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Subject: Science

Grade: 6
EARTH AND SPACE - Fourth Quarter/Fourth Grading Period
This is your portfolio for the fourth grading period which covers the topic earth and
General instructions:
1. Make a front page containing your name, grade level, subject and the quarter
that it covers.
2. Complete all the requirements for each level of the activity.
3. Refer from the rubrics attached.

Content Learning Competency Performance Task

1. Forces that affect describe the changes on The pupils are going to
changes on the earth’s the Earth’s surface as a complete the chart by
surface result of earthquakes and filling out what is asked.
volcanic eruption

2. Weather Patterns in the describe the different The pupils are going to
Philippines seasons in the Philippines; collect pictures of different
livelihood activities for
2.1 Weather patterns and each two seasons in the
Seasons in the Philippines (3 pictures for
Philippines. dry season and 3 pictures
for wet season). Then,
describe 8-10 sentences
why these livelihood
activities are suitable for
that season.

3. Motions of the Earth demonstrate rotation and The pupils are going to
revolution of the Earth have an experiment called
3.1 Rotation and using a globe to explain "The Spinning Earth".
revolution day and night and the Afterwards, answer the
sequence of seasons; guide questions to be

4. The Solar System compare the planets of the Illustrate the model of the
solar system; solar system then name
4.1 Planets the planets correctly.
Afterwards, answer the
guide questions to be

Level 1: Fill the chart!

Here are the mechanics for the LEVEL 1 activity:
1. Prepare three columns on a short bond paper.
2. Draw the different types of earthquakes on the first column.
3. On the second column, identify the type of earthquake that you have drawn
on the first column.
4. On the third column, give a brief description for each type of earthquakes. The
description must compose of at least 3-5 sentences.
Level 2: Collect and Describe me!
Here are the mechanics for the LEVEL 2 activity.
1. Search and collect pictures of the different livelihood activities according to
the seasons in the country.
2. Paste the pictures in a collage creatively.
3. Give one paragraph explanation for each season in the Philippines basing
from the activity you have done.
Level 3: "The Spinning Earth"!
Materials needed: globe/ball and flashlight
Here are the directions for the LEVEL 2 activity.
1. Find a dark room.
2. Ask the help of your parents or adult companion at home to turn on a
flashlight and point it directly towards the globe or ball.
3. Slowly turn the globe, ball or any round objects in a counterclockwise (West to
East) movement.
a. Caution: Do not play with the flashlight. Do not point the light directly to
the eye of your companion.
4. Answer the questions that follow.
Guide Questions:
1. What do the following objects represent in the illustration?
2. Which part of the globe or ball would receive light?
3. Would all parts of the globe or ball receive light at the same time from the
flashlight? Why?
4. What would happen to the part of the Earth which receive light?
5. What would happen to the part of the Earth not receiving light?

Level 4: Create a model!

Here are the mechanics for the LEVEL 4 activity.
1. You will be grouped into three. Each group is composed of seven members.
2. Illustrate the model of the solar system in a ¼ illustration cardboard. Do it
3. Label the planets.
4. Answer individually the questions that follows.
Answer the following analysis questions:
1. What are the inner planets?
2. Which are the outer planets?
3. Which planet is closest to the sun?
4. What is the largest planet?
5. Which group of planets are large?

Rubrics for the solar system model.

Criteria Weight Descriptors

4 3 2 1
Excellent Very good Good Poor

Model x3 Model Model Model Model did

included a included the included the not include
creative sun in an sun but did the sun.
representation accurate not represent
of the sun in relationship accurate
an accurate to the position in
relationship to planets. relation to the
the planets. planets.

Label x2 Names of the Names of the Names of the The model

planets were planets were planets were did not
all complete complete and not complete include
and accurate. mostly and names of the
accurate. inaccurate. planets.

Teamwork x1 Pupils were Pupils were Pupils were Pupils were

involved and involved and involved and not involved
engaged with engaged engaged and engaged
their team and most of the some of the majority of
get along with time with their time with their the time with
their peers. team and get team and get their team
along with along with and did not
their peers. their peers. get along
with their

Timeliness x1 Model was Model was Model was Model was

turned in on turned in on turned in late. turned in late
time and time. and
complete. incomplete.

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