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(0) The middle belt is noted for the ___________ of very small ethnic groups in

(1) In the grassland areas of Nigeria, The Hausa, Fulani and Kanuri are the most
____________ dominant groups
(2) Another name for archaeology is
(3) The Neolithic period refers to the
(4) The year 1472 AD belongs to the
(5) The Neolithic revolution in Hausa land manifested itself with the introduction
(6) In Hausaland, the small agricultural communities were known as
(7) Fortification of cities with walls is known as
(8) The Bayajida tradition of origin of Hausa land is discredited because it
represents the
(9) The longest dynastyin Kanem Bornu is known as
(10) The Magira, Magara and the Gunsu were the __________ that played official
roles in Bornu Empire
(11) Ile-Ife is regarded as the __________home of the Yoruba people
(12) In Oyo Empire the enforcement of payment of annual tributes to the king was
the duty of
(13) In Oyo Empire the enthronement of the king is organised and performed by the
(14) The head of the army in Oyo Empire was the
(15) Policing functions and enforcement of the king’s judicial decisions in Oyo
Empire were carried out by the
(16) Succession to the throne of Benin is by
(17) The Commander-in-chief of the army in Benin is known as
(18) The council of kingmakers in Benin is known as
(19) While the Oyo and Benin kingdoms operated a centralised system of
administration, the Igbo people operated the
(20) In Igboland, the council of elders was made up of the heads of _______in the
(21) The use of Native Authority in local administration is known as
(22) Some scholars have always referred to Nigeria as a
(24) The consul appointed for the Bights of Benin and Biafra in 1894 was
(23) In the pre-colonial Nigeria, commercial activities, cultural contacts and
forms of social inter-course were regarded as
(26) The long journey of colonialism started in Nigeria when Lagos was conquered in
(25) During the colonial period the individual who looked after the affairs of his
country in another country was known as
(27) The annexation of Lagos as a British colony took place in
(28) The Northern protectorate was proclaimed in
(29) The National congress of British West Africa was formed in
(30) The major achievement of the 1922 constitution was the
(31) Under the 1922 constitution election was conducted using
(32) The first political party in Nigeria was the
(33) One of the objectives of the Richard’s constitution was to:
(34) ____________ was the Governor of Nigeria in 1948
(35) Creation of the House of Representatives was the feature of
(36) The motion for Nigeria to become independent in 1956 was moved in 1953 by:
(37) Clauses on Legislative lists were introduced by the
(38) All political parties in the pre-independence period had ____ outlook
(39) Under the 1954 constitution the Northern and Western Regions had
(40) Under the Republican Constitution appeals to ______ was abolished
(41) The word ‘democracy’ is derived from the Greek word
(42) The most popular definition of democracy was put forward by:
(43) The system of government where all free citizens directly participate in the
governance of the state is known as:
(44) The system of government in which the interest of the representatives rather
than that of the people prevails is known as:
(45) The first coup d’etat occurred in Nigeria on:
(46) General Yakubu Gowon became Head of state and Commander –in-Chief of the Armed
forces following the coup of:
(47) The Head of the Interim National Government in Nigeria was:
(48) The last Military regime in Nigeria was headed by:
(49) The military always sees its role for taking over government as:
(50) _______ was the Head of state who successfully handed power over to two
civilian regimes
(51) To keep the military out of politics the leadership of the present government
must ensure that:
(52) Informal education is also known as:
(53) In informal education, the method of learning is by:
(54) In informal education occupational choice was
(55) The form of training in which the learner acquires skills through instruction
and practice is known as
(56) Formal education is well structural into levels to:
(57) In Nigeria, the regulatory agency of university education is known as:
(58) Demanding how well you have learnt through examination represents one of the
following BIU Core values
(59) The main purpose of traditional education was for
(60) Catholic missionaries set up a school in the palace of Oba of Benin in
(61) The first known school was established at Badagry in 1842 by:
(62) Under the missionary education:
(63) CMS Grammar school was founded by
(64) The first Government secondary school was established in
(65) The first autonomous university in Nigeria is
(66) Pick the odd name from the options below:
(67) Identify the odd name from the options below:
(68) Pick the odd name from the options below
(69) Under Quaranic school famous teachers came from Mali to teach:
(70) The totality of the ways evolved by a people in their attempt to meet the
challenges of living in their environment is known as
(71) Transition from the use of typewrite to the use of laptops represents
________in culture
(72) Fishing, canoe building and trading are the major occupations of people in the
(73) Pastoral farming is said to be low because of
(74) Mutual acquisition of two cultures is known as:
(75) The process by which an individual relinquishes one culture in order to
acquire another is known as
(76) The Kanuri, Hausa and Fulani are the dominant people in the:
(77) Spoken words are examples of
(78) Language is one of the major factors for classifying people into:
(79) Beads are examples of
(80) Generally speaking, trade and aids to trade are referred to as:
(81) Industrial outfits that produce basic goods of economic welfare are referred
to as
(82) Outfits that engage in the production of complex products of economic and
industrial importance are described as
(83) Most articles of trade or urban dwellers are
(84) Goods needed for the production of other goods are known as
(85) Trading activity carried out with local currency is known as
(86) Activities that help to support trade are referred to as
(87) Identify the odd item in the options below
(88) Which of these names is odd in the options below?
(89) Ajaokuta and Aladja are industrial towns associated with
(90) The industrial related decrees of 1972 and 1977 provided for:
(91) An industry with staff strength of between 11 and 35 workers is known as
(92) An industry with the financial capacity that range between 1million and
40million naira is described as
(93) All industries engaged in taping natural or forest resources are known as
(94) National Directorate of Employment (NDE) is an example of
(95) The creation of Free Trade and Export free zones is meant to serve as ________
for industries in Nigeria:
(96) The process of integrating various givings, natural, physical and human
resources for the benefit of the nation is known as
(97) The philosophy of education is contained in the
(98) The new policy on education was initiated during
(99) Cosmology is derived from the ______ word
(100) The process through which we become aware of change through the senses is
known as
(101) The science or theory of the universe as an ordered whole and the general
laws which govern it is known as:
(102) The Nigerian world-view is coloured by belief in
(103) Arrange the following in a descending order
(104) In the Nigerian world-view, life is perceived as a
(105) Fundamental human rights are also known as
(106) Political obligations are also known as
(107) Moral obligations have no:
(108) Respect for the National flag is a:
(109) The organisation of people for the purpose of governance is known as
(110) As a moral obligation we are to _______ the Head of state
(111) Marriage in Nigeria makes connections through:
(112) The benefits of marriage in Nigeria is
(113) The ‘Iria’ ceremony is practised by
(114) The parting gift from the father to the daughter during marriage is known as:
(115) Marriage is the basis of the
(118) Choose the odd treatment from the following options
(116) When an adult male and adult female who are not blood related live together
without marriage payment they are said to be:
(117) In traditional African Society childlessness is viewed as
(119) The growth of nuclear family system in Nigeria could be attributed to
(120) In Nigeria, polygyny is motivated by
(121) The practice where a woman gets married to more than one husband is known as
(122) The major reason adduced for the success of the Sokoto Jihadists was
(123) The Hausa-bakwai refers to the
(124) Which of the following option is odd?
