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D. Road, Bakhri, Muzaffarpur
Periodic Test 01 (2021-2022)
Class Xl Sub.: English
Time 1% hrs Max. Marks 50

1) You are Naresh/ Nandita secretary cultural club DAV Public School, Muzaffarpur
A charity show has been organised in your school in aid for poor covid patients, Write
a notice to be displayed on the School Notice Board informing the students of the
school show and asking them to Co-operate and making it a success (3)
2.) Stray animals are not only ruining farmers' fields but are reason behind road
accidents as well. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India , demanding a
solution to the problem so that fatalities can be stopped and crops can be saved. You

areAyush Mehta of Muzaffarpur (5)

3) Education once happend to be a noble profession but nowit is not. The para
digm shift in higher education from service to business is a growing concern today It
has destroyed the traditional concept of education in society. Write an article in about
120-150 words criticising the system by sharing your ideas. You are Rajesh /Jagariti.(5)

4) "I sometimes find a ten-rupee note Saheb says, his eyes light
rupee even a

ing up. When you can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don't stop scrourging
for there is a hope of finding more. It seems that for children garbage has a meaning

diferent from what it means to their parents. For the children it is wraped in wonder, for

the elders it is a means of survival.

i) Who is you' referred in the above leines ?

a. Mukesh b. Saheb c. The Narrator d. Kamala Das

(i) Saheb is a....
a. Student b. rag picker C. servent d. dancer.
(i) What does garbage mean to the rappickers?
It means gold to them.

b. It means silver coins to them.

c. It means survival to them.

d. All of there
(v) Pickoutthe word fromthe extractwhich means the same as' seek to obtain something
a. Scrounging b.VWrapped c Survival d Wonder

() From which chapterthis extract has been taken

a. The Tiger King b. Lost spring
c. The Third Level d. The Last lesson

5 Answer the following questions 2x5=10

a. "Little has moved with time, it seems in Firozabad. State any one reason why
the writer says thiS.

b. Describe the unusal morning when Mr. Hamel was to deliver his last lesson

c.Why did the poet Kamala Das start looking out of Car?
d.Whatwas the narrator's greatest fear as he moved towards the school?
e. Why were the rag pickers forced to leave their green fields in their country?

Answer the following questions 2x5 10

a. What was Charlie's state of mind as he came back from the office ?

b. How did Charllie reach the third level?

c.What sort ofdresses and appearances did Charley come across on the
third level ?
d. H o w w a s t h e " T i g e r K i n g ' b r o u g h t u p ?

e. How did the Maharaja Manage to save his throne?

7. Answerthe following questions in 120-150 words 2x6=12

a. Franz was overwhelmed with emotions with the last words of Mr. Hamel ?

b. Childhood is said to be the spring of everyone's life. But the life of Mukesh and
Saheb was deprived of it. Describe the hardships and Miseries of the two
protagonists of the story 'Lost Spring Underwent.

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