Story 2

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Maria Veronica Miguel

“The Promise That Bind Us”


I’m crying like a fool. He gave me terrible cuts, scrapes, and bruises. It aches as I
apply betadine and a bandage on my wounds. I slowly walk and stand right in front of
a mirror. Even I won't recognize myself in the mirror right now. Almost every part of
my body has wounds.

My eyes welled up as my wound ached once again.

He always beat me to death. Tweaked, punched, and slammed into the wall. I
experience it all with his own hands. The hands I expected to look after me. The
hands I imagined would hold me when I was weak. The hands that will caress me
whenever I’m in pain. The hands that will respect me. But I was wrong, it was the
hands that would be the cause of my weakness. The hands that would bring me so
much pain. The hands that forgets the act of respect.

I've been trying to escape. I've spent my entire life attempting to escape this miserable
life. I've attempted to commit suicide multiple times in order to escape this world. But
I always end up in the hospital, helpless in bed.

I don't understand; I really want to end my life, yet the world is always against me.

I was able to bear all of the pain he caused on me for four years. I don’t even know
how I managed to endure it all. My mind and body becomes numb. My eyes turns
blind through all the pain.

Maybe because I'm still trapped in my love for him.

I still believe he will change, that the man I adored before will comeback. Despite the
mistake I have made against him, I feel he can love me again. I blame myself for
everything that is happening so I decided to just accept all the pain.

He is Ace Rivera, my boyfriend. I met him in my first year of college. Actually, he

isn't the type of man who spends all of his time with his friends. He like to read books
in the library. I used to spend a lot of time in the library, so I was usually seeing him.

You'd never guess he's a pretty attractive man. I loved him not because he had a
handsome face that every woman would die for, but because he likes to read. He was
also intelligent, popular, and perfect, in short, the whole package.
I was shocked when he approached me and spoke to me. When he stared at me, I
could hardly breathe. He said that he sees me all the time and wishes to be friend me.

That was the best day of my life. I feel like I’m dreaming that a handsome man like
him would approach me and wanted to be friends with me

We've always been together since then. We go to school together, eat together, study
together, and he even drives me home. That's why I adored him even more. He asked
me to be his girlfriend on his birthday. I was totally shocked considering that he had
not courted me and he is now asking me to be his girlfriend.

He said that courting did not require the woman's permission. All a man needs to do is
to convince the girl that he loves to fall in love with him as well. To make the woman
feel that he actually loves her. That was also the day he persuaded me to say yes to

Ace was happy that day, and I clearly remember his expression. He even jumped for
excitement and tightly held me. He described it as the most valuable gift he received
on his birthday. He also promise that he will always love me and would never hurt me.

We became the happiest couple in the world. We take good care and rely on one
another. We assure one another that no one can separate us. Even though his family is
against with me. His family doesn’t like me for him. They said that they would never
accept me as their sons girlfriend.

They think people like me should learn to know my place since we don't fit for each
other. Of course I understand that considering that their family is one of the wealthiest
in our town. I did all I could to get them to accept me, but it was never enough. Their
minds are closed, and no matter how many times I prove my worth and show them
that what I could do, they will not accept me as their son's girlfriend.

That's why I decided to break up with him before. I chose to end our relationship not
because of a selfish reason but because of the sake of his relationship to his family,
but he refused. He clearly said that he will fight for me even if his family disown him.
He said that he would do anything to keep me by his side. I didn't want to leave him
either; God knows how much I love him. I will never find anyone like him, his to
good to be true.

I made my decision and decided to fight for him. Even though its hard. I know that
they will accept me too not know but soon.
I went to his parents and had a proper conversation with them. I didn't care about my
pride anymore; all I cared about was whether or not his family would accept me. I
almost kissed their feet as I knelt in front of them.

They simply laughed at me. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I sniffed them away to
keep from crying. I should be capable of dealing with this. Then suddenly, his mother
poured a glass of water on top of me. She kicked me in the stomach and pulled my

I endured it all. I didn't show any signs of weakness to them. When they were done,
they were even more irritated with me since they hadn't me seen the face of surrender.
They walked to their room, irritated, and slammed the door shut. The door was
slammed shut with such force that it nearly shattered.

Only then I was able to cry silently. I poured out all of my pain and suffering at their
hands. I couldn't help but cry.

Do I deserve this kind of treatment?

Is it a sin to love? Is it wrong to fall in love? Why is it so painful? Everything I

wanted was to be with the man I love. But why is it that someone always trying to get
our way? What did I do wrong to experience this?

In the middle of my crying, I immediately smelt something was burning. I got up and
quickly searched for the cause of the smell and was shocked to find the entire kitchen
on fire.

I'm not sure what caused the fire, but all I could think about was saving the family of
the man I love.

I rushed upstairs and into their room. I yelled and banged on their door. I warned them
that there was a fire and that they needed to get out, but they didn't listen. They said I
was simply making up a story and that I was a really insane bitch.

The fire quickly spread throughout the house and I was having trouble breathing. The
smoke is too thick. Only then did they realize that what I was saying was true. They
were about to open the door but it was locked. They closed the door so hard earlier
that it was locked.

I could hear them begging for my help. I told them to be calm and not panic. When I
asked where the key was, they told me it was in a cabinet near the living room. I
didn't think twice about picking it up. I rushed down to the living room to look for the
I was standing in front of the cabinet when I noticed so many keys. I'm not sure which
of the keys on the cabinet is the key to their room. I'm at a loss on what to do.

In fear, my hands began to tremble. I was at a loss for what to do. The fire had spread
throughout the home as I looked around. I didn't think about anything and
immediately grabbed all the keys that were hanging and rushed upstairs.

