Elc102 Le1 (Silvano) Final

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Participation and Teaching


The Teacher I Remember

Rotsen S. Silvano

Dr. Margarita C. Paghasian


December 2022
Career Stages of Teachers ( DepEd Order No.42, s. 2017)
Career Stage 4: Distinguished Teacher
Teachers embody the highest standards for teaching grounded in global best
practices. They exhibit an exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching
practice and that of others. They are recognized as leaders in education, contributors
to the teaching profession, and initiators of collaborations and partnerships. They
create lifelong impact in the lives of colleagues, students and others. They
consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in pursuit of teaching
quality and excellence. They exhibit a commitment to inspire the education
community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the
Career Stage 3: Highly Proficient Teacher
Teachers consistently display a high level of performance in their teaching
practice. They manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching-
learning process. They have high education- focused situation cognition, are more
adept in problem solving and optimize opportunities gained from experience. They
work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them support and mentoring to
enhance their learning and practice. They continually seek to develop their
professional knowledge and practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of
their colleagues and students.
Career Stage 2: Proficient Teacher
Teachers are professionally independent in the application of skills vital to the
teaching and learning process. They provide focused teaching programs that meet
curriculum and assessment requirements. They display skills in planning,
implementing and managing learning programs. They actively engage in
collaborative learning with the professional community, and other stakeholders for
mutual growth and advancement. They have reflective practitioners who continually
consolidate the knowledge, skills, and practice of Career Stage I Teachers.
Career Stage I : Beginning Teacher
Teachers have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into the teaching
profession. They have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they
are trained in terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. They possess the requisite
knowledge, skills, and values that support the teaching-learning process. They
manage learning programs and have strategies that promote learning based on the
learning needs of their students. They seek advice from experienced colleagues to
consolidate their teaching practice.
The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines states how
the teacher ought to act in and relate to the state, community, teaching profession.
Higher authorities, school officials and other personnel, learners, parents and
business. It also states how a professional teacher ought to act and behave as a
ACTIVITY. NOTICE. As you participate and assist your cooperating
teacher/FS Resource
Teacher in her daily task, take note of the following:
 Your Resource teacher comments, facial expressions, gestures
and actions in class;
 Learners’ comments, facial expressions, gestures and behaviors
in class;
 How your Resource Teacher relates to you;
 The class proceedings;
 The classroom atmosphere- relaxed or threatening?


