Ijn Yt

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Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) have their official Youtube channel namely ‘IJN Official ‘. They post
numerous of beneficial videos regarding the diseases, the cure and also advices which is for public

Figure : The official IJN Youtube channel

7 Functional Blocks


1. Identity

IJN use their youtube channel to post videos regarding diseases. Sharing knowledges and
information regarding these diseases . The informational videos are usually presented by the
experts like the doctor himself. All the video posted on youtube are related to the
organization. IJN youtube channel have 356 subscribers and 57,886 views. The highest view
on a video is 14,320 views. IJN join youtube in May 23, 2010.

Figure : The official youtube channel of IJN

Figure : IJN have 356 subscribers

2. conversation

Youtube is not mainly for personal messaging. It is a media to share videos as well as an
entertainment for the community. The only place for user to communicate to the channel
admin is via the comment sections. Since there are very little number subscribers, there are
lacks of comments as well. From our point of view, IJN does not use Youtube as their main
platform to communicate with the user but only to share some useful knowledge.

Figure : one of the video posted with comments

3. Sharing

IJN does not not use Youtube to share their activities. The only posted videos on youtube basically
just to share knowledge and share tips. Mainly they use other social media to share and update their
recent activities.

Figure : videos posted on Youtube


IJN Youtube channel is for everyone who interest. It open for public. As we observed, only the
subscriber will be notified when a new video is uploaded by the channel. But IJN rarely post video
which means their Youtube channel is not really active for them to make their presence to the user.
People must subscribe in order to get notified.

Figure : user need to press the subscribe button to get notified


The only relationship between IJN and the community through the Youtube is only from the
comments and view of the videos posted. By knowing then number of view and comment, we can
assume that there are users who have relation with IJN through Youtube. Even though there are
only 356 subsribers, but views are more than that.

with only 356 subscribers and 14,000 for highest view on a single video, we conclude that the
Youtube channel is not as active as their other social media. They rarely post video. They should
share more videos on Youtube not only for teaching purpose but some entertainment or to promote
and make user aware of IJN youtube channel existence.


For group, IJN youtube channel does not subscribe to other channel. The user as well does not
comment much on their videos. This means that there are no discussion made by the channel with
their subscriber. We observed that the admin also ignoring the comments made by the users.

Figure : IJN doesn’t feature other channels

4.0 Advantages and disadvantages


Social network is medium to spread the information, share useful tips as well as for entertainment.
Social media are great medium to do so. There are many type of social media and We observe that
IJN use few of the social media . for example, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well as
the Official website of IJN.

Having the social media as a platform to share information or to conduct business is important. IJN
share information through these social media. They gain followers from time to time. Using social
media , IJN able to promote their services. Making the people to aware of its’ existence. People are
more into social media. The organization will be able to promote them. They also share knowledge
and tips, advices as well beneficial information though Youtube.

IJN have its own official website which is actively used as the main platform to conduct their daily
business. Many information provided in the website. It is also user friendly. They also provide the
ways for user to contact them. They provides sufficient information about them in the website.


IJN use Youtube mainly to share knowledge and not to communicate with the user. Which mean that
their relationship with the user is not really there for Youtube. Youtube only allow the channel to
upload videos and the viewer can only watch and leave a comment.

IJN also have other social media but only twitter is the most active one. IJN barely use other social
media to update their content or activities. They have many followers in Facebook but the admin is
not really active posting in Facebook. IJN also rarely communicate through Facebook which make the
user to not actively have discussion with the IJN team on Facebook.


As a conclusion, social media is a great platform to promote and to share information with the
community. IJN is an organization where it contribute a lot to save other people’s life. Their services
are very important for the people in need to know and realize about it. Not only that people must
know the location of the institute around this country as well as how to contact them. With the help
of social media, IJN has able to spread information about them as well as their services which are
very helpful to those who have no information about them.

IJN also have done great job by utilising Youtube as a medium to share the knowledge and conduct
teaching process that educate people on the diseases and how to avoid or cure them. Some people
might not be able to go to the institute building or asking the doctor directly. People are busy and
they may have no time to visit the institute. With social media such as Facebook and Youtube, they
are able to learn these knowledge at home and anywhere without going to the Institute. In the
future , we hope that IJN will be able to improve their services as well as the use of their social
media which is not satisfy enough. We also hope that IJN will become a very huge Institute to the
extend where people are all aware of it and they actively chelp people online or through the social
7 functional blocks


1.1 Identity

IJN has the official website as their main platform to spread the information and upload
their recent activities. People can visit their website and anything they need is there. The
website is namely www.ijn.com .Information are sufficient there. The website provides
information on the services, as well as the doctor. The logo itself the IJN logo so that the
user will easily identify the website. In addition the website is user friendly as well. This
shows that the website is the main media they use as a platform to reach people in the
country. Clearly that this website is open for public access and they receive many vistors as

Figure : IJN Website Homepage

1.2 Conversation

IJN website provides hotline for the user to contact them. User can ask questions or make
appointment with the doctors. They also provide their email address to the user. User also
send email to IJN for any inquiries.
Figure : IJN hotline and Email

There are also call centre for those who wants to make appointment .The website also provide some
information regarding their representatives from other countries. For example , Vietnam, Myanmar
and Indonesia.

Figure : The important numbers

1.3 Sharing

This website share the information about certain disease and the health tips through the video.
The video is accessible and open to public.
1.4 Presence

Based on the latest update on the website, the event calendar shows that users know about the
presence of this website. It shows the image of the event that has been happened and the date of
the upcoming event by Institut Jantung Negara (IJN)

1.5 Relationship

Institut Jantung Negara had relationship with :

1.6 Reputation

Based on the other social media, this websites is predicted to have many visitors.

1.7 Group

Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) provided a program named fellowship program. It’s for the trainees,
to aid them with their transition into training, help them connect with other trainees and the
community and receive career planning assistance.

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