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Managing y our p er s o nal fin ance

1. o plostic cord issued to customers of bonks to enoble them to obtoin cosh ot

ony time from cosh dispensers
2. on order by o customer to his bonker to moke o regulor poyment to a nomed
poyee to the debit of his occount
3. an og?eement thot you moke with your bonk which ollows you to spend more
money thon you octuolly hove in your occount
4. o bonk occount held in the nomes of two or more people
5. on occount with o bonk from which money connot be withdrawn by cheque.
The interest poid will depend on the current rate of interest but it will
olwoys behigher thon thot of o current occount.
6. the chorge mode fon borrowing o sum of money.
7. o cord which guorontees poyment for goods ond services purchosed by the
cordholders, who poys bock the bonk or finonce compony ot o loter dote
8. doing banking transoctions by telephone or from one's own personol
computer, linked to the bonk vio network.
9. o method in the bonking system, whereby the creditor con cloim on o debtor.
The debtor outhorizes his bonker to occept debits on his occount, ond on
eoch occosion the creditor initiotes the debit to the occount.
10. on interest in property created os o security fon o loon or poyment of o deby_
ond tenminoted on poyment of the loon or debt. 2
77. o cheque issued by o bonk, building society, trovel ogency, credit-cord
compony to trovellers to enoble them to obtoin cosh in a f oreign currency
whqn they are obrood.
12.o personol bonk occount from which you moy toke out money of ony time using
your chegue book or your computerised cord.

Here are different offens of occounts mode by vorious Romonion commerciot

Work in groups of four. Reod the texts. Choose one of them ond tronstote it
into English individuolly; check with your portners ond then, with the whole
grouP discuss the qdv-ontoges ond disodvontoges of the occount you chose. fn
the end your teocher will osk to report bock to the closs obout your choice,
supporting it with onguments.


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