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The concept of “so far as is practicable” is widely used in the occupational

safety and health mainly when assessing the extend of employer compliance to the
OSH regulations. In the court case of Edwards v National Coal Board 1949 implied
that for an employer to exercise “so far as is practicable” or “reasonable practicable”,
they must conducted proportionate analysis between the quality and quantity of a
certain risk against to the effort of mitigating the risk in term of money, time and
trouble (Edwards V National Coal Board, n.d.). In accordance to the Malaysian
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, the word “practicable” is referring to the
four main criteria which are severity of the hazard, state of current knowledge on the
hazard including the current knowledge of removing it, the availability and suitability
of ways removing the hazard and lastly the cost of removing the hazard (Occupational
Safety and Health Act 1994, 2020). The employer must consider all the facts about
the hazard related to these four criteria in order to manage an excellence OSH
program in their workplace.

1. Severity of the hazard

Severity of the hazard is referring to magnitude of the consequences if the
hazard materialised. In managing excellence OSH at workplace, an employer must
show that they have as best as possible reduce or eliminate the hazard that will
cause significant consequences such as fatality compare to hazard that cause
minor consequences such as minor cut injury. In view of this, an employer should
weight the benefit of reducing the impact of the hazard against the cost of
mitigating it.
For example, an employer of a shipbuilding company assessing trip hazard for
their worker in administration office and in the workshop. They have concluded
that trip hazard occurred in the office floor, the possible consequences might be
minor injury such as sprained ankle while trip hazard occurred in the workshop
might cause significant injury because of the tight arrangement of machinery and
sharp protruding objects. As a result, the employer has established cheaper
measure to prevent trip hazard if the office by providing non slip mat and
instructed all employer to clean any spill as soon as it happens. Meanwhile, for the

workshop, the employer has decided to spend more money to install engineering
control such protective guard around the machinery and on any sharp protruding
installation. In both cases, the employer had as far as is practicable providing the
best protection to both workplace location.

2. State of current knowledge on the hazard including the current knowledge of

removing it
State of current knowledge is referring to the availability of current
information on the hazard and availability of technology or process in mitigating
the hazard. An employer can obtain the availability of current necessary
information from conducting research on the relevant industry standard, published
papers and journals, consulting their employee which facing the hazard on daily
basis, rules and regulation, industry code of practice, guidelines or past incident
report. The employer needs to demonstrate their proactive measure by conducting
risk assessment on their business operation before starting a specific operation.
The result of the risk assessment will provide them the list of hazards that might
be occurred and based on the list, detailed study can be done to collect all
necessary information on the hazard and way of mitigating it.
For example, an employer of a shipping company owned a chemical tanker
ship which mainly chartered for the carriage of palm oil from Asia to Europe and
voyage back to Asia under ballast voyage without any cargo carried. There is
opportunity from a new charterer in Europe which would like to transport
Phosphoric Acid from Europe to Asia. The employer realize this as good
opportunity since the ship will be on hired for the return journey which provide
additional income to the company. Before agreeing with the shipment, the
employer have conducted hazard study on Phosphoric Acid by referring to the
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), specific regulatory requirement for carriage
of Phosphoric Acid imposed by International Maritime Organization and past
incident report involving Phosphoric Acid. As a result, the employer decided that
certain measure need to be added such as new tank cleaning and handling
procedure, cargo tank monitoring procedure and additional protective equipment
to be used by the ship’s crew when handling the Phosphoric Acid. By conducting
the study, the employer had as far as is practicable managing the excellence OSH

at their asset by identifying the current knowledge on the hazard and way of
mitigating it.

