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• The academic meaning of Philosophy traceable to Greek began as speculation into

meaning of ans =Nature, Purpose of existence and the universe

• Philosophy as an academic discipline can be seen from three Perspective ans =
Conceptual, Theoretical and Practical
• Principles and philosophy are often used interchangeably ans = True-
• Various principles are derived for all ans = Human reasoning
• The erroneous notion of philosophy is ans = Cultism
• The conceptual perspective of philosophy is sequentially arrange in the order of ANS =
Efficient cause, formal cause, material cause, and final cause
• Etymologically, philosophy means _____ ANS = Philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom)
• _____ is the fundamental activity in the philosophical enterprise. ANS = Reflection
• The branch of philosophy which seeks to state the ultimate nature of reality is called
ANS = Natural philosophy
• The study of the heavenly bodies and alchemy which were prominent with the Greeks
belong to ANS = Natural philosophy
• The study of what seems to be above nature or the physical world of sensory
experience is ANS = Metaphysics
• Cosmology is the study of ANS = The nature of universe
• Which are the two branches of Axiology? ANS = Ethic and aesthetics
• Meta physics literally means after or beyond physics ANS = TRUE
• Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that concerns itself with _____ ANS = The
theory of knowledge
• One of the primary sources of knowledge is ANS = Intuition
• Philosophy has the following functions but one ANS = Prescriptive function
• ____ is not a branch of philosophy ANS = Political philosophy
• Mysticism and metaphysics are one and the same ANS = FALSE
• Cosmogony is the study of ANS = Origin of the universe
• Aristotle was a student of ANS = Plato
• Who is the father of idealism ANS = Plato
• ____ is the philosopher who prescribed moral uprightness in human conduct ANS =
• ___ is the philosopher that was sentence to death and was made to drink Hemlock
(poison) ANS = Socrates
• The function of philosophy that referred to as golden means is ANS = Prescriptive
• Ethics belong to which branch of philosophy ANS = Axiology
• The speculative function of philosophy belongs to which branch of philosophy? ANS =
• ____ is the function of philosophy that uses Science and Mathematics as concept with
further operation ANS = Analytic function
• The oldest school of philosophy is? ANS = Idealism
• The issues of right and wrong conducts belong to which branch of philosophy? ANS =
• (X) (Sx -> Px) is the logical symbolism for which proposition? ANS = O
• (X) (Sx ->¬ Px) is the logical symbolism for which proposition? ANS = E
• (Ó X) (Sx . Px) is the logical symbolism for which proposition? ANS = I
• (Ó X) (Sx . ¬Px) is the logical symbolism for which proposition? ANS = O
• S<dl>P</dl> = 0 is the mathematical symbolism of ANS =All BIU students are intelligent
• SP = 0 is the mathematical symbolism of ANS = No human is evil
• -SP=  0 is the mathematical symbolism of ANS = Some fruits are not edible
• SP-= 0 is the mathematical symbolism of ANS = Some students are playful
• Which of the following Venn diagrams represents No Christian is evil?ANS = C
• Which of the following Venn diagrams represents Daniel is not lazy? ANS = B
• Which of the following Venn diagrams represents Ada is beautiful? ANS = A
• Which of the following Venn diagrams represents All girls are humble? ANS = D
• A syllogism has six terms. ANS = FALSE
• A syllogism has three premises. ANS = FALSE
• Which of the following is a syllogism? ANS = EEO 2
• The following represents what?MP SM SP ANS = Figure 1
• Arrange the following steps of checking validity of a syllogism into proper order.1.
Draw three overlapping circles 2. Elicit the mood and figure 3. Standardize the
argument 4. Diagram the premises into three overlapping circles 5. Derive
mathematical symbolisms ANS = 3,2,5,1,4
• Which of the following is not useful in standardizing a syllogism? ANS = Maybe
• A syllogism before it is standardized, can have which one of the following? ANS = Since
• Give the major and middle terms of the syllogism below: Some boys are feminine,
because some boys are females and all females are feminine. ANS = Feminine and
• Give the minor term and mood of the syllogism below:No animal is human and all
humans are mortal, hence no animal is mortal ANS = Animal and AEE
• AEA 1 is a valid syllogism. ANS = FALSE
• EIE 2 is a valid syllogism. ANS = FALSE
• OIO 3 is a valid syllogism. ANS = FALSE
• EOO 1 is a valid syllogism ANS = FALSE
• OAO 3 is a valid syllogism. ANS = TRUE
• EIO 4 is a valid syllogism. ANS = TRUE
• Which of the following is correct about determining valid syllogism by using venn
diagrams? ANS = It is valid when the conclusion is visible after shading in the premises.
• Deduce a proper conclusion for the premises M<dl>P</dl> = 0 and SM ≠ 0, to make
a valid syllogism. ANS = SP   0
• Deduce a proper conclusion for the premises MP=  0 and SM= 0, to make a valid
syllogism. ANS = SP= 0
• Two basic features of human communication are agreement and confusion. ANS =
• A tree is a tree is an example of the law of contradiction. ANS = FALSE
• A statement cannot both be true and false at the same time is the law of excluded
middle. ANS = FALSE
• A statement that can either be true or false at a particular time is the law of identity.
• SP=  0 represents the 0 preposition ANS = No
• SP = 0 represents the E proposition ANS = Yes
• Some Students are idiot is symbolized as. ANS = (3X)(SX -> IX)
• The contradiction of : Some Men are foolish is: ANS = No man is foolish
• The relationship between proposition A and O is contradictory ANS = FALSE
• The relationship between proposition A and I is contradictory. ANS = FALSE
• The relationship between proposition I and O is sub-contraries. ANS = TRUE
• The relationship between proposition I and E is contrariety. ANS = FALSE
• Propositions A and E have three equivalent propositions. ANS = TRUE
• Propositions I and O have two equivalent propositions. ANS = TRUE
• If Proposition A is true, proposition I will be false. ANS = FALSE