I tried each key in their room one by one, but none of them worked. I tried again with
a different Key, but it still wouldn't open. I couldn't hold back my tears. I refuse to
give up; I want to rescue them. They are important to Ace. I couldn't let them go.

I suddenly heard his mother trying to stop me. I said I don't want to, that will save
them. She yelled loudly, and I could hear her sob.

"Save yourself, Celestine; my son will not be able to endure it any longer if you too
leave his life," she sobbed. "I'm sorry for what we've done to you; I just wanted you to
know that you're a strong woman; take care of my child, honey; I guess this is our
karma for being so cruel to you," she said, her voice cracking.

I shook my head again and again as I continued to cry. "No, I'm going to save you,
and I'm not going to leave you here," I said again, but the door still wouldn't open.

I banged the door hard with my fists out of rage. I started to cry loudly and slapped
myself hard for being so useless.

"Leave us, save yourself, honey. Don't be stupid, do you think my kid will be able to
smile again after we all die?" she said. "Please tell him that I love him, that we're
sorry for hurting him, that he shouldn't blame himself, and that we will now watch
him from above. I was happy to have a kid like him, and we are always proud of
him," she sobbed hopelessly.

I nodded absently and assured her that I would tell him what you said.

"I'm sorry.." I said before I hurried down.

The chandelier dropped in front of me in the middle of my run. Fortunately, I was

able to get away from it fast. Despite my efforts, the bookshelves next to me collapsed
once more. When it hit my body, I fell to the floor and ran over the cabinet.

I tried to get up, but the cabinet was too heavy and ran over my body.

Is this my end?
My eyes welled up with tears as I felt my body weaken. The fire spread throughout
the home and grew in size. I can't take any more breaths. I had the feeling I was going
to pass out shortly. I'm terrified, and I'm not prepared. I can't image my boyfriend
grieving because all of the important people in his life had died. I feel weak just
thinking about him suffering.

I found myself silently praying to God. I just want to live and see him again. I want to
see his smile again, please. Please, God, let me survive.

I sobbed once again. Is this really the end of everything? I think this is the end for me.

I'm sorry love.. I love you..

And after that, I fell into the terrible darkness.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a white ceiling. The only thing I can hear are the
noises of medical assistance near me. I tried to scan the entire area and discovered that
I was in the hospital. I'm lying in bed by myself. I couldn't move because I was in so
much pain all throughout my body. My entire body hurts, like if I'm being beaten and
hit by something.

I massaged my temples and tried to remember what had happened. Then I remember
everything. I stood up despite the fact that it was difficult for me. Weak and nauseous
I moved slowly to the door.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a man entering my room. It was him, my
boyfriend. As I looked at him, I smiled. I saw lovely brown eyes, a pointed noise, and
warmed lips. Tears welled up at the corners of my eyes. I was missing him. I was
missing my boyfriend.

He stares me in the eyes. As he glanced at my face, he appeared weak, furious, and

sad. He approached me and strangled my neck the instant he saw me standing in front
of him.

He brutally drags me to the bed while strangling my neck. He gave me a threatening

look. His anger comforted his face. He is no longer the man I love.

"I will never forgive you Celestine! You murdered my parents!" he yelled. "I will kill
you!" he threatened me.

I just realized I was having a difficulty of breathing. My boyfriend is strangling me. I

never expected him to do this to me. He could never put his hands on me.
I can't breathe anymore. I struggle with his hands, but he's too strong. I can't seem to
get away from him, and I'm terrified. I'm terrified of him. Please, someone help me.
Please help me.

The door opened and the doctor came in. When he saw my situation, he was taken
aback. The doctor rushed and tried to pull him away from me.

I was hardly catching my breath. I didn't recognize what had just happened because I
was terrified of him.

He was yelling and cursing me to death. He accused me of murder, claiming that I

murdered his parents. He lost his mind, as if he were insane. The other nurse kept him
restrained. He dropped down on the floor and began crying like a child.

He buried his face with his hands and began sobbing loudly. My heart sank when I
saw how miserable he was in front of me. His parents are no longer alive, and it was
all because of me. I didn't have the strength to save them both.

He is right; it is all my fault. It is all my fault that his parents died. There is nobody
else to blame but me.

Nothing is permanent in this life, they say; people change and feelings fade.

My boyfriend didn't treat me the same way after that incident. He no longer smiles
whenever he sees me. He is always pushing me away. He always leaves without
telling me where he's going.

He was always drunk when he got home. Even if I wanted to take care of him, I
couldn't. Because he constantly puts his hand on me when he sees my face. Every
time he sees my face, his blood boils with rage.

He immediately beats me for a simple mistake. All I could do was to bear it all. I have
no right to complain because I am at fault for his parents' deaths. I chose to remain
silent and obey all he said.

Of course, I tried many times to break up with him and leave, but he never listened.
He said that I was responsible for what I had done to his parents. He was no longer in
love with me. He sees me as a useless person in his life. He doesn't care about me,
and he told me multiple times that I should be the one who died, not his parents.

He doesn't want to let me go because he wants me to suffer. Running away in him

was useless since no matter how many times I tried, he always caught me.
If he thinks beating me as payback for his parents' deaths, that's alright with me. I'll
just be patient and take it if its the only thing he can forgive me.

I let him treat me as if I were a slave. I let him beat me to death. I let him have sex
with another lady in our home. Worst of all, I'm letting him ruin my life. He is, indeed,
my downfall. The one who breaks my heart.

"Celestine! Where are you?!" his voice echoed throughout the house.

When I heard his voice, my body trembled. I was so taken aback by the voice that I
cut my hand with the knife. I was in the kitchen, cooking him breakfast. I couldn't
focus on the wound on my hand, so I rubbed it on the apron I was wearing.

