Origó 2012

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AANQXVDSZIAATSAN O91 Elész6 E gykorokinyy az ORIGO angol alae (BL sin) nyelvisga tsb résénck sitresltéher len segtsegetnyitan»egyben a sede visgn halls wns mepérést letras vészre is hatony fskdseaest zoste ‘Ate 2 sors cimének metflelden aay mennyisigdvzsganyagot tartar, amely 2 seek ib (etzndes viasgfelats apastaatin laa /Aknyy nem esupn hen bemutatja hogy mlljen eadatk vrnaka vispéra, hanem bevertS rszében soles tahortatit ad magardlavasgarlisEtudnlalok kot szamos olan néhalzhettlentandcsot, {aranpsesbly” megosr a viagra kal lv lvalameljosglségevel a Vizsgizé sokatJvthat nse eredményesstgén fest Kin tan nk is kivdan aszodats, mel vlamenny tadstor megoldlcst kin ‘ 6tskes iors sol jt sara kvetets las, zerebhlésszempontarl ‘Analisi sxbvegétés Cb-n mephallgatbat stvoge! fot itozathan djmencesen lettbetka Leah Kinds honlairsl rea hu}, ving vl felksiésher tart 6 eredméayes munkitkvinnake Snore Kinds AZ ORIGO ALAPFOKU {RASBELI NYELVVIZSGA - ‘TANACSOK ES TUDNIVALOK Av Org alapfok risbell nyeovasg hom fads. Ezek megoldésthoz 60 perl rndelkeztsre, utr hasenlatamegengedet Aho lladatipurra sree 50 ponte Iehet kop: a oan wt ‘rovogértére 20, sr i Mizuetsre 10, at fissaséare 20 pont jt A sikores nyetrasgthce 6O%os fehestimény sane 30 pont eléése skies de vlamenay!vasgarést legal 40¥an Fel tjstent Mostar eladatokat estletesen! 1. OWvasis utdat szavegértés [rol fladat ey’ autenthusangolsadveg elas. és ar tina fle, magyar nye kédések megvilasoliea mapyarl A Rerdésekutn sirjalbenszerepelaheljes ilaszrt re pontsm.Afelaatra ‘ssresen 20 pont kapha Aranyszabok: ‘+ Mireles heljes informs pontt éemesinkabb tbbet ini vlasshan, mit kevesebbet ‘ot kids megvisaofsakor erdemesaexoveghen fleet valamennyivontkoa informs belefolalnunk s vias, ésped cljanokat is, amoyeke a fladat konkrétan em kere 2 kerdesck tin szereplé posts egyebként informacscc ad ar, lyn tered leayen 3 lender aan vlan Figregy pont what oy any de li egy Lagmondaty erjdelee i Vigyaat a ve alse azonban potvesést won maga tt + Olvassukel el6szora kérdéseketEacksogitenek mephatir om hogy napalm sail seg, sevakenatan ovassul el magica szinepet. + Ne Kerdjink szotirazn! az els6 lmeretlen szdnll Gyézeajonk meg rl, hogy vonatkrake egal valamele Kis a st tartalmand ezvegrésaee, Amennyibon nem, 2 2oregrés. Teforaiisaflslgeslbveseesoget let. 2. Koavetités ‘Az dn. hsovthésnél (lege 10 port) arta mindig sem elt, hogy nem forditania Kol. Enc Inogflelen-Kldndsen a teaaken van nem ell obvellenilszdtraznaasarepet bane supa ‘om infarct, nyernie” belle smeyekre meade ldalyorssssempontok Vonathaznak. SS A SS, EME RT Su liniskészség (Levels) 1 eladat egy 8-10 sor teredel0 lows megiisaexy magadtttemaban. Az ee kaphat6 20 pont négy eempont = tartaloms nyevheless6g kori até lejexéoméa ~ seein drdhllsbl ac ‘Aranyszailyokataealomea yonatiozéan Ne téronk ef Knyeyesen a Mdnt terjedelemedl! A til rvid é a til hose ogamaris ajar pontvonsssal ic + Tortus be a formal el6rdsokat (clos, mops, dtm sth), hisen err ugyanesak potot -apunk Cilser ha vat egy-egy kesrbeveets irs mondatank (pL imsory haven writen for slong but have ben erly us tal vagy Thi a beter go nes there be lat for sch, Smell bitoran Relyesek 65 haszaalok eke + figyelinkatra hogy minden meyadott saempontea és tiara tlakckl ne hgyjunk eget sem fgyeimen isl Aranyseabiy a hieeare wonathoasan: + Foyalmazaunk egyszerden ne junk tl vals stisban,aminek smeretekakndsen nagy yt fartsssge peyel Hasan a niga és bistonssgl hacen sense, ete, erik azole aries visa sarin, a sadeebolismeraiak meg Ararysahlyl aye heyssérevontiveson flees het elire s9)8t ibakalawst Késsient, Mindenkinek mogvannak a Jelomab Albi Sokpontot meqapérolatun, ha enetb6l stink, er 2 saivey elkisatése wi gondosan leclendriak sat exy-egy Hpushisa urn katatva, Ha pal tudjak magunkr hogy qyakran feetink el rage, fords win Keressok meg azolat 8 mondatkat, hol egyes sm harmadk Semel az geaak,e llenrizank le mundenlketuice ragot! Aa yarn harenlank oss ‘rendet cézvakmng plu, oy levelinkmondatatban ve aa rend, anthasendlunk + A ejatsnéisl cml tandee fs Srvenyer: me bowyellsuk tl a nyevtns szerkarctle slkalmtdst elasfulea angolyeltan aden sedpséeétnehinysorban evonltatn Tudésunk bheonyitisaa casera nny alkanasserezetet elhelyenninlessxegben, bv hb esze ‘Stonan legyen ,bintonsgosar” eyyszrL Vsadjesugyanalor ams igs at egyszert “veg eh alermiyen hibit, a yelvelesséqreiyenesetben nem kap maximal pomtzamot Ini sank meg egy ellendreethibabaswzml sere! Ne maradjo ajan haa fogalmazisban, ni tid hogy fyakran eltetjk AZ ORIGO ALAPFOKU SZOBELI NYELVVIZSGA - ‘TANACSOK ES TUDNIVALOK 1. Halls utini szivegértés {A vas fends: egy normal besoédkemp anol s2bveghiromszor| mephllatsautén ard vonst= toad, magyar nyelrdkérdések ogyanesak magyaral tSténd megiaaszlisa, valamint magyar nyelvd Fegrasale elit, ygysness magyar mepadol sempontok layin A vlazokra 10-10, osszsen 20 pont phat. Aranyszobsiyok + Assuive elsé mopallgasa sorb vrekedhink afogé sevegértésr: ne ragaunk lea meg nen treat reslte + Sola mepednek amin mephals ester thang saaveget: ml ne essa ebbe a bat A fhe sorin ind oncentijnle ars, ami rte Slat elena tkerdimdny sempontibl ris ha a sales son oy ht eletevel je meghalgatuk az adotseveget Eel a médszerel shorn eléchtjle hogy mle a aldsghan is vig funk nfo eményeink leszek Ss sxvegalgtita apesbiatban, 622 eredményonkis soa job es 2. Beszéigetés za visgardz ogy vepabinotsg etre Dy vi személys bese gett Kiveten ey vagy bb kip lpi ojala trsagts Vogl egy situs feladatot ll megoldant arcelyoen sz egy maga ‘isein,amasicpedigavizginatstande MinerreGsreesn 40 pont leet apn. zen bella bestedank TKommunikati stigre 20 pont irat mégpedig a samdtes beszegetene 10 pont, a Képltrenl & suis feladatnl 5-5 pont. Minghirom felacatnl nytt eesiménytnke egy postzzakvistont ‘kines és nelelesseyteknttébon ake saempont lain lege 10-10 ponot eet, Aronyzobaivok: + Sokan nok ta vizsgrészt pedi sok szempontbol konnyebbelyaetoon vagyukt, mint az IeisbelindL A viasgotmakdret adotay Gx eekre elie leet sz Mogul «vga sem fognak lyn trakrbenkirdcnkat lenny, armelyele nem tadhattai mat le A essalpra val felldsilésben sagisdgt nyt Némethné Hock dik: Trsalgds, studi, ‘éplerdsok s halls tint seovenértés angoul (Uj kids, CD-melékletel 10030) cima Ionyvinek dwg feats eyes maken val races elméytsshes Némethné Hock dik: 1000 Questions 1000 Answers. Térsalgds!gyakortatk az angol A ipust nyelvlspara {CO-malietet 1-004) cin kanye aénljue Mindset any lel aszébe wasp cere CD khanganyapapedigsegitamemoriziis,ahlyes kits dsimtonSci (angles) ebatiisiban ie A kiplersea drs sete boratgenéar wld felsalsher wpyance ar ome Trad, sitdekkipetrsok halls uti sdvegéras angola im Kony alan A King 60 dao "ots ugyanenny nls fldalgoassa susie eladata hatékoyan kr ela eadbe ves {ital ere acészre A lyutensuerepls 2 anes kp ern tl a Kpltrsokn Ralinosan Ihasnats jezik gyGheménye seit abba, boyy Sy beset fea aspire, Nogy mie ‘nem éret minke mepiepetes. ive! 3 esses Cin mephallathatak coe essa som ‘okozhatgondot. Esha rive laposan felksrilsink trsunk bo még py slspszabyt: mind bosssenk arr amittidunle Az rsbellvizsga felépitésének dutekintése [x pons aa TOMTATOT SPARS EGENGEDENT OS Olvasis wis \Vatasadés magyaeul x angol savergelkapeslatos magyar | 29 paue sutivegertis Juke a Kozweiis Informaci6korvetts: angolszbveprevonathoz est Msse mapas nagar aevenmegacotesempontok | 10 pont | spin - iskésasig Ininyftot galas ovis Bopont A stkeres vz letter sz Sssepontsm 60-3 (30 ponte) Fel lyse & egy Késsepre ‘ott pontszim som meet 40% al A srbbel vzsga felépitésének dttekintése Ti pa] | Ceres (ae cre Se intone: bests Bese (le ons sop Sai dat | ia inl sage ‘YELM LABOFATORU GAR FONG SCARE : ists agree aarp dee a Inge setae (bata) magyar magpr eek meplasepnae ap —_ A rs igs ele i a ands pons G36 po kl elle em 2 ethics polly hls ul suger Lapot pontezin oem neh soon T Ae Re HEH BT PETER: TGR RTN GTO : ‘Siiluaouurhecnancimepeuede 1. Olvasott szveg értése Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. inthis part of the exam you can use your dictionary. Headache ee eonvnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 7 7 ‘A headache fs 8 word that describes pain that happens in the head, face, mouth, or neck. It is one of the most common symptoms in society today. Infact, up to 80 percent of people al ‘ver the world suffer rom atleast one severe headache per year Its also thought that 90 pereent of men and 95 percent of women have experienced at last one during thelr fetimes £ Unfortunately fam among those people who often have a headache, havea headace now. = My headache started about an hour ago. L was reading crime story, when felt my head would © explode, OF course, 1am sure that my head won't explode. It just feels that way. Sometimes I “have headaches on the top af my head. Sometimes Ihave headaches inthe front of my head or | £ my headaches are between my eyes. Sometimes my whole head hurts. But usually the back of £ my head hurts. I hate my headaches, but | love reading, so¥ read for only 45 minutes. Then I cop reading and [take break. fT read for 20 minute, get headache. i But sometimes {forget to take a break, Today this is what happened, Now Lmust wale unt the | “headache goes away It wll take an hour or two and I ean do nothing but live withthe pal 1 lo not want to take an Aspirin because f dont ike pills. I know that my headache wil go away after a while, sol wal patiently ‘.FELADITEOR 2, Mijen gyakran scenvednekfeflést az emberek? (3 pont) 3. Hogyan kerdédétea torent elmesél6yinek afi? (1 pont) 4, Mol szokote fjnta fee? (5 pont) 5. Mittudunk meg az olvasés szoksaird? (4 pont) {6 Migr fade ma mega foe? (1 pant) 7. Meany idelg cars, mre elma a fjdatom? (1 pont) Mit ves be, hogy enyhitsen af nan? (1 pont) “FRLADATSOR 2. Kozvetitési készség Repiilén utazik baratjv ere a gene era aaa ont rte skozbsen olvassék az utas{tisokat, hogy mit kell esinlni vweszly cesetén Foglalja Sssze nokia eikket magyarula megadott szempontok alapjén! In Case of Emergency (1-4) When you purchase your plane tickets, ry to get an asl seat inthe tall end ofthe plane. Statistically,’ safer tsi in the rear of the plane than the front. | (6-8) Once you're aboard pay attention to the safety Instructions of the fight attondants even you've heard tiem a hundred times before, Keep your seatbelt on when you're sting. Put | your tray up when you don'tneed I. fi’ obvious that there wil bea eras, put your head between your knees or against the seat. | (0-12) there stl ai te most important thing i not to pani Breathe lowly and deeply | | and thinkabout where the nearest emergency exit is located. (43-17) tn ease ofa crash, watch the floor light; those near emergency exits will be red. In| typleal