(125) One thing in common between Oduduwa and Bayajida was that both of them had:
(126) One thing that was common between Oyo and Benin Kingship was that the Oba was
crowned by
(127) During the colonial era, RNC stood for
(128) The claims by Britain to the Niger Basin were acknowledged by the Berlin
conference of
(129) By 1922, the primary function of the Executive council was to:
(130) The appointment of a premier for each region for the first time was done
under the
(131) The ________ constitution conferred emergency powers on the Federal
(132) Regional Police Commission was created under the ______ constitution
(133) ________ was Nigeria’s Frist Military Head of state
(134) In 1472, the Portuguese merchants that visited Benin and Lagos were mainly
interested in
(135) Opinions, practices, belief systems or customs of the people handed down from
one generation to another are known as:
(136) Which of the following options is odd?
(137) Traveller’s cheques and letters of credit are issued by banks to facilitate
payments in
(138) The import-substitution strategy succeeded in:
(139) Which of the following practices endogamy?
(140) Nigeria became a Republic the same year Midwest Region was created
(141) Generally, Ile- Ife is regarded as the _______________ home of the Yoruba
(142) The Oyo Mesi, in Yorubaland, is headed by the
(143) The former Oil Rivers Protectorate had its Headquarters in
(144) Subordinate towns and villages are ruled in Yoruba traditional political
system by the\r\n
(145) According to the present Oba of Benin, who instituted the Obaship title in
(146) Village democracy was synonymous with the pre-colonial ____________ society
(147) The Emirate system in Northern was the product of the
(148) Kingdoms founded by other sons of Bawo had for him by other women were
collectively referred to as
(149) Education could serve as
(150) The use of traditional rulers for the purpose of colonial administration is
known as\r\n\r\n
(151) Which of these options shows the correct combination in colonialism
(152) In the evolutionary trend of Nigeria as a political entity, the following:
commercial activities, cultural contacts and social intercourse were regarded as
¬_______________ factors
(153) The treaty that ceded Lagos to the British Government was signed by
____________ in 1861
(154) _________________ is a confluence town in Nigeria
(155) Without the Royal Niger Company, Britain could not have laid claim to Nigeria
in 1885
(156) The Lagos Youth Movement was renamed________________ under the leadership of
Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
(157) The first Federal constitution was introduced in Nigeria by
(158) The flood gate of coup d’etat was opened in Nigeria on
(159) ____________________ was the first military head of states and commander in-
chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces
(160) The only Interim National Government Nigeria has ever had was in
(161) Workshops, seminars and short-term courses are examples of
(162) Ancillary activities that support and promote trade are known as
(163) Most of the articles of trade in Nigeria are ________________ goods
(164) By the present policy of education in Nigeria, Basic Education is made up
of________ years
(165) How would you describe Nigeria?
(166) In traditional African society childlessness is viewed as a
(167) A mud house is an example of________________ culture
(168) The Rain Forest Region is characterised by the presence of a large number of
___________ dwellers
(169) House opening ceremony is an example of ______________in some culture areas\
(170) Hamitic hypothesis is ……………………………………………..?
(171) The Hermits are the…?
(172) The following were literary sources of Nigerian history EXCEPT?
(173) The notable empire in Southern Nigeria during pre-colonial times is …?
(174) The first period of pre-colonial Benin history is known as the …?
(175) The legendary story has it that ‘Almighty God sent messengers to the world
and they are ………?
(176) In the Yoruba oral tradition, Oranmiyan is the son of ……?
(177) In the Benin oral tradition, Oranmiyan is the son of …..?
(178) The Benin society was classified into …..?
(179) Nri is said to be the ancestor of the ……?
(180) During the pre-colonial times, peoples and states of Northern Nigeria were
categorized into….?
(181) ‘SarkinNuma’ in Hausa literally translates …..?
(182) The head of a typical Hausa state was the …”
(183) The indirect rule system of local administration was introduced to Southern
Nigeria by ….?
(184) Nigeria became a Republic on …?
(185) The first people to come in contact with Europeans (Portuguese) in Nigeria
(186) The British government amalgamated the Northern and Southern of Nigeria in …?
(187) The people who shared the sentiment of belonging to Nigeria and executed
activities aimed at the establishment of an independent Nigerian state are referred
to as ….?
(188) The acronyms ‘NYM’ stands for….?
(189) \t………is a lifelong experience.
(190) The following include methods of transmitting education EXCEPT….?
(191) Education is informal because the children acquire it through….?
(192) Another description for non-formal education is …?
(193) The following include forms of non-formal educational activities EXCEPT….?
(194) Western education is a classified as ……?
(195) The pre-colonial system of education in Nigeria was majorly…?
(196) During pre-colonial times, palm-wine tapping, blacksmithing, hunting are
vocations for …?
(197) The success of early missionary education in Nigeria can be attributed to the
pioneering efforts of ….?
(198) The first government secondary school in Nigeria established in Lagos was….?
(199) NCNC stands for…?
(200) The idea to establish higher educational institutions in Nigeria came from….?
(201) Who defined culture ‘as a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,
art, law, morals, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as
a member of a society’….?
(202) Culture has the following characteristics EXCEPT….?
(203) In Benin, the Supreme God is referred to as ….?
(204) …….. is used interchangeably with ‘human rights’
(205) …….says in his words ‘the rules that make society possible also make men
(206) Ambassador Fafowora sees the individual in the society as….?
(207) …… ‘is the totality of all rights and privileges accorded to all members of a
given state’
(208) …….refers to the law of soil or place which prescribes that any person born
within the territorial jurisdiction of a state is automatically a citizen of that
(209) The following are civil rights of a citizen in a society EXCEPT
(210) … a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.
(211) In Benin, the god of iron is called …..?\r\n
(212) Degradable wastes are ….?
(213) Environment composition comprises all EXCEPT…?
(214) ………….are usually very conspicuous and in solid form.
(215) The following are reasons for poor environmental sanitation, EXCEPT…?
(216) Environmental awareness according to Chokor has the following functions,
(217) Verbal testimonies in oral traditions consist of the following EXCEPT…?
(218) Benin political system is centred around the ….?
(219) According to the Benin Mythology, Benin was the …….child of Osanobua
(220) ……is also said to have introduced the royal throne (ekete) and the sword of
authority (ada and eben)
(221) Oranmiyan’s son who became the Oba of Benin Kingdom is …..?
(222) The council that was presided by the Olu under the Itsekiri kingdom is …?
(223) The Portuguese upon their arrival in Benin were asked to ……?
(224) The Hamitic Hypothesis was formulated by who?
(225) It has been proved that Africa was the centre of civilisation (a form of
garden of Eden) because the oldest evidence of …………………………..was found in Africa –
East Africa
(226) In order to substantiate their claims of the early accomplishments of the
Africans before and after the coming of Europeans, Africanist historians have had
to depend on a number of sources. Which of these is not among those sources?
(227) Literary sources of Nigerian history can be divided into three categories
(228) European literary sources of Nigerian history may be divided into two
categories. They are?
(229) Who wrote the book – How Europe Underdeveloped Africa in 1972?
(230) Ife culture is said to have been influenced by which culture?
(231) Which kingdom in Nigeria had the first contact with the Europeans?
(232) Igbo-Ukwu is a town in which eastern state in Nigeria?
(233) It is believed by some that the Yorubas probably migrated from Egypt to their
present location at about 2000-1000 B.C. This version was popularised by which
(234) Traditions have it that Oyo was founded by who?
(235) Which kingdom in the west coast of Africa was the first to exchange
ambassadors with a major European power?
