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What do you usually do on your birthday?

Well, I would say it usually depends on who I celebrate my birthday

with. I mean, when it comes to friends, especially my squad, we
would usually throw parties or even paint the town red. And pull an
all-nighter, that's for sure.

But for my family, I would prefer something more intimate like a

close meal, a nice dinner at a restaurant where we can just sit, share
a moment and spend quality time together.

What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

Well, when I was a child, we used to go to these sort of, oh, I don't
know what you'd call them, specialist soft play centres. But later on
in my teenage years, it was usually just house parties. And that was

Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?

Well, I used to think so. But if it's a normal one, like my 18rd, then I
don't really go out at all, to be honest. There doesn't seem to be
much point.

Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate

in VietNam?

I think the birthdays of people who have made the greatest

contributions to our society and our nation are worth celebrating,
for example, the most accomplished statesmen, the veterans who
have defended the country, the doctors who have saved the lives of
people and the most distinguished scientists who have made
incredible scientific breakthroughs and so on.

Social Media
Do you like to use social media?

Yes, social networking websites have become part of my everyday

life. My favorite one is Facebook, one of the most popular websites
in the world, with millions of users in different countries. I use these
sites to keep in touch with others, stay updated on what is going on
in the world, and also for entertainment too.

To the best of my recollection, I first used Facebook when I was an

eighth-grader and the idea of creating an account on it was a literal
trend among teenagers at the time.

What’s the most popular social media in VietNam? Why?

Well, I have to say that among all those frequently used social media
platforms in viet nam such as Instagram or most recently, Tiktok, I
would simply choose to Facebook
It goes without saying that Facebook is one of the biggest and the
most widely used social media platforms, where millions of users
can create their own account, comment,share photos, you name it.

Do you think your friends use too much social media?

Well, I have to say yes. It is like an everyday occurrence for us. We

spend plenty of time on social media each day.

Do you want to work in social media? Why?

Well, I would say yes. I’ve been running my own social media
accounts for years on Facebook and Instagram, and I’ve got some
experience in this field. Among all types of jobs in social media, I’m
particularly interested in content creation and community

What’s the most popular social media in VietNam? Why?

Some years ago, I would say it’s Facebook. But this year, I guess
Tiktok ranks the top in terms of popularity and the number of active


Does your name have any particular meaning?

Let me see… Well I think it means “bright pearl” or “shining
pearl”? I guess my parents wanted me to become an intelligent and
successful girl so they gave me this name.

What’s the origin of your name? (or, your surname)

It’s pretty lame really… Dad wanted to call me “Vân” or “Chi” back
then but he couldn’t decide which one, then one cousin of mine
asked him whether I had a name and he just blurted out “My Tien ”.
My cousin then spread the news about my name to everyone, which
was something Dad didn’t expect at all, and well, I am stuck with
this name now.

Do you like your name?

At first no, because my friends often made fun of my name, like
with some puns. But then I gradually learnt to accept it, and now I
can’t imagine having a different name from this one.

What do your friends call you?

My friends back in secondary and high school tended to call me"

fairy" because of my nickname on social networks - well I love
fairies in fairy tales after all. University friends don’t really give me
any nicknames; they just call me “ Tiên ”.
Did your family have a certain (nick) name that they
called you when you were a child?
Hmm… well, no? They just called me “Tiên”. I think in some other
families, parents would give their children some kind of nick name
but that’s not the case in my family.

What names are popular to give to babies in your

I think people tend to choose some names like Linh or Trang for
girls – I don’t know the actual meanings of those names though. For
boys, the two most popular names, I think, are Son, which means the
mountain and Hieu, which means to show affection and respect
towards one’s parents.

Have you ever studied geography at school?
Well, all students in Vietnam have to study geography from Grade 4
to 12, and I am not an exception! Honestly, I didn't like that much,
simply because it involved quite a lot of theoretical subjects and you
know, all of us were supposed to study it all day long!!!
Do you like geography?

If we’re talking about a subject, I would say no. Though I’m

passionate about traveling the world, I’ve never been into
geography. I always feel that it’s just a subject I had to pass at

Are you good at reading a map?

Yes and no. I’d say that I’m quite good at reading a digital map
because I can easily zoom it out. With paper maps, however, I might
have difficulty interpreting them since my spatial thinking is not
very sharp.

Would you visit a country because of its geographical


Frankly speaking, I am a big fan of traveling, and geography can be

a thing that fuels my interest in this fantastic activity. Though I
really hate it, as I just said, I still love to see the pictures about
different tourist attractions around the globe in every single lesson.
They're awesome, ya know!

Travelling on public transport

1. What kind of public transportation do you usually take?

Without any doubt, I would say motorbikes. I’m pretty sure that
motorbikes are the most popular vehicles in my country. Therefore,
it is obvious that there are a large number of people who tend to
drive to work.. As I’ve read in a current newspaper, most adults
have their own motorbikes.
Moreover, I can easily catch sight of motorbikes whenever I go

2. Do most people prefer public transportation in your country?

Just like the diversity of its landscapes, Vietnam offers a variety of

ways to get around.