plane, youl slide down an inflatable ramp ater exiting. (20-20) o matter what happens sty calm, Almost 60% of people volved in apane cases 1 Wis 4 pont (1-4 érdeléstegység) 2 legikisrs wtasitasal “4 pont (G-M érkeles epyséa) 3. kevés levegi pont (9-12 ertbheléslenyseg) “. lezuhands esetén 5 pont (13-17 eredkelésiegys6a) & ayugalon 3 pont (18-20 éretkelés\epyséy) *.FELADATSOR 3. fraskészség ete lat gee eel lata Pato rene ‘KalfOld6n til 1 hetws vakacl6jat. fron 8-10 sorosIevelet magyarorszdgl baritjinak! frfate, hogy rmilyen vole 32, St ellette sz, hogy tetszlea szlloda mitervezholnap megnézit Avia Wega OssLesen BO pare al FendeTneae -ossthot el. Srétir hasendiata Olvasott szaveg értése Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exim you can ‘use your dictionary. ‘Baby Born at Train Station — ‘One day a woman was wating for atrainat the station. She was pregnant with triplets and was | fonher way to her doctors fice, When she was walking up steps she flt the birth contractions Sring Sh er he was going the te bay in the sation nd se conld ot wo the train to ake ero her dator'sofc. history teacher was also waiting athe train statlon. He ran to help her. He tok off is shi and caught che first baby as it was born. He used his shirt to cover the haby. The aby was 2 ry tiny gil She only welghed three pounds. | he man called an ambulance to come tohelpthe woman and take her toa hospital so tht the | ther two babes could be born with the help af doctors and nurses t £ When the doctors arrived, they took the baby to an Oakland hospital. They put the mother in jothor ambulance and took her toa diferent hospital, where the other two babies wore born; = they were als itt girs | The bables were to young to take the mother’s mak alone, so the nurses fed them through 3 special tube. Th bables and thelr mother are all doing well ‘lye informdeidkat tadunke mega n6vGlaz O66 KET mondabal?(G pont) Miért nem jutottelan6az orvosshr? (1 pont) Kitudott segtent a helgynek? (1 pont) Hogyan segitett azonnal a ndneke (3 pont) Mic tadonk az elsbint megezdleter babirdl (2 pont) Mit tudunk mega misik két aba szletésének akarulményeirP. (2 pont) ova vitték a mar megsaetettbabst, ete az anys? (1 pont) Milyen nema msi két baba? (1 pont) Hogyan és kikctudtktiplani a gyerekeket? Mir? (4 pont) 1. FELADATSOR pet lat vga exzela Wladatal pontot enamel Unokatestwérét Londonba hivja egy barétja, aki megirja neki, hogy mire fgyeljen oda a ppakoléskor Mondja el mindezt magyarul unokatestsérének, valamint azt is, hogy a barst imilyen programokat aja Deariajos, 1 am so delighted to have you fortwo weeks next month I cant forget the great time had when {vas in tungary. (1-4) Ihave to remind you that you are coming inthe rainy season ~ wel, every season is wet anyvray, which means i wil ea bitcol, especialy in the mornings ~ don’t “Morget to bring (5-8) a waterproof raincoat with you. You wil also need more shoes and boot, | | together with extra pars of sock than you would noemally bring T suggest that you pack some | warmer clothes, even though itis going to be May, when you're here. As fr the two weeks, | would lke to show you the real London (10-13) Last time you were ere, you saw the usual stuff, The Towes, Buckingham Palace, St. | Pauls Cathedral and soon. (14-17) This time willbe diferent. 'm planning to take you to out to Saho one night We might as well go toa theatre on another one. also like to take you toa football game preferably an | “arsenal match Then you willsee what rea foosball isallabout. (18-20) We should definitely go | | swan English pub for some good beer My favourite place ls Shakespear’, we shoud go there. ‘att walt to see you, Mit mond a levéliré az aldbbiakkal kapcsolatban? Toltse ki a tiblézatot a megadott seempontok szerint! Tire /vrakok ‘pene (1-4 Grckeléstexység) 7% rahaka pakolishor ‘S pont (5-9 ertkeléstenység) 3. programok alegutabbr Tpont alealommal (10-13 erekotéstepysée) T werveet programok ‘Spent (14-17 rude egysea) L___ — = © Kocsma, 3 pont (18-20 érdhelstegysts) ORIGO ‘FELADATEOR Sas omoterem el ‘A j6v6 hénapban Londonba litogat 1 hétre. Ixjon 8-10 soros emailt egy kint é16 Dardtjinakt Mondija el neki, hogy + szeretné meglitogaen, + ikor meyy 1 mitterves megnéznit Kérdezze meg, hogy + Smit tna még. ajilanit Letter 1. Olvasott széveg értése Read the article, then answer the questions In Hungarian. In this part of the exam you can use your dictionary. nthe Reach Jessica was new in town. The town was near the ocean, so she decided to visit the beach, She | | had met anew friend called Henry ata bar yesterday He was a diving instructor n the local; diving centre. She asked her new fiend to take her tothe beach and her frend agreed, i ‘They went othe sandy beach on a hot sunny day. The temperature was 35°C. The beach was very crowded. It was fll of fails, children and beautifl women, who were wearing their bikinis. Jossiea and her friend put a big towel om the sand and left their clothes and slippers there. After that they walled down to the water They stepped nto the water but the water Was | really cold so they ran outa it Then they went back to their towel and sat down, They looked atthe boats surfers and the seagulls lying over their head, | they ae some dipin A epurd walled by and ald t them or 3 minute about the | dangers of sunbathing. They promised to be careful and use protective sunbathing lotion. They | stayed on th ach antl lock The aed to cach ober abut hl als an tre plans They watched many peopl plying beac eet, “The best hing was when they watched the sun go down. fewas huge and orange Itsank nto the | ‘ean They shook the sand out ofthe towel and walked back to the ea. “That was wonderful” | she told her friend "like the beach. Thank you for bringing me here today” Mit tudunicmeg fessiea Gj bardiaral @ pont) Micke tle Jessica (1 pont) Kikkel volt tela par? (3 pont) ithagytak a oroTkb26jak mellett? (2 pont) Atérélkozin thdbgéve miket néztel? (6 pont) Mir beszét neta viziment6? (1 pont) Mic gértek mega viimentSnek? (2 pont) ‘Mind besaAlgettek zz. baritok? (2 pont) 2, Kozvetitési készség pore lt végetom eel a flat ponuérem el Egy angol ingatlanigynokség levelet ir baritjénak, aki Anglisban szeretne hézat venni ‘Mondja el magyarul baritjnak, hogy mik lennének az el6nyel és.ahatranyal a haznakt Dear Mi Nagy, : § 1was happy to read about your interest in buying a house in Cornwall. | have already looked | “for a perfect house inthe price range you mentioned, To tel the truth, the house as aft of | advantages as well as Some disadvantages. First, like to tell you about the positive things. | (1-3) The house is qulte cheap for what it would normally be worth. I’ only £150,000. (4-8) es because the seller is moving tothe USA and wants to get rid ofthe house quickly (6-12) It $s near the shore 2s you wished, and it is quite far from any big city, so tis very peaceful All fhe rooms have been renovated recently and are in good condition. The area Is very sae, and here is virally no crime around. (13-16) The kitchen is well-equipped, both bedrooms are | snished, and thee isa huge sofa and a wardrobe inthe living-room, 17-20) Unfortunately, the house has no garage, but there is quite a big space to park your | car in the front But in winter you have to clean your car of snow every morning. Another isadvantage is that the rallway line is only 500 metres from the house, so you can hear the passing trans, but hick there aren too many a day L ‘'m looking forward to your answer. Best regards, David Robinson ROOFTOP Estate Agency 1 Spent (1s értdkelést egy) 2 elajdonoe pont (GS dreds exysée) 3 ainjak Tent (6-12 érahelést enya) bilorok “pent (13-16 érdketés expat) 5. hatrényoie pont (17-20 értekelés egyste) {LFELADATSOR 3, fraskészség percalat eertom eae a fbadatial mo rt ildjon ogy 8-10 sorosképeslapot a Balaton parr] Budapestn 16 rokonsnakt frjale, hogy ‘+ -miérejobl itt lak, mint a eérosban, + szeretné meghivniesaldjt feleséye kizelg6 50. szetésnapl buljra + holleszazinneplés, Stara itokban! "isa vega Osszesen 6D perc aM ‘init igeipelnek eg oszthac et S26tdr haszndlata megengedet 1. Olvasott széveg értése i poral vegeta nel alata ppontct femal” Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. tn this part ofthe exam you can ‘use your dictionary. ‘The Wedding — ——— | "Tomorrow my dreams willcome true Bety sald "Ys, defintely’ sald her mom. "tm so happy | | for you, Pal is sich an honest man. He will be a great husband and father: And he's sonics. Your dad and I oth love hima” Betty met Paul after she broke her leg She broke her leg while she was sking. She went skling with her family and, as usual, they | rented all the equipment. Boots, skis and poles. There was a ski teacher who wanted to teach : hor the basics but she did not listen tothe teacher. And that was the problem, because when | | she was skiing dow the hill she was not able to stop and she broke her leg She was taken to ‘the local hospital where Paul was the doctor who fied her le, He visited her every day inthe | | hospital. Then he visited her a home. He brought her Get Wel card, balloons and gifts, They ! {ell in Jove with each otter twas love at irs sight. "I never thought a broken leg would be a ‘food thing” Betty told her mom, "Yes, i was the best thing that ever happened to you Life is strange sometimes" her mom said. ‘After Betty's leg was better, she and Paul started going out, They went to movies and ‘restaurants They had Jot of fun together, They went on holiday together to Florida, where they were walking on the beach hand in hand. They even went skiing in winter. They were so happy together: One day Paul asked Betty to marry him. "Can we have lots of kids?” she asked, | | torcours he sid, “But let ME teach them how ta ki They bot laughed Ba er oe 1 Miljon veleménayel van alend6 anyds Paull (5 pont) 2. Hogyan ismerkedett meg Betty Paula? (2 pont) 3. Milyenfelszerelésoket klesonzata esa? (3 pont) 4 Mittudunk mn Pal fopllkosrt? (2 pont) 5. Mivel kedveskedett Paul Bettynek? [3 pont) 5. Mulyen programokat szerveztek epyatt? (4 pont) 7. Mi volt Paul vilasz arr hogy Ieee sok gyermekGK2! (1 pont) SFELADITSOR 2. Kézvetitési készség jt sem ori a pontterem et = gy angol nyelvi djsighan egy maginishola hindetését nézogetiFoglaljadssze feleséyének. ‘az alabbi szempontok alaplan, hogy mirélszdla hirdetést © Goin and stayin ath (1-3) Ours is the most well-known boarding school in England. We have students from all over the world. | (4-8) Here you can learn a dozen languages including some Oriental languages. Our langage teachers are, without exception all native speakers (9-14) Sinceit is private school, students must wear uniforms. For boys, t means blue jacket | anda redshirt and for girls a blue skirt anda red