I forced myself to smile as I held his breakfast in my hand. I walked up to the table
and set the tray in front of him carefully.

"T-this is your breakfast, love.. enjoy," I stuttered.

He didn't respond.

I swallowed again and again as I sat in the chair in front of him. I tried to say hello to
him today. He's eating while on his phone. His eyebrows meet while busy scrolling. I
want to ask him why, if there is a problem but I know he would respond with

"So," I said, faking a cough. He continues to ignore me, as if he didn't hear me at all.
"How are you sleeping? Did you have a bad dream?"

I even tried to reach for his hair cause some of his bangs had fallen over his forehead
and I wanted to fix it for him. I was going to fix it when he shook my hand. When he
pulled my hand away, he used all of his strength. He hit my cut hand with a knife,
which hurt, but I didn't tell him.

"Don't touch me, you criminal," he said angrily.

That was it. I didn't say anything and just let him eat. I was about to get up when I
accidentally knocked over the glass of water in front of him. The water spilled on the
glass, causing to wet his pants.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he cursed.

I quickly panicked and didn't know what to do. I'm so careless! I quickly knelt in front
of him and apologized repeatedly for my carelessness. My heart is pounding, and I'm
terrified. I'm worried he'll hurt me again. My palms trembled as tears welled up in my

He grabbed my arms tightly. The grip on my arm is incredibly painful. He tightened

his grip on my arm even more, causing me to scream in pain.

"Gray, please let me go. It hurts."

He sent me a death stare. "Look what you done! I have a meeting right now! I'll be
late in my meeting fuck!" he shouted.

He pulled me into his room and shoved me against his bed. My eyes welled up with
tears. I pressed my hands together again and begged him, but his anger swallowed
him up.

He grabbed my arms once again and took me to the bathroom, where he brutally
threw me against the wall, strangling my neck. He was still not satisfied when he tore
the dress I was wearing. He then pushes me close to the bathtub, which is full of water,
while strangling my neck.

I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you, woman! I regret choosing you over my
family! "I wish you're the only one who died!" his voice shaking. I don't want you in
my life! You're going to die! "

I just realized that he was drowning me in the bathtub. Is this really how he wants me
to die? Is this really how deep the anger he feels towards me? That he wouldn't care I

Along with him drowning me is the falling of the remaining hope in my heart. That
the man I love will never go back to what he used to be. He doesn't love me anymore.
The old Ace who loved me so much is gone. The old Ace who was ready to fight for
me against his family. The old Ace who was afraid of losing me in his life.

He is no longer the man I love.

I can't take it any longer. This time, I'm going to fight for myself. I'm no longer afraid
of him. The pains I endured at his hands were enough. I'm not at fault. It was an
accident, and I was only a victim.

I struggled to get his hands off my neck. I slapped his face multiple times, but he
didn't move. He tightened his grip on my neck even more. I was having difficulty
breathing, but I refused to give up. I looked about for something I might use to protect
myself. Then my gaze was drawn to the bidet sprayer shower, which was only a few
feet away.
I forced myself to get there. When I reached it, I opened it and pointed it at his eyes.
He let go of my neck because of the force of the water gushing from there. That was
my opportunity to escape from him.

My entire face is wet because of what he did to me. My clothes were ripped, but I
couldn't focused on that. I'm not worried with my physical looks. My only thought
was to run away from him.

I quickly got off and ran out of that terrible house. A car unexpectedly stopped in
front of me in the middle of my run, causing me to tumble.

The car came to a complete stop, saving my life. Then I noticed a well-built man
come from the back seat. He was rushing, as if he was concerned about me. He
approached me quickly and checked my condition.

"Are you okay, Miss? Did my driver hit you?" he said, concerned.

"Please God forgive me."

I swallowed hard as I shook my head. He seemed to realize that my clothes were

ripped as he didn't hesitate to remove his coat. He wrapped his coat over me to hide
my body. He also used his hands to clean my wet face.

I couldn't help but gaze at his expression. He looked attractive. He had thick and shiny
dark brown hair that was ruffled. His brows were furrowed. His nose was perfect,
which added to his appeal. His eyes were almond-shaped, and his lips were a rosy
colour that drew you in just by looking at them.

"Miss? Are you okay? Did my driver actually hit your head?" he was worried. "Oh,
God, please don't take her," he said, and I frowned.

My eyes was drawn to another man who stepped out of the car and rushed up to me to
check my condition.

"Please forgive me. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry," he said.

I'm puzzled by their actions because they didn't hit me, so why are they extremely
worried? After a few seconds, I heard a loud scream.

"Celestine, come back here!" it yelled furiously. My heart pounded in my chest the
moment I heard his voice. Fear had stopped me once more. I shook his hand and
looked him in the eyes.
"Help me.. please.. help.. I'm asking you, help me.. get me out of here.." I sobbed,
tightening my hold on his arms.

He glanced at the man behind him and he nodded. I was taken aback when he
suddenly lifted me like a bridal carry. He carefully put me inside the car. I could only
feel my back against the smooth seat. We were both sitting in the back seat.

He turned to face the driver. "Please drive quickly but safely," he added quietly.

The driver nodded once more and followed what the man ordered. No one talked, and
we were consumed by silence. I don't feel like talking either. I could only glance out
the window. I couldn't stop sobbing as I looked up at the sky.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I quickly wiped away. I sniffed many times
while hiding my face from them. I leaned against the window glass, trying to stop
myself from sobbing.

"Don't stop crying; crying is valid; free the burden you feel... don't worry about us,"
the man next to me murmured quietly.

I was no longer able to stop myself after hearing what he said. I burst out crying. It
was terribly painful. I can't imagine the suffering I felt at the hands of the person I
love the most. I can't accept what he did to me. Very brutal. He caused me pain
both physically, and emotionally.