(236) “The town seems to be very great. When you enter into it, you go into a great
broad street, not paved, which seems to be seven to eight times broader than the
Warmoes Street in Amsterdam…. “ . This statement referred to which kingdom in
(237) According to oral traditions such as that of the Nri, the ancestor of the
Igbo, Eri descended from?
(238) According to what you have read in the text used for this course, the Igbo
people have variously been described as …………… …………….. ………………
(239) The kingdom of Itsekiri is said to have been established by who?
(240) The Itsekiri kingdom is ruled by?
(241) The Urhobo people are found in which part of Nigeria?
(242) The pre-colonial peoples and states of Northern Nigeria fall into two broad
categories. These are?
(243) It would appear that before the emergence of city states in Hausaland, the
people lived in small agricultural settlements known as the ……………….
(244) SarkinNuma in Hausa literally translates to ……………….
(245) In Hausa land, authority was vested in a family-head known as?
(246) “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society”. This definition was given by who?
(247) At any given moment culture is undergoing the process of modification, or
change. This statement could also mean that culture is ………………
(248) ……………….. is an example of material culture
(249) The part of culture that covers all items that only the human mind can see is
referred to as?
(250) A ………………………. …………………… is simply a geographical region or zone occupied by
more than one culture which share certain traits in common.
(251) One of these is not a major ecological region of Nigeria
(252) The cultures of the Niger Delta region belong to the category of ethnic
groups generally described as …………….
(253) Urhobo ethnic group is found in which region?\r\n
(254) Oghene means what in Urhobo and Isoko?
(255) Cultures of the Niger Delta came into contact with European influences
sometime in the ………………. Century
(256) One of these is an ethnic group of the rain forest region
(257) The basic unit of political organization in Igboland is the?
(258) In Igbo land, a number of villages that claim a common primordial ancestor
constitute a…………………………………………………
(259) One major task of the Okpara (the oldest male member) in Igboland is to?
(260) The Ofo which the Okpara controls in Igboland symbolises?
(261) Among the Afikpo and Abakaliki, political power is vested with the senior age
set called the?
(262) The basic political unit in the Yoruba culture area is the?
(263) One of these is a state in the Guinea Savanna
(264) The type of education which individuals receive from parents, family members,
community and local environment is known as?
(265) The type of education you get from a university is known as?
(266) Formal education was introduced to Nigeria by who?
(267) The first Europeans who visited Benin kingdom were?
(268) The slave trade was abolished in the year……………
(269) The first set of students to fully receive Western education in Eastern
Nigeria were the ……..
(270) The success of early missionary education in Nigeria can be attributed to the
pioneering efforts of who?
(271) Who founded the political party – Nigeria National Democratic Party (NNDP) in
1922 who is also regarded as the father of Nigerian nationalism?
(272) Who is presently the President of Nigeria?
(273) Fill in the missing word in the first line of Nigeria’s national anthem –
“Arise, O ……… Nigeria’s call obey...”
(274) In what year was the Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria
(275) Fill in the missing word – “I pledge to Nigeria my country, to be faithful,
loyal and honest. To serve Nigeria with all my strength. To defend ……….. unity, and
uphold her honour and glory. So help me God.
(276) The idea to establish higher educational institutions in Nigeria did not come
from the British but from…………?
(277) By 1876, Nigeria produced its first Medical Doctor in the person of…………….
(278) Nigeria joined the comity of independent sovereign nations on……………….
(279) Nigeria became a Republic in what year?
(280) In what year did the British take Lagos as a colony?
(281) Who among these rulers gallantly resisted British usurpation of their
independence and authority?
(282) Who was the British officer who eventually effected the amalgamation of the
Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria
(283) Who was the first Nigerian president?
(284) Who became Nigeria’s president in 1999?
(285) The acronym ECOWAS means
(286) Two types of Fulani are usually recognised. These are the ……. and ……
(287) Which religion is pre-dominant in the Northern part of Nigeria?
(288) Which are the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria?
(289) The Western part of Nigeria is mostly made up of the …………….
(290) Abuja is the … Capital ……of Nigeria
(291) Which of these states was once the capital of Nigeria?
(292) Which of these religion is pre-dominant in the Southern part of Nigeria?
(293) Nigeria’s biggest export is?
(294) The hamitichypothesr was corned…?
(295) Before the coming of the Europeans, African had no form of development
(296) The Egyptian pyramid, iron of Ancient Benin all came from the Europeans
(297) The underdevelopment of Africa from the 16th century was the handy work of
the Europeans
(298) Facts about the early accomplishment of Africa were obtained from the
following except _____
(299) Pick out the odd on among the following
(300) The development of civilization of Ife people dates back to ____
(301) Which of the following does not belong to Ife culture and art?
(302) Long before the emergence of European civilization, the people of Africa has
the following EXCEPT ____
(303) The transatlantic slave trade lasted for about ____ centuries
(304) The Neolithic revolution in Nigeria and Africa as a whole gave way for one of
the following:
(305) European literary sources of Nigerian history may be divided into the
categories – primary sources and general literature.
(306) It is believed that the Yoruba probably migrated from Egypt to their present
location at about _____
(307) One major kingdom that eventually emerged into an empire in Yoruba?
(308) The empire which emerged in the middle of _____ century, represented a major
stage in the historical development of the Yoruba people
(309) By the sixteenth century, ____ was a very powerful empire extending it’s
authority as far as Dahomey and the Atafin who was head, was regarded as “Lord of
many lands”
(310) According to Igbafe (1974), the Oba was the pivot around which the socio-
political system revolted
(311) Another major ethnic group in the ____ area is the Izon
(312) Usman Dan Fodio was a _____
(313) The Islamic Jihad against the Hausa kings of Northern Nigeria lasted between
(314) The Fulani people of Nigeria are also sometimes refered to as fulbe
(315) Rules of the Kanem Born Empire were known as ____
(316) Which of the following is not true about the conditions that facilitated
Kanem’s emergence
(317) Which of the following was NOT an important Kanem. Borno king
(318) The Igala people are located around the ___ river
(319) The Igala-Mela are the king makers of the Igala State
(320) The Portuguese were ask by the Oba of Benin for assistance to fight the king
of Idah
(321) The Origin of Jukem kingdom is not fixed
(322) The Jukun was not same as the Kwararafa in early times
(323) The Tiv people were originally found south-Eastern Nigeria
(324) Tiv refers to both the language of the people and the progenitor of the whole
ethnic group
(325) Education does not involve transmission of culture
(326) Nigeria is not a member of the Comity of Nations.
(327) Republican Nigeria was birthed in what year
(328) The Berlin conference in which the Europeans shared Africa among themselves
took peace around when?
(329) The Nomenclature “Nigeria” was not coined by the natives
(330) Which of the following represents the traumatic years of Nigeria
(331) Informal education and Non-formal education are one and the same
(332) Education in Nigeria is majorly associated with ____
(333) In Nigeria the following are conditions for acquiring citizenship EXCEPT
(334) Nigerian citizens have human rights and so they are enabled to exercise right
to choose same sex marriage
(335) Glass and clay waste are examples of particulate waste
(336) The successful impact of Christian missionaries in Southern Nigeria by 1919
clamed about ____ churches
(337) What is the name given to God among the Yoruba peoples of Nigeria
(338) _____ was the first foreign religion to come to Nigeria
(339) One of the reasons adduced to the constraints to environmental sanitation in
Nigerian subregions is ____
(340) All of the following are NOT particulate wastes EXCEPT ____
(341) _____ and _____ defines pollution as the presence of substances and energies
in such quantities that is table to cause harm to humans, animals and plants
(342) _____ can be defined as the undesirable change in the physical, chemical or
biological characteristics of a cultural environment that will harmfully affect man
(343) Pollutants are residues of the things that man has made in his socio-cultural
environment that are discarded after use: they come from
(344) According to _____ every African lived in the age of faith like the Europe of
the middle ages during AD 800 – 1359
(345) The Nigerian economy today is not founded upon pre-colonial and colonial
(346) The trans-Alhlantic slave trade was a major set-back for the Nigerian economy
of those days
(347) As at 1960, Agriculture was the main contributor to GDP in Nigeria.
