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Unit 1.2 Changing and reading


Name Surname Class: 11th Evaluation

Date , 20

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Part A: Listening


1 /15
Listen to a text about genetic engineering and complete the sentences with 1-3 words.
a. When you manipulate DNA directly, you are able to change .
b. Genetic engineering is also referred to as .
c. A whole region of DNA can .
d. Genetic engineering can be used on .
e. Genetic engineering can produce plants with .


2 Listen to a text about a successful example of cloning an endangered animal and /15
choose the correct option.
a. The ferrets’ main source of food are .
1. dogs 2. hamsters 3. prairie dogs
b. The black-footed ferret was considered extinct in the .
1. 1970s 2. 1980s 3. 1990s
c. Around black-footed ferret were found alive in 1981.
1. 650 2. 640 3. 630
d. In the cloning procedure tissues were used.
1. living 2. dried 3. frozen
e. The first clone of a wild female black-footed ferret was named .
1. Elizabeth Ann 2. Willa 3. Colorado
and reading Unit 1.2 Changing

Part B: Reading

Read the text attentively.

The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering

There are several very real concerns surrounding genetic engineering, although there are also some
very real benefits to further it and genetic research. At first, the pros of genetic engineering may not be
as apparent as the cons, but upon further inspection, there are a number of benefits. Some of the most
deadly and difficult diseases in the world that have resisted destruction could be wiped out by the use
5 of genetic engineering. There are many problems that we can detect even before children are born.
Humans are already living longer than ever. Because of the advances in modern medical science,
genetic engineering could make our life on Earth even longer.
With genetic engineering, we can design foods that are better able to withstand harsh temperatures
and that are packed full of all the right nutrients that humans and animals need to survive. The growth
10 rate in animals and plants can be genetically modified to mature promptly. The crops can be
engineered to survive in unfavourable conditions such as high heat or low light or increase crop yield.
Animals can also be genetically modified in case of improving production.
Obviously, there are some disadvantages to using genetic engineering. When it first became possible,
peoples’ first reactions were to immediately question whether it was’right.’ Besides the religious
15 arguments, however, there are some ethical objections. These diseases, after all, exist for a reason.
While we should be fighting against them, we do need at least a few illnesses; otherwise, we could soon
become overpopulated.
Another real problem with genetic engineering is the question about the safety of making changes at
the cellular level. What if we manage to wipe out one disease only to introduce something brand
20 new and even more dangerous? We need diversity in all species of animals. By genetically
engineering our species, however, we will be having a detrimental effect on our genetic diversity in the
same way as something like cloning would. […]
Adapted from:

1 /20
Re-read the text and correct the wrong information in each sentence by quoting
from the text.
a. With the use of genetic engineering, some serious illnesses may worsen.
b. People are able to design foods without nutritional value.
c. Interfering with nature is morally correct.
d. Genetic engineering creates diversity in all species.

2 Complete the sentences with 1-3 words. Use your own words when possible. /30

a. It’s possible to predict unborn children’s .

b. Genetic engineering can extend .
c. Crops are capable to endure .

3 /20
What do the following words in the text refer to?
a. it (paragraph 1)
c. that (paragraph 2) e. something (paragraph 4)
b. our (paragraph 1)
d. them (paragraph 3)

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