskite morphology significantly.[214] Large grains In PSCs, additive engineering can also be performed either
along with almost no GBs were obtained (Figure  19a–d) and directly adding additional additive not belong to precursor
gradual increase in crystallinity was observed as the Pb(SCN)2 compound or adding excess precursor components into pre-
additive increased up to 5% (Figure 19e). Thanks to signifi- cursor solution. Generally, additionally added additives just
cantly improved crystal quality, remarkably reduced nonradia- indirectly affect the nucleation and crystallization process of
tive recombination accounts for dramatically increased Voc and perovskite. However, adding excess precursor components
FF along with reduced hysteresis (Figure 19f). Regarding the (like 3:1 of MAI:PbCl2 or MAI:Pb(Ac)2) can directly affect the
role of SCN−, HSCN, and CH3NH2 gases were produced by the nucleation and crystallization process of perovskite, which
reaction between CH3NH3+ cations and SCN− anions during is corresponding to addition of a large amount of additive
crystallization and the CH3NH2 gases enlarged the grain size MACl or MAAc (Ac = acetate).[222–230] As we discussed above,
and crystallinity of perovskite films. Apart from Pb(SCN)2, the introduction of Cl into perovskite precursor solution can
MASCN was also tried to fabricate the large-sized and high- improve the crystallization and morphology of perovskite films
quality perovskite films at room temperature.[218] Grain size and thus increase carrier mobility, carrier diffusion length
increased (Figure 20a), crystallinity was simultaneously and lifetimes, finally contributing to enhanced photovoltaic
improved (Figure 20b) and optical absorption was improved performance of device with a inhibited nonradiative recombi-
with increasing MASCN concentration (Figure 20c). As a nation losses.[138,139,141,222,224] Exploring other lead sources as
result, PCE of 18.76% was achieved (Figure 20d). Regarding the starting materials is extremely meaningful to enrich synthetic
role of MASCN, authors explained from Tindall-effect tests and methods of perovskites except for the commonly used PbI2 and
dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements that coordina- PbCl2. For the purpose, nonhalide lead source of lead acetate
tion between SCN− and Pb2+ can enlarge the precursor aggre- (Pb(Ac)2) was employed to prepare perovskite film in planar
gates up to the microscale before spin-coating. Moreover, SCN− PSCs.[230] The perovskite precursor solution was prepared by
could compete with DMSO, in terms of Lewis basicity, for coor- dissolving 3:1 of MAI:PbX2 (X = Cl, I, and Ac) into DMF, which
dinating with Pb2+ and then DMSO easily escaped from the led to MAPbI3 final composition regardless of lead sources
film even at room temperature with the assistance of vacuum. as revealed by XRD measurement. It means that excess MAX
SCN− also could react with MA+ to form volatile CH3NH2 (X = Cl, I, and Ac) can escape from the perovskite films during
and HSCN gases that led to enlarging grain size. As listed crystallization if annealing temperature is high enough. As we
in Table 3, except for Pb2+ and MA+ cations, SCN-containing mentioned above, it is still argued whether or not Cl is finally

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (25 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 18.  a) Additive engineering using a hybrid additive of ionic liquid MAAc and molecular TSC. b) The additive-assisted one-step coating procedure,
where antisolvent dripping or vacuum treatment was not applied. Top-view SEM images of MAPbI3 films prepared based on c) a single additive of
MAAc and d) a hybrid additive with MAAc and TSC. e) XRD patterns of the MAPbI3 films based on a single additive and a hybrid additive. f) TRPL data
of the MAPbI3 films fabricated on the glass substrate. g) J–V curves of large area devices (1.025 cm2) employing MAPbI3 prepared based on a hybrid
additive. Reproduced with permission.[199] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

incorporated into perovskite crystal. Since ionic radius of Ac− (acac = (CH3COCHCOCH3)−), and PbCO3 on morphology and
ion (0.162 nm) is much smaller than Cl− (0.184 nm), it is more device performance was systematically performed.[228] It was
difficult for Ac− to be incorporated into the lattice of MAPbI3 found that device performance is highly dependent on sub-
in comparison with Cl−.[230] TGA results showed that MAAc strates and anions in different lead sources. In order to gain
has a lowest decomposition temperature than MAI and MACl, deep insight into the origin of different crystallization kinetics,
which means that it is easy to be driven out from the film. morphology and device performance induced by different lead
Compared with PbI2 and PbCl2, Pb(Ac)2-based perovskite film sources, Moore et al.[227] calculated activation energy (Ea) from
exhibited faster crystallization as a result of less stable MAAc precursor-to-perovskite transition in thin films and found that
than MAI and MACl. SEM results showed much smoother change in Ea is strongly dependent on anions in different lead
film with larger grain size obtained with full coverage through sources. The Ea was determined to be 97.3 kJ mol−1 for I−,
Pb(Ac)2 route than PbI2 and PbCl2, which led to higher PCE of 86.6 kJ mol−1 for Cl−, 67.5 kJ mol−1 for Ac−, and 56.6 kJ mol−1
14.0% ± 0.7% for Pb(Ac)2 than 12.00% ± 1.0% for PbCl2 and for NO3−. The theoretical calculation results show that MAAc
9.3%  ± 0.8% for PbI2. Additionally, a PCE of 12.5% was real- is easier to escape from the perovskite films as compared
ized in inverted planar PSCs using Pb(Ac)2 as precursor lead to MAI and MACl, which is in excellent agreement with the
source with excellent reproducibility and less hysteresis.[229] reported experimental results.[230] In light of the above suc-
Effect of different lead sources of Pb(Ac)2, Pb(NO3)2, Pb(acac)2 cessful application of Pb(Ac)2, Zhao et al.[226] further optimized

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (26 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 19.  Top-view SEM images of MAPbI3 films a) without and b) with 5% Pb(SCN)2 in the precursor. Cross-sectional SEM images of the full devices
employing MAPbI3 films c) without and d) with 5% Pb(SCN)2. e) XRD patterns depending on the Pb(SCN)2 concentration. f) J–V curves of the PSCs
based on MAPbI3 films with and without 5% Pb(SCN)2. Reproduced with permission.[214] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

the PCE of planar PSCs based on Pb(Ac)2 as starting material respectively). Based on the dual-source precursor method, high-
through incorporating MABr as additive. Upon addition of quality and mirror-like perovskite films were obtained without
MABr additive, improved uniformity and surface smoothness using additional antisolvent process. As a result, the best-
was achieved as confirmed by AFM and SEM results. Besides, performing device produced a PCE of 20.15% with negligible
improved charge extraction was observed after the introduction hysteresis.
of MABr. As a consequence, significantly enhanced PCE was Organic small molecules with specific functional groups
demonstrated and the MABr-based device delivered a highest (such as CO, CS, NH2, etc.) also can act as excel-
PCE of 18.3%. Luo et al.[225] developed a dual-source precursor lent additives for preparing high-quality perovskite film with
approach for highly efficient planar PSCs, where dual-source reduced recombination. Considering N-donor and S-donor
precursor was prepared by dissolving the two precursor solu- in 2-pyridylthiourea that can potentially coordinate with
tions together (PbAc2:MAI (1:3) and PbI2:FAI (1:1) in DMF, Pb2+, 2-pyridylthiourea was added to perovskite precursor

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (27 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 20.  a) Top-view SEM images, b) XRD patterns, c) UV–vis spectra, and d) J–V curves for the MAPbI3 perovskite films depending on the con­
centration of MASCN additive in the precursor. The scale bar in the SEM images is 1 µm. Reproduced with permission.[218] Copyright 2017, Royal
Society of Chemistry.

as additive,[203] which facilitated formation of uniform and 3.6.2. Defect Passivation via Additive Engineering
compact perovskite film with increased grain size through
suppressing perovskite crystallization. In addition, 1,3,4-thiadia- In polycrystalline perovskite film, all kinds of defects exist
zoleidine-2,5-dithione (TDZDT) containing two CS moieties (intrinsic and extrinsic), such as vacancies of I−, Pb2+, MA+,
was employed to modulate MAPbI3 perovskite crystal growth.[205] or FA+, undercoordinated anion or cation, extrinsic impurity,
The presence of TDZDT additive increased grain size, reduced etc. These positively or negatively charged defects are presum-
defect density and eventually improved PCE from 15.61% ably related to SRH nonradiative recombination losses. Addi-
to 19.04%. Wu et al.[204] included 4-tert-butylpyridine (t-BP) tive engineering as one of the important passivation strategies
with Lewis base property in chlorobenzene antisolvent, which emerges and attracts considerable attentions for the purpose
improved the perovskite film quality and increased grain size of maximizing efficiency. As listed in Table 4, various additives
via suppressing perovskite nucleation. As a result, PCE was have been developed to passivate the defects or trap state and
improved due to improved Voc and Jsc. Besides organic small great progresses have been made. It can be concluded from
molecules, polymer additives was found to improve not only Table 4 that additives can be incorporated into perovskite film
quality of perovskite film but also the stability especially toward according to the following several ways. i) The additive is added
moisture.[26,206–208] Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is good to the one-step precursor solution. ii) The additive is incorpo-
example for this purpose. PMMA was dissolved in chloroben- rated in the solution of organic sources in two-step deposition.
zene antisolvent, which induced high quality perovskite film for iii) The additive is introduced into antisolvents. iv) The additive
high PCE of over 21% (Figure 21a,b).[31] Thanks to the increased is introduced by post-treatment. v) The additive is introduced
grain size and improved film quality (Figure 21c–e), nonradiative by thermal diffusion (like PCBM). The first three ways are able
recombination was significantly reduced (Figure 21f). It was pro- to not only passivate the defects but also affect the crystalliza-
posed that CO would interact with Pb2+ to retard the crystal tion process, whereas the latter two methods potentially only
growth and improve the crystallinity of the perovskite film. passivate defects.

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (28 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 21.  a) Cross-sectional SEM image of a full device fabricated by the polymer-templated nucleation and growth (PTNG) method. b) J–V curves of
the champion PSC prepared based on the PTNG method. Top-view SEM images of perovskite films with different concentrations of c) 0 mg mL−1 and
d) 0.6 mg mL−1 PMMA. e) XRD patterns of perovskite films depending on concentrations of PMMA. f) TRPL spectra of perovskite films without and
with 0.6 mg mL−1 PMMA. Reproduced with permission.[26] Copyright 2016, Nature Publication Group.