(348) In pre-colonial times, Nigeria flourished in agriculture largely due to the
favourable climate
(349) In the 1960, over 75% of labour was employed by the sector
(350) Which of the following is not a problem of the Nigerian Economy?
(351) In Nigeria’s cultural milieu there is high dependence on importation than
exportation today.
(352) From post-independence till date, Nigeria has been an economically stable
(353) Right from the independence Nigerian education has always been run by the 6-
3-3-4 system
(354) The rain forest region is occupied by the following ethnic groups
(355) The Yoruba are also found in ____ country outside Nigeria
(356) The use of admission procedure, classroom teaching strict timetable
examination and graduation, plus staff training process are feature of ______ types
of education
(357) According to Parrinder (1962) everything that concerns the family, its health
and fertility are of interest to the ancestors, since they are elders and seek
rebirth into the family.
(358) The Aku of Jakun, and ____ used religion in consolidation of their states..?
(359) The harmful ultraviolet rays which the ozones protect the earth from can
cause ____
(360) _____ is a basic fuel used for nuclear energy and can cause pollution?
(361) Hazards from man-made chemical wastes reach man through Air, water and _____?
(362) Examples of degradable wastes are _____
(363) The term social justice is used interchangeably with human rights
(364) ____ refers to a change or transformation into a better state
(365) Approaches to waste management includes waste minimization, collection of
waste and _____
(366) Hamitic hypothesis is ……………………………………………..?
(367) \r\nThe Hermits are the…? \r\n
(368) \r\nThe following were literary sources of Nigerian history EXCEPT?\r\n
(369) The notable empire in Southern Nigeria during pre-colonial times is …?
(370) The first period of pre-colonial Benin history is known as the …?\r\n
(371) The legendary story has it that ‘Almighty God sent messengers to the world
and they are ………?
(372) In the Yoruba oral tradition, Oranmiyan is the son of ……?
(373) In the Benin oral tradition, Oranmiyan is the son of …..?
(374) The Benin society was classified into …..?
(375) Nri is said to be the ancestor of the ……?
(376) During the pre-colonial times, peoples and states of Northern Nigeria were
categorized into….?
(377) ‘Sarkin Numa’ in Hausa literally translates …..?
(378) The head of a typical Hausa state was the …?\r\n
(379) The indirect rule system of local administration was introduced to Southern
Nigeria by ….?
(380) Nigeria became a Republic on …?
(381) The first people to come in contact with Europeans (Portuguese) in Nigeria
(382) The British government amalgamated the Northern and Southern of Nigeria in …?
(383) The people who shared the sentiment of belonging to Nigeria and executed
activities aimed at the establishment of an independent Nigerian state are referred
to as ….?
(384) The acronyms ‘NYM’ stands for….?
(385) ………is a lifelong experience?
(386) The following include methods of transmitting education EXCEPT….?
(387) Education is informal because the children acquire it through….?
(388) Another description for non-formal education is …?
(389) The following include forms of non-formal educational activities EXCEPT….?\r\
(390) Western education is classified as?
(391) The pre-colonial system of education in Nigeria was majorly…?\r\n
(392) During pre-colonial times, palm-wine tapping, blacksmithing, hunting are
vocations for …?
(393) The success of early missionary education in Nigeria can be attributed to the
pioneering efforts of ….?
(394) The first government secondary school in Nigeria established in Lagos was….?
(395) NCNC stands for…?
(396) The idea to establish higher educational institutions in Nigeria came from….?
(397) Who defined culture ‘as a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief,
art, law, morals, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as
a member of a society’….?
(398) Culture has the following characteristics EXCEPT….?\r\n
(399) In Benin, the Supreme God is referred to as ….?\r\n
(400) is used interchangeably with ‘human rights’?
(401) …….says in his words ‘the rules that make society possible also make men
(402) Ambassador Fafowora sees the individual in the society as….?
(403) …… ‘is the totality of all rights and privileges accorded to all members of a
given state’
(404) …….refers to the law of soil or place which prescribes that any person born
within the territorial jurisdiction of a state is automatically a citizen of that
(405) The following are civil rights of a citizen in a society EXCEPT….
(406) … a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things.
(407) In Benin, the god of iron is called …..?\r\n
(408) Degradable wastes are ….?\r\n
(409) Environment composition comprises all EXCEPT…?
(410) ………….are usually very conspicuous and in solid form.
(411) The following are reasons for poor environmental sanitation, EXCEPT…?
(412) Environmental awareness according to Chokor has the following functions,
(413) Verbal testimonies in oral traditions consist of the following EXCEPT…?
(414) Benin political system is centred around the ….?
(415) According to the Benin Mythology, Benin was the …….child of Osanobua
(416) ……is also said to have introduced the royal throne (ekete) and the sword of
authority (ada and eben)
(417) Oranmiyan’s son who became the Oba of Benin Kingdom is …..?\r\n
(418) The council that was presided by the Olu under the Itsekiri kingdom is …?
(419) The Portuguese upon their arrival in Benin were asked to ……?\r\n
(420) The Hamitic Hypothesis was formulated by who?
(421) It has been proved that Africa was the centre of civilisation (a form of
garden of Eden) because the oldest evidence of …………………………..was found in Africa –
East Africa
(422) In order to substantiate their claims of the early accomplishments of the
Africans before and after the coming of Europeans, Africanist historians have had
to depend on a number of sources. Which of these is not among those sources?
(423) Literary sources of Nigerian history can be divided into three categories
(424) European literary sources of Nigerian history may be divided into two
categories. They are?
(425) Who wrote the book – How Europe Underdeveloped Africa in 1972?
(426) Ife culture is said to have been influenced by which culture?
(427) Which kingdom in Nigeria had the first contact with the Europeans?\r\n
(428) Igbo-Ukwu is a town in which eastern state in Nigeria?\r\n
(429) It is believed by some that the Yorubas probably migrated from Egypt to their
present location at about 2000-1000 B.C. This version was popularised by which
(430) Traditions have it that Oyo was founded by who?
(431) Which kingdom in the west coast of Africa was the first to exchange
ambassadors with a major European power?
(432) “The town seems to be very great. When you enter into it, you go into a great
broad street, not paved, which seems to be seven to eight times broader than the
Warmoes Street in Amsterdam…. “ . This statement referred to which kingdom in
(433) According to oral traditions such as that of the Nri, the ancestor of the
Igbo, Eri descended from?
(434) According to what you have read in the text used for this course, the Igbo
people have variously been described as …………… …………….. ………………
(435) The kingdom of Itsekiri is said to have been established by who?
(436) The Itsekiri kingdom is ruled by?
(437) The Urhobo people are found in which part of Nigeria?
(438) The pre-colonial peoples and states of Northern Nigeria fall into two broad
categories. These are?