3. The availability and suitability of ways removing the hazard

The are many ways to remove or mitigating a hazard. The employer either can
eliminate the hazard and substituting the hazard, establishing engineering control,
enforcing administrative control and providing personal protective equipment
(Department of Occupational Safety and Health [DOSH], 2008) The employer
needs to search every available way in the current practice relevant to their
industry. Although not all available way is suitable for each company because
every company have different work process or operation. The employer needs to
adopt the best available way in the market that suitable to their process or
For example, an employer for certain oil and gas company required to conduct
yearly internal inspection on their flow assurance tanks which contain crude oil.
After further investigation, they have found the crude oil contains high level of
mercury more than threshold level safe to human. Elimination is necessary when
the consequences so severe and there is no available or suitability ways to remove
the hazard. In the beginning, they have decided to eliminate the hazard of human
entering the tanks for inspection and instead substituting it with thickness gauging
by ultrasonic test from outside to verify there is no diminution on the plating. It is
considered an equivalent means of verifying the integrity of the tanks. As new
inspection technology emerged utilizing inspection drone to carry out internal
inspection, the company decided to adopt and implement in their inspection
program. In this situation, the employer had exercised as far as is practicable
substituting the hazard for something than would provide reduce impact and as
new way emerged, they have decided to embrace it.

4. The cost of removing the hazard

Financial cost is a critical issue that greatly influence on the employer effort of
removing a hazard. Argument can be made either the employer needs to consider
severity of the hazard without taking account of the cost removing it or the
employer need to consider their own financial limitation before choosing the way
to remove it. In order to manage excellence OSH with “as far as is practicable”,
the employer should weight the severity of the risk against the benefit that they
will received (ALARP “at a glance”, n.d.). In view of this, the employer should
consider spending more money on the hazard which causing big consequences.
Although, it is not necessary that every solution will involve significant financial
cost because some measure might be less in financial cost but efficient in
eliminating or mitigating the hazard.
For example, there is two manufacturing company, company A and B
producing the same product. Company A is a small-scale production company
while company B is a large-scale production company. Both companies using a
certain hazardous chemical in their process which might causing health hazard to
the employee if expose to a certain period of time. Company B decided to replace
the usage of the chemical to organic chemical which does not causing any health
condition to human. However, the cost of purchasing such organic chemical much
more expensive but due to their large output production, the cost of changing the
chemical is insignificant for the employer of company B. Company A, due to their
limited financial capacity decided to impose administrative control by limiting the
working time of their employee based on the threshold level as required by the
regulatory body. In addition, company A also providing awareness training on the
chemical and lastly providing suitable personal protective equipment to their
employee. The employer for both companies considered as far as is practicable
providing the best way in their capacity in removing the hazard.
As conclusion, detailed analysis on the four main criteria mentioned above
must be conducted by the employer. The analysis will provide them various
options in which they can weigh between the benefit and sacrifice to be done. A
certain large capacity employer in the industry might consider the need to reduce
the hazard as low as possible no matter what the cost because once the hazard
occurred, it might tarnish their reputation. Other employer might choose the
reduce hazard as low as possible while taking account their financial capacity.
There is no correct or wrong because each company have different matter they
need to consider. As long as the employer show that they have consider every
possible way and adopt whichever the best strategies then it has shown that so far
as practicable they have manage the occupational safety and health in their
workplace as best as possible to their current capacity.


Khaira Marine Sdn Bhd (KMSB) is a ship repair company focusing in
providing repair and dry-docking service specifically for offshore service vessel.
KMSB was formed in 2015 due to growing demand for ship repair and dry dock
facility from the local ship owner especially for vessels operating in Sarawak waters.
KMSB repair yard located at Kuala Baram district, Miri, Sarawak operates two dry-
dock able to accommodate two offshore vessels at the same time with vessel length up
to 100 meters. KMSB’s mission is to become leading ship repair yard in Sarawak for
providing excellence quality and reliable ship repair services. The company
workforce of 50 trained personnel including naval architects, experienced engineers
and specialized skill workers available around the clock 24/7 to provide repair
services to minimize vessel downtime and thus avoiding financial loss to owner from
vessel off-hire.

Figure 1 Shipyard layout


Figure 2 Top Management

Figure 3 Operation Team Structure

Figure 4 Human Resource and Finance Structure

KMSB’s main activities is docking and undocking of vessel for repair and
periodical inspection for classification especially for the underwater hull part. KMSB
yard equipped with hull cleaning and painting machine, steel plate cutting and
bending machine, welding machine, 100 tons mobile lifting crawler, 50 tons overhead
cranes, lathe and milling machine and pressure testing bench. Following scope of
works provided in the yard:

1. Hull cleaning and painting

2. Hull steel plate renewal
3. Piping renewal
4. Sea valve servicing and pressure testing
5. Tank cleaning and inspection
6. Withdrawal of propeller and shafting for repair and inspection
7. Anchor chain measurement and chain replacement
8. Main engine and machinery overhaul and repair service
9. General electrical repair and service

