Chapter 7-Policing The Internet

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Chapter 7.


• Show if you are using the internet safely;
• Examine the various kinds of information threats in the internet;
• Discover the different terminologies about privacy and surveillance and online ethics
• Apply the guidelines of proper etiquettes online

Lesson 1.Privacy and Surveillance

Data Breach

Data breach is a cybercrime in which a cybercriminal extracts data from a source. Usually, data
breach is done through remote network or through a physical access to a computer or network.
Cybercriminals have a systematic way of implementing a breach. At first, they are doing a
research with regards to the weaknesses of the source's security. Once they knew the
weakness, they will take advantage of it to attack to initiate a contact with a network. Then, if
the cybercriminal has connection with the source, he/she can now successfully extract the data.
Cybercriminals are using data breach to get a way to perform an information fraud, credit card
duplication, theft, identity theft, and other crimes that will be needing a person's personal data.
Name, birthdate, identification number, email address, mailing address, credit card and bank
account numbers and many other kind of information are being stolen from a source to be used
for other crimes. With this, companies - like banks, hospitals, email providers, that are holding
personal data - are keeping on reminding their clients to be careful with their data because with
the technology today, all data are vulnerable to be leaked and used by other person.

Cybercrime Police
Internet police is an organization led by government agencies in countries that are in charge
with policing internet. With the vast connectivity of the world, the internet police have a great
responsibility to keep the internet space a safe space where cybercrime is prevalent. The
purpose of the internet police will depend on the country or state which can be fighting a
cybercrime, propaganda and censorship In the Philippines, the government has its Anti-
Cybercrime Group that is led by the Philippine National Police. It is responsible to enforce laws
on cybercrime to attain effective cybercrime campaign. The PNP ACG have a vision of a safer
cyber environment by 2025. PNP ACG are capable of conducting cybercrime investigations and
arresting of cybercriminals. Also, they can do other things like to recover data and forensic
analysis on all devices involve in doing crime. All these are implemented so that internet users
can observe a safer space and environment in the internet.

Usage of security applications

Application security is protection for software, hardware and another procedural method for
external threats. The security application is progressively important due to the development of
applications which is accessible over the networks. Security is designed to protect important
files from unauthorized code and reaching, stealing and removing of data. Application users do
not know what these apps do to their phones, PC and other digital gadgets. Some applications
require permission to get access through your settings and ask some requirements to be
accessed. Some will ask permission about your location, contact, and accounts (email). Spyware
is a program or software that will steal information and changing user data. It is usually taken
by unauthorized installation of software, downloading applications and a random pop up
advertisement. Spyware can usually get into the computer or phone through shareware and
freeware. From these, the can successfully install and start transferring data or collecting it.

Types of security application:

1.Auditing-Recording and tracking the execution of the application. In tracking the execution
of the application, you will notice if there are any suspicious on the application. Also you should
able to trail the events.
2. Authentication - It should be only the user who can log in and run the application. Only
the valid information can reach this software.
3. Authorization - It should be only the authorized user who can change, edit, and read all
the information inside the application. If there's any suspicious activity, the user or the owner
should be verified through email, personal phone number or any that can reach that will notify
the user.
4.Cryptography - assurance of privacy to the user, unauthorized user should not be able to
edit, change, copy, or read the information inside the application. The security must be strong
enough to secure the application.

State of Privacy in the Internet

Privacy is probably the most important thing that we need to take care of when it comes to the
internet. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, privacy is the quality or state of being
apart from company or observation. If we're going to apply it to your information, your personal
information should not be out in public, it should be personal; for your eyes only.

In this world, there are already loads of cybercriminals (hackers, crackers, etc.) who can get
your information in a snap. Just in United States of America, there are over ten (10) million
cases a year of identity theft. There are countless cases that credit card information and email
details gets stolen, security numbers and identifying data obtained, and addresses known. All
happened with the help of the internet.

Even when connecting to a public Wi-Fi, your personal data could be at risk. Whether you're at
a coffee shop, in a library, in the mall, or even hundred and thousands of feet off the ground,
these public Wi-Fi can help risk of information leakage. But how is this done? Open Wi-Fi
networks or public networks allow channels to communicate. Since there are a lot of people
connected to one internet connection, or Wi-Fi, this allows hackers to transverse through each
channel or device and spy on what those other networks are doing. What is making these
public networks that dangerous? It's their lack of encryption.

