Ma. Patricia R. de Leon Bsn-Iv: Drug Indications Contraindicatio Ns Action Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities

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Drug Generic Name: Omeprazole BrandName: Tansinel Class: Anti secretory drug Dose: 20 mg1 cap for two weeks Route: Oral Indications Short-term treatment of active duodenal cancer Short-term treatment of active benign gastric ulcer Eradication of Helicobacter Pylor i First-line therapy for treatment of heartburn or symptoms of GERD. Contraindicatio ns Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to omeprazole or its components. Use cautiously with pregnancy, lactation. Action Gastric acid pump inhibitor: Suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogen- potassi um ATPase enzyme system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells; blocks the final step of acid production. Adverse Effect CNS; headache, dizziness,asthenia, vertigo,insomnia,ap athy,anxiety, pares thesias,dreamabn ormalitiesDermatol ogic:rash,inflammat ion,urticaria, prurit us , alopecia, dry skin GI: diarrhea , abdominal pain, Nausea vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, tongue atrophy Respiratory: URI symptoms, cough, epistaxis Nursing Responsibilities Assessment: 1. History: hypersensitivity to omeprazole or any of its components; pregna ncy, lactation2. Physical: skin lesions; reflexes; urinary output; abdominal examination; respiratory auscultation Interventions: 1. Administer before meals. 2. Administer antacids with, if needed. 3. Have regular medical follow-up visits. 4. Report severe headache, worsening of symptoms, fever, chills.

Drug Generic Name: Ranitidine Hydrochloride Brand Name: Zantac Class: Histamine 2 antagonists

Indications Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcer Short-term treatment of active, benign gastric ulcer Maintenance therapy for duodenal ulcer at reduced dosage. Short-term treatment for GERD. Pathologichy persecretory conditions (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)Treatmen t of erosive

Contraindicatio ns: Contraindicated with allergy to ranitidine, lactation Use cautiously with impaired renal or hepatic function, pregnancy

Action Competitively inhibits the action of histamine at the H2 receptors of the parietal cells of the stomach, inhibiting basal gastric acid secretion and gastric acid secretion that is stimulated by food, insulin, histamine, cholinergic agonists, gastrin and pentagastrin.

Adverse Effect CNS: headache, malaise, dizziness, somnolence, insomnia, vertigo CV: tachycardia, bradycardia Dermatologic: rash, alopecia GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, hepatitis GU: impotence or decreased libido Hematologic: leucopenia

Drug Brand name: Cefuroxime

Indications It is effective for the treatment of penicillin ase-

Contraindicatio ns Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins and related

Action Second generation cephalosporin

Adverse Effect Body as a Whole: Thrombophlebitis (IV site); pain,

Nursing Responsibilities Assessment: 1. History: allergy to ranitidine, impaired renal or hepatic function, lactation, pregnancy. 2. Physical: skin lesions, orientation, affect, liver evaluation, abdominal examination, normal output, renal function tests, CBC Interventions: 1. Administer oral drug with meals and at bedtime. 2. Decrease doses in renal and liver failure. 3. Provide concurrent antacid therapy to relieve pain. 4. Administer IM dose undiluted, deep into large muscle group Nursing Responsibilities Determine history of hypersensitivity reactions to

IV 50mg q6

producing Neisseria gonorrhoea (PPNG).Effectively treats bone and joint infections, bronchitis, meningitis, gonorrhea, otitismedia, pharyngitis /tonsillitis, sinusitis, lower respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, urinary tract infections, and is used for surgical prophylaxis, reducing o reliminating infection

antibiotics; pregnancy(catego ry B), lactation

that inhibits cell wall synthesis, promoting osmotic instability: usually bactericidal

burning, cellulitis (IMsite); super infections, positive Coombs'test. GI: Diarrhea, nausea, antibioticassociated colitis. Skin: Rash, pruritus ,urticaria. Urogenital: Increased serum creatinine and BUN, decreased creatinine clearance

cephalosporins, penicillins, and history of allergies, particularly to drugs, before therapy is initiated. Inspect IM and IV injection sites frequently for signs of phlebitis. Report onset of looses tools or diarrhea. Although pseudo membranous colitis. Monitor I&O rates and pattern: Especially important in severely ill patients receiving high doses. Report any significant change.

Drug Brand name: esomeprazole magnesium (Nexium) Proton Pump Inhibitor

Indications Treatment of GERD heartburn and other Symptoms Shortterm treatment for erosive esophagitis As part of combination

Contraindicatio ns: Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to omeprazole, esomeprazole, or other proton pump

Action Suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogen potassium ATPase enzyme

Adverse Effect CNS: Headache, vertigo Dizziness, insomnia Apathy, anxiety Paresthesias Dream Abnormalities

Nursing Responsibilities Assess for hypersensitivity to any proton pump inhibitor or hepatic impairment. Obtain baseline liver function tests and

DOSAGE: tablet: 20 mg PO OD ( for healing of symptomatic gastroesophage al reflux disease)

treatment for duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori

inhibitors. -Use cautiously with hepatic dysfunction, pregnancy, and lactation.

system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells; blocks the final step of the acid production.

Respiratory: URI symptoms Sinusitis Cough, epistaxis Dermatologic: Rash, inflammation Urticaria, pruritus Alopecia, dry skin GI: Diarrhea, nausea Abdominal pain Vomiting Constipation Dry mouth Tongue atrophy Flatulence

monitor periodically during the course of therapy. Instruct patient to take drug at least 1 hr before meals. Instruct patient to report severe headache, worsening of symptoms, fever, chills, darkening of the skin, changes in color of urine or stool. For GI symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, instruct patient to have small, frequent meals. Instruct patient to limit activities to those that do not require alertness and precision as the drug


Indications Disturbances of GI motility Relief of symptoms of acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis Nausea and vomiting Metabolic diseases Short-term therapy for adults with symptomatic gastro esophageal reflux who fail to respond to conventional therapy. Prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting when

Generic Name: Metoclopramide Brand Name: Maxolon Class: Antiemetic, GIstimulant

Contraindicatio ns: Contraindicated with allergy to metoclopramide GI hemorrhage Mechanical obstruction or perforation Epilepsy Use cautiously with previously detected breast cancer, lactation, pregnan cy, fluid overload, renal impairment

Action Assessment: 1. History: allergy to metoclopramide, GI hemorrhage, mechanical obstruction or perforation, depression, epilepsy, lactation, previously detected breast cancer 2. Physical: orientation, reflexes, affect, bowel sounds, normal output, EEG Interventions: 1. Monitor BP carefully during IV administration. 2. Monitor diabetic patients, arrange for alterations in insulin dose or timing if diabetic control is

Adverse Effect CNS:restlessness,dr owsiness,fatigue,in somnia,dizziness,a nxietyCV:transienth ypertensionGI: nausea and diarrhea

may cause vertigo and dizziness. Nursing Responsibilities Assessment: 1. History: allergy to metoclopramide, GI hemorrhage, mechanical obstruction or perforation, depression, epilepsy, lactation, previously detected breast cancer 2. Physical: orientation, reflexes, affect, bowel sounds, normal output, EEG Interventions: 1. Monitor BP carefully during IV administration. 2. Monitor diabetic patients, arrange for alterations in insulin dose or timing if diabetic control is compromised by alterations in timing of food absorption.

compromised by alterations in timing of food absorption.

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