OSH Legal Register for KMSB

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible

No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

1 Factory and II 10 a, b, c, Provision 1. Ensure that General 1. All

Machinery d, e relating to the workplace Manager and workplace
Act 1967 safety, etc foundation, Ship Repair building
floor and roof Manager constructed in
sufficient compliance to
strength. the authority
2. All floors, requirements.
working levels, 2. All working
platforms, area including
decks, floor and stair
stairways, subject to
passages, slippery
gangways, condition
ladders and provided with
steps shall be of non-slip
safe material.
construction. 3.
3. Safe access Housekeeping
provided to maintained
workplace. daily.
4. Every 4. Multiple
opening, sump, safe access
pit or fixed provided with
vessel in a emergency
floor, or escape.
working level 5. No opening
shall be pit and sump
securely on the floor.
covered or 6. All goods
securely fenced or articles
4. Article and which are
goods that stacked only
stored or up to 2 meters
stacked stable, and secured
does not appropriately
collapse, does
not interfere
with lighting,

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

and operation of
Ensure that no
person shall be
employed to
lift, carry or Ship Repair
Factory and move any load No manual lift
Lifting of Manager and
2 Machinery II 12   so heavy as to for load more
weights Safety
Act 1967 be likely to than 10 Kg
cause bodily
injured to
3 Factory and II 13   Provisions Ensure that Safety 1. Suitable
Machinery against fire precaution Supervisor portable fire
Act 1967 against fire extinguishers
shall be provided all
provided and workplace
maintained accordance to
including the approved
emergency fire plan
escape and 2. Office
mean of building and
extinguishing workshop
fire. fitted with
3. Two
provided at
4. Firefighting
training given
5. All

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

maintain in
accordance to
the national
Ensure that 1. Safe
measures shall working
be taken to instruction
eliminate the provided
risk of bodily 2. Risk
exposed to Ship Repair
Factory and injury from assessment
explosive, Manager and
4 Machinery II 11   explosive, and job hazard
inflammabl Safety
Act 1967 inflammable, analysis
e, etc., Supervisor
poisonous or register
corrosive 3. Safety
substances or training
ionizing conducted
radiations. monthly
5 Factory and II 14   Constructio Ensure that all Mechanical
Machinery n of machinery and Engineer,
Act 1967 machinery every part Electrical 1. Machinery
including all Engineer, provided
fittings and Safety certificate of
attachments Supervisor manufacturer
shall be of 2. All
sound machinery
construction installation,
and sound maintenance
material free and repair in
from defect and accordance to
suitable for the the
purpose and manufacturer
shall be manual and to
properly be informed to
maintained. the Inspector

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that no
person shall
operate any
which required
Factory and to be provided 3. Applicable
1, 2, 3, Certificate
7 Machinery II 19 the certificate of machinery
4 of fitness
Act 1967 fitness unless requiring
the machinery certificate of
already issued fitness to be
with certificate used only with
of fitness valid
certificate of
Ensure that no fitness
person shall 4. Planned
manufacture, maintenance
Machinery fabricate, test, system
not to be install, implemented
Factory and manufactur maintain, on all
8 Machinery III 29 A ed, etc., dismantle or machinery,
Act 1967 without repair any PMS record
written machinery
authority unless written
received from
Chief Inspector.
9 Factory and III 26   Training Ensure that no HR 1. Internal
Machinery and person shall be Executive, training
Act 1967 supervision employed at QA/QC program
of any machine or Engineer developed to
inexperienc process which all employee
ed workers might cause via classroom
bodily injured or mentoring
unless he/she program
has been fully 2. Skilled
instructed as to worker must
the danger, be issued with
received the applicable
sufficient certificate
instruction of such as welder
work and certificate,
supervise by an welding
experience inspector,
person. electrician

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

inspector, etc.
3. External
under NIOSH
such AESP,
4. Safety
conducted for
all new joiner
Ensure that Housekeeping
workplace shall conducted
be kept in clean daily in
state and free accordance to
from offensive the company
effluvia arising policy
from any drain, 2. Drainage
Provisions Ship Repair
Factory and sanitary and sanitary
relating to Manager and
10 Machinery II 22 1 (a) convenience or washing and
health, Safety
Act 1967 other source. disinfecting
cleanliness Supervisor
3. Garbage
4. Daily