3. Did you take transportation when you were a kid?

I take buses to go to school at least twice a day as I haven’t got my

own vehicle yet. I also usually use buses to visit my relatives or
friends’ homes.

4. When do you usually take public transportation, in your

everyday life or when you are
Housework and Cooking

1.Do you do some cooking/help your family cook at home now?

Well, I’m not very experienced in cooking actually, but I do help my

mom with some cooking sometimes, you know, just acting as
assistant. All I need to do is some prep work, like, rinsing the
veggies, peeling the potatoes and slicing the carrots etc. I just love it
because mom knows the kitchen things inside out and I can learn a
lot from her.

2. Did you do some house cleaning when you were young?

Yeah, I remember I did some when I was a primary school student. I

helped my parents to do some general cleaning in the house on New
Year’s Eve. It’s a kind of tradition in Vietnam, including cleaning
the windows, removing the dust on the walls, and washing the
articles of daily use etc.

3. Do you have breakfast at home every day?

Yeah, in most cases, I finish my breakfast at home coz I have my

own eating habits. Honestly, the food served in the restaurants is
more less the same and most of it is stodgy, so I just prefer to cook
some breakfast at home, which is much healthier. And porridge and
chicken breasts are my favorite.

4. Do you want to learn how to cook well?

Yeah, I’m quite interested in cooking, but my skill is sort of
mediocre. I know nothing about the duration and degree of heating,
so if there are some kind of classes for me, that would be great.
Then, I can cook some tasty dishes for myself on weekends, and
exhibit this new skill to my friends

1. What technology do you often use, computers or mobile phones?

Well, my answer is both because I use both the computer and mobile
phone every day. My cellphone is obviously like a daily necessity
for me, and I use it for phone calls, messaging, browsing the
Internet, reading e-mail, and other small jobs. However, the mobile
phone is not convenient when it comes to word processing, so when
I’m at work where I have more complicated projects or work, the
computer is really helpful.

2. What electronic devices have you bought lately?

Well, I bought an Ipad last week and I just love it. I used to take my
laptop to class to take notes, but it was too heavy and sometimes
really inconvenient to carry all the time. Therefore, for me, the Ipad
is a perfect alternative as it’s much lighter and more portable.

3. What’s the benefit of technology?

Well, I think technology has brought tremendous benefit to our

lives. At the medical level, technology can help treat more sick
people and consequently save many lives and combat harmful
viruses and bacteria. For companies, progress in implementing
strategic technology trends is helping them save time and therefore,
money. Similarly, global tourism has grown
12. Neighbor
1. Do you think neighbors are important?
2. How can we get along with our neighbors?
3. Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's

What snacks did you eat when you were young?

I try and aim for the healthier ones like protein bars or low
sugar treats, but it's not always possible

 I think it would be easier to talk about the ones that we didn't have,
to be honest with you. The ones I remember the
most prominently are sort of the bar-like ones, but they were pretty
much available in any shape and form you'd care to mention

When do you usually eat snacks now?

Well, ideally, never after dinner, and if I'm going to have them it'll
be mid-morning or mid-afternoon. They're my peak hours usually.

Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?

Hair salon
1. Do you often go to the hair salon?
2. Would you like to have your hair dyed/colored?

1. What did you learn in the science class?
To be honest, the curriculum in public schools in Vietnam doesn’t
comprise the subject name Science class, instead we only learn
Physics, Chemistry
And those aren’t areas of my interest ( I’m passionate about those
 The only thing that lingers in my mind now is maybe the

2. Do you want to know more about science?

Well, as I said, I’m not a big of scientific knowledge, because I find
it too difficult to understand, you have to remember all the
equations, chemical periodic table, it’s all Greek to me
3. Do you watch the science tv program?
Not really, I find those programmes too sleepy/ drowsy, I would
rather watch English movies or TV shows instead

Do you think the city is noisy?

Since I'm living in a bustling city, it's almost impossible to escape

the noise. Sound from street vendors, honking horns, barking dogs
and construction sites fill the streets every day. I'd have to say that
the noisiest place in my area is the amusement park, as there is a
higher concentration of families with young children and teenagers,
especially on weekends

2. What makes the city noisy?

3. What types of noise do you come across in your daily

I would say that is a cacophony! It varies from the sound of other

families in my neighborhood, street vendors shouting out their
products, motorbike speeding by. But the sound that defines my city
most is the cry from street sellers. They pass from house to house
with a loudspeaker to advertise their goods, it makes sense that their
sound would fill the streets’

Daily Routine

What is your daily routine?