(439) It would appear that before the emergence of city states in Hausaland, the
people lived in small agricultural settlements known as the ……………….\r\n
(440) Sarkin Numa in Hausa literally translates to ……………….\r\n
(441) In Hausa land, authority was vested in a family-head known as?
(442) “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society”. This definition was given by who?
(443) At any given moment culture is undergoing the process of modification, or
change. This statement could also mean that culture is ………………\r\n
(444) ……………….. is an example of material culture\r\n
(445) The part of culture that covers all items that only the human mind can see is
referred to as?\r\n
(446) A ………………………. …………………… is simply a geographical region or zone occupied by
more than one culture which share certain traits in common.\r\n
(447) One of these is not a major ecological region of Nigeria
(448) The cultures of the Niger Delta region belong to the category of ethnic
groups generally described as …………….
(449) Urhobo ethnic group is found in which region?
(450) The pre-colonial peoples and states of Northern Nigeria fall into two broad
categories. These are?
(451) It would appear that before the emergence of city states in Hausaland, the
people lived in small agricultural settlements known as the ……………….\r\n
(452) Sarkin Numa in Hausa literally translates to ……………….\r\n
(453) In Hausa land, authority was vested in a family-head known as?\r\n
(454) “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society”. This definition was given by who?
(455) At any given moment culture is undergoing the process of modification, or
change. This statement could also mean that culture is ………………\r\n
(456) ……………….. is an example of material culture
(457) The part of culture that covers all items that only the human mind can see is
referred to as?
(458) A ………………………. …………………… is simply a geographical region or zone occupied by
more than one culture which share certain traits in common.
(459) One of these is not a major ecological region of Nigeria
(460) The cultures of the Niger Delta region belong to the category of ethnic
groups generally described as …………….
(461) Urhobo ethnic group is found in which region?
(462) Oghene means what in Urhobo and Isoko?
(463) Cultures of the Niger Delta came into contact with European influences
sometime in the ………………. Century
(464) One of these is an ethnic group of the rain forest region\r\n
(465) The basic unit of political organization in Igboland is the?
(466) In Igbo land, a number of villages that claim a common primordial ancestor
constitute a…………………………………………………
(467) One major task of the Okpara (the oldest male member) in Igboland is to?
(468) The Ofo which the Okpara controls in Igboland symbolises?
(469) Among the Afikpo and Abakaliki, political power is vested with the senior age
set called the?
(470) The basic political unit in the Yoruba culture area is the?
(471) One of these is a state in the Guinea Savanna
(472) The type of education which individuals receive from parents, family members,
community and local environment is known as?
(473) The type of education you get from a university is known as?\r\n
(474) Formal education was introduced to Nigeria by who?\r\n
(475) The first Europeans who visited Benin kingdom were?
(476) The slave trade was abolished in the year……………
(477) The first set of students to fully receive Western education in Eastern
Nigeria were the ……..
(478) The success of early missionary education in Nigeria can be attributed to the
pioneering efforts of who?
(479) Who founded the political party – Nigeria National Democratic Party (NNDP) in
1922 who is also regarded as the father of Nigerian nationalism?
(480) Who is presently the President of Nigeria?
(481) Fill in the missing word in the first line of Nigeria’s national anthem –
“Arise, O ……… Nigeria’s call obey...”
(482) In what year was the Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria
(483) Fill in the missing word – “I pledge to Nigeria my country, to be faithful,
loyal and honest. To serve Nigeria with all my strength. To defend ……….. unity, and
uphold her honour and glory. So help me God
(484) The idea to establish higher educational institutions in Nigeria did not come
from the British but from…………?\r\n
(485) By 1876, Nigeria produced its first Medical Doctor in the person of…………….
(486) Nigeria joined the comity of independent sovereign nations on……………….
(487) Nigeria became a Republic in what year?\r\n
(488) In what year did the British take Lagos as a colony?
(489) Who among these rulers gallantly resisted British usurpation of their
independence and authority?
(490) Who was the British officer who eventually effected the amalgamation of the
Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria
(491) Who was the first Nigerian president?
(492) Who became Nigeria’s president in 1999?
(493) The acronym ECOWAS means
(494) Two types of Fulani are usually recognised. These are the ……. and ……
(495) Which religion is pre-dominant in the Northern part of Nigeria?
(496) Which are the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria?
(497) The Western part of Nigeria is mostly made up of the …………….
(498) Abuja is the … Capital ……of Nigeria
(499) Which of these states was once the capital of Nigeria?
(500) Which of these religion is pre-dominant in the Southern part of Nigeria?
(501) Nigeria’s biggest export is?
(502) The hamitic hypothesis was pospulated by…?
(503) Before the coming of the Europeans, African had no form of development \r\n
(504) The Egyptian pyramid, iron of Ancient Benin all came from the Europeans
(505) The underdevelopment of Africa from the 16th century was the handy work of
the Europeans
(506) Facts about the early accomplishment of Africa were obtained from the
following except _____
(507) Pick out the odd on among the following
(508) The development of civilization of Ife people dates back to ____
(509) Which of the following does not belong to Ife culture and art?
(510) Long before the emergence of European civilization, the people of Africa has
the following EXCEPT ____
(511) The transatlantic slave trade lasted for about ____ centuries
(512) The Neolithic revolution in Nigeria and Africa as a whole gave way for one of
the following:
(513) European literary sources of Nigerian history may be divided into the
categories – primary sources and general literature.
(514) It is believed that the Yoruba probably migrated from Egypt to their present
location at about _____
(515) One major kingdom that eventually emerged into an empire in Yoruba?
(516) The empire which emerged in the middle of _____ century, represented a major
stage in the historical development of the Yoruba people
(517) By the sixteenth century, ____ was a very powerful empire extending it’s
authority as far as Dahomey and the Atafin who was head, was regarded as “Lord of
many lands”
(518) According to Igbafe (1974), the Oba was the pivot around which the socio-
political system revolted
(519) Another major ethnic group in the ____ area is the Izon
(520) Usman Dan Fodio was a _____
(521) The Islamic Jihad against the Hausa kings of Northern Nigeria lasted between
(522) The Fulani people of Nigeria are also sometimes refered to as fulbe
(523) Rules of the Kanem Born Empire were known as ____
(524) Which of the following is not true about the conditions that facilitated
Kanem’s emergence
(525) Which of the following was NOT an important Kanem. Borno king
(526) The Igala people are located around the ___ river
(527) The Igala-Mela are the king makers of the Igala
(528) The Portuguese were asked by the Oba of Benin for assistance to fight the
king of Idah
(529) The Origin of Jukem kingdom is not fixed
(530) The Jukun was not same as the Kwararafa in early times
(531) The Tiv people were originally found south-Eastern Nigeria
(532) Tiv refers to both the language of the people and the progenitor of the whole
ethnic group
(533) Education does not involve transmission of culture
(534) Nigeria is not a member of the Comity of Nations
(535) Republican Nigeria was birthed in what year
(536) The Berlin conference in which the Europeans shared Africa among themselves
took peace around when?
