Strategic Marketing Assignment

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TAPMI School Of Business

Manipal University Jaipur

Project Work Assignment

Strategic Marketing

Group Members:-

Submitted to:- Dr Neha Singh Rathore

Q1. Suppose you are the Marketing manager of a banking firm. Your bank has opened its first branch
overseas. What factor do you think will affect the choice of marketing the most and why?

ANS:- The factors that will affect the choice of marketing in foreign or overseas market are as

Here first we need to do environment scanning and global environment scanning which
means to careful monitoring of an organisation’s internal and external environments for
detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence current and future
plans of marketing and the global environment refers to the macro environment which
comprises industries, markets, companies, clients and competitors and environmental
scanning helps the marketing managers to find out the important outside or external forces
of an organization.
And the analysis of the global environment of a company is called global environmental
analysis and we also use one instrument to analyse the company's external environment is
the PESTLE analysis PESTEL stands for political, economical, social ,technological,
environmental and legal factors.
➢ Political and legal factors:-
Political climate for a global firm is stable and friendly organizations may still profit
and succeed in traditionally unfavourable conditions. the most important idea is that
the government is stable and the set of rules or codes of behaviour that affect
business are predictable and adaptable. if the potential for the profit exists and is
permitted by government policies a global firm can still function. there are five main
political policies causes of instability that affect the international markets.
•Some forms of government seem to be inherently unstable.
•Changes in ruling political parties.
Extreme nationalism
•Any moist targeted towards specific countries.
• Trade disputes.

➢ Legal factors:-
It is important to know the rules you must play by. there are major bases for legal
systems which affects the banking system in foreign market.
• Common law & found in the UK ,US , Canada and other countries under
English influence.
• Civil or code law: found in Germany , France , Japan and non Islamic and non
Marxist countries.

➢ Economical factors:-
Economical factors deal with national or international economical developments and
have a direct influence on supplier and consumer markets. Examples of economical
factors that play a big role are: the GDP, the rate of inflation, interests, the change
rate, employment or the situation of money markets. These economical factors
influence demand, competition intensity, cost pressure and the will to invest. For
instance, if the gross domestic product of a country is fairly low, the demand is in
general lower than in countries with a higher GDP.

➢ Social factors:-
Social factors deal with social issues regarding the values, ideas, opinions and the
culture of market participants. Market participants can be employees, customers or
suppliers. Through their contact with the company, they influence it due to their
opinions. The company needs to follow the market participant's change of value and
adapt its strategies. Nowadays, a change of values concerning environmental
protection is on the move.

➢ Technological environmental factors:-

Technological environmental factors are meanwhile of a great importance, especially
for industrial companies, which underlie a fast technological change. The increasing
speed of technological changes, like in microelectronics or robotics indicate risks
chances for a company. Particularly producing companies are affected of that fast

➢ Environmental factors:-
At last, environmental factors are becoming more and more important nowadays.
They regard natural resources and the basis of human life. Among those, the
availability of raw materials and energy is the main topic. As the availability of fossil
fuels, like oil or coal, gets worse within the next decades, the dependency on those
fuels stays pretty risky. Moreover, to show an ecological responsibility, companies
should assess and reduce their ecological damage. Through rare raw materials and
increasing pollution, an environmentally friendly management gets spotlighted more
and more by the public interest. Consequently, eco-friendly products or technologies
can even signify a competitive advantage.

Demographic Factors:-
Demographic factors are the personal statistics that include such information as
gender, age, marital status, family size, occupation, educational level, linguistic
background, income level, ownerships or belongings, nationality, ethnicity, race,
religion and location.
Demography is the study of population and its characteristics. Marketers are always
interested in population related growth indices because eventual market growth
rate in the long run depends largely on the growth of population. Population mix. If a
majority of the population is vibrant and in the work force, then they contribute
towards the country’s growth and have higher power of consumption, but as the
population ages, their demand for products and services gets restricted. Country
market –it is based on ethnicity and language based classification in India. Though a
market can be characterised by a geographical boundary to be called as a ‘country
market’, like Indian market, in reality it is the sum total of some sub-markets
identified more closely with the ethnicity and language based divisions in India. A
consumer durable company has to offer a festive discount program throughout the
year in different parts of the country.

