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Technology as a mode of revealing

Part II
According to Heidegger there are 2 characteristics
of Modern Technology as a revealing process.

FIRST • The mining technology today is a

The mode of good example of this mode of
revealing Modern revealing things.
Technology is It is putting to nature the
challenging. unreasonable demand that it
supply energy that can be
extracted and stored.
= challenge forth
 Things are revealed by
challenging or demanding them.
Tracks of land reveals as something challenged because man
sees them as object where coal and ore can be demanded.
Man sees them as source
of energy. It can be stored
so that man can summon
them at his bidding.
Nature reveals itself in modern
technology as things of
manipulation, as things
that yield energy
whenever man demands
them to do so.
“Challenging” as a mode of revealing nature could sharply
contrasted to “Physis,” which is the arising of something from
itself, a bringing forth or poiesis.
• The Katsura leaves change color with
the season, in spring expect bronze-
pink tones, summer foliage is green
and autumn fiery yellow and orange
• The revelation has its own
autonomy, and at least man can
only witness.
• This is a natural way of
“Challenging” as a mode of revealing nature could sharply
contrasted to “Physis,” which is the arising of something from
itself, a bringing forth or poiesis.
A flower blossoming
is an example of this
form of revealing.

Time-Lapse: Watch Flowers Bloom Before Your Eyes | Short Film Showcase
By National Geographic (3:24)
Pls. refer to page 71

Do you agree
that this photo
reflects “bring
Applicable to modern technology?
• Does the idea that technology is poiesis apply
to modern technology?
• Heidegger characterizes modern technology as a
challenging forth since it is very aggressive in its
… lots of innovations
… adv & disadv
Bring forth or
Challenge forth?
The world’s largest
hydroelectric plant:
Three Gorges Dam in China
Started in 1993 and completed in 2009
Water Pollution, Migration
designed to serve 3 main purposes: problem and Environment
-flood control, problem to surrounding ecology
-hydroelectric power production and and sceneries are the most
-navigation improvement disadvantages.
History and controversy Bring forth or
https://www.britannica.c Challenge forth?

Rise of environmental
and economic concerns
According to Heidegger there are 2 characteristics
of modern technology as a revealing process.
FIRST • The mode of revealing in
The mode of revealing modern technology has
modern technology is brought about new world
challenging. ordering.
• This kind of ordering is
It sees nature as an object of best described as
manipulation and not “artificial” in contrast to
anymore as an autonomous
“natural ordering.”
reality demanding respect and
According to Heidegger there are 2 characteristics
of modern technology as a revealing process.

The second characteristic • Things that are revealed in

of MT as a revealing process an expedited manner are
is that of challenging, which brought forth as resources
brings forth the energy of that must be used
nature as “expediting.” efficiently, toward the
maximum yield at the
minimum expense, and less
Expediting = means to hasten effort.
the movement of something
Heidegger uses a technical word to name the things that are
revealed in modern technology as “standing reserve.”

We no longer need to
work with the
rhythms of nature
because we have
learned to control it.
For example,
• We challenge the land to yield coal, treating the
land as nothing but a coal reserve.
• The coal is then stored, “on call, ready to deliver
the sun’s warmth that is stored in it,” which is then
“challenged forth for heat, which in turn is ordered
to deliver steam whose pressure turns the wheels
that keep a factory running.”
factories emitting black smoke

Bring forth or
Challenge forth?
QUIZ 1 (fc)
Answer p71: Bring forth and Challenge forth

• Do the 6 photos (a) bring forth or (b) challenge forth

• Highlight the letter of your answer from the given two
• Briefly explain your answer (1-2 sentences)
Due on Monday/Tuesday
April 18/19, 2022
Factories emitting
black smoke Largest dam in China

Teens collecting
empty water bottles Corn field

Wind mill Mined area

with open-pit method
6 x 4pts
= 24 pts

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