Encryption is the process of encoding information wherein only the authorized people can
access those information. With most of the public networks not encrypting their communication
between WiFi and the user or the device connected to it, this allows the hackers to get into the
unprotected channel and easily view your data and information.

A simple person could do this, you do not even need the technical knowledge and education to
try and attempt it. You're lucky if these hackers do not discover your IP or MAC address. If that
did happen, a hacker can open a connection to your device and snatch your data. To prevent
this type of danger, you can use a Virtual Private Network. VPN or a Virtual Private Network
extends a private network across a public network. With that, it will enable users to receive and
send data across public networks as if their computer are directly connected to a private
network. This will mask your device's legitimate IP address.

Public networks aren't the only ones that can risk your personal data. Here are some ways
hackers can get into your device:

1. Malware or viruses attached to email

Attaching malwares and viruses to emails is probably one of the most popular methods
of malware spread. Once you open the attachment, the software downloads into your
2.Links to malicious websites attached to emails
Once you click on the attached link, it will lead you to a fake website which will trick
you, the user, to enter private information which can be emails, passwords or even banking
3.Social Networking Pages
Fake profiles can entice users into following a link to websites wherein they can, again,
get your information.
4.Hijacking advertisements
Hackers or cybercriminals place ads containing malicious codes on real websites.
5.Malicious Mobile applications
If you think every application on Google Playstore and Apple store is safe and legit then
you might want to think again. Some applications may contain malicious codes that help cyber
criminals get your data.
This is phishing but via phone call or SMS messages. It is when someone tricks you into
giving them your information.

Privacy Issues
A privacy of an individual is essential because it is the key to all of your social liberty and
freedom. It is a right that most of the public and private people value the most. All of the
person's freedom depends on privacy and at the present time, privacy is not secured anymore
because of social media. Today, it is normal to share confidential information online on social
networking sites that users believe that it is safe to have this kind of habit. An American
entrepreneur and philanthropist, Mark Zuckerberg once said in 2010 that the users of today's
social networking sites have developed more into being open because of numerous and
countless people sharing personal information online and is continuously becoming expansive
every year. Users must know that data can be stolen and may be utilized in harmful ways like
for fraud or stalking.

Philippines might have suffered its most terrible government knowledge breach for just about a
month before its elections. Personal data, as well as fingerprint knowledge and passport
information that belongs in a span of seventy million individuals are alleged to have been
compromised by hackers. A terrifying assemblage of smart hackers used their chance to attack
the openness of the system together with the automated voting machines. The group
Anonymous Philippines has asserted their responsibility for the damage.

Philippine banks are always targets of foreign hackers. It has always been a problem in regards
to international cybersecurity due to its weak spots. The attacks are somehow considered as
examples to determine the weaknesses of the banks.

According to Philippine Daily Inquirer, there was a discovery in the Central Bank of Bangladesh,
where $81 million were stolen. The massive amount of robbery was verified that it started in
the month of November 2015 up to March 2016 and took them on at least five (5) months to
fully steal the said cash. According to Suparna Goswami, another attack has occurred on
February 28, 2019 where an unauthorized third party uncovered the database of Dow Jones
with a record of more than 2.4 million that contains private and secured information in their
business. The attackers exposed the passwords leaving it unprotected and visible to public

Lesson 2. Online Ethics

Ethics,Etiquette and Netiquettes

We first identify what is ethics. Ethics is defined as what deals with moral principles, it is the
understanding and knowing the difference of what is good and bad. While etiquette is the way
people behave in an orderly manner in a social setting, and it refers to your polite behavior and
good manners.

Everyone can gain access to the internet and everyone too can post and interact with almost
everything that is posted publically in the internet. With this kind of freedom, there should be
proper manner/behavior to be observed. Social etiquettes do not only exist in the real
interacting environment but also online. There are dos and don'ts in the online world and users
must know and apply them to create a good interaction with everyone.

Netiquette is the combination of the two words network and etiquette. It refers to the
distinguished set of rules for what is considered to be acceptable as good online behavior. It
also emphasizes on what are tolerable usage of online resources.