blouse. i + (05-18) a the domtory we ave wl-ulped roms. There ae2sadens nec rom, Sty have own tron, anda fee net acre, (49-2) Aor hen fot anal feo seo £2100 wchaloinddes 3m | So | [© Tegismertenb 3 pont | (1d értékelés egység) 2 Welw Spont (4-8 értkeléstegysée) 2 egyenruha \Gpont | (0-14 Grtékeés egy) 4 kotegiam Tpent (15-18 értéheléstepysée) (19-20 értekelésepys6a) S| | 1 dd a _ “¢FELADATSOR 3. fraskészség ale en eels lad Pontotéremst frjon ogy 8.40 soros e-mail ariténakt Mondia el neki, hogy ‘+ nem tud elmenni vele holnap vaséroln, mert beteg, + fijafejeés atorka, + elegy #2 orvoshor! Kérdezze meg, hogy ‘+ milkor megy legkizeleb, mert ha mar obban les, akkor szivesenelkisérné! Letter 1, Olvasott sziveg értése Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian, tn this part ofthe exam you can use your ditiona utter and Jelly oes rseeeneemnene oon {have a daughter who is 7 yeas old. There was a tea party In my daughter's elass in May last ‘year That party was to learn about party etiquette. My daughter's teacher sent each of the | ‘parents note about the party. My note sald had to prepare Butter and lly Our family came ‘to the US.A. just two months before that. We had lved in South Korea, and had heard nothing | about butter and jel. "hadno ides sbout American ood or culture, sole wasquite diieltor meta helpmy daughter | 1 drt know what this fod was for, and | had node about how to make i, 50 tasked a! | Korean mother who hadbeenlvingin America for alongtime. But she couldn give me acear | answer was sil very optimistic so | sent an e-mal wo my daughter's wach, and asked her | “or help Unfortunately she dat answer me 1 dds know what to do fl ite hopeless. | So, 1 bought some buter and seme ely ta stre and sent them wo school (nthe day of the tea party, 1 did see my butter and fly on the table Instead, there wee Jot of sandwiches, cookies and fut Pally realized my mistake. The teachor meant tha ‘wor supposed to make sandwiches that had butter and jelly thad’t nov that oly was like | jam. lapologized to my daughters teacher about my mistake, She told me itwas OX. but Iwas | | ery embarrassed about Sometines Tah at myself when think about But that’s what | happens when you ave ina new country anfind yourself in a totaly diferent culture. Mir sabia part aa iskolaban? & pont) 2, Kikildbte értest6t a senek a pari? (1 pont) 3. Miért nem rendelkezett az anyuka megfeel6informcival az america telekkel apesoltban? (2 pont) 4. ova vlés a sali? (1 pont) 5, RiOIKér eldszortandcsot, és mllyen valasotkapate? (4 pont) | 6. Kitol éshogyan ket enutinsepitséget, és milyen vilasz kapot? (3 pont) | 7. Mictett az anya Rétsgheestsdben? (4 pont) 8, Mikvoltkeae asztlon a skolsban? (3 pont) 9. Mitkellet vlna vinniak a iskoldba? (2 pont) EE EN TS RET aE il SS PRLADATSOR 2. Kozvetitési készség ‘ere lt igen ere asada pontns rem Barija 16 szoetnefizetiLinya szimara a National Geographic folysrars, Megnéc a kind honlapit, de mivel nem er Ont rt meg, hogy sgitsenértelmem “Sibi ot gin, lowing paces infration areca. | 1-3} For ene year suberptin te price $20, for wo years is only S32 For S years the | price isonly $60 | (10) Irthore is a student inthe family we have a speck student discount this month. tf student subscribes fora year, he/she will gta present. Ether a shirt ora alendat Also there | ga draw for student ubserbers with the chance of trip to New Zealand. | (11-12) Would you like to have access to our line magazine as well? For this service we ! ‘change customers only $3a year and you will also have access to some extra aris (13-16) To every new subscriber we give a present asa token of our appreciation, Would you | like to receive tea mug a dock ara pheto album? (17-20) Methosl of payment: You can pay by ereit card, check or money transfer: IFyou wish 0 pay in cash, you will have todo this at one of our offices. . lifizetés fra Bpont (1-3 erskelést oxy) 2, dilcelifietés Fpont (4-10 eres egység) 3. online elfizetés Zpent (11-12 6rd egység) 4% Galbtaatk Tpont (13-16 éridteléstopység) 5. Gaetéainformicik pont (17-20 érebkelés\epysée) ‘CFELADATSOR 3, fraskészség i (ae cian alsin en fnnegy 10 sorose malt amertal bariinak Meséije el nel, hogy ‘+ amerikai Yosdelabda-mérkbzést nézetteymap a tévében és nagyon tots, + hogy Magyarorszégon nagyon szeretit az emberek a focit, pedi nem is olyan jo rmostandban, + hogy On milyen sportokat kedvet Kérdezze meg, hogy + Gisszokotee sportotnézniatévében! Letter 1, Olvasott széveg értése ere alt vgerten eel feiadatal Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you can use your dictionary. My House a ‘We have a nie house. Te living room isthe first room shen entering the house. This room is filled with lots of furniture. Comfortable, leather armchair, colourful rugs over the wood floor, and a large bockease with pictures, books, and many memories of friends and family: And | ‘musty forget about the big window that, uring th day, will lot as mach sunlight inthe room | as possibly can, My sisters room ie really colourful. The walls te purple and there are funay pictures on them. Her room s also decorated with owersand her own artworkeon the wall | Iisa one-storey house. fe doesn’thave any stairs. It doesn'thave asecond Mor ora basement. ‘Butit has a streroom, [thas a chimney anda fireplace. thas a kitchen, whic iste loveliest oom in the house. am not very good at cooking. The kitchen has dark brown cabinets with | ‘two double doors. These cabinets ae filled with dishes, cups and bowls on one side and spices, and teas on th other side. Below the cabinet there fa sink where there are alt of unwashed. dishes. £ The house has a twoscar garage. My mom has a blue Cadilla. My dad has a red Honda. have : bicycle anda skateboard. My sister does, to. he's a goo skateboarder, for a gir We ve on | a gulet street. We never hear police sirens or fr sirens. Someday twill got married and Iwill F own a nice house on a quet street. sof would ove to have some animals around a house. Maybe acatand a dog i ‘ova érkezink; ha beléplnkca haba? (I pont) ogyan van berendezve: pall? (4 pont) ‘Mic wdunk mega testuérszobsérd? (5 pont) Hany srntes ahi? (1 pont) Miktalathataka konyhaszekrényekben? (5 pont) Mit sportolnaka gyerekek? (2 pont) Muyen vigyal vannaka gyeemekek ajivSbent héival kapesolatban? (2 pont) | i 2. Kézvetitési készség ete att vepteten exzela aca ontot rem Egy angol ayelvi ismeretterjeszté konysben exy piramisokr6l s26l6 részt olvas barstval. Foglalja dssze neki az alabbl szempontok alapjan, hogy mir6lszéla fejezet! Pyramids ‘The Ancient Egyptian built pyramids to house the mummies of thelr kings or pharaohs. The | Great Pyramid the biggest and most famous pyramid inthe world. t was buil for Pharaoh Khufu and completed in 2560 B.C, (1-8) Its m Giza in Egypt. Glza Ison the edge of the Western Desert, noar Cairo. (5-7) The «Great Pyramid is over 140 metres high. But the base ofthe pyramld is 230 metres long. That's | | bigger than 2 foothall stadium. (8-10) Over 10,000 people worked on building the pyramids | ‘vera period of 20 years Some pyramid took even longer | (11-15) Many people believe slaves did the building work, We now know that this s not true, “The writing we have found on the walls is by local workers. Some people believe that aliens | built the pyramids, They say that they arrived In space ships. | (16-20) The pyramids were the burial places forthe pharaohs and their servants. They even buried their favourite objets and pes, too. There are also tombs for those who bull the pyramids. Thalys (1 erates exysé) “pont Z méreiak (5-7 ertkelésexység) Spont 3 Spitkeats (0-10 éreskaési ony) [Spon én (11-15 ertekelsi egy) | Spone % wenetkents (16-20 erekelétenyses) Spont (GFELADATSOR 3. fraskészség ‘per lat végeztm ezaea feladatal pomtértem el Katfitd nyaralisirél ir baritainak egy 8-10 soros képestapot. Irjate hogy nem j6 zi még nem lttak szinte semmit, mien dt virnakakovetkez6 napokra, riketsveretnének megnézai Letter eS a re “ osrthat el Str hasendlata megengedet . Olvasott sziveg értése rete ea itt ‘pontine a ue Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. tn this part of the exam you can use your ditionary. ‘The Roosevelt otelin New York ACCOMMODATION | Bach of our 1,015 luxurious New York City guest rooms, including the 52 suites, xing the lassie styling of yesterday with ll the modern conveniences of today. [Each guest room has a new HD flat screen TY, wireless internet access, dual telephone lines ‘with voice mal, cable television and halrdryers, and irons and boards to assure that you have all the comforts ofhome. For New York City business travelers, each of our guest rooms has a sofa, desk lamp, 2 | ‘comfortable chair and Internet access, you're aleto be productive away from theoffce. | “The Roosevelt Hotel Presidential Suite has ight rooms. That includestwo bedrooms, a complete ‘atchen, formal living and dining area, and an expansive wrap around terrace with a panoramic ‘ay vlew. | THE NEIGHBORHOOD i ‘Convenient to Grand Central Staton, JFK and Newark Liberty International and LaGuardia airports, The Roosevelt Hotels ideal location i a dream com tre for New York City busluess and leisure travellers Nestled among the Empire tate Building, S* Avenue shopping and the word-Eamous shows ‘on Broadway, guests are ony steps away from the action found within the heart of the city that never sleeps. i stony ‘The Roosevelthas stood tall since the hotel frst opened its doors on September 22, 1924, and | ‘over the last 86 years it has remalned a true icon of the Cty of New York. The Roosevelt has | ‘woleomed guests from all around the world and has been part of ourcountry'stich history-The | | Roosevelt Hotel has appeared in several major movies, including The Boller Room, Wal Street, | (Quiz Show, Presumed Innocent, Malcolm X Monday Night Mayhem, The Pench Connection, Hanky | Pony, Moid in Manhattan, The Hoax and 1408, 1. liven stu uralkodTica seobalian? (2 pont) 2. Milyena svabk felscerelisége? Sorljon fl lepalabb 4 dolgot ami a seabskban moptalhats! (4 pont) 3. Milyen elszereltségd seobdkal var az Gnletiutaxdkat? (4 pont) 44 Milyen helyiségektadthatdk az endl lkoszdlyban? (5 pont) 5, Kiknektokéletes a szdlloda elhelyezkedéso? (2 pont) 6. Mire utal a ktojezés, ogy sosem alsa”? (1 pont) 7. Midta deme szélloda? (1 pont) 8. Milyen hollywood katédése van ahotelnek? (1 pont) 2, Kézvetitési készs6g erent ign cal ioaa ‘pontot értemn él ed Jegyet sueretne rendelni a Pittsburgh Steelers amertkal-foclesapat egyik mérkézésére. ‘aritjival elolvassék a esapat honlapjén talilhat6 informActokat, Barija sepit Onnek, Grtelmerni a lertakat “Tatormaon for Stelers ket forthe month of erode § (1-5) The price ofthe ticket depends on where you st. Ifyou sit behind the goalposts, one tick costs $120, Along the sidelines, che price of one tickat is $160. This month there is 2 £ spectal discount fr students £ (6-7) Forallthe tickets they order online, customers will get 0 percent ofthe price. | (8-9) inorder to place your order, you have to scan your student ID, and send it together with | the order, i (10-16) We have a special offer for our online customers. We ate giving away Steelers sweatshirts athalf price, Weare also selling photo, calondarsand mugs signed bythe members fof the team. Do not forget that our offer only [ats the end ofthe weoke | (17-20) One-time thre for-wo offer: Ifyou onder 2 tickets, you wil get third one for free. The | conditions: you have to order using our tl ree number You can only call on Friday between 3 and 6 in the afternoon | Go Steelers! 