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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

Course Project Guidelines

This Project shall be titled as Workplace Safety Inspection Report.

This Project is an assessment criterion in partial fulfilment of the course unit to attain
competency. It is an element of the blended learning requirements of the course

The Project objective is to enable learners who are in the supervision/ management/
coordination role or aspiring to be, to experience the challenges in conducting
inspections in the workplace and putting up reports for approval and continual

Learners are to note the following guidelines:

1. You may need a laptop/PC or other smart devices to do this project in soft
2. Your report should be done in ARIAL font, size 12.
3. Refer to the sample at the last page.
4. Your report should demonstrate your own piece of work, and not plagiarised
from other candidates completed work, or wholesale copy material.
5. You may discuss for clarity but the ideas generated must be of your own effort.
6. There will be an oral questioning session conducted if required to verify
authenticity of your work.
7. You are required to demonstrate a minimum of 5 inspection findings relating
to workplaces unsafe conditions or acts identified in your workplace.
8. You are deemed to have completed the whole course and obtain the
competency card/certificate only after project submission and approval, in
addition to all other assessments as required in this course.
9. You will have to show your soft copy draft of the report on the 3rd day of the
course for clarifications and directions before you upload your report, which you
will upload in the E-learning portal.
10. Your submission will be approved only when you have satisfactorily
completed the project, otherwise rejected as NYC (not yet competent).
11.Submission of your project shall be before or by the 4th day of the course.
12.If fail to submit the project report within time frame, learner need to
retake the full course.

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

Format of the Project:

Participants Name: NRIC/FIN Number: M3033225X

Course Name: Batch ID: 724

Workplace Safety and Health
Management in Construction Industry
Participants Email ID: Participants Phone Number:

Facilitator Name:
Hossain md Salman

Participants Signature: Submission Date: 29/01/2023

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)


1. Purpose of Safety Inspection carried out

(State the reason(s) why this safety inspection is carried out

2. Inspection Findings – Workplace Unsafe conditions / Unsafe acts


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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

Picture 1

Date, Time & Location of Incident

Date, Time & Location of Incident 

Tower Block B - Basement   28/01/2023 -10.45AM

Description of Incident

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)
Poor Housekeeping in the area

Corrective Actions for Rectification

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)


(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
Supervisor need to ensure the regular housekeeping in the work area. Need
to increase the number of bins twice a week until the situation improves

To rectify by tomorrow 28/01/2023: Action by:

Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 28/01/2023 9 am

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

ctified and closed

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3. Recommendations to prevent the repeat of the similar findings

(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole
organization etc.)
Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.
Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.


Picture 2

Date, Time & Location of Incident

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Tower Block B - Basement   28/01/2023 -9AM

Description of Incident

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)


Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)
Poor Housekeeping in the area

Corrective Actions for Rectification

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
Supervisor need to ensure the regular housekeeping in the work area. Need
to increase the number of bins twice a week until the situation improves
To rectify by:tomorrow 28/01/2023 Action by:

Re-inspectionn (Date /Time):28/01/2023 9 am

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed peat of the similar findings

(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole
organization etc.)
Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.
Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.


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Picture 3

Date, Time & Location of Incident

Date, Time & Location of Incident

Tower Block B - Basement   28/01/2023 -9AM


Description of Incident

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture


Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)
Poor Housekeeping in the area

Corrective Actions for Rectification

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
Supervisor need to ensure the regular housekeeping in the work area. Need
to increase the number of bins twice a week until the place
To rectify by:28/01/2023 Action by:

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):tomorrow 28/01/2023

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed 9 am

: Rectified and closed peat of the similar findings

(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole
organization etc.)
Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.
Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.



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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

Picture 4

Date, Time & Location of Incident

Tower Block B - Basement   28/01/2023 -9AM

Description of Incident )

Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)
Poor Housekeeping in the area
Corrective Actions for Rectification

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again) )

To rectify by:28/01/2023 Action by:

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):tomorrow 28/01/2023

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

: Rectified and closed peat of the similar findings

(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole
organization etc.)
Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.
Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)


Picture Date, Time & Location of Incident

Tower Block B - Basement   28/01/2023 -9AM


Description of Incident

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)

Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)

(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)
Poor Housekeeping in the area
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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

Corrective Actions for Rectification

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)

(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening

To rectify by:28/01/2013 Action by:

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):tomorrow 28//01/2023

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

3. Recommendations to prevent the repeat of the similar findings

(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole organization


(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole

organization etc.)
Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.
Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.

End of Report

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I, the undersigned, declare that the project report titled INSPECTION REPORT is
based on my own work carried out during the course, and not plagiarised from
other candidates completed work, or wholesale copy material.

Name: Hossain md salman

NRIC/FIN No: 6515725-

Course: Project Guidelines

Batch ID: 724____________________________


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Sample Project (For Reference only)

Sample Finding 1:

Sample Picture 1
Sample FINDING 1:
Date, Time & Location of Incident
Tower Block B - Basement 5/12/2020 -10.45AM
Description of Incident
(Explain what is the unsafe condition or the unsafe act in the picture)
Poor Housekeeping in the work area
Corrective Actions for Rectification
(State the actions taken to prevent the incident from happening again)
Supervisor need to ensure the regular housekeeping in the work area. Need to increase
the number of bins twice a week until the situation improves.
To rectify by: tomorrow- 6/12/2020 Action by: Supervisor Mermen
Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 6/12/2020 – 9AM
Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed
3. Recommendations to prevent the repeat of the similar findings

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Constrution Indutry (SCW/BCSS)

(Propose to Management on improvements to safety and health for whole organization

Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.

Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.

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