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SAMPLE PAPER - 1 Class 09 - Science ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1 This question paper consists of 39 questions in sections. 2. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provide in some questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions. ). Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each, . Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 30 to 50 words Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these questions should in the range of 50 to 80 words. 3. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words. Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts. Section A, Match the following with the correct response:- (A) Sugar (2) Compound (8) Mercury (3) Mixture (C) Salt solution (4) Liguid element (D) Gold 2) -B,2-D,3-A, 46 OFC, 2B,3D,44 2 ‘The most abundant material on the plant cell wall i: 4) proteins » lipids ©) wax 4 cellulose 3. Area under a v -t graph represents a physical quantity which has the unit ms ae om Om 4. Animal husbandry is the scientific management of 1. animal breeding 4i, culture of animals snimal livestock 'v. rearing of animals a) Gi), (il) and (ivy ) (), Gi) and Civ) ©), ii) and (iv) (9, i) and (it) Survival of plants in teresrial environment has been made possible by the presence of 2) conducting tissue >) apical meristem 9 parenchymatos tissue 4) intercalary meristem ‘The structure which forms a barrier between the protoplasm of the cell and its external environment in an animal cell is: «) plasma membrane ) cell coat ©) cell wall mucilage Calculate the formula unit mass of ZnClz? (nearest approximation) aiiu 1230 ory osu ‘To prepare a mount of human cheek cell, the sample is collected from: a) outer side of cheek with a blade inner side of cheek with a toothpick ©) inner side of cheek with a blade 4) outer side of cheek with a toothpick [An object weights 10 N in air, When immersed fully in water, it weighs only 8 N, The weight of the liquid displaced by the object will be a) 12N ban o2N a 10N ‘Which ofthe following isthe position-time graph for a body at rest? 7 Tie Time 11. A sample of CaCO, contains 3.01 x 102 ions of Ca" and COs *. ‘The mass ofthe sample is: a) 200g b) 50g 100g O58 12, The cells enclosing the stoma are called__ cells @) cambial b) guard ©) subsidiary ) epidermal 13, Viruses do not show any characteristic of living until they enter a living cell, because ofthe absence of a) membrane ) mitochondria 6) nucleic acid 4) proteins 14, Which ofthe following caret represents 360 g of water? 3.2 moles of #0 b. 20 moles of water , 6.022 x 1073 molecules of water d. 1.2044 1025 molecules of water a@) »)@ana (a) ©) @)and (e) 4) @)and @ 15. What happens on adding dilute HCL to a mixture of iron filling and sulphur powder? a. HyS is formed 'b. A colourless and odourless gas is formed. A greenish solution appears. 4. Fes is formed, a) (@), (b) and (€) are correct ) (b) and (c) are correct ©) Alll of these d) (@) and (b) are correct Milk does not provide 2) Iron 1) Carbohydrates, protein and fas 6) Vitamin A and D 4) Minerals ike phosphorus and calcium Assertion (A): The bus travels 250 km from Delhi to Jaipur towards the West and then comes back to the starting point, Total displacement is zero. Reason (R): The average velocity of the bus for the whole journey (both ways) is 0 kilometers per hour 4) Both A and Rare te and Ris the comect_b) Both A and Rare true but Ris not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. ©) A is true but R is false. 4) Ais false but Ris true. Assertion (A): The term vapour is used to represent the gaseous state of a substance that is otherwise liquid at [1], room temperature, Reason (RR): Its proper to regard the gaseous state of ammonia as vapours. a) Both A and Rare tue and Risthe comect —_b) Both A and R are tue but R is not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. ©) Ais true but Ris false, @) Ais false but Ris tue, Assertion (A): Epidermal cells on the aerial parts ofthe plant often secrete a waxy, water-resistant layer on their {1} ‘outer surface. Reason (R): This aids in protection against loss of water, mechanical injury, and invasion by parasitic fungi. a) Both A and Rare true and R isthe comect. _) Both A and R are true but Ris not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. ©) A strue but R Is false. @) Ais false but Ris true. Assertion (A): Electrons moving in the same orbit will lose or gain energy. Reason (R): On jumping from higher to lower energy level, the electron will gain energy. a) Both A and Rare true and Ris the comect —_b) Both A and R are true but R is not the explanation of