7 epi [Sone (ee ertikees emsée) jakkedvermény ES pit (6-7 éridkelésiogysés) ‘3. jegyrendelésdidkoknak 2 pont (G9 dress egysée) online jeayeisirs T pont (10-16 ertkelslemysés) Ketek harm Kap akc 4 pont (17-20 éredkesiomys6) 3. fraskészség FELADATSOR ‘ers ala gente oe) a flat ‘ontot ete {jon ogy 8-10 soros evolet egy angolfhinak, akinek a cimét ogy tandrét6l kaptal frja meg, hogy svoretnealovelezBpartnere len, ‘it ell ud magn, nilyena csaidja, nila hobbit Letter gee a — ee ‘srthatel Sedtdr hasmdlata megengedett 1. Olvasott sziveg értése ‘ee a gee ee lata pomtrértomel Read the article then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you can use your ditionary. Rubik's Cube — ln Rubik's Cube, twenty-six individual ttle cubes make up the big Cube. ‘Theres only one correct answer and 43 quintilion wrong ones for Rublk’s Cube © every eighth person in the world has had a ‘Cube, the most popular puzzle in history and the | © colorful invention of end Rubik | Bi Rubik was born in Budapest, Hungary during World War I His mother was poe, his | ther an aircraft engineer who started a company. | Rubik studied sculpture incollege, but afterhehad graduated, hecontinuedtolearn architecture | | aa smal college. He remained thereafter his studies to teach interior design. L Sales of the Rubiks Cube were bad until Hungarian businessman, Tibor Leth, discovered | business inthe Cube, Whilehaving a coffe, e saw thatawaker was playing with the ty. | Lacs, an amateur mathematician, was excited. The nest day he asked permission to sell the | | cube inthe West. “Winen Rubik frst walked Into the room Ithought I should give hrm some money” he says. "He looked like a hegga. He was tersbly dressed, and he had a cheap Hungarian cgreste hanging, ‘out of his mouth. But knew I had a genius on my hands, 1 tld hm we could sell millions” = Tor Lacz. ‘The cube became popular, the Cable Rubes (the name of cube fens) formed clubs to play and study solutions. A sixteen-year-old Vietnamese high school student from Los Angeles, Minh | Thal, won the world championship in Budapest (June 1982) by ‘solving’ a Cube in 22.85 seconds. 1. baal Gssze'a Rubik Rocka? (3 pont) 2, Mittudunlemega megoldsJehetdséyek sedmedl (1 pont) 3, Mibizonyija» Robi kocka népazeriségé? (1 pone) 4, Mive oglatkoztak Rubik Erné salle? (2 pont) 5, Mictanult a fiskokin? (1 pons) 6, Mihez kezdett Rubik imaz els diploméjénak megszerzéseutén? (2 pont) 7. Mitesinltexutén? (1 pont) 8, Ki és milyen kordlmények kizdttismerte meg ésnépszerdsiettea bdves kockst (3 pont) 9. Mit gondolt Rubierl, amikor lészdrtakilkoatak? (2 pont) 10, Mikéntjltemzi még Rubtk megjelenéséa szaveg? (2 pot) 41 Kietartootak a ‘Cuble Rubes-hoz? (1 pont) 12, Hiny évs dik nyerte meg az 1982-es vilghajnoksigor (1 pont) LT SETS IE TD ‘A FELADATSOR 2, Kézvetitési készség pereala dpe exe fara ponitonemal Baritja levelet kap Gi) amerikal levelez6partneréta, Foglala dssve baritjinak a partner kérdéseit Dear tail, ” ” - ” Ws ening to havea pen fend om the other side ofthe planet. our st tar wa ery "Intersting four ght very oo oh coud sped rel langage ss well 2 you da. | 1-4) Wher dd you ty the language? Haveyou been to any English-speaking county? Do | hve prateteaher do you jst atch tof isin BOs? 5-2) You know {ove pts ery mh am bg asl fin My fer ten the Los SNgeles ales nny fe me pay baseball pay th my nlbours o youlike spore? Doyo haves faerie eam or player? (40-14) Fm going to tell you a sere tryg to sve enough money to be able to travel Sound the wor Soar Thave 23: to se the mountain deserts of Asa Do you | Siotavea mere | (15-18) My ays que bg have 4 brothers My father works ina bankand my mothe i | (19-20) te means that we also have some dogs in and around the house and Va Hike to have a ‘snake to, Do you lke animals? Keepin touch ne cect es i 1 kerdseka nyelevel “pont apesolatban (a rtskelést ogy) 2 sportok Spent {5-9 érshelést ogy) [3 tok i Spon Uosrecnatseestey | at alld | “pont CS-1Wérdlakisi) | 5 dimok pone (19-20 éretkelést oye) 3, fraskészs6g “pte si igen ea at una irjon egy 8-10 soros levelet volt iskolai baratjanak Gj iskolajarél! Irja meg, hogy. + migen aj hel ahova kanal, + jones tandok 2 tamalee tart {ites eabaddehen Letter ee ‘LFELADATSOR AVES easy SE a aS ee TR HAIER Osethat el Seétar hasendlata megengedett Olvasott szveg értése Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you can ‘useyour dictionary. Playing Gott “What time does the football game start” John asked, “starts a3 o'clock, What time ae you ‘coming over here?” Mark asked, Jon said he would be there at2.'ockeor maybe quarter of | ‘an hour later. Then he said goodbye and hung up the phone. He had to goto the post office to ‘mall birthday card, His daughter's birthday was next weeke ‘The birthday card showed a woman golfer witha big smile on her fae. The card said“ iethday {slike a hole-in-one!” Sharon was almost 25, Before she finished high school she received agolt | scholarship to college. It was a 4-year scholarship It pal fr all her college years. Iwas not | easy to get t but she wns talented. She was chosen from 50 candidates. She was on the golf | teams fr four years. She loved traveling evory weekend and also enjoyed being with frends. | After college, Sharon became a profesional golfer She travelled ll over the country paying, olf Once she won a tournament, vas the Minnesota Championship. ‘ARer the second hoe 1 ‘kept wiling myself t's okay, we sil have Tots of holes stay pase and be always positive and {don’t worry abouttoo much" Sharon tol reporters ater the tournament. She was not the best ‘woman golfer; but she was qulte good. She was inthe top 10 every year: Ske usually made about $100,000 a year She was also having fun. Jon was happy about his daughters success. He was proud orhis daughter “Thats my gil” he wd his trends, and he gave a big smile EE Le ‘.FELADNTSOR 1 Wigr® ment John a postira? pont) Milyen kép volta kirtyin? (1 pont) Mulyen ds2tondiat nyert ol Sharon? (2 pont) Hogyan szarezte meg az dsztondiat? (2 pont) ogyan wok a skola él? (3 pont) ive iztatta mat a Minnesota fainoksig alate? (5 pont) Milyen eredenényetvolak golfozshént? (2 pont) Mennyi pénatkeres a golfassal? (1 pont) ‘Mit eet Joh, haa nya sikereire gondolt? (2 pont) 2, Kozvetitési készség pete alt wégetom exe feadattal Donia grtem e ‘Unokatestuére esevedlak lesz az Egyesilt Allamokban. Mondja el nel, mitita vendéglats salad! ear Zoltan Szabo, ‘We have hear from the program coordinator ofthe student exchange that we are going to be your host family for the next academic year. (1-4) Let us tell you afew things aboutus, We have | two sons Ben is your ag, and itl Je is stil in Kindergarten, My wife sa nurse and Lamm an architect After your arWval you wil havea couple of weeks to adjust before school stars (5-7) We are planning t show you afew things in the fist week: We are going to tale you to the seashore, toa basetall game and also toa barhecue party (8-10) Do you have any food preferences? We eat lt of Kalan dishes. We would ike you to | ‘make something Hungarian. (11-15) Asforthe school, we haveto sign you up for some ofthe classes, What forelgnlanguage | | would you like to take? The school offers Spanish, Chinese and French (26-20) Would you like to participate in any sports activity? The school has a good basketball, | team, but the soccer team could use asked Hangavian boy as wel Weare looking forward to meeting you. Cheers, “The coe family j i ealidt T Fipont | ba. eine (S7 encase | exists) | | 5 Ge o-ioete eae | Bont 4 wot isenecer ae exysta) | | 5 pon (16-F0 ereest Spont ewsta) | Lal {UFELADATEOR 3. frdskészség “perl oes cll ‘pont dremel ‘Teynap est! moa! élményérd jon egy 8-0 sors eat barétndjének! Mesije el hogy + kvl ol + mitnézet, * tesrete 3 film! Kérdezze meg, hogy ‘+ vane kedve elmennie Onnel moziba afi hétvégént Letter LES ae ee a VG EE BE TENN RUE il Gig Te 1. Olvasott széveg értése perc slat wigertem era afeiadatal pontot meme ‘Read the article, then answer the questions i use your dictionary. sngatian In ths part of the exam you can “Are You Britain’s Most Adventurous Family? - ‘The search Is on for Britain's Most Adventurous Family! You and your family can WIN an amazing family adventute holiday or a Chessington (whichis an amusement park) Family Season Ticket | 1s your family fll of explorers? Or do you lnow a family that really ives Ife to the max and ensures adventure is never far aay? We have teamed up with wildlife fan and broadcaster Nick Baker and a tourist office, called VistEngland, to find families that take adventure toa diferent level. Whether is family mountain biking holidays, Keeping exotic animals or camping in your back. fganden ~wewant te hear from you! Enter now - deadline 31 January! | 200 words or less, please explain why you think your family deserves the title of Britain's ‘Most Adventurous Family Upload photographs, Ifyou have them, to really show us why you think your family deserves to win! | the public will choose the most aventurous fale, so make sure your nomination stands | out from the crowd ~3 good picture of your frail is realy important to get those votes roling {nt The family with the most votes wil be Invited toa Camp at Chessington in Ape | Age lint Pease nove children need be eeween and 1619 enter the competion Mit ehet nyerni?