Factors that Affect Global Pricing Decisions:-

The role of pricing in international business cannot be over-emphasised. MNCs that market
their products internationally must decide what prices to charge in the different markets
(countries) in which they operate. and global marketers must understand the factors that
affect the pricing decisions they make and To get pricing right, global marketers must
understand the critical global marketplace variables that affect global pricing decisions.
Some of these variables include: cost; price elasticity of demand; competition; nature of
product or industry; exchange rate fluctuations, distribution system; location of production
facility; location and environment of the foreign market; and government regulations in
foreign markets.

Factors that Influence the Channel Structures and Strategies Available to

Global Marketers:-
All the banking products require competent distribution and distribution channels are
systems that link manufacturers to consumers Distribution channel decisions can result in
the success or failure of the products of MNCs. to distribution channel decisions are as
important as the decisions MNCs make about the prices and features of products. asserted
that one of the crucial elements in global expansion is the distribution channel strategy.
Thus, it is essential for global marketers and their MNCs to carefully consider those factors
that influence distribution channel structures and strategies. Some of those factors to be
taken into account include: characteristics of distribution system; product characteristics;
market or consumer characteristics; competitive climate; company factors; and the foreign
market’s government regulations and local customs.

Q2. Comment on how Reliance Jio crafted its sustainable competitive advantage?
Ans:- Reliance Jio crafted its sustainable competitive advantages by developing following
strategies and business model:-
1. Low Cost provider strategy:- Providing low cost services to the customers as
compared to their competitors like Airtel ,Vi and BSNL. This helps jio in acquiring
huge subscribers base and also attracts new subscribers because of low cost of the
product as compared to its competitor’s.

2. Freemium Model Strategy:-

Reliance Jio used the Freemium model of subscription to attract customers. It provided
the customers with free internet service for 3 months after which it charged a minimal
cost to retain the customers. Because of this disruptive move, it forced its competitors
to change the way their business is conducted.
3. Differentiation:-
Jio came to the market with 4G spectrum alone. At that time, the Indian market was
still dominated by 2G and 3G networks. There was no 4G ecosystem, yet Jio took a
leap of faith and differentiated itself from the incumbents right from the start. This is
a great Reliance Jio Marketing Strategy which ultimately differentiated it from the
others. Jio knew that in order to lure people into buying new 4G phones, it has to
bring out new 4G smartphones and sell them at an extremely affordable price.

4. Promotion strategies:-
At a time when it comes to making constructive brand awareness, Reliance Jio has
taken on a little bit of a hostile marketing strategy on radio, television, magazines,
newspapers, and various social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook.
This marketing is also used by film industry celebrities, it helps them in doing acting
in advertisements and joining their brand to work with them.

5. Best Cost provider strategy:-

Jio has adapted the best pricing strategy in the market. Jio modifies its pricing
strategies every now and then to provide its customers with the best prices in the
market. It provides its customers with the cheapest possible prices for its products
and services in the market. This helps them to provide the best offers for their

And Reliance Jio also crafted its sustainable competitive advantages by developing
effective and efficient business strategy . The business strategy of Reliance Jio is one
of the biggest reasons for its success. The use of the AARRR strategy to penetrate the
market adds huge growth to the company. This strategy includes 5 key components
to help a business acquire and retain customers creatively and cost-effectively.

➢ Acquisition:-
After the commercial rollout of Jio in September 2016, Jio offered free services to its
customers for 3 months. This plan worked as the trump card for Jio to acquire the
customers. Within one month, Jio was able to acquire 16 million subscribers.
➢ Activation :-
The users were provided with the best experience, which was never provided by any
telecom service provider. The unlimited high-speed, 4G data with unlimited calling
was unimaginable to the customers.

➢ Retention:-
Jio didn’t stop here. On the occasion of the new year in 2017, they extended the
free services to the users for another 3 months. Jio became the first-ever telecom
company to provide 6 months of free service to customers. In just two and a half
years into the business, Jio gained more than 300 million active subscribers. It took
more than 19 years for its competitor, Bharti Airtel to reach such a number. Such
was the power of Jio.

➢ Referral:- The customers became its preacher. Jio got more and more business
through positive customer reviews and user experience. This added as a boon to its
tremendous growth.

➢ Revenue:- Slashing the prices to 1/10th the existing cost, Jio got ahead with revenue,
which was the major factor in getting such a leap in the market.

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