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LS Office Student Activities


Financial Services
Semestral Budget Subsidy for Seminars Emergency Fund End of Semester (EOS) Procedures End of School Year (EOY) Procedures
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

FinancialServices for Student Organizations

FAVR May 7, 2011

Semestral Budget Proposals

Given the DCB system, all student groups should submit their budget proposals to OSA.
Helps organizations to plan and forecast their expenses for the semester.

Semestral Budget Proposals

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Semestral Budget Proposals

Two Budget Proposal Systems:

1. COA Organizations (49) 2. General Budget Proposal for Sanggunian, COA Central Board and Confederation of Publications
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

BPS for 49 Organizations:

Submit two (2) Budget Proposals:

Budget Proposal System for the 49 Organizations

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Operational Budget Budget for Projects

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Operational Budget
Every semester, all 49 organizations receive up to Php 15,000 for their operational expenses.

Operational Budget
Administrative/operational expenses of running the organization Load Allowances, Newspaper Subscriptions, Office Supplies, food for Meetings, OT Charges etc.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Operational Budget
Filling out Operational Budget Proposal
Sample: Finance Kit Dowload the template:
Operational Budget Proposal

Operational Budget
Operational Budget Proposal
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Budget Proposal for Projects

Allocation for scheduled organization projects and events for the semester Generally dependent on the available amount on the orgs DCB account
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Budget Proposal for Projects

Helps you forecast how much money you need to raise for a certain project
Sample: Finance Kit Dowload the template:
Budget Proposal for Projects

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Budget Proposal for Projects

Project Budget Proposal

Type of Proposal Content

Operational Budget
Admin/Operational Expenses Student Activities Fund (SAF) Php 15,000

Budget Proposal for Projects

Events and Project Expenses Organizations DCB Account Dependent on available amount on orgs DCB Account

Source Amount per Semester 1st Semester Deadline

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

JUNE 15, 2011 (Wednesday) Until 4:00 PM only

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

General Budget Proposal

for Sanggu, COA CB and COP

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

General Budget Proposal

for Sanggu, COA CB and COP

General Budget Proposal

for Sanggu, COA CB and COP

The Sanggunian and its units, the COA CB, and the COP are to submit general budget proposals For proposed operational and project related expenses
Combined operational and project budget

Sample: Finance Kit Download the Template

General Budget Proposal Format for Sanggu, COA CB & COP
Deadline: June 15, 2011 until 4:00pm only
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

General Budget Proposal

General Budget Proposal Template

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Subsidy for Seminars and Trainings OSA provides subsidies for activities such as:
formation seminars, planning & evaluation seminars, retreats/recollections, and leadership training seminars.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Subsidy for
Seminars and Trainings
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Subsidy for Seminars and Trainings

Subsidy for Seminars and Trainings


OSA may provide a maximum of Php 31,500.00 subsidy per semester. Php 350 x 30 pax x 3 whole days = Php 31,500.00
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

1. The project must be approved by the OSA Formator. 2. Write request letter to the OSA Director and have it endorsed by the OSA Formator assigned to the student group. This is signified through his/her note and signature on the document.

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Subsidy for Seminars and Trainings

REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBSIDY REQUEST: 3. Indicate the following in the letter: - Name and purpose of the activity - date, itinerary, and venue - number and name of participants* - adult supervisor - breakdown of expenses

Subsidy for Seminars and Trainings

NOTES: Subject to the assessment of the OSA Formator assigned (Project Proposal) and approval of the OSA Director (Subsidy Request Letter)

*OSA only subsidizes official members of the organizations and moderators

4. Upon approval of the request, the org may get the subsidy either through the Direct Payment thru check or through reimbursement.

OSA has the right to turn-down a subsidy request or to determine the amount to be given.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Emergency Fund
(Revolving Fund)
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Emergency (Revolving) Fund

This is to be used primarily for emergency purposes (related to both operational and project expenses of the organization). Categories:
Php 1,000.00 and below Above Php 1,000.00
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Emergency (Revolving) Fund

For amounts below P1,000.00: 1. Transact with the OSA Office Assistant. Upon approval, the Office Assistant will release the amount in cash. The amount will be released to the President or Finance Officer only. The borrowed amount is to be returned to OSA through the Office Assistant within 2 days.
1. 2. Replenishment is done through the Petty Cash Voucher (PCV) system. Go back to OSA and fill-out Petty Cash Voucher form and attach the receipts that total to the amount borrowed.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities


Emergency (Revolving) Fund

For amounts below P1,000.00: 3. 4. The PCVs are then signed by the OSA Director Claim the signed PCV, go to the cashier to have the amount reimbursed. Cash will be released to you. Go back to OSA and return the amount , in cash, to the Office Assistant.