(2 pont) ikkel le dssze a kalandpark? (5 pont) Mayen extrém esa ellemzSketadnak meg példaként? (3 pont) Medalig het jlentkezni a felhivsra? (1 pont) ogyan lett jelentkezntafelhivisra (3 pont) Kivilastj kta nyertesesalédot (1 pont) Mi fog trténni a nyertes esaléddal? (3 pont) Mi olvasott a korhatier? (1 pont) ‘1 FELADATSOR| 2, Kézvetitési készség, per apne els dat onto éremal Angol baritja ajindékot szereme visérolnt az On kisfiénak, Mondja el magyarul feleségének, hogy mire kivincsia hard "Dear joasi, (1-4) Wel, two more wecks and I'l be at your place in Hungary. so excited. In these two | ‘weeks, my wifes going to do some shopping and we have no cue about what to uy for your son, (5-8) If'm not mistaken, he sin secondary school. fhe speaks English wel [think we'l | buy him some good hooks to practice the language. i (0-11) Does he ike English football? was thinking of geting some Arsenal sports shirts for | | him, Does he have s favourite player? | (12-17) What abour music? Is there a British band that he listens to? When Iwas his age, 1 Jed the Beatles. | will gethim some rock CDsas well. And maybe good MP3-plaer.Or maybe clothes, (18-20) My wife kaows a lot of good shops: We might aswell get lim 2 ptr of jeans and some'Tshirts. Would he like that? Wel as you can see we're stil inthe dark about getting | hima present. Please, belp us ‘Take care, Brian 1 aha pont (1-4 érekelés pysée} 2 iskola “Fpont (5-M ertkelést ys) 5. fos {9-11 érebkelésiopysée) (22-17 eels este) (18-20 erdhelésepysee) 3. fraskészség ‘ere lat végeateni ezzel a feladatial potot rem irjon egy 8-10 soros lovoletaszilloda igazgat6jénak, ahol nyarakisuk alat tartézkeodtak! frja meg neki, hogy rmennyirehélis a szobacsere miatt, rmenayirej6lérezte magatazeyész esa, Jokvoltak programok, 4 jovdben is szeretnének abban aszllodban megsratint Letter ‘1 FELADATSOR i a AT RRA GP OE ih Se hsouunnrpgalere” 1, Olvasott sziveg értése ee alt vegeta ez eed pot éremel Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you can use your ditionary. Peanutyand Ham 9-200 - a [Do you have salted peanuts?” Joe asked, “Yes, we do” sid the shop assistant. “They're at the | | end ofalsle 4 They're next to the potato chips You can't miss them. Joe thanked the man. He | pusheu his shopping cart down aise 4, He save some cheese. Cheese would taste good with a ham sandvich He pat some in his shopping cat. He continued down the aisle. i He saw packages of bread. He needed bread to make a ham sandwich He puta loa of bread [im his eart He got tothe end ofthe aisle and suddenly he saw the bags of roasted peanuts. | me peanuts were in their shells, Unsalted peanuts were inthe bags withthe blue label. Salted | | peanuts were inthe bags with the red label. All the bogs were the same price. He puta hog of salted peanuts in his crt Salted peanuts are not as healthy as unsalted peanuts. But salted | ‘peanuts taste a lot better, He went to aise 5. That was the aisle with sliced ham. He put a package of sliced ham into his eart Now, he had everything to make a good ham sandwich. Joe hada shopping lst so it was impossible to forget anything. | tetook only half an hour to get everyting because the shop was not fll of shoppers. He went ‘up front to the cashier. He gave the cashier $20 and got his change. He couldn wait to get ‘home, He was hungry for peanuts, cheese, and a ham sandwich. What is more, bis wife would ’be very happy that this time Joe could do the shopping alone and di not forget anything. FELADATSOR L.A bolt mely résxdn lahat a bs mogyord? (pont) 2. Mitlitott meg eldszar Joe, amikorelindult a sés mogyors fe? (1 pont) 3, Milyen éel elkésatését hatérozta el (1 pont) | 4. Milyen tovabbi hozzdvaldkat Kellett ehhez beszereznie? (2 pont) | 5. yen puss mogyordkt ett apa akbar? (pon) 6, Mittudunk meg a mogyordk érr6I? (1 pont) | | | 2. Map meee moporsalkaplatet por) | | 8. Mitszerzettbe Je az Stk sorb? (1 pont) 9, Hogyhogy nem fletkezett meg semmirdl sem a boltban? (1 pont) 10, Monnylidelgtartots bevésiris? (1 pont) | 11 atire végzet ven gyorsan a vésérlésseP (1 pont) 12. Mennyl pénatadatta pénzzirosnak? (1 pont) 13. Migr wot boldog Joe felesége? (2 pont) Z ‘W,FELADATSOR _ - 2. Kézvetitési készség, ‘eras vi alae pont rel Ledranist tart 2 szomszédos bevisérl6kézpont.Foglalja dssze bardtn6jének, hogy mllyen. alicvann (1-4) Jewels on sie, Gold and silver necklaces are at half price only atthe weekend = (6-10) Om the second Aoor of the department store, you will find the bost music store it England. We sell CDs and CD players. i'you buy 10 CDs you get a CD player for fee. | (11-14) Dorit mis the opportunity to shop for elothes atthe weekend sale Sweaters, silts and blouses are 20 per cent off the original price, | (15-17) Ityou bring the family our restaurant onthe third Noor has special family menus for! | the wo days. When you have done your shopping, there I one more thing thatyou should not mis, (18-20) | | There is going tobe a rae for abrand nev ca. The draw son Sunday. choos, David T. ekszereke pont (14 ereelést enya) (5-10 eke exysta) 3 nia pont (11-14 ereeketéstepyséa) + alia 3 pont (15-17 erokotestepysée) 5 bedsirés un Spm (18-20 ércheléstegyséa) iraskészség percalatt tigeztom eel slat ponoténemel Cserediéknak késziil az Egyestitt Alamokba. irjon a fogadécsalsdnak egy 8-10 sores e- ‘matte Kérdezve meg hogy + ilyen cunakat vigyen, + mire sedmitson! frja meg, hogy + mi Grek, ‘+ mitszeretne megnézni Ameriksban! | Letter a se 0 pe Bede a rr naa ge eae eet eae 1. Olvasott sziveg értése [ripe asl aaa pontaténem el Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian, use your dietionary. this part ofthe exam you can ‘Time to Shap a It was time to go tothe market. Jonas had no bananas, no apples and no milk He got into his! | ear and drove to the market. It was only five minutes away. Fortunately, the parking lot was ‘alimost empty, Good, he thought. He wouldn't have to stand in a long queue. He parked his car | and walked over tothe shopping cart area. He pulled out one ofthe carts and pushed it ahead £ of him into the store, i | Inside, he grabbed an aleohol wipe and wiped the handle ofthe cart. Then he grabbed another | wipeand cleaned his owm hands You can never be too careful he thought He turmed lft and | | walled over tothe fruit and vegetable section, Today ws his icky day. Apples were on sale, a dollar pound. Usually they were two dollars a pound or more. He put 10 apples into aplastic - | bag and weighed the bag. Itwas three pounds He walked over to the bananas, They were the rogula price, 79 cents a pound. He bought three pounds of bananas, When he saw the carrots, he romembered that he needed carrots, too, He waned to make Hungarian goulash soup. He ! put atwo-pound bag of carrots nto his cart They were only $4.29. ‘He walled tothe dairy section and saw thata bot of mill was $4 He put one into his carta | walked ack tothe front ofthe store. He paid far is fod in cash, got his receipt, and walked | ‘out this ca. He put the food into his trunkand drove home L ‘2 FELAONTSOR rt elle jonasnakaplacra mennle? (3 pont) ||. garments pew? pont | —— 4. ipenmescevn lens hi (on) 4. Mier rile Jonas, amikorodaért a placra? (2 pont) | 5. Mitesinalta bevisérlis legelején? (3 pond) t 6. Melyik oszdlyon kendte a bevisérlést? (2 pont) 7. Miére volt Jonasnak szerencsje? (1 pont) ._Mib6l mennyl vet Jonas ezen 22 asztalyon? (3 pont) 10, Mitvaséroltatejtermékes résrlegen, és mennyit vet belle? (2 pont) 11. Hova ment bewésiris utin? (1 pont) rae 2, Kézvetitési készség perc ase veto eel edad pontmteremel Barétjalevelet kap az egyic angol telefonszolgitatst6l a logijabb szolgitatisolerél. Mivel ‘nem ét seitsen neki elmagyaran hogy mlket jn sassg) | Mobile 60, «new company inthe mobile business happy to Introduce is sevicesto you. | | (1-5) We ofer the bese prices available n the mobile market. We have packages for diferent: age groups; diffrent users and for diferent times of the dy, § (6-10) Ifyouarewith a company, we offer the best solution forall our co-workers, heres no | limiton how many people belong to the same grup, but the rte is free ifyou call ach other. | (11-12) You can also choose a landline area code, which you ca cll or half the normal price | during peak hours (13-16) Ifyou accept our terms and buy one ofthe packages in the next 30 days, you'l get! 1 mobile phone for fre. (17-20) We also have Internet packages for companies. If you're Interested, visi our website or call our ol fee number T ajinlae 5 pont (5 dresetéstexysée) 2 céges clients Spent (6-10 reds enysés) 3. wezotikes hivisl ope pont (11-12 erstelést egysée) 4 ingyen ‘Tpont (13-16 erekelésegysée) jSimemet OS (17-20 éreskelsl egy) 3. fraskészség ‘perc alate végertem eazo) a feladattal ponte fren a Hivja meg ogy bardtit a kbzll tterembet Kalin nekl egy 8-10 sorosGzanetat Mondja el nek, hogy 1+ andr vilasrtotia ext az étormet, mert 6 znek, + tpikus maryar éeleke setgalnak fl, + Onhetente egyszer ideas, + andrt mennek éterembe, hogy megianepelk ij mune! Letter "aszthat el Sabtir hasendlata megengedett, i eee 1. Olvasott széveg értése ‘ere ala gee ee ead ponateram a Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you can use your dictionary. Wash and Dry —— : ie He looked at the laundry basket, which was full of his wife's clothes. She was at work She! ‘worked seven days week Se was areal estate sales agent. She showed apartments to renters ‘every day, When she came home, she was tired, Her feet hurt and her back hurt. He decided to {helps wife L | He took the Jaundry basket downstairs to the laundry room. His wife always separated her | colouted clothes from her white clothes. He didnt do that, Why spend extra money? Me did't | separate her coloured and white clothes. He stued aller clothes into one washer He selected | | Hot Wash. This will make her happy he thought. A hot wash wil kill all the germs, She hates | & germs, He was proud of himself ‘Awhile later, he put her clothes into the dryer He selected Hot Dry. That kil the rest ofthe "germs, he thought. The dryer finshed, He was taking her clothes upstairs when his wife came | home. Her clean clothes were on the bod. She looked at them and she smiled. "Thank you for | ‘doing my laundry” she sald. Ht was my pleasure” he sad. She picked up a blouse, Then she § sereamed. "What's the matter? he asked. "Look at my blouse! What happened to my white | | blouse? t¢s white and black What did you do to ty blouse?!” she sal, She looked at her black. trousers on the bed. She picked them up. "What's wrong with these she sal He did't say anything, She took off her brow trousers. She ted thetn on. She cout gt into them. "You | shrunlemy pants! she sereamed, "You shrusk my trousers!” Tilt tudun mega fer foleséginek munkjaral? (pont) 2, Hogy érezte magitesténként an6?