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Product Brief Symantec® Data Loss Prevention

Drive Total Protection of your Sensitive Data

Stop Data Loss with the Highest Level of Protection

Keeping information safe and compliant has never been easy. But today,
enterprises face new and unexpected security problems. As more
The Highest Level of companies unplug their on-premises systems and move to cloud-based
Data Protection services, company data becomes more vulnerable to accidental exposure
by inexperienced cloud users and configuration errors. Cloud security is
• The broadest data protection for
communication channels: cloud,
not the only concern for enterprises: targeted cyber-attacks have become
email, web, endpoints, and storage. all too common as cybercriminals develop effective new methods that
circumvent traditional security measures and exploit users to steal valuable
• Fewer false positives with data from companies.
comprehensive detection
technologies. The Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution delivers the highest
level of protection needed to prevent data breaches and safeguard your
A Single Pane of Glass company’s reputation. With our industry-leading technology, you get
• A single console for policy comprehensive discovery, monitoring, and protection capabilities that give
management, incident response, you total visibility and control over your confidential data.
reporting, and administration. • Discover where data lives across every channel: cloud, email, web,
• One set of policies and workflow for endpoints, and storage
all communication channels: cloud, • Monitor how data is being used on and off the corporate network
email, web, endpoints, and storage.
• Protect data from being exposed or stolen in real-time
A Wide Range of
• Part of Symantec Enterprise Cloud
that supports a data-centric, WEB
hybrid-enabled SASE vision. DESKTOP
• Fully integrated with Microsoft
Information Protection for data WEB APPS IM
classification, encryption, and rights
management. VIRTUA L
Data IPv6





Symantec Data Loss Prevention

Product Brief

Symantec Data Loss Prevention Solutions






A Simple Way to Get the Coverage • Symantec DLP Endpoint Discover scans local hard
drives and gives you deep visibility into sensitive files
You Need that users are storing on their laptops and desktops.
Symantec DLP is available in two solution sets: DLP It provides a wide range of responses including
Core and DLP Cloud. Together they provide world- local and remote file quarantining, policy-based
class information security protection across endpoints, encryption, and digital rights management enabled
network, cloud, and storage. DLP Core includes by the DLP Endpoint FlexResponse API.
protection for endpoints, network, and storage
• Symantec DLP Endpoint Prevent monitors users’
locations while offering Sensitive Image Recognition
activities and gives you fine-grained control over a
and Information Centric Analytics (User Entity Behavior
wide range of applications, devices, and platforms.
Analytics). DLP Cloud allows DLP policies to be
It provides a wide range of responses including
extended to cloud environments by providing full CASB
identity-based encryption and digital rights for files
controls alongside DLP cloud connectors for Web and
transferred to USB. With Endpoint Prevent, you can
Email Gateways.
alert users to incidents using on-screen popups or
email notifications. Users can also override policies
Keep Data Safe While in Use on by providing a business justification or canceling the
Endpoints action (in the case of a false positive).

As employees become more mobile through the use

of laptops, company data becomes more vulnerable to Endpoint Availability
data leaks and thefts—both on and off the corporate
Browsers Chrome | Safari | Firefox | IE and Edge
network. The Symantec DLP for Endpoint solution
Cloud Apps Box | Dropbox | Google Drive |
(provided with DLP Core) provides all the protection Microsoft OneDrive
needed to keep sensitive data safe and protected on
Email Apps Outlook | Lotus Notes
endpoints. It provides complete discovery, monitoring,
Network Protocols HTTP | HTTPS | FTP
and protection capabilities for data in use across a
broad range of channels: email, cloud apps, network Removable Storage MSC devices | MTP devices
protocols, external storage, and virtual desktops and Virtual Desktops Citrix | Microsoft Hyper-V | VMware
servers. With Symantec DLP, a single lightweight Others Print | Fax | Network Share | Clipboard
endpoint agent enables two modules: DLP Endpoint
Discover and DLP Endpoint Prevent.

Symantec Data Loss Prevention

Product Brief

Protect Data in Motion Over the Repository Availability

Network File Servers Windows via CIFS and DFS | Unix via NFS |
Local Windows | Local Unix (Linux, AIX and
The widespread adoption of collaboration tools and Solaris) | NAS Filers
cloud apps, coupled with risky employee behavior that Distributed Machines Laptops | Desktops
companies may not even be aware of, increases the Document and Email SharePoint | LiveLink | Documentum |
risk of data exposure over business communications. Repositories Lotus Notes | Microsoft Exchange | PST
The Symantec DLP for Network solution (provided Web Content and Corporate Web Sites | Intranet | Extranet |
with DLP Core) monitors and prevents sensitive data Applications Custom Applications
from being leaked over a wide range of communication Databases Oracle | Microsoft | IBM DB2
protocols across your network.