I'm broken and shattered. I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to where I used to be.
I'm scared I'll never want to fall in love again. I was worried I'd go through it all again
with the next person choose to love.

My hands were trembling as I pitied myself. I hid my face and kept crying. Someone
immediately grabbed my head and leaned it on his shoulder.

He smiled as he wiped the tears away from my eyes. "I just wanted you to know that
you are strong enough to deal with so much pain," he said as he paused and lifted my
jaw to meet our gaze. "You don't deserve it; you deserve someone who will make you
feel like you actually matter"

"And if you blame yourself for why you're hurting now, don't think that way because
you're not at fault. You simply loved, and it was never wrong to love." "Do you know
who made the biggest mistake?" he asked. "The person who chose to hurt you,
because he had only two choices.. to love you or to hurt you.. And he still chose to
hurt you instead of appreciating and loving you."

Tears welled up in my eyes, but he brushed them away with his palms.
"It's not about loving that person; you also need to learn how to love yourself first,
before you love someone who doesn't deserve your love, or else you'll wake up
someday and realize you've lost the most important part of yourself, your worth," he
caressed my cheeks.

I awoke from my reality, everything has sink in to me after what he said that. I
realized that I had hurt myself so much because of the love I had given to the person I
thought would love me back.

Maybe he was right? I should start by learning to love myself. Loving yourself is the
most difficult thing you can do. So be proud of yourself if you grow to love yourself.

If I learn to love myself, I will soon be proud of myself. I believe in the process.

I yawned because I felt sleepy. My eyes were heavy, and I couldn't keep from falling
asleep. I'm tired and want to sleep for a bit.

The only thing on my mind was to take a little rest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep
on his warm and serene shoulder.

I awoke in a comfortable bed. I could say that after a year, this is the first time I woke
up with no fear and worries I felt in my existence.

I lay down and took a good look at the whole environment.

What am I doing here? Where exactly is this place? How did I end up here? Who
drove me here? I pulled out my hair, confused in thoughts.

I tried to get up and reach for the glass of water on the table near the bed, but I fell to
the floor at the same time as the glass fell, which shattered. I became scared and my
eyes began to water. My hands were shaking as I tried to pick up all the broken
glass on the floor. When the door suddenly opened, I turned around. Then I noticed
him, and our gazes locked.

I instantly fell and start pleading with him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, trust me, I didn't mean it: I was only trying to
drink but I was weak, my lips quiver with fear "Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt
me, please don't hurt me, please as I plead."

I felt him walk closer to me and sit down slightly to be on the same level as me. He
gently patted my head, and I glanced up at him.
"I will never hurt you, I promise." he smiled. "Are you okay?" he said. Tell me where
it hurts. "I need to take you to the hospital, it'll contact my brother Albert, stay here,"
he said.

He was going to get up when I grabbed his hands, pulled him to face me again, and
I wiped my face.

"N-no need, I'm not hurt." I sat up and began fidgeting with my fingers, embarrassed
by him "I-I'd want to go the bathroom to wash my hands.

"Please allow me to help you," he said with a sincere smile.

He picked me up quickly and gently and carried me into the bathroom. He pulled me
up onto the bathtub's rim. After that, he cleaned my hands with water. I'm not sure
why, but my heart is pounding during these moments.

I assumed he was done when he finished what he was doing. To my suprise, he even
got to his side toothbrush and placed toothpaste on it.

"Put your mouth open."

As I opened my mouth, I gulped. He was brushing my teeth. I'm not sure what he's
doing because I can do it. I couldn't take my eyes away from him. I can see he had a
good heart.

He messed up my hair. "I could take care of you anytime you need it, you're such a
baby girl," he smiled.

I avoided staring at him right away. My cheeks are turning red now, and I'm barely
biting my bottom lips. His quiet laugh was obvious to me. I noticed how lovely his
smile was as I glanced at him. I'm looking down. I hoped I could recall Ace grin. But
I know it will happen because every time he sees my face, he becomes angry.

I came back to reality when he picked me up again and carried me to the bed. I gently
stood up and walk.

"I can walk," I said with a half-smile.

"That's fine, let's go, you need to eat to regain your strength," he said with a smile.

"Ahm. How should I call you? " asked.

"You may call me Leonard, but I'd really like to hear you call me baby," he smirked
I lifted my brows, causing him to chuckle loudly.

"I was kidding," he murmured, "but honestly, you can call me Leonard."

I nodded as my response. "My name is Celestine," I murmured shortly before

extending my hand in front of him.

I frowned because he looked at my hands and exhaled deeply.

"I'm scared that once I have your hands in mine, I won't be able to let go," he replied
seriously, staring into my eyes. I was taken aback by what he said and quickly took
my hand in front of him. I simply gave him a look when he laughed loudly again. I
was annoyed by the way he laughed. Is he trying to annoy me? I walked towards him
and was the first one to leave the room.

I didn't know that it was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I eventually lost
my fear, nervousness, and worry during those days. Leonard was always there for me.
He was there to hold me and calm me down whenever my trauma attacked me. He
never asked me about what had happened before. Maybe he felt I wasn't ready to tell
him. He is always willing to help me.

He made me feel like I deserved better. He was the type of person who made me feel
important. That a persons like me should be loved and not hurt. He brought me to
several places. New Zealand , Sweden,London , South Korea, Japan, China
and Norway, and so on.

There I saw myself smiling again. The old me is slowly returning. I remembered what
it was like to be joyful. And that was all because of Leonard.

I could never imagined my life right now if I didn't meet him. I was happy to have
met someone like him.