Emergency (Revovling) Fund

For amounts above P1,000.00: 1. Submit to the OSA Director a letter of request for borrowing from the revolving fund an amount larger than P1,000. Upon approval, the Office Assistant will release the amount in cash. The amount will be released to the President or Finance Officer only.



Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Emergency (Revolving) Fund

For amounts above P1,000.00: 3. Accomplish PCVs in amounts of P1,000 or less. ORs should be in amounts of P1,000 or less. Follow enumerated steps mentioned earlier.


Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements (SRD)

Shows the sources and uses of the accredited student groups and organizations funds.

End of Semester
Financial Reports
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Details the cash receipts and cash disbursements per project as well as the fund balance of the group at the end of each semester. Serves as the documentation the student group/organizations financial status.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements (SRD)

Process: 1. Get the organizations ledger from OSA to serve as reference in accomplishing the SRD. This will be provided 5 days before the set SRD deadline. 2. Submit SRD and ledger to OSA 3. The Central Accounting Office will check and review the report to ensure the availability of funds of the accredited student group or organization
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements (SRD) To be submitted at the end of each semester To be accomplished by the Finance Officer

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements (SRD) Sample: Finance Kit Download the Template:
Statement of Receipts and Disbursements

Sample SRD Form

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

EOY Financial Reports Turnover of Funds

End of Year
Financial Reports
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

At the end of the year, each student group and organization should submit a letter to OSA containing the remaining balance of their funds to be given to the next set of officers.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

EOY Financial Reports Turnover of Funds

Serves as documentation for the final turn-over of the organizations remaining funds This is to happen within March. Signatories include both the outgoing and incoming President and Finance Officer and the moderator.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

EOY Financial Reports Turnover of Funds Template Available Online:

Turnover of Funds

Sample Letter

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Updating of the DCB Form

This document is to be submitted with the SRD and Turnover of Funds at the end of the second semester.

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

It is included (together with the SRD and TOF) as a requirement in the seniors clearance by the Office of Student Activities.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Updating of the DCB Form

At the start of each school year, all accredited organizations and student groups should submit the accomplished DCB form to update the signatories of the groups DCB Account. Signatories should be the incoming President and Finance Officer. DCB transactions will only be processed if signed by both signatories.
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Updating of the DCB Form

Sample: Finance Kit Download the template:

DCB Form

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Submit to OSA the following: 1. 1st Semester Operational Semestral Budget Proposal 2. 1st Semester Project Semestral Budget Proposal

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities


JUNE 15, 2011 (Wednesday) Until 4:00 PM only

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Submit to OSA the following: 3. 2nd Semester Operational Semestral Budget Proposal 4. 2nd Semester Project Semestral Budget Proposal

5. 1st Sem. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements

DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 (WED) Until 4:00 PM Only

6. 2nd Sem. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, Turn-over of Funds, DCB Form Update of Signatories
DEADLINE: MARCH 2, 2012 (WED) Until 4:00 PM Only
Failure to submit these accomplished forms will result in delays in financial transactions as well as deductions in Professionalism for Accredited Organizations
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

DEADLINE: November 9, 2011 (Wednesday) Until 4:00 PM only

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Finance Kit
Sample Forms List of Accredited Suppliers Summary Guide for Finance Officers

For Questions and Concerns:

Ate Tina, Accounting Staff
Business Hours: 10:00am -12:00nn, Mondays to Fridays at the OSA Office 426-6001 local 4141
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

For Questions and Concerns:

Ate Julie
426-6001 local 5050 426-0795 OSA HOTLINE: 0920-9389144
Ateneo de Manila University LS Office of Student Activities

LS Office Student Activities


Financial Services7, 2011 FAVR May


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