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that the

amount of cubic 1. Each
meter of space employee has
Provisions and superficial more than 400
relating to meter of floor
Factory and cubic feet of
health, area for each General
11 Machinery     1 (b) space
space for employee are Manager
Act 1967 2. The lowest
each not less than ceiling
person amount measure at 12
required by the feet

Ensure that
ventilation by
circulation of
fresh air in
every part of Natural
the workplace ventilation
and for supported by
Factory and rendering all mechanical
relating to General
12 Machinery     1 (c) gases, fumes, ventilation
health, Manager
Act 1967 dust and other with capacity
impurities that more than 10
may be air changes
injurious to per hour
health in
accordance to
the standard
adopted by the
Ensure that 1. Workshop
temperature is open air
maintain and workshop
secure in 2. Ventilation
Provisions reasonable provided
Factory and relating to conditions of 3. Office
13 Machinery     1 (d) health, comfort and building with
Act 1967 temperatur prevent bodily HVAC system
e injured in 4. Room
accordance to thermometer
the standard fitted at
adopted by the various
Minister location

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that 1. Natural

sufficient and lighting by
suitable lighting mean of
maintain and skylight at the
secure whether workshop and
natural or window in the
artificial in office
accordance to 2.
the standard Illumination
adopted by the lighting fitted
minister. in the
Provisions workshop and
Factory and
relating to General office
14 Machinery     1 (e)
health, Manager complied with
Act 1967
lighting the regulation.
from the
conducted by
the external
3. Emergency
provided at all
Ensure that 1. Separate
sufficient and public toilet
suitable sanitary for men and
conveniences women
provided for the provided at
use of employee each
working in the workplace
relating to
Factory and premise. location
health, General
15 Machinery     1 (f) 2. Each public
sanitary Manager
Act 1967 toilet fitted
with 5 water
closet, 5 wash
basin, 5
shower and
room and

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that any

part of the
while it is
working, Projecting
Factory and projects beyond part installed
Projecting Mechanical
16 Machiery II 16   any part of the with guard in
material Engineer
Act 1967 machinery shall accordance to
be effectively the regulation
fenced unless it
is safe in its
Ensure that
FM, Fencing dangerous part
of of every driven
Machinery Fencing of machine shall
17 I 4  
and Safety machinery be securely
Regulations fenced in All dangerous
1970 accordance to part of
the regulations. machinery
fenced in
Ensure that accordance to
every machine the regulation
not specifically
referred in the
FM, Fencing
shall be fenced
Machinery Other
18 IV 41   in such manner
and Safety machines
as an Inspector
require. For
example, lathe
and milling

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

1. Ensure that 1. Machinery

no examination, maintenance
lubrication and work
adjustment be instruction
made while the does not allow
machinery in maintenance
motion. work carried
2. Ensure that out on
examination, machinery
lubrication and under motion
adjustment can 2. Machinery
only be carried maintenance
out by trained team does not
FM, Fencing
male person of incorporated
of Provisions
1 (a), 2 twenty years of employee of
Machinery as to Mechanical
19 I 5 (a), 2 age and above below 21
and Safety unfenced Engineer
(b) with years old
Regulations machinery
appropriate 3.
clothing and Maintenance
within sight or only can be
hearing of carried out by
another person competent
who responsible employee
for emergency 4. Buddy
case. system and
log out/tag out
for all

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that all

fencing or other
provided shall Fencing and
FM, Fencing guards design
Constructio be sound
of construction in accordance
n and
Machinery Mechanical to the
20 I 6   maintenanc and constantly
and Safety maintained and Engineer regulation
e of
Regulations kept securely made from
1970 fastened in approved
position at all material
times in motion
or in use
Ensure that no
FM, Fencing opening in any
of fence shall be
of such No opening in
Machinery Opening in Mechanical
21 I 7   dimension that any of the
and Safety fence Engineer
any person can fencing
1970 touch the
moving parts
FM, Fencing Ensure that the
Start and stop
of point of
Machinery Point of operation of any Mechanical
22 I 8   protected and
and Safety operation machine shall Engineer
lock by the
Regulations be effectively
1970 fenced.
Ensure that all 1. All
electrical electrical
equipment and equipment
installation supplied with
shall be Certificate of
FM, Fencing constructed and Approval and
of so installed and labelling as
maintained to Electrical
Machinery Electrical required by
23 I 11   prevent fire Engineer,
and Safety apparatus the
hazard and Electrician
Regulations Suruhanjaya
1970 danger from Tenaga and
contact with SIRIM
moving parts 2.
and live parts. Maintenance
The electrical carry out only
equipment shall by competent