• All Nigerians are kind is O proposition. ANS = No
• Some Nigerians are not greedy is E proposition. ANS = No
• A simple proposition has one subject and one predicate. ANS = Yes
• The features of a simple proposition include the followings except one ANS = Figure
• The argument in which the past is understood from its results in the present is ANS =
Adductive argument
• The argument that moves from the general to the specific is ANS = Deductive
• The argument that moves from the specific to general is ANS = Inductive argument
• The argument that is true and valid is ANS = Logical
• The practical concern of ------------- is the evaluation of arguments to see if its principles
are followed or not. ANS = Logic
• "All men have two heads; Peter is a man, therefore, Peter has two heads" This
argument is ANS = Valid but not True
• "John is tall and kind" can be logically symbolized ANS = T.K
• Ojo will travel abroad if he wins the contract is a logical implication ANS = FALSE
• "Mary is a great singer and a poet" can be symbolized as ANS = S.P
• Samson will lend Mary money if and only if she signs a promissory note is symbolized
as M -> P ANS = V
• If all animals are beautiful and Antelope is an animal then antelope is beautiful is a
causal implication. ANS = V
• Joseph is either intelligent or kind can be symbolized as ANS = IvK
• The above argument is ANS = TRUE
• In truth table for conjunction, where p and q is true, the p.q is ANS = TRUE
• In truth table for conjunction, where p is true and q is false, the p.q is ANS = FALSE
• In truth table for disjunction, where p and q is true, the pvq is ANS = TRUE
• In truth table for disjunction, where p and q are false, the pvq is ANS = FALSE
• In truth table for material implication, where p and q are false, the p -> q is ANS =
• In truth table for material implication, where p is true and q is false, the p -> q is ANS =
• In truth table for material equivalence, where p is true and q is false, the p=q is ANS =
• In truth table for material equivalence, where p is false and q is false, the p=q is ANS =
• The following represents figure 2.PM SM SP ANS = True
• The following represents figure 1.PM MS SP ANS = FALSE
• The following represents figure 4.MP SM SP ANS = FALSE
• The following represents figure 3.MP MS SP ANS = TRUE
• The knowledge of the particulars could lead to the knowledge of the universals. ANS =
• The above statement in item 105 was argued by _________ ANS = Aristotle
• Studying the universe in particulars is analytic function of philosophy ANS = TRUE
• Studying the universe in particulars is synthetic function of philosophy ANS = False
• Studying the universe in a whole is analytic function of philosophy ANS = False
• Giving a seemingly answer to the bothering questions about nature of the universe
fulfills the speculative function of philosophy ANS = TRUE
• Giving a seemingly answer to the bothering questions about nature of the universe
fulfills the analytic function of philosophy ANS = FALSE
• Giving a seemingly answer to the bordering questions about nature of the universe
fulfills the prescriptive function of philosophy ANS = FALSE
• All girls are smart, Jane is smart, therefore, Jane is a girl. This argument is valid. ANS =
• The level of cohesion in any society depends on the level of disagreement. ANS =
• All girls are smart, Jane is a girl, therefore, Jane is smart. This argument is invalid ANS =
• All men are robots, Ken is a man, therefore, Ken is a robot. This argument is ANS =
False but valid
• An argument can either be true or false is______________ ANS = Law of excluded
• What a thing is, is what it is. This is the law of ___________ ANS = Law of identity
• An argument could be valid and yet not true. ANS = True
• The conclusion of an argument is a derivative of quantity and quality. ANS = TRUE
• The conclusion of an argument is a derivative of first and second premises. ANS = True
• The conclusion of an argument must have the middle term. . ANS = False
• The conclusion of an argument must have the major term. . ANS = True
• The first and second premises of an argument share the middle term ANS = True
• "No boy is stupid" is an A proposition. ANS = False
• A simple proposition is categorical. ANS = True
• A simple proposition has quantity and quality ANS = True
• A simple proposition has a subject and a predicate ANS = True
• "Copula" links the two premises in a proposition together ANS = True
• Some Nigerians are not kind is "O" proposition ANS = True
• Some Nigerians are kind is "I" proposition ANS = True
• All Nigerians are kind is "E" proposition ANS = False
• No Nigerians are kind is "A" proposition ANS = False
• Some Nigerians are kind is a particular affirmative proposition ANS = True
• Some Nigerians are not kind is a particular affirmative proposition ANS = False
• All Nigerians are kind is a universal affirmative proposition ANS = True
• No Nigerians are kind is a particular affirmative proposition ANS = False
• The relationship between proposition A and I is contradictory\t ANS = False\t
• "If all students are proud and John is a student, then he is proud". This argument is
logical implication. ANS = True
• "If Osaro is a bachelor then he is unmarried". This argument is causal implication. ANS
= False
• "If Clara has a malaria fever, then she has malaria parasite" This argument is
definitional \timplication. ANS = False
• "If I win contract, then I will; travel abroad" This argument is decisional implication.
ANS = True
• The followings are the indicators to derive the conclusion of a non-standardized
argumen ANS = Therefore
• The mood of a syllogism shows the quantity and quality of the syllogism. ANS = True
• A categorical proposition has two terms. ANS = FALSE
• A categorical proposition has three terms. ANS = True
• A categorical proposition has two conclusions and one term ANS = FALSE
• The middle term of a categorical proposition is the subject of the conclusion ANS =
• The major term of a categorical proposition is the subject of the conclusion ANS =
• The major term of a categorical proposition is the predicate of the conclusion ANS =

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