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Education III
Physical Education and Health III
Module I

Introduction to Dance

“Dance is an activity which can take many forms and fill many different needs. It can be
recreation, entertainment, education, theraphy, and religion. In its purest and most basic form,
dance is an art of body movement” (Barbara Mettler, 1980)
“Dance is an art which deals with the motions of the human body.”

- James K. Feibleman

Dance - it is an art performed by individuals or group of human being, existing in time space,
form and flow in which the human body is the instrument. “It is considered as the “Mother of all

Universal Characteristic of Dance

1. Use of human body
2. Extends through time
3. Space
4. Force
5. Rhythm
6. Serves to communicate
7. Movements, Style, Form

Function of Dance
1. It is an art form
2. A form of popular entertainment
3. Form of social affirmation
4. A mean of religious worship
5. Expressing physical, strength, and agility
6. Social recreational outlet
7. Means of education
8. Serves as therapy
Dance Forms/ Classification
These are the varied identities of dance according to its roots and beginnings.
1. Classic Dance
Dance with standardized rules and restrictions. It can be religious-related dance or court royal
entertainment form.
2. Classical Ballet
A dance of supreme standards learned from an academe. This originated from Italy and
flourished in the royal court of France.
3. Modern Dance
It’s a deviation from the principles of the classical ballet developed by Isadora Duncan. She
believed in the principle of naturalness and true expression of the human body and soul
4. Contemporary Dance
This is a combination of ballet and modern dance whereby it uses the varied medium of other
5. Folk Dance
The term implies the traditional dance flavor and characteristics of the people, their feelings and
sentiments. It is also referred sometimes as traditional dance.
6. Ethnic/ Tribal Dance
A dance particularly found in a group of people living together in a locality with common beliefs
and customs.
7. Ballroom Dance
A popular dance term for the dance performed on ballroom areas or for purposes of recreation
and entertainment. It is considered as dance of all ages.


Activity No.1: Concept Review

Briefly define the meaning of dance. Why dance considered as “mother of all art”

Activity 2: Dance Benefits
Give the benefits of dance and explain
how it helps to your life.




Name: Score:
Grade and Section: Date:

Activity 3
KWL Chart

What I know What I want t know What I have learned

Physical Education and Health III
Module II

Fundamentals of

At the end of the lesson students should able to:
1. Analyzed the different locomotor and axial movements and understand the
relationship of body parts while moving.
2. Appreciated the importance of movement as a means of fitness and wellness.
3. Execute the different locomotor and axial movement with precision and

Is a change of positions of an object in space.
Movement Space
Two (2) Kinds of space occupancy
Personal Space
Is the maximum space available a person can reach by bending, stretching, and twisting.
General Space
Is the area which includes one or more persons moving is space like gymnasium, swimming pool,
classrooms, plazas and others.
Two basic divisions of movement
Basic movements are classified as locomotor and axial movement/non-locomotor
Locomotor Movements
Movement in space as one goes from one place to another
Axial/ Non- locomotor Movements
Movements done in a stationary fixed base

Types of Locomotor Movements:

a. Walk- move the body through space by transferring weight from the ball and toes of one foot to
the heel of the other foot. Transfer of body weight from one foot to the other in a regular tempo.
b. Run - is a walk with longer strides and there is a push off by the foot to suspend the body
momentarily. Series of small steps done on a fast beat.
c. Jump - spring one or boot feet and land on the other foot.
d. Leap - spring on one foot and land on the other foot. Leaps are often combined with
running steps to achieve greater height and distance.
e. Gallop - is done by stepping right foot sideward, cut left foot move sideward right.
Could be done with the other foot and direction as well.
f. Hop - spring on one foot and land on the same foot.
g. Skip- a combination of step and a hop. The feet only momentarily leave the ground
and height.
h. Slide - a full contact of the foot on the floor by gliding in which the weight of the
body is shifted in direction of the slide.

Type of Axial Movements:

Bend /Flex – to bring adjacent adjacent parts of the body together, generally towards
the body center.
b. Stretch/ Extend to lengthen a part of the body.
c. Lift/ Raise to elevate a part of the body or the whole body to a desired level.
d. Twist to rotate the part of the body around the axis. The neck, truck, arm and the legs
are the body parts mostly twisted.
e. Turn is a rotation of the body or a body part around in the space
f. Swing is a circular or perpendicular movements of the body part or of the entire body
Direction of Movements
Draw the following direction using an arrow




Diagonal or oblique


Counter clockwise


Time to Refresh
Your Mind!
Activity No. 1:“UNLOCK THE WORDS!”
Direction : Complete the missing letters in order to unlock the
correct word/term for each item.
1. To elevate a part of the body or the whole of the body
to a desired level
Answer: _ I F_/ RA_ _ E

