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what is a measure of central tendency when you say measure of central tendency that

is the summary measure that describes a whole set of data with a single quantity
represent the middle or center of its distribution the way of which group of data that
cluster around a central value in short this is the measure that tells where the center of
a data set is located so the most commonly used measures of central tendency are the
mean, median, and mode

Measures of central tendency are methods that can used to determine information
regarding average, ranking, and category of any data distribution. Mean, median and
mode are the three tools in obtaining the measures of central tendency. But only by
knowing and using the appropriate tool that most accurate estimation of centrality can
be achieved. The objective of the measures of central tendency is to describe the
centrality of the distribution into a single numerical unit. This single numerical unit must
provide clear description about the common trait being observed in the distribution of

the mean for the ungroup data is the most commonly used measure of central tendency
so when we speak of average, we always refer to the mean

for example,
six friends in a biology class of 20 students receives test grades of 92, 84, 65, 76, 88,
and 90. find the mean of this test scores

The ages of the five contestants in statistics quiz b are the following 18, 17, 18,
19 and 18. Find their average age.

The median is the midpoint of the data array. Before finding this value, the data must be
arranged in order from least to greatest or vice versa the median will either be a specific
value or will fall between two values.
seven mothers were selected and given a blood pressure check their blood pressure
pressure were recorded below 135 121 119 116 130 121 131

Solution: arrange the data in order

116 119 121 121 130 131 135

Compute the mean, median and mode of the scores of the students in a basic statistics

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