(1 pont) 3. Milyen fijdalmai volta eleségnel? (2 pont) 4. Mithatdrozott el fri? (1 pont) 5, Mlgrt nem vilogattaszét a saines és Fehr ruhskat? (1 pont) 6, Miér vilasetttaa moségépen azta programot? (4 pont) 7. Mitérzet ff amikor elindtota a moss? (1 pont) 8. Mitesinsle, mista eee 2 mosis? (1 9. Exesetben miértozta programot valasztatta? (1 pont) 10. Hovatetea frit fissen mosoteruhdat? (1 pont) 11, Hogyan reaglt elo feleség. a itotakra? (2 pont) 12, Mi volta n6 problémsjaa blizzal (2 pont) 13. tortént a fekete nadriggal? (1 pont) 14. Hogy dralt ki probléma? (2 pont) ‘2. FELADATSOR ot) 2. Kzvetitési készség Dontntertemel pete att vdgatem eae lata ‘Set Ameriksba utaznak egy hétre,ahol autét szeretnének kélesdnozml A kélesén76 eb, ajdnlatat nézegetl, Fogtalia issze szleinek, hogy mika lehetBséqek! ‘cheetah Car Rental (2-5) fyuafoeigne, you have to have your passport anda valid ered can with you torent | ‘car You have to leave a deposit of 5200 atthe time ofthe rental | (6-10) For online reservation, you have to give exact detalls about where and when you would ike to pie up the car and when you ae planning to retur | (11-14) Youmust be over 25 years ofage n order torent a car Ifyou are younger than that, we | change an extra §100 fr he rental. You also have to have extra insurance (25-18) There are some extras that you can choose fom. We offer a GPS system fr $6 day | You can also choose to return the ear without filing Itup with petra for an extra $20 (49-20) if, for same reason, we dosit have the type that you reserved you can choose abigaer | ear for the price ofthe chasen one, Gh (H-S eretat nysée) Spent 2, tntervetes foals (6-10 rte egy) Spent [°3, horbatér (11-14 ereékelési eayséz) pont A entrak (15-18 edhe ceaysée) pont 5. pus (1-20 brehalesl ese) Zpoat Baritja valami jo Kényvet szeretne olvasn levéllen! Meséljon kedvenc knyvéréi prea égetem exe pontot ere a. meg neki, hogy mit ajinl egy 8-10 soros Mondija el, hogy mirdl sz, rikorolvasa elészar, mar négyszerolvasta, egy tagyon nepscer kings az ets gon, sm sks belle amitsxntén Letter Aig AG LEER BY per AM RAE a GFR EAT : “Osathat el Szétar hasendlata megengedett. = 1. Olvasott széveg értése vere ait vero eel ata ponot rome Read the article, then answer the questions In Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you ean use your detionary. Cheap Rent Dan saw a newspaper ad, A new apartment building was about to open in Manhattan. Some | apartments were on oferto people with low salaries. Applicants must sendin a postcard by | | May 17. The frst 5,000 applicants would recelve an application form, He could’ believe his | | ek Today was May 17. twas noon. i | He walked to the main post office on th Avenue. He stood inline patiently le asked the eer {ra postcard "We dont sell postcards the clerk sald. “The post office docsntsll postcards?” | Dan asked, “We used ta” the clerk ald, "but now we sell greeting cards. They make more | | money! Dan walked ut ofthe post office. He walked south, He needed to buy a postcard so he walked into a liquor store. He asked if they sold posteards. The clerk sald, “No, but the post | ffle does" “No It docs” Dan sid. "The pot oflce does sell postcards?” the clerk asked, | Dan walked afew more blocks south. Not one store sold postcards He decided tory ‘Borders: | eas si locks avy. Borders was a bookshop, but old posteards, They were $1 each He | bought one “The postcard is expensive he thought, but It will be worth I le walked back toward the post | fie. He decided to try the commer drugstore, Maybe It sold postcards. It di They were four | for a dolla He bought one. Fl return the Norders postcard he thought, He walked into the post office. He put the stamp on the pastcan and he addressed it. He dropped tint the slot, Iwas | four o'clock He cross his fingers and hoped forthe best. i Eee SC FELADHTSOR Milita hirdetésben, amit Dan az jadghan alvasot® (@ pont) 2, Kiknek seit kalnlegesajénat? (1 pont) 3. Hogyan lehetett a hirdetésrejelentkezni? (2 pont) 4. Mit kapazelsbotezer elentkezd? (1 pont) | 5: Hol probate meg elészérképestapot vésérolni Dan? (2 pont) 6. Mlert nem drusitanak ott mar képesiapot? (2 pont) 7. Hol probatkozott erutsn Dan? (1 pont) | 8 Hol kapotewégl képestapot? (1 pont) ‘9. Milyeninformacikattudunk meg era bolts? (4 pont) 10, Hot kapott még képeslapot (1 pont) 11, Hany képestapot kapot itt az l6z5 helyen vésarottképeslap aver? (1 pont) 12. Mlyen tervel voltak Dannek ar elleg vs shots? (1 pont) 1, Miyen babondt emit a trténet? (1 pont) roltképeslappal, miutin tlt képeslapot HC FELADATSOR 2. Kézvetitési készség per a vim al tat poator deen gy angol nyelvi ijsighan ey Konyvfeszivilrét s26lé cikket olvas barétjal. Pogal}a ‘assze nok az alabbi szempontok alapjin, hogy mirdlszl a cikk! AfestivalofBagks oe . (1-7) People joke that no one fn Los Angeles roads; everyone watches TV, rents videos, oF goes | | to the movies, The most popular reading material is comie books and TV guides. (8-9) City | “aries have only 10 per cent ofthe trafic that car washes have. But how do yu explain this? £m annnsl book festival in west hos Angeles i "sold out” year after year. People walt hal an hour fora parking space to become avatlable (10-13) The festival, which is held every April, had 280 exhibitors. There were about 90 tak | siven by authors, and autograph seekers sought out more than 150 authors. (14-17) A food | Court sold all kinds of popular and ethnic foods, fom American hamburgers to Hawaiian ice drinks. Except fora $7 parking fee, the festival was free. Even so, some people avoided the food ‘court prices by snaking in thelr own sandwiches and drinks. | (08-20) This year's amendance was about 70,000 on Saturday and 75,000 on Sunda. People {camo froma over California. [i empires Ta (2-7 erates exysé) 2. Kenyvtirak Zpont | (6-9 erdléstexysé) 3. Tesatival Fpont (10-13 erutkelésiegyséa) © Balak &italok | #pont (14017 ereskelésegysea) 5. Wogatdk (18-20 éredkelétepys6e) il ‘4 FELADATSOR 3, fraskészség per alt pero eel ada “pontot értem el. a Egy angliai nyelviskoléban szeretne a nyéron | iskolsnakt snulnl. Iron egy 8-10 soros levelet a2 frja meg, hogy ‘+ mikorérkezne és medig seretne maradnl, + mia tanu angel! | Kérdezze meg, hogy ‘+ mennyibe Ker a kurzus & hin 6ra van egy héten, ‘+ dnyan vennak egy esoporthan! Letter RSE aT ae TL iSudetr hasindiata megengedett 1, Olvasott sziveg értése ecesiltceertm oe aed pont 2 Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In this part ofthe exam you can use your dictionary. Super Cheap Jacket He wondered if it was cold outside. He was going to walk to Piet 88, He looked outside his window, Many people on the sidewall helow were wearing short-sleeve shirts. But the weather | forecast sid the temperature vas 19 degrees, Thats not exactly hot he thought I was only 10 | © qa. and hopefully would worm up hy noon, He put on jeans and a Eshirt. He walked outsiée. | | eas alte cally: Maybe it wl get warmer as | wall he thought But it id. He went int | | Convray a cheap clothing store, Maybel[ can find something warm and cheap, he thought. He went upstairs to the men's department. He found a longsleeve shirt in the $2 section. Then | "he saw a jacket inthe $4 section. It was much heavier than the shir, Neither the shirt nor the Jacket had 2 price tg. He took them to the cashier and asked for @ price check. The shirt was | 4, not $2, He told the cashier he did't want It. The jacket was only 82, not $4, He couldn't | belive it He held up the jacket. He looked a it careflly. No stains, mo rips, no holes, Only $22 | Whata deal The cashier grabbed aplastic bag, He told her no bag He pulled the jacket on over his head, He walked outside. The jacket was perfect for the weather He was warm. He started walking. He looked athis reflection ina window. The jacket fit well What a deal | Asshile ater the temperature rose. He was getting warm. Just unzip my jacket, he thought. | He pulled down on the jacket zipper but the zipper ddi’t move. He tried again to unaip the | Jacket. The zipper didn't move He pulled really han. The zipper didn't mave. ‘SS FELADNTSOR 1 Mitviseltelaz embarak az icin, amikor indus lat Kindzet az ablakon? (1 pont) 2. Hany fokotigért az djirds-eérejelzés? (1 pont) 3. Mivolta véleményea varhats id6jarisr? (1 pont) ‘4. Milyenrubzatban indule dena? (2 pont) 5. Mire seémiotinduliskor? (2 pont) 6. Mien rohit kereset» Conwayben? (2 pont) 7. Milyen ruhadsrabokat tli 6 ron? (2 pont) 18, Mlére nem tudta pontosan a ruhdk drt (1 pont) 9. ier epodot mega kasszina? (2 pont) 410. Miyenhibakat Keresetea ruhadarabon? (3 pont) 11 Mire nom kér satyrota visérkshoa? (1 pont) 12, Micgondole mayér6la fr amor megpillantotta magatarubadarabban? (pont) 13, Migr vol iyen oles a visdrlt terme? (1 pont) er ee 2, Kézvetitési készség, pean igen eal lata postot gram gy angol nyelvaijsighan egy cikket olvasbarétjival azangol nyelv nehéaségotr6l. Fogalja, ‘seve nekl a7 alabbi szempontok alapjan, hogy mir6l sz a ek English Is So Hard == - ce Johnny asked Dosty how her frst day in her English class was, (1-3) It was teribe, she told | him, She understood litle of what the teacher said. She sul she was not having a good time (47) Her teacher spoke too fast and dd not want to repeat anything On top ofall tat, he was | ery rude tothe students. It seemed that ho was bored, When the teacher asked if there were any questions, she tld him that she didn’t understand | ‘mast of what he had said, (8-11) He told er not to worry she could take the cass again i she failed i the fest time, but she didnt want to fait elther the frst time or anytime. Fe gave them homework the frst day, ofcourse. (12-16) They had to write @300-word essay. They had to write about uniform fashion at schools. Ofcourse, Dotty said, she could wate that essay in her native language, but there was no way she could write iin English. She showed | Totnny the tertbook, The print was so tiny that tying to read just a few pages gave her a! headache. (17-20) Oa top ofthat was al the now vocabulary on each page. There were about | 130 new words on each page, and altogether there were 4 pages for everyday. When was she «ever going to learn thislanguage? i oT ainap, | (1-3 ertkelés ysis) 2 taake pont (4-7 eruékolés ogység) © hia ead S pont (12-16 Gredkelsiexyst) 5 sdkines Fpont (17-20 éresketéstomysea) 3. fraskészség ‘preset were eee a fladata omnes ‘Angol baritja jov6 héten meglatogata Ont frjon neki egy 8-10 soros e-mailt. {rjameg, hogy 1+ mike fgnak megnézntavérosban, + merre fognak kirinduln, + milyen ruhat hozzon magival Kérdezze meg, hogy + sveretne-e valamitesinsn vagy megnéznt Letter [A ga vega Osszesen G0 pere al rendeIRezesere, ane genvelnek iggfetelen - ngedett, "oss ol ebtd hacen 1. Olvasott sziveg értése Pee a vgn xe Cada ‘pont em Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian, In this part of the exam you can use your dictionary. New Office hey are going to move to a new office soon. But why? Their present office was in a new building ttwas ina aice neighbourhood. [twas neat trains and buses. Idd nottake longto get ‘tw shops and restaurants However, the boss wanted to save money. They moved into ther new | ‘office on Tuesday. twas in an old building t was in a poor neighbourhood, Buses and trans were blocks away Shops and restaurants were blocks away. Their new office was on the third floor. Desks ‘ware jammed together The back of one char almost touched the bac of another chat. The bathrooms were dawn the hallway oth ofthe tiny elevators broke down gn Friday: Everyone had to use the stairs, which annoyed ehem al, The boss saldto stop complaining. "Be glad we're ‘ot on the fith floor” he sald. John was very overweight The new desks and chalrs were too small for him and he complained about itt the boss, But the boss told him to lose weight. 