2. Cut left foot by moving sideward right.

Answer: G _ _ L _ _

3. A combination of step and hop

Answer: _ K _ P

4. To lengthen a part of the body

Answer: S _ _ E T _ _ / _ X _ _ N _

5. Spring one foot and land on the other foot. Combined with running steps to
achieve greater heights and distance

Answer: _ E _ _

6. Transfer of weight from one part of the body to another

Answer: _ O C _ / _ W _ _

7. A full contact of the foot on the floor by gliding

Answer: S _ _ D _

8. Spring on both feet and land on both feet

Answer: _ U _ _

9. Bring two adjacent part of the body together

Answer: B _ _ D / _ L _ X

10. To rotate the part of the body around the axis

Answer: _ U _ _
Physical Education and Health III
Module III

Basic Fundamentals of
Arms and Feet

Students are able to:
Analyze different basic fundamentals of arms and feet.
Execute basic fundamentals of arms and feet.
Show interest and cooperation during the discussion and activities.

Basic Fundamental of Arms and Feet

Activity No. 1
Locomotor and Axial Movements
Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write your answer before the number. (2pts)


a. 1st position of arms


b. 2nd position of feet

2. c. 3rd position of arms

d. 4th position of feet

3. e. 5th position of arms

f. 1st position of feet

g. 2nd position of arms

h. 3rd position of feet

i. 4th position of arms

j. 5th position of feet

Activity 2
Fundamental Movements
Name: Date:
Section: Teacher:

Direction: Students will be divided into four (4) groups each group will perform basic
fundamentals of arms and feet with the tune of “Leron-Leron sinta”

1. Executed the dance steps correctly.
2. Responded to music and tempo accurately.
3. Move in relation to partner or group.
4. Controlled self I terms of balance, and other movement factors.
5. Respected and participated in the activity willingly.


Presence of 5 elements – Excellent (95%)

Presence of 4 elements – Very Good (90%)
Presence of 3 elements – Good (85%)
Presence of 2 elements – Fair (80%)
Presence of 1 elements – Needs improvement (75%)

Group 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Philippine Folk Dance

Students are able to:
Define the meaning and importance of folk dance in the Philippines
Execute different basic dance step in folk dance.
Show interest and cooperation during the discussion and activities.

Philippine Folk Dance

Folk dances are reflection of any cultural heritage.

These are traditional dances of a country which were
evolved naturally in connection with everyday
activities of the people. It is the heartbeat of
everyone and delivers through body movements.

Classification of Philippines Dances:


National Dances – found throughout the island

with little or no modification
Example: Rigodon, Carinosa, Balitaw, Pagdanggo
Local Dances – found in some locality.
Example Tinikling-Leyte, Subli- Batangas,
Maglalatik- Binyan Laguna.

Occupational – showing action of certain occupation, Planting, Harvesting pounding and fishing.
Religious or ceremonial – Performed with relation to religious vows and ceremonies.

Comic dance
Wedding dance
Festival Dance
War dance

Five Major Classifications of Philippine Folk Dance

Cordillera Dance
Composed of Bontocs, Ifugao, Benguet, Apayao, Kalinga, Itneg, Ilonngot

Western influenced
Spain, France and other European countries

Muslim Dance
Maranao, Maguindanao, Tausug, Yakan, Samal, Java, Mapum, Bajao

Tribal Dance
Bukidnon, Bagobo, Manobo, MansakaMandaya, Tagbunua, Tiruray

Depicting daily activities of ordinary group;
Maglalatik, Oasis Bulaklakan, Karatong, Bati

Activity 1
Film Showing
Direction: Teachers will show different Philippine Folk Dance and students will identify were
the dance originate, and classify the type of dances are being show.

Cariñosa Polka saNayon

Geographical or Nature? Geographical or Nature?
National or local dance? National or Local Dance?
Singkil Maglalatik

Geographical or Nature Geographical or Nature

National or Local dance National or Local dance

Type of dance Type of dance

 March Lateral
 Bleking Kumintang
 Dosido Hayon-Hayon
 Hop Sarok
 Brush Bilao
 Touch Hapay
 Step Salok
 Slide
 Polka

Activity 2

Fundamental Movements

Name: Date:
Section: Teacher:

Direction: Students will be divided into four (4) groups each group will perform basic dance
step in folk dance with the tune of “Rasa sayangsayange”

1. Executed the dance steps correctly.
2. Responded to music and tempo accurately.
3. Move in relation to partner or group.
4. Controlled self I terms of balance, and other movement factors.
5. Respected and participated in the activity willingly.