Well, as I have said in answer to the previous question, most of my

time is dedicated to studying and working. In the morning, I wake
up before 7am, do exercise and then have breakfast. My classes last
from 8am to llam. After having lunch at the university cafeteria, take
a quick napat home before starting teaching

2. Do you usually have the same routine everyday?

Yes, I do. From Monday to Friday, I will take university courses in

the morning and undertake teaching classes in the evening. Only at
the weekends can I spare time to hang out with my friends and
family members, which without doubt breathes new life into my
daily rigid routine

3. What part of your day do you like best?

To me, I love the morning the most. A beautiful morning, full of
sunlight and fresh air, is the best start for a day. It revitalizes my
energy by giving me the chance to take gentle exercise and enjoy a
brisk walk in the park. I am always in high spirits in the morning,
feeling ready for a brand new day

What’s the weather like where you live?

The weather in my country is very unpredictable/changeable. One

minute it can be lovely sunshine with clear blue skies then all of a
sudden, we'll experience torrential rain/downpour. Moreover, the
weather is quite severe because it's boiling hot in the summer and
freezing cold in the winter

Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

Does the weather affect your mood?

Most definitely. I feel so much more cheerful and full of energy

when it's sunny, even a break in the weather on an overcast day can
lift my spirits. But sometimes, cold and gloomy days put me in a bad
Which months have the best weather in your country?

I suppose it's a matter of personal taste. I like it around the end of

October and November when the weather is mild and we still get
lots of sunny spells. I'm not fond of either the heatwaves in summer
or cold spells in winter

Is the weather the same in all parts of your country?

There are some quite marked regional differences between the north
and the south. I live in the north where there are four seasons with
hot summers and cold winters. But the south just has wet and dry
seasons without any cold days

Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?

Yeah, of course. Traffic is often held up when it rains. All the roads
are clogged, and people find it difficult to escape from traffic
congestion. I would stay at home and watch TV rather than going
out and being trapped in traffic

1. Do you write a lot?
2. What do you like to write? Why?
3. Do you think the things you write would change?
4. Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?
1. Do you like handwriting?
- Not really, today I find myself typing on the lapop or texting on
my phone a lot because of its convenience => I rarely reach for a
pen and paper anymore.
- Having said that, I still need to jot down notes by hand on my
small notebook, because I have a habit of carrying a small notebook
by my side and I only write on it the important issues, like my goals
of this week or this month, I believe it reminds me to do what I need
to do and what I don’t.

2. Do you think handwriting is important?

- I believe it is of importance to a certain extent. In this day and age,
the modern technologies have largely ‘marginalized handwriting to
a great extent -> people don’t really write by hand as much as they
did in the past
- However recent studies have shown that handwriting exercises
really do wonders for children’s ‘cognitive development, so I think
it’s significant that we still need to teach kids how to handwrite.

3. Which do you prefer, handwriting or typing?

- Without a doubt, I would definitely long for/ lean towards/ gravitate
towards tying.
- First of all, Because of its speed, even you are slow at typing,
chances are that you'll get more done than writing by hand.

- On top of that/ Besides/ What is more, my handwriting is quite

illegible -> typing is my go-to option.
4. What’s the difference between handwriting and typing?
- Based on my observation, I think there’s quite a few differences
between both of them
- Handwriting is a skill that people learn at a young age. It’s relying
on one’s hand when writing or scribbling (viết ngoáy).
- Typing, on the other hand, is still using one’s hand but with the aid
of a computer to input text on a word processing software, and you
can delete mistakes without any trace of erasures.


1. Did you do puzzles in your childhood?

2. Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which is
more difficult for you?
3. When do you do puzzles, during your trip or when you feel
4. Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?

1. Did you do puzzles in your childhood?

Yes, of course. In fact, my dad bought me lots of puzzles when I
was young as he believed that these intellectual challenges could be
beneficial to my cognitive development. And thanks to this, my
memory, the ability for logical thinking and patience have been

since I was at a tender age. But now that I’ve grown up, I rarely do
puzzles due to the lack of free time.

2. Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which

is more difficult for you?
Since I’m not into working with numbers I would lean towards
word puzzles. I most enjoy playing the general knowledge games
requiring players to answer all questions to solve it
…because by answering these questions, I can broaden my
knowledge in many fields including culture, geography and history.
Interestingly, novel facts and knowledge acquired from these games
stick in my mind longer than those gained from boring lessons at

3. When do you do puzzles, during your trip or when you feel

I only do puzzles to kill time, but not while commuting. It is
because I have carsickness so if I read books, surf the internet or do
puzzles in cars, I will feel dizzy and vomit. And as I mentioned
before, the older I get, the less time I spend on these mentally
challenging games because of a heavy workload and schoolwork.

4. Doyou think it is good for old people to do puzzles?

Yes, I think it’s such an effective way to help old people spend time
in their twilight years. When people reach an old age, after
retirement, they often face loneliness and boredom which could
give rise to some mental diseases later on. Therefore, taking up a
new hobby such as doing puzzles could help them become busier
and bring them new joy in life. Besides, since it’s quite challenging
for the elderly to learn to use the latest smartphones or tablets, doing
crosswords or solving sudoku is simpler and easier.

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