50 he let the ob, Another employee, Robert hada private office previously Now be was out inthe ‘middle of the Noor with everyone else. He was withthe company for 12 years He complained | to the boss, The hoss sald, "Ifyou don' like it, leave” Everyone heard him say that. Robert left Lisa had allergies. The office ventUation system was not good. She couldnt handle it Lisa left as well Sam vias a vegetarian Others cooked food in the microwave every day. They ate at | their desks, Sam smelled hamburger and plzza every day. So Sam chose to lewe. "Everyone's ‘iting’ the assistant manager Cold the boss, "That's okay” said the boss.“ can hire new ‘workers at cheaper salaries” 1. Milyen eldnyel vlak a Kordbbiirodinal? (pont) 2, Miértakart a f6ndk i rodsba klein? (4 pont) | 3, Mien hitrényal voltak zi irda berenderdsének? (2 pont) 4. Miérehagyta ottJohn a2 Alsi? (3 pont) 5, Mivolt Robert problémija az irodival? (2 pont) 6. Mivolt Lisa felmondisinak 2zoka? (1 pont) 7. Mitmem birt Sam vegetériénuskent? (3 pant) sta fol ahelyettes a finok fgyelmét? (1 pont) 9. Mitreapi ere a f6ndle (1 pont) 2, Kozvetitési készség pot alt vipotem eae foladatt ontot ene ‘A focirélolvas cikket egy sportjsigban. Foglalja Ossze barétjénak magyarul, hogy mird sé ek! Football ae Football that’s soccer to Americans, isthe biggest and best sport inthe word (4-2) There ae millions of reasons why itis the world sportand why people love it Fora start people pay tal ver the world (3-10) The football World Cup is the biggest event on Earth. li’ bigger than the Olympics. More ‘people watch the Finalon TV than anyother event They organize the World Cup every 4 years During this oven, football alo brings nations together. Tho greatest of enomios put aside their Aiforences fr 90 minutes to play 2 football match. (11) Brery footatler’s dream is wy play a World Cup game. Then there are the teams, ke Real! Madi, Manchester United and Liverpool These names are more well own across the world | ‘than th top basketball or baseball eam (12-17) The rules are also simple. 11 players play on each team, and they want to score | more goals than the opponent. You cat touch the ball with your hand unless you are the sgoalkeoper | 0-20 Atanou och Stanly ones: "oobi mater fe and dats | oc imortn wise (Faas [Ep] eeység) | | 2 vilpbatts 0 ibm tree | | a a (Eb Ta ewes) | | 7 wabllyk (1-17 that Jérom | egyseg) | | ee ee 5 sen o-oo = caysée) 1 | 3. fraskészség onion rem et Bulit szerveznek 25, hizassigi évforduldjuk alkalméb6l!frjon kUlfaldén 616 barstjénal 10 soros levelett Hivja meg dtisa bulibal Irjameg, hogy 1 mikor és hol lesz az sszejavetl + hanyanleszne, + mitfognak enn, + inileszaz On finda! Tg egg sien 60 pve a Fenderkenstre, ani geiyeneR glean astthat eb Seb hasandtata megengedelt Olvasott sziveg értése ere at wenn rel ea enn rem ot [Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian, tn this part ofthe exam you can use your ditionary. ‘The Winning Ticket : - . | fe was beautiful Sunday marning when Sammy was checking the lottery numbers online. He | could notbeliev is eyes. He had won the lottery. He was so happy. He jumped up and down.“ ‘won the lottery! rch! Lifes great" heyelled He checked the numbers online again: 2,223, | 33,4, and 44. Yes, those wore the winning numbers, Yes, those wore the numbers on is tckot. | ‘The Mega number was 4.The Mega number om his ticket was 4. He was 50 rich! | Mie tiekot was worth 41 lion pounds before taxes. “A week later everybody knew about his | | luck “Everybody came tome wherever | went and they congratulated me. That's what happens ‘when you Win the lottery ina small town. Happy people celebrating It was a great fling” Sammy isa hard-working man from a ttle town, He has been working ever since he was 13 years old. Healso toughta new house. So the money came atthe perfect ine, because it would | allow him to pay off everything, Sammy also plans to use the money to help some of his Family ‘members pay off their education bills, And when thats all done he will be taking a vacation. | Somewhere warm, | Me wanted tm go to Cuba and wanted to stay at star hotels. He decided to buy a new boatin | spain and would sa all around the Mediterranean, His father would be so proud if he saw it Unfortunately he died a few years ago. Oh, life was so great! {.FELADATSOR Hat ellendrizte Sammy a ondszimokat? (1 pont) 2. Mitesinilt Sammy aromében? (2 pont) 3. Mennyt pénzt nyert Sammy? (2 pont) 4, Mogyan reapattaleaz omberek Sammy sterencsé|ére (3 pat) 5. Miéretndott mindenki a nyereményéré? (1 pont) {6 MiSammy ogy 5 tulalonsiga? (1 pont) 7. iota dolgoatk Sammy? (1 pont) 8, Mire fogia katte a nyereményét? (8 pont) 9. Mit érezne az apukija, ha ex ithatns? (4 pont) 10, Mire nem orathetetvele az édesapja? (1 pont) ‘-FELADATSOR Kozvetitési készség ee le vigeren exe data poe eoemel Egy angol nyelvé sjsighan egy park djra nyltasérél szél6cikket olvas feleségével.Foglalla ‘seve feleségének az alabbi szempontok alapjin, hogy mirdl sz acid Popular Park Reopens (1-3) The Silas Lake Parcreopens today after being closed for six months They had to rebuild | bridge and reconstruct almost ale of highiay. (4-8) The park is three miles north of Colfax on Highway 28, Cambridge Road isa tworlane | highway that leads to Silas Lake. (9-15) Thelakehasa restaurant a snack bar anda boat rental shop. Therearepublicrestrooms, lots oftrash cans, and hiking tral for nature lovers. (16-17) The westside ofthe park includes ‘soccer field and two volleyball cours i (18-20) The entry fee i $10 per vehicle and $10 per boat Latecomers either leave or wait in line for someanetoleave the parknglot Some weekends thereare tree dozen vehicles wating inline outside the gate, Bectuse of many requests, park officals soon might start permitting ‘campers ta stay overnight on weekends a i (1-3 értékelési egység) ( { a tsa ear | or eae (9-15 értékelést egyséa) (pice (16-17 érvékelést egység) | 5. belépédip ‘pont | (18-20 éredkelétenysea) | it [ SL —— _ A MMM oY FELADATSOR fraskészség ‘pevealat wipratom gaze a fladatal ‘pontot értem el. Bardtnajéneke gyermeke szetet. ron nell epy 810 sorose-mait ‘rja meg neld, hogy + gratuldl neki a nagy esemény alkali, Sreretne tudni minden réscletet az Ojsztlottro, Felina segtségét Kérdezze meg, hogy “+ ikor létogathatja meg dketé, ogy mit wegyenajndékbal Letter G0 pare aT FendeTRezesere, anit Igenvenek miegfeelben ‘szthat el Star haszndlata megengedett Olvasott széveg értése Pec igo ce ada pont étem el: Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian, tn this part ofthe exam you can use your dietionary. Mary's Free Time a Mary is 25 years old. She lives alone ina small fat in te suburbs. She has a lot of hobbies and | Aiterests, She usually gets up eatly so she can run before work. She usually runs 10k every | morning, but at the weekend she runs bit more. She has a small dog that runs with her in the ‘mornings. Her favourite sport is skiing, She doesnt often have time os, but she occasionally | goes on Saturdays during the winter She is lick because she lives near the mountains. Mary loves animals, to, She often rdes a horse at stable near her home. She sometimes goes | after work but she usually goes horse-riding on Sundays: She also loves music. Se doesn't play § a musical instrument, but she sings She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings | and sings im chureh on Sundays. She doosn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to ‘concerts Inthe city, She seldom watches TV hecause she likes doing things ouside She usualy 08s tthe gymif trains Shoisn'toften alone because she has alot of riends, She occasionally does something ox her own but she usually does her activities with one of her fiends Her best friend is Eva. Eva is aso single, so they spend some time together Mary Ioves her life her fob | and her friends, She's a happy woman! But in afew years, she would lke to have a family and at least four children. Her dream isto ‘move toa small cottage with the family and the dogs. She wants tolivenear the seaside, but still lose to the mountains. , A _ A MY NE 1 Wold ary? pont) 2 Mittudunk meg Mary futis szokisars? ($ pont) 3. Mir szeroncsésa seléstieten? (1 pont) 4. Mikor tad el menni lovagolni? (2 pont) 5, Holtudja gyakoroln az énektudésit? (2 pont) 6. Mitmem engedhet meg mayénak Mary anyagilag? (1 pont) 7. Milyentevékenységet tz, ha rosserafordul a dlrs? (1 pont) 8, Mittudunk meg Eva-ré? (3 pont) 9. ny gyereket szeretne Mary? (1 pont) 10, Mittudunk meg mal hazér60 (3 pont) “Ea alll ge ‘.FELADETSOR - - - 2. Kozvetitési készség pre ts viper exel a lade pono rem gy angol nyelvisijsdghsan az angol nyelvr olva bardjsval.Fopalja dssze neki az abi srempontok alapjn, hogy mirét x61 cikkt English As an international language = eee = (1-2) About one hundred years ago many educated people spoke French when they met people | from ather countries. (4-8) Today mostpeopl speak English when they meet foreigners thas “ ecame the new international Inguage, There are more people who speak English as asecond | language than people who speak English as frst language | (9-14) Thereare many reasons why English has become so popular. One of them s that English | has become the language of business. Another Important reason is that popular American | culture (like films, must, and fast fod) became well-known al over the world. thas brought | ft language witht | (15-17) Scents have already tried to create an arial language called Hsperanto, bu it aso ecome popular But maybe the popularity of English won’ last hat lon. either. Who | “Atmows? (18-20) There are more people in the word who speak Chiaese thon anyother! Innguage Maybe someday Chinese wile the new international language : T franca Bpont (1-3 descent egysé) 2 manapsig Spent (4-8 erteketéstenysée) [3 nlpsaerd Spomt (0°14 érokeléseaység) 7 mestarséges yale pont (15-17 érékeésiegység) (18-20 ences expe) | | 3 Kinat Spent | | Ce 1 FELADATSOR . fraskészség ‘pore alattsgeztem exzel a fladattal peste Baritja Ont kér tandesot arra vonatkozéan, hogy mire fgyeljen oda sj laisa meg- vételénel Irjatenekt egy 8-10 soros leven, hogy + Onscernt ea 2 szobislakis, nézze meg hogy az abakok 6 236k) dllapotbanvanaak + olyan akst vegyen, ami kizel van a buszmegillohoz, ‘+ figyeljen area, hogy legyen a kizelben itszter, hogy a