DLP Network Monitor captures and analyzes outbound First, Symantec DLP Network Discover finds
traffic on your corporate network, and detects sensitive confidential data by scanning network file shares,
content and metadata over standard, non-standard, databases, and other enterprise data repositories. This
and proprietary protocols. It is deployed at network includes local file systems on Windows, Linux, AIX,
egress points and integrates with your network tap and Solaris servers; Lotus Notes and SQL databases;
or Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN). Network Monitor and Microsoft Exchange and SharePoint servers. DLP
performs deep content inspection of all network Network Discover recognizes more than 330 different
communications with zero packet loss, unlike other file types—including custom file types—based on
solutions that sample packets during peak loads and the binary signature of the file. It also provides high-
put you at high risk for false negatives. speed scanning for large, distributed environments
and it optimizes performance by scanning only new or
DLP Network Prevent for Email protects sensitive
modified files.
messages from being leaked or stolen by employees,
contractors, and partners. It monitors and analyzes Next, Symantec DLP Network Protect adds robust file
all corporate email traffic, and optionally modifies, protection capabilities on top of Network Discover.
redirects, or blocks messages based on sensitive Network Protect automatically cleans up and secures
content or other message attributes. Network Prevent all of the exposed files Network Discover detects,
for Email is deployed at network egress points and and it offers a broad range of remediation options,
integrates with mail transfer agents (MTAs) and cloud- including quarantining or moving files, copying files to
based email including Microsoft Office 365 Exchange. a quarantine area, or applying policy identity-based
Network Prevent for Email is available as software or a encryption and digital rights to specific files. Network
virtual appliance. Protect even educates business users about policy
violations by leaving a marker text file in the file’s
DLP Network Prevent for Web protects sensitive data
original location to explain why it was quarantined.
from being leaked to the web. It monitors and analyzes
all corporate web traffic and optionally removes Symantec DLP also includes a FlexResponse
sensitive HTML content or blocks requests. Network API Platform that allows you to build custom file
Prevent for Web is deployed at network egress remediation actions. FlexResponse provides easy
points and integrates with your HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP turnkey integration with other Symantec and third-
proxy server using ICAP. Network Prevent for Web is party file security solutions—including Symantec File
available as software, a hardware appliance, or a virtual Share Encryption and Adobe LiveCycle.

Protect Data in the Cloud

Protect Data at Rest Across Storage
Security concerns persist as companies continue to
Repositories migrate legacy IT applications to public cloud services
Digital data is growing significantly, largely due to where it’s difficult to get the same level of visibility
internally generated documents, yet few companies and control of sensitive data as on their own private
are focused on governing and protecting it. With servers. With Symantec DLP Cloud, you can extend
Symantec DLP for Storage (included in DLP Core), powerful data protection controls to the cloud with the
you can discover and secure sensitive data at rest—the convenience of cloud-delivered DLP. It provides rich
data stored on file servers, endpoints, cloud storage, discovery, monitoring, and protection capabilities for a
network file shares, databases, SharePoint, and other wide range of cloud applications as well as on-premises
data repositories. applications.

Symantec Data Loss Prevention

Product Brief

Protect Data in the Cloud (cont.) • Take advantage of more than 70 pre-built policy
templates and a convenient policy builder to get your
Symantec DLP Cloud Detection Service inspects system up and running quickly.
content extracted from cloud apps and web traffic
and automatically enforces sensitive data policies. • Leverage robust workflow and remediation
It offers enhanced cloud-to-cloud integration with capabilities to streamline and automate incident
Symantec CloudSOC, our industry leading cloud access response processes for high-traffic environments.
security broker solution, to protect data in motion and • Apply business intelligence to your risk reduction
data at rest across more than 100 in sanctioned and efforts with a sophisticated analytics tool—Symantec
unsanctioned cloud apps such as Office 365, G-Suite, IT Analytics for DLP—which provides advanced
Box, Dropbox, and Salesforce. The integration enables reporting and ad-hoc analysis capabilities.
extension to existing policies and robust detection to
cloud applications—managing all incidents from the Get Unmatched Visibility into
DLP console. Controls include un-share sensitive files,
quarantine, block them from leaving the application,
Confidential Data
and also apply identity-based encryption and digital At the core of any DLP solution is content-aware
rights automatically to specific files shared with third detection. Content-aware detection techniques make
parties. Symantec DLP Cloud Detection also offers it possible to find sensitive data stored in virtually
enhanced integration with Symantec Web Security any location and file format. Symantec DLP offers
Service to monitor web traffic—even when it’s the most comprehensive detection with advanced
encrypted—and protect roaming and mobile users. machine learning, image recognition, fingerprinting, and
describing technologies that accurately classify data
Symantec DLP Cloud includes support for email, so you don’t have to worry about false positives and
allowing accurate, real-time monitoring of corporate impacting business users.
email traffic by leveraging built-in intelligence and
advanced detection capabilities that minimize false
positives. It also provides real-time protection against Described Exact Indexed
Content Data Document Image
data leaks with automated messaging blocking, Matching Matching Matching

or message modification to enforce downstream Described Data Structured Data Unstructured Data Unstructured Text Images