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

be conformed to electrician in
applicable law accordance to
and approved the
by the manufacturer
authorities. recommendati
Ensure that
All lifting
every overhead
structure, crane,
FM, Fencing design and
block, sling and
of constructed
Machinery Hoisting Safety and
24 III 21   appliances shall
and Safety machine Supervisor periodically
be of sound
Regulations inspected by
1970 the Inspector
and suitable for
and issued
the purpose
with COF
1. Risk
Ensure that assessment
every person and job hazard
working at a analysis to be
place which he conducted for
will be liable to work more
fall more than than 2 meters
Safety, ten feet shall be 2. Employee
Health and provided with with NIOSH
Working at Safety
25 Welfare   12   means to ensure WAH training
Height Supervisor
Regulations his/her safety only allowed
1970 including the to do WAH
usage of safety 3. WAH PPE
belts or rope. to be
used in
additional to
the standard
Ensure that any 1. Risk
confined spaces assessment
Safety, provided with
1, 2(a), and job hazard
Health and manhole, fumes
2(b), Confined Safety analysis to be
26 Welfare   13 have been
2(c), 3, space Supervisor conducted
Regulations removed before
4 2. Work
1970 entering, tested instruction has
free from developed in

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

dangerous accordance to
fumes, DOSH ICOP
competent for safe
standby person working in
stationed in the confined
entrance for space
emergency and 3. 5 unit of
respiratory gas detector
protective available and
device, reviving calibrated as
apparatus, belts manufacturer
and rope shall recommendati
be provided and on
maintained. 4. Only
with AESP
allowed to
5. Safety
supervisor is
6. Emergency
rescue team
Ensure that no
fire, flame or 1. Hot work
naked lights permit system
shall be allowed implemented
inside any fuel 2. No
tanks. No smoking
smoking signage
Health and Precaution
allowed in any Safety posted at the
27 Welfare   16 1, 2, 3 against
fuel tanks an no Supervisor applicable
Regulations ignition
hot work area
conducted at 3. No naked
any fuel tanks fire signage
unless the posted at the
substance and applicable
its fumes have area
been removed.

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that no
employee shall
partake of food
or drinks in the Foods and
Health and Partake of
room contain HR drinks taken
28 Welfare   27   food or
any poisonous Executive only at the
Regulations drink
or injurious canteen

Ensure that 1. Designated

employee resting area
provided with provide with
Safety, opportunity for comfortable
Health and sitting without seating
Seating HR
29 Welfare   30 1 detriment to 2. Suitable
facilities Executive
Regulations their work. working seat
1970 provided at
workplace by
taking account
the ergonomic
Ensure that
work bench or
provided with
suitable design Ship Repair
Health and Suitable work
Work construction Manager and
30 Welfare   31   bench
benches and dimension Safety
Regulations provided
so that work Supervisor
can be carried
out without
undue strain.

31 Safety,   32   Working Ensure that the Safety 1. All

Health and clothes, employee Supervisor employee
Welfare PPE and provided provided with
Regulations appliances required by the working
1970 regulations coverall
suitable 2. No loose
working article or
clothes, safety accessories
helmet, google, allowed
earplug, outside of
screens, office

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

3. Safety
googles, ear
plugs, ear
impact gloves
and N95 mask
provided for
clothing, gloves
all employee.
and respiratory
4. Painter
provided with
equipment as
full face mask
suitable for
painting work
5. Self-
provided for
Ensure that the
process carried
Safety, out in the
workplace does General Safe work
Health and
Duty of not affect Manager, instruction
32 Welfare   39  
Occupier adversely the Ship Repair developed for
health of Manager all process
employee or the
33 FM, XVI 147 1, 2, 4 General Ensure that all Mechanical 1. All hand
Building requiremen hand and power Engineer, and power
Operation ts tools shall be Electrical tools to be
and Works maintained in a Engineer provided with
of safe condition, certificate of
Engineering designed to manufacturer
Construction accommodate 2. All hand
, Safety guards and and power
Regulations employees shall tools design in
1986 be provided accordance to
with necessary the relevant
PPE. standard

