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Origin: Greek

Meaning Picture

Write or draw


Word Word Parts Definition

autograph auto+graph a signature

photograph photo+graph a picture
paragraph para+graph a section of writing
biograph bio+graph a written account of
(life+write) someone’s life
telegraph tele+graph to send a message from
(far+write) far distance
geography geo+graphy the study of the
(earth+write) earth’s features
polygraph poly+graphy a device that can
(many+write) record many variations
study of and/or the writing of
hagiography hagio(s)+graphy the lives of saints; that is, it is
(saint+write) both writing the biography of a
saint and the subsequent study
of its contents.
Origin: Greek

Meaning Picture

Write or draw


Word Word Parts Definition

quotation or inspiring line
epigraph epi+graph heading a chapter or entire book
(on top of +write) that sets forth an overarching
theme or is related to the book
or chapter in some way.
The choreography of a work of
choreograph choreo+graph dance is either the art of
(chorós, a dance, band arranging the steps or the actual
of dancers and singers dance composition itself.
The topography of an area is
topography topo+graph how the land lies, that is, if it is
(tópos place, flat, rolling, mountainous, etc.
commonplace +write)
Orthography is the art of
orthograph ortho+graph correct spelling.
A demographic study describes
demography demo+graph the characteristics of part of a
(demos:the population that is usually used
for purposes of marketing.
calli+graphy Calligraphy is the art of
calligraphy beautiful handwriting using
(kallos: beauty +write)
special pens or brushes.
a list of writings with time and place of
bibliography biblio+graphy publication (such as the writings of a
single author or the works referred to
(book+write) in preparing a document etc.)
Origin: Greek

Meaning Picture

Write or draw

WordWord PartsDefinitionautobiography
(autos:self+life +write)a biography of yourselfgraphite
(write)Form of carbon found in pencils, used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear
reactorsGraphiteis a form of carbon that is most commonly found in pencils,
although because it is a good conductor of electricity, it's also used in
electrodes and batteries. Graphite can in fact be found in a wide variety
of things, from a car's brake pads to industrial lubricants. The
word graphite comes from the German Graphit, which was named by a
mineralogist in 1789 from the Greek word graphein, "write."graph
(write)represent by means of a graphgraphic
graphikos "of or for writing, belonging to drawing, picturesquewritten or
drawn or engravedcinematography
(kìnema: movement +  gràphein:to write) the act of making a
(map+to write or draw)the making of maps and charts
Ingredient Memlet: demographic

 dem → people
 -o- → connective
 graph → write
 -ic → characterized by, like
A demographic is a “characterization of the people” that is “written”
about them.

Ingredient Memlet: orthography

 ortho- → straight, right, true, correct

 graph → write
 -y → activity
Orthography is the “activity of writing correctly.”

Graphic Writing
There is much to say about the Greek root graph which means ‘to
write,’ so let this ‘written’ discourse begin!

One of the most common uses of this root is in the suffix -graphy.

Geography is simply ‘writing’ about the physical characteristics of
the Earth. A biography is ‘writing’ about someone’s life, whereas an
autobiography is ‘writing’ about your own life. And a bibliography is a
‘written’ lists of books you’ve used when writing a paper.

Many people ‘write’ in different ways. For instance, a calligrapher is

one who ‘writes’ with beautiful hand-‘writing.’ A choreographer, on
the other hand, ‘writes’ dance steps. A cinematographer ‘writes’
scenes in a film by using a camera. ‘Writing’ with film is not unusual
at all—consider the photographer, who expresses herself by ‘writing’
with light on film!
Life was made much easier by transmitting messages via the
telegraph, which ‘wrote’ at a distance. What do you do
with graph paper, on which lines have already been ‘written’? You, of
course, draw a graph, or ‘written’ diagram! Paragraphs are, of course,
‘written;’ paragraphs are so called, however, because they are
‘written’ alongside each other.

When you ask someone for her autograph, you want her signature
‘written’ by herself. Graphic artists might be particularly good at
that, since they deal with ‘written,’ vivid images on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, some people have a habit of ‘writing’ graffiti where
they shouldn’t!

Enough ‘writing’ for the day, lest I run out of graphite in my e-pencil!

1. geography: Earth ‘writing’

2. biography: ‘writing’ of someone’s life
3. bibliography: ‘writing’ about books used
4. calligraphy: beautiful ‘writing’
5. choreography: the ‘writing’ of dance steps
6. cinematography: the ‘writing’ of film scenes
7. photography: the ‘writing’ of pictures using light
8. telegraph: ‘writing’ from afar
9. autograph: self ‘written’
10. graffiti: ‘writing’ on walls
Origin: Latin

Meaning Picture

Write or draw


Word Word Parts Definition

proscribe pro+scrib(e) When someone proscribes an activity,
(forward/before+write) they prohibit it by establishing a rule
against it.
To forbid an action or practice officially
transcribe trans+scrib+e  to make a ‘written’ copy.
(across/ To transcribe a document is to “write it
through+write+used for across” to another sheet of paper.
spelling and
circumscribe circum+scribe If one’s powers or rights
(around+write) are circumscribed, they are limited or
describe de+scribe When you describe something, you say
(prefix:off/from+write) what it is like or explain it.

ascribe attribute or credit to

capable of being described
defying expression or description
indescribable In-prefix-not
write down quickly without much attention to detail
offer to buy, as of stocks and shares/ someone who
Subscribe/r expresses strong approval
score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in
scribe metalworking
issue commands or orders for


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