In 2014, Abate et al. used iodopentafluorobenzene (IPFB) pyridine. Recently, Guo et al.[240] introduced IT-4F nonfullerene
with halogen bond donor to passivate undercoordinated halide Lewis base into antisolvent to passivate the defects in perovskite
ions acting as halogen bond acceptor, which diminished SRH films and then achieved improved Voc. They proposed that IT-4F
nonradiative recombination losses,[231] leading to increments could effectively passivate ionic defects induced by positively
of Voc and FF. Pyridine and thiophene with Lewis base prop- charged undercoordinated Pb2+, which reduced trap density and
erty enabled the electronic passivation of undercoordinated Pb elongated carrier lifetime. Motivated by the above passivation
atoms, giving rise to significantly enhanced carrier lifetime.[232] using Lewis bases, Niu et al.[242] systematically investigated the
With this Lewis base passivation method, PCE was improved effect of Lewis acid (PCBM) and Lewis base (ITIC, DTS, and
from 13.0% (control) to 15.3% for thiophene and 16.5% for DR3T) on photovoltaic performance. It was found that all of the

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (29 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 4. Photovoltaic performance of PSCs achieved by perovskite were tested, where polymer poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PVP), poly-
defect passivation. C and T represent control device and target device, ethyleneimine (b-PEI), and polyacrylic acid (PAA) were intro-
respectively. Additive column—IPFB: iodopentafluorobenzene; Py:
pyridine; GA: guanidinium; F4TCNQ: 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-
duced in organic source solution (Figure 22a) and investigated
tetracyanoquinodimethane; Cu(Tu)I: Cu(thiourea)I; PVP: polymer to see the effect of different polymer additives on photovoltaic
poly(4-vinylpyridine); PBDB-T: poly[(2,6-(4,8-bis(5-(2-ethylhexyl) thio- performance in normal planar PSCs.[243] It was found that PVP-
phen-2-yl)-benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′] dithiophene))-alt-(5,5-(1′,3′-di-2-thienyl- modified PSC showed the highest PCE of 20.2% among the
5′,7′-bis(2-ethylhexyl) benzo[1′,2′-c:4′,5′-c′] dithiophene-4,8-dione))]. studied polymers (Figure 22b). The enhanced PCE was mainly
as a result of markedly improved Voc and FF, which was related
Additives Jsc Voc FF (C/T) PCE Ref.
to remarkably increased carrier lifetime (Figure 22c). Except for
[mA cm−2] [V] (C/T) [%] (C/T)
(C/T) neutral molecules, guanidinium cation was found to passivate
the defects in perovskite films through suppressing formation
IPFBd) 23.80/23.38 1.02/1.06 0.57/0.67 13.0/15.7 [231]
of iodide vacancies and passivating undercoordinated sites at
Pyd) 20.7/24.1 0.95/1.05 0.68/0.72 13.1/16.5 [232] grain boundaries.[233] Liu et al.[235] used strong electron acceptor
GAa) 21.27/21.24 1.025/1.071 0.75/0.75 16.35/17.13 [233] F4TCNQ to passivate the perovskite defect. This passivation was
Cu(Tu)I a) 20.5/21.6 1.00/1.11 0.48/0.77 8.9/18.5 [234] realized by reducing metallic lead defects and iodide vacancies
CH3NH2a) 22.14/22.64 1.083/1.107 0.70/0.73 16.77/18.44f) [89] in the perovskite crystal lattice, leading to improved charge sep-
aration and transfer, enhanced and balanced charge mobility, as
F4TCNQa) 19.42/19.57 1.054/1.062 0.74/0.80 15.1/16.6 [235]
well as suppressed recombination. It is worth to note that Liu
C60a) 22.3/23.5 0.754/0.736 0.74/0.79 12.5/13.7 [236] et al.[89] reported chemical reduction strategy in which CH3NH2
PCBMa) 19.7/23.3 1.02/1.04 0.67/0.65 13.5/15.7 [237] additive was introduced into perovskite precursor solution and
PCBMe) – – – 7.3/14.9 [33] CH3NH2 reduced unionized I2 into I− and dissociated polyi-
PCBMa) 14.4/17.3 0.98/1.07 0.65/0.73 8.1/13.6 [238] odide colloids in the precursor solution via chemical reaction/
coordination, which greatly contributed to substantially reduced
PCBMa) 22.47/23.03 0.96/1.10 0.58/0.67 12.5/17.1 [239]
defect density and extended carrier lifetime. This led to a PCE
IT-4Fc) 20.79/21.35 1.06/1.12 0.71/0.77 15.59/18.35 [240] of 20.02%. Inorganic additive such as CaI2 was tried instead of
PBDB-Tc) 21.73/22.39 1.075/1.113 0.74/0.78 17.28/19.38 [241] excess PbI2, which was found to be more effective in terms of
DR3T c)
– – – 17.52/19.28 [242] passivation of defects.[244] In addition, quaternary ammonium
PVPb) 21.82/21.74 1.09/1.15 0.76/0.81 18.05/20.23 [243] or quaternary phosphonium anions and cations salts (tetrabutyl
ammonium iodide salt: TBAI; tetrabutyl phosphonium iodide
CaI2a) – – – 16.1/19.3 [244]
salts: TBPI; tetraphenyl phosphonium iodide salts: TPPI; tet-
−b) 23.5/24.1 1.07/1.1 0.81/0.82 20.3/21.6 [12]
I3 raphenyl phosphonium bromide salts: TPPBr; tetraphenyl
a)The additive was added to the one-step precursor solution; b)The additive was phosphonium chloride salts: TPPCl) were used as additives to
incorporated in the solution of organic sources in two-step deposition. c)The tune the perovskite crystallization and passivate the defects in
additive was introduced into antisolvents. d)The additive was introduced by post- it.[245] Significantly different morphology and crystallinity were
treatment. e)The additive was introduced by thermal diffusion. f)Average photo­ observed for perovskite films with TPPI, TPPBr, and TPPCl,
voltaic parameters.
which indicates that anions of additives have a pronounced
effect on the growth kinetics of perovskite films. Compared with
molecules used effectively passivated the defects in perovskite TPPI, TPPBr, and TPPCl, TBAI- and TBPI-based films show
films as reflected by improved Voc. Significant PL quenching unique morphology because the crystals were grown toward
and long carrier lifetime for the modified perovskite films are the lateral direction with much larger grain size over 10 µm.
indicative of effective passivation of defects and better charge The authors speculated that TBAI and TBPI could interact with
separation and transportation as well. The best performance perovskite and formed layered perovskites, which should be
was observed for DR3T-based device, which was attributed to responsible for their poor performance. As a result, the TPPI-
the following two reasons. First, DR3T effectively passivated the based device showed a highest PCE up to 11.7% among the
perovskite film. Second, CB and VB positions of DR3T matched investigated additives. This work suggests that anion or cation
well with those of MAPbI3 and spiro-MeOTAD. Besides small in quaternary ammonium or quaternary phosphonium salts
molecules like DR3T, PBDB-T polymer with Lewis base prop- play an important role in affecting morphology and crystalliza-
erty and proper energy level alignment was introduced in tion of perovskite films and the final device performance.
antisolvent, which could effectively passivate perovskite film It is widely recognized that PCBM has the following three
and facilitate hole transport and extraction.[241] As expected, functions. First, PCBM as efficient electron acceptor can pro-
the π-conjugated polymer PBDB-T was found to trigger a het- mote electron transport and extraction. Second, PCBM can
erogeneous nucleation over the perovskite precursor film and improve the device moisture stability because of its hydropho-
passivate the trap states of the mixed perovskite film through bicity. Third, PCBM can be located at GBs in perovskite film
the forming Lewis acid–base adducts between lead and oxygen and passivate the defects at GBs. In late 2014, Shao et al.[33] first
atom in PBDB-T. In addition, PBDB-T improved hole transport found that PCBM could diffuse into GBs of the perovskite layer
and extraction, along with improved moisture stability due to via thermal annealing and thus effectively passivate the defects
hydrophobic nature of PBDB-T. The above results strongly indi- in inverted planar PSCs (Figure 23a,b), leading to higher PCE
cate that incorporation of multifunctional additive is critical for along with reduced hysteresis (Figure 23c). Thermally annealed
achieving stable and efficient PSCs. Several polymeric additives PCBM was able to passivate not only deep trap state but also

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (30 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 22.  a) Chemical structures of PAA, PVP, and b-PEI and their potential interactions with perovskite surface. b) J–V curves of PSCs based on
pristine and PVP, PAA, and PEI-modified perovskite films. c) Comparison of TRPL decay profile of the pristine perovskite with polymer-modified ones.
Reproduced with permission.[243] Copyright 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

shallow traps (Figure 23d). A significant increase in carrier perovskite precursor solution for inverted PSCs, which deliv-
lifetime for surface recombination but a slight improvement ered high PCE of 20.0%. Such an encouraging result was related
in carrier lift time for bulk recombination, as measured by to shallower trap state energy level in Cu(Tu)I-incorporated
impedance in Figure 23e,f, indicates that surface recombina- perovskite film (0.25−0.35 eV) than pristine film (0.35−0.45 eV).
tion relatively dominates in perovskite film rather than bulk In addition, the incorporated Cu(Tu)I accelerated hole transport
recombination. Xu et al.[238] proposed that PCBM could passi- and reduced charge carrier recombination. Yang et al.[12] used
vate the antisite defects during the perovskite self-assembly as I3− ion to reduce the degree of iodide deficiency and prevent
confirmed by theory and experiment. Other groups also con- generation of iodide vacancy defect. In Figure 24a,b, incorpora-
firmed the effect of PCBM on passivating the defects in pero- tion of I3− rendered a significantly enhanced PCE as compared
vskite films.[237,239] C60 was reported to have similar passivation to without I3− treatment. Figure 24c shows that the triiodide
effect for defects in perovskite films.[236] When considering the management reduced defect density significantly, which is con-
good hole conductivity of CuI[86] and the complexation of thio- sistent with remarkably increased PL lifetime (Figure 24d). The
urea with Pb2+,[43] Ye et al.[234] first synthesized the novel p-type best-performing device exhibited a promising PCE of 22.6% in
conductor Cu(thiourea)I [Cu(Tu)I] and then incorporated it into reverse scan and 22.2% in forward scan (Figure 24e).

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (31 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 23.  a) Cross-sectional SEM image of PSC showing the perovskite layer with 45 min thermally annealed PCBM. b) Device structure with PCBM
layer showing penetration of PCBM in GBs. c) J–V curves for perovskite without and with PCBM layers thermally annealed for 0, 15, and 45 min.
d–f) Comparison of t-DOS (d), bulk recombination lifetime (e), and surface recombination (f) of perovskite films without and with PCBM layers ther-
mally annealed for 0, 15, and 45 min. Reproduced with permission.[33] Copyright 2014, Nature Publication Group.