(537) The Nomenclature “Nigeria” was not coined by the natives
(538) Which of the following represents the traumatic years of Nigeria
(540) Education in Nigeria is majorly associated with ____
(541) In Nigeria the following are conditions for acquiring citizenship EXCEPT
(539) Informal education and Non-formal education are one and the same
(542) Nigerian citizens have human rights and so they are enabled to exercise right
to choose same sex marriage
(543) Glass and clay waste are examples of particulate waste
(544) The successful impact of Christian missionaries in Southern Nigeria by 1919
clamed about ____ churches
(545) What is the name given to God among the Yoruba peoples of Nigeria
(546) _____ was the first foreign religion to come to Nigeria
(547) One of the reasons adduced to the constraints to environmental sanitation in
Nigerian subregions is ____
(548) All of the following are NOT particulate wastes EXCEPT ____
(549) _____ and _____ defines pollution as the presence of substances and energies
in such quantities that is table to cause harm to humans, animals and plants
(550) _____ can be defined as the undesirable change in the physical, chemical or
biological characteristics of a cultural environment that will harmfully affect man
(551) Pollutants are residues of the things that man has made in his socio-cultural
environment that are discarded after use: they come from
(552) According to _____ every African lived in the age of faith like the Europe of
the middle ages during AD 800 – 1359
(553) The Nigerian economy today is not founded upon pre-colonial and colonial
(554) The trans-Alhlantic slave trade was a major set-back for the Nigerian economy
of those days.
(555) As at 1960, Agriculture was the main contributor to GDP in Nigeria
(556) In pre-colonial times, Nigeria flourished in agriculture largely due to the
favourable climate
(557) In the 1960, over 75% of labour was employed by the sector
(558) Which of the following is not a problem of the Nigerian Economy?
(559) In Nigeria’s cultural milieu there is high dependence on importation than
exportation today.
(560) From post-independence till date, Nigeria has been an economically stable
(561) Right from the independence Nigerian education has always been run by the 6-
3-3-4 system
(562) The rain forest region is occupied by the following ethnic groups
(563) The Yoruba are also found in ____ country outside Nigeria
(564) The use of admission procedure, classroom teaching strict timetable
examination and graduation, plus staff training process are feature of ______ types
of education
(565) According to Parrinder (1962) everything that concerns the family, its health
and fertility are of interest to the ancestors, since they are elders and seek
rebirth into the family
(566) The Aku of Jakun, and ____ used religion in consolidation of their states..?
(567) The harmful ultraviolet rays which the ozones protect the earth from can
cause ____
(568) _____ is a basic fuel used for nuclear energy and can cause pollution?
(569) Hazards from man-made chemical wastes reach man through Air, water and _____?
(570) Examples of degradable wastes are _____
(571) The term social justice is used interchangeably with human rights
(572) ____ refers to a change or transformation into a better state
(573) Approaches to waste management includes waste minimization, collection of
waste and _____
(574) In Hausa land. ………. is the title for the ‘ruler of the land’.
(575) …….is the tax paid for rearing livestock
(576) The current Oba of Benin is the …….. in the hierarchy of his predecessors
(577) The numeric figure ‘1’ is called …. in Bini language
(578) Which festival is celebrated in Benin Kingdom during the Christmas and New
Year period?
(579) The name of the current Oba of Benin is…
(580) The Bini word ‘erha’ means ………..
(581) Good morning in Bini language is ……..
(582) Democracy day in Nigeria is celebrated on what day?
(2) : answer Dug up history
(3) : answer New stone age
(1) : answer Politically
(5) : answer Iron-ore
(0) : answer Largest number
(4) : answer 15th century
(6) : answer Kauyuka
(8) : answer Hamitic hypothesis
(7) : answer Strategic factor
(9) : answer Saifawa dynasty.
(12) : answer Baales
(13) : answer Oyo Mesi
(11) : answer Ancestral
(14) : answer Are-onaKakanfo
(10) : answer Men
(16) : answer Primogeniture
(17) : answer Iyase
(15) : answer Age grade
(18) : answer Uzama
(19) : answer Stateless model
(20) : answer Umunnas
(21) : answer Indirect rule
(23) : answer Homogenising
(24) : answer Jon Beecroft
(22) : answer Historical accident
(25) : answer The consul
(26) : answer 1851
(27) : answer 1861
(28) : answer 1900
(29) : answer 1920
(30) : answer Introduction to the elective principle
(31) : answer Limited adult suffrage
(32) : answer Nigerian National Democratic Party
(33) : answer Promote the unity of Nigeria
(34) : answer Sir John Macpherson
(35) : answer Sir John Macpherson Constitution
(36) : answer Chief Anthony Enahoro
(37) : answer 1954 constitution
(38) : answer Regional
(39) : answer Bicameral legislatures
(40) : answer Privy Council in Britain
(41) : answer Demokratia
(42) : answer Abraham Lincoln
(43) : answer Classical democracy
(44) : answer Elitist democracy
(45) : answer January 15, 1966
(46) : answer July 29, 1966
(48) : answer Gen. Abdusalami Abubakar
(47) : answer Chief Ernest Shonekan
(49) : answer Corrective and reformatory
(50) : answer Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo
(51) : answer There is political stability in Nigeria
(52) : answer Socialisation
(53) : answer Observation and participation
(54) : answer Gender oriented
(55) : answer Non-formal education
(56) : answer Accommodate all ages of people
(57) : answer National universities commission
(58) : answer Accountability
(59) : answer Functionalism and integration into adulthood
(60) : answer 1515
(61) : answer Mr.& Mrs. De Craft
(62) : answer Rote learning was the method of teaching
(63) : answer Rev. T.B. Macaulay
(64) : answer 1909
(65) : answer University of Nigeria, Nsukka
(66) : answer University of Calabar
(67) : answer National Open University of Nigeria
(68) : answer Igbinedion University,Okada
(69) : answer Islamic jurisprudence
(70) : answer Culture
(71) : answer Dynamism
(72) : answer Mangrove region
(73) : answer The area is highly infested by tse-tse fly
(74) : answer Enculturation
(75) : answer Acculturation
(76) : answer Sudan Savanna
(77) : answer Non-material culture
(78) : answer Cultural zones
(79) : answer Tangible culture
(80) : answer Commerce
(81) : answer Light industries
(82) : answer Heavy industries
(83) : answer Agricultural goods
(84) : answer Industrial goods
(85) : answer Local trade
(86) : answer Aids to trade
(87) : answer Footwears
(88) : answer Oba market, Benin
(89) : answer Rolling mills
(90) : answer Indigenisation policy
(91) : answer Small scale industry
(92) : answer Small scale enterprise
(93) : answer Extractive industries
(94) : answer An empowerment programmes
(95) : answer Incentives
(96) : answer Development
(97) : answer National Policy on Education
(98) : answer Obasanjo’s administration
(99) : answer Greek
(100) : answer Perception
(101) : answer Cosmology
(102) : answer God as creator
(103) : answer Sky, earth, underneath the earth
(104) : answer Sacrosanct entity
(105) : answer Inalienable rights
(106) : answer Political engagements
(107) : answer Legal backing
(108) : answer Moral as well as political obligation
(109) : answer Politics
(110) : answer Offer constructively criticise
(111) : answer Kinship and affinity
(112) : answer All embracing
(113) : answer Okrika people
(114) : answer Dowry
(115) : answer Family
(118) : answer Provisions of skills acquisition
(116) : answer Co-habiting
(117) : answer Calamity and curse
(119) : answer Christianity
(120) : answer Economy
(121) : answer Polyandry
(122) : answer Disunity among the Hausa rulers and people
(123) : answer Hausa seven
(124) : answer Akwa Ibom
(125) : answer Seven sons
(126) : answer A council of seven
(127) : answer Royal Niger Company
(128) : answer 1885
(129) : answer Advise the Governor
(130) : answer 1958 constitution
(131) : answer 1960
(132) : answer 1960
(133) : answer Major Gen. J.T.U Aguiyi-Iron
(134) : answer Commerce
(135) : answer Tradition
(136) : answer Banks encourage excess liquidity
(137) : answer International trade
(138) : answer Making Nigeria dependent on foreign goods
(139) : answer Abriba people
(140) : answer True
(141) : answer Ancestral
(142) : answer Bashorun
(143) : answer Calabar.