I also found out a lot about him. He appeared to be incredibly wealthy. Cleve Motor
Corporation was owned by him. It was a Filipino multinational automotive
manufacturer base in Philippines.It was recognized as one of the world's largest
automotive manufacturers, producing over 20 million automobiles every year.
Not only that, but he also owns the world's most well-known hotel, The
Harinths Hotels. I couldn't believe what I found about him. So I'm curious why he's in
the Philippines.

I had no idea he had a company here. So, what brings him here?
I woke up from reality when someone tapped my shoulders. "Do you mind telling me
what you're thinking right now?" Leonard said, holding a cup of coffee.

The air has turned black and cold on the patio. I was sitting here to unwind and get
some fresh air.

I forced a weak smile. "Just a few things," I said as he sat down next to me and set the
glass down on the table. I turned to face him.

"Ah, can I ask?"

He gave a nod. "Sure."

"What are you doing here? I found that you're extremely wealthy and have several
businesses in many countries, so what are you doing here?" I questioned, a little

As he looked up at the sky, he took a big breath. "There's a girl I met when I was a
young who was really beautiful and cheerful, and we were often together and playing
with each other," he said, his voice suddenly becoming sad and lonely.

"But I had to leave and go to Japan to study and manage our business, and I had no
choice but to leave her." I talked to her, and instead of being sad for leaving her
behind, I didn't see that on her face," his voice began to crack. "She continued to
smile at me while holding my hands."

I became sad all of a sudden.

He gave a weak smile. "I promised her that I would comeback and marry her when we
were older, but when I returned, I never saw her again; I looked everywhere, but I
couldn't find her." His tears dropped, and he quickly diverted his eyes from me.

He sat down and raised his head. He wiped the tears that had formed in the corners of
his eyes gently.

"Someone told me that her family had moved somewhere, and I did everything in my
power to find her; I think I've been to almost every area here in the Philippines, but I
still haven't found her."

I felt empathy for him for some unexplained reason, and I suddenly wanted to cry
because of the weight and pain he was feeling.

He sarcastically laughed. "For some unknown reason I can't stop myself from finding
her. I told to myself that maybe she is now happy with someone else and she's living
the best day of her life. But there's still a little hope in my heart that I will be able to
see her again someday and I will be able to fulfil my promise to her. that I will marry
her." Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"What's her name?" I suddenly asked him.

"All I know is her nickname; I used to call her Cel," he grinned pleasantly.

I smiled at myself. "Cel is her name."

He stared at me. "Yes'

I nodded absentmindedly to him and turned my gaze to the stars in the sky.

"You know, Leonard, I feel Cel is also waiting for you. Maybe she's expecting you to
come and save her. Just don't give up and don't stop looking for her because I'm sure
she's waiting for you," I replied, smiling.

When he heard what I said, his eyes instantly watered, and I was surprised when he
suddenly took my hand and squeezed me gently.

I gasped and couldn't believe what he did. "Thank you Celeste, you gave me the
determination to keep looking for her.

I was about to give up these last few days, but you gave me hope, he said quietly in
my ear.

"A-ahh Leonard, your hug is so tight, I can't breathe anymore," I softly tapped his

He immediately released hug and laughed softly, "Sorry, he playfully smiled. "Can I
ask you too?

I nodded as my response.

"What happened to you the day we almost ran you over?"

My whole body froze for a moment. I quickly avoided my eyes from him. My hands
began to tremble, but I didn't show it to him.

"It's OK; If you're not ready, I can wait."

I forced myself to take a big breath and relax.

"I had a boyfriend, Ace. We've been together for over 4 years. We loved each other
and gave everything to him, but his parents didn't like me for him, and I don't want
them to disown him." I paused. He said that he would fight for me. That's when I
made my decision. T o fight for our love because I loved him."

"I went to his parents house and begged, I knelt in front of them and asked them to
accept us , but they didn't listen and tears welled up in my eyes. "Instead, they laid
their hands on me," my voice cracked.

When I looked at Leonard, I saw that his face were shocked by what I said.

My lips open slightly. "They threw water on me, kicked me, and pulled my hair. But I
still couldn't hurt them because they were the parents of the man I love. They just left
me when they were satisfied. All of a sudden, I smelled something burning so I
looked for it. When I saw it, I knew it was too late because the fire was too big. But I
really tried my best to help them." I bowed down. I tried all I could to save them, but I
couldn't. So they died."

"When I woke up, I was in the hospital, and when I saw my boyfriend, I thought he
was going to hug me because I was just a victim... It was just an accident but he
nearly killed me," I cried.

"I cried as he blamed me for everything, believing I killed his parents.

Kai pulled me even closer and took my hand in his.

"Everything changed at that point. He's no longer my boyfriend who loves me. "I
can't see it anymore because he's like a devil." I bit my bottom tips. "Whenever I
make a mistake, he always lays his hands on me.”

“I endured all the pain for 4 years because I know I’m the one to blame. I let him do
everything he wants because I believe someday he will change but I was wrong.” I
wiped my tears.
Everything is back again. I felt pain, heaviness, fear. I couldn't stop crying.

He tried to kill me Kai, he choked me to death and drowned me in the bathtub. He

truly wishes for my death. I thought he was done, but I suddenly felt the want to
defend , so I fought him for the first time in my life.

I looked deeply into his eyes as tears streamed down my cheeks, and when he saw my
tears, his eyes calmed.
He pressed our forehead together. Our breathing's were heavy but we didn't care. I
could hear my heartbeat, it was loud and clear. His right hand was on my cheek,
gently caressing it.