3.6.3. Additive Engineering for ETM and HTM passivate the defects in perovskite films. Apart from passivation
effect, PCBM can also facilitate electron separation and transport
Most of the reported additives are neither for ETM nor for HTM because of its electron accepting nature.[33,237–239,246] In order
at the early stage of PSCs, rather aiming at improving perovskite to further explore possible candidates, hydrophilic fullerene
crystallization. Afterward, researchers started to integrate mul- derivative[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid-(3,4,5-tris(2-(2-(2-methoxy­
tiple functions into one additive (defect passivation, improvement ethoxy)ethoxy)ethoxy)phenyl)methanol ester (PCBB-OEG) was
of crystal quality and stability and enhancement of carrier trans- considered as an additive for top-down gradient distribution.[190]
port and extraction). Here we briefly discuss about improving The gradient distribution of PCBB-OEG provided good electron
carrier transport and separation through incorporation of charge transport and extraction due to its well-matched energy levels
transporting additives in order to avoid the overlap of contents in with PCBM, which led to the 20.2% and hysteresis-free PSC.
defect passivation part. Aforementioned, PCBM can effectively Except for fullerene series, several other organic small molecules

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (32 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 24.  a) PCE as a function of the concentration of triiodide added to the dripping solution. b) J–V curve of the control and target devices.
c) Deep-level transient spectroscopy of the control and target perovskite layers. d) TRPL data for the control and target perovskite layers. e) J–V curves
of the best-performing PSC based on triiodide treatment. Reproduced with permission.[12] Copyright 2017, American Association for the Advancement
of Science.

or polymer charge transport materials were employed as addi- 3.7. Post-Treatment and Other Strategies
tives in PSCs and improved carrier transport and extraction was
demonstrated.[241,242,247–249] Nitrogen-doped reduced graphene Since many defects will inevitably exist on the top of perovskite
oxide in mixed organic–inorganic halide perovskite was found film or between grains, post-treatment could be expected to pas-
to passivate the perovskite defects, improve hole transport and sivate defects and remove impurities. IPA solvent treatment was
extraction, and reduce recombination losses.[162] Additionally, used to remove the impurities like unreacted MAI and defects,
graphene oxide (GO) in MAPbI3 increased charge mobility and by which PCE was improved and hysteresis was reduced.[251]
separation and reduced recombination.[250] In addition, alcohol-vapor solvent annealing treatment was

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (33 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

developed to improve the crystal growth and increase the grain block holes from perovskite to electrodes. Therefore, ETM
size of the MAPbI3 crystal, which enhanced charge carrier dif- must have high electron mobility to ensure electron transport.
fusion length, decreased charge carrier recombination and sup- Moreover, well-matched energy level alignment is required to
pressed dark currents.[252] Methylamine (CH3NH2)-induced guarantee efficient electron injection and extraction. Carrier
defect-healing approach was developed and applied to MAPbI3 recombination at interface is known to be greatly determined
perovskite films.[137] It is critical to form and spread an inter- by the band offsets of HTM/perovskite and ETM/perovskite
mediate MAPbI3·xCH3NH2 liquid phase during this unusual junctions. It was reported that ≈0.2 eV band offset needs to
perovskite–gas interaction. Dramatic enhancement in PCE was been provided for both interfaces to ensure efficient charge
found via this approach. NH4SCN was chosen as a post-treatment extraction and minimizing interface recombination losses in
material, which induced decomposition-to-recrystallization of the PSCs.[53] So it is necessary to modify the ETM/perovskite inter-
perovskite films.[253] Remarkably enlarged grain size and signifi- face via interface engineering strategy.
cantly reduced trap density were observed, leading to improved
PCE up to 19.44% using an inverted device configuration. Addi-
tion of ethylenediammonium (en) into MASnI3 and FASnI3 4.1.1. Suppression of Recombination at Perovskite/ETM Interface
formed a new so-called “hollow” structure,[254,255] which was found in Normal Structure
to improve carrier lifetime and reduce trap density. By utilizing
the extraordinary radiation hardness of perovskite, an interesting In order to suppress the recombination between electron
method of proton irradiation was developed, in which proton irra- injected into CB of TiO2 and hole in perovskite, Marin-Bel-
diation created shallow traps but reduced deep trap states.[141] oqui et al.[257] used wide-bandgap Al2O3 to modify the TiO2/
MAPbI3−xClx interface. The electron transfer from perovskite to
Al2O3 is energetically forbidden because of higher CB (−0.9 eV)
4. Interface Recombination of Al2O3 than that (−3.9 eV) of MAPbI3−xClx. By taking advan-
tage of this concept, Al2O3-coated device realized slower charge
As we all know, the PSC typically consists of TCO (ITO or recombination kinetics as compared to uncoated TiO2, which
FTO), ETM, perovskite, HTM, and metal electrode (Au, Ag, led to improved Voc.[258] Insertion of inorganic salt CsBr between
Cu, and Al). Consequently, several interfaces will be formed, compact TiO2 and perovskite layer improved the ultraviolet (UV)
including TCO/ETM (metal/semiconductor contact), ETM/ stability and enhanced PCE from 13.1% to 16.3% mainly due to
perovskite (semiconductor/semiconductor contact), perovskite/ the improved Jsc and FF.[259] In comparison with TiO2, SnO2 was
HTM (semiconductor/semiconductor contact), and HTM/ reported to have high electron mobility, better matched CB with
metal (semiconductor/metal contact) interfaces. Different perovskite alignment and faster electron extraction.[260,261] Fur-
from organic semiconductors in organic photovoltaics, the thermore, it was demonstrated widely that SnO2-based device
exciton recombination usually dominates in perovskite semi- showed much smaller hysteresis as compared to TiO2-based
conductors. As described by Anderson model and thermal device.[56,89,262] SnO2 was first used to modify the TiO2 surface to
equilibrium theory, free carriers will diffuse toward each other form bilayer ETM. This concept significantly improved electron
spontaneously upon direct contact of two types of semiconduc- extraction and reduced trap states at perovskite/ETM interface,
tors, establishing a charge-depletion region owning a built-in resulting in an improvement in PCE from 19.76% to 21.92%.[261]
electric field.[53] When PSC is illuminated, free carriers will It was found that photovoltaic performance depended on crystal-
be produced, transported and extracted across the interfaces linity of SnO2. Photovoltaic performance of normal mesoporous
accompanied by interface recombination processes. First, inter- PSCs was investigated with respect to different SnO2 forms:
face recombination could originate from unmatched or imper- amorphous SnO2 (a-SnO2), crystalline (c-SnO2), and nanocrys-
fect interfacial band alignment. Second, interface defects from talline SnO2 (SnO2-NC).[263] Interestingly, a-SnO2 based PSC
charge transporting materials and perovskite layers could be showed the highest PCE in case of using triple cation pero-
one of the main recombination losses. This means that inter- vskite. Higher CB of a-SnO2 than that of TiO2 but lower than
face engineering plays a vital role in reducing recombination that of triple cations perovskite facilitated charge transfer and
losses for the purpose of maximizing Voc and FF. In the past effective inhibition of interface recombination, leading to
several years, huge attentions have been devoted to achieving substantial enhancement of Voc (Table  5). Charge recombina-
efficient and stable PSCs through interface engineering. Sys- tion lifetime between electron in TiO2 and hole in perovskite
tematic and detailed reviews on interface engineering have was improved by treating NH4I on TiO2 ETM.[264] Mild halide
been reported.[15,53,54,256] In this review, we focus on discussing doping is another important and effective interface modifica-
dependence of photovoltaic performance on perovskite/charge tion approach. Chlorine-capped TiO2 colloidal nanocrystal was
transporting materials (selective contact materials) from the synthesized and used as ETM in normal planar PSC.[13] It was
viewpoint of interface recombination losses instead of carrier proposed by many studies that most of the detrimental defects
injection and extraction process. are antisites with relatively high formation energy.[265,266] In
the Cl-capped TiO2 work, density functional theory (DFT) was
utilized to investigate the defect of PbI2-terminated perovskite
4.1. Recombination at Perovskite/ETM Interface surfaces (Figure 25a,b), where Pb–I antisite defect, which
is localized states near the VB edge, can capture holes and
In PSC, the function of ETM is to extract photoexcited electrons becomes nonradiative recombination centers (Figure 25a).
and transport them toward TCO or metallic electrode while However, Pb–Cl antisite defects at PbCl2-terminated interface

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (34 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 5.  Photovoltaic parameters of PSCs with modification of ETM/perovskite interface in normal PSCs. C and T stand for control device and target
device, respectively. EDT: 1,2-ethanedithiol; LA: l-alanine; 3-APA: 3-aminopropanoic acid; 3-APTMS: 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane; PA: 4-pyridinecar-
boxylic acid; PCBB-2CN-2C8: [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyricacid-dioctyl-3,3-(5-hydroxy-1,3-phenylene)-bis(2-cyanoacrylate) ester; 3-APTES: (3-Aminopropyl)­
triethoxysilane; C-PCBOD: cross-linked [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric oxetane dendron ester; PMMA:PCBM: mixture of PMMA and PCBM; TOPD: titanium
oxide bis(2,4-pentanedionate).

Device structurea) Jsc Voc FF (C/T) PCE Ref.

