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Observations of Teaching-Learning in
Actual School Environment

Creating an Appropriate
Learning Environment

Rotsen S. Silvano

Dr. Margarita C. Paghasian


January 2023

The classroom climate that is conducive for learning is one

that is non-threatening yet business-like. It is a classroom where,
when creating audio-visual presentations, the following are

 Specific classroom rules and procedures are clear.

 Classroom rules and procedures are discussed within the few
days of the school.
 Students are involved in the design of rules and procedures.
 Techniques to acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior
are employed.
 Clear limits for unacceptable behavior are established and
negative consequences for such are communicated.
 Classroom processes are democratic.


Specific Areas in the Reading Corner A reading corner is a
Classroom comfortable area in the
classroom where
students can sit and read.
It necessitates storage
and display space for
books. The books can be
displayed on a table or
hung using a thin rope
tied around the table or
on the walls. A reading
area can assist in the
development of literacy
skills such as sentence
structure, punctuation,
and grammar. This is
because when books are
easily accessible,
students are more likely
to pick them up and read
them, which is fantastic
for developing important
reading and writing skills.

Classroom Rules  Listen to the When teachers have

teacher rules, classroom
 Be kind to others management skills, and
the belief that every child
can succeed, elementary
classrooms can become
better learning
environments. These
rules will guide children,
most notably in their
avoidance of making
unnecessary noises
during class. Here, they
can fully and easily
comprehend the lesson.
Also, being kind to others
can create a greater
sense of belongingness
and improve self-esteem
among learners.

Classroom When they enter the There is less chance of

Procedures school premises, they virus spread. The
must adhere to the health students will become
protocols, such as more health conscious
wearing a face mask, and will learn to take
sanitizing and washing precautionary measures
their hands, and keeping in order to avoid infecting
a safe distance. Students their classmates.
must also follow the rule
that they are not allowed
to come to school if they
are sick, such as with a
cough, cold, or fever, so
as not to infect their

Daily Routines Implementing Good Guided by these

Manners Reminders and principles through daily
daily guidance such as: routines application, the
1. Come to school on students will develop
time. good manners and right
conduct which leads to a
2. Listen to the harmonious relationship
teacher. towards each other.
These can also develop
3. Follow directions. their desires to become
4. Be kind to others. very good and ideal
human beings as they
5. Work hard and do grow every day.
your best.

Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement The learners will able to

of the pupils were learn more at their utmost
arranged according to desires where he/she sits
their preferences or in happily and comfortably.
which chair they sit
comfortably. They can sit
in front if they can't see
from a distance. Their
desires and satisfactions
determine which side or
corner of the classroom
they will sit in.

The teacher must clearly The learners will be

Handling understand first the status somehow disciplined
Behavior/Off-task of the learners including rather than tolerated. It
their behavior, profile, and will change the way they
Behavior or family background. In treat their teacher and co-
order to respond learners. They will begin
positively and fairly, the to appreciate the essence
teacher should have of peace and harmony
much awareness on along with self-control.
his/her pupils.
Misbehavior is always
present and to either
address or correct the
learners’ moral, the
teacher has to call a
personal meeting with the
parents. Necessary
counselling with parents
only happens when the
teacher can no longer
assist the learners’

Reinforcement of Aside from public They will be deeply

Positive Behavior praising, giving of good motivated to the extent
grades to those learners that they will participate to
who have positive any activities in the
behavior is considered. school. It can boost their
These kind of learners are self-confidence and
worthy to receive some would help them show
rewards like certificates and share their
offered each grading capabilities along with
period and also learning how to engage
ribbons/medals at the end with others. Definitely,
of the school year. There this would cause them to
must be emphasis of strive harder for greater
giving such appreciations excellence.
so that they will become
happier and inspired to
continue doing good
things and excel inside
the classroom.

Others, Pls specify… Parental active Leaners’ interest may

participation is highly arouse to the highest
encouraged. level if they can feel the
Parents/guardians need magic hands of both
to help the teacher to guardians and teachers.
hand in hand guidance They will shine brightly
and reminders to the and grow holistically
learners. Young minds through the polishing
need proper assistance efforts of the teacher and
and they will always have parents.
this characteristic of
looking up a person to
model their desire of
learning something every
now and then.


1. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs

the classroom organization? What about you, do you have
theories/principles for this? What are they?
I think as the teacher designs the classroom organization, he or she
should keep in mind that collaboration among learners is very important. I can
say this because I really believe that learners learn better and faster when
they interact and work together. And also, collaboration is helpful to students
who have difficulty with social skills. Interaction between people is important
because no one can survive on their own. Students should learn in their
lifetime to accept help from others and not isolate themselves, for their own
good, but it's not that you really rely on others; when you have something you
don't know, you ask others for help or ask how to do it so that you can learn
and do it yourself. According to a seventeenth-century English author, John
Donne, "no man is an island," meaning that no one is self-sufficient; everyone
relies on others, which I strongly agree with because, based on my personal
experience, I learn more in group discussions and I easily learn from other
people. There are things that I do not immediately understand on my own, but
when I ask other people to explain it to me, I immediately understand it.To
conclude, when there is collaboration, processes and goals become more
aligned, and with collaboration, everything will be easy.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In

what grade year level do you see yourself?
As I envision myself organizing my classroom in the future, I see myself
organizing a classroom in lower grades particularly in Grade 1.

2. What rules/procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

Since I choose to handle Grade 1 pupils, the proceedings of my class would
begin with a prayer because I want my pupils to be reminded that we should
be thankful to God and we should start the day with Him through prayer. After
praying, I will also remind them the rules that we have set in our classroom.
And, before we begin the lesson, we will sing a song together, preferably an
action song to boost the students' energy, or do some icebreakers because
we all know that children enjoy singing and playing.

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