Adilabad Demography

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01/02/2023, 10:28 about:blank

Different Demographic Parameters and related Statistical Values
S.No. Demographic Item Description Value in Units
1 Area 4,153 Sq Km
2 No. of Revenue Divisions 2
3 No. of Erstwhile Taluks 2
4 No. of Revenue Mandals 18 (17 Rural + 1 Urban)
5 No. of Mandal Praja Parishads 13
6 No. of Gram Panchayats 467
7 No. of Villages 508
8 No. of Municipalities 1
9 Total Population 708972
10 Population (Male) – % 356407 – 50.27%
11 Population (Female) 352565 – 49.73%
12 Rural Population 541226 – 76.34 %
13 Urban Population 167746 – 23.66 %
14 Total No Of Families 156683
15 Population Density per Sqm 171
16 Children Population (0-6 yrs) 87292
17 Literacy Percentage 63.46 %
18 Scheduled Caste Population 99422
19 Scheduled Tribe Population 224622
20 Labour Population 349121
21 No.of Farmers 126363
22 Agricultural Market committees 5
23 Rythu Bazaars 1
24 Veterinary Poly Clinics 1
25 Veterinary Hospitals 2
26 Veterinary Dispensaries 22
27 Medical Sub Centers 132
28 Primary Health Centers 22
29 Community Health Centers 2
30 Teaching Hospital 1
31 Primary Schools 988
32 Upper Primary Schools 177
33 High Schools 235
34 Model Schools 6
35 KGBV 13
36 Central Schools 1
37 Junior Colleges 47
38 Degree Colleges 13
39 B.Ed. Colleges 2
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01/02/2023, 10:28 about:blank

S.No. Demographic Item Description Value in Units

40 Old Age Pensions 24868
41 Disabled Pensions 6701
42 Widow Pensions 27390
43 Text Tile Worker Pensions 23
44 Toddy Toper Pensions 33
45 Anti Retra viral Therapy 735
46 Financial Assistance To Beedi Workers 5091
47 Fair Price Shops 355
48 Road Transport Corporation Depots 2
49 Railway Stations 4
50 Forest Area In SqKMs 1706.89
51 Major Irrigation Projects 3
52 Middle Level Irrigation Projects 1
53 Head Post Office 1
54 Sub Post Offices 14
55 Branch Post Office 127
56 Nationalized Banks 18
57 Private Banks 6
58 Regional Rural Banks 1
59 Cooperative Banks 9
60 Telephone Exchanges 17
61 Police Stations 24
62 Toursim Centres 23

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