[mA cm−2] (C/T) [V] (C/T) [%](C/T)
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/Al2O3/MAPbI3−xClx/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 17.0/20.1 0.870/0.960 0.72/0.66 10.7/12.7 [257]
FTO/bl-TiO2/CsBr/MAPbI3−xClx/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 18.7/20.7 0.99/1.06 0.69/0.75 13.1/16.3 [259]
FTO/bl-TiO2/mp-TiO2/a-SnO2/ Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.21/22.51 1.098/1.168 0.79/0.78 19.14/20.4 [263]
FTO/TiO2/SnO2 NPs/(FAPbI3)0.3(MAPbI3)0.7/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.50/24.79 1.113/1.114 0.79/0.79 19.76/21.92 [261]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/NH4I/(FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 20.69/22.49 1.06/1.07 0.71/0.76 15.6/18.31 [264]
ITO/bl-TiO2-Cl/Cs0.05FA0.81MA0.14PbI2.55Br0.45/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.6/23.0 1.129/1.151 0.76/0.79 18.5/20.9 [13]
ITO/CF4 plasma-TiO2/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 19.7/20.3 0.824/1.033 0.55/0.76 8.8/15.8 [267]
ITO/ZnO/EDT/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.18/23.15 1.07/1.10 0.72/0.79 16.51/19.65 [268]
FTO/ZnO-MgO-EA+/Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)0.95Pb(Br0.17I0.83)3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 23.08/23.86 1.12/1.12 0.78/0.79 20.05/21.08 [57]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/LA (SAM)/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 17.08/22.40 0.95/0.99 0.66/0.64 10.76/14.22 [269]
ITO/ZnO/3-APA (SAM)/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/MoO3/Ag 19.12/22.51 0.99/1.07 0.63/0.65 11.96/15.67 [270]
FTO/bl-TiO2/(mp-TiO2/3-APTMS (SAM)/ZrO2/Carbon)MAPbI3 17.97/19.51 0.795/0.873 0.68/0.75 9.71/12.77 [271]
FTO/SnO2/3-APTES (SAM)/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 20.84/21.23 1.065/1.16 0.66/0.69 14.69/17.03 [272]
ITO/SnO2/PA (SAM)/MAPbI3−xClx/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.65/22.03 1.06/1.10 0.75/0.77 17.19/18.77 [273]
ITO/bl-TiO2/PCBB-2CN-2C8/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 20.18/20.68 0.99/1.06 0.72/0.79 14.38/17.35 [274]
ITO/bl-TiO2/C-PCBOD/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 20.70/22.22 0.984/1.012 0.64/0.69 13.0/15.4b) [275]
ITO/TiO2:TOPD/PC60BM/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.6/23.2 1.1/1.1 0.76/0.80 18.8/20.3 [88]
FTO/c-In-TiOx/m-TiO2/PMMA:PCBM/Cs0.07Rb0.03FA0.765MA0.135PbI2.55Br0.45/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 23.3/23.2 1.10/1.16 0.73/0.76 18.7/20.4 [276]
ITO/SnO2/NDI-Graphene/FA0.75MA0.15Cs0.1PbI2.65Br0.35/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 23.21/22.66 1.097/1.084 0.75/0.82 18.99/20.16 [277]
FTO/bl-TiO2/ITIC/MAPbI3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.67/22.71 1.08/1.12 0.73/0.79 17.12/20.08 [278]

The positions and functions of interfaced modifiers are highlighted in bold; b)Average photovoltaic parameters.

is less favorable to form due to higher formation energy the formation of ZnS bonds after insertion of EDT. In addi-
(Figure 25b). It means that Pb–Cl antisite defect is much shal- tion, ZnO surface defects were passivated by replacing surface
lower and more delocalized compared with Pb–I antisite defect. oxygen-containing groups with ZnS bonds, which increased
XPS results showed that Cl was incorporated into TiO2 and it lifetime for charge recombination as revealed by transient
still remained in TiO2 even at high temperature up to 250 °C photo­ voltage (TPV) spectroscopy and intensity-modulated
(Figure 25c,d). As shown in Figure 25e, Jsc, Voc, FF, and PCE photo­current (IMPS) analysis. As a consequence of sulfur pas-
were improved from 21.6 mA cm−2, 1.129 V, 0.76, and 18.5% sivation, PCE of control device was dramatically increased from
to 23.0 mA cm−2, 1.151 V, 0.79, and 20.9% by contacting 16.51% to 19.65%. Similarly, bilayer was proposed to passivate
perovskite with Cl-capped TiO2. Although similar interfacial ZnO using a thin layer of MgO and a protonated ethanolamine
charge transfer regardless of the presence of Cl at the interface, (EA), which enabled hysteresis-free, efficient, and stable PSCs
much longer charge recombination lifetime was observed for (Figure 26a).[33] The successful insertion of bilayer of MgO and
Cl-TiO2 case (145 µs) as compared to bare TiO2 (64 µs) as EA was confirmed by XRD and FTIR studies (Figure 26b,c).
revealed by transient photovoltage decay results (Figure 25f). Bilayer approach improved PCE from 20.05% to 21.08% due
Similarly, CF4 plasma was employed to enable the fluorination to suppressed interfacial charge recombination (Figure 26d),
of TiO2 surface, achieving improvements in electron extrac- and removed hysteresis because of improved electron transport
tion and energy band alignment as well as adhesion between owing to incorporation of protonated EA. The synergistic effect
TiO2 and MAPbI3.[267] Fluorination enhanced photovoltaic of MgO and EA was found to effectively solve the poor interfa-
parameters. cial instability problem.
ZnO is one of the promising candidates for ETM because It was reported that work function, surface energy and
of similar bandgap but much higher electron mobility than electron-transfer kinetics of metal oxides can be modulated
TiO2. However, severe charge recombination and poor chemical by dry treatments (such as plasma or UV–ozone), wet inor-
stability at the ZnO/perovskite interface impede its large- ganic treatments, buffer layers, redox active molecules and
scale extensive application in PSCs.[57,268] In order to conquer organic monolayer (such as alkoxy/halosilane, carboxylic
the above issues, interlayer between perovskite and ZnO was acid, and phosphonic).[279,280] Among them, self-assembled
suggested using 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT).[204] XPS confirmed monolayer (SAM) shows great potentials in modifying work

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (35 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

SAM-modified CBM of ZnO and thereby

more efficient electron extraction was
observed (Figure 27c). In addition, such a
surface modification accompanied by better
electronic band alignment was responsible
for the enhanced Voc and FF (Figure 27b).
As we mentioned above, tail groups in
SAM modifier play an important role in
crystallization of perovskite film in terms
of wettability and/or specific interaction
with composition of perovskite. Thus,
different functional groups such as ben-
zoic acid, 4-pyridine carboxylic acid (PA),
4-cyanobenzoic acid (CBA), 4-aminobenzoic
acid (ABA), and 3-aminopropanoic acid
(C3) were applied to modify the surface
of SnO2.[273] Photovoltaic performance
was found to depend on functional groups
of SAMs. Compared with control device,
PA-modified device showed higher PCE up
to 18.8%. This work highlights the impor-
tance of choice of terminal tail groups
which can significantly affect the chemical
interactions between perovskite and ETM.
Shih et al.[269] investigated the effect of alkyl
spacer length in amino acids on photo­
voltaic performance, where photovoltaic
performance was improved regardless of
chain length. It was found that perovskite
crystallites would tend to align in the direc-
tion perpendicular to TiO2 substrate with
the aid of amino acid based SAM, which
was beneficial to reduction in surface trap
state and improvement of electron transfer.
Except for modifiers containing carboxyl
anchoring group, alkoxy/halosilane was
found to be important anchoring group.
Figure 25.  DFT calculation results showing a) trap-like localized antisite defects form near the 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (3-APTMS)
valence band edge for the PbI2-terminated TiO2/perovskite interface and b) shallow and delo- was applied to TiO2 in hole conductor–free
calized Pb–Cl antisite defects at the PbCl2-terminated interface. XPS spectra of Cl 2p peaks of fully printable PSCs with carbon counter
c) TiO2 NC films. MeOH + CF stands for TiO2 redispersed in the cosolvent of methanol and electrode.[271] The schematic structure
chloroform. EtOH + TiAcAc stands for TiO2 redispersed in ethanol with titanium diisopropoxide was shown in Figure 27d,e. Substantial
bis(acetylacetonate) as stabilizer. d) TiO2-Cl NC films with various postannealing temperatures.
improvement of photovoltaic performance
e) J–V curves of PSCs with TiO2 and TiO2-Cl ETMs. f) Normalized transient photovoltage decay
of devices with TiO2 and TiO2-Cl as ETMs. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2017, was observed by this method (Figure 27f).

American Association for the Advancement of Science. Similarly, SAM with 3-APTMS improved
perovskite crystallization, band alignment
and higher resistance for recombination
function, surface energy and electron-transfer kinetics in (Figure 27g). 3-Aminopropyltriethoxy­ silane (3-APTES) was
PSCs due to its advantages of simple procedure, precise con- also tested in SnO2, which also showed positive effect.[272]
trol and possibility in choosing tail groups and spacer. The PCBM is often employed to modify surface of metal oxides
organic mole­cules used for SAM modification generally are such as ZnO, TiO2, and SnO2, in which appropriate energy
composed of an anchoring (head) group, a spacer, and a tail band alignment and better electron extraction are anticipated
group. Encouraged by appealing advantages of the above because of its a little lower CBM than that of commonly used
SAM method, SAM was prepared on ZnO by spin-coating perovskite compositions. Interface defects at perovskite/
the solution of 3-aminopropanioc acid (C3-SAM) in meth- metal oxides are also able to be passivated by PCBM treat-
anol,[270] which induced permeant dipole being beneficial ment. Fullerene derivatives PC60BM and C60-ETA were intro-
to electron extraction (Figure 27a). Since ZnO surface was duced between perovskite and TiO2 and found to improve
modified, crystal growth was affected toward better crystal- PCE together with reduced hysteresis.[88] Although both
lization, which was related to improved Jsc (Figure 27b). modifiers improved PCE, better band alignment was found

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (36 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

