Guide "Define Your Goals": What Are My Desires?

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Guide “Define your goals”

What are my desires?

What do I want (as opposed to what people around me want)? ________________

Why do I want it? ____________________________________________________
Why? _____________________________________________________________
Ask yourself “why” several times until you understand the true reason. For example: “I want to study
abroad” — “Why do I want it?” — “To get a good job afterward.” — “Why?” — “To earn a lot of
money” - “Why?” — “To become self-reliant and not depend on anybody.”

Where do I see myself in 10 years?

What do I do? ______________________________________________________

What language am I speaking?_________________________________________
What do I look like? __________________________________________________
What surrounds me? _________________________________________________
Who surrounds me? _________________________________________________

Imagine that you are already studying abroad.

What opportunities does that provide you?

1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________

How do these opportunities bring you closer to your goal? ____________________

What resources do I have right now to get there?

What can help me actualize my plan? ___________________________________

What can get in my way? _____________________________________________
Who supports me? __________________________________________________
What is my financial standing? What are my limits? __________________________

When will I know that I’ve reached my goal?


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