"I'm very proud of you, Celestine, you were able to endure everything. I'm sorry you
had to go through that, you didn't deserve all the pain he gave you. Don't blame
yourself, it's not your fault: you tried your hardest to save them. It was enough than
doing nothing," he murmured weakly.
I buried my face on his neck as he pulled me close. My cries became more loud. My
vision was blurry from my tears, so I sobbed hard at his shoulders. He caressed my
back gently.

"Sshh.. I'm here, I won't leave you. You're safe with me, I won't let him hurt you
again. I will do everything to make all the pain go away.

I feel safe and comfortable in his embrace, away from the things that can hurt me.
This feeling is indescribable.

I hope it stays like this forever. I won't be able to handle it if I go through it again. If it
were up to me, I'd choose to stay by his side. I don't want these moments to come to
an end.

Those four years were enough for me. It was painful. I've always felt miserable.
Letting myself used as a punching bag for him. It was difficult to live with Ace, but
now, I was grateful to have meet Leonard. He was the reason I was able to smile

Months passed and I could say that I am healed. Leonard helped me slowly get rid of
my trauma. He brought me to see a therapist. Leonard was always there for me,
whenever I was attacked by trauma he always made me feel that I was not alone, that
he was with me.

I owe him everything. I don't know how to thank him for what he did for me. I can't
deny that I'm slowly falling for him. It's not hard to love him, especially when he's
such a kind person. I worried whether this was the right emotion because I knew Ace
still has a place in my heart.

But I know that right now, the love I feel for Kai is more dominant. He is the one I
need and the one I love. Leonard is the man with I want to spend the rest of my life. I
know it happened all too quickly, but my emotions for him are genuine.

I adore Leonard, but not because of what he did. To me I loved him because my heart
beats for him. I'm sure he loves someone else.

The girl he has been looking for for a long time. He vowed to marry her. I'd also like
to find her out and talk with her. Because for the second time, I will beg again. I'm
willing to kneel.

I'll do anything to keep my him.

"Are you leaving, Leonard?" I asked.

"Yes, I have someone to talk to today, he said he knows where Cel is," he smiled.

The smile on my face faded slowly

"Really? Finally you will meet Cel, I'm so happy for you Leonard," I said, tears
welling up in my eyes as I smiled at him.

This is what I've been praying for. I'm looking forward to seeing her.

"Can you bring her here? I want to see her, I will cook a lot, we should celebrate"
because I know this is the end, because by the time you see her, you know I need to
get away from you and go back to my old life.

"I will bring her here," he said, ruffling my hair.

I want you to meet her." He grinned. "Be careful! I'll wait for you." I waved my hands.

He smiled then turned his back. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face
when he turned back and took a step. I put my hand over my lips so he wouldn't hear
me crying. I just let myself cry out loud as he went away from me and faded from my

I sobbed for over an hour as well. I also moved quickly after finishing to cook. Just
like I said, we have to celebrate it. I know it was hard and difficult for me, but it was
the happiest day of Leonard's life.

I spent all of my time to cooking and preparing. I cooked all the dishes I knew. I still
make mistakes when it comes to taste; for instance, the cake I prepared was a disaster.
I almost cried because the brownies were burned.

But I tried again, and this time I did everything perfectly. Everything is perfect from
the place, the decorations and the foods. Everything was perfect! I looked at the wall
clock and saw that I still had two hours to fix myself.
I went to my room and took a bath. I dressed up in a white dress. Put a light makeup.
I'm wearing the necklace he gave me; it's a heart-shaped stone mat with glitter inside.

I glanced at myself in the mirror again. This is the first time I've dressed in this way. I
looked fabulous and stunning. When I heard the doorbell, I smiled broadly.

Leonard is here!

I ran downstairs to open the door for him. With a smile on my face. My body
instantly froze as the door opened. My body trembled as my heart pounded in my
chest. When our gazes met, I took a step back.

"Celestine... how are you? You seem happy with your new life now," he said softly.
My hands were trembling, and my knees were shaking.

I was terrified of hearing his voice again.

He approached me and touched my face. "I missed you, Celestine. Come home to me,
my darling. You don't have a choice; if you don't come back with me, I will kill the
man who help you." he suddenly strangled me hard.

I tried to stop his hold, but he was too strong. And the necklace I was wearing slipped

"I-I'll come with you Ace.. I'll come," I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

He smiled evilly before removing his fingers from my neck. "Good, I thought it
would be difficult to take you with me, let's go," he replied before turning away.
When he took his hand off my neck, I took a deep breath. I took another glance
around the house for the last time. The house where I was temporarily happy. Where I
finally forgot about my struggles. The house that I used as my second home.

Especially, Leonard. I'm going to miss him a lot. Unfortunately, this is the end. My
happy days are over.


His voice brought me back to reality. He rushed back at me, grabbing my hair. I cried
because of what he did. He dragged me violently out of the home and pushed me hard
inside the car.

As my tears flowed, my head hit the chair. His eyes were gleaming as he rushed
inside the car. He drove quickly while I trembled. I was filled with fear. I'm afraid
he'll kill me. We arrived quickly . He stepped out of the car and slammed the door

He turned around and opened the door for me before grabbing my hair once again. He
dragged me inside the house. He dragged me inside the room, holding my hair, and I
fell on the floor.

I stared at him and cried. "A-Ace... please... forgive me," I knelt, almost kissing the
floor. "P-please, I don't want it anymore.. let me go. Y-you don't love me anymore, do
you? I know you don't have feelings for me, so it's like pity.. let me go," I shouted out
loudly, my voice shaking.

He pulled my hair up, showing his full face. "You're right, I don't love you anymore. I
don't feel any love for you anymore, but you think I'm going to let you go so easily?"
he yelled into my face. "You killed my parents Celestine. You want revenge that's
why you killed them. His grip tightened on my hair again. I groaned in pain, "I-I
didn't kill them Gray I didn't kill them." I replied in pain. He slapped my face
violently. He hit me so hard that my eyes rolled.