8 Guides for Proper Online Etiquettes

As an online user, you should be responsible for the actions you are doing in the web by the
means of interacting with other personal businesses. That being said, here are 8 guidelines to
follow for achieving netiquette.
1. Internet should not be used as a platform to harm fellow users.
Online websites should be a safe place wherein each and every person is comfortable in
trusting sharing data with one another without getting abuse in terms of certain processes.

2. Always respect someone's privacy.

Interfering with other user's business should be avoided, and keep in mind that there
are certain laws that are imposed when invading someone's privacy comes into the
3. An Online platform is not a place for stealing.
Copyrights and plagiarism are something that every user should be familiar with when
you are searching for information online in order to avoid major and minor crimes of act.
Paraphrasing and proper crediting of online sources shall be applied. The concept also
applies for the e-commerce industry since there are many fraudulent acts that are
happening in online transaction and businesses. Other subjects such as unofficial
installment of software or applications and illegal access on movies, series and music shall
be avoided as well, when online etiquette is considered.
4. Always be aware of fake news and avoid making it.
Fake news continues to invade our timeline in any given network, and it is relevant to
talk about it. Users should always identify the credibility of the source and avoid sharing it
as much as possible.
5. Apply the good manners and values you have learned in general.
Proper behavior online is a must when using online networks. In simple ways such as
valuing respect and kindness, you can help out on creating a better environment in the
online community.
6. Political correctness should be observed as a standard for social norms.
Keep in mind that online users are composed of diverse people who are raised by
different races, cultures and traditions. Be sensitive enough when you act online and avoid
certain unethical acts such as racism, sexism, homophobia and others.
7. Use proper avatar, as well as proper name, when creating an account.
Billions of account can be found in the internet alone that is why creating a proper
picture in your account and accurate name should be used in order to avoid confusion.
This process shall be applied to avoid stalking account, fake accounts, catfishing, phishing
and others.
8. Think before you click.
Choice of words is important when it comes to posting online and sending private
messages and should be aware on every single word that is about to be seen by an
individual or any group. This shall be used as a golden rule in order to avoid any immoral
act done online
Ethical Dilemmas on the Web

To be able to complete any decision from the two results in a predictable rate to a
certain condition is called dilemma. The usefulness and influences on the performance of the
website is included on the down sides of a development dilemma on the web.

From the experience of the past years, the professionals for web have established and settled
upon overall moral values and a lot of professions inherited from the other. Below are the
following examples of right conduct for web specialists:
1. Sending spam or unwanted e-mail is not allowed.
2. Spreading malicious code of program by means of worms or viruses is strictly prohibited.
3. Passing messages along chain e-mail, particularly to those people that indicate extortions.

It is a message thru email that the receiver did not want or ask to receive a message
from the sender. It is unwanted e-mail that whether you are aware of whether like it or not you
will be receiving this kind of message if someone you sent it to you. Everyday millions of spam
messages or unwanted mail are sent to the users of Web regardless to their location.
Some of the people are using this kind of unwanted mail to cause harm to other people,
to fool other people and to make money to other people. As a web user sometimes we didn't
notice or recognize that we are already encountering or reading a spam message. Below are
the some examples of unwanted mails that we didn't know that we have encountered it.

Online Safety and Security

Online Safely

Online Safety may be considered to be one of the biggest worries of parents for their children.
Parents always want their children to be safe, may it be outside their homes or in the online
world. Since there have been great innovations in the technology realm from the creation of
computer, online safety became much easier to achieve and it continually improves in the

Online Safety, or Internet safety, is the knowledge of cultivating and maximizing the user's
private personal safety and security risks on their private information that is in the internet.
Users of the internet continually grow every day and they are concerned with the information
they put up. These concerns are commonly heard as any type of offensive or malicious
websites, users, and software. Crimes can also be www.idenheadprimaryademy cele committed
online like stealing someone's identity, stalking, and more. These are the reasons that some
pages put up safety measures and chat sites just to promote online safety. The government has
also taken action on this matter, producing organizations and groups to enforce online safety.