A. correct explanation of A. ©) Ais true but R is false. ) As false but Ris true. Section B A ball Is dropped from a height of 10 m. Ifthe energy of the ball reduces by 40 per cent after striking the ground, [2] hhow high can the ball bounce back? (g = 10 ms") oR Give reason : Ice bergs floating in the sea are dangerous for the ship. How will you demonstrate that air contains water vapours? Rl A wave is moving in the alr witha velocity of 340 my. Calculate the wavelength if ts frequency is 512 Hz, [2]. ‘What are the characteristics of the particles of matter. Bl An object of mass 1 kg travelling ina straight line with a velocity of 10 ms collides with and sticks to a B stationary wooden block of mass 5 kg, Then they both move off together in the same straight line, Calculate the ‘otal momentum just before the impact and just after the impact. Also, calculate the velocity of the combined. object. OR Which of the following has more inertia: aa rubber ball and a stone of the same size? b.abicycle and a train? a fivesrupee coin and a one-rupee coin? ‘The relative atomic mass of copper is 63.5u. It exists as two isotopes which are $}Cu-and $§Cw. Calculate the [21 percentage of each present in if Section © ‘Two children are at opposite ends of an aluminium rod. One strikes the endl of the rod with a stone. Find the ratio [3] ‘of times taken by the sound wave in air and in aluminium to reach the second child, In the following table, the mass numbers and the atomic numbers of certain elements are given. BI At no. i, Selecta pair of isobars from the above table. Ji. What would be the valency of element C listed in the above table? lil. Which two sub-atomic particles are equal in number in a neutral atom? State which of the following situations are possible and give an example for each of these. (a) An object moving with a constant acceleration but with zero velocity (b) An object moving in a certain direction with an acceleration inthe perpendicular direction. OR A stone is thrown in a vertically upward direction with a velocity of S ms“. If the acceleration of the stone during its ‘motion is 10 ms"in the downward direction, what will be the height attained by the stone and how much time will it take to reach there? An automobile engine propels 1,000 kg car along a levelled road at speed of 36 km hr, Find the powerit [31 the opposing frictional force is 100 N. Now, suppose after traveling a distance of 200 m, this car collides with another stationary car B of same mass and comes to rest. Let its engine also stop atthe same time. Now, ear B starts moving on the same level road without getting its engine stared. Find the speed ofthe car B just after the collision. “The motion of a body of mass 5 kg is shown inthe velocity-time graph. $20 Velocity (in avs) o 012345678 Tene (ins) —> Find from the graph i. The acceleration. i. The force acting on the body il, The change in momentum of the body in 2 after the start. Differentiate between RER and SER OR Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis. What sits importance? Identify the tissue given inthe following figure. ‘Mention the characteristic features ofthe cells i. Specify the function ofthis tissue. iv. Name any one part ofthe plan, where these cells are present. Section D [A stone is allowed to fall from the top of a tower 100 m high and atthe same time another stone is projected [5] ‘vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25 ms“, Calculate when and where the two stones will meet. oR Define acceleration due to gravity. Derive an expression for acceleration due to gravity in terms of mass ofthe earth (M) and universal gravitational constant (G). ‘What are cell organelles? Write the names of different cell organelles. OR i. Describe the role played by the lysosomes. Why are they termed as suicidal bags? How do they perform their function? 4i, What happens to the dry raisins, when placed in plain water for some time? State the reason for whatever is observed. What would happen if these raisins are then placed in concentrated salt solution? Classify each ofthe following as a physical ora chemical change. Give reasons. i. Drying ofa shirt inthe sun, ii, Rising of hot air over a radiator. iil, Burning of kerosene in a lantern. iv. Change in the colour of black tea on adding lemon juice to it. -. Churing of milk cream to get butter. Section E Read the text carefully and answer the questions: Permanent tissues are of two types that is Simple permanent tssues and Complex permanent tissues. Simple permanent tissues subdivided as follows: i. Parenchyma: Tissues provide support to plants. They are loosely packed and has large intracellular space. Parenchyma with chlorophyll which performs photosynthesis is called chlorenchyma. Ji, Collenchyma: Tissue are thickened at the comers, have very little intercellular space. I allows easy bending, ‘of various parts of a pant without breaking, ‘Sclerenchyma: Cells ofthis tissue are dead and commonly seen in the husk of a coconut. {In which of the simple plant tissue, deposition of lignin is found? Also describe lignin. ‘Why is cork impervious to gases and water? oR Which type of tissue is present inthe cortex of the root and veins of the leaves? Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘The practice of keeping or rearing, caring, and management of honey bee on a lange scale for obtaining honey ‘and wax is called apiculture, The place where bees are raised is called an apiary. Bee-Keeping requires low investment and generates additional income, hence it is done by farmers along with agriculture. Following are the Honey bee varieties that are used for bee-keeping as follows: mien ec = [Apis cerana indica (Indian bee) [Apis metifera (atin bee) aps docks) As ee) [ais ans Son Acne) (Why bee keeping should be done in good pasturage? (i) Does honey bee help in pollination? Which type of flowers attracts the honey bee? (il) Mention the products obtained from the honey bee. oR ‘What is the best season to start bechive? Read the text carefully and answer the questions: When a solution of silver nitrate is added to a solution of sodium chloride, the silver ions combine with the chloride ions to form a precipitate of silver chloride. Thus, Sodium chloride (NaCI) reaets with silver nitrate (AgNOg) to produce silver chloride (AgCl) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3). ‘What mass of silver nitrate will react with 5.85 g of sodium chloride to produce 14,35 g of silver chloride and 8.5 g of sodium nitrate? Caleulate the numberof oxygen atoms present in 1 gram of ealeium carbonate. Calculate the mass of 0.5 mole of nitrogen gas. oR Calculate the number of molecules in 50 g of NaCl [Atomic mass of Ca = 40 u, C = 12 u, O= 16 u, N= 14u, Na=23u, C= 3 5.5u and Na= 6.022 x 10% mot!) (0) 1D, 2.8,3-6, 4B Explanation: i, Solid Element - Gold occurs in solid state Ji, Compounds - Sugar(Cane sugar - CigHz20,1)is made of two or more elements (C, H and ©) which are chemically ‘combined in a fixed proportion by mass. Jil, Mixture ~ Salt solution consists of wo or more compounds (Sodium ehlorideand Water)which are not chemically combined. |v, Liqutd element - Mercury isan element which Isa liquid at room temperature (@) cellulose Explanation: Cellulose is an important structural component ofthe primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae, and the oomycetes. Some species of bacteria secrete it to form biofilms. Thus, cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on earth, fom Explanation: The area under the velacity-cime graph gives the distance (magnitude of displacement) which has the unit: mete () ©.) and (wv) Explanation: Animal husbandry is scientific management of animal breeding, animals livestock, and rearing of animals. (@) conducting tissue Explanation: The conccting tissues in plants conduct different saps and have differen structures. The primary conducting tissues of plants are xylem and phloem, Xylem conducts water from roots tothe other parts ofthe plant, whereas phloem transports food and other material from the leaves to other parts of plants. (@) plasma membrane Explanation: The cell membrane (also known as the plasma membrane) Isa biological membrane that separates the Interior of all cells from the outside environment (the extracellular space), It consist ofa lipid bilayer with embedded proteins. @ 1370 ‘Explanation: Formula unit mass of ZnCl, is (66 +35. x 2= 1374) “The atomic mass of Zn is 66 and the atomic mass of Clis 35.5, (b) Inner se of cheek with a toothpick Explanation: While preparing 2 mount of human cheek cell, he sample is collected from the Innerside ofthe cheek using a toothpick, which will ellect some cheek cells 2Nn ‘Explanation: Weighs of alr = 10 N ‘When immersed fully in water = 8 “The weight displaced = 10N ~ 8 of [OS Tine Explanation: The above graph shows an object witch is not moving Le. it is at rest “The straight horizonal lie parallel. the time axis shows hat the distance covered by the body remains constant withthe change in time, 0508, Explanation: The mass of one mole of CaCOg is equal to 100 g 6022 > 10°9 ions are equivalent to one mole, Therefore, ‘mass of 3,01 % 10 ons will be equivalent to (222) g oF 50g, (b) guard Explanation: Each stoma is bounded by a pair of spectalized epidermal cells or two kidney-shaped cells called guard cell “The concave sides ofthese