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Spare Time - Eumind Group 2

By Hanifa Syeda

Eumind requires us to expand our social skills immensely in order to

participate during the tasks efficiently and effectively, my experience with
Eumind has helped me increase my social skills and knowledge about my peers

The activity assigned to my group was to interview our family members

about how they passed their spare times as a teenager and then compare the
results to reach a conclusion on the matter. I interviewed my mother who was
ecstatic to share her experiences and aid my research. I learned more about her
origins and to an extent resonated with her alot.

My team was cooperative for the most part but communication was a little
scattered and our deadlines were in shambles but none-the-less an enjoyable
experience and group initiative, and as my first time in a Eumind program, a
definitely memorable one.

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