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Direction: Read in advance the history of Philippine Literature and tell us

how our literature evolves in the following periods.

1.Pre-colonial Period

-The evolution of Philippine literature depended on the influences of colonization and the spirit of the
age. But before the change was done, indigenous Philippine literature was based on the given traditions
and customs of a particular area of the country. Of course, Philippines is an archipelago country,
consisting several islands, (7,107 islands to be exact). And each of those islands has their specifications
of cultures and traditions, bearing different set of native literature.

2. Spanish Colonization Period

- As a proof of the influence of Spanish colonization, the first book ever printed in the Philippines is a
Christian Doctrine or Doctrina Christiana in 1593 by the Dominican press

3. Nationalistic/Propaganda and Revolutionary Period

- Philippine Literature developed through different periods or stages: Spanish colonial rule, American
Period, under the Republic, and the Contemporary Period. Philippine Literature can also be seen into
different literary approaches that slowly evolved through time.

4. American Colonial Period

- Philippine literature in Spanish was starting to lose its track on the first decade. And the Filipino
writers’ eyes were all focused to the American colonizers. It may sound cliché but I always agree that
“pen is mightier than sword.” Call me a person who needs life butit’s a noble thing. Protesting against
deprivation or oppression using literature is always awesome. And those anti-American plays written by
Filipino writers were wise actions. Truly, using one of the most influential aspect in the society, media, is
an easy way to start a revolution

5. Japanese Occupation

- During the Japanese period, Philippine Literature in English was stopped and writers turned to writing
in Filipino. The Japanese authorities, with extreme hate to the Americans, did their best to turn the
Filipinos' sympathy away from them. They rewarded handsomely the Filipinos who are faithful to them.

6. Contemporary/Modern Period

- The diversity and richness of Philippine literature evolved side by side with the country's history. This
can best be appreciated in the context of the country's pre-colonial cultural traditions and the socio-
political histories of its colonial and contemporary traditions

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