4.1.2. Suppression of Recombination at

Perovskite/ETM Interface in Inverted Structure

Interface recombination at perovskite/

ETM interface in inverted structure may be
as important as in normal structure. It was
reported that insulating interlayer (or buffer
layer) inserted between ETM and metal elec-
trode effectively blocked back transfer of
holes from perovskite to metal electrode in
inverted PSCs.[282–285] Insulating interlayer at
perovskite/ETM interface can form tunneling
contact,[69,281,286] allowing photogenerated
electrons at CBM of perovskite to tunnel to
the excited electronic states in ETM, and then
the electrons are relaxed to the lowest unoc-
cupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of ETM
due to existence of energy-matching unoc-
cupied states in ETM. However, ETM has
no energy-matching states to allow holes to
tunnel into. In other words, insulating layer
can allow electron tunnel from perovskite to
ETM while block hole into ETM.[281] Based on
this concept, different insulating interlayers
(polystyrene (PS), Teflon, and polyvinylidene–
trifluoroethylene copolymer (PVDF–TrFE))
Figure 26.  a) Schematic illustration of a bilayer approach using MgO and EA. b) XRD patterns
of MgO-treated ZnO depending on annealing temperature. c) FTIR spectra of the ZnO–MgO–
were inserted at perovskite/C60 interface
EA sample annealed at 450 °C for 30 min. d) J–V curves of the best-performing PSC employing in inverted planar PSCs,[223] as shown in
the bilayer-based Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)0.95Pb(Br0.17I0.83)3. Reproduced with permission.[57] Figure 29a, which was expected to play tun-
Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH. neling role as schematically illustrated in
Figure 29b. Insertion of so-called tunneling
interlayer improved PCE (Figure 29c,d) due
in PC60BM than C60-ETA. By treating PC60BM, PCE was to suppressed interface recombination (Figure 29e,f). Among
enhanced from 17.6% to 20.3%. Another example is to use the tested tunneling materials, PS worked better than other
PMMA:PCBM mixture that was inserted at perovskite/TiO2 materials. Here it should be highlighted that whether tun-
interface (Figure  28a), which resulted in passivation of the neling layer is useful for PCE enhancement depends on the its
interface defects and accordingly suppression of the interfa- thickness to a great extent as presented in Figure 29d. Wolff
cial recombination. Therefore, a high Voc up to ≈1.18 V was et al.[69] investigated the effect of different fullerene derivatives
achieved.[276] The ratio of PMMA to PCBM was found to be (C60, PCBM and ICTA) on Voc in inverted PSCs. They proposed
critical for achieving high PCE and from the optimal ratio of that Voc is limited greatly by interface-mediated nonradiative
PMMA:PCBM = 1:3 the PCE was increased from 19.6% to recombination. By inserting PS insulating tunneling layer at
20.4% (Figure 28b) and the hysteresis was thoroughly sup- perovskite/C60 interface, Voc was significantly increased from
pressed (Figure 28c,d). Except for PCBM, other fullerene 1.03 to 1.16 V, which indicates that suppression of interfacial
derivatives (such as C-PCBOD, C-PCBSD, and PCBB-2CN- nonradiative recombination is more important than energy
2C8) were also developed to modify the perovskite/TiO2 inter- level alignment to maximize Voc. In another work, excep-
face.[274,275] Graphene is also candidate, where Zhao et al.[277] tional FF up to 0.84 was realized with efficiencies over 20% via
reported the modification of SnO2 with graphene modified incorporation of PS insulating tunneling layer at perovskite/
chemically by N,N′-bis-[2-(ethanoic acidsodium)]-1,4,5,8- C60 interface.[106] Poly(perfluorobutenylvinylether) (Cytop) was
naphthalene diimide (NDI) surfactant for normal planar used as one of the insulating tunneling interlayers, which was
PSCs. Improved charge extraction and transport were asso- employed to modify perovskite/PC60BM interface in inverted
ciated with improved PCE after NDI–graphene modification. PSCs.[286] Improvement of both Jsc and FF was related to facili-
Ultrathin ITIC (electron acceptor based on a bulky seven- tating charge transfer and restricting interface recombination.
ring fused core (indacenodithieno[3,2-b]thiophene, IT), end- PMMA was solely used to modify PCBM-based ETM, which
capped with 2-(3-oxo-2,3-dihydroinden-1-ylidene)malononitrile also showed positive effect on Voc and FF.[287] Alkyl bisphos­
(INCN) groups, and with four 4-hexylphenyl groups substi- phonic molecules and 2,6-dimethoxypyridine (2,6-Py) were
tuted on it) was deposited on the surface of TiO2 and found used to passivate the defects on the surface of perovskite films
that ITIC modification not only improved the perovskite crys- at perovskite/ETM interface.[288,289] Homojunction may be
tallization but also decreased defect density, [278]
which led to one of the solutions to control the interface recombination,
20.08% efficient and hysteresis-less PSC. where 3D–2D (MAPbI3–PEA2PbI4) graded perovskite interface

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (37 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 27.  a) Schematic structure of PSC showing SAM layer on ZnO. b) J−V curves and c) TRPL before and after SAM. d) Schematic structure of fully
printable mesoscopic PSC based on carbon counter electrode. e) Energy band diagram change after the introduction of organic silane SAM between
TiO2 surface and perovskite. f) J–V curves and g) recombination resistance without (Device A) and with (Device B) silane SAM. a–c) Reproduced
with permission.[270] Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society. d–g) Reproduced with permission.[271] Copyright 2015, American Chemical Society.

was reported to significantly improve Voc in inverted NiOx- large amount of defects exist at the surface or grain bounda-
based PSCs.[290] The much shorter PL lifetimes in polycrys- ries of polycrystalline films which is no longer electronically
talline films than single crystal films strongly suggests that a benign.[33,59,87,291–293] These defects can not only dramatically

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (38 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 28.  a) Schematic illustration of PSC with an ultrathin interlayer comprising PMMA and PCBM. b) Statistical PCE data with respect to the ratio
of PMMA to PCBM. J–V curves of c) control device and d) the device with the interlayer of PMMA/PCBM (1:3). Reproduced with permission.[276]
Copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry.

reduce device Voc but also degrade the device stability through by choline chloride compared with PCBM-treated device. Through
trap-assisted nonradiative recombination process. Considering thermal admittance spectroscopy analysis as shown in Figure 30g,
the ionic nature of perovskite materials, the defects in perovs- we can see that deeper trap region (0.40–0.52 eV) which is due
kites are usually negatively charged or positively charged.[59] to defects at the surface of films was remarkably reduced in
Several kinds of quaternary ammonium halide anions and choline chloride-passivated device while slightly reduced for
cations salts (l-α-phosphatidylcholine, choline iodide and cho- shallower trap state region (0.35–0.40 eV) which is assigned
line chloride) together with nonsalts PCBM, Tween 20 and to the traps at grain boundary. As illustrated in Figure 30h–j,
PE-PEG (Figure 30c,d) were employed simultaneously to passi- a PCE of up to 21.0% was achieved based on choline chloride-
vate the negatively and positively charged defects in perovskite passivated FA0.85MA0.15Pb(I0.85Br0.15)3 device with negligible hys-
films through spin-coating these passivating molecules on the teresis. Additionally, moisture stability was significantly increased
perovskite films, which was applied into inverted planar PSCs as after choline chloride passivation. This work shows that both
shown in Figure 30a,b.[291] It was found that PCBM-passivated cationic and anionic defects in perovskites should be considered
device showed much higher PCE mainly as a consequence simultaneously when developing passivation techniques.
of much improved Jsc along with similar Voc than Tween- or
PE-PEG-treated devices. The authors concluded that Tween and
PE-PEG cannot effectively passivate the defects at the surface 4.2. Recombination at the Perovskite/HTM Interface
of MAPbI3. However, we think that it is difficult to explain the
significant difference in current just from the perspective of 4.2.1. Suppression of Recombination at the Perovskite/HTM
passivation. Tween and PE-PEG also could deteriorate electron Interface in Normal Structure
extraction and thus reduce Jsc. In sharp contrast, much higher
PCEs mainly as a result of much improved Voc were observed In normal PSCs, many efforts have been made to modify ETM/
in the devices with quaternary ammonium halide anions and perovskite interface as we discussed previously as compared to
cations salts as compared to PCBM-based device. This indicates perovskite/HTM. However, recently, it was widely recognized
that anions and cations in quaternary ammonium halide can that the perovskite/HTM interface is almost equally important
effectively passivate the charged defects as we expected. Signifi- and thus attracts considerable attention. Since modifiers at the
cantly increased PL lifetimes (Figure 30e) and device charge car- perovskite/HTM interface should be deposited on perovskite
rier lifetimes (Figure 30f) was demonstrated in the device treated film, solvents used for dissolving modifiers should be inert

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (39 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 29.  a) Schematic device structure of PSC with insulating interlayer. b) Energy diagram showing the principle of suppressing surface charge
recombination by tunneling effect. c) J–V curves for PSCs with different insulating tunneling contacts. d) J–V curves of the devices with different con-
centration of PS. e) I–V curves of hole-only devices with and without PS interlayer. f) Carrier recombination lifetime of perovskite devices with and
without PS interlayer measured by transient photovoltage. Reproduced with permission.[281] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

for perovskite film to avoid unnecessarily film destruction. the purpose of defect passivation of perovskite films (see the
Generally speaking, modifiers are expected to achieve the fol- chemical structures of AD and ADA in Figure 31a).[235] TRPL
lowing several functions: passivation of defects on the surface data revealed that ADA and AD showed longer lifetime than
(or GBs) of perovskite films, better energy level alignment for untreated perovskite, indicative of reduction in nonradiative
hole extraction, protection of perovskite film from moisture. recombination, and the lifetime was longer for ADA than for
As we discussed on defect passivation in additive engineering AD (Figure 31b), which suggests that ADA passivate more
part, Lewis base can interact with undercoordinated Pb2+ and effectively the perovskite defects. As a result of post-treatment,
effectively passivate the iodide vacancies. Lessened from this, PCEs of 20.47% and 20.93% could be achieved for AD and
aniline, benzylamine, and phenethylamine (PEA) were used ADA, respectively, which was mainly attributed to the increased
to modify surface of perovskite film.[294] It was found that only Voc (Figure 31c and Table 6). Thiophene derivates of 3-alkyl­
BA was working for enhancing photovoltaic property, while thiophenes (thiophene (TP), 3-methylthiohene (MTP), 3-ethyl­
negative effect from aniline and PEA was experienced. Ada- thiophene (ETP), 3-butylthiophene (BTP), 3-hexylthiophene
mantane (AD) and 1-adamantylamine (ADA) were tested for (HTP), and 3-dodecylthiophene (DTP)) were investigated to

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (40 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 30.  a) The schematically illustrated device structure used in this work. b) Schematic illustration of perovskite with defect sites passivated by
quaternary ammonium halides (QAHs). c) Chemical structures of PCBM, Tween 20, and polyethylene-block-poly(ethylene glycol) (PE-PEG). d) Chemical
structures of L-α-phosphatidylcholine, choline iodide and choline chloride. e) TRPL spectra of perovskite films treated with/without choline chloride
layers treatment. f) Charge carrier lifetime of devices with/without a choline chloride treatment. g) Trap density of states obtained by thermal admit-
tance spectroscopy for devices with/without a choline chloride treatment. h) J–V curves of one-step-processed FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 devices with
or without choline chloride layers. i) J–V curves of the champion device treated by choline chloride measured in reverse and forward scan directions.
Reproduced with permission.[291] Copyright 2017, Nature Publication Group.