Presence of 5 elements – Excellent (95%)

Presence of 4 elements – Very Good (90%)
Presence of 3 elements – Good (85%)
Presence of 2 elements – Fair (80%)
Presence of 1 elements – Needs improvement (75%)

Group 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Physical Education and Health III

Module V

Philippine Folk Dance


The students will able to:
Explore the origin and background of cariñosa dance.
Execute the eight figures steps of cariñosa.
Show interest and cooperation during the discussion and activities.

(Spanish pronunciation: [kaɾiˈɲosa], meaning the loving or
affectionate one) is a Philippine dance of colonial era origin
from the Maria Clara suite of Philippine folk dances, where
the fan or handkerchief plays an instrumental role as it
places the couple in romance scenario.

The dance originated in Panay Island in the Visayan Islands
and was introduced by the Spaniards during their
colonization of the Philippines. It is related to some of
the Spanish dances like the bolero and
the Mexican dance JarabeTapatio or the Mexican Hat

Originally, the Cariñosa was danced with Maria Clara dress and Barong Tagalog for it is a Maria
Clara Spanish Dance when it was introduced. In addition, Filipino wore the patadyongkimona
and camisa de chino to reveal nationalism. (a native dress of the Tagalog regions), camisa (a
white sleeve) or patadyongkimona (a dress of the Visayan of people) and for boys, a barong
Tagalog and colored pants. Because it is the national dance, the dancers may wear any
Filipino costumes.

Cariñosa Dance steps (Figure 1 to 8)

1st Figure “Three steps and Point”

It starts with the right foot take three steps sideward right. Point left foot in front. Right hand in
reverse ‘T’ position and left hand on skirt or waist. Kumintang the right hand when pointing left

2nd Figure “Pointing”

It starts with the right foot, take three steps forward and meet at the center. Take four touch steps
in front, right and left alternately take four step forward to partner’s place, passing each other by
right shoulder. Turn right about to face each other and close right to left.

3rd Figure “Back to Back”

The partners meet at the center as in figure II turn right about to be in back-to-back position,
slightly to the right of partner. Girl holds skirt, boy places hands on waist. Point right foot in
front and shake right index finger at partner over right shoulder by left shoulder, left hand on
waist step right sideward to be side by side with partner by left shoulder, place right hand on

4th Figure “Hide and Seek with Fan”

The girl hold and open fan with right hand. Point right foot in front and cover face with fan. The
boy-point right and left foot alternately in from and look at partner from underneath the fan,
Hands on waist.
5th Figure “Kneeling and Fanning”
Take three steps forward to the center. Girl kneels while boy passes around on right of girl to
stand behind her and faces the same direction as girl. Boy points and left foot four times
alternately in front. Looking at girl over right and left shoulder alternately. Girl looks at partner
over her right and left shoulder alternately.

6th Figure “Hide and Seek with Handkerchief”

Partner with at the center as in figure II Boy take handkerchief at cornersin a perpendicular
position between their faces with boy’s hand on top at face level.

7th Figure “Flirting with Handkerchief”

Partners turn right shoulder towards each other. Starting with right foot, take eight waltz step
forward, moving around clockwise. Girl hold the handkerchief at one corner and place it over her
right and left shoulder alternately at every measure, looking back at the boy at the same time.
Boy in the meantime, follows behind girl, stretching out right and left hand alternately. As
though they were trying to catch the free end of the handkerchief.

8th Figure “Flirting” last figure

Start by taking two waltz step to meet at the center. With girl leading in front. Partners take six
waltz steps forward moving around clockwise.

Activity 1

Name: Score:
Grade and Section Teacher:

Direction: Identify different figure in cariñosa dance step by using the given numbers, decode
the hidden word/s

1. Start by taking two waltz step to meet at the center. With girl leading in front. Partners take
six waltz steps forward moving around clockwise.
6-12-9-18-20 -9 -14-7

2. Partner with at the center as in figure II Boy take handkerchief at cornersin a perpendicular
position between their faces with boy’s hand on top at face level.

3. It start with the right foot take three steps sideward right. Point left foot in front. Right hand in
reverse ‘T’ position and left hand on skirt/waise. Kumintang right hand when pointing left foot.


4. Take three steps forward to the center. Girl kneels while boy passes around on right of girl to
stand behind her and faces the same direction as girl. Boy points and left foot four times
alternately in front. Looking at girl over right and left shoulder alternately. Girl looks at partner
over her right and left shoulder alternately.

11-14-5-5-12-9-14-71-14-4 6-1-14-14-9-14-7

5. It. Starts with the right foot, take three steps forward and meet at the center. Take four touch
steps in front, right and left alternately take four step forward to partner’s place, passing each
other by right shoulder. Turn right about to face each other and close right to left.


Practical Exam

Direction: Students will be divided into four (4) each group will perform carinosa

1. Executed the dance steps correctly.
2. Responded to music and tempo accurately.
3. Move in relation to partner or group.
4. Controlled self I terms of balance, and other movement factors.
5. Respected and participated in the activity willingly.


