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Wollega University

College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Computer science
Course Name: Computer Graphics
Group Assignment 20%

1. Using DDA line drawing algorithm, indicate the rasterization process when scan
converting a line from screen coordinate (2, 2) to (10, 8) as starting and ending points
2. Show the steps by using Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm when scan converting a
line from screen coordinate (1, 1) to (8, 5).
3. By using Bresenham circle generator algorithm ,generate the circle having 16cm diameter.
Show each steps
4. Scale the point p(4, 6) a point at fixed point Pf (2,2) by the scaling factor of (3,2). Show
each steps.
5. Rotate a the object with vertices (2,2), (2,4), (4,2) and (4,4) about origin with angle of 600
anticlockwise direction.
6. Using question 5 points, reflect the object with
A) Respect to x-axis,
B) Respect to origin
C) Respect to y-axis.
7. The vertexes of a polygon is located at points A(1,1), B(4,1), C(4,4) and D(1,4), then
A) Shear the points in x-direction by shx =3
B) Shear the points in xy-directions by (shx,shy) = (2,3)

Submission date before or on May 30/2022

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