ksfiatudjon ot jtszanit Letter 7a a ar Fe ini Ta eaveTnck wie Ws “ oszthat el Sz6tdr haszndlata megengedett a : 1. Olvasott sziveg értése Psa i eal Poe Read the article, then answer the questions in Hungarian. In ths part of the exam you can use your dietionary. (Children Who Can Read, But Don't. | statis show what common sense tellsus: IF kids read more they wil have beter reading skill and hey wil get more pleasure ovt of it. Unfortunately, iehildren read very litle they wl | usually have poor reading sil : Is there anything that you can do to encourage your children to read? Firs, its helpful to know { ‘why your children donot lke reading or why they do not want to read. These reasons can help yot decide how to motivate your child to read. So, why do not children like reading? + 1s boring ‘+1 don't have the time, Kids are busy, School, frends, sports, homework, television, and | housework al compete for thelr tm. i 5 tes tno hard. For some children, reading sa slow, dificult process Ask about how you ean | find interesting books and materials written at a level that matches your chilis reading - aig. ‘We nat important |e tesno fun you or someone else in your family has had problems with reading, itis possible that your © cildcen wil experience these dius, too. = Some good pieces ofadvice | + Tlep your eld enjoy eading. L | + Don't ertcze your child's chelees. Reading lmost anything fs better than reading nothing, + Loolefor small signs of progress rather than dramatic changes in your cls reading habits | + Dont force your child. Under pressure, children may readonly to please thelr parents rather than themselves, or they may turnaround and refuse to rea altogether i 1 Milyen az olvasisi kisasdge azoknak a gyerdkeknek, akik keveset alvasnal? (1 pont) | 2. wityenokeokat sorol fea szaveg aera, hogy miért nem akarnak olvasni a gyerekekt (pon) 3. Mlért mondjaka gyereket, hogy elloglaltak? (6 pont) 4, Mitjolonthet ha volta csalidban value, akinek problémaja volt az olasSssal (1 pont) 5, Miéree krtizsjuk zt hogy mit olvasagyerek? (1 pont) 6, Mire kell figyelni sziloként a gyerek olvasisiszokdsaival kapcsolatban? (2 poat) 7, Milyon gondot okozhat, ha nyomas hatisiraolvasnak esaka gyereke?(# pont) mee ESS tlaionos (1-5 eek eget) [Atal tera alti, sense gorsan separ |Z pose edn ase yak (6-8 Saki gpa) [Rinl van patos, vl a viroa babi Nemnée | F pone ne elie sapotian van Btonsiges,s sunt ves hindads a ryan boro (Te erat oysda) A hn elszere, end rob itoroaasc | pont | nppabn von oyna apes egy sehen Fick TOT og) [Nin pre en mnt el) ee Kise yan a lal abet orto 3. frishdsség Dear ail, Ike along tne since ast wrote you Weenoy aur new house here a ake Balaton ts mach bate than Ivingin the cpt The ais ey ree ole, rae ana ne rg peapl joven og ah "Te eson i weRing sb baese my wie wll are ya te en ofthe month orang a surges ofr eit your lye celebrate with Th ory le gags bo th st Saturday oe north ts ging be aol restaurant ‘ow can sty at our Rouse a the wean yo want a. Bat pease done le about Besse Pease write backi'you con come Your fend Ba 1. Olvasott szoveg értése ‘TheWedding 1 Ossat/tsitesséves fr (1 pont) nagyszeri fj (1 pont) és apa es (1 pont). magyon bees (1 pon) ety set seed ot (2 pet) 2 ‘tt slelés ben (1 post etre abst (1 po 5. Sibakanesot (1 por) sleekot (1 pont fbotkat (on, 44 Abel! Kirtan (2 pnt) ares por). ‘Jabbulist kino” Kepeslaptlal (1 pon) taka! (1 pont léndékalea (ton). 66 Mra jartak(¢ pon etermelibe mentek (I put), mente nyarant Florida (1 poo) lnk smentek (1 pons) 7, gon de ad tanta meg ket sn (3 pont) 2. Koavetiési készsée i gener (0 Eis ys) [Alesse enldvos ksAneliba. A egise | pont gral joan ate aie eel Gta aay "Tucan wegen el ktalicher lan kak | pnt so pelea A eres andr ee ce anon 7 wapenriha 9-14 erases) [Mie magni Kola ae gona, iak | Gpont ema pos get, rgokna Kl sel | pire rt Horn. 8 ovis (25a tks gyag) else nose vannak By saahaban hee dievan| pork sey Minden sabahon aro ident 2 9. andl 19-20 Fai oes) Az ves i200 ok ami Romszol tanita 1 pont ‘arama a 3 irishésaség Hor, "srry ut cant go shoppe with you tomorrow Tele truth doa ts wal have avery ba headace and asore that [hava tr day now so have decded teeta dons Lala bay tempers ‘nd don fa i eating atl these aye. {realy wanted w go with ou because aso wate toby sme warm the forth wer When il og tee mall agi? {woud eo go with ou ata I recover Canon you when yu a? "hope you wos be angry wth me now. and that maybe we can pit th shopping ‘hears, Andy 1 Olvasott szbveg értése utter and ely 1 ittrHogy «dk metal hogy ey rondezvényen hogyan vsetkedjene. (1 pont) 2 Atande (C000 Mersek 2 nonapa (1 po) ela Egyesle ltamokban (1 ont). 4. Dat Koren: (1 p00) 5. Ezy masik Korea nytt (1 pou) ak mar hoszabb dee ott (pont) Amerikan (1 pot), de ‘bem tudott egyertelint vast adi (1 pon). 6, Ermallben pont) a anja tandrtl (1 pon) de sos nem érkezet vise (1 pont 43, Nat! pont) eel (1 pont) sir ogy bola (1 pot) ds lke a skal (1 on) 4 Stemdviest (pont) xbtemenyel 1 pont gyimdle 1 pot). 5, Naja lleirs Szendvese(1 ort) 2, Kavetiést Késasé i tara 3 eet prea) [seve FO dal tre 2, igs eve cak GOT] 3 pont tues, TR ints (10 rile egy) | idol eben a Wap llega aid | 7 pont advetadnee Minden ck lees oy finde vay ey al vagy ny nap. ae orcas ey zeta 3 online cits (11-12 SaGiaist | esa 3 lit pieced ebeHoeifiaz |Z pont sen) ovr Wh elfeotk C8-To eae eal) | Minden jefe lap ajinat boge a | Sone ny palm Kit het asta [Hetero (7-B0 orl |Uhet ent tbtyvaceklvgy wane @ pont enna) Kisses arte bel | riba 3. fries Last ight was watching basket game on TV and ally love ees aod that you have the chance to Se gates en outlet \Watare the popu ports n your country? in Hungsyodtlis the most popular sportaltiough Hungarian Froth bast eon good for Fome decadex. uel, we can enh the ates of god European tars on teevison Hungary has good waterplo team, which won the Ie three mpc Games: Mandal sas very pepo in my county ba | nd tls spor very seen. als Ie otal and play with my feeds once a wed, Homever ny favre sport irsing Won have Une, get ny cara dive to Austra hee you canst in thealps ’o you like waching sports events on TV? What kind ofspors do you Re? ‘ker, 1. OWvasott szoveg ertése MytHowse 4 Anappatiba(t pond 2. Kényelmes bonfotlek (1 pon) szines szonyegek (1 on), nagy konyvespole (1 pout), Mépek, Kinyo, migra poten (t po). 5 Selnea (1 pont a sak (1 po), képek wanna x aon (1 por), virigolda wan deve (1 pont) « Sat Keze maki dizi tat (1 por 4. Bey Ct pont 5. Tyrol (pont eset (1 pont tl (1 pont) szeok (spon) tak (2 pond, [tllnek (1 pot) égordestenak (1 pan). (sends uteaban lest 4h (1 pnt) Lesh atk (1 po) 2. Kénvetiést késuség i ele C4 ores canis) | Aegyiptoml Galton bats a yugatsiatne | Spank dn Kar een, [2 mdi (SF etal yay Tov min 190 miter magas Ar aapa 230 mdi | pont saz naga min ey ftbaltsion [5 Giants (6-10 edatsrepyata) [Tons nin 10000 ember pte Ax pent 20 Gig | pe tarot son "Ec Ga egy) [Soka ty sae hogy abeoeakwolak athe | Spot nem gi Hel onlay Vannakle erin snk peta praia ena lente 5, naan (16 20 Ub cap) ]A praia res Engi cmc hayes Tpoat et Sd més hedvenc urs er alsa e seme Vanna sok aokseimira i kik psmiulat genet S.lrishésasy ear ack ani \Weare tng nour hotel oom n Orland, Fark because raining I ig surprise because we thought that would meer ann Ford, tht’ why hoe for our bly. We araed to days ag, and the wether was 08 the, Ba ewes ed ter the lng jury that we sl do anything When we woke wp yesterday tas rang very hen Rt hd nt sto, 99 Ws had pat oft ‘sing Disneyworld Acco othe forecast the ext days wile una so we can go the Deck on ane othe ay. think go {ova wo Miaml We are staying fortwo week 50 wl een of te to travel ands as ay sgh a “Th Sih aly 1 OWvasott sziveg értése “The Roosevelt Hotel in New York "Wiles (1 pa) ss keereies mat moder 1 (pont sass 2. HD upon TY fof internet leet leon Genetopzrel bel elev haer asa vasaldosa [4 pont). ' Divdny (1 pon) aaa ipa (1 pod xyes 81 pont) ternet honxterés (1 pot) 4 Bheza 1 po) nye (2 pon) mappa (1 pot) ten (1 po) tras (1 poe). tind a alt (7 pont na pela seabadld6s uaa (1 poo) New Yorkies (pont), 4 4924. suaptember 22.4 (170) 1 Sokines bon felts hte (1 pot) 2, onvetiésl készség Teak (Stites) (iran ig Relseree ln Hoalapa maga, | Spon sia 120 dali x edahonal mele 160 dolar | Wisiveaminy (6-7 Seeeie——[Itecues endl seen el ron apa jet, | Zpont xt) reels kaka (-9 StU |e kallekenncln a kiana sy Test ensea) iden nde 1 online egririis (0-26 Ervalist [Pl én eh Stoclrs loot wenn wala | pant ease) ‘expat tal ded epee apr boget, de csakaviv na abe egg mogrendel ‘5 i fi harms apake (17-20 |azingjenes onloa al ead arena pmekea) pont stele ‘itn 3 ee haat S.lriskéseség 1 gotyour name nd adress rom my teacher. 12m ooking fo ppl rom Egan and my teacersld hat [Shout try owrtetoyou ams 14 year-old ey frm Budapest capa ely of Hungary. ve with my parents and my two ster iy pares soe wry nce peopl love them yry me. My ster are much Younger han he are and 2 {itn pray schoelin the asbarb of he cy eb ery ult are. nav ala ofhobbies. fam wry Keen on pers. ove wating and ding sports. My avout syoleball also Trovelng My fry gous on ip evey weslond We rly got he lo ds in urimer a Llke falaton Peas, wit about youl your fly ad bebe. Best iss, Kar Kiss Fa eae 1MESOLOASOX a 1. ovasort szoveg értése Rubies Gabe sont (pst) an inl (1 on) sab (or nico beer megan (pon) ‘ign nade pend onborni en Rocko) Aaya pon) pls eplomern (po ok Scrat (yon) Tovdam (Port ay seb shin (pont) Uttmart id ptr (720) {err (pon flees bene oe ie tig gy Sermon kv bon {ort wee one oer pnt ack tsi (pr). 4 Shane mint ey tly gy re mth net ene nek a1 pont) {o.idmgen voltae (tp) oy eso mmgyar ages taba por) itmceiee pen) 2, Koavetiési késeséy Weddle peal iapescitban (1-4 [Hal tanaka anpevet Valve angol eh anaigban | # pont easly Magintandrho rag sak sok na ime anol [2 spor (5-9 eran ada) Sere a portal. Nagy ksdraba along. Kedvene |S pont ssapata a Lakers Sabatier baseball somata [5 Wk (0-14 rakes casts) [Fen grit. hog Kovbeatatiasa aan Bag 23 | S pont dota van Storetneeucl aa sat heap és seat. [ead (15-18 aegis) ig agya ada # tere van Baesp ‘pone aio (19-20 ra oat) [Van prank serine ag Za S.rtskésrség Des Dana, 1m very far rom Rng! now A you ke we have moved to Australia. We iets Melbourne, because ny father got jo here goto a sthol natfar fom ourhowss. The school sa madera bling, ot kf England The teachers are very ‘ind an patent whieh very slr tomy ald scoo, The bigerence hat goto school om Pera to Nowenser tir strnge, bu we arom the there fhe Et Falvey mv some new ends, bu uatrtunately none of them are intersted in otal oad tw ake up ‘ew hob; which surfing owe lng don othe beach sur Wo deat every aero, hope tole in tuch eth you, Your, ie

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