encryption or quarantining. When data is shared with

third parties it can automatically enable identity-based
encryption and digital rights for email bodies and
attachments. The DLP Cloud Service for Email supports Non-idexable Account Numbers, Financial Reports, Source Code, Scanned or
Data Credit Cards, Marketing Plans Product Electronically Filled
Gmail for Work, Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Online, Government IDs Forms, Images

as well as Microsoft Exchange Server. It is available

standalone or can be bundled with the superior email
threat protection capabilities of the Symantec Email • Described Content Matching detects content by service. looking for matches on specific keywords, regular
expressions or patterns, and file properties. Symantec
DLP provides more than 130 Data Identifiers out-
Manage from a Single Pane of Glass of-the-box, which are pre-defined algorithms that
As your data spreads across a wider range of devices combine pattern matching with built-in intelligence to
and storage environments, the ability to consistently prevent false positives.
define and enforce policies becomes even more critical. • Exact Data Matching detects data by fingerprinting
Symantec DLP gives you a unified management or indexing structured data sources such as
console, the DLP Enforce Platform, which allows databases, directory servers, and other structured
you to write policies once and then enforce them data files.
everywhere—across all data loss channels.
• Indexed Document Matching applies fingerprinting
With the DLP Enforce Platform: methods to detect data stored in unstructured
documents, including Microsoft Office documents;
• Use a single web-based console to author data loss
PDFs; and binary files such as JPEGs, CAD designs,
policies, remediate incidents, and perform system
and multimedia files. IDM also detects “derived”
administration across all of your endpoints, mobile
content, such as text that has been copied from a
devices, cloud-based services, and on-premise
source document to another file.
network and storage systems.

Symantec Data Loss Prevention

Product Brief

• Sensitive Image Recognition (provided with DLP • Prevent data from going to unwanted sites: Ensure
Core) detects text embedded in images such as sensitive data doesn’t get leaked over untrusted web
scanned forms, documents, screenshots, pictures and traffic, even encrypted traffic, by leveraging DLP
PDFs by leveraging our proprietary Form Recognition integration with Symantec Secure Web Gateways:
technology and built-in Optical Character Symantec ProxySG and Web Security Service.
Recognition (OCR) engine. • Integrated with Microsoft Information Protection
• Vector Machine Learning protects intellectual (MIP): Symantec DLP is integrated with the broad
property with nuanced characteristics that are rare classification and encryption capabilities provided
or difficult to describe such as financial reports and by MIP. This solution gives customers the ability to
source code. Unlike other detection technologies, detect and read documents and emails protected
Vector Machine Learning does not require you to using MIP.
locate, describe, or fingerprint the data you need to
protect. System Requirements
Symantec DLP also offers a rich set of out-of-the- The Symantec DLP solution comprises a single unified
box and add-on APIs to allow you to customize and management platform, lightweight endpoint agent,
integrate with a wide range of third-party security and powerful content-aware detection products. We
products, cloud, and proprietary applications: DLP offer the most deployment flexibility with a wide range
REST API, DLP FlexResponse API, DLP Content of options for any type of environment: on-premises
Extraction API, DLP Incident Reporting and Update software; virtual and physical appliances; public, private,
API, and DLP API Detection Virtual Appliance. and hybrid cloud services; and managed services
delivered by Symantec Partners. Unlike other solutions,
Extend Data Protection Beyond DLP Symantec DLP is proven to work in highly distributed
environments and scale up to hundreds of thousands of
As sensitive data is shared with external users or users.
travels to the cloud and goes outside of your managed
environment, it becomes vulnerable to unwanted For complete system requirements of Symantec Data
exposure. Our solution provides comprehensive Loss Prevention visit our support page.
protection for your data throughout its lifecycle beyond
your managed premises, with policy driven cloud
Start Protecting Your Information Today
access security, classification, encryption, user analytics,
and web gateways. Symantec is ready to help you extend your security
and compliance polices beyond the borders of your
• Extend DLP policies to cloud applications: Extend
firewall, so you can discover, monitor, and protect
DLP detection, policies, and workflows to cloud
your information more completely and effectively. It
apps through integration with Symantec CloudSOC
offers you the lowest total cost of ownership—with
(CASB), and manage incidents on a single console.
proven deployment methodologies, intuitive policy
• Simplify incident triage and policy management: and incident management tools, and comprehensive
Reduce time and efforts for incident remediation coverage across all of your high-risk channels.
and policy management, and mitigate data risk with
Symantec Information Centric Analytics (ICA), a User Discover the advantages of a comprehensive
and Entity Behavior Analytics provided with DLP information protection solution that’s built for today’s
Core. mobile, cloud-centered world—Learn more about
Symantec Data Loss Prevention.
• Share data more securely with others: Prevent
unauthorized access to sensitive data via strong
authentication when data is shared with business
partners with Symantec VIP Identity and Access

For more product information:

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NIS-DLP-PB100 January 7, 2022

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