(144) : answer Baale
(145) : answer Oranmiyan
(146) : answer Igbo
(147) : answer Fulani Jihad
(148) : answer Hausa Banza
(149) : answer A means to an end
(150) : answer Native authority
(151) : answer The Gambia, Gold Coast, Nigeria.
(152) : answer Homogenising
(153) : answer Oba Dosumu
(154) : answer Lokoja.
(155) : answer True
(156) : answer Nigerian Youth Movement.
(157) : answer The Lyttleton constitution
(158) : answer January 15, 1966.
(159) : answer Major Gen. J.T.U. Aguiyi- Ironsi
(160) : answer 1993.
(161) : answer Non-formal education
(162) : answer Aids to trade.
(163) : answer Agricultural
(164) : answer 9.
(165) : answer A Secular state.
(166) : answer Curse
(167) : answer Tangible
(168) : answer Urban
(169) : answer Socio- cultural activities
(170) : answer Giving credit to the Hermits for every development in Africa
(171) : answer Whites
(172) : answer Television, radio and social media
(173) : answer Oyo Empire
(174) : answer Ogiso Era
(175) : answer OrisaNla and sixteen Oye (immortals)
(176) : answer Oduduwa
(177) : answer Ekaladeran
(178) : answer Nobility (Adesotu) and Commoner (Ighiotu)
(179) : answer Igbo
(180) : answer Savannah and grassland people/Middle Belt people
(181) : answer King of the farmers
(182) : answer Sarki
(183) : answer Frederick Lugard
(184) : answer October 1st, 1963
(185) : answer Binis
(186) : answer January 1914
(187) : answer Nigerian Nationalists
(188) : answer Nigerian Youth Movement
(189) : answer Education
(190) : answer Western method
(191) : answer Observing and assisting
(192) : answer Organized educational activities
(193) : answer Child caring
(194) : answer Formal education
(195) : answer Informal education
(196) : answer Male
(197) : answer Revd Samuel AjayiCrowther
(198) : answer Kings College
(199) : answer National Council of Nigerian and Cameroon
(200) : answer Nigerian educated elites
(201) : answer Sir Edward Tylor, 1871
(202) : answer Culture is forced
(203) : answer Osanobua
(204) : answer Social Justice
(205) : answer Plato
(206) : answer Active agent of social change
(207) : answer Citizenship
(208) : answer Jus soli
(209) : answer Right to Jungle Justice
(210) : answer Religion
(211) : answer Ogun
(212) : answer Perishable wastes
(213) : answer Planet
(214) : answer Particulate waste
(215) : answer Enjoyment
(216) : answer None of the above
(217) : answer Excavated natural objects
(218) : answer Oba
(219) : answer Youngest
(220) : answer Ere
(221) : answer Eweka I
(222) : answer Ojoye
(223) : answer Assist the Oba in a war against the king of Idah
(224) : answer C.G. Seligman
(225) : answer Homo sapiens
(226) : answer Astrology
(227) : answer Arab scholars, geographers and historians
(228) : answer Primary sources and general literature
(229) : answer Walter Rodney
(230) : answer NOK culture
(231) : answer Benin kingdom
(232) : answer Anambra state
(233) : answer Rev. Samuel Johnson
(234) : answer B.\tOranmiyan the son of Oduduwa
(235) : answer Bini kingdom
(236) : answer Benin kingdom
(237) : answer The sky
(238) : answer Acephalous, segmentary and fragmentary
(239) : answer Iginuwa
(240) : answer Olu
(241) : answer Niger Delta
(242) : answer The savannah and grassland peoples of the far north and the middle-
belt peoples of the Jos plateau
(243) : answer Kauye
(244) : answer King of the farmers
(245) : answer Maigida
(246) : answer Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
(247) : answer Dynamic
(248) : answer Cooking pot
(249) : answer Non-material culture
(250) : answer Culture area
(251) : answer The Zuma rock region
(252) : answer Minorities
(253) : answer Niger Delta region
(254) : answer God
(255) : answer Sixteenth
(256) : answer The Yorubas
(257) : answer Village
(258) : answer Village group or town
(259) : answer Making of sacrifices to the ancestors
(260) : answer Justice and authority
(261) : answer Ndi Uke
(262) : answer Town
(263) : answer Taraba
(264) : answer Informal education
(265) : answer Formal education
(266) : answer The British
(267) : answer The Portuguese
(268) : answer D.\t1804
(269) : answer Girls
(270) : answer Revd Samuel AjayiCrowther
(271) : answer Herbert Macaulay
(272) : answer President MuhammaduBuhari
(273) : answer Compatriots
(274) : answer 1914
(275) : answer C.\tHer
(276) : answer Nigerian educated elites and nationalists who had received and
completed secondary education
(277) : answer Dr.Nathanel Thomas King
(278) : answer October 1st 1960
(279) : answer 1963
(280) : answer 1861
(281) : answer Ovonramwen of Benin
(282) : answer Sir Frederick Lugard
(283) : answer Nnamdi Azikiwe
(284) : answer Olusegun Obasanjo
(285) : answer Economic Community of West African States
(286) : answer Cattle Fulani and Town Fulani
(287) : answer Islam
(288) : answer Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo
(289) : answer Yorubas
(290) : answer Federal, Territory
(291) : answer Lagos
(292) : answer Christianity
(293) : answer Petroleum oil
(294) : answer Seligman C.G.
(295) : answer False
(296) : answer False
(297) : answer True
(298) : answer Internet sources
(299) : answer Usman Danfodio
(300) : answer 6th century BC and 100AD
(301) : answer None of the above
(302) : answer Tared roads and bridges
(303) : answer 3
(304) : answer Domestication of animals and card cultivation
(305) : answer True
(306) : answer 2000 – 1000BC
(307) : answer Oyo
(308) : answer Fifteenth century
(309) : answer Oyo
(310) : answer True
(311) : answer Niger Delta
(312) : answer All of the above
(313) : answer 1804 – 1809
(314) : answer True
(315) : answer Mai
(316) : answer Unfair and violants governance
(317) : answer Mai Maman Ali
(318) : answer Niger
(319) : answer True
(320) : answer True
(321) : answer True
(322) : answer False
(323) : answer False
(324) : answer True
(325) : answer False
(326) : answer True
(327) : answer 1963
(328) : answer 1884/1885
(329) : answer True
(330) : answer 1967 – 1970
(331) : answer False
(332) : answer Christian Missionaries
(333) : answer Education
(334) : answer False
(335) : answer True
(336) : answer 3000
(337) : answer Olodumare
(338) : answer Islam
(339) : answer Lack of adequate data
(340) : answer Asbestos dusk
(341) : answer Clarke (1886) and Elesom (1987)
(342) : answer Pollution
(343) : answer All of the above are correct.