guard cells face each other and have a space forming the stomatal opening. A stoma is composed of ‘wo guard cell that regulate the opening and closing of the stoma, (@) membrane Explanation: Viruses are only crystalline genetic materials inthe form of RNA and DNA. They lack any membrane. After ‘Betting incorporated inthe host DNA they become functional otherwise remain inactive. (@) (and () Explanation: (b) and (d) correctly represent 360g of water. ‘We know that, (b) 1 mole of water = molar mass of water = 18, ‘Thus, 20 moles of water = 18g 20 = 360g (@) 1 mole of water= 6.022 < 102° molecules of water = 18g of water ALLA 369 “Thus, 1.2044 x 10% molecules of water = ©) (and ©) are comect Explanation: Fes) + 2HCI(aq) = FeChiag) + Hale) ‘Sulfur will noe reat with HCL and it wil not conduc electricity. FeCl a Pale blue-green, And Hy Isa colourless and odouress gas So, Statement B and Care the correct statements @)tro0 Explanation: Inclading milk in your daily diet enables you to increase your intake of ealium, which you need for your bones and teh. While milk contains a ace amount of on, I doesnot contain enough orto be your ony source of this pusent in your die, (©) Bots A and R are ue but Ris not the correct explanation ofA. Explanation: In his case, th bus travels 250 km from Delhi o Jaipur towards the West and then comes back to starting pont Deli inthe reverse direction. So, the total displacement. (A istruebut Ris fae Explanation: It is not proper to regard ammonia in a gaseous state as vapour because amen isnot guid at room temperature. (@) Both A and Rar ue and Rs the comet explanation of A. Explanation: Epidermal cells onthe ata parts of the plant often secrete a waxy, water-resistant layer on thelr outer surface. ‘This alsin protection agaist oss of wate, mechanical injury and invasion by paras ung). Snce it has a protective role to play, cellso epidermal dss form a continuous layer without iterellr spaces. (@) Ais false but Ris eve Explanation: Electrons moving in the same obit wll not lose or gain energy. On jumping from higher to lower energy level the elecnon wil lose energy. 21 Let, the mass ofa ball = “The energy possessed by a ball at height (t energy is reduced by 40%, then the remaining energy = 100m) - 40m)= 60 ms ‘Lech be the height atained by a ball aftr bouncing back, Now, Remaining energy = mgh’ ‘Therefore, 60m =m x 10x Worh’= 6m. Its found that an iceberg floats in sea water with 90% of its volume below water and 10% of its volume above sea water. lee bergs are extremely dangerous for shipping as under wate ice can hit the ship and sink it. 2. Thoroughly dry a glass beaker and take some erushed ice init, fer sometime, droples of water appear on the outer surface of lass ts because of water vapours present in alr, which get condensed when they come in cantact withthe glas surface where the temperature fs very low. 23, Frequency = 512 Hz, speed ofthe sound = 340 ms since v= Au A=v/u= 340/512 =0.66m 24. The important characteristics ofthe particles of matter areas 1. Every mater is made up of particles 2. The particles constituting a matter are very small in size. 3. The particles have empty of vacant spaces in them known as interparticular spaces. 4, Paticles are not stationary and are in a state of motion. 5, Auactive forces are present in the particles of a substance. These are called interparticular forces 6, The motion of particles increases with the rise In temperature due to Increased kinetic energy. 25. For object m, ‘Momentum just before collision = muy + mii, =1x104+5%0 = 10 kg mst ‘Mass after collision = (m+ m3) =1+5=6kg Let velodty afer collision ‘Momentum afte collision = 6 v Using the law of conservation of momentum ‘Momentum after collision = Momentum before collision oR ‘As we know mass of body isthe measure ofits inertia, that is more the mass of a body, more is its inertia, So, 4. Stone has mote Inertia than a rubber ball ofthe same size, ’. Train has more inertia than a bicycle, and 6. five-rupee, coin has more inertia than a one-rupee coi, Let the percentage of $}Cu isotope = x "The percentage of $C isotope = 100 x From the above daa, the relative atomic mass of Cu= Sit 4. SORE 2) ‘But the given relative atomic mas of Gu = 63.5u See, sora 63+ 6500 — 651 = 6350 2x = 6350 - 6500 =-150 or2x= 150 x= 75 {Percentage of Cu Isotope = 759% Percentage of Cu isotope = 100 63.50 27. Since speed of sound in air= 344 mis and speed of sound in aluminium = 6420 mis ‘we know that v= distance/time therefore time = div time taken by sound wave In alrtime taken by sound wave in aluminium aL, = i) sn the sound will ake 18.66 times more time through air than in aluminium in eeaching other boy. 4. D and