"And now, you're denying it?!"

"No!" I screamed. "I didn't kill them, Ace! You think I could do that to your parents?!
I don't like them because they're both against us, but it never came to me to kill
them!" I cried, his hand still in my hair. "You didn't even get to ask me what actually
happened! Because you had put it in your head that I killed them! I didn't kill them
Ace! I'm not guilty! I didn't kill your parents!"

His jaw clenched. "Let's just pretend you didn't murder them, but you're still alive!
You could have done anything to save them, but you didn't!" he said. "You didn't do
anything; you just stood there watching them while they called for your help!" You
didn't help them because you were angry!" his eyes watered.

I clenched my fist as tears continued to drip down my face. I shoved him hard and
forcefully, and he was taken aback by what I did.

"I didn't do anything?! Are you there Ace? Are you there at that moment to say that?"
almost all the veins in my neck popped out. "You have a thick face to say that! I tried
everything I could to save your parents, but it was too late; it's my mistake because I
didn't save them, but telling me I'm a criminal who killed them is the worst!" I wailed.

He lowered his head.

"I-I love you Gray, I love you so much that I'm willing to sacrifice myself just to get
rid of the anger you're carrying, but its not enough Ace, because as time goes on
you're getting worse and worse. I stayed by your side because I believe that the old
Gray that I loved so much would come back. My voice cracked. So I stopped? I will
stop all my craziness because it is impossible for everything to go back.

He didn't say anything.

"You know why you're acting like that? Because you're worthless Ace, you're
worthless." he looked up at me. "You're blaming yourself for what happened and you
can't accept it! That's why you keep on hurting me! You can't accept it because most
of all you're the one who did nothing!" I screamed with all my might.

When he heard what I said, he became more angry. He stood up and pulled my hair
once again. He threw me off the bed. He stripped my clothes brutally. I was crying
uncontrollably because of what he was doing.

He walked away from me and went to the cabinet when he was done. He got
something from there and placed it beside the bed on the table. I saw a camera as I
glanced at it. He fixed it and pointed at me.

"W-what are you planning to do, Ace?" I asked, scared. He looked back at me then
grinned. "I want to film us; it's been a long time since we've made love, Celestine, and
now I want to film it and sell it online; I told you I'd make you suffer because you
deserve it."

I walked to the bed. "No! I don't want it, Ace! I don't want it!" I shook my head.

I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. But he quickly grabbed my arm and
dragged me back inside. My head hit the corner of the table beside the bed. My vision
went blurry as I felt dizzy.

When I touched my head that hit the table, I saw a lot of blood on my hand. I slowly
fell to the floor and my vision become blurry.

"C-celestine!" Ace rushed beside me with concern in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Celestine... I'm sorry... I didn't expect to see tears form up in his eyes."

I couldn't hear much of what he was saying, but one thing felt sure. He is sorry for
what he did. I was ready to close my eyes when I heard a voice I recognize.

I fought the sleepiness I was feeling to see who was calling. When I saw him standing
at the door, tears flowed up once more. He was sweating and out of breath. He
approached me. He pushed Ace and then held me.

"Hold on, Cel.. I'll take you to the hospital. Just hold on okay don't leave me yet
please.." he pleaded as he wrapped his arms around me. With tears streaming down
my cheeks, I gently touched his face.


He shook his head like a child. "Cel, please don't close your eyes...I've already found
you, just don't leave me again."

I was confused by what he was saying but didn't have the strength to question him
more. "I-You're the one I've been looking for for a long time Celestine. I'm a fool not
to recognize that," he cried. "Please fight and do not leave me."

Tears came down to my cheeks once more, filled with joy. I'm Cel? He's been looking
for a long time. I don't need to begging since I'm the girl he's been looking for so long.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember our memories. I couldn't help but smile as
everything come sense.

The times that he always protected me from the bullies. The time we ate together
when Nanay Elma cooked for us. The way he always hugs me when there's a strong
lightning because he knows I'm afraid of that. He was always there for me just to
make me happy.

He hasn't changed, he's still the young man I knew. My Leo.

I smiled sweetly and shook my head. "I see, I remember you, you're Leo... my
childhood friend; why did I just remember you now?" I chuckled. "You don't have to
keep your promises, Leo. The help you offered me is more than enough. I'm very
grateful to have met you. I'm truly glad to have fallen in love with you. Thank you
very much Leo."

It hurts because why did I just remember now? When I finally letting go. I want to be
with him, but I also need to rest. I've spent my entire life struggling to survive. All I
want right now is to rest, to rest from everything.

"Cel! No! No!" he shouted, firmly hugging me.

When I saw him, my heart aches. He's crying and screaming, and my poor heart can't
take it. I felt cold over my entire body. I couldn't stop closing my eyes and it all
went black.

As I closed my eyes, another tear fell. I let myself rest. I'm tired. I want to sleep for
the rest of my life.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a man laying on the bed next to me.

I also have something attached to my hand and oxygen in my mouth. When I took a
glance around, I realized I was in the hospital. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't
because my body was in extreme pain. My entire body feels weak.

It hurts.

I looked at the man standing next to me. He was sleeping next to me. His hand was
around my waist. As I recognized who he was, I smiled. I tried hard to reach his face
and gently caress it. His face is soft. As I caressed his face, I smiled sweetly.

He moved suddenly and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes suddenly watered when he
saw my face. Tears streamed down his face.


I just gave him a genuine smile.

The tears on his face looked like waterfalls. He moaned loudly as he buried his face in
my neck. I don't know why she is crying. What is happening to him? I don't
understand him.