Online Security
Or Internet Security is a branch of security that takes on the internet field, The purpose and
objective is to establish guidelines, dealings, and measures against the occurrences that attack
over the internet. Different ways and methods have been used to counter and protect the
transferring of private data, this includes encryption. Internet security involves browsing
security but it can be generally applied in applications and operating systems.

10 Advice to stay Safe Online

1. Create complex and unpredictable passwords

2. Network Security
3. Using a Firewall
4. Think Before you Click
5. Selective Sharing
6. Protecting your Mobile Life
7. Safe Shopping and Surfing
8. Update
9. Keep a lookout
10. Guard up

Researches and Organization of Online Etiquettes

Online Etiquette is considered one of the most important things that online users are
supposed to have when having full access to the internet. Because of its relevance,
organizations found in the world-wide-web and researches related to it are provided for the
people to have guides on proper behavior, discipline and responsibility for computer and
communication ethics.
Here are some of the following:

1. Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility

A research institute found in De Montfort University in Leicester UK that
specializes the importance of ethics and the continuous emergence of technologies. The
goal of the institute is to give assistance to teaching consulting and advising to people in
need, as well as improving the impacts to citizens who are influenced by computing and
everyday technologies in the society.

2. Communication and Technology (Emily Post Institute)

Netizens are provided a variety collection of online article with regards to proper
etiquette related to the behavior done online. This website conceptualizes how one
should interact with the community when using mobile devices in order to remain
polite while using technology.
3. Computer and Information Ethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
An encyclopedic section that provides link regarding computer ethics online and
contains several information that would benefit the online reader. With the
application of the information and communication technology in any field such as the
industry of entertainment, e-commerce, medical careers, online security and such,
the encyclopedia provides relation of information and computer ethics that the online
citizen can use.
4. CONTU (National Commission on New Technology Uses of Copyrighted
An article provided by the congress in order to highlight the importance of
copyrights law from everyday users of the online media. The study had been created
in order to raise awareness on the database protection and other sources of
information that can be found online such as the concept of photocopiers
5. Technology and Ethics (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility)
Several links are provided in the website wherein the act of ethics for the
professional computer users are given specific guidelines to follow with the benefit of
one's responsibility with updates news and timely technological issues.

Data breach is a cybercrime in which a cybercriminal extracts data from a certain
source. Usual data breach is done through remote network or through a physical access to a
computer or network. The internet police on the other hand, is an organization led by the
government agencies in countries that are in charge with policing internet. Application security
is protection for software, hardware and another procedural method for external threats. A
privacy of an individual is essential because it is the key to all of your social liberty and
freedom. It is a right that most of the public and private people value the most. All of the
person's freedom depends on privacy and at the present time, privacy is not secure anymore
because of social media.
This chapter discussed policing the internet which includes the privacy and surveillance
where in it talks about the police in the internet, illegal handling of information, usage of
security applications, state of privacy in the internet. In this chapter as well talks about the
online ethics wherein it discussed the ethics, etiquette and netiquettes in this part. It will serve
as your guide to know what are the proper online etiquette? Aside from that, this part talks
about the ethical dilemma on the web wherein it tackles about the dilemma that you are
experiencing in using the web. Part on this chapter also tackles about the online safety and
security. On how to be safe and secure while you are in online mode. This part also gives ten
advice on how to stay safe while you were online. In additional to this chapter, it presented as
well the researches and organization of online etiquettes. The whole chapter covers policing the
internet that will help the users to become intelligent and knowledgeable when using the web.


Based from your readings of the above notes, answer the following as best as you
1. Why do we need to have a strong security in our social media or in using internet?
2. Describe what is online etiquette.
Place your answer on a short bond paper (either handwritten or encoded may do) using
intended WORK SHEET that is part of the Appendices. Those who are using LMS, must submit
the output online while those who are using IG (offline), must compile their output in the
learning Portfolio to be submitted (schedule to be announced soon).
SELF-ASSESSMENT. Make a brochure about the internet security



REVANO , T. (2019). Living in the Information Technology Era (1 st Edition), Mindshapers Co.,


Bang, A. (2015, March 28). (PDF) Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks: Types, Applications, Security
Goals. Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

(PDF) The Benefits of Facebook "Friends:" Social Capital and College Students' Use of Online
Social Network Sites. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

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