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

FM, Ensure that 3. Applicable

Building employees shall PPE to be
Operation not issue, suffer used when
and Works or permit the Mechanical operating the
of use of unsafe Engineer, tools
34 XVI 148 1 Hand tools
Engineering hand tools. Electrical 4. Planned
Construction Engineer maintenance
, Safety system
Regulations implemented
1986 in accordance
Ensure that to
electrical power manufacturer
tools insulated recommendati
with the on
requirements of 5. Damaged
Electrical tools to be
and Works Electric Mechanical
Inspectorate repair or
of power- Engineer,
35 XVI 149 1, 2 Regulations removed
Engineering operated Electrical
1984 and the 6. No hoisting
Construction tools Engineer
use of electrical of tools using
, Safety
cords for the chords or
hoisting and hoses
lowering tools 7. Pneumatic
shall not be power tools
allowed. fitted with
36 FM, XVI 150 1, 2, 4, Pneumatic Ensure that Mechanical safety devices
Building 5, 6, 7 power tools pneumatic Engineer, as designed by
Operation power tools Electrical the
and Works shall be secured Engineer manufacturer
of to the hose or 8. User
Engineering whip by some instruction
Construction positive means, and manual
, Safety safety clips or provided
Regulations retainers shall 9. Only
1986 be securely competent
installed and employee
maintained, allowed to use
compressed air
shall not be
used for
cleaning, no
hoisting or
lowering tools
using the hose

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

and safety
device to be
fitted at the
source supply
for hose exceed
13 millimetres
Ensure that the
safety, health
and welfare of
their employees 1. HSES
at work management
including the system in
provision and place
maintenance of 2. Hazard and
system of work, risk register
arrangement 3. Training
with the and
General operation, competency
duties of handling, Managing requirement
employers storage and Director, 4. Planned
37 OSHA 1994 IV 15  
and self- transport of Ship Repair maintenance
employed substances, Manager system
persons provided 5. Safe
information, working
instruction, instruction
training and and procedure
supervision as 6. Monthly
necessary, office and
maintenance of workshop
the place of inspection
work and report
maintenance of
the working

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that to
prepare and 1. HSEQ
revise a written Policy
statement of his 2. Evidence of
general policy Managing HSEQ policy
Duty to with respect to Director, communicated
formulate safety and
Ship Repair to all
38 OSHA 1994   16   safety and health at work,
Manager, employee
health communicated HR/Finance 3. Policy
policy to all employees Manager posted at
and made conspicuous
arrangement to area at all
enforce the workplace.
Ensure that the 1. All
workplace safe contractor
and without risk need to attend
to health to safety
person not induction
being their before start
Duties of employees to work
an occupier work at their 2. All
of a place premises. contractor
of work to Safety needs to
39 OSHA 1994   18  
persons Supervisor attend work
other than permit
his training
employees 3. All
needs to wear
suitable PPE,
random check
Ensure that
every employee 1.
take reasonable Accountabiliti
care for the es and
General safety and responsibilitie
40 OSHA 1994 VI 24   duties of health s description
employees himself/herself provided to
and others, each
employees employee
cooperate with 2. PPE record

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

the employers
to comply with
the regulations,
appropriate PPE
and comply
with any
instruction or
imposed by the
Ensure that
Establishm safety and
ent of health
safety and committee 1. HSES
41 OSHA 1994 VII 30   health established at committee
committee the place of structure
and place work All 2. HSES
of work
employees committee
Ensure that the appointed as roles and
responsibilities HSES responsibilitie
of safety and Committee s
Functions 3. Evidence
of safety minutes of
42 OSHA 1994   31   committee
and health meeting
established as
prescribed by
the regulations.