passivate the perovskite/spiro-MeOTAD interface because delo- perovskite/spiro-MeOTAD interface by the atomic layer depo-
calized π-electrons of thiophene rings was expected to be ben- sition (ALD) method could provide a good tunneling layer for
eficial for hole transfer and extraction at the perovskite/HTM hole transfer and a defect passivation layer for enhancing Voc
interface.[236] The conjugated π system can also be regarded and FF.[297] Amphiphilic graphene oxide on perovskite film was
as a good electron donor. Among the tested molecules, HTP found to improve chemical interaction with both perovskite
yielded a highest PCE. Interestingly, Polymers such as P3HT, and spito-MeOTAD via GOPb bonding and π–π interaction
PTAA, MEH-PPV, poly-TPD and PBDTTT-CT were also found between GO and spiro-MeOTAD.[298] Insertion of GO had effect
to show positive effect when they were inserted between perov­ on blocking interfacial recombination leading to both increases
skite and spiro-MeOTAD, where best performance with PCE of in Jsc and Voc. In order to enrich the application of GO as insu-
19% was demonstrated using P3HT (Table 6).[237] Inspired by lating interlayer at the perovskite/HTM interface, chemically
the positive effect from PMMA upon applying at perovskite/ modified GO by 4-fluorophenyl (rGO-4FPH) was synthesized
ETM interface as discussed previously, PMMA was tried to be and incorporated at perovskite/spiro-MeOTAD interface.[299]
inserted between perovskite and spiro-MeOTAD, which also rGO-4FPH played an important role in narrowing t-DOS distri-
reduced surface trap states and nonradiative recombination bution and reducing deep trap states.
centers.[295,296] The perovskite/HTM interface can be engineered by in situ
Inorganic metal oxides are good candidates for surface pas- or ex situ perovskite composition engineering. The perovskite/
sivation. For instance, a thin layer of Al2O3 introduced at the spiro-MeOTAD interface was modified by as-synthesized

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (41 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 31.  a) Chemical structure of adamantane and 1-adamantylamine used for passivation of perovskite film. b) TRPL spectra of perovskite films
before and after passivation by AD and ADA. c) J–V curves of PSCs before and after passivation by AD and ADA. Reproduced with permission.[300]
Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

MAPbBr3−xIx quantum dots (QDs),[303] where hole extraction morphology change was observed for FABr-treated film
was found to be energetically favorable for x  = 2.1 but unfa- (Figure 32c,d). Slightly blueshifted IPCE confirmed the formation
vorable for x = 1.8 and 0. Since composition of perovskite OQ of FAPbBr3−xIx (Figure 32f).
used for interlayer determines band position and gap, hole For the purpose of improving stability of PSCs, inorganic
extraction and inhibition of recombination depend on composi- HTMs were suggested as alternative to organic HTMs.[85,86]
tion of QDs. Additionally, Zhang et al.[304] proposed dimension- Among the commonly used inorganic HTMs, the device based
ally graded heterojunction strategy (bulk-nanosheet–quantum on room temperature solution-processed CuSCN HTM dem-
dots or 3D–2D–0D dimension) to modify perovskite/PTAA inter- onstrated a promising PCE over 20%.[308] However, CuSCN-
face in all-inorganic PSCs, where 3D–2D–0D heterojunction based device has been issued on interface degradation.[308,309]
was formed by successively depositing 2D CsPbBrI2 nanosheet In order to solve the interface instability, 2D perovskite such as
and 0D CsPbBrI2 QD on the 3D CsPbBrI2 film. From 3D to 0D, (5-AVA)2PbI4 was used to modify the perovskite/CuSCN inter-
CBM and VBM gradually upshifted to form type II heterojunc- face, where (5-AVA)2PbI4 was in situ formed by the reaction of
tion, which made good circumstances for efficient hole transfer excess PbI2 in (FAPbI3)0.88(CsPbBr3)0.12 film with 5-AVAI (aka
while blocking electron back transfer. In addition to the above 5-ammonium valeric acid iodide) (Figure 33a).[85] Type II het-
ex situ interface composition engineering, in situ engineering erojunction was formed through contacting 2D with CuSCN
was extensively reported. Generally, in situ engineering is based (Figure 33b), which might be beneficial for hole extraction and
on the reaction between excess PbI2 or PbBr2 while preparing blocking electron back transfer. In order to investigate the effect
perovskite films and post-treated organic halide salts. Cho of 2D passivating layer, photovoltaic performance of devices A,
et al.[305] engineered a compositional gradient FAPbBr3−xIx layer B, C, and D was compared (Figure 33e), where A is the perov­
at the rear interface between perovskite and HTM in normal skite prepared from stoichiometric precursor solution, B from
PSCs, where FAPbBr3−xIx layer was formed by the reaction nonstoichiometric precursor solution with excess PbI2, C from
between excess PbI2 in (FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15 and spin- post-treatment of A with 5-AVAI, and D from the post-treatment
coated FABr as shown in Figure 32a. This gradient composi- of B with 5-AVAI. Device D showed the highest PCE as a con-
tion engineering induced suppression of electron backflow and sequence of improved Voc and FF and PCEs of devices B and
improvement of hole collection as illustrated in Figure 32b, C were even lower than device A. This strongly indicates that
which contributed to enhanced Voc (Figure 32e). Obvious improved PCE is due to incorporation of 2D passivating layer

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (42 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 6.  Photovoltaic parameters of PSCs with a modification of the perovskite/HTM interface in normal PSCs. C and T stand for control device and
target device, respectively. BA: benzylamine; ADA: 1-adamantylamine; HTP: 3-hexylthiophene; 5-AVA: 5-ammoniumvaleric acid; BA in BA2PbI4: butyl-
amine; GO: Graphene oxide; rGO-4FPH: 4-Fluorophenyl-hydrazine hydrochloride (4FPH) functionalized reduced graphene oxide (rGO).

Device structurea) Jsc Voc FF (C/T) PCE Ref.

[mA cm−2] (C/T) [V] (C/T) [%](C/T)
FTO/bl-TiO2/FAPbI3/BA/spiro-MeOTAD/Au – – – 14.2/17.3b) [294]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/ Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/ADA/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.47/22.57 1.083/1.155 0.79/0.80 19.32/20.93 [300]
FTO/bl-TiO2/Cs0.05FA0.81MA0.15PbI2.55Br0.45/HTP/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.90/23.24 1.12/1.15 0.70/0.75 18.08/19.89 [301]
FTO/bl-TiO2/MAPbI3/P3HT/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.1/23.4 0.949/1.043 0.72/0.78 15.0/19.0 [302]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/MAPbI3/PMMA/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 20.9/23.4 1.11/1.14 0.73/0.77 16.8/20.4 [296]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/MAPbI3/PMMA/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.5/22.0 1.01/1.03 0.67/0.72 14.6/16.4 [295]
ITO/bl-TiO2/MAPbI3−xClx/Al2O3/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.3/21.7 1.03/1.08 0.69/0.77 15.1/18.0 [297]
FTO/bl-TiO2/MAPbI3/MAPbBr0.9I2.1/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 18.09/19.51 0.937/0.948 0.61/0.72 10.34/13.32 [303]
FTO/bl-TiO2/CsPbBrI2/CsPbBrI2 NSs/CsPbBrI2 QDs/PTAA/Au 11.94/12.93 1.11/1.19 0.78/0.81 10.38/12.39 [304]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/(FAPbI3)0.85(MAPbBr3)0.15/FAPbBr3−xIx/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.4/22.5 1.1/1.16 0.77/0.78 18.9/20.5 [305]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/ (FAPbI3)0.88(CsPbBr3)0.12/(5-AVA)2PbI4/CuSCN/Au 21.13/21.93 0.986/1.068 0.66/0.72 13.72/16.75 [85]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/BA2PbI4/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 19.99/19.40 0.955/1.058 0.74/0.77 14.17/15.74 [168]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3/PEA2PbI4/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 22.83/22.89 1.05/1.11 0.71/0.73 17.02/18.51 [306]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/Cs0.1FA0.74MA0.13PbI2.48Br0.39/PEA2PbI4/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 21.81/22.73 1.098/1.14 0.78/0.76 18.65/20.08 [307]
FTO/bl-TiO2/m-TiO2/MAPbI3/GO/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 18.5/20.2 0.93/1.04 0.64/0.73 10.0/15.1 [298]
FTO/bl-TiO2/MAPbI3/rGO-4FPH/spiro-MeOTAD/Au 20.1/21.5 1.03/1.11 0.75/0.79 15.58/18.75 [299]

a)The interface modifiers are set in bold to highlight their positions and functions; b)Average PCE.

instead of excess PbI2 or 5-AVAI treatment. In situ formed 2D be able to improve hole extraction and reduce interfacial charge
perovskite layer effectively passivated the defects on the surface recombination.[311]
of (FAPbI3)0.88(CsPbBr3)0.12 film as evidenced by significantly
increased PL lifetime (Figure 33c). Energetics in Figure 33b was
well aligned for hole extraction (Figure 33d). Introduction of 2D 4.3. Lessen from Conventional Thin Film Solar Cells:
layer at perovskite/CuSCN interface also reduced hysteresis. Spike versus Cliff
Similar works were reported, where incorporation of the 2D
perovskite layer at the perovskite/HTM interface demonstrated Sometimes, old idea may give important insight into new
improved PCE and stability.[168,306,307] The above results show design. In the conventional inorganic thin film solar cells such
that incorporation of insulating interlayer and compositionally as CIGS, the band offset between buffer and light absorber layer
engineered perovskite layer at the perovskite/HTM interface are was found to form “spike” or “cliff” structure, which affected
promising in achieving highly efficient normal PSCs. carrier recombination at the interface and thereby Voc. Thus,
engineering band offset may be one of the methods to reduce
interface recombination in PSCs. According to the device simu-
4.2.2. Suppression of Recombination at the Perovskite/HTM lation on a planar normal PSC structure (TCO/buffer (ETM)/
Interface in Inverted Structure interface defect layer 1 (IDL1)/perovskite/interface defect layer 2
(IDL2)/HTM) assuming perovskite is intrinsic and fully
Compared with normal PSCs, the perovskite/HTM interface depleted by contacting with ETM and HTM,[312] conduction
in inverted PSCs is scarcely investigated in the past. However, band offset (CBO) at ETM/perovskite and valence band offset
similar to the role of ETM/perovskite interface in normal struc- (VBO) at perovskite/HTM played an important role in deter-
ture, the perovskite/HTM interface in inverted architecture mining Voc and PCE (Figure 34). The results suggest that CBO
is expected to have influence on determining the final device of 0.0–0.3 eV and VBO of 0.0–0.2 eV are optimal values, which
performance. Insulating mesoporous Al2O3 layer was inserted indicates that appropriate “spike” structure is better than “cliff”
between the NiOx layer and the perovskite layer in inverted structure for minimal interface recombination.
PSCs,[258] which blocked holes in NiOx layer backflow into
perovskite layer and thus retarded interfacial recombination.
PEDOT:PSS layer was modified by poly (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl- 5. The Effect of Trap-Induced Nonradiative
piperidinyloxy-4-yl methacrylate)-co-(4-benzoylphenyl meth-
Recombination on Hysteresis
acrylate) (PTMA-BP),[310] which aligned HOMO of PEDOT:PSS
and VBM of perovskite to reduce interfacial charge carrier It is well known that notorious hysteresis extensively exists in
recombination. In situ formed 2D (PEI)2PbI4 (PEI = polymeric most of the PSCs, which seriously affects the accurate evalu-
ammonium) at PEDOT:PSS/perovskite interface was found to ation of real device efficiency and stability as well. Since the

