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Assume that you are about to graduate from college and have received three job offers as summarized


1. Entry level position in a large company the salary offer is for 80000 and you will begin work in a
very attractive location. However, you also see promotion prospects as being relatively limited
and you know that you are likely to have to move frequently.
2. Position with a new start-up company. The salary offer is 60000. You know that you will have to
work especially long hours. If the company survives for a year, however, opportunities there are
unlimited. You may need to move occasionally, but not for a few years.
3. Position in a family owned business the salary is 85000 and you start as middle manager You
know that you can control your own transfers, but you also know that some people in the
company may resent you because of your family ties.

Using the three jobs as framework do the following

a. Using expectancy theory as a framework, assess your own personal valence for each outcome in
selecting a job.
b. Evaluate the three jobs in terms of their outcomes and associated valences. Which job would
you select from among these three jobs?
c. What other outcomes will be important or you in selecting a job?

A) 1) Valence for the first one- valence is good working conditions as you will be working in the
attractive location in the office

2) salary- 80,000RS is desirable to me, thus salary is another valence in the 1 st job offer

3) large company- having a job in a large and established company is a positive valence for me
personally as you’ll get exposure and other opportunities in an established company as
compared to small company thus it is a positive valence for me

4) No Promotion offers- this factor for me personally will act as a negative valence as I’ll not be
able to get more and more opportunities even after working hard in the office, if no promotion
opportunity than no external motivator which leads to poor performance of myself, thus
negative valence

5) Moving frequently- this factor will have no effect on me in making my decision regarding job
selection, thus this is a neutral valence

2nd job-

Salary- 60,000 will not be enough for me as the company is a new company which is in its initial
stages, that means I have to put more and more efforts in it, and as it is given in the description I
have to work for long hours thus the performance is not equal to the reward, thus negative

Opportunities- this factor is a great motivator for me as the company is still in its initial stages
that means I will have plenty of opportunities in the company to establish myself, thus positive
3rd job offer

1) Salary- 85,000 is quite pleasing for it will act as a external motivator for me and it is a
desirable reward for me.
2) Own transfer- if I have control over my own transfer it is a great reward for me as I can
choose my traveling business
3) Family owned business- positive valence for me as I can control most of my own actions in
the office

Question2) I will be choosing the 1st job as I will have plenty of valences in it for me that job is desirable

Question3) other outcomes are- sanitary

b) working hours

c) and other perks

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