Winter2023-CIV1171 Assignment2 DynamicsAssignment MDOF

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UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO CIV1171 – Principles of Earthquake

Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering Engineering and Seismic Design

Instructor: Dr. Constantin Christopoulos Winter 2023

CIV 1171 – Assignment 2

Review of MDOF Structural Dynamics

The assignment is due on February 8, 2023 by 5 pm.

Assignments can be completed in groups of 2 students, or can be handed in individually if
Submissions are done through Quercus

Problem 1:
Define the stiffness and mass matrices of the structure shown in Figure 1 below.

 M1 = 0.30 kNs2/mm; M2 = 0.60 kNs2/mm; M3 = M4 = 0.10 kNs2/mm;

 Diagonal Braces: EAbrace = 200 (103) kN (in tension and compression);
 Columns: EIcolumn = 60 (109) kN.mm2;
 Beam-Slabs: EIbeam = ∞.

M2 Rigid Link: EA = ∞ M4
Pin x3


M1 M3
x1 x2


5m 5m 5m 5m 5m

Figure 1
Problem 2:
You are asked to investigate the dynamic properties of the 2-storey braced frame that is shown in Figure
2 below.
The properties of the braced frame are listed below:

 Beams can be assumed infinitely rigid;

 All beam/column/brace connections can be assumed pinned; the columns are pinned at their base.
 Braces are effective in both tension and compression
 EA of each brace is 150,000 kN.
 Weight of the first and second story beam/slab is 6000 kN and 4000 kN, respectively.
 Rayleigh damping of 5% in each mode of vibration.

(a) Define the mass matrix [m], stiffness matrix [k] and damping matrix [c] (using a Rayleigh
damping model) of the structure.
(b) Using an eigenvalue analysis compute the two natural frequencies and mode shapes of the

M = 4000 k N


M = 6000 kN


4m 4m 4m

Figure 2
Problem 3:
For the 3-story shear building shown in Figure 3A,

(a) Formulate mass and stiffness matrices and find the fundamental periods and mode shapes
of the structure (this can be done using Matlab or Excel).

(b) Determine (but do not plot) the steady-state response of each of the 3 stories when the
building is subjected to a harmonic force 𝑃(𝑡)=1000 sin (2πt) kN applied at the top floor.
Use the mass normalized mode shapes. Neglect damping for this calculation, but assume
that the transient response damps out after a certain amount of time.

(c) Find the equivalent seismic forces{Q} for the 1st and 2nd modes.

(d) Find effective modal mass of each mode. Confirm that the summation of effective modal
masses is equal to the total mass of the structure. How many modes would you need to get
90% of total mass if you wanted to use a response spectrum analysis?

(e) Assuming that the structure is to be designed using the design spectrum shown in Figure
3B, find the maximum base shear, overturning moment, and inter-storey drift using the
response spectrum analysis method. Include all three modes and use SRSS to combine
modal responses.

(f) Construct the damping matrix using Rayleigh damping with 5% damping in the first and
in the third mode and compute the resulting damping ratio for the second mode once you
have defined the Raleigh damping model.

(g) A single-storey moment frame is to be built in the proximity of the 3-story shear building
(as shown in Figure 3C). The properties of the single-storey moment frame are listed
 Beams can be assumed rigid; the columns are fixed at their base.
 EI of each column is 40,000 kN.m2; Weight at each floor slab (in grey) is 2500 kN.

Using the design spectrum shown in Figure 3B, estimate the minimum distance D at which
the single-storey moment frame can be built in order to avoid pounding between the two
h k/2 k/2 1

Acceleration (g)
u2 0.8
h k/2 k/2
m 0.4
u1 0.2
h k/2 k/2 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period (sec)
Design Spectrum
k = 120,000 kN/m, m = 50,000 kg, h = 4.0 m

Figure 3A Figure 3B


h k/2 k/2
h k/2 k/2 D

h k/2 k/2

Figure 3C

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