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (43 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 32.  a) Schematic structure of PSC employing interface modification via in situ engineering. b) Energetics and role of FAPbBr3−xIx interlayer. Bend
bending was assumed (black dashed line). Top-view SEM images of perovskite film c) before and d) after post-treatment. e) J–V curves of PSCs before
(as-prepared) and after (passivated) post-treatment. f) EQE spectra and integrated Jsc of the devices before and after post-treatment. Reproduced with
permission.[305] Copyright 2017, Royal Society of Chemistry.

hysteresis phenomenon was first reported by Snaith et al.,[313] Consequently, it is an effective and feasible approach to
huge efforts have been contributed to investigating the possible reduce or remove hysteresis through minimizing trap-assisted
origins, including ferroelectric effects,[314,315] charge accumula- nonradiative recombination losses from the viewpoint of bulk
tion,[316] trap-state density,[18,33,90,123–125] ion migration,[158,317–322] and interface. Actually, during the discussion of controlling
interfacial dipoles,[323] etc. Although many attempts made on methods of bulk and interface nonradiative recombination
addressing this issue, it still lacks final conclusion on the real (Sections 3 and 4), we have discussed the effect of trap-assisted
reason of hysteresis. In the past several years, ion migration nonradiative recombination on hysteresis and stability. There-
was proposed to be the main reason of hysteresis.[317] Recently, fore, here we just give a brief comment on it. As we discussed
defect density which can induce nonradiative recombination previously, perovskite composition engineering is directly
was demonstrated to be main origin of hysteresis (defect and related with film quality and defect density. So composition
ion migration might correlate each other, actually).[18,90,123–125] engineering is one of the feasible and effective methods for

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (44 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 33.  a) Schematic device architecture with (5-AVA)2PbI4 interlayer between perovskite and CuSCN. b) The energy-level diagram of device compo-
nents. Film B and D represent (FAPbI3)0.88(CsPbBr3)0.12 prepared from nonstoichiometric precursor solution with excess 8 mol% PbI2 and passivated
(FAPbI3)0.88(CsPbBr3)0.12 with (5-AVA)2PbI4, respectively. c) Steady-state PL and d) TRPL of perovskite films A, B, C, and D with or without TiO2 and
CuSCN layer. e) J–V curves of the best-performing devices A, B, C, and D measured in reverse (RS) and forward (FS) scan directions. f) Recombination
resistance (Rrec) for devices B and D. Reproduced with permission.[85] Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH.

reducing hysteresis through improving crystallization and Moreover, hysteresis was further reduced after incorporation of
morphology and thus suppressing trap-assisted nonradiative RbI into triple cation perovskites (Figure 35a–d). As shown in
recombination. It was widely demonstrated that MAPbI3 always Figure 35c, hysteresis was nearly removed upon addition of RbI
shows serious hysteresis in traditional mesoporous normal into double-cation MAFA perovskite. It means that Rb+ plays
PSCs[158] while Cs0.05(MA0.17FA0.83)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3 composi- an important role in controlling hysteresis. In order to explore
tion exhibits much lower hysteresis in the same structure.[17] the origin of reduced hysteresis by Rb+, carrier mobility of

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (45 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 34.  Energy diagram of planar PSC with a) a negative (−0.2 eV) and b) a positive (+0.2 eV) CBO at buffer (ETM)/perovskite interface. c) A negative
(−0.2 eV) and d) a positive (+0.2 eV) VBO at the perovskite/HTM interface. Reproduced with permission.[312] Copyright 2015, Elsevier.

perovskite films with or without Rb was measured by transient solution can facilitate the crystallization of perovskite and thus
photoconductivity measurements. As displayed in Figure 35e, improve the electronic properties (such as carrier lifetime,
carrier mobility was increased after incorporation of Rb. Fur- mobility, and diffusion length), enabling the realization of sup-
thermore, significantly enhanced PL lifetimes were observed pression of nonradiative recombination and accordingly reduc-
when 1% RbI was added (Figure 35f). Increased carrier mobility tion of hysteresis.[139,140,146] Introduction of a small amount of
and PL lifetimes should be responsible for negligible hyster- 2D perovskite into 3D perovskite was confirmed to not only
esis because of suppressed trap-induced nonradiative recom- improve the moisture stability but also suppress nonradiative
bination. As we discussed in the A-site engineering in Section recombination via passivating the surface defect and/or bulk
3.1.1, KI was also introduced into perovskite precursor solu- traps of 3D perovskite, leading to a reduced hysteresis.[158,163,167]
tion and finally leaved in the perovskite composition to reduce Additionally, negligible hysteresis can also be achieved by grain
even eliminate the hysteresis.[18,90,123–125] Nearly all the reported preferential orientation growth engineering.[174] and in situ
works proposed that reduced nonradiative recombination nonstoichiometric precursor engineering.[14] Additive engi-
resulting from reduced defect density should mainly contribute neering cannot be neglected as one of the effective methods
to reduction in hysteresis. Except for A site engineering, B-site to reduce hysteresis through suppressing trap-assisted nonra-
engineering also can reduce hysteresis like the development diative recombination, such as SCN−containing molecules like
of MAPb0.9Sn0.05Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1 and MAPb1−xCoxI3 through MASCN,[218] Pb(SCN)2),[214] PCBM,[33,238] etc. Except for bulk
reducing defect density, as we discussed in Section 3.1.2.[128,129] engineering, interface engineering related with perovskite films
As for X-site, it has been widely recognized that Cl− in precursor can also affect hysteresis through affecting surface or interface

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (46 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 35. a–d) J–V curves for devices without Rb or Cs (a), with 5% Cs in MAFA (b), with 1% of Rb in MAFA (c), and with 5% Rb and 5% Cs in
MAFA (d). e) Effective THz carrier mobility for perovskite films on quartz slides. f) TRPL spectra for perovskite films on glass slides. Reproduced with
permission.[324] Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry.

trap-assisted nonradiative recombination. For example, PCBM, Cs into FAPbI3 can stabilize its black phase and thus improve
other fullerene derivatives and quaternary ammonium halide photo, thermal and moisture stability.[100,121] This implies that
anions and cations were usually employed to passivate the inter- intrinsic phase stability could be effectively addressed by pero-
face defects at perovskite/ETM in PSCs with much reduced vskite composition engineering. However, instability problem
hysteresis.[33,88,276,291] Regarding the perovskite/HTM interface of perovskites is exacerbated significantly external environ-
in normal PSCs, many molecules with Lewis base have been mental factors and its degradation mechanism becomes more
developed to passivate the surface defects of perovskite films and more complicated. Although the oxygen and moisture can
and reduce hysteresis.[294,300,301] In addition, the defects at the be effectively isolated from perovskite films by ideal encapsula-
surface of perovskite films can also be passivated by in situ or tion technology, it could be inevitable to leave a tiny amount of
ex situ perovskite composition engineering and thus reduce oxygen and moisture in perovskite films, which may come from
hysteresis.[85,306] In other words, simultaneous passivating materials involved in the whole device. Furthermore, encap-
engineering of bulk and surface defects of perovskite films sulation cannot solve the intrinsic phase stability problem.
are highly required for minimizing trap-assisted nonradiative Consequently, it is urgently needed to deeply understand the
recombination losses and thus reducing device hysteresis. degradation mechanism of PSCs and thus explore the pos-
sible solutions for it before final commercialization. Except for
intrinsic phase stability, degradation of perovskites is affected
6. The Effect of Trap-Induced Nonradiative simultaneously by external environmental factors (including
oxygen, temperature, moisture, and illumination) and internal
Recombination on Stability
intrinsic factors in perovskites (such as electron migration, ion
Although high PCE of 22.7% has been certified up to now,[12] migration, and interfacial reactions).[59,327] Essentially, the above
instability of PSCs is still one of the main barriers for its large- all degradations induced by internal and external factors are
scale commercialization. Generally, we usually think that insta- closely related to defects in perovskite films.[59]
bility of PSCs mainly comes from the structural instability of
perovskite materials induced by external conditions, including
the moisture, oxygen, illumination and thermal.[39,59,325] 6.1. Moisture Stability
Without the above external environmental factors, stability
of perovskites is mainly determined by the intrinsic phase In the PSCs, essential origin of moisture decomposition of
stability, which is usually estimated by tolerance factor. For perovskite films is the attack of H2O for perovskite composi-
example, improved stability can be achieved by introducing FA tion through specific chemical interactions. To date, moisture
and Br into pure MAPbI3.[7,326] In addition, incorporation of degradation mechanisms have been proposed.[39] Although