He wiped his tears and rushed out to call the doctor. When he returned, the doctor was
with him. He looked at my condition and asked if I felt anything. I answered all of his
questions clearly.
"Do you know this guy?" the doctor asked me then pointed to the man. who earlier
was sleeping next to me.

I nodded.

"L-Leo." I stuttered my answer.

Leo took a deep breath and almost thanked all the saints for my answer. What is going
on with him?
After a while, another man entered. We all turned to face him, and I could feel Leo's
jaw drop when he realized who it was.

I frowned.

"What are you doing here?!" Leo shouted loudly as he clenched his fist

He didn't pay attention to Leo as he was looking with me. I looked at him, trying to
read his thoughts on me. I can see guilt as he looked more sad and weak. He looked
more depressed and weak. His eyes convey shame and regret.

"C-celestine," his voice cracked.

He was going to approach me when Leo stopped him.

"If you make one wrong move, I'll kill you," Leo said.

He stopped walking and did not try to come near me.

The doctor asked once again.

"Do you know who he is, Celestine?"

I shook my head, my eyebrows furrowed. "I-I don't know him; who is he?" I was

Their eyes widened.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "Yes, I just saw him today."

"W-what does that mean, Doc?" the man was confused.

"As you can see, Ms. Dela Cruz has been in coma for about five months. In such
cases, it is possible for a patient to actually forget.

"Ms. Dela Cruz has a dissociative amnesia, which is a kind of amnesia caused by
emotional shock or trauma" he said.

Amnesia? Who has amnesia? I? I don't really know that man! Who is he?

He stumbled back, as if he couldn't believe what the doctor had said.

"B-but why only me?" He shouted.

"Maybe it's because she really wants to forget you, especially the pain you caused
her," Leo said bitterly. "You abused her, you made her suffer to death, and I will
never forgive you. Now that I'm here, I will never allow you to hurt her again. Don't
try me, I will drag you to hell.."

Everything Leo said was confusing me. Nothing makes sense to me. Why are they
saying I have amnesia when I don't even know that guy? I just saw him now and why
is he here?

The man left weakly, with tears falling down his face.

Years had passed and a lot had happened. My memories came back. I remember
all painful experience that is now shadowed by happiness.

Kai and I got married. Many people came to our wedding and gave us their blessings.
It was an unforgettable moment. Leo was happy, even saying that he had finally
fulfilled his promise.

I got out of the bed. I opened the curtain and let the sun's rays touch my skin.
I smiled when suddenly someone hugged me from behind as he placed his head
on my shoulder.

"I had a beautiful dream where you and I had a baby boy who looked like me, a
younger version of myself," he says, his eyes still closed. "Really? Why does it look
like you?" I scoff.

He laughed and kissed my lips. "Because I'm handsome," he playfully said. "Ahh so
I'm ugly?" I said, raising my brows.

"I didn't say that," he said, his lips parted.

"Yes," I said.

I walked over to the bed. I was annoyed by the way he laughed and was ready to
throw a pillow at him when I heard a doorbell ring.

Leo and I exchanged glances, and he was the first to leave the room, followed by me.

Leo turned the knob and opened the door. "A delivery man approached the two of us."
"Good morning, ma'am and sir. Is this Mrs. Celestine Martinez's residence?

I nodded, "It's me, why?

He simply smiled and pulled something off his motorbike. Then I noticed a box.

"This one is for you, and I'll just sign it," Leo said as he took the box and handed me
the paper. After signing, I immediately returned it to the delivery man. He then said
his goodbyes and left.

We went into the living room and sat on the couch together.

"How about you open it first, baby?" he said.

For some odd reason, I became nervous. I'm not sure where my nervousness comes

I opened the package and found a bunch of photos and a letter. I grabbed them one by
one and checked them. It was photos the of me and Ace when we were together. Then
took out the letter and read it "For My Sunshine" written on it.

Dear my sunshine,

If you're reading this, I'm already gone and will never see you again. I have stage 4
pancreatic cancer that doctors say cannot be cured, but there are still treatment. I
rejected the treatment since I had already accepted my fate. Maybe I got this cancer
because karma. You don't have to worry about me because I am in peace now.

I also want you to know that this is not your fault. Sorry for holding you accountable
for everything that happened. The fact is that I was the one who was truly to blame.

I tried all I could to convince my parents; I really want them to accept you, which is
why I prepared something for them. I cooked for them, but my mother came and told
me that all my efforts were useless since they would not accept you no matter what I

I was so angry that I yelled at them. I've left and don't want to see them again. Then I
found out that the house had burnt down, and I knew it was all my fault. Because I
couldn't accept everything, I poured my anger on you.

I'm really sorry Celestine.

I want to apologize for everything, and just remember that I love you with all of my
heart. I know you're happy now, and I want you to know how happy I am for you.

If only I had taken care of you, you may still be with me right now. But I hurt you so
badly that you were traumatized. Please forgive me if I ruined your life again when
you were already satisfied; I just want to spend the rest of my days with you. I know
I'm becoming selfish, but what else can I do? I love you.

Congratulations on your wedding day!

Your Love,

After reading his letter I could barely breathe because of the pain I felt. My chest
tightened as Leo comforted me. My eyes filled with tears.

I can't deny that I loved Ace, but we weren't for each other.

They say that everyone you meet has a purpose. Some people come into our lives to
test us, some to teach us, some to use us, and some to bring out the best in us. Not
everyone is destined to be a part of our future. Some people are only passing through
to give us life lessons.

And I guess that's the purpose I met Ace. He was only in my life to teach me a lesson.
A lesson I'll remember for the rest of my life. I've realized that this is our fate; we'll
only meet once in our lives, but we'll never be together.

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