E have the same mass number but diferent atomic numbers. Hence, they area par of isobars li, Electronic configuration of C is 2(K), 5(L). Hence, its valency is theee because it gains dhrve electrons to attain a stable ‘eleewonic configuration, UL For a neutral atom, Number of electrons = Number of protons ‘Thus, electrons and protons are equal in numbers in a neutral atom. 3. (a)An object with a constant acceleration can sll have the 2ero velocity. For example an object which is at rest on the surface of earth will have zero velocity but still being acted upon by the gravitational force of earth with an acceleration of 9.81 ms towards the centr of earth, Hence when an abject starts falling freely can have contant acceleration but with zevo velocity. (o)When an athlete moves witha velocity of constant magnitude along the circular path, the only change in his velocity is du ro the change in the direction of motion, Here, the mation of the athlete moving along a circular pat is, cherfore, an example ofan accelerated mocion where acceleration is always perpendicular to direction of motion ofan abjecta a given instance. Hence, ts possible when an object moves in a circular path, oR 10 ms? {¥=0(since at maximum heights velocity will be zero) yeu+at=5+(10) xt Saeco x 0544 x (10) x 05? 25m 1000 hg. v= 36 v= 10 mis Frictional force = 100 N Since, the car A moves witha uniform sped, i means that the engine of car applies afore ual to the frictonal force. Ho date Power = Fy = 100N x 10.18 = 1000 Ww after collision, maa? Mpg = MAD, + Mp 1000 x 10 1000 x 0 1000 x 0+ 1000 % up yp = 10 ms" 1. Acceleration = Slope of the line ofthe veloity-time graph, 1. The force acting on the body is given by a=5% 25=125N luk Change in momentum = mv -mu [w= @ and v = § mis} 5x5-5x0 =25 kgs uN. [SER RER Ribosomes are absent, Ribosomes occur over the surface of RER. Synthesis i specialised to synthesize lipids and steroids. _ [Synthesis is specialised to synthesize proteins The products pass into lumen of E.R. for transport to other rn prods donot pss nto humen, e J places. Less stable More stable Found in Epithelial cells, Intestinal cells, Sarcoplasmc Reticulum Found In Pancreatlc Exocrine cells OR [osmosis DIFFUSION] involves the movement of solvent molecules ILinvolves the movement of solute molecules concentration of solute Molecules move from a lower concentration of solute to a higher ‘Molecules move from higher concentration of ute toa Lower concentration of solute occurs only across a semi-permeable membrane 1 does not require semi-permeable membrane example: Shrinking of Potato slice when kept in concentrated | sucrose solution Example: Spreading of ink when a drop of itis putin a glass of water [fmporiance — lffusion and osmosis are Important for the Wansport of substances across the cell membrane, |. The tissue given inthe figure is collenchyma. 1. The cells of collenchyma are living, elongated, thickened atthe comers and have ver lite intercellular space. lil Itprovides mechanical suppor and flexibility to the plant Iv, Ttis present in leat stalks, below the epldermis Section D Acceleration due to gravy (= 10 ms"? Initial velocity (4) = 0 Distance (8) = 100-x xsd e = 100-x=5e..(1) For the sone moving vertically ypwa: Initial velocity (u) = 25 ms" Time ()=? Acceleration due to gravity (g) {in upward direction gis ve] x225 t+ e108) => x= 25t- 51? 2) Substituting the val of x fom (2) in (1) we get 100 - (25¢- St?) = St? 100 - 251+ 5? = st? 2s 100 tas Pt the value oft in (1) + 100-x= 544)? = 100-x=80 x=20m the stones ill meet at a height of 20 m from ground, ater 4s. or ‘Acceleration due to gravity: The acceleration produced inthe motion of body falling under the force of gravity is called acceleration due to gravity. Its denoted by“. Its expressed in units m Expression for acceleration due to gravity: The force (F) of gravitational aaction on a body of mass i de vo earth of mass MC and radius R is given by, F = G2E..(1) ‘Where, G's universal gravitational constant According to Newton's secon law of motion: Force isthe product of mass and acceleration. F=ma Butte acceleration due to gravity Is represented by the symbol g. ‘Therefore, we can write; P= mg (2) From equation (1) and (2), we get ng = GE or g= St ‘When the body is at distance from centre of the earth then g = S38 emay be noted that, value of gis independent of mass of object. 