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (47 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

slight difference can be found from the proposed mechanisms, tetragonal to cubic occurs at around 54–56 °C as reported
they face a common problem to answer. That is how waters previously.[39,338] Additionally, the ion migration and diffusion
attack the perovskite films and where the water will first invade in perovskites are also highly dependent on temperature. It
in perovskite films. In order to answer this question, some was reported that in MAPbI3 I− and MA+ ions migrate much
tentative works were carried out.[33,59,328] It was reported by more easily than Pb2+ ions and ion migration is faster at GBs
Ahn et al.[328] that moisture degradation of perovskites is ini- than in the bulk.[158,317] In fact, it has been demonstrated that
tially triggered by trapped charges by the defects from grain single crystal shows much lower decomposition temperature
boundaries. They demonstrated that irreversible degradation as compared to polycrystalline films. For example, MAPbI3
occurs along GBs upon simultaneous existence of moisture single crystal[339,340] with a defect density of 109–1011 cm−3 was
and trapped charges. It means that trap-assisted nonradiative observed to start decomposition at 240 °C while polycrystal-
recombination plays a decisive role in moisture degradation of line[185,341] MAPbI3 with a defect density of 1015–1017 cm−3 nor-
perovskite films. Besides, the synergistic effect of oxygen and mally decomposes at 150 °C. In another work, MAPbI3 single
moisture on moisture-induced degradation was found. Since crystal starts to decompose at >300  °C under N2 condition.[342]
GBs have a pronounced effect on moisture stability, all of the This suggests that defect density plays a critical role in thermal
methods that reduce GB density by increasing grain size as we decomposition of perovskite films. Similar to moisture and
discussed in Section 3.6.1 (GB regulation) are beneficial for light stability, it is critical to enhance thermal stability through
improving moisture stability. In addition, as we discussed in suppressing trap-assisted nonradiative recombination and
Sections 3.6.2 and 4.2.1, defect passivation via additive or reducing defect density.
surface engineering could be another effective approach to
improve moisture stability.
7. Summary and Outlook
6.2. Photostability Although PSC achieved high PCE of 22.7%, there are still
rooms for further improvement of PCE toward theoretical value
In addition to moisture stability, photostability is also critical of 30.5% for a bandgap of 1.6 eV. Since presently achieved Jscs
during the operation of PSCs. It was reported that light stability in most of the highly efficient PSCs were close to theoretical
of PSCs mainly depends on ultraviolet light stability especially value but their Voc and FF were lower than theoretical values,
for conventional normal mesoporous PSCs using TiO2 as ETM. strategy to push Voc and FF up should be developed for further
The generation of defects at TiO2/perovskite interface because PCE enhancement. Voc and FF are commonly related to recom-
of photocatalytic effect of TiO2 should be mainly responsible bination issue, including nonradiative (SRH) recombination
for optical degradation of perovskites.[329–331] It is interesting in perovskite and interface recombination. In case that both
that replacement of TiO2 by photostable Al2O3 improves the nonradiative recombination and interface recombination are
UV stability.[331] However, confirmation of photodegradation presented in PSC, Voc will be lower than 1 V. If interface recom-
of inverted PSC without TiO2 using UV filters indicates that bination is removed, Voc will increase over 1 V but still lower
light-activated metastable defects is also one of the poor photo- than 1.2 V due to nonradiative recombination. The real PSCs
stability of PSCs.[332] Ultrafast vacancy-mediated ion migration reported so far showed Voc in the range between 1 and 1.2 V,
was observed under sunlight illumination in polycrystalline which indicates that nonradiative recombination is critical to
perovskite films while not in single crystal.[321] This is because be controlled. For the case of nonradiative recombination, bulk
single crystal with much lower defect density exhibits much and surface nonradiative recombination are possible, where
higher energy barrier for ion migration as compared to poly- surface recombination is probably related to GB and the sur-
crystalline films. Furthermore, vacancy-mediated ion migration face of perovskite contacting ETM or HTM. Therefore, inter-
will be accelerated under light illumination.[158,321] Vacancy- face engineering and GB passivation become more and more
mediated ion migration will result in phase segregation and important to control recombination issue. In this review,
formation of I-rich and Br-rich domains.[333–335] Vacancy-influ- we have investigated possible and effective ways to deal with
enced halide ion migration and different affinity of Pb2+ for recombination.
Br− and I− were proposed to be responsible for phase segrega- In order to inhibit bulk recombination in perovskite films,
tion.[336] It was proposed that under long-term illumination ion various strategies have been developed, such as perovskite com-
segregation could lead to serious degradation of PSC although position engineering (replacement of A, B, and X sites), dimen-
it is reversible under short-term irradiation.[337] In order to sionality engineering (like mixed 2D/3D), grain orientation
enable long-term photostable PSCs, it is necessary to suppress growth engineering, nonstoichiometric approach (excess PbI2
vacancy-assisted ion migration through reducing defect density. or excess MAI), precursor solution engineering, post-treatment
(CH3NH2 or NH4SCN treatment), etc. Regarding A-site replace-
ment in composition engineering, Cs+ and Rb+ were found to
6.3. Thermal Stability not only stabilize the δ phase of FAPbI3 but also reduce nonra-
diative recombination. Voc of 1.24 V could be possible by partial
Similar to moisture stability, thermal stability of perovskites substitution of MA+ and FA+ with Cs+ and Rb+, forming quad-
was thought to start from GBs or surface.[33,59,328] It is well ruple-cation RbCsFAMA perovskite, which is corresponding
known that temperature has a great effect on crystal structure to loss-in-potential of 0.39 V when considering a bandgap of
and phase of perovskites. For instance, phase change from 1.63 V. Reduction of nonradiative recombination is also possible

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (48 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

by B-site engineering. Both binary metal alloy MAPb0.9Co0.1I3 the proposed additives, SCN-containing metal or organic
and ternary metal alloy MAPb0.9Sn0.05Cu0.05I2.9Br0.1 are good salts showed great potentials in preparing large-sized grain.
examples to achieve a PCE exceeding 21%. Partial substitution Of course, other more effective methods are required in near
of Pb with Sn is a good strategy toward high Jsc via decreasing future to maximize electrical properties (carrier mobility, diffu-
bandgap. However, the Pb–Sn system was found to lead to very sion length, and lifetime) of perovskite films similar to those of
low Voc due to severe recombination and poor morphology as single crystal. From the perspective of defect passivation, small
well. The Pb–Sn–Cu ternary system can overcome problems molecules or polymers with Lewis acid or base properties can
in the Pb–Sn system. For X-site replacement, the presence of be used to passivate the defects at GBs or surface of perovskite
Cl− showed great potential in extending carrier diffusion length films. Particularly, PCBM was identified to have extremely
and lifetime because of better crystallization of the perovskite good passivation function. Thus, it will be an important and
film. Except for halogen elements, pseudohalide is a poten- meaningful research direction to design and develop the best
tial candidate for X-site substitution. So far, most works have material that can passivate completely defects in perovskite
focused on the substitution of one or two sites in ABX3 and films. For example, CH3NH2 was used to reduce I2 and I3− was
great progresses have been made. For the purpose of further employed to fill the iodide vacancy. Development of multifunc-
enhancement of PCE approaching limit efficiency, simulta- tional additives being able to control grain growth, enlarge
neous composition engineering for A, B, and X sites could be grain size, passivate defects, and facilitate carrier transport is
desirable toward theoretical efficiency. In this case, pros and vital to remove nonradiative recombination.
cons in composition engineering should be well understood. As compared to nonradiative recombination, interface
Moreover, the synergistic effect of A, B, and X site replacement recombination is almost equally important. In this review,
on crystal structure, crystallization kinetics, and optoelectronic we mainly discussed about methodologies to control recom-
properties should be investigated in depth theoretically and bination at perovskite/ETM and perovskite/HTM interfaces.
experimentally. Controlling or combination dimensionality is Regarding ETM/perovskite interface in normal structure and
also a promising approach in terms of reducing recombina- HTM/perovskite interface in inverted configuration, similar
tion and improving stability. Low bandgap and high absorption functions are expected for modifiers, such as inducing energy
coefficient are advantages of 3D perovskite, but poor moisture level alignment via tuning work function, facilitating perovskite
stability is its disadvantage. On the other hand, low absorption crystallization, reducing interface recombination through pas-
coefficient, high exciton binding energy, and poor carrier trans- sivating interface defects, etc. Similar functions are required
port are disadvantages of 2D perovskite, but moisture stability for the perovskite/HTM interface in normal structure and pero-
is its advantage. Thus, the 2D/3D strategy is one of the prom- vskite/ETM interface in inverted architecture. Various methods
ising approaches, where the introduction of a small amount of have been developed to modify ETM/perovskite interface in
2D perovskite into 3D perovskite demonstrated simultaneous normal structure, mainly including inorganic salts, plasma
effects of improving moisture stability and suppressing SRH treatment, insulating metal oxides, self-assembled monolayer,
nonradiative recombination via passivating the surface defect/ and electron acceptor materials (such as SnO2, fullerene, and
trap states of 3D perovskite. Grain orientation growth engi- its derivative). Among the proposed methods, SAM is one of
neering has been recognized as an important strategy to mini- the promising ways in tuning energy band alignment via regu-
mize the nonradiative recombination losses. This method is lating work functions due to chemical bonding between metal
related to carrier transport recombination. Vertical growth of oxides and modifiers or between modifiers and perovskite.
perovskite grains is also related to composition engineering Besides, as for interface defect passivation, fullerene and its
(like mixed 2D/3D or incorporation of MACl into FAPbI3 film), derivative have been testified to be promising. ZnO-based
additive engineering (like incorporation of NH4SCN into 2D), normal PSCs have achieved PCE exceeding 21% together with
and procedure optimization (hot casting). In order to further significantly improved stability through interface engineering,
explore more effective methods for oriented perovskite grains, which is indicative of importance of ETMs for the perovskite
understanding correlation between perovskite crystallization layer. Although great advancements have been made through
kinetics and other factors (composition, dimensionality and interface engineering, it is required to further deeply under-
crystallization condition) is required. In addition, in situ non- stand the effect of modifiers on microscopic electron coupling,
stoichiometric approach (excess PbI2 or MAI) is one of the band bending, built-in electric field, chemical interaction, and
effective methods for suppressing nonradiative recombina- defects. Use of insulating interlayer (like PS) is one of the ways
tion because GBs can be passivated by this method. However, to modify the perovskite/ETM interface in inverted PSCs, which
since the introduction of excess PbI2 was reported to lead to an enables the realization of suppression of interfacial recom-
intrinsic instability of the film under illumination and film deg- bination via tunneling electrons from perovskite to ETM but
radation even under inert atmosphere, it is important to inves- blocking holes into ETM. Studies on interface engineering for
tigate the basis for the instability in the presence of excess PbI2 perovskite/HTM interface select Lewis base organic small mol-
so that alternative effective passivation methods are to be devel- ecules or polymers, insulating buffer layer (Al2O3), perovskite
oped. Finally, post-treatment (CH3NH2 and NH4SCN treat- QDs, and 2D perovskite layer. Particularly, perovskite QDs and
ment) is a feasible method to reduce defects at GBs via decom- 2D materials provide rich possibility for looking for the optimal
position-to-recrystallization evolution of the perovskite films. modifier at the perovskite/HTM interface. Among them, the
Additive engineering was found to suppress nonradia- incorporation of the 2D perovskite layer at the perovskite/HTM
tive recombination through increasing grain size, passivating interface attracted considerable attentions. However, the devel-
defects and improving carrier transport and separation. Among opment of 2D perovskite materials is extremely limited, mainly

Adv. Mater. 2018, 1803019 1803019  (49 of 56) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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