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Hunger in this Word of Plenty

Mike Mullin once said,

“Hunger of choice is a painful luxury, hunger of necessity is terrifying torture!”
Food is the most basic amenity a person needs, whether it be rich or poor.
Goal 2 of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) established by
the United Nations in 2015 is ‘Zero Hunger’. The target of the Zero Hunger
goal is to end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular, the poor and
people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious, and
sufficient food all year round by 2030. Ending hunger and malnutrition is a
major factor if we truly want to achieve Sustainable Development all around the
world. One must know that as much as hunger is a result of poverty, poverty,
too, is a key cause and resultant of hunger. The UN’s definition of Zero Hunger
goes beyond a single number. A more complete rundown of the
second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is to “end hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.” 
It is important to have knowledge about the SDGs, but it is also very important
to be a part in making this world sustainable. Here are a few things you can do
to contribute to the Zero Hunger goal:
 Eliminate food waste in your home
 Shop local and sustainably
 Let people know that Zero Hunger is a priority
 Donate and feed people with needs

- Pragyanjali Sahoo

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