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Technology - based art is also known as digital art. It is a virtual and digital kind of art that relies heavily on
technology, electronic, and mechanical devices- rather than the artist's own hands- to produce the intended visuals
and effects during the creative process.

Artists who adapted their artworks from other countries:

1. Robert Quilao - Urduja, an animated feature adapted from Hollywood which is well-known for producing animated

2. Erik Matti - noted for being the first film in the history of Philippine cinema to use full Computer Generated image
effect on his Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles.

3. Jay Tablante - Filipino artist who specializes in cosplay photography and adapts the Marvel artists.

4. Lino Brocka - adapted the American influence in his film Tinimbang Ka Nugnit Kulang


The cell phone you carry about with you all the time has developed from a simple communication tool into a creative
instrument that enables you to produce original works of art for a variety of uses. These could be private photos and
films that you can alter with a wide range of unique effects, both visual and audiovisual.


you can make your own illustrations by employing specialist tools for picture production and manipulation if you
want to produce unique images from nothing. Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator are two examples of this


Making a digital file of it first is another way to create an original image. Using modern technological technology
would include taking the picture using a digital camera or a gadget with a built-in camera, such as your smartphone,
tablet, or Android device. *


These encompass a wide variety of activities, such as puzzles and instructional games, as well as ones that require
players to interact physically (sports, fitness, dance). Then there are the incredibly well-liked strategy, military,
science fiction, and fantasy video games that use incredibly intricate and lifelike visuals, action, sound, and other
special effects.


Digital painting is a method of creating artwork using a computer. This is, however, different from the image-
generating devices and programs discussed above, which create, modify, store, and share images entirely on a laptop,
tablet, or android phone.

Mobile Phone Art - an artwork created using portable digital devices, such as android tablets and cell phones
combination of both called "phablets.
Computer-Generated Images - Images created with software for motion pictures, television programs, video games,
and online advertisements.


Eating Disorder

Anorexia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation to lose and to maintain very low body
weight due to a false/disorted perception of being fat.

Bulimia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by a pattern of binge eating and purging to lose weight and/or
maintain low body weight.

Binge-eating disorder – an eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable episode of eating excessive amounts of
food within a relatively short time.

Emotional eating – the consumption of large quantities of food to suppress negative emotions.

Health Related Physical Fitness Components

Cardiorespiratory Endurance – is the ability to exercise your entire body for long time without stopping.

Flexibilty – is the range of motion that your joint have during movements.

Muscular Strength – is the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort or how much you can lift
in one attempt.

Muscular Endurance – is your ability to contract your muscles several time without excessive fatigue.

Body composition – is the ratio of water, bone, muscle, and fat in the body.

Skill Related Physical Fitness Components – skill related fitness abilities increase one’s ability to perform various
activities and only have indirect connection with health.

Hip-hop aerobics - exciting combination of intense cardiovascular exercises incorporating hip-hop moves and upbeat
music to get your heart pumping.

Wellness Plan – A program intended to improve and promote health and fitness that’s usually offered through the


Consumer Right (R.A.7394) – provides for the regulation of products and services being sold and offered in the

Traditonal and Alternative Medicine (R.A.8423) – identifies scientifically proven herbs as medical plants.

Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act (R.A.10354) - provides for maternal and child health care,
family planning, and responsible parenthood.

 Informed choice is when a person is given options to choose from several diagnostic tests or treatments,
knowing the details, benefits, risks and expected outcome of each.
 Respect for life is the act recognize that abortion is illegal and punishable by law.
 Birth control is a reproductive healthcare, information, and supplies shall be made available particularly to
the poor.

Philippine AIDS Preventation and Control Act (R.A.8504) – provides assistance for the preventation and control of

Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act (R.A.9165) - provides for the regulation of narcotic and other related substances
being sold/imported in the country.

 Gateway drugs are milder drugs that can open the door to exposure to or experimentation with harsher

Tobacco Regulation Act (R.A.9211) – supervises the legal production of cigarettes in the country.

Cybercrime Prevention Act (R.A 10175) – provides for criminal offenses committed online.

 Cyber refers to a computer or computer network, the electronic medium in which online communication
takes place

Anti-Child Pornography (R.A. 9775) – protects children from malicious acts online.

 Child pornography - is a form of child sexual exploitation

 Child – refers to a person below 18 years of age or over but is unable to take care pf him/herself from abuse.

National Blood Services Act (R.A.7719) - describes the blood donation program in the country.

Anti-Hazing Law (R.A.8949) – prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as an initiation to a certain social

National Environment Awareness and Education Act (9512) – provides for the inclusion of environmental education
programs in various national institution.

Seat Belts Use Act (R.A. 8750) – penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts on the road.

Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law (R.A.10586) – penalizes vehicle drivers who are under the influence of drugs and

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