In general, the faculty and staff of Liangan West Elementary School are all
amazing. Though they are few in numbers still they welcomed me and my FS
buddies with warm greetings. I definitely feel so comfortable. Also, I noticed how
approachable and gentle they are and I am honored to refer one of them in the
person of teacher Marilou T. Mutia. She possess an ideal character that a teacher
should have.
Teacher Marilou T. Mutia, our resource teacher, whenever I see her, I am
delighted with her smile. She keeps on showing her genuine character which results
to being joyful of having me and co-observers. This made us feel so important. She
doesn't portray a strict face. She is very kind and generous instead. She indeed has
a comfortable aura that made me do comfortable as well. I would say that naturally,
teacher Marilou is welcoming because every parent and student she met every day
at school for some educational purposes, she treats each one of them as guest.
Due to the pandemic in which the students are advised to stay at home,
teacher Marilou keep on track with modules and other modes of instruction.
However, since there are few students who do come and go to return or get their
modules (with the parent's assistance), she has this gesture of facilitating very well
her pupils. Her actions in class are worthy of appreciation because these are all
embodied with love and care for all learners.
I am much more privileged to meet all the pupils of LWES. During my
observation, I can say that they are the usual kids that play inside the classroom,
they are sometimes noisy and I think it’s normal because they are kids but the good
thing is that whenever I tell them to stop making noise and listen to the class, they
listen. I felt in them the respect they gave not just to their teachers but also unto me
and often called me “ate” or “teacher”. I had a great experience with them indeed. In
fact, whenever our cooperating teachers are not around or they have meetings, they
let us take in charge of the learners. The learners are absolutely sociable and polite.
They treated me like their new friend and have talked to me with all the positive
Naturally, the students who are kids in nature have this jolly and active character.
Aside from those, it's also their attitude which has something to do with seeking
attention from the people around. As far as I have observed, they have beautiful and
friendly faces driven by excitement in meeting up each other especially during their
full blast classes wherein there’s no more ”Set A” and “Set B” setup of classes or the
Blended learning. I can see in the eyes of the learners the excitement that finally,
after almost 2 years of staying at home and adapt the modular mode of learning,
they can finally see each other and learn together.
One interesting fact I have discovered in the field is that the students are quite
aggressive. Maybe because for a long time that they have not experienced the kind
of atmosphere they have before. However, still, their gestures are part of their nature
as they grow in all aspects in life. There was this instance when I am assigned to
observe in Grade 1 and my cooperating teacher gave them an activity and the
instruction of my cooperating teacher is that whoever cannot submit the given activity
will not be able to go home. So, the other pupils immediately answered the given
activity and there were two children who were just playing and did not answer the
activity so I approached the two and told them to answer. When it was time to go
home, the other children had already submitted but the two children were crying
because they did not answer the activity and my teacher told them to finish their
work so that they can go home and I assist them. I realized on that very moment that
teaching in elementary is not easy because you have to really caught the attention of
the pupils and convince them to answer the activities you are giving to them.
Since me and my co-observers decided to do our class observation rotational,
in first week of our duty as student observers, I was assigned in Grade 1 and in the
last week of duty, I was assigned in grade 4 and during my duty in grade 4 under my
cooperating teacher in the person of Teacher Carmen Jumawan, she talked about
his life as a teacher. She also talked about how difficult it is, especially if you are just
starting out and you are assigned to a school that is far away, that they will wait for a
vehicle just so they can actually go to school and teach the children. That's when I
realized that the teachers' sacrifice is so great in order for us to learn. 
Considering the circumstance today, teacher Marilou and the entire faculty
has been challenged. Through their initiatives they adapted multiple modes of
instruction just to make sure that learning continues. During the first week of our
duty, the class was not yet full blast. Students go to school alternately. In the first
week it was Set A, the next week it was Set B but during the last week of our duty,
the children went to school full blast where there was no more set A and set B. It
cannot be denied that the teachers really had a hard time teaching the children
because it has been a long time since they have been able to have face to face
classes because of the pandemic, but I can really see the effort of each teacher to
help the children learn.


During my observations, I can somehow tell that teacher Marilou and all of the
teacher's way of proceedings are good and effective. Good to the point that it doesn't
force the learners and effective in a way that learners on the contrary have freedom
in learning. These proceedings have served well their individual purpose. As far as I
am concern with the students' capacity, I would say that they are learning at ease.
Like for instance, during their remedial classes, the teachers are teaching the
students to read because most of the children do not know how to read and there
were times that the students read words incorrectly but the teachers let the students
read aloud and then they will be taught to read it correctly afterwards.
1. For you, what competencies does a teacher possess?
Teachers play a vital role in students’ learning and
achievement. How a particular teacher instructs and its
interactions with the students is the cornerstone around which
builds effective students that’s why teachers should possess
competencies that will make them an efficient teacher and these
competencies are the following;
 Classroom management
 Instructional delivery
 Formative assessment and,
 Personal assessment
These competencies can help teachers organize and simplify
what they need to master in order to maximize their

2. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional

competencies to plan a lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a
class, assess learning, compute and report grades? Explain your
Being a great teacher is very hard to achieve and to become
a great teacher, for me it is not enough to possess the
professional competencies such as planning a lesson plan,
assessing learning, etc. A particular teacher should bear in mind
that students learn more easily when they can somehow relate to
the lesson or the teachers let the students engage in the topic
they are teaching to the students. The teacher should make
his/her class more engaging so that learners can definitely learn
and participate during class discussions.

3. For a teacher to be great, which is more important- personal

qualities or professional competencies?
For me, these two are equally important because, as I have
said earlier, it is not enough that a particular teacher should just
possess professional competencies such as planning a lesson
plan, executing a lesson plan, managing a class, assessing
learning, and computing grades; a teacher should also possess
personal qualities such as skills in communication, the ability to
listen to the students, collaboration, adaptability, and most
importantly, being patient and showing empathy to the students.
4. For you, who are the teachers most remembered?
For me, the teachers that I remember the most are those teachers
who not just taught me well in class but those teachers who taught me
life lessons. Going to school every day was difficult for me before
because I was losing motivation to study due to personal issues, but
thanks to the teachers who encouraged me to keep going and not give
up, I got where I am now and continue to face life's challenges. They are
truly the teachers I remember the most, and I will never forget them.

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