(344) : answer Basil Davidson
(345) : answer False
(346) : answer True
(347) : answer True
(348) : answer True
(349) : answer Agricultural
(350) : answer Increasing job openings
(351) : answer True
(352) : answer False
(353) : answer False
(354) : answer All of the above
(355) : answer Benin Republic
(356) : answer Formal
(357) : answer True
(358) : answer Etsu of Nupe
(359) : answer Skin cancer
(360) : answer Uranium
(361) : answer Flavourings
(362) : answer Agricultural wastes
(363) : answer True
(364) : answer Development
(365) : answer Recycling
(366) : answer giving credit to the Hermits for every development in Africa
(367) : answer Whites
(368) : answer Television, radio and social media
(369) : answer Benin Empire
(370) : answer Ogiso Era
(371) : answer Orisa Nla and sixteen Oye (immortals)
(372) : answer Oduduwa
(373) : answer Ekaladeran
(374) : answer Nobility (Adesotu) and Commoner (Ighiotu)
(375) : answer Igbo
(376) : answer Savannah and grassland people/Middle Belt people
(377) : answer King of the farmers
(378) : answer Sarki
(379) : answer Frederick Lugard
(380) : answer October 1st, 1963
(381) : answer Binis
(382) : answer January 1914
(383) : answer Nigerian Nationalists
(384) : answer Nigerian Youth Movement
(385) : answer Education
(386) : answer Western method
(387) : answer Observing and assisting
(388) : answer Organized educational activities
(389) : answer Child caring
(390) : answer Formal education
(391) : answer Informal education
(392) : answer Male
(393) : answer Revd Samuel Ajayi Crowther
(394) : answer Kings College
(395) : answer National Council of Nigerian and Cameroon
(396) : answer Nigerian educated elites
(397) : answer Sir Edward Tylor, 1871
(398) : answer Culture is forced
(399) : answer Osanobua
(400) : answer Social Justice
(401) : answer Plato
(402) : answer Active agent of social change
(403) : answer Citizenship
(404) : answer Jus soli
(405) : answer Right to Jungle Justice
(406) : answer Religion
(407) : answer Ogun
(408) : answer Perishable wastes
(409) : answer Planet
(410) : answer Particulate waste
(411) : answer Enjoyment
(412) : answer None of the above
(413) : answer Excavated natural objects
(414) : answer Oba
(415) : answer Youngest
(416) : answer Ere
(417) : answer Eweka I
(418) : answer Ojoye
(419) : answer Assist the Oba in a war against the king of Idah
(420) : answer C.G. Seligman
(421) : answer Homo sapiens
(422) : answer Astrology
(423) : answer Arab scholars, geographers and historians
(424) : answer Primary sources and general literature
(425) : answer Walter Rodney
(426) : answer NOK culture
(427) : answer Benin kingdom
(428) : answer Anambra state
(429) : answer Rev. Samuel Johnson
(430) : answer Oranmiyan the son of Oduduwa
(431) : answer Bini kingdom
(432) : answer Benin kingdom
(433) : answer The sky
(434) : answer Acephalous, segmentary and fragmentary
(435) : answer Iginuwa
(436) : answer Olu
(437) : answer Niger Delta
(438) : answer The savannah and grassland peoples of the far north and the middle-
belt peoples of the Jos plateau
(439) : answer Kauye
(440) : answer King of the farmers
(441) : answer Maigida
(442) : answer Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
(443) : answer Dynamic
(444) : answer Cooking pot
(445) : answer Non-material culture
(446) : answer Culture area
(447) : answer The Zuma rock region
(448) : answer Minorities
(449) : answer Niger Delta region
(450) : answer The savannah and grassland peoples of the far north and the middle-
belt peoples of the Jos plateau
(451) : answer Kauye
(452) : answer King of the farmers
(453) : answer Maigida
(454) : answer Sir Edward Burnett Tylor
(455) : answer Dynamic
(456) : answer Cooking pot
(457) : answer Non-material culture
(458) : answer Culture area
(459) : answer The Zuma rock region
(460) : answer Minorities
(461) : answer Niger Delta region
(462) : answer God
(463) : answer Sixteenth
(464) : answer The Yorubas
(465) : answer Village
(466) : answer Village group or town
(467) : answer Making of sacrifices to the ancestors
(468) : answer Justice and authority
(469) : answer Ndi Uke
(470) : answer Town
(471) : answer Taraba
(472) : answer Informal education
(473) : answer Formal education
(474) : answer The British
(475) : answer The Portuguese
(476) : answer 1804
(477) : answer Girls
(478) : answer Revd Samuel Ajayi Crowther
(479) : answer Herbert Macaulay
(480) : answer President Muhammadu Buhari
(481) : answer Compatriots
(482) : answer 1914
(483) : answer Her
(484) : answer Nigerian educated elites and nationalists who had received and
completed secondary education
(485) : answer Dr. Nathanel Thomas King
(486) : answer October 1st 1960
(487) : answer 1963
(488) : answer 1861
(489) : answer Ovonramwen of Benin
(490) : answer Sir Frederick Lugard
(491) : answer Nnamdi Azikiwe
(492) : answer Olusegun Obasanjo
(493) : answer Economic Community of West African States
(494) : answer Cattle Fulani and Town Fulani
(495) : answer Islam
(496) : answer Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo
(497) : answer Yorubas
(498) : answer Federal, Territory
(499) : answer Lagos
(500) : answer Christianity
(501) : answer Petroleum oil
(502) : answer Seligman C.G.
(503) : answer False
(504) : answer False
(505) : answer True
(506) : answer Internet sources
(507) : answer Usman Danfodio
(508) : answer 6th century BC and 100AD
(509) : answer None of the above
(510) : answer Tared roads and bridges
(511) : answer 3
(512) : answer domestication of animals and card cultivation
(513) : answer True
(514) : answer 2000 – 1000BC
(515) : answer Oyo
(516) : answer fifteenth century
(517) : answer Oyo
(518) : answer True
(519) : answer Niger Delta
(520) : answer All of the above
(521) : answer 1804 – 1809
(522) : answer True
(523) : answer Mai
(524) : answer Unfair and violants governance
(525) : answer Mai Maman Ali
(526) : answer Niger
(527) : answer True
(528) : answer True
(529) : answer True
(530) : answer False
(531) : answer False
(532) : answer True
(533) : answer False
(534) : answer True
(535) : answer 1963
(536) : answer 1884/1885
(537) : answer True
(538) : answer 1967 – 1970
(540) : answer Christian Missionaries
(541) : answer Education
(539) : answer False
(542) : answer False
(543) : answer True
(545) : answer Olodumare
(544) : answer 3000
(546) : answer Islam
(547) : answer Better waste management
(548) : answer asbestos dusk
(549) : answer Clarke (1886) and Elesom (1987)
(550) : answer pollution
(551) : answer all of the above are correct.
(552) : answer Basil Davidson
(553) : answer False
(554) : answer True
(555) : answer True
(556) : answer True
(557) : answer agricultural
(558) : answer increasing job openings
(559) : answer True
(560) : answer False
(561) : answer False
(562) : answer all of the above
(563) : answer Benin Republic
(564) : answer formal
(565) : answer True
(566) : answer Etsu of Nupe
(567) : answer Skin cancer
(568) : answer Uranium
(569) : answer falvourings
(570) : answer agricultural wastes
(571) : answer True
(572) : answer development
(573) : answer recycling
(574) : answer Sarkin Kasar
(575) : answer Jingali
(576) : answer 40th
(577) : answer owo
(578) : answer Igue festival
(579) : answer Oba Ewuare II
(580) : answer Father
(581) : answer Obowie
(582) : answer June 12

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