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Lesson 1: ACTIVITY No. 1

Clowie Zarene Y. Merdegia


Reflect on this: Communication is part and parcel of our lives. Based on your own experience
kindly explain the following ideas: (1) Communication in INEVITABLE (2) Communication is
INFINITE (3) Communication in IRREVERSIBLE. Limit your answers to 300 words.

(1.) Everything we do sends a message. For example, I have this habit that when I don’t want
something , when I am angry or I’m not in the mood I become quiet and ignores people and
when that happens, they already know that I don’t want to interact and talk to them. Therefore
communication is inevitable, because even if I don’t say anything they understand my message
without using words through my expressions and actions, and the communication between me
and them happen even if I want it to happen or not.
(2.) Communication is continuous and it has no beginning and end. When I am communicating
or asking advices to my friends, I will tell them my problems and shared my story and that’s
what I like about them because they listen well and understand what I am talking about and
after listening they also provide a comments or feedback to my story. So that’s why we have an
effective communication because there are coordination and interdependence between us.
Hence, Communication is infinite because our conversation is a cyclic and continuous.
(3.) There was one time that I am angry and if people are angry they said something that they
didn’t mean it. Before, my father got into an depression after my step mother left him and that’s
why he become a drunkard, I got mad at him for not being a responsible father to us so I said
something hurtful to him and I can’t take it back, I still regretted it until now. I wish I can turn
back that time but I cannot undo whatever message I convey to him. So that’s why we should
think before we speak because communication is irreversible and once it has been received by
someone, we cannot change whatever it was we communicated, either it is good or bad.

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