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Clowie Zarene Y.


Essay for Lesson 1

1.Write two things about you which you consider an influence of globalization

My way of dressing and lifestyle have been influenced by globalization since I can
purchase clothing from other countries because of online shops and thrift shops, and I can
access more food from across the world because to the availability of it at local groceries.
Because of its convenience and privilege, globalization had changed the way I live my life.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?

Globalization has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is that

globalization makes it possible for us to access a wider range of goods and services at lower
prices and it also can lead to an increase in employment . However, our local markets are
negatively impacted by global brands that offer their goods at comparatively lower price, which
may lead to unequal economic growth.

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