5, Cell organelles are the itracellular structures present in the cytoplasm. Various cell organelles are — 1. Mitochondtion~ It praduces energy 2 Endoplasmic reticular ~ sybesie lipids and proteins 3. Gol apparatus - Storage, packaging and dspatch varios substances 4. Lysosomes ~ Digest intracellular substances 5. Ribosomes Synthesie proteins 6. Vacuoles ~ Provide rurgiity and sore house of various organic substances on |ysosomes are membrane-bound sacs filled wit digestive enzymes. These enzymes are made bythe ough endoplasmic retical. ‘Lysosomes ae a kind of waste disposal system ofthe cell. During the disturbance in cellular metabolism, ¢ when call gets damaged, lysosomes present in the cell may burst and the enzymes digest the damaged cell. Hence, lysosomes ane called as “suledal bags ofa cel. + Lysosomes break up the foreign materials entering into the cel, sch as bacteria o food into small pieces. i. The dry raisins, when placed in plain water for some time wil swell up due to endosmoss. If these raisins are again placed in ‘ concentrated st solution, they will shrink, due to exosmosi. 36, {.1tisa physical change because moistre inthe shirt is converted from its qu tate to gaseous state because of the heat ofthe sun, 1 Teisa physical change because water inthe radiator is converted from a liquid state to gaseous state. IIL Tes a chemical change because combustion of kerosene occurs and new products are formed, Iv, It isa chemical change because there isa reaction between citric acid present in lemon and the compounds ofthe tea resulting in the formation of new products +. Its a physical change because the cream suspended in milks separated by churning (centrifugation). Section E 37-Read the text carefully and answer the questions Permanent tssues are of two types that is Simple permanent Ussues and Complex permanent tissues. ‘Simple permanent tissues subdivided as follows: |. Parenchyma: ‘Issues provide support to plants. They are loosely packed and has large intracellular space, Parenchymna with ‘chlorophy which performs photosynthesis is called chlorenchyma. 1, Collenchyma: Tissue are thickened atthe comers, have vey litle intercellular space. I allows easy bending of various pars ‘of a plant without breaking UL Scerenchyma: Cells ofthis ussue are dead and commonly seen inthe husk of a coconut. (i) Sclerenchyma, Lignin is a chemical substance present inthe cell wal of plant that ats as cement and hardens i. (Gi) Due o presence of a chemical substance called suberin. oR ‘The parenchyma tssue Is present in te cortex of roots and sclerenchyma tssue Is present in the veins of the leaves. 38. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: The practice of keeping or rearing, caring, and management of honey bee ona large scale for obtaining honey and wax is called apiculture. The place where bees are ralsed is called an apary. Bee-keeping requires low Investment and generates additional Income, hence it done by farmers along with agticulture, Following are the Honey bee varieties that ate used for bee-keeping as follows Indigenous varieties Exotic varieties Apis cerana indica (Indian bee) Apis mellifera (Italian bee) ‘Apis dorsata (Rock bee), Apis lorae (Lite bee) Apis adamsoni (South African bee) () Bees need quality nectar to produce honey. A good pasturage consists of plenty of flowers that can be used by bees to ‘et quality nectar. This increase the quality as well asthe quantity ofthe bees. If bees are confined to only a single variety of flowers for nectar honey quality will have a similar taste and consistency. Most farmers make honey obtained from single nectar. (1D Yes, honey bee helps in pollination. The bright-coloured flowers attract the honey bee. (ijBesides honey, other products of bee-keeping are bee wax, bee venom, propolis, and royal ely. oR ‘Spring season i best co start a beehive. 39. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ‘When a solution of silver nitrate is added to a solution of sodium chloride, the silver ions combine with the chloride tons to form a precipitate of silver chloride. Thus, Sodium chloride (NaCl) reacts with silver nitrate (AgNOs) to produce silver chloride (ACI) and sodium nitrate (NaNO:), (0 Stverntrate + Soum chloride > Silver chloride + Sodium nitrate Let mass of silver nitrate be x grams. Total mass of reactants = Total mass of products X+5.85= 14.35 +85 x + 5.05 = 22.05 x= 2285-585 x= 17g ‘Therefore, silver nitrate is 17 g. (i) The molecular weight of calcium carbonate is 100 g per mole. 1g of caleium carbonate corresponds to 0.01 mele. 1 mole of calcium carbonate contains three oxygen atoms, ‘Thus, 0.01 mole of calcium carbonate will contain 0.03 moles of oxygen atoms which is equal to 0.03 > 6.02 > 10% 1.8 < 10? oxygen atoms, (iyoass of L mole of Np gas = 2 x 14 = 28 g Mass of 0.5 mole of Np gas =28 x 05 = 14g ~ $8.5 goof NaCl contains 6.022 x 10° molecules "50 got Nol wil comans BERL 595.147 102 moles

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