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facts and figures of dairy in neapal

I'm sorry, I do not have any specific information on the facts and figures of dairy in Nepal as my
knowledge cut off is 2021, However, Nepal is a major producer of milk and dairy products, with
the dairy industry being a significant source of livelihood for many rural households. The
majority of dairy production in Nepal comes from small-scale, family-run farms. Milk
production in Nepal has been increasing in recent years, with total milk production in the country
estimated to be around 2.5 million metric tons in 2021. Additionally, Nepal is a major exporter
of dairy products, mainly to India, with the dairy industry being a significant contributor to the
country's economy.

how is dairy industry in nepal

The dairy industry in Nepal is a significant contributor to the country's economy, providing
livelihoods for many rural households. The majority of dairy production in Nepal comes from
small-scale, family-run farms, although there are also some larger commercial dairy operations
in the country. The main dairy animals in Nepal are cattle, buffaloes, and goats, with cattle and
buffaloes being the primary milk producers.

The government of Nepal has made efforts to promote the dairy industry in recent years,
including through policies and programs aimed at improving animal breeding and health,
increasing milk production, and promoting the development of value-added dairy products.
Additionally, a number of private sector companies are active in the Nepalese dairy industry,
including processors and distributors.

However, the dairy industry in Nepal also faces some challenges, including a lack of
infrastructure and technology, limited access to markets and finance, and a shortage of skilled
labor. Additionally, many small-scale dairy farmers lack the knowledge and resources to
improve their production and productivity.

Overall, the dairy industry in Nepal has the potential to continue to grow and contribute to the
country's economy, but it will require addressing the challenges and implementing policies and
programs that promote sustainable and inclusive development.

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