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Miturca Damian Tiana Maria


Unit 1
Active vocabulary: pose a threat, launch an attack, serious injuries, divert traffic, major threat,
brutal attack, heavy traffic, ignore warnings, nasty surprise, earned a reputation, worried sick,
full explanation, negative attitudes, make a fresh start, wide range, highly trained, spotlessly
clean, seize the opportunity, enhance the quality
Passive vocabulary: heed warnings, ideally suited

Unit 2
Active vocabulary: restore confidence, assume control, admit to hospital, raise the alarm,
spreading rumours, denying responsibility, clouded judgement, enforce discipline, laughed
aloud, talk openly, start afresh, speak highly, travelling extensively, heart pounds, war broke out,
Passive vocabulary: resort to violence, expend a lot more energy, slept soundly, buckled legs,
earthquake strikes

Unit 3
Active vocabulary: heavy snow, regular occurrence, complete beginners, lasting damage,
torrential rain, gentle persuasion, natural beauty, close links, favourable impression, enviable
position, budding romance, full extent, prior knowledge, detailed description, broad daylight,
conclusive proof, strong possibility
Passive vocabulary: brisk walk, deliberate attempt, anecdotal evidence, malicious gossip

Unit 4
Active vocabulary: pleasantly surprised, freshly baked, grow accustomed, lie awake, dimly lit,
fall asleep, densely populated, freely available, run short, safe and sound, calm and collected,
neat and tidy, bitter and twisted, prim and proper, catalogue of errors, torrent of abuse
Passive vocabulary: hive of activity, bundle of nerves, chorus of approval, blaze of publicity

Unit 5
Active vocabulary: promising start, remarkable achievement, bright future, able student, high
opinion, glowing reference, prime example, huge success, solid performance, made a
favourable impression, horrific injuries, poor quality, painful memories, rough time, glaring error,
lame excuse, foul mood
Passive vocabulary: shoddy treatment

Unit 6
Active vocabulary: landed a job, achieved ambition, acquired a reputation, earned respect,
meet deadline, produce results, accomplish a task, fulfilled dream, win support, secure victory,
capture interest, gain access, obtain permission, score success
Passive vocabulary: clinched a deal, reap the benefits
Unit 7
Active vocabulary: key figure, top priority, major problem, vital importance, serious
consideration, prime example, burning issue, leading experts, momentous decision, decisive
factor, central role, essential ingredients, prominent role, notable achievement
Passive vocabulary: pressing need, chief reason, overriding concern, paramount importance

Unit 8
Active vocabulary: strike up a conversation, shops and cafes springing up, violence erupted,
bring in a law, launch a career, adopt a (new) approach, triggered protests, war breaking out,
prompted speculation, generate interest, set off alarm, introduce legislation, set up company,
implement plan
Passive vocabulary: embark on a project, dawn breaking

Unit 14
Active vocabulary: mutual friends, wide circle of friends, old acquaintance, casual
acquaintance, blood relative, distant relative, close-knit family, dysfunctional family, stable family,
immediate family, romance blossomed, love at first sight, messy divorce, holiday romance,
quickie divorce, fall in love
Passive vocabulary: whirlwind romance

Unit 15
Active vocabulary: painfully shy, have way with words, sense of humour, likes (own) company,
good company, easily bored, speak your mind, give the impression, strong personality, outgoing
personality, burning ambition, risk taker, eye for detail
Passive vocabulary: supremely confident, shy and retiring, ruthless streak

Unit 19
Active vocabulary: drop the subject, sensitive subject, strike up a conversation, snatches of
conversation, brief chat, cosy chat, piece of gossip, juicy gossip, exchanged greetings, go into
detail, make small talk, lengthy discussion, dropping hints, paid a compliment, conversational
Passive vocabulary: broach the subject, lull in the conversation, apologise profusely

Unit 24
Active vocabulary: weighted on my conscience, high regard, courage failed (sb), heavy heart,
intense dislike, blissfully happy, profound admiration, contain anger, bear a grudge, derive
pleasure, come as a shock, throwing a tantrum
Passive vocabulary: heart leaped, thrilled to bits, scared stiff, dash (sb’s) hopes, hurl abuse,
tempers fray

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