Presence of 5 elements – Excellent (95%)

Presence of 4 elements – Very Good (90%)
Presence of 3 elements – Good (85%)
Presence of 2 elements – Fair (80%)
Presence of 1 elements – Needs improvement (75%)

Group 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Physical Education and Health III

Module V

Polka sa Nayon
Students are able to:

Polka saNayon
( POHL-kahSah NAH-yohn)

Was popular in the province of Batangas during the Spanish time. it was usually danced during
town fiestas and in big social affairs.

Girls wears the Maria Clara or Balintawak-style costume while the boys wears barong tagalog
and black white trousers.

Composed of three parts: A, B, and C.

One and Two, and to a measure

When performed for demonstration, dancers may be grouped into sets of four pairs in square
formation, each couple occupying a corner, or a side of an imaginary square or they may be
arranged in long ways formation. When performed as a ballroom dance, partners may face in any
direction and are scattered around the room.
Dance steps in Polka saNayon
 Point
 Plain Polka
 Heel and Toe Polka

Polka saNayon Dance Steps


1-4 Partners assume closed pose, Male facing counter-clock wise, joined hands
extended toward center.
5 – 12 Tap Male left, women right ft. on counts 1, 2 of every measure (16 taps in all)

I. Polka Point

1–4 Beginning ML-WR, dance 4 polka steps turning clockwise and progressing
Counter-clock wise ¼ around the square. Finish with joined hands (ML-WR)
Extended toward the center.
5 Point ML- WR feet sideward toward center (ct.1); point ML-WR near supporting
Ft. (ct.2)
6 Dance one polka step sideward toward center.
7–8 Beginning MR-WL, repeat action of measure 5-6 (Fig 1) moving away from the
9 – 32 Repeat action of measure 1-8 (Fig 1) three more times.

II. Heel-Toe Polka

Face center of square, Women on Male Right, inside hands joined.

1–4 beginning outside ft. (ML-WR), dance 2 heel-toe polka steps forward toward
5–6 Move directly sideward with one polka step away from partner and one polka
step toward partner.
7–8 Release joined inside hands, and with 2 polka steps turn away from partner (ML-
WR) to face out of square, backs toward center.
9 – 12 beginning inside ft. (ML-WR), Ddance 2 heel-toe polka steps forward away from
13 – 14 move directly sideward with one polka step toward partner and one away from
15 – 16 with 2 polka steps turn toward partner to again face center, changing to MR-WL
Hands joined.
17 – 32 Repeat action of measure 1-16 (Fig.II). Finish in closed position, male facing
counter-clock wise, joined hands extended toward center of square.
III. Polka and Gallop
1–4 Repeat action of Fig. I , measure 1-4.
5–6 with 3 gallop steps move sideward toward center of square (cts 1, 2, 1), pause
Without taking with on last closing step (ct. 2).
7–8 beginning MR-WL, repeat action of measure 5-6 (Fig. III) moving away from
9 – 32 repeat action of measure 1-8 (Fig. III) three more times. Finish facing center,
inside hands joined.

IV. Point and circle clock wise

1–2 both beginning right, dance one polka step sideward right and one polka step
sideward left.
3–4 point right diagonal forward right (ct. 1); point right in point of left, right heel
raised over left foot, knee turned somewhat outward (ct. 2) ; point right diagonal
forward right (ct.1) ; step right beside left (ct.2)
5–8 beginning Left, repeat action of measure 1-4 (Fig. IV). Finish with both hands at
own waist, Right elbow adjacent.
9 – 16 circling with partner, dance forward clock wise with 8 polka steps (4 polka for
each time around). Finish both facing center, inside hands joined.
17 – 32 repeat action of measure 1-16 (Fig IV).


1–3 both beginning Right, dance forward towrd center with 3 small polka steps.
4–7 Male follow Women with small steps while she whirls counter-clock wise under
raised joined hands (M-R W-L) as many times as possible. Finish women on
inside, back to center, Male on outside facing partner. Released joined hand,
8 bow to partner, Male hands at waist Women holding skirt.

Practical Exam

Direction: Students will be divided into four (4) each group will perform
Polka saNayon.

1. Executed the dance steps correctly.
2. Responded to music and tempo accurately.
3. Move in relation to partner or group.
4. Controlled self I terms of balance, and other movement factors.
5. Respected and participated in the activity willingly.


Presence of 5 elements – Excellent (95%)

Presence of 4 elements – Very Good (90%)
Presence of 3 elements – Good (85%)
Presence of 2 elements – Fair (80%)
Presence of 1 elements – Needs improvement (75%)
Group 1 2 3 4 5 Total

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