Ensure that any

OSHA, accident which
Notification cause death or
of Accident, serious bodily
Dangerous injury prevents
n and
Occurrence, the injured
reporting 1. Incident
Occupationa person from his
43 II 5   of accident Reporting and
l Poisoning occupation of
and Investigation
and more than 4
dangerous procedure
Occupationa days to be
occurrence 2. Emergency
l Disease reported to and
Regulation DOSH within 7 contingency
2004 days plan

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that any

employee that
suffers or likely
OSHA, suffers from
Notification one of the
of Accident, Reporting occupational
Dangerous of cases of poisoning or
Occurrence, occupation disease
Occupationa al specified in
44   7  
l Poisoning poisoning column 1 of the
and and Third Schedule
Occupationa occupation and activities
l Disease al disease specified in
Regulation column 2 to be
2004 reported to
nearest DOSH
office within 7
Ensure that the
scene where the 3. Accident,
accident or Managing
near miss and
dangerous Director,
OSHA, safety
occurrence Ship Repair
Notification observation
occurred Manager,
of Accident, No reporting
protected from Safety
Dangerous interferenc record
interference Supervisor
Occurrence, e at
unless it is
Occupationa accident
45 III 9   necessary for
l Poisoning scene or
saving life,
and dangerous
maintain the
Occupationa occurrence
general public
l Disease scene
access or to
prevent further
damage or
serious loss of
property or
 OSHA, Ensure that
Notification record or
of Accident, register
46 Dangerous IV 10   Records maintain for all
Occurrence, accident,
Occupationa dangerous
l Poisoning occurrence,

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

and disease. The
Occupationa record to be
l Disease kept for at least
Regulation 5 years and
2004 send to the DG
before 31
January of each
Identify Noise
whether mapping
employee may survey
Identificati be exposed to Ship Repair conducted
on of excessive noise Manager and using the
47 Exposure   3  
excessive in the Safety DOSH ICOP
noise workplace Supervisor Checklist for
of excessive
Appoint a noise
risk assessor to
carry out noise 1. Noise Risk
risk assessment Assessor
OSHA, upon Ship Repair appointed to
Noise identification
Noise risk Manager and carry out the
48 Exposure   4   made and
assessment Safety assessment
Regulations implement the Supervisor 2. Noise risk
2109 recommendatio assessment
ns from the report
noise assessor
Ensure that
employees 1. Awareness
training given
Informatio which exposed
OSHA, to an excessive to all
Noise employees
instruction, noise received All
49 Exposure   5   adequate 2. Information
training employees
Regulations information and
2109 instruction
supervision relating to the
effects, training developed and
and instruction posted

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

for proper use

of personal
protector and
supervise the
of noise
control at the
Ensure that
none of the
employee is
exposed to the
OSHA, maximum limit
Ship Repair
Noise Noise as stated in the Noise risk
Manager and
50 Exposure   6   exposure regulation and assessment
Regulations limit if appear the report
2109 noise exceed
the limit then
measures to
reduce to be
Ensure that
Noise Personal PHP
provided to the Safety
51 Exposure   7   hearing inventory
employee is Supervisor
Regulations protector record
suitable and
efficient in
accordance to
the regulation
Ensure that any
area at the
workplace with
All affected
OSHA, excessive noise
Noise Hearing to be marked
Safety marked and
52 Exposure   8   protection and warning
Supervisor warning
Regulations zone sign to be
2109 posted in
accordance to
the regulation

Acts and Secti Sub Responsible
No. Part Title Requirements Compliance
Regulations on section Person

Ensure that
OSHA, testing to be Annual
Noise carried out audiometric
Audiometri HR
53 Exposure   9   annually as testing report
c testing Executive
Regulations result from the by panel OSH
2109 noise risk Doctor
Ensure that the
Duty of testing carried Panel OSH
employer out within three Doctor
when months after the HR appointed to
54 Exposure   10  
audiometri commencing Executive conduct the
c testing is work and at no audiometry
carried out cost to the testing
Ensure that
Noise risk
OSHA, record related to
related record
Noise the noise
Record to HR in the
55 Exposure   11   regulations kept
be kept Executive company
Regulations in accordance to
2109 the regulation


Video Link:




1. ALARP “at a glance”. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2. Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). (2008). Guidelines for Hazard
Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC)
3. Edwards V National Coal Board. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. (2020, October 15)


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